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Gunnetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:23 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/23 STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access Midlife women, bone health, vegetables, herbs and fruit study. The Scarborough Fair study protocol Caroline A Gunn*, Janet L Weber and Marlena C Kruger Abstract Background: Bone loss is accelerated inmiddleaged women but increased fruit/vegetable intake positively affects bonehealth byprovision of micronutrients essential for boneformation,buffer precursors which reduce acid load and phytochemicals affecting inflammation and oxidative stress.Animal studies demonstratedbone resorption inhibiting properties of specific vegetables, fruit and herbsa decadeago. Objective: Toincreasefruit/vegetable intake inpost menopausal women to 9 servings/day using a food specific approach to significantly reduce dietary acidload and include specific vegetables, fruit and herbs withbone resorbing inhibitingpropertiesto assess effect onbone turnover, metabolic and inflammatory markers. Methods/Design:The Scarborough Fair Studyis a randomised active comparator controlledmulti centre trial.It aimed to increasefruit and vegetable intake in 100post menopausal women from ≤ 5servings/day to ≥ 9 servings/day for 3months. The women inthe dietary intervention were randomly assigned to one of thetwo arms ofthe study. Both groups consumed ≥9 servings/day offruit/vegetables and selected herbsbut the diet of each group emphasiseddifferent fruit/vegetables/herbswith one group (B) selecting from a range ofvegetables, fruit and culinary herbs with bone resorbing inhibitingproperties.50 womenformed a negative control group (Group C usual diet). Primary outcomevariableswere plasma bone markers assessed atbaseline,6 weeks and 12 weeks. Secondary outcome variables were plasma inflammationand metabolic markersand urinary electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium) assessed atbaselineand 12 weeks. Dietary intake and urine pH change also were outcome variables. The dietary change was calculated with 3day diet diaries and a 24 hour recall. Interventionparticipants kept a twiceweeklyrecord of fruit, vegetable and herb intake and urine pH. Discussion: Thisstudy will provide information onmidlife women’s bonehealth and how a dietary intervention increasing fruit and vegetable/herb intake affects bone, inflammatoryand metabolic markersand urinary electrolyte excretion. It assesses changes innutrient intake, estimated dietary acid load and sodium: potassium ratios. The study also explores whether specific fruit/vegetables and herbs withboneresorbing properties has aneffect on bonemarkers. Trial registration: ACTRN12611000763943 Keywords: Bone, Osteoporosis, Postmenopausal, Fruit, Vegetables and herbs, Net endogenous acid production, Inflammation, Phytochemicals *Correspondence:[email protected] InstituteofFood,NutritionandHumanHealth,MasseyUniversity,PrivateBag 11222,PalmerstonNorth4442,NewZealand ©2013Gunnetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Gunnetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:23 Page2of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/23 Background the age of 30 years, accelerating at menopause to lower Osteoporosis meaning “porous bone” is the term for bone strength and mineral density [14,16-18]. F/V’s in- inadequate bone mass. It is a global problem seen most fluence on acid–base balance is crucial as the sole die- often in the elderly and in women (80%) [1] and is con- tary source of alkaline precursor constituents and is an sidered one of the ten most important diseases affecting important reason to recommend increased consumption theworld’spopulation [2]andisparticularly prevalent in duringageing toforestall bone loss[19,20]. developed countries with ageing populations and longer Additional benefits on bone metabolism ensue from life spans [3]. Bone loss is accelerated at early meno- bioactive constituentsfound predominantly invegetables pause resulting in increasingly fragile bones prone to but also some herbs and fruit. Phytochemicals, antioxi- breakage. Inflammation also increases with age and dants and other bioactive compounds influence bone exacerbatesboneloss [4-6]. metabolism through a variety of mechanisms [21-25] Osteoporosis poses a significant health and economic particularly in reducing inflammation and oxidative burden for New Zealand families and the public health stress [26,27]. This pharmacological effect on bone re- system. Thenumber ofolder (> 50years) New Zealanders sorption was first observed a decade ago by Muhlbauer is increasing steadily and the cost of treating fractures [28,29] who, in precise and controlled conditions with and secondary illnesses related to osteoporosis is animals, demonstrated specific vegetables, herbs and expected to rise from $330 million in 2007 to $458 mil- fruit positively affected bone resorption quite apart from lion by 2020 [3]. effects on diet acid load. Muhlbauer determined the Fruit and vegetables (F/V) are positively associated effect was additive, therefore, the more of this range with bone status. The beneficial effect is thought to be consumed, the more bone resorption reduced. This through provision of micronutrients potassium, magne- effect has previously been shown only in the animal sium, calcium, vitamins A, C, E and K, and potentially a model. lowerdietary acidloadconferredbythefruitandvegeta- Intervention studies with mid life women assessing bles food group [7-9]. Typical western diets are acidic acid load and bone health have been limited to modest because predominantly acid (hydrogen ions) rather than increases in self selected fruit and vegetables [8,30], use base (bicarbonate) is created during the metabolism of of supplements [8,31] or use of alkaline water [32,33], the daily food intake. Acid forming grains and high pro- mimicking F/V alkali forming effect. No study has tein food derived from animal origin (meat, fish and increased F/V intake to significantly affect NEAP or spe- eggs) contain sulphur based amino acids, methionine cified daily intake of vegetables, herbs and fruit shown and cysteine which create acid when metabolized. Alka- in the animal model to have bone resorption inhibiting line forming foods contain potassium salts which can be properties. A diet high in F/V and including some from broken down to make alkaline buffers [10]. Vegetables thisrangeof vegetables,herbsandfruitcouldbeauseful and fruit are considered alkaline because of their high dietary strategy to ameliorate bone loss particularly at mineral content in the form of salts of organic acids. criticaltimessuch asmenopause. The salts, predominantly potassium based but also cal- Despite the numerous reports in the literature attri- cium and magnesium, generate bicarbonate to balance buting health benefits with increased consumption of theacidproducedfrom therestofthediet. F/V and improvement in chronic disease risk factors Western diets are low in F/V and high in grains and [22] most New Zealanders don’t reach the Ministry of animal protein compared to the typical diet of early Health (M.o.H.) target of 2 servings of fruit and 3 ser- man. The change from plant based diets to modern, vings of vegetables every day[34,35]. western diets characterized by foods that are acid rather It is hypothesised that an increase in vegetable and than alkaline forming results in a low grade systemic fruit consumption to ≥ 9 servings/day will reduce the metabolic acidosis [11-13]. The level of acidity created estimated Net Endogenous Acid Production (NEAP) by can be estimated from the dietary intake. A significant approximately 20 mEq/day and result in reduction in change in estimated net endogenous acid production bonemarkersofresorption Ctelopeptideoftype1colla- (est.NEAP)issaidtohaveoccurredfrompreagricultural gen (CTx) and bone formation marker Procollagen 1 times (−88mEq/d) to today (+ 48 mEq/d) [13]. The N-terminal peptide (P1NP) in post menopausal women, chronic, low grade metabolic acidosis induced by the and those women who include 4–5 servings of vegeta- modern, western diet is exacerbated during ageing when bles, herbs and fruit with bone resorption inhibitory renal function begins to decline [14,15] requiring the properties (BRIPs) as half of the 9 servings/day will body’s skeletal reserves to be called upon to relinquish reduce resorption marker CTx by a greater amount. It is bicarbonate to produce alkaline buffers needed to con- alsohypothesised thatthisincreaseinfruitandvegetable tinuously balance the acid load. This results in bone intake will significantly affect inflammatory and meta- mass that is worn away gradually and indefinitely after bolic markers including: c-reactive protein (CRP), Gunnetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:23 Page3of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/23 adiponectin, interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 10 (IL10), Methods/Design tumour necrosis factor (TNF), triglycerides, cholesterol, Figure 1 illustrates the study design. This study is a ran- fibrinogen and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). domized active comparator controlled intervention to This study therefore aims to investigate the effect of increase fruit and vegetable intake in healthy postmeno- increased fruit, vegetables and herbs on bone, meta- pausalwomen overa3monthperiod. bolic and inflammatory markers and whether including specific fruit, vegetables and herbs with BRIPs [28] as Samplesize part of an increased fruit/vegetable intake has any add- The number of subjects required in each group was cal- itional effect. culated to be 32 (minimum). This was determined using Scarborough Fair study design 150 women (≥5 yrs PM) recruited through advertisements/fliers inlocal newspapers/magazineand workplaces. Phone/email inquiry from potential participants/.Information sheet emailed/posted. Phone response from women -clarification of queries Screening questionnaire administered Participants eligible for study emailed/postedconsent formsand 3 Day Diet Diary informationand instructions for first visit. Week 1 of study 1stvisit to Human Nutrition Research Unit for both intervention and control groups Randomisation of intervention group into group A and B Double check consent form signed and any queries answered Fasted blood sample taken between 0700 and 1000hrs ( light breakfast provided) Questionnaire regarding usual diet, lifestyle and nutritional knowledge Dietary assessment (3 Day Diet Diary) reviewed with nutritionist (food portion size atlas) Studydietary requirements reviewed with participants in intervention with demonstration of serving sizes and how to fill in weekly diary. Anthropometric tests: weight, height, blood pressure, spot urine pH. DEXA scan performed (first or second visit) Participants willing to provide a 24 hour urine collection are given container with instructions (verbal and written). Pickup of24 hour urine specimen Researcher emailed participants fortnightly with general answers to any queries, tips, recipes etc appropriate to each group in the intervention arms of the study.Participants could email the researcher with a query and receive a prompt response (within 24 hours). Week 6 Participants in the intervention arms of the study attend the clinic again for a fasted blood sample (0700 and 1000hrs) and for a 24 hour dietary recall with nutritionist. Week 11 All participants contacted to complete second 3 Day diet diary tobring completed to theirclinic visit the following week. Those who volunteered a first 24 hour urine collection reminded to commence another one 24 hours prior to attending final clinic visit. Week 12/13 Final visit to Human Nutrition Research Unitfor blood sample (fasted), 24 hr urine collection (light breakfast provided). Anthropometric tests: weight, blood pressure, spot urine (pH). 3 DDD reviewed with nutritionistand final questionnaire for all participants. Figure1ScarboroughFairstudydesign. Gunnetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:23 Page4of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/23 a power calculation based on demonstrating a difference Choices medical centre in Hastings. Participants were of ~8% in the primary outcome variable C-telopeptides recruited using 2 different fliers. One flier recruited 100 of collagen (CTx) with 80% power and alpha of 0.05 (2 women to form the intervention group and be rando- sided test) and accepting 0.4μg/ml as mean CTx of this mised to one of two groups (A or B) within the inter- population (26). To detect any differences between the 2 vention to increase intake of fruit and vegetables to diets and allowing for withdrawals, non-compliance or 9 servings/day. The other flier recruited 50 women maintenance (~ 25%) approximately 50 women were (Group C) who were willing to have their bone, inflam- needed in each group. Since there were 2 different diets matory and metabolic markers tested on two occasions emphasizing different vegetables and fruit and a control 3 months apart ( baseline and end of study) and who group who consumed their usual diet (≤ 5 servings F/V/ would continue eating their usual diet. This negative day), threegroups of50participantswere required. control group was called the Diet and Metabolic Markers group(DMM)andreferredtointhisprotocolasGroupC. Inclusion/Exclusioncriteria Because of the motivation and commitment involved, it The target population were healthy, post menopausal was considered preferable to recruit a negative control (≥ 5yrs) women between 50–70 years. Women were group of women separately rather than randomising included if they were taking some medications e.g. womentoacontrolgroupwhentheywereattractedtothe hypertensive tablets, thyroxine (if thyroid function study because of a conscious decision to participate in the stable) and diuretics other than potassium sparing but dietary change. The same exclusion and inclusion criteria excluded if on medication for diabetes, heart disease, applied to the control group apart from the requirement osteoporosis (including hormone replacement therapy) fordietarychange. or medication that could affect bone or calcium metab- The study was advertised in local newspapers in the 3 olism (oral corticosteroids, warfarin, dilantin. potassium centres, in a few workplaces and in a small advertise- sparing diuretics and regular use of proton pump inhibi- ment on the health page of The Listener (a popular na- tors). Regular use of NSAIDs including aspirin was not tional magazine) over July/August 2011.This advertising permitted as they could interfere with anti-inflammatory and word of mouth returned a good response rate markers. If participants had stopped use of a NSAID 1 (> 350 enquiries) with enquiries mainly to participate in month prior to study commencing they were included. the dietary intervention rather than the negative control Women were also excluded if they had any of the fol- study (Group C). Recruitment was completed within 6 lowing conditions: osteoporosis previously diagnosed, weeksoffirstadvertising. both hips replaced, previous fractures ofthe lower verte- bra or hip, severe osteoarthritis* of the lower spine or Screening hips, gastrointestinal, liver or renal disease and any se- Prospective participants who phoned or emailed expres- vere* disease including treatment for cancer within the sing an interest in the study were initially sent out the last 3 years. Women who smoked, drank more than 20 appropriate detailed information sheet for perusal. If standard drinks/week or were already consuming > 6 they replied (email/ phone) willing to participate, a servings fruit and vegetables every day, or were taking screening questionnaire was completed over the phone. calcium supplements and unwilling to stop a month be- This questionnaire included demographics, health status fore the study for the duration of the study were (including medications) and biographic information. excluded. Any participant who developed an illness du- Over 300 women were screened with over half being ring the study that required treatment with steroids or declined due to a significant health issue or on medica- medication that affected bone, inflammatory and other tion deemed incompatible with the study e.g. regular use metabolic markers was also excluded. The intervention ofprotonpumpinhibitors. group participants had to be willing to increase their in- take of fruit and vegetables to 9 servings/day and the Randomisationandblinding negative control group willing to continue their normal Participants were stratified according to the 3 cities and diet. randomly allocated to either group (A or B) using block *Severedefinedasrequiringdailypainrelief. randomization. The random allocation sequence was ge- nerated by administrative personnel (not the researcher Settingandrecruitment who recruited participants) and intervention group parti- This was a multi-centre trial, with 50 participants at cipants were assigned to group A or B as they arrived for each trial site in Hawke’s Bay, Palmerston North and theirfirstappointment. Auckland.ThestudywasconductedatMasseyUniversity’s As intervention participants were required to source, clinical nutrition research units in Palmerston North and store, prepare and consume specific vegetables, fruits in Albany, Auckland. Hawke Bay participants attended and herbs they were not blinded to which diet (A, or B) Gunnetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:23 Page5of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/23 they were on once randomisation had occurred, but vegetable in their diet every day. They were also asked to were blinded to which group contained the fruit, vegeta- have at least 2 servings of dairy or calcium enriched soy bles and herbs with BRIPs. The randomization codes milkorotheralternativetocontrolforcalciumintake[35]. were maintained by an alpha numeric added to the par- Twice a week the intervention group women recorded ticipant’s unique identifier and laboratory staff involved their total vegetable, fruit and herb intake as well as their inthe analysis of blood orurinesampleswereblinded to urinepH(fasting,secondvoid)to thenearest0.25phunit participants’group. with dipsticks provided (PHion Diagnostic Test Strips, ApexWellnessGroup,UC,Scottsdale,AZ85260,USA). Theinterventionrationale Women in the intervention groups A and B were asked GroupA≥9servingsoffruit and vegetables (≤3 to consume a minimum of 9 servings a day of fruit and servings fruitand ≥6servings of vegetables)Specific vegetables with herbs additional. 9 servings per day was fruit/vegetables/herbs (allnonBRIPs)specified for chosen as the target number of fruit and vegetable ser- overhalf theservings andavoidingF/V/Hwith BRIPs. vings as it allows for a significant decrease in estimated GroupB≥9servings offruit and vegetables (≤3 net endogenous acid production (NEAP) of the diet servings fruitand ≥6servings of vegetables)Specific (~20 mEq/day unpublished feasibility study) and was the fruit/vegetables/herbs (allBRIPs)specified foroverhalf number of servings recommended by the USDA for theservingsand avoiding someofGroupA’sspecified healthy, fit 50 year old women [36] as well the number fruit/vegetables/herbs. recommended in the DASH Trial [37]. This increase in GroupCNegative controlgroupwhoconsumetheir fruit and vegetables could then be compared to a group usualdiet of 50 women consuming their normal diet (≤5 servings/ day). Bloodandurinesampling In order to assess the impact of BRIPs both groups Procedures for taking blood, urine and anthropometric were asked to emphasise a different selection of vegeta- measurements were standardized to reduce errors and bles, herbs and fruit and avoid others. Group B include variability. Bone markers show circadian variability [43] 4–5 servings of specific vegetables, fruit and herbs with therefore all fasted blood samples were taken between bone resorption inhibitory properties (BRIPs), while 0700 and 1000hr with blood drawn by certified phlebo- Group A avoided those specific vegetables, herbs and tomists. After their first appointment women were fruit and emphasised other specific fruit, vegetables and advised to make their subsequent appointments as close herbs. To allow for change in bone turnover markers as possible to the exact time of day as their first and particularly P1NP, the minimum study period was deter- most were able to comply with this. Plasma was used for minedtobe3months[38]. analysis of bone, inflammatory and metabolic markers Boneresorptioninhibitingpropertieshavebeenascribed and drawn into vacutainers containing EDTA, citrate or to a limited range of common fruit, vegetables and herbs. heparin.After centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes These include the herbs dill, sage, garlic, parsley, thyme (4°C), the plasma was dispensed in aliquots and frozen androsemary.VegetablesandfruitwithBRIPsincludeto- at −80°C. Participants collected a 24 hour urine sample matoes, green beans, cucumber, broccoli, lettuce, prunes the day prior to attending their clinic visits. At the clinic and oranges [28]. The minimum effective dosage of fruit/ the sample quantity was measured and 3 aliquots of 100 vegetablesandherbs(F/V/H)withBRIPscalculatedinthe ml were frozen immediately at −20°C. All blood and animal model is 170 mg/day. This corresponds with 6.2 urine samples were analysed at the end of the 3 month grams of fresh F/V/H per kilogram human body weight. study period. To reduce inter-assay variability both base- Thisamountisequivalentto3–5servings/day[35]ofany line and end of study samples were analysed in the same F/V with BRIPs for a 60–70 kilo woman. Culinary herb assay run. servingsweretobeadditionalandusualculinarymeasures inmealswereadvisedtoallinterventionparticipants(2–3 Biochemicalanalysis clovesgarlic, 0.5-1teaspoonfordried/freshculinaryherbs Refer Table1fordetails of biochemicalanalysis done. and up to 0.25 cup of parsley (Group B-BRIPS) and basil (Group A- non-BRIPS). The effect on bone resorption of Dietaryassessment thefoodswithBRIPsissaidtobeadditive[39].VitaminK 3 Day Diet Diaries (3DDDs) were done at baseline and is also known to affect bone health and fracture risk end ofstudy (week12). Participantsreceived writtenand through its action on cytokines and the gamma carboxyl- verbal instruction on how to complete the 3DDD’s via ation of the bone protein osteocalcin [40-42]. To control email and phone call prior to attending their first clinic for vitamin K intake all participants in the intervention appointment. They were asked to record all food and were asked to include one serving of a leafy green beverages consumed over 2 weekdays and 1 weekend Gunnetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:23 Page6of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/23 Table1Outcomevariablesandanalysismethod OutcomeVariables Baseline Mid6 End Method wks (3mths) CTxboneresorption I&C I I&C RocheElecsys2010.RocheDiagnostics,CanterburyHealthEndocrinelaboratory(CHL). marker AccreditedwithIANZtotheISO15189 P1NPboneformation I&C I I&C RocheElecsys2010.RocheDiagnostics,CanterburyHealthEndocrinelaboratory. marker Cholesterol I&C I&C CHLEnzymaticCholesterolOxidaseAbbottc8000analyser.Abbottreagents Triglycerides I&C I&C CHLEnzymatichydrolysisofTriglycerides.Abbottc8000/c16000analyser,Abbottreagents. LDL I&C I&C CHLcalculatedasfollows:LDLChol=TotalChol-HDLChol-(Trigs/2.22)mmol/L. HDL I&C I&C CHLEnzymaticassay.Abbottc8000analyser.Abbottreagents Fibrinogen I&C I&C Fibrinolysisreferenceplasma(Cat.No.T6010)(Kordia,Leiden,TheNetherlands). PA1 I&C I&C PlasmaPAI-1 bio-immunoassay,TriniLIZEPAI-1activityassaykit(Cat.No.T6004) act CRP I&C I&C PlantandFoodResearchAucklandFlowCytomixkits(BenderMedsystems,Austria)FC500 MPLflowcytometer(BeckmanCoulter,Miami,FL IL6 I&C I&C Asabove IL10 I&C I&C ‘’ TNFalpha I&C I&C ‘’ OPG I&C I&C ‘’ Adiponectin I&C I&C ‘’ 24hrCalcium I&C I&C E.I.TResearchLaboratory-ShimadzuAA-6200AtomicAbsorptionFlameEmission Spectrophotometerwithair/acetyleneflame.(MethodadaptedfromGimbletEl) 24hrMagnesium I&C I&C AASasabove(MethodadaptedfromGimbletEl) 24hrSodium I&C I&C AASasabove(MethodadaptedfromCastenmillarJM) 24hrPotassium I&C I&C AASasabove(MethodadaptedfromCastenmillarJM) 24hrCreatinine I&C I&C MasseyUniversityNutritionlaboratory.JaffeMethodFlexorE,VitalScientificNV,6956AV Spankeren/Dieren,TheNetherlands Iodine I&C I&C HillsLaboratory-inductively-coupledplasmamassspectrometry. Selenium I&C I&C HillsLaboratory-inductively-coupledplasmamassspectrometry Dietaryassessment 3DDDmacroand I&C I&C 3dayfoodintake(2weekdaysand1weekend)Recipes/packaging. micronutrientintake FoodworksNZ,2009(Xyrissoftware) 24hourdietaryrecall I Previousday24hourrecallsecondclinicvisitnutritionist(NZreg.) EstimatedNEAPand I&C I&C Derivedfromalgorithms([44])andusingFoodworks(Xyris,NZ)datafrom3DDDs PRAL No.serveseachfood I&C I&C Derivedfrom3DDDnutritionist(NZreg.)convertedquantitiesingrams/mls/cupsetc.to groups servings([35] F/V/HerbDiary Interventiongrouponly.Twiceweekly-selfreportedintake Urineph(2/wk) InterventiongroupTwiceweeklyselfreportedurinepH(secondvoid/fasting)PhionDiagnosticTestStrips(0.25 graduations),ApexWellnessGroup,UC,Scottsdale,AZ85260,USA Weight/heightBMI I&C I&C DigitalscalesUWEGilbarco,NZ/Stadiometer/BMI=weight/height2 Bloodpressure I&C I&C OmronDigitalHEM-907automaticbloodpressuremonitor(duplicates)highvaluesrepeated manually Waist/hip I&C I&C Anthropometrymethodsperformedbytrainednutritionstaffusingstandardisedprocedures measurements andequipment.Tapemeasure,DouglasPharmaceuticalsLimited,Auckland. Bodycompositionand I&C DEXAHologicDiscoveryQDR4500Adensitometer,HologicInc.Bedford,Massachusetts BMD Intervention(I)andcontrolgroup(C). day, including types, brands and amounts (cups, table- registered nutritionist at the first visit. Prompting me- spoons, etc.) of foods as well as recipes for homemade thodswereusedforincompletequantitiesortoascertain dishes. Participants supplied nutritional information specific foodtypese.g.milk(skimorfullfat). panels from processed food packets. All 3DDD’s were A24 hour recall (unexpected) wasdone with interven- checked for accuracy and completeness by a NZ tion participant’s midway through the study at the Gunnetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:23 Page7of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/23 second clinic visit. Dietary data were entered into Food- 2010) and was said by some participants to be a works(version2009,NZ,Xyrissoftware)byaM.Sc(nutri- motivator. tion) graduate, checked for accuracy and completenessby aN.Z.registerednutritionistandthentransferredtoSPSS Adverseeventreporting (20)viaMicrosoftAccess(2007)andExcel(2007). Participants were advised to report any side effects from New Zealand dietary reference values were used to the increase in vegetables and fruit intake. They also assess all nutrient intakes [35]. Net endogenous acid pro- recorded in their diaries any incidence of adverse side duction(NEAP)wascalculatedaccordingtothealgorithm effects e.g. stomach upset, which was reviewed at each fromRemerandManz[44,45]. clinic visit. The study’s clinical collaborator was available NEAP = Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL) + Organic to provide guidance on medical issues. Participants were Acid(OA) advisedtoreportimmediatelytheirconcernswithanyser- PRAL represents the average intestinal absorption ious adverse side effect from this dietary regimen e.g. rates of ingested protein and additional minerals. OA chronic diarrhoea(>48hours). Any participant recording is an anthropometry-based estimate for organic acid serious adverse effects due to the diet would have been excretion. immediately advised to consult their medical practitioner Thetwo componentsofNEAParegiven asfollows: for assessment if they had not already done so and with- PRAL (mEq/d) = 0.49 protein (g/d) + 0.037 × phos- drawnfromthestudy. phorous (mg/d) - 0.021 × potassium (mg/d) – 0.026 × Follow-up: The researcher/clinical collaborator would magnesium(mg/day)-0.013×calcium(mg/day) follow-up with any participant that had a medical issue, OAest (mEq/day) = individual body surface area × 41/ that they had received medical treatment and the issue 1.73 was resolved satisfactorily. In the unlikely event of a ser- Body surface area was calculated according to the ious adverse side effect from participation in this inter- methodofduBoisandduBois vention study, the individual after consultation with BSA =(W0.425×H0.725)×0.007184 their medical practitioner would have been advised to (Website http:/www-users.med.cornell.edu/~spon/picu/ contact ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation). No calc/bsacalc.htm) significant adversesideeffectshowever,werereported. NEAP and PRAL are expressed in milliequivalents (mEq) as ions in solution interact according to their Statisticalmethods charge. Milliequivalents is obtained by converting milli- SPSS20andMinitab16willbeused.Repeatedmeasures grams (mg) to millimoles (mmol) and multiplying by and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be done valencestogive charge quantities[44] on serum bone markers (baseline, 6 and 12 weeks) to determine changeoverthe study period,multipleregres- Questionnaires sion and Pearson’s correlation will also be used for daily At the first clinic visit a baseline questionnaire was F/V intakes and bone markers. Analysis of nutrient in- administered with the intent of focusing participants on take before and during the intervention will be by paired their motivations for this behaviour change and how t-tests and repeated measures, Main outcome variables they would overcome common barriers to dietary will be checked for normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk change [46] and how they would incorporate the vegeta- test) and any data not normally distributed will be log bles, fruit and herb increase required into their daily transformed before comparisons are made. A level of dietary intake. Thefinal study questionnaire assessed the significance of0.05 willbeused participant’s experience of the dietary change, both posi- The primary analysis will be the comparison of change tive and negative aspects, including financial costs and in bone markers between the intervention groups and lifestyle changestheymade. negative control group following the “intention to treat” principleat6weeksand3months.Secondaryanalyseswill Compliancediaries involve any intervention treatment effects on inflamma- Intervention participants were provided with a weekly toryandmetabolicmarkers.Perprotocolanalyseswillalso diary in which they recorded their intake of fruit, vege- be performed and compared with intention to treat to tables, herbs (type and quantity). and urine pH (fasted assessbias. second void) on 2 days each week for the duration of the study. This diary was to aid compliance with the Participant’sresults dietary requirements and also to see if urine pH All participants received individualised dietary assessment increased with increased amounts of fruit and vegeta- analysisandtheirDEXAbodycompositionresultsbutnot bles [47,48]. An increase of 0.68 pH units was previ- individual blood biochemistry or urinary test results ously demonstrated (unpublished feasibility study, (requirementofMUHEC). Gunnetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:23 Page8of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/23 Dietaryanalysis includes a combination of prescribed fruit, vegetables Following input of 3DDD’s into Foodworks (2009), all and herbs previously shown to affect bone resorption in participantsingroupC(negativecontrolgroup)received the animal model but not previously trialled in humans an overview of their baseline three day diet diary [39], its primary emphasis on vegetables (≥ 6 servings) analysis. This provided detailed information on macro- rather than fruit (≤ 3 servings) [49] and the inclusion of nutrient and micronutrient intake. Due to this study herbs [24]. This differs from previous intervention stud- involving dietary change, all intervention participants ies on bone health using the fruit and vegetable food received both beginning and ending 3DDD results to group [8,30]. Limitations with the study include the assess micronutrient changes associated with their element of selection bias introduced as a result of strin- increased vegetable and fruit intake. Participants with gent inclusion and exclusion criteria. In some ethnic queries about their nutrient analysis were invited to groups, health status is likely to be already compromised email the nutritionist (NZ reg.) and received immediate by midlife due to chronic illness (diabetes and heart dis- feedback. ease)andthese groups were under represented.Predom- inantly European women formed the study population. DEXAanalysis A high element of commitment to a behaviour/lifestyle All participants received a letter informing them of their change was required with the need to purchase, store DEXA bone scan result. This was reported as normal andprepareallfruitandvegetablesandherbsconsumed. (including mild osteopenia), osteopenia or having a T There were no financial incentives and participants score ≥ 2.5 SDs below normal. Participants with DEXA received a petrol voucher ($10/per visit) at conclusion of results not within normal parameters for their age group thestudy. (latter 2 groups) also received the radiologists report on Results from this study may provide further evidence their bone scan with their DEXA t and z scores details to encourage increased consumption of fruit, vegetables andaletter advisingthemtodiscusswith theirdoctor. and herbs with emphasis on those with bone resorption inhibitingproperties. Fundingandethics Funding for this study was provided from the following Abbreviations ACC:AccidentCompensationCorporation;AI:Adequateintake;BRIPs:Bone organisations: Hawke’s Bay Medical Research Founda- resorptioninhibitingproperties;BSA:Bodysurfacearea;CRP:C-reactive tion, The National Heart Foundation, Massey University protein;CTx:Cteleopeptide(crosslinkedCterminalofαchainoftype1 Research Fund (MURF), and Amgen/GSK Clinical collagen);DEXA:DualenergyXrayabsorptiometry;EAR:Estimatedaverage requirement;F/V:Fruitandvegetables;HRT:Hormonereplacementtherapy; Grants Program administered by the OA-ANZBMS IL-6:Interleukin6;IL-10:Interleukin10;MUHEC:MasseyUniversityHuman ResearchFund. EthicsCommittee;MoH:MinistryofHealth;NEAP:Netendogenousacid Thisstudywasapproved by Massey University Human production;NSAIDs:Nonsteroidalanti-inflammatorydrugs;NFκB:Nuclear factorkappabinding;OA:Organicacid;PAI-1:Plasminogenactivator Ethics Committee (MUHEC) (Southern A) Reference inhibitor-1;P1NP:Procollagen1N-terminalpeptide;PRAL:Potentialrenal 11/11inJune2011.Itwasconductedincompliancewith acidload;RDI:Recommendeddailyintake;SDT:Suggesteddietarytarget; the protocol approved by the Massey University Ethics TNF:Tumournecrosisfactor;3DDD:Threedaydietdiary;USDA:United StatesDepartmentofAgriculture. Committee (MUHEC) and will be reported according to CONSORT guidelines. No deviation from the protocol Competinginterests was implemented without the prior review and approval Theauthorsdeclarenocompetinginterests. of MUHEC. Participants were informed they could with- Authors’contributions draw from the study at any point. All subjects for this CGdesignedthestudywithhelpfromJWandMCK.CGdraftedthe study were provided with a detailed information sheet manuscript.JWandMCKprovidedcommentsonandacceptedthefinal describingthestudyandprovidingsufficientinformation versionofthemanuscript.Allauthorsreadandapprovedthefinal manuscript. to make an informed decision about participation before they gavesignedconsent. Authors’information CGisaregisterednutritionistcompletingaPhDinNutritionalScienceat Discussion MasseyUniversity.JWisaseniorlecturerinnutritionatMasseyUniversity. MKisProfessorandChairofNutritionalPhysiology.MKhasresearch This study “The Scarborough Fair study” will provide expertiseinhumannutritionandhealthwithamajoremphasisonbone detailed information about the influence of increased healthandspecialistexpertiseininvitroassessmentofbioactives,and conductingnutritionaltrialsinhumanandanimalmodels. fruit and vegetable intake on the bone health of middle aged New Zealand women (50 -70years). 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