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Microscopic Optical Potentials: Proceedings of the Hamburg Topical Workshop on Nuclear Physics Held at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, September 25–27, 1978 PDF

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Preview Microscopic Optical Potentials: Proceedings of the Hamburg Topical Workshop on Nuclear Physics Held at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, September 25–27, 1978

Lecture Notes ni Physics detidE yb .J ,srelhE ,nehcniLM .K Hepp, hcirQZ .R ,nhahneppiK ,nehcnQM .A .H ,relliLmnedieW grebledieH dna .J ,ztrattiZ n16K gniganaM Editor: .W Beiglb6ck, grebledieH 89 I II II I Microscopic Optical slaitnetoP Proceedings of the Hamburg Topical Workshop on Nuclear Physics Held at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, September 25-27, 1978 Edited by H. .V von Geramb III IIIII III II galreV-regnirpS nilreB Heidelberg New kroY 1979 Editor H. V. von Geramb Universit~t Hamburg Jungiusstrat3e 9 D-2000 Hamburg 13 3-540-09106-8 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork 0-38?-09106-8 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar and means, storage ni data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for than other private use, a fee is to payable the publisher, the amount of the fee determined to agreement be by with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1979 Printed ni Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2153/3140-543210 P R E F A C E The Workshop on Microscopic Optical Potentials held at the University of Hamburg, September 25-27, 1978, was arranged on an international level to unite the various theoretical activities in the understanding of elas- tic and limited inelastic nuclear scattering with a potential model. This volume contains selected topics covered in the contributions and discussions. The contents deal with all projectile masses ranging from nucleons to heavy ions, and projectile energies ranging typically from 10 MeV to pion threshold. Whenever possible, emphasis was placed on mic- roscopic theories which link the nucleon nucleon interaction with aspects of the nuclear many body problem as far as they concern the evaluation of complex optical potentials. For composite projectiles, this put the semiphenomenological folding models in the foreground, together with the analyses of experimental angular distributions. The thereby often shown precision fits defined new standards in precision and theoretical repro- duction power. Experimental work per se is not included, and when, then only in a few selected topics. The guide used in arranging the contents of the proceedings was the pro- jectile mass. The volume begins with the reviews on the nucleon nucleus optical potential and then gradually increases the projectile mass until we reach in the second half the aspects of heavy ion potentials. Towards the end, some special topics regarding the mainstream of the potential theories are included. On this occassion we should like to thank Mrs. Larsen for her valuable secretarial help in organizing the Workshop and the preparation of this manuscript, as well as Mrs. Berghaus for her assistance in the workshop preparations. We acknowledge the support of the Workshop by the Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie and the Universitdt Hamburg. Hamburg, 1978 H.V. von Geramb LIST OF CONTENTS C. Mahaux Nuclear Matter Approach to the Nucleon-Nucleus Optical Model ........... I N. Vinh Mau Nuclear Structure Approach to the Nucleon-Nucleus Optical Potential ....................................................................... 40 M.K. Weigel On the General Theory of the Nucleon Optical Potential ................. 56 F.A. Brieva Nucleon Scattering from Nuclei with Nuclear Matter t-Matrices ......... 84 H.V. von Geramb, F.A. Brieva and J.R. Rook Effective Nuclear Matter Interactions Applied to Finite Nuclei ....... 104 V. Bernard and Nguyen Van Giai Effects of Particle-Vibration Coupling on the Hartree-Fock ............ 118 Potential M.M. Giannini, G. Ricco and A. Zucchiatti The Isospin Dependence of the Non-local Optical Potential ............. 126 M. Micklinghoff Shell Model Description of the Optical Model Potential ................ 138 J.G. Zabolitzky Three-Body Bethe-Faddeev Equations and Single-Particle Potentials in Nuclei ......................................................... 144 V.A. Madsen, F. Osterfeld and J. Wambach The Imaginary Part of the Nuclear Optical Potential and Inelastic Form Factor ........................................................ 151 F.L. Petrovich Folding Description of Elastic and Inelastic Scattering ............... 155 H. Leeb and G. Eder A New Type of Parameter Systematics for Proton-Nucleus Scattering ..................................................................... 181 lV R.S. Mackintosh and A.M. Kobos L-Dependent Optical Potentials: What Experiment Tells us About Local Density Models .............................................. 188 A. Bouyssy, H. Ngo and N. Vinh Mau Microscopic Analysis of p-4Oca Elastic Scattering at 30.3 MeV ........ 196 A. Tarrats, J.L. Escudi~r A Semi-Phenomenological Analysis of Proton Elastic Scattering ........ 200 E. Fabrici, S. Micheletti, M. Pignanelli and F. Resmini, et al. Prominent Features of Proton Elastic Scattering on Nuclei Below A= 70 at Incident Energies between 10 and 50 MeV ................ 211 W. Drenckhahn, A. Feigel, E. Finckh~ G. Gademann, K. RHskamp and M. Wangler Optical Model Proton Parameters at Subcoulomb Energies ................ 226 S.M. Austin A New Technique for Measuring Ratios of Elastic Scattering Cross Sections: An Application to the Calcium Isotopes ................ 232 A.A. Ioannides and R.C. Johnson Propagation of a Deuteron in Nuclear Matter and the Spin Dependence of the Deuteron Optical Potential ............................ 244 J. Stumm and A. Hofmann Description of Low Energy Deuteron Scattering Using Multishell Form Factors .................................................................. 251 A. Djaloeis Deuteron and 3He Scattering: Discussion on the Uniqueness of their Optical Potentials • ..----.----- --.. ....... .............. ...... .... 253 S. Roman The Form of the Spin-Orbit Potential for Spin-I/2 Particles .......... 258 O. Karban Polarization Effects in Elastic Scattering of 3He ...................... 264 D.F. Jackson Sensitivity of Alpha-Decay to the Real Alpha-Nucleus Potential ...... 269 IIV K.A. Gridnev, V.M. Semjonov, V.B. Subbotin and E.F. Hefter The Effective Surface Potential for e Particles and its OCM Justifications ............ ............................................... 277 H.J. Gils, E. Friedman, H. Rebel and Z. Majka Fourier-Bessel-Analysis of Alpha-Particle Scattering Optical Potentials and Nuclear Matter Densities 283 ........................ .Z Majka, H.J. Gils and H. Rebel Validity of Refined Folding Model Approaches for Light Projectile Scattering ....................................................... 293 L.W. Put Energy Dependence of the Phenomenological e-9Ozr Optical Potential ..................................................................... 302 R. Ceuleneer Accurate Optical Potentials for Elastic e-Particle Scattering from Nuclei Around A= 40 ...................................... 312 S. Wiktor, C. Mayer-B~ricke, A. Kiss, M. Rogge and P. Turek High Energy Alpha Scattering Used to Study the Uniqueness and Shape of the Optical Potential ........................................ 315 Y.C. Tang Odd-Even Dependence of the Optical Potential ........................... 322 D.M. Brink The Imaginary Part of the Heavy Ion Optical Potential ................ 340 W.G. Love Heavy Ion Folding Potentials ............................................... 350 B. Sinha A Microscopic Nucleus-Nucleus Optical Potential 372 ........................ A.J. Baltz, N.K. Glendenning, S.K. Kauffmann and K. Preuss Long Range Absorption and Other Direct Reaction Components in the Optical Potential ................................................... 384 G. Baur, F. R~sel and D. Trautmann Adiabatic and Dynamic Polarization Effects in Subcoulomb Elastic Scattering .......................................................... 398 IIIV G. Tungate and D. Fick Optical Models from Experiments with Oriented Heavy Ions .............. 404 G. Terlecki, D. Hahn, W. Scheid, R. Koennecke and W. Greiner Molecular States in Heavy Ion Potentials ................................. 410 T.G. Reinhard and K. Goeke Quantum Corrections to Optical Potential& ................................ 440 I.E. McCarthy The Optical Model in Atomic Physics ....................................... 447 R.C. Barrett The Kaon-Nucleus Optical Potential for Kaonic Atoms .................... 455 P.E. Hodgson ..459 SUMMARY ........................................................................ LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ALONS, P.W.F., Vrije University, Holland ANDERS, B., University of Hamburg, Germany AUSTIN, S.M., Michigan State University, USA BALTZ, A.J., Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA BARRETT, R.C., University of Surrey, England BAUR, G., KFA JHlich, Germany BENDISCIOLI, G., INFN Pavia, Italy BIESBOER, F., Vrije University, Holland BRIEVA, F.A., University of Oxford, England BRINK, D.M., University of Oxford, England BRISSAUD, I., Physique Nucl~aire, Orsay, France BRUCKMANN, H., University of Hamburg, Germany CEULENEER, ,.R University of Mons, Belgium COHLER, M.D., King's College, London, England DE LEO, R., University of Bari, Italy DJALOEIS, A., KFA JHlich, Germany DUHM, H., University of Hamburg,Germany EPPEL, D., University of Hamburg, Germany ESCUDIE, J.L., CEN-Saclay, France FICK, D., University of Marburg, Germany FINCKH, E., University of Erlangen-N~rnberg, Germany FRIESE, J., University of Hamburg, Germany FUHRER, T., University of Hamburg, Germany GERAMB, H.V., University of Hamburg, Germany GIANNINI, M., University of Genova, Italy GILS, H.J., KFZ Karlsruhe, Germany GOEKE, K., KFA JHlich, Germany GRALLA, S., University of ,grubm~.aH Germany G~W, G.; University of M~nchen, Germany GRIDNEV, K., University of Leningrad, UdSSR HALLFARTH, G., University of Hamburg, Germany HEFTER, E.F., TU Hannover, Germany HEIMLICH, F., University of Hamburg, Germany HODGSON, P.E.,University of Oxford, England IOANNIDES, A.A., University of Surrey, England JACKSON, D.F., University of Surrey, England KARBAN, O., University of Birmingham, England KORF, G., University of Hamburg, Germany KREWALD, S., KFA Jdlich, Germany KROGER, M., University of Hamburg, Germany KROTSCHECK, E., University of Hamburg, Germany LANDOWNE, S., University of M~nchen, Germany LARA, P., University of Hamburg, Germany LEEB, H., Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria LEJEUNE, A., University of Liege, Belgium LEZOCH, P., University of Hamburg, Germany LINDNER, A., University of Hamburg, Germany LINDSTROM, G., University of H~mburg, Germany LOMBARD, R., CEN-Saclay, France LOVE, W.G., University of Georgia, USA MACKINTOSH, R.S., Daresbury Laboratory, England MADSEN, V., Oregon State University, USA MAHAUX, CI., University of Liege, Belgium MAJKA, ,.Z KFZ Karlsruhe, Germany McCARTHY, I.E., Flinders University of South Australia, Australia MICHELETTI, S., University of Milan, Italy MICKLINGHOFF, M., University of Hamburg, Germany MULLER, K.H., TH Darmstadt, Germany NGO, H., Physique Nucl~aire, Orsay, France NORDLAND, O., University of Hamburg, Germany OSTERFELD, F., KFA JHlich, Germany PETROVICH, F.L., Florida State University, USA PIGNAN~LLI, M., University of Milan, Italy PLASTINO, A., LaPlata, Argentina PLISCHKE, P., University of Hamburg, Germany PUT, L.W., University of Groningen, Netherlands QURESHI,I., University of Surrey, England REINHARD, P.G., University of Mainz, Germany ROSEL, F., University of Basel, Switzerland ROMAN, S., University of Birmingham, England SCHEID, W., University of Giessen, Germany SCHWARZ, A., University of Hamburg, Germany SCOBEL, W., University of Hamburg, Germany SINHA, B., Bhabha Institute, Bsmbay, India STANCU, F., University of Liege, Belgium STRAUSS, W., University of Hamburg, Germany STROHBUSCH, U., University of Hamburg, Germany STUMM, J., University of Erlangen-N~rnberg, Germany TANG, Y.C., University of Minnesota, USA TARRATS, A., CEN-Saclay, France IX TIELENS, A.,'University of Hamburg, Germany TRAUTMANN, D., University of Basel, Switzerland TROST, H., University of Hamburg, Germany TUNGATE, G., MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany UBERALL, T., University of Hamburg, Germany VAN GIAI, N., Physique Nucl~aire, Orsay, France VAN HIENEN, J.F.A., Vrije University, Holland VAN HALL, P.J., Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland VINH MAU, N., Physique Nucl~aire, Orsay, France VLACHODIMITROPOULOS, p., University of H&mburg, Germany WEIGEL, M., University of M~nchen, Germany WENDLERy W., University of Hamburg, Germany WICK, K., University of Hamburg, Germany WIKTOR, S., Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland WORZECK, J., University of Hamburg, Germany ZABOLITZKY, J.G., Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany ZARUBIN, P., University of Leningrad, UdSSR

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