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Microgastrine (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Parasitoids of Colias lesbia (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) PDF

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Preview Microgastrine (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Parasitoids of Colias lesbia (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

HYM. RES. J. Vol. 9(1), 2000, pp. 108-110 Microgastrine (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Parasitoids of Colias lesbia (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) Michael Sharkey, Kathie Finnell, Jason Leathers, and Jorge Frana J. (MJS, KF, JL) University of Kentucky, Department of Entomology, S-225 Ag. Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA; (JF) INTA, Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela, CC 22 2300-Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina — Abstract. The microgastrine (Braconidae) parasitoids of Colias lesbia (Fabricius), a lepidopteran pestofalfalfa insouthern temperate regionsofSouthAmerica, arereviewed.Threespecies,Cotesia ayerza (Brethes), C. glomerata (Linnaeus) and C. lesbiae (Blanchard) are recognized and the mor- phological differences between them are presented. A lectotype for C. ayerza is designated. Colias lesbia (Fabricius) is a lepidopteran lesbia, viz., Cotesia glomerata (Linnaeus), C. pest of alfalfa, and is widespread in the ayerza (Brethes), and C. lesbiae (Blanchard) southern temperate regions of South (all as Apanteles). There are other micro- America. Throughout its range, it is at- gastrine names recorded as parasitoids of tacked by three microgastrine (Braconi- Colias lesbia; however, owing to well-re- dae) parasitoids. The taxonomy and iden- searched synonymies (cf. Shenefelt 1972), tification of these parasitoids, which are only these three remain current in the lit- all members of the genus Cotesia, have erature. been problematic, with between two and Syntypes of C. ayerza were borrowed five species being recognized in the com- from the Museo Argentino de Ciencias plex. The purpose of this paper is to re- Naturales and specimens of C. lesbiae de- solve these problems and to present mor- termined by both Blanchard and Brethes phological characteristics to distinguish were borrowed from the Museo de La Pla- between the species of Cotesia that attack ta. The type of C. glomerata is no longer Colias lesbia. extant but the description by Nixon (1974) The subfamily Microgastrinae is cos- and reliably identified specimens from Eu- mopolitan and contains thousands of spe- rope and North America (determined by cies (Shenefelt 1972). They are internal G.E.J. Nixon and W.R.M. Mason respec- parasitoids of larval Lepidoptera and are tively) were used for comparative purpos- important in the natural and manipulated es. control of many pest species. The genus C. glomerata may be distinguished from Cotesia contains hundreds of species that the other two species by the color of the have been formally described, but even hind femur which is yellow with a small more that have not yet been described. melanic region in the apical 1 /6. The hind The genus is also cosmopolitan and may femora of C. ayerza and C. lesbiae are uni- be distinguished from all other Microgas- formly brown. C. ayerza and C. lesbiae may trinae by the sculpture and shape of the be distinguished from each other by the first metasomal tergum and by the short dimensions of the medial tergite of the ovipositor of females (cf. Mason 1981). first metasomal segment. That of C. ayerza Shenefelt (1972, 1980) lists three species is about as wide as long whereas that of of Microgastrinae as parasitoids of Colias C. lesbiae is more than 1.5 times longer It... Volume 9, Number 1, 2000 109 Table 1. Comparison ofCotesia species parasitizing Colias lesbia. Taxa = a C. ayzera = g C. glomerata Charactersand st.iu 1 = C. lesbiae 1. Hind femur color. a) Entirely brown (melanic) a, 1 b) Yellow except for brown in apical 1/6 g 2. Hypopygium of female. a) tapering to a sharp point apically a, 1 b) with a deep semicircularemargination apically [c.f. Fig. 46 in Nixon (1974)] g 3. First metsomal median tergite. a) more than 1.5 times longer than wide gJ b) about as long as wide a 4. Sculpture of posteromedial region of mesoscutum, directly anterad mesoscutellarsulcus. a) with longitudinal rugosities (Fig. 1) b) lacking longitudinal rugosities (Fig. 2) than wide. Other morphological differenc- 1981, Nixon 1974) with many eggs laid in es between the three species are summa- each host, whereas C. lesbiae appears to be rized in Table 1. a solitary parasitoid (Hamity 1978). There may be a behavioral difference Brethes did not designate a holotype for between C. lesbiae and the other two spe- Apanteles ayerza and we take this oppor- cies. C. ayerza and C. glomerata, like most tunity to designate a lectotype and two species of Cotesia, are gregarious (Mason paralectotypes. All three specimens are on Figs. 1-2. Dorsal aspects of mesosomata. 1 (left), Cotesia glomerata. The arrow on the mesoscutum indicates longitudinal rugosities; 2 (right), Cotesia lesbiae. no Journal of Hymenoptera Research the same pin, mounted on one, small, with the senior author. Thanks to PeteSouthgate for aqufaedmraaltee,anpideicsetohfe psappeecri.meTnheinltehcetomtiydpdelies pDthhaeontmoPamonitutcsercro,rgirapantpd.hsaT,nhiaasnndroentsoyeamErrociuhcsGwrpaiesssreslfolan,ciJlfiiotmratrWehedivtibfeyiweiltndhg,e of the piece of paper flanked by the two Kentucky Experiment Station Project Number 99-08- paralectotypes which both appear to be 20. males, but owing to the poor condition of LITERATURE CITED the specimens, sex is difficult to deter- mine. The lectotype is missing both left Hamity, M. G. A. de. 1978. Aspectos biologicos de wings and the right hind wing but it is cApoannitdealee)splaersabsiaietoBldaenclahairsdoca(Hdyemelnaoapltfaelrfaa:CoBlriaa-s intact otherwise. All specimens appear to lesbia (F) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). IDIA NE 337- be conspecific. There are four original, 342. Jan-Jul. Pp: 39-45. hand-written labels on the pin. The upper- Mason, W. R. M. 1981. The polyphyletic nature of most reads "La Pampa 111.1920 Wil- Apanteles Foerster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): a liamson". The second reads, "parasJi.te de MpehmyoliorgsenoyftahnedEnrtecolmaoslsoigfiiccaaltiSooncoieftMyiocfroCgaansatdrain1a1e5.: Colias lesbia". The third label is small and 1-147. has a few marks that are not decipherable; Nixon, G. E. J. 1974. A revision ofthe North-western and the fourth reads "Apanteles Ayerza European species of the glomeratus-group of Brethes". We have also added a red label Apanteles Forester (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). with the following: "Lectotype Apanteles SheneBfuelllte,tinR.ofD.Ent1o9m7o2l.oiBcraalcoRensiedaarech4.64M:i4c5r3og-a5s2t4r.inae, ayerza Brethes designated by Sharkey, Fi- Apanteles. In: Vecht, J. van des and Shenefelt, R. nell, and Leathers". D. (Eds). Hymenopterorum Catalogus (novo editio). Pars 7. Pp. 429-668. Dr. W. Junk, The Hague. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Shenefelt, R. D. 1980. Braconidae 11, Introduction, Guide to host names, Index to braconid names. We thank the UK Graduate School and the KYSS In: Achterberg, C. van, and Shenefelt, R. D. (Eds) (Kentucky Young Scientists Summer) program for Hymenopterorum Catalogus (novo editio). Pars 16. giving the second author the opportunity to work Pp. 1-384. Dr. W. Junk, The Hague.

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