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Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Common Alloys Used For Subsea Applications PDF

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Department of Chemistry Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Common Alloys Used For Subsea Applications Laura Lizeth Machuca Suarez This thesis is presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Curtin University October 2012 To my lovely husband and soul mate, Andrés; my wonderful parents, Lilia and Antonio; my beloved sister, Fabiola and my dear sweet niece, Valentina. For their endless love, support and encouragement. ii The role of the infinitely small in nature is infinitely large. LOUIS PASTEUR (1822‐1895) iii DDECLARRATION To the bbest of myy knowledge and beelief this tthesis conttains no mmaterial previously published by any oother persoon except wwhere due acknowleddgement has been made. This thesis containss no materiial which hhas been acccepted forr the awardd of any other deggree or diplloma in anyy universityy. Laura Lizeth Machuca Suarez Perth, Octtober 12th 22012 ivv ABSTRRACT Microbiollogically Innfluenced CCorrosion ((MIC) is ann electrochhemical proocess in which mmicroorganiisms initiaate, facilittate, or aaccelerate metal coorrosion reactions. MIC has bbeen reporrted to accoount for 500 per cent oof the totall cost of corrosionn. In particuular, MIC oof oil and gaas production equipmment and pipelines has signifficant costss and potentially seriious enviroonmental rrepercussioons. The complex iinteractionns betweenn chemical, electrocheemical, andd biologicall factors in the envvironment near the mmaterial suurface havee made ideentificationn of MIC mechanissms difficullt. In particcular, the ppreservatioon of subsea equipmment is a significannt knowledge gap in tthe currentt understannding and control of MIC. To date, theere is limiited informmation on the interractions of high corrrosion‐ resistancee alloys wiith microorganisms iin natural seawater, particularlly those associatedd with hyydrostatic ttesting of pressure equipmentt, ballast aand the preservattion of sunnken subseea equipmeent. Furtheermore, the susceptibbility of high‐resisstance alloys to MIC in seawateer at typicaal temperaatures for ooffshore assets is yet to be quantifiedd and posees a signifiicant dilemmma for mmaterials engineerss. Incorrectt materialss selection can be cosstly and inccreases thee risk of serious ennvironmenntal damagee from premmature equuipment faiilure. In this reesearch, MIIC was inveestigated ffor several offshore cconstruction alloys including UNS S316603, UNS SS31803, UNNS S32750,, UNS 312554 stainlesss steels and UNS NN08825 annd UNS N066625 nickel‐based allooys in seawwater. Carbon steel was also included in certain sstudies sinnce it has bbeen for yeears the doominant offshore material. TThese mateerials reprresent a wwide range of categorries and grades wwith a disstinctive sset of genneral propperties, inccluding coorrosion resistancee, chemicaal compossition andd microstrructure. Experimentts were designed to elucidatte the effeccts of biofillms, oxygenn, temperatture and exxposure time on ccorrosion resistance. Research aaims were achieved tthrough a sseries of short andd long‐termm corrosionn and microbiologicall studies inn natural seeawater using clossed and oppen experimmental sysstems. Natuural seawaater for labboratory experiments was obbtained froom the samme geograpphical locaation at 20 metres depth off Rottnest Island at thhe Indian Ocean (Western Australia). Results from v this research are presented in the form of a series of scientific publications which form the individual chapters of this thesis. In Chapter 2 the corrosion properties of the alloys in seawater at temperatures from 5 to 40 °C are reported. Pitting and crevice corrosion were investigated by potentiostatic and potentiodynamic electrochemical analysis. Artificial crevices were prepared based on the spring loaded assembly developed by the project Crevcorr of the European Commission. This study allowed critical potentials and temperatures for pitting and crevice corrosion of the selected alloys in seawater to be defined. A unified comparative analysis of this type had hitherto not been reported. Subsequently, short‐term laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the effect of biofilms on corrosion performance in seawater (Chapters 3‐7). The basic experimental design involved the exposure of bare and artificially creviced materials to raw and treated seawater for different exposure times, modifying experimental variables such as temperature and oxygen content. These studies were conducted under closed experimental conditions, without seawater replenishment, in order to simulate the stagnant conditions at the interior of subsea equipment filled with treated seawater. Experimental methods included immersion and accelerated corrosion tests along with surface and microbiological analyses. The phenomenon of ennoblement was investigated routinely by monitoring the corrosion potential over time. Molecular microbiology studies by polymerase chain reaction‐denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR‐DGGE) and DNA sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments were used to characterize microbial composition and structure in biofilms developed on the alloys. Microbial adhesion was investigated by fluorescence microscopy and scanning electrode microscopy (SEM). Surface features were analysed by 3D optical microscopy and surface profile measurements. The long‐term corrosion performance of the alloys in seawater is reported in Chapter 8. Pitting and crevice corrosion studies were conducted in alloys exposed to raw and treated seawater over a period of 1.5 years. To complement the results from closed experimental studies and to provide a more comprehensive and accurate analysis of the risk of MIC of offshore materials, further experiments were conducted in an open system where seawater was replenished constantly over the period of exposure. Chapter 9 presents a study vi conducted in a field laboratory where corrosion performance and biofilm community composition were evaluated in natural and treated costal seawater in a continuous flow system over 90 days. Finally, Chapter 10 presents a study of the risk of MIC and localized corrosion associated with seawater ingress into flowlines, filled with treated seawater, during subsea tie‐in operations for the installation and commissioning of deep‐water pipelines for offshore fields. In particular, the effect of oxygen and troublesome bacteria on corrosion performance was investigated. A study addressing this industrial concern had not been published previously despite its broad significance and practical importance. Results from this research allowed the identification of the critical factors that influence the performance of offshore construction materials in natural seawater. UNS S32750, UNS S31254 and UNS N06625 exhibited high critical potentials and temperatures for localized corrosion and therefore high resistance to localized corrosion at the typical offshore conditions, regardless of the presence of biofilms and oxygen content. UNS S31603, UNS N08825 and UNS S31803 showed to be susceptible to localized corrosion in seawater at temperatures from 5‐10°C, 10‐20 and 20‐30°C, respectively. For these alloys, the risk of localized corrosion and MIC is increased by prolonged exposure to seawater, the rise in seawater temperature and the presence of biofilms. Localized corrosion was highly influenced by oxygen and biofilms provided a critical temperature was surpassed. Anaerobic conditions favoured crevice corrosion initiation and enhanced the negative effects of microbial adhesion on creviced alloys in seawater. The effect of biofilms on corrosion performance was subject to the availability of nutrients in the system. In stagnant closed systems, biofilms did not ennoble the corrosion potential of the alloys but reduced localized corrosion resistance via decreasing critical potentials for localized corrosion initiation. Biofilms initiated pitting and crevice corrosion by other mechanisms that were not identified. In the continuous open system, active biofilms quickly developed and ennobled the corrosion potential of all materials about +400‐500 mV. This ennoblement triggered localized corrosion on UNS S31603, UNS N08825 and UNS S31803. Long‐term exposure studies indicated that seawater filtration, in accordance vii with hydrostatic testing procedures, reduces corrosion rates but does not prevent localized corrosion if exposure conditions required for localized corrosion initiation are attained. However, filtration reduces the likelihood of localized corrosion and MIC by removing sediments or sand so that crevice formation is prevented and microbial activity is restricted. Furthermore, seawater treatments used for hydrotesting waters conferred protection against localized corrosion provided oxygen is restricted to minimal levels in the system. The application of PCR‐DGGE and DNA sequencing as a molecular tool to examine biofilm community composition proved to be a powerful method to investigate the effects of environmental conditions and substratum surface on the microbial community structure in biofilms. This method showed that biofilm populations on corrosion resistant alloys are highly specific in their preference for substratum surface and oxygen conditions. Microbial colonization was shown to be more copious and diverse on nickel based‐alloys than on stainless steels. Analysis of biofilm communities on high‐resistance alloys in seawater has not been reported previously. These data extend our knowledge on microbial ecology associated with corrosion resistant materials in seawater and highlight the importance of conducting future mechanistic studies on the precise interactions of biofilms with the different passivating oxide films formed on these offshore alloys. This will allow elucidation of the main factors that influence microbial adhesion on these alloys and will assist in developing new strategies and methods to prevent MIC in subsea equipment. This research has contributed to filling previous knowledge gaps and has formed the foundations of essential guidelines for design criteria, risk assessment and asset integrity management based on materials selection and water treatments in the application to sunken subsea equipment in the oil and gas industry. viii ACKNNOWLEDDGEMENNTS First andd foremostt, I wish tto thank God for thhe immeasurable bllessings, protectionn, guidancee and love. I want too express mmy love annd gratitude to my husband and life paartner Andrres. I couldd have not reached thhis far withhout his endless ssupport, loove, and ppatience. HHe is not oonly a souurce of emmotional strength, optimism aand love, but also he hhas been mmy advisor, my guide, my true and unfaiiling compaanion throuugh thick aand thin. Myy greatest tthanks andd love to my wondderful familly, my pareents Lilia aand Antoniio, my sisteer Fabiola and my niece Valeentina whoo have neveer stopped believing iin me and ssharing theeir pride and love, no matterr how manny miles awway my puursuits havve taken me. Their immense love and support thhroughout my life havve given mme the streength to reach for the stars and chase mmy dreams. My speciaal thanks aand sinceree appreciattion go to mmy thesis ccommittee. First, I want to eexpress myy deepest gratitude to my prinncipal supervisor Drr. Stuart Bailey, foor his guiddance, knowwledge andd unwaverring suppoort throughhout my studies annd many aaspects of mmy life. Through Stuaart I have ccome to knnow not only abouut the wonders of thee Australiann culture bbut also aboout the inteeresting world off electrochhemistry. LLikewise, II would like to sinncerely thaank my supervisoor and direector of the Corrosioon Centre ffor Education, Research and Technology (Corr‐CCERT) Prof.. Rolf Gubnner, for hiss enormous contributions to the projecct and for ssharing his knowledge in the fasscinating yeet mysterioous field of MIC. TThanks for always appproving mmy requestss to attendd conferences and courses that weree essentiall to the success oof the prooject and to my developmment as a sccientist. Fuurthermoree, I want too express mmy speciall thanks and gratittude to myy supervisoor Dr. Elizaabeth Watkkin, for beinng a great mentor, an excepttional persson and a uunique miccrobiologistt. Thanks ffor the conntinuous support, kknowledgee and encouragementt throughout these yeears. My immmense gratitude also goes to my formmer supervvisor Dr. Doouglas Johnn, for his teechnical, intellectuual and morral supportt during mmy first yearr of studiess. I will be forever indebted to Brian KKinsella for believing II was the rright personn for this pposition. ixx Thanks for being such a wonderful and caring person. My sincere appreciation is extended to my mentor and principal representative of the sponsoring organisation Dr. Krista Heidersbach, for providing intellectual guidance throughout these years. It has been a privilege having her expertise and views in this project. Furthermore, I sincerely appreciate the contributions from my associate advisors from CSIRO Land and Water, Dr. Anna Kaksonen and Dr. Maneesha Ginige. I gratefully thank their tremendous technical and intellectual support and the generosity of sharing their vast knowledge in microbiology. I sincerely appreciate their time, willingness and kindness when most needed. Moreover, I want to thank Dr. Robert Jeffrey for kindly opening his home and hosting me in his laboratory during my visit to Newcastle; a short but pleasant time to enjoy of his great personality and knowledge. I want to express my gratitude and special thanks to my friends and colleagues from the Corr‐CERT at Curtin University. They have fostered my creativity to design my experiments and helped guide me in new directions in my thinking. In particular, I want to thank Priya, Mike and Amalia for being a source of much joy and laughter. Thanks for always sharing and caring and for making me feel at home, so far away from home. I gratefully acknowledge Chevron Energy Technology Pty Ltd for the sponsorship, financial Support and permission to publish. Further, I acknowledge Curtin University, the Australian and Western Australian Governments and the North West Shelf Joint Venture Partners, as well as the Western Australian Energy Research Alliance (WA:ERA) for scholarships and awards. Finally I acknowledge CSIRO Land and Water for providing the facilities to conduct microbiological analyses and the technical and intellectual support from many colleagues. Thanks to all my friends and extended family. Your support and love has accompanied each step on the road. Thank you all for contributing to an incredible PhD experience. This has been a challenging and wonderful journey that has added a new dimension to my life and thinking about learning. x

material. T with a dis e, chemica to elucidat corrosion r d long‐term sed and op nts was ob. Rottnest I nfluenced C isms initia been repor ular, MIC o s and pote Pitting and crevice corrosion were investigated by potentiostatic and surface is known as microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC
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