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Preview Metro Winnipeg - January 11, 2016

GOLDEN GLOBES The presenters, the surprise winners, the dresses and what Ricky said metroLIFE Winnipeg Rosie on Rosie Westwood and Barton talk politics metroVIEWS Your essential daily news MONDAY , JANUARY 11 , 2016 High -21°C/Low -27°C Windy, cold Remembering a Brothers Ryan and Jason Smith of Winnipeg SHANNON VAN RAES/FOR METRO ‘valuable’ leader COMMEMORATION with distinction,” thoughts that were Condolences echoed by Selinger. “He had true passion for a better off ered to family Manitoba,” Selinger tweeted. Former prime minister Paul Martin of former Lt.-Gov. appointed Harvard as parliamentary John Harvard secretary to the minister of inter- national trade, a position he held until his retirement from federal politics. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Harvard’s appointment to the post Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger are of lieutenant governor cleared the offering their condolences to the way for former Winnipeg mayor Glen family of former Lt.-Gov. John Har- Murray to run in Harvard’s former vard. riding in the 2004 federal election, a The Prime Minister’s Office con- race Murray ended up losing. firmed Harvard died, and a spokes- When Harvard was awarded an man for the federal Liberal party in honourary degree by the University Manitoba said Harvard, who was 77, of Manitoba in 2005, the school’s SUIT UP died Saturday but did not immediately dean of arts said Harvard’s life read have further details. “as a quintessential Canadian success Harvard was a Liberal MP who story of immigrant heritage.” served Winnipeg from 1988 to 2004. “His father came to Canada from He was installed as Manitoba’s 23rd Iceland in 1903, and his mother was Lieutenant Governor shortly after born in Canada shortly after her par- leaving federal politics and held the ents immigrated from Iceland,” Dr. post until his term ended in 2009. Richard Sigurdson said in his citation Jets fans pull out all the stops for #TrackSuitNight Before politics, Harvard was a during the 2005 convocation. broadcast journalist and worked for “Coming from such a large at MTS Centre, but Sabres get the last laugh CJOB radio in Winnipeg and later family gave him valuable ear- with the CBC. ly lessons in the analysis of hu- metroSPORTS Trudeau tweeted Saturday that Har- man dynamics,” Sigurdson added. vard “served the people of Manitoba THE CANADIAN PRESS Creativity is subjective. The truth isn’t. Truth in Advertising Matters. Tuesday, February 16, 2016 11am - 2pm | 5pm - 8pm Wednesday, February 17, 2016 9am - 2pm Explore Your Options • Innovative programming • Experienced, industry-trained instructors Meet with faculty and students, explore • Flexible delivery options labs and work spaces, and learn more about (in-class or online) all that Red River College has to offer! • Hands-on learning opportunities • Over 200 full- and part-time degree, diploma and certificate options Notre Dame Campus | Exchange District Campus | Stevenson Campus GOSSIP 11 Your essential daily news Sean Penn faces criticism over interview with Mexican drug kingpin ‘El Chapo.’ World ROAD SAFETY Lot-splitting causes Spike in photo radar tickets: police chief community division It seems that Winnipeg driv- Winnipeg police chief Devon ers still have more learning to Clunis told reporters. do when it comes to speeding. “Again people just don’t During a recent meeting of seem to be getting the mes- the city’s police board, it was sage.” DEVELOPMENT their names in opposition to a worries that lot-splitting of this revealed the force will have Some of the extra $4 million Resident says plan put forth by developer Cal size would become the norm. an extra $4 million after this in savings were also due to a Dueck of Dueck Homes, and I think it would However, Dueck disagrees, year’s budget, thanks to higher late move-in to the newly con- it will ‘change will plead their case in a public really enhance the saying smaller homes would en- than expected revenues col- structed police headquarters. hearing before the city’s appeals courage more density and allow lected from photo radar cam- The board expects the po- the character’ committee Monday morning. value all of their for younger families to move in. eras. lice to come in under budget of the area Dueck plans to split a single homes. “I think it would really en- “Even in November we had a for 2015. 60-foot lot at 933 Somerset Ave. hance the value all of their rise in terms of those events,” STEPHANIE TAYLOR/METRO into two 30-foot properties. Cal Dueck homes. It would enhance the Stephanie “It’s going to change the char- neighbourhood,” Dueck said. Taylor acter of the neighbourhood,” a 30-foot lot for a home does not When asked as to the concern MURDER CHARGE resident Ray Desautels said. fit with the neighbourhood’s expressed by dozens of residents, Fontaine case put Metro | Winnipeg “There are no 30-foot lots in park-like atmosphere. He added he said he was pleased to see this area.” that if the property were larger, those who lived there had such A proposal to spilt one prop- Desautels lives across the there would be no issue. an interest in their homes. over until Jan. 22 erty and build two homes in a street from the proposed de- “Once (the city) says ‘Yes’ to “There’s at least that many Fort Garry neighbourhood have velopment and says he and other one developer, the precedent is or more people who would sup- caused a divide. neighbours are not opposed to set. They can’t say ‘No’ to anyone port me. It’s a split in the neigh- The man accused of killing Nearly 100 residents signed new construction, but feel that else,” Desautels said, adding he bourhood.” and dumping the body of 15-year-old Tina Fontaine had his case put over until later this month. Raymond Joseph Cormier’s lawyer appeared in a Winni- HUMAN RIGHTS peg court to have the matter PEOPLE PROTEST AID pushed back until Jan. 22. GIVEN TO ETHIOPIAN Cormier, 53, was charged GOVERNMENT with second-degree murder Members of the Oromo com- following his arrest in Vancou- munity gather on Portage ver in early December. Avenue Sunday to protest Winnipeg police allege that international aid given to the Cormier and Fontaine — who Ethiopian government by had been on the run from the the Canadian government. care of Child and Family Ser- Community members say vices — became acquainted students and other peaceful at a house in the east end of Raymond Joseph Cormier protestors in Ethiopia have the city. HANDOUT/WINNIPEG POLICE disappeared and have been Police believe the pair had subject to gross human “several encounters” and Cor- Her disappearance sparked rights abuses. mier killed her on their last national outrage and was a SHANNON VAN RAES/FOR METRO encounter. major factor in the political Fontaine’s body was pulled push for an inquiry into Mis- from the Red River on Aug. sing and Murdered Indigenous 17, 2014. Women. METRO 4 Monday, January 11, 2016 Winnipeg Manitoba vows proactive plan for saving belugas CONSERVATION We have a healthy population, Liberal government to consider ‘Discussion but the environment is changing. the area for its National Marine Conservation Area program. document’ Conservation Minister Tom Nevakshonoff Nevakshonoff said he’ll dis- The province wants to help cuss those ideas with federal would protect protect farmland. CONTRIBUTED coast. In the summer, whales times thousands of belugas Fisheries and Oceans Minister coastal areas stop where the Churchill, Nel- at the same time.” The plan, Hunter Tootoo next week. GOVERNMENT son and Seal rivers flow into which Nevakshonoff refers to Climate change is the big- Weather the bay to feed, give birth and as a “discussion document,” gest unknown. Manitoba has released a plan nurture their young. involves protecting sections South Hudson Bay has lost station to preserve the world’s largest “When belugas are in those of the coastline as well as the sea ice faster than almost any- population of belugas while estuaries, you’re not just see- outflow area of the Seal River. where else in the North. Lo- numbers of the white whales ing a beluga in there sporadic- It also requires help from cal numbers of orcas, which program with the characteristic smiley A beluga WIKIPEDIA COMMONS ally,” said Chris Debicki of The the federal government. prey on belugas, are already face are still strong. Pew Charitable Trusts’ Oceans Manitoba is asking Ottawa to increasing. expanding “We have a healthy popu- something that’s not in distress North Canada. extend the Arctic Waters Pol- The Manitoba plan empha- lation, but the environment and focus on it now to preserve Oceans North Canada, an lution Protection Act — which sizes the need for research. is changing,” said Manitoba that rather than doing damage environmental group that would forbid the discharge of Little is know about beluga mi- The Manitoba and federal Conservation Minister Tom control.” worked with the province shipping waste — to cover the gration routes, winter habitat governments are expanding Nevakshonoff. “It’s a rare op- Nearly 60,000 belugas mi- on the plan. “You’re literally waters off the mouths of the or how they use the estuaries, a chain of weather stations in portunity when you can take grate along the Hudson Bay seeing hundreds and some- three rivers. It also wants the said Debicki. THE CANADIAN PRESS the province to provide farmers with better information about the changing climate. The number of automated agriculture weather stations is to be increased to 84 from 61 by 2018. The governments say data from these weather stations will be used to improve flood and drought forecasting, pre- cipitation maps and monitor- ing severe weather. The announcement follows the release of a report commis- sioned by Manitoba that says more must be done to help farmers deal with excess mois- ture and flooding and the risk of extended periods of drought. The report notes that in 2011, more than 12,000 square kilometres of cropland was flooded in Manitoba, followed by months without rain that wilted remaining crops. The governments say the expanded weather station network will also give farm- ers important information on soil conditions and help risk WINTER DELIGHT HOT DOG ON A COLD DAY The winter weather descended in earnest on the weekend, as demonstrated by this sun dog over Assiniboine assessment for crop diseases Park. Environment Canada said it will continue to be cold for the next several days, but the weather will warm up slightly through the week. REDDIT/NIBLITZ and insects. “Having enhanced access to weather and climate informa- ENERGY tion will help farmers make Premiers talk sale of hydro from Manitoba to Alberta important decisions affecting their farm,” Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay The NDP premiers of Alberta “We are phasing out coal- of our provinces and territor- desire for clean energy options said Friday in a release. and Manitoba met to discuss fired production by the year ies across the country.” such as hydro. Steve Ashton, Manitoba’s energy and climate issues, in- 2030, so we need to have as Manitoba Hydro, the prov- “There’s a growing recog- minister responsible for emer- cluding the potential sale of many options, as many levers, ince’s Crown-owned utility, There’s a growing nition among ... our various gency measures, said better hydroelectricity from Manitoba at our disposal as we can.” signed an agreement with Sas- recognition ... we jurisdictions that we can sup- weather information will also to Alberta. Manitoba Premier Greg katchewan last September to port each other with firm clean can support each help the province to better “Obviously we have a very Selinger said the move could sell 100 megawatts of power power upon which you can forecast flooding during the vibrant renewable energy pro- help Alberta reduce greenhouse — enough to provide electri- other with firm build a renewables alternative.” spring melt. vider here in Manitoba, and for gas emissions and be part of a city to 40,000 homes. Even that clean power. The two premiers signed an The province says agricul- a province that’s looking to beefed-up national east-west relatively small amount will re- agreement that, in broad terms, ture is a key part of Manitoba’s reduce its overall carbon foot- power grid. Most hydro-produ- quire new transmission capacity Manitoba’s Greg Selinger commits their provinces to fur- economy, with sales of primary print, I’m very excited about cing provinces currently focus between the two provinces. ther emissions reductions and farm products worth almost $6 the opportunity to have our exports on the United States. Building sizable transmis- funding a national east-west energy efficiency. billion last year. officials work with Manitoba “We’ve talked about this sion capacity to Alberta would grid. The deal also includes a com- The last census estimated officials to look at the options among all the premiers, as be a long-term and costly pro- Selinger said all governments mitment to share information there were more than 15,000 that might be there for us,” part of the Canadian energy ject. Provinces have previously may be more open to the idea and develop co-operative meas- farms in the province. Alberta Premier Rachel Not- strategy. We want to provide pressed the federal government, now that there are new national ures related to energy conserva- THE CANADIAN PRESS ley said following the meeting. better connections among all without success, for help in emissions targets and a greater tion programs. THE CANADIAN PRESS Winnipeg Monday, January 11, 2016 5 Pawley’s character celebrated POLITICS couldn’t have asked for a better Ceremony held husband, dad and grandfather, and we love you,” she said. for former “He taught us respect, caring and humility, and it is through NDP premier leading by example and treating everyone as equal, he taught us Family and friends held a “cele- all about humanity,” she added. bration of life” ceremony in Shortly after his death, Pawley Windsor on Saturday for How- was heralded as “an exceptional ard Pawley, a small-town lawyer visionary” by Prime Minister who rose to become Manitoba’s Justin Trudeau. second NDP premier. Pawley taught law and polit- Pawley died in late December ical science at the University of at the age of 81. Windsor after he left politics. The service, held at the Uni- His daughter said he considered versity of Windsor, included a the school to be a second home. number of tributes from close University of Windsor friends and family. President Alan Wildeman along His daughter, Charysse Paw- with close friends Jake Soder- ley, said her family will con- lund, Justice Murray Sinclair tinue to follow in her father’s and former Windsor-Tecumseh footsteps. MP Joe Comartin all spoke at FIRE BATTLING FLAME AND FROST Firefighters take on a blaze early Sunday that “Dad, your love, your patience the service. destroyed a home at 108 Cathedral Ave. The extreme cold temperatures meant and your understanding, your A similar service will be held firefighters from several stations were called in. Temperatures dipped near -30 C wisdom and your support will in Manitoba later this year. overnight, with a windchill of -36. There were no injuries. SHAUN MCLEOD/FOR METRO live on inside of us forever. We THE CANADIAN PRESS T ! F E L S Y A D 6 * WOMEN’S ONLY 24 HOURS CONVENIENTLY LOCATED THROUGHOUT WINNIPEG! www.shapes.ca 6 Monday, January 11, 2016 Winnipeg Police board suspension LAW ENFORCEMENT Future of police ‘humiliating’ for councillor chopper uncertain POLITICS interacted with police offi- Real cost of cers and paramedics. Eadie’s suspension has not Locals in Winnipeg can expect Ross Eadie’s been disclosed publicly dur- an announcement on the future ing board’s past two meet- of the police’s helicopter — just drunken night ings — a decision Tuckett not yet. Winnipeg police Chief not yet clear defended as unintentional Devon Clunis confirmed to re- and appropriate so as not porters a review is underway to to draw further attention to determine whether or not the Stephanie the matter. AIR1 chopper will stay in the air. Taylor “I don’t think we made any “Really, I can’t give you an Metro | Halifax conscious decision to keep it affirmative ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ at out of the meeting. There was this point. There will be an an- A Winnipeg councillor has no place for it to go in, un- nouncement coming, probably been handed a suspension less we want to, and I said I in the next two or three weeks,” from the city’s police board don’t really think you should he said Friday. following a drunken night do this,” he explained. “We are looking at this and last November. “What are you saying by at that point I can have a real Board vice-chairman Barry making a big public issue fulsome discussion.” Clunis Tuckett confirmed member of something when it’s just remained tight-lipped and Coun. Ross Eadie was asked an inquiry?” wouldn’t specify as to why the to refrain from participating He expects a decision from helicopter was under review and in any board activities, sev- the inquiry could be ready by if the decision was cost-related. eral days after an incident next month’s meeting. The chopper was purchased on Nov. 7. Coun. Ross Eadie says he for $3.5 million in 2010 and ac- That night, Eadie says, he was informed roughly four or cording to data on the city’s web- passed out in the back of five days after his stay in the site, is used for a wide range of a taxi after drinking heav- drunk tank was made public service calls, especially domes- ily, and when the driver was last November that he was tic violence disturbance, traffic unable to wake him, police suspended from the city’s stops and reports of suspicious were called and he was taken police board and an inquiry persons. Currently, the province to the drunk tank to sleep was underway. covers the operating costs of the it off. “It’s very trying,” he said chopper. “The incident certainly Friday. raised questions whether or “I’m going to stick it out Should we chop our chop- not a member of the police through the end and continue per? Winnipeggers sound off: board had in fact violated to argue my perspective and the code of ethics.” we’ll see what happens when “No. It’s an excellent tool. They “Coun. Eadie was in- An official says Coun. Ross Eadie has been suspended from the police board for now. METRO FILE they make a decision.” are making all sorts of money toxicated, brought to the Eadie says he had no part from the reduced speed limits drunk tank and by his acted in such a way that quences, which could range We’re simply making inquir- in deciding to go through around schools and intersection admission was somewhat would “discredit or com- from a reprimand to a call ies,” he said. the inquiry process and is cameras, might as well spend belligerent and may have said promise the integrity of the for resignation. “The only reason this looking forward to its con- it on a good tool.” — Rui Dias things that maybe weren’t board.” “We’re not there yet at all. thing is dragging on is be- clusion but understands it appropriate. Tuckett cause we’ve had is within the police board’s “I haven’t been presented with “Well, we’re just try- said if Coun. Eadie was intoxicated, a little bit of dif- mandate. proof it is a benefit so I say cut it ing to determine how E a d i e brought to the drunk tank and ficulty getting in- “Yes, I got drunk. I admit and put our tax dollars to better inappropriate or what those were found formation that we it, passed out in a taxi. I use in the city.” — Thor Bielert by his admission was somewhat comments were.” to have need,” explaining admit it. It happened,” he He said Eadie’s behav- breached belligerent and may have said Eadie doesn’t re- said. “I think they can relax on the iour is now the subject an eth- things that maybe weren’t member what “It’s very humiliating every pointless flights. I get the idea of an inquiry, part of the ical code happened that time it goes in the news. I of ‘just in case’ and support it.” appropriate. board’s due diligence to he would night, but is guess its (the) repercussion — Devin Anderson ensure any member has not face conse- Police board vice-chairman Barry Tuckett known to have of being in public office.” WITH FILES FROM THE CANADIAN PRESS Creativity is subjective. The truth isn’t. Truth in Advertising Matters. Canada Monday, January 11, 2016 7 ‘This isn’t who we are’ VANCOUVER Syrian refugees into our com- PM, McCallum munities,” Palmer said, adding that police were looking for slam pepper- the man. “I condemn the attack on spray attack on Syrian refugees in Vancouver,” Syrian refugees Trudeau wrote on Twitter. A high-profile member of Canada’s Syrian community said Matt the pepper spraying was likely a one-off event and doesn’t re- Kieltyka flect how the majority of Can- Metro | Vancouver adians view the newly arrived migrants. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tima Kurdi — the aunt of was one of many Canadian pub- three-year-old Alan Kurdi, who lic figures who denounced a drowned while fleeing civil pepper-spray attack on Syrian strife in Syria — says the sup- Flames from a wildfire near Oliver, B.C., A crew battles a blaze in the La Ronge An air tanker drops fire retardant on a refugees in Vancouver at the port Canadians have shown to in August last year. area on northern Saskatchewan in July. hillside in West Kelowna, B.C. in July. weekend. refugees is “unbelievable” and JONATHAN HAYWARD/THE CANADIAN PRESS CONTRIBUTED/THE CANADIAN PRESS JONATHAN HAYWARD/THE CANADIAN PRESS The police they shouldn’t be called it a “hate- blamed for Friday PARKS motivated crime,” night’s incident. Wildfires drain firefighting reserves and Canadians Canadian people “To be honest, joined in con- Canadian people would not do this, demning the at- would not do tack. It happened the majority this, the majority Wildfires scorched a record into a reserve to be used in longer fire season, which will as about 100 of them. of them,” Kurdi amount of Canada’s national $14 million busy seasons. result in more ignitions and people — includ- said. “They are parks last year — the latest in a Lightning strikes on tinder- larger fires. Climate change is ing several newly Tima Kurdi big supporters number of long, hot summers dry forests made 2015 the third likely to increase our fire load arrived refugees to the refugees.” that have almost entirely de- big fire year in a row. Firefight- across Canada.” — congregated outside Van- Canada’s Immigration Min- pleted Parks Canada’s firefight- The cost of services last ing cost $14 million last sum- Parks Canada also set a re- summer. Parks Canada couver’s Muslim Association of ister John McCallum described ing reserve. mer and the reserve is pretty cord for prescribed burns in reserves about $8 million a Canada Centre after a welcome it as an “isolated incident” that “We had a very busy fire year to fight fires. much depleted, Weir said. 2015 — fires set and controlled ceremony on Friday night. won’t tarnish the country’s mi- year,” said director of fire man- If it becomes necessary, the by staff to duplicate a forest’s Vancouver Police Department grant-friendly reputation. agement Jeff Weir. “We had money would probably come natural cycle of burn and re- Chief Adam Palmer said an un- “This isn’t who we are — and more wildfires than normal scribed fires was 3,000 square from funds earmarked for juvenation. The agency set 28 identified male person riding doesn’t reflect the warm wel- and those fires burned larger kilometres. other ecological restoration such fires in 12 national parks, by on a bicycle approached the come Canadians have offered.” areas than normal.” Most of the damage in 2015 projects, Weir suggested. from Waterton Lakes in south- group and pepper-sprayed them. Vancouver Mayor Gregor Rob- The agency’s annual fire re- occurred in a single park. Fire Climate scientists have pre- western Alberta to Louisbourg Fifteen people were treated for ertson said the incident “was a port recorded 122 wildfires licked through 3,700 square dicted that busier fire seasons in Nova Scotia. exposure to pepper spray. disgusting display of hate — and in 2015 that burned through kilometres of Wood Buffalo on will be one consequence of Prescribed burns help re- “It’s a very troubling situa- Vancouver won’t stand for it.” 4,600 square kilometres — sev- the boundary between Alberta global warming and that will store a forest’s natural mix of tion and the actions of one man Canada has committed to ac- en times the area of the city of and the Northwest Territories. affect the parks, Weir said. plant species and ages, which have shed a negative light on cepting 25,000 refugees from Toronto. The yearly average is Parks Canada reserves about “If climate change is going to also helps keep normal popu- a lot of the positive work that Syria by the end of February. 82, and, in 2014, the amount of $8 million a year to fight fires. result in longer and drier sum- lations of animals in the park. has been done to welcome the WITH FILES FROM THE CANADIAN PRESS park land burned in non-pre- Any money not spent is rolled mers … we’re going to have a THE CANADIAN PRESS IN BRIEF UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Library gets Stalin Feel protected New anti-nuke effort daughter’s letters Canada plans to kick-start with Rental a long-stalled internation- al effort aimed at rid- Vehicle ding the world of the key Luke was young, members of her ingredients needed for Insurance. family were disappeared, her nuclear weapons. Can- Simcoe first lover was sent to Siberia, ada’s United Nations am- Metro | Toronto and the list just goes on.” bassador to Geneva will Written towards the end spearhead the creation of Renting or borrowing A new collection arriving at of Alliluyeva’s life, the letters a Fissile Material Cut-off a vehicle? Get the the University of Toronto li- were sent to British artist Mary Treaty or FMCT. brary reveals what it was like Burkett. The two women in- THE CANADIAN PRESS best financial to grow up — quite literally itially discussed art, but quickly protection at the — under one of the 20th cen- developed a deeper friendship. Line 9 heads for top court tury’s most famous dictators. “She seemed to feel a bond The Chippewas of the lowest price. The Thomas Fisher Rare with Mary from the start and Thames First Nation is Book Library has just acquired she told her quite a bit about taking its fight against En- Ask your Autopac a collection of letters written her personal life and what it bridge Inc., the National agent about Rental Vehicle by Svetlana Alliluyeva, the only was like growing up with her Energy Board and the At- Insurance today. daughter of former Soviet lead- father,” Dondertman said. torney General of Canada er Josef Stalin. The correspondence was put over the controversial Line “Can you imagine having up for auction after Burkett’s 9 pipeline — which runs Stalin as your father?” said the death, and secured by author between Sarnia, Ont., and library’s director, Anne Don- Rosemary Sullivan, whose re- Montreal — to the Su- dertman. “She had an amazing cent book, Stalin’s Daughter, preme Court of Canada. and difficult life. Her mother is an intensely researched ac- THE CANADIAN PRESS committed suicide when she count of Alliluyeva’s life. 8 Monday, January 11, 2016 World Trump levels jabs at Cruz ISLAMIC RELATIONS GOP rally boots silent protester An advocacy group is seeking REPUBLICAN RACE as his gilded hotels. Both have at- an apology from Republican Contests rival tracted overflow crowds: Trump presidential candidate Donald on basis of his at halls and stadiums; Cruz in Trump after a Muslim woman coffee shops, convenience stores, standing in silent protest at Canadian birth churches and diners. one of his rallies was heckled Cruz, who has long main- and escorted out. tained there is no issue with The Council on American- Businessman Donald Trump his Canadian birth since his Islamic Relations issued the taunted fellow Republican mother was a U.S. citizen, re- call for an apology after Rose candidate, Texas Sen. Ted peated Saturday that “the laws Hamid was thrown out of the Cruz, over his eligibility to be and facts are quite straight- Trump rally at Winthrop Uni- president and professed baffle- forward.” The Constitution says versity in South Carolina in ment that he’s not beating him only a “natural born citizen” Charlotte, N.C., on Friday. in Iowa polls, as a delicate de- may be president. Hamid said she was stand- tente between the two became Legal scholars generally agree ing up in protest to a Trump ever more frayed. the description covers foreign- statement when members of The race is intensifying with born children of U.S. parents. the audience pointed her out just over three weeks remain- Cruz renounced his Canadian by chanting “Trump, Trump, ing before the Feb. 1 Iowa cau- citizenship in 2014. Trump.” cuses lead off the state-by-state “You can’t have a person run- CAIR’s national executive nominating contests. Trump ning for office, even though Ted director Nihad Awad, also leads Cruz by double digits in is very glib and he goes out and called on Trump to meet with national polls, but the Texas he says, ‘Oh, well, I’m a natur- American Muslim leaders. senator leads in some Iowa al born citizen.’ The point is, Hamid said Saturday after- polls, which could give him a you’re not,” Trump said dur- noon she hadn’t received any boost heading into the Feb. 9 ing a rally Saturday in Clear response. New Hampshire primary. Lake, Iowa. “I would like to hear what With Trump in Iowa for “I mean, you’ve got to get Trump has to say about it,” the first time in the new year, a declaratory judgment, you she said. “I’d like to hear be- Iowans were seeing a sharp con- have to have the courts come cause if they say that it was trast between the grinding Iowa up with a ruling or you have a because we were disrupting campaign of Cruz — whose five candidate who just cannot run things, then I would like him stops Saturday completed a six- because the other side will im- to show evidence of where day, 28-event bus tour — and the mediately bring suit and you’ve the disruption came, because splashy mega-rallies that have got that cloud on your head.” Donald Trump flashes thumbs up after an address to a group of supporters at a campaign stop the disruption didn’t come become as much Trump’s brand THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in Burlington, Vt., on Jan. 7. CHARLES KRUPA/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS from me.” THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FPARIrS ance honours those who died in extremist attacks in 2015 France’s President Francois with deadly consequences. on Nov. 13. Paris was again or Anne Hidalgo unveiled a ers were also killed. 12 Hollande and other dignitaries At least one attacker is at jolted Thursday when a man plaque Sunday in memory of The ceremony took place at held a special ceremony Sun- large, and France’s top security wearing a fake explosives vest victims targeted at satirical Place de la Republique, a plaza day to honour all those killed official acknowledged Sunday and wielding a butcher’s knife newspaper Charlie Hebdo, a that has become a symbol of in Islamic extremist violence that authorities don’t know ran up to a police station and kosher market, a rock concert, Parisians’ solidarity since the Number of people killed around Paris in 2015 — a year his whereabouts. The coun- was shot to death by officers cafes, a stadium and elsewhere. attacks, which began Jan. 7, in attack on Charlie when the European way of life try is under a state of emer- standing guard. The violence left some 150 vic- 2015 with the Charlie Hebdo Hebdo offices. was targeted time and again gency after attacks in Paris Hollande and Paris May- tims dead, and several attack- attack. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lpaivye i nn o2RaSuét s1ae-r8rwv05et5zi- nu30ng1e- c2ao01n2ts0. u$ oltu47a tl9aios0nik gm/reda.t.ycu†oietme* $0Down Pa$0yments 0Interest% #lasiklife †Subject to credit approval. Only applicable towards a Custom LASIK/Custom All Laser procedures (including Laser PresbyVision) for both eyes completed by December 31st 2015. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. Offer subject to change without prior notice.*Prices are subject to change without prior notice and vary based on prescription strength. Standard LASIK starting at $490 per eye and Custom LASIK at $1,990/eye. Other conditions may apply. World Monday, January 11, 2016 9 GERMANY Cologne attacks must be investigated: Minister German authorities need to sure on Chancellor Angela quickly determine whether Merkel’s government and its a string of New Year’s Eve open-door policy to asylum sexual assaults and robber- seekers. Nearly 1.1 million ies in Cologne blamed largely migrants arrived in Germany on foreigners may be linked in 2015 alone. to similar offences in other She announced a proposal cities, the justice minister Saturday that would make it said in comments published easier to deport migrants who Sunday. commit crimes, which still Authorities and witness- needs parliamentary approval. es say the attackers were Cologne police said Sunday among about 1,000 people, that 516 criminal complaints mostly men, gathered at Co- had now been filed with them logne’s central in connection to train station, the New Year’s some of whom attacks, about broke off into 40 per cent of Nobody can tell small groups which involve that groped and me that this was allegations of robbed women. not co-ordinated. sexual offences. “If such a They also an- horde gathers in Heiko Maas nounced that on order to commit Saturday night A woman reads La Jornada newspaper in Mexico City on Sunday which shows a picture of drug lord Joaquin Guzman, aka “El crimes, that appears in some they arrested a 19-year-old Chapo,” right, shaking hands with actor Sean Penn. Authorities hope to question Penn about his interview. AFP/GETTY IMAGES form to be planned,” Justice Moroccan man on allegations Minister Heiko Maas told the he stole a 23-year-old woman’s Penn interview left newspaper Bild. cellphone on New Year’s, and “Nobody can tell me that had identified 19 other sus- this was not co-ordinated or pects by name. Police said prepared.” the Moroccan, who they said The attacks are still being has been involved in various trail to drug lord investigated, but police have crimes since 2013, isn’t ac- said their focus is on suspects cused of a sexual offence but of primarily North African the investigation is ongoing. origin, which has put pres- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MEXICO Penn wrote of elaborate secur- Describing the capture, Attor- Authorities ity precautions, but also said that ney General Arely Gomez said CRITICISM as he flew to Mexico on Oct. 2 that investigators had been aided raided hideout for the meeting: “I see no spy- in locating Guzman by docu- Sean Penn’s days after chat ing eyes, but I assume they are mented contacts between his interview there.” He was apparently right. lawyers and “actors and produ- with Guz- A Mexican federal law enforce- cers” interested in making a film man has Mexican officials say Sean Penn’s ment official, speaking on condi- about him. Two months after that prompted contacts with drug lord Joaquin tion of anonymity, said the Penn close call, marines finally caught criticism (El Chapo) Guzman helped them interview led authorities to Guz- him in a residential neighbour- through- track the fugitive down — even man in the area of Tamazula, a hood of Los Mochis, where they’d out the U.S. GETTY IMAGES if he slipped away from an initial rural part of Durango state. been monitoring a suspected and led some raid on the hideout where the They raided Guzman’s remote safe house. social media satirists to actor met him. hideout a few days after the inter- Penn wrote that Guzman was wonder whether the actor Penn’s article on Guzman was view and narrowly missed captur- interested in having a movie will hold other interviews published late Saturday by Roll- ing Guzman, whose July escape filmed on his life and wanted with leaders of terror or- ing Stone magazine, a day after from Mexico’s top security prison Mexican actress Kate del Cas- ganizations, such as the Is- Mexican marines captured the — through a 1.5-kilometre tun- tillo, who had portrayed a drug lamic State of Iraq and the Police use pepper spray to control protesters of the New Year’s world’s most wanted kingpin in nel — had embarrassed President trafficker in a television series, Levant (ISIL) and al-Qaida. Eve sex attacks on Saturday in Cologne, Germany. a raid on the city of Los Mochis Enrique Pena Nieto and made involved in the project. METRO SASCHA SCHUERMANN/GETTY near the Gulf of California. his capture a national priority. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MIDDLE EAST Afghan forces thinned out by ‘ghost’ soldiers Afghan forces are struggling to are only eight or 10,” said Karim He estimates 40 per cent of The Defence Ministry declined man the front lines against a re- Atal, head of Helmand’s provin- registered forces don’t exist, to comment on ghost security surgent Taliban, in part because cial council. “It’s because some and says the lack of manpower forces. Interior Ministry spokes- of untold numbers of “ghost” people are getting has helped the Tali- man Sediq Sediqqi acknowledged troops who are paid salaries but paid a salary but not ban seize 65 per cent the problem and said an investi- 40% only exist on paper. doing the job because of the province and gation has been launched. The nationwide problem has they are related to threaten the prov- “No one knows the exact num- been particularly severe in the someone important, incial capital, Lash- bers of the Afghan National De- southern Helmand province, like a local warlord.” kar Gah. Those men fence Forces,” an Afghan official where the Taliban have seized In some cases, the It’s estimated who do serve face said on condition of anonymity that 40 per cent vast tracts of territory in the 12 “ghost” designation is even greater danger because he was not authorized to of registered months since the U.S. and NATO more literal — dead Afghani soldiers because of the no- brief media on the topic. He said formally ended their combat soldiers and police re- don’t exist. shows. In the last the best internal estimates put mission and switched to train- main on the books, three months alone, the number at around 120,000, ing and support. with senior police or some 700 police of- less than a third of what’s needed Afghan National Army recruits attend their graduation in Kabul “At checkpoints where 20 sol- army officials pocketing their ficers have been killed and 500 to secure the country. in March 2015. Afghani forces have struggled to maintain their diers should be present, there salaries, Atal said. wounded, he said. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ranks against a resurgent Taliban. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE 10 Monday, January 11, 2016 Business STOCK MARKETS Long hours Investors brace for another rocky week don’t kill Tumult in China triggered the worst opening week for U.S. stocks in history, and this week investors could get plenty more to worry about. love: Study Earnings for companies in the Standard and Poor’s 500 index are forecast to drop for the second straight quarter, a rare occurrence outside a reces- RELATIONSHIPS or their romantic relation- sion. Despite a rebounding jobs Dual-career ship.… Our research questions market, the U.S. did not grow the assumption that working fast enough to boost profits, couples make longer hours is hazardous for and once surging developing all romantic relationships.” extra effort economies that helped lift for- Instead of finding that work- eign sales slowed dramatically. after work ing longer hours had a nega- All this would be worrisome tive effect on a couple’s rela- enough at any time, but in- tionship, the team found that vestors are particularly jittery It’s a common belief that work- couples actually made extra now. U.S. stocks are expensive ing longer hours can only cause effort with each other after by some measures, even after problems in your relationship. work to make up for time lost slipping in 2015 and falling However new research has with their partners through sharply in the first week of the shown that there is no link working long hours, leading year. That leaves little room A trader works at the New York Stock Exchange last week as stocks opened lower on news over with an unhappy relationship, the researchers to suggest that for more disappointing news. signs of belligerence in North Korea and weakening of China’s economy. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and in fact even the opposite longer working hours could in One widely respected gauge, might be true. some cases even be beneficial the so-called Shiller earnings aged over 10 years. The meas- high as they are, that’s a prob- according to S&P Capital IQ, A team of researchers stud- for a relationship. AFP ratio, is flashing warning signs. ure is now 25, much higher lem,” says Jack Ablin, chief a research firm. Revenues are ied 285 couples in which both Named after Nobel Prize win- — meaning more expensive investment officer of BMO Pri- forecast to fall for a fourth partners were pursuing their PUBLISHED ner Robert Shiller of Yale, the — than the long-term aver- vate Bank. quarter in row. careers to look at a possible ratio compares the price of age of 18. Companies begin reporting This wasn’t supposed to hap- negative effect of long working stocks to annual earnings aver- “When expectations are as their results for the October- pen. A year ago financial ana- hours on their relationships. The study was published December quarter on Monday. lysts said earnings for the Oc- “Conventional wisdom and by SAGE in the journal When expectations are as high Earnings per share for the com- tober-December quarter would research seem to suggest that Human Relations in part- as they are, that’s a problem. panies in S&P 500 is expected jump 12 per cent, and urged partners in dual-career couples nership with the Tavistock to have dropped 5.5 per cent investors to buy accordingly. have to decide whether they Institute in the U.K. Jack Ablin compared to a year earlier, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS would rather risk their careers LAS VEGAS Top gadgets from this year’s Consumer Electronics Show Each year, the Consumer sented iLi, a French, Thai and Korean should host of dishes from ingredients each glass Electronics Show (CES) in compact wear- follow soon. Release dates are that slot into the device in com- from a Las Vegas plays host to a able device that yet to be announced. partments, almost like printer cartridge- multitude of innovative new can translate cartridges. New recipes can be style wine high-tech gadgets. Here’s a any sentence Tech- downloaded and automatic- pod that rundown of the hottest prod- spoken into No-Logic ally cooked by the robot at the slots into ucts from this year’s show. its micro- OneCook correct temperature and for the the ma- D-Vine. Fitbit Blaze. phone into This proto- right amount of time. chine. CONTRIBUTED Fitbit Blaze CONTRIBUTED one of three Logbar type is A rinse Fitness-tracker specialist languages iLi. essentially D-Vine cycle flushes out any residue Fitbit was on-hand in Vegas to Apple Watch and a colour LCD. then deliver it CONTRIBUTED a robotic The D-Vine is a wine-tasting with water between each glass present its latest smartwatch. The Fitbit Blaze is expected back through person- machine that can serve a glass served. The D-Vine will start ship- The Blaze is a particularly styl- to ship in March 2016. an onboard speaker — no In- al chef of wine at exactly the right tem- ping in January. Note that creator ish model that stands out from ternet connection required. As that can Tech-No-Logic perature in just a few seconds. 10-Vins won the “Best Startup” the rest of the firm’s range Logbar iLi yet, the device only works with rustle up OneCook. Like a Nespresso-machine of the award at this year’s show. with a look reminiscent of the Japanese start-up Logbar pre- English, Japanese and Chinese. a whole CONTRIBUTED wine world, the D-Vine serves AFP RED RIVER FAMILY AUTOMOBILE ADVANCES MEDICAL CENTER Tesla reveals driverless CEO Elon Musk said the self-parking vehicles parking feature is a “baby Some Tesla Motors step” toward his eventual vehicles can park them- goal: Letting drivers sum- WALK-INS WELCOME selves without a driver mon their self-driving, inside with a software up- self-charging cars from WELCOME OUR NEW DOCTOR date beamed to custom- anywhere using their ers over the weekend. phones. AT 286 SMITH STREET The update also puts “I actually think, and I new speed limits on might be slightly opti- Tesla’s semi-autonomous mistic on this, within two WALK-INS AND APPOINTMENTS Autopilot mode and years you’ll be able to 9AM - 5PM (M -F) STARTING JAN 18 2016 makes several enhance- summon your car from 3 ments, including auto- across the country,” Musk matically slowing when said on a conference call 724 Ellice Ave 139 Carmen Ave 286 Smith Street the car is approaching a with reporters. LTOOC YASOTEUIRO!VNES 204.786.4673 204.663.7228 204.414.0019 cinu irtvse l aanned ekveeenp iwngh etnh et hcea r ste“pT hinis tihsa tth dei rfeircstti olitnt.l”e The new Tesla Model S. Phone each location for more details on hours. lane markings are faded. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GETTY IMAGES

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