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Preview Metro Vancouver - January 28, 2010

CANUCKS MAKE IT EVEN HALF DOZEN, PG9 Celebrity Buzz Bloom done with high seas pg 18 VANCOUVER • THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2010 metronews.ca Olympian’s family Man dead after iPadApple’s newest seed being shot offered free place PAUL SAKUM wHOMhICiIlDeE Ad mrainv diinedg Americans receive multiple invites after scam A/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS fsbVisohua lTionslnohyoc w teohti runiimansvg ngeae ys rnaape.r, so blwytrre tah2razd0oteias onp,y no w mn lhiaeciusade rbd ds aaraiinyivd- 201VA0N CGOUaVmERes PHOTO SUBM eaar mep alsaitlci lels sattyoui ncskgta ayin f dwy yeoo uhu a ngveuee ydas i1wn0hgte hinn Athhveee n1wu5ae0s 0 as bhtl oo1tc:.k 0H 6o ifs pE .camasrt. ITTED tthowatn wheo uwsoe uldin b e Whahpipsytler caonldli dcaemd ew tiot ha haa lwt. hite van GREG DOWNS to lend you so you can He was rushed to hospi- for Metro Vancouver see your son during the tal, but died shortly there- Olympics.” after. Thanks to an outpouring Mesler said the scam The shooting occurred of support from the local The Montebello chalet homes has not become a dis- near the busy Broadway community, the family of in Whistler where the Mesler traction for him and SkyTrain Station. U.S. Olympic bobsledder family has been offered free that the media cover- A school in the area was Steve Mesler will have accommodation. age and support will locked down for a short pe- free accommodation in help others who have riod of time. Whistler after they were yesterday. “I don’t know been victimized. METRO VANCOUVER scammed $8,000 trying to how many more places in “I know my parents rent a duplex to watch the world would have this aren’t the only ones News on the M ve their son compete. many people step up and this has happened to, Since Metro Vancouver let people in ... it’s showing now all of a sudden it’s What’s this first broke the story on how great the people of shed a light on Jason barcode for? Tuesday, Steve Mesler said Vancouver, Whistler and Hartlen (name used by Learn how to scan his family, especially his Canada are.” the scammer) who hope- tthhee i bnastrrcuocdteio wnsit aht mom, has been over- Mesler’s parents, who fully now, because of this the top of pg 2 whelmed by people’s reac- live in Buffalo and are com- attention, it might be eas- tion. ing as part of a group of 10, ier to catch him.” VancouverGames “My parents had no less have accepted invitations Mesler said he heard than 12 or 15 emails and from two families to stay from a couple who Facebook messages from in the Whistler area for told him they also lost Countdown people offering up their free. $2,500 to a person by to 2010 places, whether it’s a The Moore family, who that same name. room, the whole house ... own Burnaby-based Wat- Follow Metro as we bring people just saying we don’t son Gloves, have a town- you daily coverage leading have much room but if we house within walking dis- Warning issued up to the 2010 Winter can help, great.” tance of the Whistler Slid- Olympics in Mesler added he doesn’t ing Centre. (cid:129) Since Metro reported on Vancouver. believe this story casts a “I felt terrible for the the scam, the Province of • Today — Lueders negative shadow on the family who were going to B.C. has issued a warning to driving for Games or Canadians. come to see their son but Olympic visitors about gold, “One rotten apple does- now didn’t have a place to property rental fraud. See it page 12 n’t spoil the bunch,” the stay,” said Michele Moore. at metronews.ca. three-time Olympian said “So I sent (Steve Mesler) an On the web Visit metronews.ca Funds being raised for injured man for news updates ShareYourViews POLICE INCIDENT A fundraiser n’t been able to work will be at SUCCESS, a chari- Apple CEO Steve Jobs shows off the new iPad during an Apple is being set up for a Vancou- since the incident on Jan. ty that helps newcomers to event in San Francisco yesterday. The unveiling ended months [email protected] ver man injured when po- 12. Canada adjust, to suggest of rumours, intrigue and speculation about the one-button, lice knocked on the wrong Tomorrow, Police Chief what people should do if keyboard-free mobile computing device billed as a cross door during an arrest. Jim Chu and Police Com- they are in a police incident. between a laptop and a smartphone. Story, page 7 Yao Wei Wu says he has- plaint Comm. Stan Lowe METRO VANCOUVER Free Daily News Group Inc., operating as Metro Vancouver Newspapers 1190 Homer Street, Suite 250, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2X6. Publisher: Maryse Lalonde metro metronews.ca Thursday, January 28, 2010 2 News on the M ve 1DOWNLOAD THE FREESCANLIFE 2USE THE SCANLIFE APPLICATION 3THE CODES WILL DIRECT YOUR APPLICATION WITH YOUR ON YOUR SMARTPHONE TO MOBILE BROWSER TO RELEVANT IN THREE EASY STEPS SMARTPHONE AT 2DSCAN.COM SCAN 2D BARCODES IN METRO CONTENT AT M.METRONEWS.CA Whistler sees record snowfall Local Whistler Blackcomb has seen a record 9.9 metres (32.5 feet) of snow this season, according to VANOC. That’s great news for Games organizers struggling to deal with a lack of snow on Cypress Mountain, home of freestyle skiing and snowboarding. METRO VANCOUVER Council aims to put stop to Reviving Chinatown News in brief Red Tent homeless campaign ROAD CLOSURES The next phase of Olympic road closures in downtown Vancouver OPPOSITION Handing out viewing city bylaws regard- Projects meant to lure visitors, investment begins tomorrow. Expo and Pa- 500 red tents to the home- ing tent cities in light of a caPOirlflaoyiccum ebn p—odiuc G lbveMoevnta Phurl deaosscf, e w—w ahh nwiicdcihh lBl asb.Crnee.a skheut lmdreeesdensa” tn s itsi tnnwo ’ ht “espunwap ihiptna otitn r tvt htitheoee fd t orcoewiustniyr- 2rpeur0eel0oicn9pt lg e Ba t.Chht.aea vmtS eup sapotihrrdeae mr yhr eoi sgmhhCeetol luetetsrosrt KkrRisItSeTnE.tNh oTmHOpsMonP@SOmNet ronews.ca KRISTEN THOM WttobnorlefauA wMtfeTrfai EecStfRi tefbnri ycoTygm. he 2VTe o0anh u nwoeprc wea goCrto u eabcaprvee leicc nliroaast .utmntaosopie n rfs egit lhhdt oraeuausc- tea OgTaanneolCnyiddnmot s guttCp hontiaeopccm i aPltC prtsiihyvaat oyliitedgwtot n yLe i ndeesi.sgienpta e lHttr hShdooeeau cy sbRi ieiunett’ddgys ossicnyhongmTue c hlnptbieteetoyr rorly spspe’ adsrloe or nht’epse o t efnahmurttetlstely e .swl ntiefrots eihsuoenolntdem, tsdaosecr lattce hwrasiess-- TCemvnihfhesfuewioinnt roc aiititnr ttytsoyvo f awei obsnsnr trdg m iOa giev lehfnyianntmcectgoe npaul iintrcfhadt ge ian ecc oatimnv-- PSON/METRO VANCOUVER tion plant is removing more Coalition from handing out sis during the Olympics. ity in one of Vancouver’s impurities from the reservoirs. the tents. Jang said he and Mayor oldest neighbourhoods. The blue water is lower in tur- “We’re not supportive (of Gregor Robertson agree Improvement projects in- bidity. the campaign),” said Coun. with Pivot that a federal clude painting lively mu- ARREST One of the Lower Kerry Jang. “We’re worried housing strategy is needed, rals, replacing old awnings, Mainland’s top 10 most-want- about the health and safety but that this isn’t the way to renovating the facades of ed suspects for car thefts has of the homeless.” get it. KRISTEN THOMPSON/ empty storefronts and her- been arrested in Surrey. Jamie Jang said council is re- METRO VANCOUVER itage buildings, and in- Crosson, 19, was bitten by a stalling a five-storey neon pyamGfRgaefCorRctuosMleOitigwncreWsP ger-ph od fdo-dooOpaolrtuyi uP cig,tnn eg ow Ad d t rct huh eBhahirelu ceaeis nhrh roapngg ospcuaee amhhbbsdmii lyessa ihc t e fcaii.itn cosreaa ru rwedtpesahldtyeic ihs JEFF HODSON/METRO VANCOUVER sblunmFaieipagnaaObr n tri .SnNne k 1trea eer4cnt edw.e se Kl teYwaesber.eiheartfah urea,t rn ilw aosdao hnrn pe ibocdadehf r iCa tnwhdogieell u lprL moebuundet-- they were raising their three “We want children. METRO NEWS SERVICES to make UNESCO sure China- town draws • City council its share of is trying to get An artist’s rendering of the inside of Canada’s Olympic Pavilion. attention Chinatown WHAT’S ONLINE TODAY from visi- designated a Olympic Pavilion on track, MP says tors,” said UNESCO VideoHundreds turn out at Mayor Gre- World Her- Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, in Chinatown yesterday, Ottawa funeral for Mountie GAMES Canada’s Olympic an flag and Canada’s brand, gor Robert- itage Site. holds one of 100 red lanterns going up around the killed in Haiti quake Pavilion is on schedule and will be one of the attrac- son. neighbourhood for the Lunar New Year. at metronews.ca/ on budget, Conservative MP tions at Vancouver’s Geor- “We’ve canada James Moore said yesterday gia Street LiveCity site. been working closely with contest, where students during a sneak peek at the Moore said the pavilion the community to address from Langara College’s De- $10-million structure. will provide entertainment (its) needs and bring eco- sign Formulation program Lotteries A planned media tour of and interactive activities for nomic prosperity back to create displays for five Lotto 6/49 14, 17, 19, 21, 40 & 42 Bonus 26 the pavilion was scrapped visitors of all ages. Displays this historic part of our shops that celebrate the BC 49 2, 3, 13, 23, 36 & 44 Bonus 31 yesterday, but reporters will highlight Canada’s city.” Chinese New Year. Extra 5, 17, 28, 55 were invited to photograph sport history and a touch- The city and the China- The public can vote for These results are not official. and film the tent’s exterior screen avatar will take peo- town Business Improve- their favourite design until Scanne twhsis o bna yrcooudr es mfoar rmtpohroen Leo.cal from across a parking lot. ple through a downhill ment Association also an- Feb. 5. For more informa- Learn how to scan the barcode with ADVERTISE TODAY! The two-storey white event. JEFF HODSON/ nounced they’re holding a tion on the contest visit the instructions at the top of this page 1 888 91 metro (63876) tent, marked with a Canadi- METRO VANCOUVER second window display vancouver-chinatown.com. (cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3) Start now by fi nding out how to complete an bachelor’s degree in commerce, professional communication, international hotel management, justice studies, environmental science, or environmental management in one year or two. Online and on-campus options. Call today 1-877-778-6227 or contact us at www.royalroads.ca/metro UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS VICTORIA BC CANADA Thursday, January 28, 2010 metronews.ca metro local Yogathon for Haiti 3 Yogis and yoginis can do their part to help the earthquake survivors in Haiti by joining an RCMP-hosted yogathon at the Richmond Centre Mall on Saturday. The hour-long classes start at 8 a.m. and run until 6 p.m., with a minimum drop-in donation of $10. All the money will go to the Red Cross.METRO VANCOUVER New Westminster to host first rail mall terday. including Shoppers Drug “This development is the three residential towers al- STIG NIELSEN The 200,000-square-foot Mart, Royal Bank, Safeway “This development way of the future, where ready built by the site, pro- for Metro Vancouver shopping mall overlooking and a 10-screen cinema. is the way of the elevated traffic is fully inte- jected 500 families will the Fraser River is being TransLink spokesperson grated with shopping and move into the complex. Canada’s first rail mall is built around the station, Ken Hardie said the devel- future.” a large residential com- New Westminster Mayor set to open at New West- with the SkyTrain tracks opment plays right into Ken Hardie plex,” he said. Wayne Wright described it minster SkyTrain station in going right through it. It’ll the transit authority’s am- Mike Degelder, the de- as “the future of living in 2011, developers said yes- include various retailers bition of mixing communi- ty centres and transit hubs. veloper of the mall and an urban environment.” STIG NIELSEN/FOR M ETRO VANCOUVER An Olympic wrap envelops the TD building in downtown Van- couver yesterday. Word on the street: What do you think of the Olympic building wraps going up in Vancouver? Senator Paul Yuzyk, 1913–1986 TJ Sidhu 19, Vancouver “They brighten the place up for the tourists, and I see a lot of peo- ple just standing around taking pictures, and that’s pretty nice.” Tara Viola 19, Cloverdale Do you know someone who is an advocate for multiculturalism and for integrating cultural “I think it is very tacky and a little communities and new Canadians? childish. They are like cartoon characters, and Quatchi isn’t a very original Nominate this person today for the Paul Yuzyk name. It’s good they are trying to promote to kids, but I think it Award for Multiculturalism. The deadline for makes us (Canadians) look a lit- tle foolish.” nominations is March 1, 2010. Yoo Sunae $20,000 will go to an eligible, not-for-profit 26, Vancouver organization of the award winner’s choice. “I think that the pic- ture is pretty, and I think it is kind of cute. I like the characters of the Winter Games, especially the www.cic.gc.ca/paulyuzyk big one (Quatchi). This way people can easily get reminded of the Olympic colours.” News in brief ARTIFACTS A blockbuster tour of 2,200-year-old Chinese arti- facts — including the earliest known prototypes of the terra- cotta warriors — will be mak- ing a stop at Victoria’s Royal B.C. Museum. The Warrior Em- peror and China’s Terracotta Army tour runs June until early 2012. METRO NEWS SERVICES metro metronews.ca Thursday, January 28, 2010 4 UFO spotted in Newfoundland to remain a mystery The reported sighting of a mysterious object in the sky over a community on the south coast of Newfoundland might remain just that — a mystery. The RCMP said there’s no debris or any evidence that would allow the Mounties to investigate. THE CANADIAN PRESS Canada Haiti no boon to Harper Prorogation overshadowing response: Poll Families sending money back cent supporting the Tories consequence, what you see home to Haiti Haiti and 31 per cent for the Lib- is an unwillingness to con- Crisis erals. cede that these guys are ac- CASHMore and more Hait- The gap is well within tually engaged and in- ian-Canadians are sending Canada’s swift response to the poll’s margin of error. volved and working,” he money to family members the tragedy in Haiti hasn’t “We’re back into too- said. in their quake-ravaged boosted the federal close-to-call territory,” said But this animosity could homeland. And they say government’s popularity Gregg. fade, he added. the cash is making the dif- among voters, a new poll The NDP were at 15 per “There’s no question ference between their rela- suggests. cent, while the Bloc and that they’re getting really tives eating or starving. Voters apparently re- the Green party each had solid grades for Haiti, so I Haitians were already main unhappy about 10 per cent. think right now those two heavily dependent on for- Prime Minister Stephen Gregg said prorogation things are creating kind of eign money before the Harper’s unpopular deci- remains a dead weight for a conflicting impulse, earthquake on Jan. 12. And sion to prorogue Parlia- the Tories and works where nothing is changing relatives in Canada now say ment and aren’t swayed by against the kind of popu- but the sands have a poten- foreign cash is helping peo- the popular effort to help larity boost they might tial to change.” ple buy food, water and Haiti, said pollster Allan have looked for after a Gregg said the data don’t other day-to-day necessities. Gregg. speedy and high-profile re- hold much good news for In Port-au-Prince, The latest Canadian sponse to the earthquake. the Liberals and Michael Haitians desperate for cash Press Harris-Decima survey “There continues to be a Ignatieff, but reflect the are braving long lineups at suggests the Conservatives lingering anxiousness and simmering anger over pro- money transfer offices as and Liberals are in a statis- animosity around the pro- rogation. the system gets up and run- tical dead heat, with 32 per rogation issue and, as a THE CANADIAN PRESS ning. THE CANADIAN PRESS No improvement in Ottawa54 Haitian orphans arrive in town food safety: Union PAW LISTERIOSISThe government EL DW hasn’t improved the food- ULIT/THE CANADIAN PRESS saoasthaafnutfiOedtedeb p rtc ayr yott ee ichusoasoyentknnse tf, tsr Carefudytoomaam’onsly d se.sll iaiorisxrnsmt g emsgepmrrisooeotancu stcttipeooshurnssr-s, sumer organization, and the union representing the inspectors said the government has yet to de- termine how many people it needs to ensure safe food and to figure out if a new inspection system ac- tually works. THE CANADIAN PRESS News in brief Haitian orphaned children are carried by volunteers off an Air Transat plane that arrived at the Ottawa Airport yesterday carrying 54 Haitian orphans to be united with their new Canadian families. INFANTThe parents of a brain- damaged infant in Edmonton are getting more time to line up medical specialists who can Canadians’ love for Obama grows review his condition. FACEBOOK The federal privacy watchdog is looking into a new POLL As U.S. President Tories. vative helm, 43 per cent of complaint about Facebook. Barack Obama strug- The survey sug- Canadians would cast their The privacy commissioner says gles to reconnect gests that if Obama ballots for the Tories. the complaint focuses on a tool with recession- was Liberal leader, Doug Anderson, presi- introduced by Facebook last weary Americans, a 48 per cent of Cana- dent of Harris/Decima, month. THE CANADIAN PRESS new poll suggests dians would vote for says he suspects the his popularity is un- the party. That health-care debate that’s relenting in Canada. would result in the been raging in the United A new Canadian Tories losing a large States for months has like- Press-Harris Decima chunk of their base, ly cemented Canadian af- survey says Obama Barack with 30 per cent of fection for Obama. would be elected Obama them saying they’d “That is something that with a majority vote Liberal if Oba- is near and dear to Canadi- north of the border regard- ma had Michael Ignatieff’s ans, and he’s out there Since finishing Terry Fox’s less of whether he was job. fighting for it,” Anderson Ccaronsasd-aC arnecaidpaie rnutn h, afos rlmede ar Otrroduebr loefd leading the Liberals or the If he was at the Conser- said. THE CANADIAN PRESS life. Scan this code for the story. metronews.ca metro Thursday, January 28, 2010 Officials fear for remaining whooping cranes 5 The world’s last remaining natural flock of endangered whooping cranes will probably see another die-off, Texas wildlife managers said. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS World Embattled Obama pledges more jobs An embattled U.S. “Change has not come economic worries foremost President Barack Obama fast enough,” Obama said. on Americans’ minds. vowed in his first State of He compared the United He spoke to a nation the Union address last States to other nations: gloomy over double-digit night to make job growth “Washington has been unemployment and federal his topmost priority, as he telling us to wait for deficits soaring to a record looked to reignite his decades, even as the prob- $1.4 trillion, and to fellow stalling presidency. lems have grown worse. Democrats dispirited about Speaking before a politi- Meanwhile, China’s not the fallen standing of a pres- cian-packed House of Repre- waiting to revamp its econo- ident they hoped would car- sentatives chamber and a my. Germany’s not waiting. ry them through this fall’s television audience of mil- India’s not waiting.” midterm congressional elec- lions, Obama urged law- Obama looked to use the tions. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS makers to come together high-profile speech to around new stimulus spend- change America’s conversa- ing and short-term econom- tion from how his presiden- ic relief. cy is troubled — over the Defiant despite stinging messy health-care debate, a setbacks, he said he would limping economy and the not abandon ambitious missteps that led to Christ- plans for longer-term fixes mas Day’s barely averted A family friend reports John Edwards to health care, energy, edu- terrorist attack — to how he sepaanradt ehdis i wn itfhee, Ealfitzearbmeathth, h oafv ae sex cation and more. is seizing the reins on the scandal. Scan this code for the story. What’s next for Haiti’s children? sdsiPnmlOre eReadTpsss-oh A rheUoddu-fiPCH ndRtcg hIriaNrtosiyyCtus i Erast wieaInseninhdt d e arsh ce qua gurmhoat uikpntnesog,-- GREGORY BULL/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS eight-year-old Benoit Wod- son has at least a bunk bed, food and friends to play with on a lawn beneath the mango trees. The boy with the big grin Thousands of displaced children are in Port-au-Prince. and the big scar across his nose wants something scattered among Port-au- UNICEF, Save the Chil- more, though: “Can we go Prince’s makeshift camps dren and the Red Cross look for my mom? Can we of homeless and many have begun registering at- go look for my parents?” he have nobody to care for risk children and sending asked a worker yesterday them, aid workers say, leav- some to orphanages such at the orphanage where ing them without protec- as l’Escale — the name he’s been brought. tion against disease, child means “in transit” — The smallest survivors of predators and other risks. where they can be tem- Haiti’s catastrophic earth- Some young Haitians are porarily sheltered, said Bo quake are growing into one even being released from Viktor Nylund, a senior of the biggest problems in hospitals with no one to UNICEF adviser for child its aftermath. Countless care for them. There just protection. thousands of children are aren’t enough beds. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS News in brief AFGHANISTAN An eastern was uniquely positioned to de- terday as DNA tests helped Afghan tribe has signed a pact fy the Taliban with its sizable identify several victims, includ- to keep the Taliban out of their militia and a history of unity ing two children whose lands, pledging to burn down against outsiders. Tribal lead- remains were pulled from the the houses of those who shel- ers said the agreement was sea. The plane went down ear- ter insurgents and force them borne as much out of frustra- ly Monday just minutes after to pay fines as high as $20,000. tion with the Afghan govern- takeoff from Beirut in a storm. U.S. military officials yesterday ment as the desire to keep out All 90 people on board were welcomed the decision by the militants. feared dead, but only some Shinwari tribe with a pledge of LEBANON International ships bodies have been found. Three $1 million US and $200,000 in scanned Lebanon’s coast for more victims — two of them job programs. But they the black boxes and wreckage toddlers — also have been acknowledged that the tribe of an Ethiopian Airlines jet yes- identified. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS metro metronews.ca Thursday, January 28, 2010 6 world Teen who beat mother to death with hammer gets 16 to life A girl who acknowledged beating her adoptive mother to death with a claw hammer when she was 14 has been given 16 years to life in state prison. Sixteen-year-old Heather Marie D’Aoust was sentenced yesterday in Superior Court.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Marriage before gay rights? BeijingA huge hit TvyosPhaehf olsresutau eefemlorsddus e tcanh-eoysdimen etrxkhre v- acot soatfie un tnachpko fe lnatge ermdsisg ttiiilhoyfntiesdstit“tcuhhI aditltodi og rbeanenyl i waesnvohdeuo lliedtu s ibsbl eiadanlmn ec fcooiots umtfr pcoelmeerst a hfaiiannrvdlsyi ntt th:gr eu Fgiearaymilynasst httlevai etsttu sraer itistaig ololvh u nitetoe xtlesbaoptyti lsmfeo y dr t aiielhnrnenreg yy t U.haiwn.eShgd .f e eCgtedhaoeyenrrsr-- VINCENT THIAN/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS preserving the cherished marriage.” David Blankenhorn Chief U.S. District Judge social institution of Vaughn R. Walker has said marriage, as a trial weighed by the likely dam- ing anti-gay prejudice and he wants to take several challenging states’ gay age it would cause the al- hate crimes, and creating a weeks to review all the evi- marriage bans was wind- ready weakened state of higher standard of living dence before hearing clos- ing down. heterosexual unions. for same-sex couples. ing arguments. David Blankenhorn, He acknowledged, how- “I do believe it is almost Blankenhorn’s testimo- president of the New York- ever, that allowing gays to certainly true that gay and ny was almost certain to be based Institute for Ameri- wed would have positive lesbian couples and their cited by lawyers for the can Values, said under consequences for same-sex children would benefit two gay couples suing to cross-examination there couples and society, such from having gay mar- overturn the ban prompt- are many valid reasons for as scoring “a victory for riage,” he said. ed by voter-approved allowing gays to wed, but the worthy ideas of toler- Blankenhorn was ex- Proposition 8 in Califor nia. the considerations are out- ance and inclusion,” reduc- pected to be the last wit- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Researchers prep for study on ‘scientific whaling’ SCIENCE Scientists from Aus- will likely do little to hunt whales in Antarctica tralia and New Zealand are change Japan’s support for Anti-whaling under what it says is a sci- to set out on a whale re- whaling. entific program allowed by search expedition to the “You can always come up (cid:129) Last year, several anti- the International Whaling Antarctic on Monday in an with some question that whaling nations came to- Commission, despite a effort to disprove Japan’s will require an animal to gether to form the South- 1986 ban on commercial argument that whales must be killed for something or ern Ocean Research Part- whaling. Japan sends a be killed to be studied. other,” said Nick Gales, the nership, an effort to pro- fleet to the Antarctic each The results of the six- expedition’s chief scientist mote non-lethal whale re- year to hunt hundreds of Spectators sit in front of a poster for director James Cameron’s week expedition are cen- and leader of the Aus- search in the hopes of even- minke whales, which are sci-fi epic Avatar at a theatre in Beijing yesterday. China is urg- tral to the whaling debate tralian Antarctic Division’s tually seeking an IWC ban not endangered. Whale ing theatre operators to make sure at least two-thirds of the because Japan is allowed to Australian Marine Mam- on whaling for scientific meat not used for study is films they show are domestic after the Hollywood blockbuster kill whales provided it’s mal Center. “But the ques- study. sold as food in Japan, became the highest-grossing film in the country’s history. for research. Still, no mat- tion is whether that is a which critics say is the real ter what the outcome, critical issue for the man- of whales.” reason for the hunts. both sides acknowledge it agement and conservation Japan is permitted to THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bangladesh executes five Russia sees dramatic drop in racial violence: Rights group men for 1975 coup killing TENSIONS Racially motivat- wounded in racist attacks ed violence in Russia last year, down from 110 Targeted groups DHAKA Bangladesh execut- tary coup culminated in dropped sharply in 2009 killed and 487 wounded in ed five former soldiers yes- the killing of Bangladesh’s due to a more vigorous ef- 2008. (cid:129)As in previous years, most of labourers from former Soviet terday for killing the coun- leader Sheikh Mujibur fort by police and a shift in Galina Kozhevnikova, the victims in 2009 were dark- republics in Central Asia and try’s independence leader Rahman, who led tactics by extremist deputy head of Sova, called skinned, non-Slavic migrant the Caucasus. in a 1975 military coup, au- Bangladesh’s independ- groups, a human rights it the first significant drop thorities said. ence war against Pakistan group said yesterday in such attacks since the claims it is trying to com- Putin this week that the The men were hanged in 1971. Before independ- The Moscow-based group group began collating sta- bat racist violence, al- number of racist crimes early Thursday inside Dha- ence, Bangladesh was part Sova, which monitors hate tistics in 2004. though they appear to con- decreased twofold last ka Central Jail, prison offi- of Pakistan. crimes in Russia, said 71 The findings appear to tradict a statement by year. cial Brig.-Gen. Mohammad Rahman went on to be- people were killed and 333 vindicate government Prime Minister Vladimir THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ashraful Islam Khan said. come the new country’s They were hanged one first leader. But he and after another, and the exe- most of his family and Tourists lacking shelter, food cutions took only 30 min- close aides were gunned MoscowKeep fishin’ utes, private TV station down at his Dhaka resi- after Machu Picchu mudslide ATN Bangla said. dence during the coup. M EiPdwagmanM toianac ugyuEtce d egRthtashPrheGrul erebeiEa dsr Nyycn ue Cildmvs’ttaYs ahi tc lesdrrlkhrafTaeea cgpeoelemy el nupts .ereodeaidroduiasd fy tgta sshhMny ep edfavamrso cifitaostche iierdertnuer,--- Cslt$aaheAtnelel iatdt3nyhl g rpNie cifgc.o kTairo 5lV c $np l3 sro—.it05cua0e dft .iii vnoceBw nlt ootha.ivtemttee lieersr sos aw -roefas IKHAIL METZEL/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS clfjsaDfoaaiturchaimwoHWtl tah iueiaooikioonldmutnyanund r s i mrts ew,rdos tse teeh btspbhirmmeeegeoees ffhr be ojoctmateererl itersosedle se as .wn tcietiihndhnu diwte esr hc tiiieedtore ryrx e tno,ethee tra ttcxerhhaaduaeifleesrl---- gqtwSpHsthhihiursahvTeeietesmeey heininnkn reewt,c ha ioRem n cmuarRodaeihpHeulnei i mnohmptdaania s basnrinltlnheynyieeact ’ eaarsp,yrar , d u u u dbeiltssnayery beuousor er snsug1vc,uw h ntait9bahvrtgme9nseieeera6erddyeerl,-. The visitors complained keeping helicopters from tions. were touring Europe at the restaurants were inflating flying to the village yester- The Aug. 15, 1975 mili- time. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS their prices, and many day, cabinet chief Javier Ve- have slept in Machu Picchu lasquez told reporters in Pueblo’s train station or in the capital, disrupting News in brief the central plaza after they plans to evacuate 800 ran out of money or hos- tourists. Choppers dropped SPACE NASA has set an early Station, the last of the major tels ran out of space. off food and water and fer- February launch date for space U.S. components. The six-per- “It’s chaos. We don’t ried out 475 people on shuttle Endeavour. Senior man- son crew will hook up the have food, we don’t have Tuesday. agers decided yesterday to chamber in a series of space- water, we don’t have blan- Authorities say 1,400 proceed toward a Feb. 7 launch walks. Some of the ammonia kets, we can’t communi- tourists remain stranded date for Endeavour. It will be a coolant lines for the chamber cate and the police lack an since Sunday’s mudslides A man fishes, braving temperatures below -20 C on the ice of pre-dawn liftoff at 4:39 a.m. failed tests earlier this month, evacuation plan to put us damaged sections of the the Khimki reservoir in northwest Moscow yesterday. Experts Endeavour will carry up a new so engineers scrambled to at ease,” Argentine tourist railway to the city of Cuzco said this month was the coldest in Moscow in sixty years. room and observation deck for fashion new hoses out of old Alicia Casas told Lima’s THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the International Space hardware. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thursday, January 28, 2010 metronews.ca metro Federal Reserve to keep rates at record low 7 The U.S. Federal Reserve has decided to hold interest rates at a record low and pledged to keep them there for an “extended period” to nurture the economic recovery and lower high unemployment. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DOLLAR GAS OIL TSX Business US 93.92¢ US $5.274 US $73.67 11,344.11 US .20¢ US 21.1¢ US $1.04 17.08 EDITOR: [email protected] M Apple Inc. releases iPad ARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AnsUtlyhtepSysTewt,pl hsea$ll e ewy1 ip P ,iIue0rnaPin0rdacce0ve.d s ew e,ttt ihxaawliepalgrlhtdte sif i cnsaectotagrhlil mnb b atiglehsete . le tl$oaa-4wnr9ga9e-r T(cid:129)iteslda etTeg abdesbu dllfeco ectAr ec tpasossp m.d l eepJ couawbtdesiler ls ,a hhwcakaivnvtheeo weltixtol--- 1mnstUai0e.o oAS epn.hnpd l otawpihnnulie gsrto h swnaf r a picsolnhatlma dyaan- rlacAsdgsaoeTb-ny .&yso eTswuli lt-ii g tanfoh o v otdrehu areat-- ycwvllyareertseAtieatl apsbidptn pe ishgoe ltue,nanh ndt”h aaht tain ocld nouity tikorge greuhshweptn cteotmlct ryuiledtya ldsan d .y“s yul’p bsanae tedunce enusaart--- in size but similar in de- work to convince con- Two tiers of data plan one-piece tablet computer sign to Apple’s popular sumers who already have will be available without with a big touch screen. iPhone, was billed by CEO smartphones and laptops contracts: $14.99 per The CEO demonstrated Steve Jobs yesterday as “so that they need this gadget. month for 250 megabytes how the iPad is used for much more intimate than of data and $29.99 for un- surfing the web with Ap- a laptop and so much more limited data usage. ple’s Safari browser. Jobs, capable than a smart iPad models will cost $499 Those 3G models will 54, a pancreatic cancer sur- phone.” US — about $530 at yester- cost more — $629, $729 vivor who got a liver trans- The highly-anticipated day’s exchange rate — and $829, depending on plant last year, looked thin gadget has a 24.6-centime- $599 and $699, depending the amount of memory. as he introduced the high- tre touch screen, is 1.3 cen- on the storage size. The Wi-Fi only version will ly anticipated gadget, Apple CEO Steve Jobs presents the iPad in San Francisco, yester- timetres thick, weighs 680 All models have Wi-Fi be available worldwide in though he seemed to have day. The iPad has a 24.6-centimetre touch screen, is 1.3 centime- grams and comes with 16, and Bluetooth connectivity March, and the 3G version more energy than at Ap- tres thick, weighs 680 grams and comes with up to 64 gigabytes 32 or 64 gigabytes of flash built in. Jobs said the de- in April. International cel- ple’s last event in Septem- of flash memory storage, as well as Bluetooth technology. memory storage. The basic vice has a battery that lasts lular data details have not ber. THE CANADIAN PRESS Business in brief RECALL The faulty gas pedal in- executive search firm says the volved in a massive recall and number of women in top exec- sales suspension of eight pop- utive jobs at the largest THINKING OF AN MBA? ular Toyota models in North publicly traded companies in America was built in Ontario. Canada has stalled. The supplier is Indiana-based Rosenzweig & Company says in CTS Corp. and the problem a statement yesterday that the part was manufactured at its economic downturn has likely plant just west of Toronto. Toy- contributed to the finding that Whether your goals include joining an existing organization ota Motor Corp. also recalled fewer than seven per cent of an additional 1.9 million vehi- the most senior corporate of- or pursuing your own entrepreneurial venture, we’ll give you cles in the U.S. yesterday after fices are occupied by women, the tools and experience to thrive in the new business world. floor mat problems. compared to 7.2 per cent last Our MBA is a full-time, 12-month program for those with LABOUR A new report from an year. THE CANADIAN PRESS undergraduate degrees in areas other than business, and less than five years of professional work experience. Upon completion of the program, students may enter a three- to eight-month internship to gain essential work experience. CAN’T DO A FULL-TIME MBA? Not everyone is able to adapt life to the rigorous timetable of a What is ‘kaizen’ and how can Toyota get it back after a massive face-to-face business program. That’s why we developed the recall over faulty gas pedals? Scan this code for the full story. Graduate Diploma in Business Administration. It utilizes an online learning environment that lets you study when it is convenient to your schedule, from wherever you are. Depressed in Winter? If you are 19-65 years old, generally in good health, not COME TO AN INFO SESSION currently in psychiatric treatment and you have 3 or more of the following symptoms in winter: For more information on these and our other graduate business programs, visit our website at Feeling sad or down business.sfu.ca/segal or come to an info session: Loss of interest or motivation Increased need for sleep • Thursday, January 28, 2010 Fatigue or decreased energy • Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Increased appetite Poor concentration Information sessions start at 5:30 p.m. and are held at You may be eligible to participate in a research study comparing Segal Graduate School of Business, 500 Granville Street. new forms of LIGHT AND NEGATIVE ION TREATMENT for WINTER DEPRESSION. Register today at business.sfu.ca/infosession Katrina, MBA The study is being conducted by Dr. Raymond Lam at the Mood or call 778.782.5013. Graduate Diploma in Business Administration Disorders Centre, UBC Hospital. BA Communications For more information, call 604-822-0332. . . SFU Business Segal Graduate School Simon Fraser University metro metronews.ca Thursday, January 28, 2010 8 VANCOUVER METRO CANADA Assoc Mana gingEditor, Tarin Elbert Art Director, Laila Hakim Publisher, Maryse Lalonde Group Publisher, Bill McDonald Enter/Lifestyle Editor, Dean Lisk National Sales Director, Peter Bartrem Managing Editor, Fernando Carneiro Distribution Mgr, George Acimovic Editor-in-Chief, Charlotte Empey Asst Mana gingEditor, Amber Shortt Interactive/Mrktng Director, Jodi Brown Comment & Views EDITOR: [email protected] METRO CANADA:TORONTO| OTTAWA| MONTREAL| HALIFAX| EDMONTON| CALGARY| VANCOUVER Comment Facebook just one big ego boost friend took of me. Within a them in the “average to norant or flat-out crazy) is months and years of Face- start adding enemies and Relating few minutes, the com- mildly foxy” range. What validated. This is why for- book compliments, of gold acrimonious exes to Face- ments came flooding in. my lovely Facebook friends mer child stars are, for the stars, of LIKES THIS ... we book! That way they can Sofi “Luminous!” one friend and acquaintances were do- most part, certifiable mess- may start to lose touch with drop the odd, “My new wrote. “Stunning!” insisted ing, whether they meant to es; their versions of reality reality ourselves. boyfriend/girlfriend is way Papamarko another. “Behold the or not, was acting as a cho- are tragically skewed. The reality is this: Not hotter and smarter than ADORABLE,” offered an old rus of Yes Men. When you leave a flatter- everything you do is awe- you. Also, why do you up- school chum. Real-time Sofi Yes Men are the man- ing comment on a friend’s some. date your status every five metronews.ca/papamarko beamed, basking in this on- agers, the proteges and the Facebook profile, you are Sorry to be the one to minutes? Shut your virtual I slaught of cyber compli- hangers-on of celebrities stroking their ego, celebri- break it to you. pie-hole already!” need to quit Facebook be- ments. (not that I am a celebrity — ty-style. This can be a good Presumably, everyone on Sometimes a heavy dose fore it gives me the brain Now, I am not “stun- hear me out). Yes Men nev- thing. It strengthens the Facebook is a friend or fond of perspective can be good. of a child star. ning.” Not by any stretch of er say “No!” or “Wrong!” or bonds of your friendship acquaintance. Meaning that Let me explain. the imagination. That said, “Bad!” The celebrity’s every and makes the recipient most of your interactions Sofi Papamarko is a 20-something writer I recently posted a flatter- I am more than OK with my whim is satisfied. Every feel loved, appreciated will be positive. So here’s a based in Toronto. Her heroes include Desmond Morris and Nancy Sinatra. ing profile photo that a looks, but would place opinion (no matter how ig- and/or validated. But after wacky thought: We should M WViewosrld leaders mostly silent about FGM ICHAEL DE ADDER GlobalView nerve endings that a penis practice to communities one religion or social class. has so my analogy to chop- throughout the world. It is older than Christianity ping off little boys’ organs FGM has no health bene- and Islam. And as recent as Mona isn’t too far off. fits. Doctors say it causes the 1950s, removal of the There are four types of lasting psychological trau- clitoris was prescribed in Eltahawy FGM, ranging from the most ma, extreme pain, chronic western Europe and the U.S. “minor” to the most severe, infections, bleeding, ab- in response to, among other known as infibulation, scesses, urinary tract infec- things, hysteria, epilepsy metronews.ca/globalview which involves removal of tions and infertility. and lesbianism. parts of the external geni- As you read this, British The international com- Imagine if every year three talia followed by stitching activist Julia Lalla-Maharajh munity must speak out and million boys had their together of what remains. will be at the World Eco- pour more support into penises cut off. Sound outra- And yet the world is nomic Forum in Davos to campaigns that have geous? mostly silent about the mu- shake the suits and wallets worked to end FGM in some Well, every year three mil- tilation carried out on girls there into paying more at- communities. lion girls have parts or all of from infancy to about the tention to FGM. Her video their clitorises cut off in a age of 15 in at least 28 coun- appeal won the Davos De- Mona Eltahawy is an award-winning procedure known as female tries, mostly in Africa and bates 2010 on YouTube. sEpgeyapkteiarn o-bno Arrna bco amnmd Menutsaltiomr aisnsude psu. Sbhliec genital mutilation (FGM). the Middle East. Some im- It’s important to remem- reported on the Middle East for 10 years The clitoris has double the migrants have taken the ber FGM is not exclusive to before moving to the U.S. Tell us your views by email to [email protected] or comment on metronews.ca or on Twitter @vancouvermetro Letters must include sender’s full name, address and phone number –street name and phone numbers will NOT be published. We reserve the right to edit letters. METRO Vancouver1190 Homer Street, Suite 250, Vancouver, BC V6B 2X6, Tel: 604-602-1002; Fax: 1-866-254-6504; Advertising: 604-602-1002 • [email protected]; [email protected]; News: [email protected] SKI THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM (cid:25) Historically, Olympic host resorts experience less skiers and riders before the Games. This means empty slopes for you. (cid:25) 5.6 metres of record-breaking snowfall (cid:25) Lots of free parking (cid:25) Wide-open Sea-to-Sky highway Amazing deals still avail$ab1le b1efo5re th*e Games – BOOK NOW Eric BergerP: 3 NIGHTS LODGING BONUS 1-DAY 2 DAY LIFT TICKET per person LIFT TICKET** from per night **S*tBaorntiunsg lfirfot mtic rkaette eisx ppierer sp eMrsaoyn 2 p4e, r2 n0i1g0h.t , Gbauseesdts o wn i2ll aredcueltivse i na a v Oounceh Beer,d wroiothm t hfreoimr l iJfatn tuicakreyt 2s ,t oth Faetb irsu arerdy e2e, m20a1b0le. Raat tWesh idsotl nero tB ilnacclkucdoem tabx Gesu eosr tf eSeesr,v aicrees s iunb jreecsto rtto faovra ail a1b dilaityy aEnDdG Em Caya rcdh aonr gae 1 w ditahyo ulitf tn toitcikceet. 1.866.383.9586 (for residents outside of Canada and Washington State). Other packages available throughout the season, please inquire for details. Other restrictions may apply. whistlerblackcomb.com Thursday, January 28, 2010 metronews.ca metro Warner to announce decision on future 9 The agent for Kurt Warner says the Arizona Cardinals quarterback will hold a news conference tomorrow to announce whether he will retire from the game. Mark Bartel- stein said yesterday the announcement will be made at the Cardinals training facility in Tempe. Bartelstein declined to reveal Warner’s decision. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sports Danton scores in debut Former NHL player Mike Danton, left, scored a goal in his first hockey game in almost six years last night. The 29-year-old forward made his CIS hockey debut with the Saint Mary’s Huskies during a 4-1 defeat to the Acadia Axemen. Danton’s NHL career ended abruptly when he was convicted in April 2004 in a murder-for- hire plot in the United States. THE CANADIAN PRESS EDITOR: [email protected] Serena Williams beats Li Na to JONATHAN HAYW reach fifth Australian Open final ARD/THE CANADIAN PRESS ThAeEnauNdssN terIdaSad livaaSannney rc Oeecpndhea an nt ocfW ien aial ollif fa aimfnathnds N(cid:129) eCasntaodira nw Diannisel Nestor hbpeoa“rsiIne dbths ey aeaednna rds e osvIo e bmfralyear w.noy di dtm -ananutdmc hI- all-Chinese championship and Serbian partner Nenad knew I couldn’t mess up match in the season’s first Zimonjic reached their my serve because she major. fourth Grand Slam men’s never gives up,” Williams Defending champion doubles final today defeat- said. Williams wasted four ing Croatia’s Ivo Karlovic “She’s a real, real amaz- match points before fin- and Serbia’s Dusan Vemic 6- ing fighter.” ishing off a 7-6 (4), 7-6 (1) 4, 6-4 in semifinal action at Zheng Jie had another Vancouver’s Darcy Hordichuck, left, and Ryan Rypien, second from right, fight with St. Louis’ BJ semifinal win with an ace the Australian Open. chance to become the first Crombeen, second from left, and Erik Johnson during last night’s action at GM Place. against Li Na earlier today, Chinese player to reach a a day after her sister Venus bourne Park, winning the Grand Slam singles final Canucks win 6th straight lost to the Chinese player title every time she’s when she took on seven- in the quarter-finals. played for the champi- time Grand Slam winner Serena Williams has a onship since beating Ve- Justine Henin in the later 100 per cent conversion nus here in 2003. semifinal. NHL RESULT side boards deflected off St. of Henrik and Daniel Sedin rate so far in finals at Mel- The winning sequence THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Louis defenceman Barrett and Alex Burrows off the Blues 2 Canucks 3 Jackman and snuck be- scoresheet. tween Conklin’s pad and Burrows’ 12-game points SCOREBOARD the post. streak, the third-longest in VS The goal came 32 sec- the NHL this season, came NHL CBaurfofalilnoa 2 5 N Ne.wY. JRearnsegye r1s (1SO) TorontoY 1E1S1T MERiaDmAi Y1’0S3 RESULTS MChiilcwaaguok 9e6e O91k lPahhiolamdae lCpihtyia 8 868 onds after Paul Kariya was to an end while both YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Washington 5 Anaheim 1 L.A. Lakers 118 Indiana 96 Denver 97 Houston 92 VANCOUVER3 St. Louis 2 Minnesota 5 Detroit 2 Cleveland 109 Minnesota 95 San Antonio 105 Atlanta 90 Mason Raymond scored priekn Saelidziend. for slashing Hen- Ssterdeiankss s taewrm fiivnea-gtea.me point DTaamllapsa 4B Caya l3g aMryo n3 t(rSeOal) 0 NBA MNeewm Jpehrisse 9y9 1 D03e tLr.oAit. C9l3ippers 87 UNteawh O10rl6e aPnosr t1la2n3d G 9o5lden State 110 two goals and an assist The Canucks (33-18-2) Raymond has three goals and Ryan Kesler added posted a season-high sixth- in four games after being three helpers as the straight victory in their fi- blanked in 10 straight. Vancouver Canucks beat nal home game before a Keith Tkachuk and T.J. the St. Louis Blues 3-2 yes- 14-game road trip sur- Oshie replied for the Blues. terday. rounding the 2010 Winter Vancouver outshot the Raymond and Kesler as- Olympics. Blues 34-27 but struggled sisted on Christian Raymond and Kesler to score against Blues goal- Ehrhoff’s winning power- helped pick up the scoring tender Ty Conklin, who play goal. slack as the Blues (23-22-8) recorded 31 saves. Ehrhoff’s shot from the held Vancouver’s top line THE CANADIAN PRESS Saints may be ‘America’s team’, Arenas, Crittenton done for season but that’s fine with the Colts NBAWashington Wizards teammates Gilbert Arenas NFLWith the New Orleans The reach of New Or- and Javaris Crittenton Saints in their first Super leans’ fans goes all the way were suspended without Bowl, memories of Hurri- to the highest levels of the pay for the remainder of cane Katrina still linger- White House. the season yesterday by ing, and close ties between “You know, I think both NBA commissioner David the team and the city’s re- teams are terrific,” Presi- Stern, who building effort, dent Barack Oba- said guns in they are this year’s ma told ABC the sentimental News. “I guess I workplace favourite. am rooting a “will not be The rival Indi- little bit for tolerated.” anapolis Colts the Saints as Stern de- understand. the under- livered the They just dog, partly punishment want to play the just because Gilbert Arenas after meet- role of spoiler when I think ing with next week. about what’s Arenas, turning his indefi- “There’s a reason happened in New nite suspension into a sus- America is pulling for Orleans over the last pension without pay. New Orleans, and why several years and how THE ASSOCIATED PRESS wouldn’t they? They’ve much that team means to been through a lot,” said them. You know, I’m pret- Colts safety Antoine ty sympathetic.” Bethea. The Colts know they’re “Sports tends to pull peo- still the favourite in at ple together, so it’s com- least one state, Indiana, mendable for New Orleans and one city, Las Vegas. to be, as I guess you’d say, Bookmakers have in- America’s team right now. stalled them as a 5-point But at the same time, favourite, prompting Oba- AFanmdree a Dsa aw Msoonn tisre hael aEdxepdo ,t ob uHta slal yosf we’re going to go out there ma and others to hope for he’d rather be inducted as a Chicago as the Indianapolis Colts an upset on Feb. 7 in Mia- Cub. Scan this code for the story. and play ball.” mi. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS metro metronews.ca Thursday, January 28, 2010 10sports NBA’s rookie-sophomore game an international affair Forwards Jonas Jerebko and Omri Casspi, the first NBA players from Sweden and Israel respectively, were selected for the annual rookie-sophomore game next month as part of all-star festivities. The game, pitting rookies against second-year players, will be played Feb. 12 in Dallas ahead of the NBA All-Star game. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ‘Golf needs him to come back:’ Mickelson on Tiger Woods Rooney’s goal GOLF The biggest crowd at if it was short on detail. Torrey Pines yesterday Limited communication “The game of golf needs gives Man U formed a semicircle him to come back,” Mickel- around the 10th tee to (cid:129) Mickelson did confirm that “With the family — not son said. watch Phil Mickelson, who he has tried to reach out to his necessarily saying with who “It’s important for him suddenly is more than a longtime rival, Woods, and in the family,” Mickelson to come back and be a part win over rivals hometown hero. had “limited communication.” said. of the sport. But right now, He is looked upon now he’s got a lot more impor- to deliver star power in tant things going on in his the absence of Tiger … fill the shoes,” Mickel- waiting for the first ques- life. Defending champion thought Wayne Rooney Woods. son said. tion at his press confer- “Amy and I are good Manchester United produced a world-class per- Typically, Mickelson rel- Speaking for the first ence before the Farmers friends with both Tiger overcame archrival formance tonight, he ishes just about any chal- time since Woods’ spectac- Insurance Open. and Elin, and we care Manchester City to reach played better than he did lenge that involves Woods. ular and sordid downfall He offered a pre-emptive deeply about how this the League Cup final, but on Saturday when he Just not this one. led to an indefinite break, strike filled with compas- turns out.” was toppled from the Eng- scored four goals (against “Nobody will be able to Mickelson didn’t bother sion and perspective, even THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lish Premier League sum- Hull). Phenomenal.” mit by Chelsea yesterday. United will play Aston Wayne Rooney’s 21st Villa in the Feb. 28 final. goal of the season in stop- Big-spending City has not page time prevented the contested a final since Manchester derby going in- 1981. to extra time, and clinched In London, Frank Lam- a 3-1 victory at Old Trafford pard scored twice as to send United through 4-3 Chelsea cruised to a 3-0 vic- on aggregate. tory over Birmingham to “There was a lot of spice go a point ahead of United and at the end there was a in the title race. special kind of celebra- Arsenal was a further I Need An Angel tion,” United man- point adrift in third after ager Alex Fer- being held to 0-0 at sev- guson said. enth-place Villa, “We stayed which moved Ioa vnwalyails a1 br lieenc te3on0 mt0ly,e0. d0In0ia fpgaencoto,p sIle eod.n Awlyni htdha vIa ed vooennre’yt… hrIaa rvneee ecvdae ntroyc e umrn dathenraygt o oa pafft lieiovcnetssr wtlphoeaor tekisaeettnde pt pwedha eninadt fohoruifarv m aplo.c riBnoitsrssm tcoliewnagnr- transplant within the next 2-3 months. up.“I TPHREE SASSSOCIATED Upawlabanittltdeiehere .t nr aoA tt sh“sn uelmdi sv Ctataehyai”in ns ha d taidohsvi anaewton thlr ooM,a n tIw eg mcd.a aiiyHcnts ao ueulw plnTf e dtravoaenne rd2rsg, p omyilf eaty anIh rftecs ag a.mt nurSa iipadlnydreso llpliyvinlv,ia edeInse ,wti ntmsho oheouoo slsndtpu eecrnr agoo netfthco .beanrens Wayne Rooney Edprgoeorsrpocnsoeceoawrentvaed tteb uiiaroaar lenpcwl,.oky itAr ,htt thaioesoi aon“nit ul ,rs i3teov c-nsreo4 uol”m olrw tmdbe, ee oIaf e,now lko ros ofsrti hu tzaihelesnde ddi iabrno etwnl hia ovgiserlei i lvlririi.sen t Altntgilh vle aatce h taas rotsen huw cd6egoiiy hdlnw lwadt ehrt oeleeiesuk g atlisehdss ne a ata etyfo trspwneaeir crtol eiaituof lheoulleyd.sr IO a tmyp heo bplionogd t hisa gt oai nhge atlot hvyo laudnutlete br eftowr etheins tlhifee -asgaevsin ogf s1u8r-g6e0ry w. ith ISt’os, aIg aasinks at tt hteh ela mw efrocry m oef taol lo,f tfhera ta nthyeornee’ sm aonn aenyg feolr othuits tphreorcee dwuirteh. a heart of gold. Serious candidates can get more information at the following email address: [email protected] Rick Donated by the friends of Rick (cid:25)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:3)(cid:26)(cid:22)(cid:27)(cid:3)(cid:25)(cid:23)(cid:23)(cid:27) (cid:78)(cid:76)(cid:80)(cid:69)(cid:82)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:76)(cid:74)(cid:81)(cid:17)(cid:70)(cid:68)

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