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Preview Metro Edmonton - January 9, 2012

TEBOW MAGIC ANXIETY QUARTERBACK LEADS BRONCOS TO SHOCKING PLAYOFF WIN HOW KEIRA {page 16} S Y A OVERCAME HER EE OU T STAGE FRIGHT {page 10} L 2 , OCATEDON NDFLOOR EDMONTON C P OMMERCE LACE Monday, N P W EW ATIENTS ELCOME January 9, 2012 I P A NSURANCE AYMENTS CCEPTED www.metronews.ca News worth #299, 10150 JASPER AVENUE sharing. TEL: 780·422·3377 WWW.CITYCENTREDENTAL.CA DR. SIMI SOIN & DR. YOLANDE DESROSIERS, GENERAL DENTISTS Fee ruling Demolition. Day raises cheer City had threatened loss of services, hike in parking fines if province had reinstated licence-database fee Decision fulfils campaign promise by Premier Redford JEREMY NOLAIS Budget pending @METRONEWS.CA It is unclear when the Alberta The province has no plans to rein- budget will be released due to troduce a service fee for the use of the timing of the upcoming a provincial licence-plate database, provincial election. Service Alberta spokesperson Ger- The cost of running the provincial ald Kastendieck has confirmed. licence-plate database has risen The fee would have drained more more than 160 per cent since than $10 million a year from 2002, Service Alberta says. The Edmonton’s coffers. ministry is still exploring other “As far as I know, it’s not a part options for maintaining funding of this budget,” Kastendieck said. for the program, spokesperson “We have said all along we would Gerald Kastendieck said. Crews tear down the old consult with the municipalities if Bank of Montreal building we were going to consider reintro- The province then announced at Jasper Avenue and ducing it. That hasn’t happened.” in August that it was suspending 101 Street on Sunday. Last fall, city officials were quick the fee, but it left the door open to to cry foul after learning about the reinstating it. Now it appears that LUCY HAINES/FOR METRO $15 fee charged to a municipality door has been shut, which is great A bit of history makes way for a parking lot each time a police or parking- news for Coun. Amarjeet Sohi. enforcement officer consults the “It would have been a huge hit,” database for a vehicle background. he said Sunday. “It’s always nice The demolition of the 49-year-old BMO building is the first phase in the construction of a two- In response, councillors voted to see the province recognizing storey parkade, with retail space below it. Preservationists tried to save the structure last summer, through a $25 hike to parking fines the feedback it received from but city council voted to raze it. in May. municipalities.” news: edmonton metronews.ca 03 MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 1 Man adopts LUCY HAINES/FOR METRO litter of pups from Afghanistan A junior high school teacher from Sherwood Park has taken in seven rambunctious refugees from Afghanistan, and he couldn’t be happier. Spencer Sekyer was all news smiles Friday as a flight ar- rived carrying a mother dog and six of her young offspring from Kabul. Sekyer had been teach- ing children for a summer in Kabul when he spotted the litter of stray pups playing in a gutter outside his guesthouse. Late-night bus service on Whyte Avenue made a quiet start this Dogs are not well- past weekend. Buses run Friday and Saturday from 1:30 to 3:30 a.m. regarded in Afghanistan, he said, and he became de- termined to give these Night Ride gets off to a pups a better life, spending the last year and Britain’s government is looking to empower firms’ a half trying to arrange to shareholders to veto executive get them to Canada. pay packages. Scan the code for the story. THE CANADIAN PRESS slow start on weekend To scan 2D barcodes in Aquatic Metro, download the free ScanLife app at area closed 2dscan.com. Fewer than 100 riders on the late-night bus service on Whyte Avenue On the web at Business expected to pick up with university back in session metronews.ca Plan on going for a dip at the Terwillegar Aquatic Hundreds of aarneoat?h eYro pul’allc he atvoe s wtoi mfin ldaps LHUACINY ES moTnutronne.r says only a mi- ath hea bnudsf.u l of people taking Support loved ones over the next month, as [email protected] nor incident arose over “A cab costs me around gather on the the area will be closed the weekend, and that Ed- $15. I’d rather use this There are some 10,000 li- deck of HMCS starting today until Feb. 5 It was a quiet first week- monton Transit, taxi com- service with my bus pass,” censed bar and restaurant for warranty work. end for the new late-night panies and the Edmonton he said. seats on Whyte Avenue Charlottetown As part of the construc- bus service on Whyte Av- Police Service are working Stephanie Mackay, a between 103 and 108 to bid farewell to tion process of the Terwil- enue, with just 80 people together to manage any bartender at Blues on streets. legar Recreation Centre, a hopping aboard transit late-night safety issues. Whyte, agrees. Surveys show an estimated sailors bound warranty shutdown is re- heading for the University “At that time of night, “Cabs are too pricey 70 per cent of patrons and for the quired to ensure that all or Southgate transit cen- people are just looking for and too hard to get at that workers on the avenue Mediterranean mechanical, filtration and tres. a safe way to get home,” hour. I like having more support a late-night bus. chemical systems are “University isn’t in yet, she added. options to get home safe- Night Ride is a pilot project Sea. Watch at working as designed. so the numbers are a bit University student Sou- ly,” she said. that goes until April 14, metronews.ca/ All other areas of the slow,” said Angela Turner, vik Goswami was on the The project will be re- costing $40,000. Buses run centre are open for use. program manager of Re- avenue at about 2:30 a.m. viewed by city council in westbound on Whyte video METRO sponsible Hospitality Ed- Saturday and says he saw the spring. every 12 minutes. 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Parliament Hill. Bartholomew’s trademark “Whenever he meet his Paul Shaw, a Toronto the- bear hugs sparked the trag- people, he always hugged atre producer, has been ic chain of events that led them and give them a asked to find ways to insert to his beating death in St. cheer,” his mother, 71, said. a War of 1812 theme into David’s, Grenada. Some said the officer the festivities that typically While much remains to yelled out she was being include pop music, dance come out about what hap- raped. Defence lawyer and fireworks. pened, The Canadian Press, Anslem Clouden said the of- Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her The Conservatives, who based on several interviews, Andrianne Bartholomew ficer “cried out for help.” husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, walk on the Davidson have been promoting Cana- has pieced together an ac- says her son was a ‘quiet, At that point, a colleague Canyon Gabe Zimmerman Memorial Trailhead in Tucson da’s military heritage, have count of what some say led loving person.’ in a parked police car came on Saturday. Zimmerman was killed a year ago Sunday earmarked money through- to his death. to her aid. A second officer during a shooting spree in Tucson that left six dead out the year to note the bi- “They beat my child to soon came running from and 13 wounded, including Giffords. centennial of the War of death,” Andrianne ing Day, Cyr Bartholomew the station, followed by 1812 in North America. Bartholomew, his grieving needed to use a washroom, three more officers. CHERYL EVANS/THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Canadian Heritage To remember and recover mother, said Saturday. and the couple stopped at Police and witnesses say Department normally in- “They killed my baby, my the St. David’s police sta- Bartholomew tried to kick jects patriotic themes into last baby. They killed him.” tion, where she went inside out at them. A senior officer the Canada Day noontime Bartholomew, 39, a na- to use the facilities. ordered a junior to use his Gabrielle Giffords, 41, has spent the past year under- show on Parliament Hill. tive Grenadian who lived in Thinking he recognized belt to tie Bartholomew’s going physical and speech therapy. She is able to walk But recently posted tender Toronto, and his wife, Do- a uniformed policewoman feet together, witness state- and talk and vote in Congress, but doctors have said it documents indicate that lette Cyr Bartholomew, as a friend, Bartholomew ments show. Within min- will take many months to determine the lasting the war theme will appear were visiting over the holi- got out of his car and utes, he was in a coma and effects of her brain injury. The congress woman has in the noon and evening days. While driving on Box- grabbed her from behind in lay dying. THE CANADIAN PRESS four months to decide whether to seek re-election. shows. THE CANADIAN PRESS (cid:58)(cid:63)(cid:69)(cid:67)(cid:64)(cid:53)(cid:70)(cid:52)(cid:58)(cid:63)(cid:56) CALL NOW! 780.264.0786 OR 780.264.4447 NO CREDIT? NO 0 DOWN PROBLEM! B E C A U S E I T W O R K S DRIVE AWAY TODAY ™ Karim Karim Altaf (Al) Karim GET APPROVED ONLINE NOW AT: MAYFIELDAUTOCREDIT.COM (cid:38)(cid:50)(cid:37)(cid:37) (cid:50)(cid:37)(cid:39)(cid:41)(cid:51)(cid:52)(cid:50)(cid:33)(cid:52)(cid:41)(cid:47)(cid:46) FROM FROM $$11177775555 BBBWWWWW OAC 2007 Rav4 Stock #1161548A $$11199995555 BBBWWWWW OAC 2007 FJ Cruiser Stock #1161931A (cid:48)(cid:65)(cid:89)(cid:0)(cid:79)(cid:78)(cid:76)(cid:89)(cid:0)(cid:84)(cid:72)(cid:69)(cid:0)(cid:87)(cid:69)(cid:69)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:89)(cid:0)(cid:70)(cid:69)(cid:69) IInn EEddmmoonnttoonn 778800--442244--66449911 AAllll ootthheerrss:: 11--880000--665511--66000000 oorr vviissiitt uuss oonnlliinnee aatt WWWWAABB..CCAA THERE’S A MEETING NEAR YOU... FROM FROM Bonnie Doon, Downtown, Millbourne, North $$11144449999 BBBWWWWW OAC 2007 Camry Stock #110698A $$11144445555 BBBWWWW OAC 2008 Matrix Stock #114080 ThoEransctl,i ffSeh,e Wrweostomdo Puanrkt ,a Sntd A olbuer rnt,e Swoeustth lgoactaet,ion: Whitemud Creek, 951 Ogilvie Blvd: Thursdays at 9:15 am and 6:30 pm! MAYFIELD 10220-170ST. YOUR EDMONTON RR CALLTODAY! CREDIT REBUILDERS ©2O0f1fe2r Wmeaiyg hvat rWy aintc Ahte Wrs oInrkte arnnadt iCoonmal mInucn.,i toy wSneervr iocfe t hMee Wetieniggsh.t NWoa ctcahsehr sv arelugeis. tOerffeedr tvraaldide munatrilk J. aAnllu raigryh t2s8 r,e 2s0e1rv2e.d. TOYOTA Vehicles may not be exactly as shown. news metronews.ca 05 MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 Iran vows to cut ‘strait’ Eco. Disaster to heart of oil flow Leadership has made strategic decision to close Strait of Hormuz should Iran’s exports be blocked, official says Iran has begun uranium at the core of the interna- enrichment at a new un- tional standoff over Iran’s Upping pressure The stranded cargo ship Rena derground site built to nuclear program. The U.S. breaks into two pieces after overnight withstand possible air- and its allies fear Iran storms with six-metre waves pounded strikes, a leading hard- could use its enrichment The latest statements are the vessel off Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand. line newspaper reported facilities to develop high- certain to ramp up tensions Sunday in another show grade nuclear material for with the U.S. and its allies, MARITIME NEW ZEALAND/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of defiance against West- warheads. which are trying to increase Pouring oil into troubled waters ern pressure to rein in Iran has sharply in- pressure on Iran to punish Tehran’s nuclear pro- creased its threats and it for its nuclear program. gram. military posturing against For the moment, however, The Greek-owned cargo ship Rena ran aground on Astrolabe Reef, 22 kilometres The operations at the stronger pressures, includ- U.S. officials are seeking from Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand, on Oct. 5, spewing heavy fuel oil into the seas bunker-like facility south ing U.S. sanctions target- stronger diplomatic and in what has been described as the nation’s worst maritime environmental disaster. of Tehran, reported by the ing Iran’s Central Bank in economic pressure on Iran Kayhan daily newspaper, attempts to complicate its rather than increasing are small in comparison ability to sell oil. threats of military action. Mitt takes hits in U.S. primary debate to Iran’s main enrichment A senior commander of In an interview broadcast site. But the centrifuges at the Revolutionary Guard Sunday, U.S. Defence Secre- the underground labs are force was quoted as saying tary Leon Panetta reiterat- Republican presidential this time front-runner Romney, who’s expected considered more efficient Tehran’s leadership has ed U.S. concerns about a hopefuls squared off Mitt Romney was on the to coast easily to victory and are shielded from aer- decided to order the clo- unilateral strike by Israel again Sunday in yet an- hot seat. in New Hampshire’s first- ial surveillance and pro- sure of the Strait of Hor- against Iran’s nuclear other debate, the second Unlike the debate a in-the-nation primary but tected against airstrikes muz, a strategic oil route, facilities, saying the action New Hampshire show- night earlier, essentially a will face far more socially by up to 90 metres of if the country’s petroleum could trigger Iranian re tali- down in less than 24 bitter battle for second conservative voters in mountain rock. exports are blocked. ation against U.S. forces in hours ahead of the state place, the candidates di- South Carolina in two Uranium enrichment is THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the region. primary Tuesday — and rected most of their fire at weeks.THE CANADIAN PRESS Ranked #1 in Canada by 2002-2010 INFORMATION SESSION Meet with members of our “The Queen’s MBA provided a strong Admissions Team and Program Alumni. fi nancial knowledge base that enabled me to Edmonton transition into the world of investment Wednesday, January 11 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM banking. 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E X C E P T I O N A L E X P E R I E N C E . Web: www.queensmba.com 08 business metronews.ca MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 SUNDAY ALAMBA/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Original U.S.-made coin fetches record $1.38M HERITAGE AUCTIONS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A one-cent copper coin “the most a United States from the earliest days of the copper coin has ever sold U.S. Mint in 1793 has sold for at auction.” The coin for a record $1.38 million was made at the Mint in US at a Florida auction. Philadelphia in 1793, the James Halperin of Texas- The 1793 Chain Cent first year that the U.S. made based Heritage Auctions its own coins. told The Associated Press Saturday that the sale was Heritage officials said that the name of the buyer An unidentified woman carries was not revealed but that fuel from a petrol station in Lagos, he was “a major collector.” Nigeria, on Sunday. Nigerian We’re looking for One of the coin’s earliest lawmakers have turned against (cid:57)(cid:55)(cid:68)(cid:55)(cid:58)(cid:55)(cid:189)(cid:73)(cid:22)(cid:74)(cid:69)(cid:70)(cid:22)(cid:40)(cid:43) owners was a Baltimore the president’s decision to end banker, Louis Eliasberg. government fuel subsidies. (cid:63)(cid:67)(cid:67)(cid:63)(cid:61)(cid:72)(cid:55)(cid:68)(cid:74)(cid:73)(cid:23)(cid:22)(cid:22) “Mr. Eliasberg was nick- named ‘the king of coins’ Nigerian fuel-subsidy because, before his death in 1976, he assembled a collec- tion that consisted of at least one example of every cut alarms lawmakers coin ever made at the Unit- ed States Mint, a feat never duplicated,” Halperin said. The final bid for the coin Occupy Nigeria protests have begun Anger fuelled was one of the largest sales by ongoing violence by radical Muslim sect, corruption at the Florida United Nu- mismatists coin show and $8B annual convention. A five- Nigerian lawmakers on Fuel subsidies from 45 cents per litre to at Nominations dollar gold piece from 1829 Sunday turned against the cost Nigeria least 94 cents per litre since was also sold. Halperin said president’s decision to end about $8 billion US a the subsidy ended Jan. 1. Now Open there remain a few hun- government fuel subsidies year. That spurred a spike in food dred 1793 coins, but the that kept gasoline prices and transportation costs in one auctioned is rare be- low, just ahead of a planned preparing for a nationwide a nation of more than 160- cause it wasn’t in circula- labour strike that could par- strike set to begin Monday, million people where most Seeking to uncover and celebrate the stories and remarkable tion. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS alyze Africa’s most popu- despite a court order live on less than $2 a day. achievements of outstanding Canadian immigrants, this lous nation. against it. Even members of nraIfera crytioiovoguann lka iiznln epo sCew iaon napdnalied vi’smaid .c muhaoilgiscr wea nhatwo w’avhredo m ihsaa tdshe me a oa dndilefyf aeor pneoen scoietf i sivtiesn ickmein ptdha ectihtr a– t TMSXarket mDoolmlarent PRICES AS OF 5 P.M. FRIDAY NssGveuooinpgtIoentepdadr oalti urainfvto’c eseekr rs m s HaJ o eosnrrhueogaosseftoe uhn ltacueoPnytdfri so eaeRnsssdi e sdtocpiheowarennlenlyt,-- stfrmihyon ice“ oaiG Tanfbb thcNeiaiigsasjiga g lc erbeceasriratpbii ammar.ee”l cie slaso eainannn, idaot dt m hmtpRheeieee crhpmi hri.a s abFnatpeoesdsr--- JDklroaoeleewnumnmtam iotooohvauncaakrt ln ae ac’trlsgoisic a kus riPelanud aisld riltnte t tyhhagh doi hem sP atesove.u oeSab po tssrhlmpieedaov’yest-- large or small – to the fabric of Canada, you can go online and ing on him to restore subsi- of the opposition party Ac- swept across some Middle nominate him or her today at canadianimmigrant.ca/top25. dies. But their moves went tion Congress of Nigeria. East countries last year. - 48.76 - 0.76¢ unnoticed by unions Gas prices have risen THE ASSOCIATED PRESS caanaddiannimmmigrannt.cca/ttop225 (12,188.64) (97.37¢ US) Oil Natural gas Twilight series’ buying Summit Entertain- briefed on the matter. They $3.06 US Presented by Media Partners maker set ment, the maker of the were not authorized to (+ 8¢ US) teen hit Twilight series,for speak publicly and request- Gold for a buyout? about $400 million US in ed anonymity. Talks could ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. - 25¢US $1,616.80 US cash and stock, according be finalized this week. ($101.56 US) (- $1.30 US) Lions Gate is close to to two people who were THE ASSOCIATED PRESS voices metronews.ca 09 MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 THERE’S Making winter a little warmer NO PLACE NEWS WORTH munity Services centre re- the centre’s communica- Street Community Service cently switched over to tion manager. drop-in centre. Winter is SHARING “winter hours,” keeping The Boyle Street centre also a great time to give its doors open seven days a is a welcome refuge from canned goods to your local week, 15 hours a day, from the cold, serving food and food bank or volunteer at LIKE HOME Media will always have to 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. providing mental health, a nearby shelter. report on the tough stuff. Since the change, there family, youth and housing Let’s show Edmonton’s But we know that Canada have been nearly 500 visi- programs. But they can’t needy that generosity is full of compassionate in- tors to the centre every do it alone. The centre is doesn’t stop at the dividuals, inspiring day. During the winter, life always looking for cold- holidays. URBAN My 37th year of living in Ed- projects and stories worth gets harder and harder for weather apparel, which is CRAIG AND MARC KIELBURGER monton is fast approaching. celebrating. Here’s just one. the homeless. typically in high demand COMPASS Moving here in 1975 was “When the among visitors at this time Help the good news get quite a shock to my system. I A local drop-in centre is temperatures drop the of year. around. Send your stories TERENCE HARDING arrived in February from Van- stepping up its game to people need somewhere to Right now, they of local heroes and METRO EDMONTON couver to start a job with keep Edmonton’s keep warm during the day. especially need gloves. So positive action to Syncrude. I knew Edmonton was very far homeless warm and safe And the (homeless) dig into your closet and [email protected] north, but didn’t realize what living in a this winter. shelters close at 6 a.m.,” donate gently used winter and we will share them winter city actually meant. I heard people The Boyle Street Com- explained Lance Beswick, clothing to the Boyle right here. talking about things I had no clue about. I didn’t know what ice fog, black ice and ground grips were. Day after day of -30 C MILAN KRASULA / SOLENT NEWS / REX FEATURES soon taught me about ice fog. I learned Daily Zoom about black ice the hard way. And I finally figured out that ground grips were snow tires. Bambi meets his master One of the things that really confused me was people talking about “Every time I having to go to the stopped for a red vendor’s. Eventually I light, people asked what was vended at the vendor’s and learned would try to talk that it was what I had to me. Based on learned to call the LCBO in my experience Toronto. It also took me a growing up in while to understand that when people were talking Toronto, this about something on 5th meant that in a street, they meant 105th very short while street. In 1975, there was no 5th street. they were going Over time, I learned not to start telling to order a western me about how sandwich but to ask for a Denver instead. I also the tinfoil they learned that if I wanted to were wearing in have an espresso, I was go- their hats was ing to have to make the protecting them trip to Little Italy. Having a coffee in those days usually from the meant drinking a tasteless, messages aliens hot, brown liquid. If it were trying to weren’t for the Italian Cen- tre, it would have been send into their years before I was able to brains.” make myself a café latte. Eagle almost Eagle went for How the fawn I was also unprepared 5 for moving to a much gets deer the bigger one made its escape smaller city than what I was used to. I could easily walk the entire downtown SLOVAKIA. Is this bird HUNT. The 30-year-old Kra- CHASE. While describing it area. One of the first things I noticed when I was doing friends with deer-chasing, sula spent four days trying as “an event of Mother Na- that was how many mentally ill people there were on viral hero Fenton the Dog? to get a great picture of A fully grown roe deer, ture,” Krasula was secretly the streets. Every time I stopped for a red light, people This golden eagle failed to the annual eagle hunt, at 30 kilograms, is five rooting for the fawn and would try to talk to me. Based on my experience catch this deer after the where owners release times heavier than a its quest to escape. “I growing up in Toronto, this meant that in a very short brave young doe managed their birds to hunt prey. six-kilogram golden think the life of the doe while they were going to start telling me about how the to escape. “(One owner) did not see eagle. Still, the deer is was saved by a nearby fen- tinfoil they were wearing in their hats was protecting Photographer Milan Kra- the little doe and had the golden eagle’s lar- ce. It wanted to jump over them from the messages aliens were trying to send into sula said, “You have to be actually released the eagle gest regular prey item. it but was so frightened it their brains. But after a while, I realized that people very lucky to get a good to get another animal. Of Cases exist of golden only managed to slip were just trying to be friendly. shot, as you cannot predict course, the eagle went for eagles killing calves. underneath, giving the ea- It was a strange concept that took some time to get where the prey will be hi- the doe instead of the ot- Eagles usually eat rab- gle no choice but to aban- used to. It was also one of the reasons I decided to stay ding.” her prey,” Krasula said. bits, squirrels, birds don the chase.” here. METRO WORLD NEWS METRO WORLD NEWS and large insects. METRO WORLD NEWS METRO EDMONTON • Suite 2070, 10123 - 99 Street • Edmonton, AB • T5J 3H1 • T: 780-702-0592 • Fax: 780-701-0356 • Advertising: 780-702-0592 • [email protected] • edmonton_distribution @metronews.ca • Vice-President and Group Publisher, Metro Western CanadaSteve Shrout, Managing EditorDarren Krause, Sales ManagerCheryl Skogg, Distribution ManagerJim Hillman • METRO CANADA:Presi- dent and Publisher Bill McDonald, Vice-President, SalesQuin Millar, Vice-President, Business Ventures Tracy Day, Vice-President, Marketing & InteractiveJodi Brown, Editor-in-ChiefCharlotte Empey, National Deputy EditorFernando Carneiro, Managing Editor, News & Business Amber Shortt, Managing Editor, Life & EntertainmentDean Lisk, Managing Editor, Night Production Matt LaForge,Associate Managing Editor, News & BusinessKristen Thompson, Art Director Laila Hakim, National Sales DirectorPeter Bartrem, Director, Marketing & ResearchRobyn Payne 10 scene metronews.ca MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 Keira’s breakthrough 2 Knightley talks about prepping for the role of a repressed psychiatric patient in A Dangerous Method How she battled her own psychological issue — a bad case of stage fright HANDOUT RICHARD CROUSE Viggo Mortensen [email protected] on research scene Since her 2002 breakout performance in Bend it “With David (Cronenberg) Like Beckham, Keira I know I’m going to have a Knightley has starred in good time shooting and 18 films, but it was only the movie is probably go- recently she realized ing to be really interesting something about her act- and original. As is the case ing process. this time again. A lot of Box office “I suffer very badly cases with other directors from stage fright,” she the shoot is maybe fraught says. with tension and disorder “I didn’t find it out un- but the research period til I had actually been on can always be interesting. I stage that that’s what the love that.” The Devil Inside has feeling was. scared up a “It’s literally like hav- film’s director, David Cro- monstrous $34.5 mil- ing a wall in front of you. nenberg. lion opening You know you have the “Sets… are very diffi- weekend to help Hol- ability to break through cult creative spaces,” she lywood exorcise its but for some reason you says, “and trying to get recent box-office can’t on that day. the space so you can use demons. The surprise “It’s very strange that your imagination and get hit from Paramount you can work as much as I yourself so you are not Pictures debuted well do and still have a prob- frightened by however above industry expec- lem with that.” many hundreds of people tations. The Devil In- She has found a way to are on the set is quite a side bumped another circumvent her fears, a difficult thing. Paramount hit, Mis- method that came in “What David does is en- sion: Impossible — handy while making her tirely creative. As much as Ghost Protocol, from newest film A Dangerous it is technical it is also cre- the No. 1 spot to No. Method, the story of the ative, collaborative and 2. fathers of psychoanalysis, everybody is incredibly re- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Carl Jung (played by Keira Knightley says that preparation is the key to getting over her stage fright. spectful of each other. Michael Fassbender) and “He’s a magician. He’s Sigmund Freud (played by absolutely extraordinary.” Viggo Mortensen), and find that preparation is “I had no idea about it. going to give me a talk for Sabina Spielrein, the intel- the key.” So I phoned Christopher a couple of hours and give “What David ligent but troubled pa- To play Spielrein, a Hampton because he did me all the answers but he (Cronenberg) does tient who causes a falling woman wracked by tics the adaptation of Atone- just handed me a pile of is entirely creative. out between the men. and repression, Knightley ment, which I did a few books and said, ‘Start ... He’s a magician. “I found only in the last threw herself into the ex- years ago, and said, ‘I’m reading. It’s all in there.’” few years that research ploration of the character. going to do this, so help. She eased her nerves He’s absolutely Gerry Dee turns former helps,” she says. “There was nothing Just help.’ with the research and fur- extraordinary.” teaching antics into “As far as getting over that linked me to her,” “I went round to his ther support was supplied CBC-TV sitcom that fear of stage fright I she says. house and thought he was during shooting by the KEIRA KNIGHTLEY WIN YOU COULD YOUR OWN m o MAN ON A LEDGE o.c etr m b EXPERIENCE! visit clu ails et d est nt o Efonrt etwr ofo tro a T ochroanntcoe a tnod w 7i nn irgehtutsrn s taaiyrf aart e incluSdeec opnadsasreys ptori zthees d for full c t3h6e0 HTihlteo nR eTsotraounrtaon at sa tw tehlel aCsN d Tinowneerr iannd aMdAvaNn cOe Nsc Are eLnEiDngG oEf gister an a Toronto CityPASS. IN THEATRES JANUARY 27 To re

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