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Preview Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 46: Cell Death

Series Editors Leslie Wilson Department of Biological Sciences University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, California Paul Matsudaira Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and Department of Biology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Methods in Cell Biology Prepared under the Auspices of the American Society for Cell Biology VOLUME 46 Cell Death Edited by Lawrence M. Schwartz Morrill Science Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts and Barbara A. Osborne Department of Veterinary and Animal Science University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts ACADEMIC PRESS San Diego New York Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto Cover photograph (paperback edition only): Dying cells in a stage 12 Drosophila embryo revealed by acridine orange staining and confocal microscopy. Staged embryos were dechorionated in 50% bleach, shaken in heptane and the vital dye acridine orange (5 gfml). Whole embryos were then examined by confocal microscopy and computer-generated false color were then examined by confocal microscopy and computer-generated false color was added to facilitate discrimination of the dying cells. While dying cells can be observed in several tissues, the major loss at this stage occurs along the ventral mid-line, where cell death allows the nervous system to delaminate from the underlying epidermis. Photo by Donna Saatman, Randall Phillis, and Lawrence M. Schwartz. This book is printed on acid-free paper. @ Copyright 0 1995 by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Academic Press, Inc. A Division of Harcourt Brace & Company 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, California 92101-4495 United Kingdom Edition published by Academic Press Limited 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX International Standard Serial Number: 0091-679X International Standard Book Number: 0- 12-564147-8 (case) International Standard Book Number: 0-12-632445-X (comb) PRTNTED IN THE UNlTED STATES OF AMERICA 95 96 9798 99 W E B 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTRIBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors’ contributions begin. Steven W. Barger (187), Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Sanders- Brown Research Center on Aging, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ken- tucky 40536 James G. Begley (187), Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Sanders- Brown Research Center on Aging, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ken- tucky 40536 Lynne T. Bemis (139,355), Division of Laboratory Research, AMC Cancer Research Center, Lakewood, Colorado 80214 Shmuel A. Ben-Sasson (29), The Hubert H. Humphrey Center for Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research, The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem 91 120, Israel Wolfgang Bielke (107), Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 Reid P. Bissonnette (153), Division of Cellular Immunology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, California 92037 Ralph Buttyan (369), Departments of Urology and Pathology, College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032 Peter G. H. Clarke (277), Institut d’Anatomie, Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Lausanne, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland Marc C. Colombel (369), Departments of Urology and Pathology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032 Electra C. Coucouvanis (387), Department of Anatomy, University of Califor- nia at San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143 Monica Driscoll (323), Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Rutgers University, Pisca- taway, New Jersey 08855 Alan Eastman (41), Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 Maria Erecinska (217), Cell Biology Graduate Group and Department of Phar- macology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Pamela J. Fraker (57), Department of Biochemistry and Department of Microbi- ology and Public Health, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Robert R. Friis (355), Laboratory for Clinical and Experimental Research, Uni- versity of Bern, CH-3004 Bern, Switzerland xi xii Contributors Yael Gavrieli (29), The Hubert H. Humphrey Center for Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research, The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jeru- salem 91120, Israel F. Jon Geske (139,355), Division ofLaboratory Research, AMC Cancer Research Center, Lakewood, Colorado 80214 Glenda C. Gobe (l),D epartment of Pathology, University of Queensland Medi- cal School, Herston, Queensland 4006, Australia Douglas R. Green (153), Division of Cellular Immunology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, California 92037 Brian V. Harmon (l), School of Life Science, Queensland University of Tech- nology, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, Australia James E. Johnson (243), Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Program in Neuroscience, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157 John F. R. Kerr (l), Department of Pathology, University of Queensland Medi- cal School, Herston, Queensland 4006, Australia Louis E. King (57), Department of Biochemistry and Department of Microbiol- ogy and Public Health, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Deborah Lill-Elghanian (57), Department of Biochemistry and Department of Microbiology and Public Health, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Zheng-Gang Liu (99), Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 Artin Mahboubi (153), Division of Cellular Immunology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, California 92037 Robert J. Mark (187), Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Sanders- Brown Research Center on Aging, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ken- tucky 40536 Gail R. Martin (387), Department of Anatomy, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143 Seamus J. Martin (153), Division of Cellular Immunology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, California 92037 Mark P. Mattson (187), Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Sanders- Brown Research Center in Aging, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ken- tucky 40536 Anne J. McGahon (153), Division of Cellular Immunology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, California 92037 Kelly A. McLaughlin (99), Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Univer- sity of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 Carolanne E. Milligan (107), Department of Biology, University of Massachu- setts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 Jason C. Mills (217), Cell Biology Graduate Group, School ofMedicine, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 ... Contributors Xlll Rona J. Mogil (153), Division of Cellular Immunology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, California 92037 Joseph H. Nadeau (387), Department of Human Genetics, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1A4 Walter K. Nishioka (153), Division of Cellular Immunology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, California 92037 Ronald W. Oppenheim (277), Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy and Neuroscience Program, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157 Barbara A. Osborne (99), Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 Randall N. Pittman (217), Cell Biology Graduate Group and Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Steven J. Robinson (107), Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403 Robert T. Schimke (77), Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford Univer- sity, Stanford, California 94305 Lawrence M. Schwartz (99,107), Department of Biology, Program in Molecu- lar and Cellular Biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 Yoav Sherman (29), Department of Pathology, The Hubert H. Humphrey Center for Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research, The Hebrew Univer- sity-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem 91 120, Israel Steven W. Sherwood (77), Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford Univer- sity, Stanford, California 94305 Yufang Shi (153), Division of Cellular Immunology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, California 92037 Sallie W. Smith (99), Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 Robert Strange (139,355), Division of Laboratory Research, AMC Cancer Re- search Center, Lakewood, Colorado 80214 William G. Telford (57), Department of Biochemistry and Department of Mi- crobiology and Public Health, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michi- gan 48824 Songli Wang (217), Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Clay M. Winterford (l),D epartment of Pathology, University of Queensland Medical School, Herston, Queensland 4006, Australia PREFACE Any cell can be murdered by the application of some noxious treatment. These cells then die by necrosis, a passive process that involves disruption of membrane integrity, influx of calcium ions and water, and subsequently, cellu- lar lysis (reviewed in Farber, 1990). In contrast, many cells die by a process that involves cellular condensation. In most cases, this occurs with the morpho- logy of apoptosis, which is characterized by membrane blebbing, the deposition of electron-dense chromatin along the inner margin of the nucleus, and the pinching-off of membrane-bound bodies (Kerr ef al., 1972). Historically, it was assumed that the death of cells within a developmental context represented pathological cellular loss. In fact, when pyknotic cells were observed during embryogenesis, it was assumed that these “granules” represented “mitotic metabolites” (Rabl, 1900; Jokl, 1920). Only much later was it accepted that cell death could be a normal developmental process (reviewed in Glucksmann, 1951). That large numbers of cells die during development was not appreciated until the landmark paper of Hamburger and Levi-Montalcini (1949), when careful quantitative cell counts were made within defined regions of the nervous system. Their studies of the dorsal root ganglia of the chick demonstrated that only about 60% of the neurons that were initially produced were maintained in the newly hatched chick. Studies by other investigators have shown that in various regions of the vertebrate nervous system, upward of 85% of the neurons are lost before or shortly after birth (Oppenheim, 1991). Such massive cell death is not restricted to the nervous system. In fact, pro- grammed cell death can be found in every tissue. This has led to the hypothesis that all cells in animals are programmed to die unless they receive specific signals from neighboring cells that result in their reprieve (Raff, 1992). There are many reasons why the extent of cell death has been so underesti- mated. At any given time, the number of cells identified as dying in histological material may be quite small. This is due to several observations, including: (1) there is an apparent lack of synchrony among dying cells within a population; (2) dying cells are usually rapidly phagocytosed, thereby removing them before they can be counted; (3) cell death is an efficient and rapid process that may be completed in a matter of minutes to hours; (4) given that other cells may be dividing or infiltrating the area (such as macrophages), the volume of the tissue being examined may actually increase during the period of cell death; and (5) the histological properties of dying cells may not be obvious upon casual inspection. For many years, the study of cell death was undertaken by a relatively small number of investigators examining specific developmental systems. Investiga- xv xvi Preface tors in one field largely overlooked the results from other disciplines. However, during the past few years there has been an explosion in the number of papers examining various aspects of cell death (Fig. 1). There are many reasons for this newfound interest in the field. First, the pioneering work of Horvitz and his colleagues demonstrated conclusively that programmed cell death requires the activity of specific genes (reviewed in Ellis et al., 1991). This has given many laboratories the impetus to clone, characterize, and manipulate putative cell death genes. Second, the demonstration that the proto-oncogene bcl-2 acts by blocking cell death rather than by promoting mitosis forced many investigators to appreciate that for tumor growth the loss of cells was as im- portant as the addition of new ones (Tsujimoto et al., 1985). This appreciation has recently been boosted by the demonstration that the tumor supressor gene p53 can act as a switch between cell proliferation and cell death (Lowe et al., 1993; Clarke et al., 1993). The fact that p53 was the 1994 Molecule of the Year in Science and the subject of over 1000 papers also has attracted attention to the field. In addition, the development of technical innovations for the study of cell death has allowed many investigators from a wide variety of disciplines to enter the field. A wealth of review articles cataloging the distribution and Fig. 1 While programmed cell death has been studied for a century (Beard, 1896), it was not a major focus of research in biology. As can be seen from this graph, this has changed dramatically during the past few years. The field is currently in a period of exponential growth that has yet to plateau. *, Estimate for 1994 based on publications from the first half of the year. (Data kindly provided by John J. Cohen.) Preface xvii features of cell death throughout both phylogeny and development are available (Glucksmann, 1951; Saunders, 1966; Wyllie et al., 1980; Oppenheim, 1991; Ellis et al., 1991; Arends and Wyllie, 1991; Cohen, 1993; Schwartz and Osborne, 1993). What is not present in the literature, however, is a comprehensive collec- tion of methods that can be applied to the study of cell death. With this volume we are attempting to fill this void. We have brought together chapters represent- ing a broad range of technical approaches and model systems. The chapters presented cover topics from the cellular to the organismal and from molecular to anatomical. The protocols and insights presented are the product of years of study by experts in their respective fields. It is our hope that the methods and insights presented in this book will help convert us into students of cell death, rather than immunologists and neurobiologists. Since virtually all cells in an organism contain the genetic information required to commit suicide, the ability to regulate this process may ultimately offer the potential to treat a wide range of disorders. The ability to induce the rapid, noninflammatory death of deleterious cells in a lineage-specific manner cannot be overstated. Neither can the potential to rescue valuable cells that may inappropriately activate their endogenous cell death programs. The next few years offer great potential for this field. In closing, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge some of the people who made invaluable contributions to the successful generation of this volume. We thank all of the investigators who wrote chapters for their considerable efforts in providing detailed comprehensive protocols and insights, Phyllis Moses and her staff at Academic Press for providing support and guid- ance to us during every phase of the project, Lisa Korpiewski for excellent technical assistance, and last, the members of our respective laboratories for all of their help and insight. References Arends, M. J., and Wyllie, A. H. (1991). Apoptosis: Mechanisms and roles in pathology. Inr. Rev. Exp. Pathol. 32, 223-254. Clarke, A. R., hrdie, C. A., Harrison, D. J., Moms, R. G., Bird, C. C., Hooper, M. L., and Wyllie, A. H. (1993). Thymocyte apoptosis induced by p53-dependent and independent pathways. Nature (London) 362, 849-852. Cohen, J. J. (1993). Apoptosis. Immunol. Today 14, 26-130. Ellis, R. E., Yuan, J., and Horvitz, H. R. (1991). Mechanisms of cell death. Annu. Rev. Cell Biol. 7, 663-698. Farber, J. L. (1990). The role of calcium ions in toxic cell injury. Environ. Health Persp. 84, 107-1 1 1. Glucksmann, A. (1951). Cell deaths in normal vertebrate ontogeny. Biol. Rev. 26, 59-86. Hamburger, V., and Levi-Montalcini, R. (1949). Proliferation, differentiation and degeneration in the spinal ganglia of the chick embryo under normal and experimental conditions. J. Exp. Zoo/. 111,457-502. Jokl, A. (1920). Zur Entwicklung des Anurenauges. Anat. Hejie 59,217. Kerr. J. F. R.,W yllie, A. H., and Currie, A. R. (1972). Apoptosis: A basic biological phenomenon with wide ranging implications in tissue kinetics. Br. J. Cancer 26, 239-257. xviii Preface Lowe, S. W., Schmitt, E. M., Smith, S. W., Osborne, B. A., and Jacks, T. (1993). p53 is required for radiation-induced apoptosis in mouse thymocytes. Nature (London) 362, 847-849. Oppenheim, R. W. (1991). Cell death during the development of the nervous system. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 14,453-501. Rabl, C. (1900). Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung der Linse. Leipzig. Raff, M. C. (1992). Social controls on cell survival and cell death. Nature (London)3 56,397-400. Saunders, J. W. (1966). Death in embryonic systems. Science 154, 604-612. Schwartz, L. M., and Osborne, B. A. (1993). Programmed cell death, apoptosis and killer genes. Immunol. Today 14,582-590. Tsujimoto, Y.,Gorham, J., Cossman, J., Jaffe, E., andCroce, C. (1985). TheT(14;18)chromosome translocations involved in B cell neoplasms result from mistakes in VDJ joining. Science 229, 1390- 1393. Wyllie, A. H., Kerr, J. F. R., and Currie, A. R. (1980). Cell death: The significance of apoptosis. Int. Rev. Cytol. 68, 251-306. Lawrence M. Schwartz and Barbara A. Osborne

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