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Methane Gas Production From Manure And Waste 1970 PDF

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i Pon Carroll P.O, Box, 160. vary: Worth Carolinas m6 Uda Boor Me Garrelly Please find atchosed te Gap Convertat Devices 10 gaa Jet fer carburettor: 4 Sez of Znsbrucvions ant Yi, See of Instrartdors anc Drawings ( Mstaee soura Ginearsly? aero. ‘gomes. Daven: meglani, 938. 70H axtra dete - 1+ Dollar ssch: ering (029 Bavico } Pecauecion } cs S ‘Warld Copright Reserved Methane Gas Production . By HAROLD BATE Methane Gas wher mined wth tu Gres ts voluige of ai oe lide se volume of Onyten when ignited sonstistes 9 misnute wbich is highly expacs te fGraing Caton Dighdce and water vapoes, ag when wead a= 4 tus to drive ay tateraal combustion elaite Methane Gas eoalins avre ured power sod much higher dicency Uno Disa or Petrelvum fale fa many coal ides eoainane (x present aml aed with sie is known Sr fre dump.” Metunc Gas i slag produced tom all ads of decaying vagetable and animal mate, lear, Bias, sei wnnds, eta. Brae pure Methane (an is Ghanponsd of Msthane wot Stuzogen 361 carten Dioxide : ous RYE areeuneneninnnenen 135 (CHodie value BLT. pet b= ‘Methane soenee nnn 23,000 Petal 19010 Propane. 1998 Bane : 19680 Por quick production with large voiumé, termyard manure, especially 3ig and fowl macury we seommieudch, The coateuts of tt dotseade sept teal ate alse sults METHANE GAS PRODUCTION FROM MANURE AND WASTE MATTER The presaracon of farmyard manures and waste matte forthe formation of Cs it dnne fn ovo sages. ‘The tes ime is tele telermenteton. Ths i celal chusel by makiog compost ple of wmaare chopped ceave—and ly Giver reputable vaste, The ple sewsed widh water ind Tell f= sbodt a weak ‘prec to the ait, During iss penod, acne fe braken doa fp aramamiuen CafJoaate aul irake af Coygen, Solas of tac comples susise ead ttawhcs axe traken our ana tue fonmetin of Butee Acid whish is bel Sed Te bs inal to fhe Brosh of the Methane procecmy crgmiom ‘im toe latter Aaastasis Dye of ke procece Segments ‘rage no + Whey the gesiermercation 5 simnplete che material is plced ia sm ar ig contsings calle) 4 DIGESTER ‘ehsre under sutabe tempersture conditions Anarrabie setmenstcon takes flaca Ae fst the Gan sutalag Utley Mcthaue and nay suasie of anos’ almost gieauly ot Corbin. Disa, Set tovotites of Hedrogon Sulphide sad Ammaoie mag also br graseut Mitt week or so-cdependleg. or Paditons "Gar ich im Metiaae ie evolves io uctul Quantities, The Ogestar will stil com nue is peice ‘Gas for several wacks but this wil gradually sevorme taltead. If the ruamure and waste matter ined. of being ormed inta a Comvoct heap af the anetntit Fe placed divecly ato a Daeter and aris bubbled ton the Digest, aone ot the Hauid eencant® ave leae and prefereontainy wil tale place mare gusty, The Cas (Srcalesed i 1 Ge [older ard ‘peed m0 reyuzed, ‘Wan an iudusmal waste at aggnst farm romance is oery soucemttidl containing LG or mace of solide ac fo tea sore of dice, dar, ‘puoi Bouse an aer wastes Mtbone™ fermentnion ofes ap Niactire meatod nf treaimart. Many types of organic mattar coq 9e wed to procace Methane Gas tut 4 goed Inistue is pig maar, straw and poulGy manure Mzoure t provide the "eoyed,; Haw ander vepcstle ‘vaste to form Carbon: Mall pit auaure mixed with chopoed bedding stew ual bil poultry sutUe Ma De sony foes @ gona mittee 1 os, of manare=S0D on. ft of Bxs oF ano, METHANE GAS PRODUCERS (ne of te simplest types of Methane Gas producers sansats of a pit dug in tae greud aad lina 2b ‘rick oF eouetetes or 8 tancoullc on op alow stlage abowe greund A useful size would EARLE appro 1 diameter oy %91L deep, or LOR, square, The Gas Holder can be the same-sce or keeper, Whatever comtaicer is used the cover mast be air tight ‘ikea plated i2 soon. Where che sewage ftom a domeace dveling drins into a septe tank, the tank fores eady made Methane Gas Producer. To prepare the saptic tank for the yrodustion of Mettane Ges, a non semen fap valve ia eed on co the sever pipe bere jk enters the tamk. This is to stop the sae Seaping by wap of the sever pipe ax shown am che drawing. Nest, the septic tank wént ripe is dried ads 4s lp fice. Any other opcaing in the went ie scaled op. A Pole is then made la the lank sever sud ¢ lhermostatis eric immersion Beater 3s Atte in the same manner 48 Would be a doinen ic wale hrating stem, The leh of the heater should be the longest abiaiabic <9 char it will go well sea into she day. The ermosiat should be set eo that it gives a stady heat of 83 dep. Fab. t9 90/deg. Fat, auncthae somal! hole is rade in the waver c enable a thermometer te by ineartod foto che digest ao and ther lo check ce ‘angerstare. This hole wut be feted wich a ga0 Uxbt slopse: If the ak ie Built there ground on ¥ lowe he digest can he heared hy a gag eng, and aa soon ef the gap is generated cht cing can be comet tg the producer gis holder. The orduction of gas wil then 6 aim Anulber cheap method vt applying, dren 19a septlo tank is uo sn «sun pipe rough Une contents aod omaaeee it to the comastic sot Water spn: ‘The whole soret cf the produeTion af Methane Ces Wet moity in the mniintamonse uf the eget at eomgorature of 85 deg. Fah, to 90 dog. Tah, TE the tercperatare sites above 104 deg, Fab. che Ductal digestion ‘af the contents of the gas producer Wil oeace au gis WIL 30% Be PrORUONE, A. good average “ImpESTAre hes etme 6 dey, Fai to 88 deg, Peh. In Sot eicates ny etlteh euing is noquted, especlly 2 Acca ard Ins"2. Ia meee pars of these countries the beat from the stn is glue suit for the ecient conning nf the Mernate Ga Mri, COMPRESSING GAS INTO HIGH PRESSURE GAS BOTTLES A stable High Pressure Compressor for filing Gas Bottles is shown 9a che armvings. THs the oe cowl fur Sing ayualuoy living bulles. Gaz boteles should oe under water hile fling. Css ovtier on ronpeessor must be ued wits a good flter and pressure zzuge seadirg co $6) per square ‘och He mart Be indir thet the attr of the wformation detitnd be these papers coun be held response ove acidennat damage (0 persous Or Properly inns fra tie sunstructin or w58 of the epee seer HAROLD WATE PENNY ROWDEN, BLACKAWTON, TOTNES, DEVON, ENGLAND Stable compressor, high prosmure cxW.D. ga battles and Biting ean be Ghtsinhd at reatonatle crices foo Mastes B joe. 137 Malden Rotd, Cheam, Susy. immersion jeaters, thermesats and vatious Bttags fom Mests. Prooss Bros, Lid 32 Taentim Court Road, Torton, High pressure ir gauges from L, Veysey and Machinery Mart, Mill $text, Ced’taa, Devon, Compressors and igh pressure sn"botes ea aley he abtsined fom CW, Wheciboier, ILE Ball Row, Hounslow, Middases, * rote. Gas Digester ohowld be replenished wlth fresh swaure thon Gee Off has necom too" Jor ~ about oven per weak. About £ Of the digesi shows be left in Digeoter an tia wii seed ‘he inooning fresh nenuve cal amide Ges Ta be produced mush cu cher For Dey Imure = sdd 2 galone of wuter to 1, ons of wenunee Pat. Pending Copyrtghe Equipping a Petrol Engined Vehicle to run on Ges or Petro! By HAROLD BATE . samy Rovdens STackey Hf the scheme 1c be 4 facto it mest te sale require very ‘ite alvetaton ‘> she andaid edulpaeat ol ine vebicte nesue no el doing wontols ang t be autonase in peration, “This bas seam achuored by Gzuse epecl tw the atnderd cxthoreaor aad Ebsecsng this ‘ot co-a suction opera vacuum 7276 ‘The salve automaticaly susplies the #95 accovding ve foe ewane of tte engine; once set, the ismurs of at ard gen # aucemsti A pulboa pushod motor eyle type peticl tp is fod between the carburetor aud the fuel pump” ths tap can Ee operated om te dstbourd of 3 cir by Octing 34 esteasion cod, enabling the petrol supply fo be taraad oF ‘wha chaagiog over te gas with the velucle in agen. ON NO ACCOUNT SHOULI TAS TAP BE FITtED BEWSEN ZHE FUEL PUMP AND THS PETROL TANK AS THIS WOULD CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE FUEL PUMP. If the tual puso it sleciie # wil ouly Ge seomcury’c@ connec: a swiech a the caver’ euoplt wares the wiles cua. be SRaded the dasosed so ha ho poop em We svicbet on or off with ee eHISE CONNECTING UP AND STARTING THE ENGINE Those awa be « clear paige ehtcugh the plvedine from the gan costainer & che vacaua tate np tsachon, La: Segnaes ve, Ske tetuen aie a ie ee Would aise ‘temaing, and ate net ‘oscoscary a5 m0 dastbuc. can occur treough che racuor valve ‘Tae-outlet end ol che’ salve of enonectod OF appeos. 12” of Calor Ge Rubber Tabiog te the ans Jet ia the carburetor tbr inlet tod of toe salve is connected by rable or copes fube' sia! che. onjo got tap tO the ght eobtainet. The Yacubem valve suse bot be eomuoeted Droedy Ws gus container or Ait eese, To wart the sugue on gier dtaia Cie eens ‘arbaitteer sod fusn odl te’ poll, tra oo the gay 2 pied ecg ine ———— vores fuel Ube air Mrunghr oo Ge cxturdior appton, | opeu ané bree Git ‘Sariel, ig shea Hat fhe sarkurewor is died wih a vafable ale seanger—tsualy + Sucerdy type at the ar ‘atake; iitis not, one can be Btted oy srilling x #” bole through cuth side of tae caroutctior scar the air invak sad and fing a {” Prose ssidle with + ‘Beat ise sawed to the centre of the spindle = the metal diss should be approx me Hazetet fof the carbucwtor iataks; this wil caoklo ths sir supely wo be controled a3 this fs 8 vet) aporsme part ot tbe eee-ap, az hea tho engi "2 sonsidersele anual OL nee, Devon. Tngland. 1 § 9.7 BM fn Patel omit over le Gea. + Ketes Yao Vaive anould of sAjuaved vo aus ofF Gas when engine ctova. For Fropane Ges ~ etec] of coppar tubing +” or 5/°6" bate shoule be ted catmeon as Container end Gus tap on car, Af Tlemble tora; is used Fron Ses tap to Veruim Teva — this should be Kich Pressure typ. Gas. METHANE GAS DIGESTER PLANT, sppnepee ® g 40, Hot water Tants Can be sated tnimpantently ny Gaa when sngine ds not runing: 1, Migest Yaesl inspection Plies. AR, Tharnountare Sonyrizht. ( 3Ostons manure marks) 204 m0 Pipes & Digester Hexter Tubes = Size = 1g dnoh, B.S.. upmarde according 4 tise of Digeeta Hanke Slurry or sludge Ditvance Pipe = 4, ineh uperday, 1, Septic tank drain pips. 2, taod or neve rite, Je Leather digo fastened to wood dine 4.) Se leather hinge. 8. Set pins 7. Metal strip, 95 Lead waieht, € g DOCAILS OF DAU! PYPR foun REDURN VALVE. fl Pe Ye Gas Jute 2 fuer Dube, 3s On off tap at mide of dziving next to stut off Gas when. running on Fetral oF when engine Le topes 4e Yaomum Talve, 5, 34 Somections when nS ting “bee opLinderer| Coprrteht, 5 be H 2. Bubtarriy type ar oivangler, 2 Float anampers 3e Wossle tor rubber ‘tube connection to Yaoum Enive. fl 2] | 4a Dea Jot. Je Look ants & tamer, 7, Petrol job. Choke tubes Butterfly Utes!

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