: Bonn zoological Bulletin 61 (1): 29-30 July 2012 Mercediella nom. nov., a replacement name for & Camposichthys Figueiredo Silva Santos, 1991 (Pisces: Pycnodontiformes) Stefan Koerber Friesenstr. 11, D-45476Muelheim, Germany; E-mail:[email protected]; www.pecescrioIlos.de. Abstract. Camposichthyshasbeen publishedthreetimes forgeneraofbony fishes, generatingatriplehomonymywhich is described and analyzed in this paper. Areplacement name for the youngest homonym is presented. Camposichthys Travassos, 1946 To resolve the remaining homonymy between Cam- (Characiformes: Cynodontidae) posichthys Travassos, 1946, and Camposichthys Figueire- Travassos (1946) was the first to errect Camposichthys and do & Silva Santos, 1991,Mercediella is here proposed as did so on some erroneous assumptions regarding the then areplacementname forthe latterjuniorhomonym follow- complicated status of Cynodon Spix in Spix & Agassiz, ing §§ 53.2, 56.1 and 60.3 ofthe Code. The only known 1829, Raphiodon Agassiz in Spix & Agassiz,1829, and member of this genus is the originally designated type Rhaphiodonichthys Campos, 1945 (seeKottelat 1988). In species ^Mercediella riachuelensis (Figueiredo & Silva Opinion 2012, the International Commission on Zoolog- Santos, 1991). ical Nomenclature (2002) considered Camposichthys Travassos, 1946, to be ajuniorobjective synonym ofCyn- The new name honours Mercedes Azpelicueta, ichthyol- & odon Spix in Spix Agassiz, 1829, and placed it in the ogist and paleoichthyologist from La Plata, Argentina. 'Official Index ofRejected and Invalid Generic Names in Thanks are due to Miguel Alonso-Zarazaga, Madrid, and Zoology'. Despite this nomenclatural act, in accordance Alain Dubois, Paris, for sharing their experience and ex- with § 80.7.1 ofthe current version ofthe Code (ICZN pertise regarding the rules ofthe Code. An earlierversion 1999) this name continues to compete in homonymy. ofthis paper benefited from comments ofMark Wilson, Edmonton, and an anonymous reviewer. Camposichthys Whitley, 1953 REFERENCES (Characiformes: Curimatidae) In 1953, Whitley established Camposichthys as areplace- M BarbosaJA, Ferreira PereiraPJ, Lima Filho (2008) Dente de ment name for Camposella Fernandez-Yepez, 1948 pre- um picnodontiforme (Actinopterygii, Neopterygii) da For- occupied by Camposella Cole, 1919 (Insecta: Diptera) macao Estiva, Cenomaniano-Turoniano da Baciade Pernam- and, when he learned that Camposichthys Whitley, 1953 buco,NEdoBrasil. Gaea-Journal ofGeoscience4 (2): 43—48 was also preoccupied, in 1954 he replaced it with a new Campos A (1945) Contribuicao ao conhecimento das especies name, Stupens. brasileiras dogeneroHydrocynuse afins.Arquivos deZoolo- gia do Estado de Sao Paulo 4(12): 467-484 Cole FR (1919) A new genus in the dipterous family Cyrtidae from South America. Entomological News and Proceedings & Camposichthys Figueiredo Silva Santos, 1991 ofthe Entomological Section oftheAcademy ofNatural Sci- (Pycnodontiformes: Pycnodontidae) ences ofPhiladelphia 30: 271-274 Camposichthys wasused athirdtime as thename ofanew Fernandez-YepezA (1948) Los curimatidos (peces fluviales de genus ofPisces by Figueiredo & Silva Santos (1991), for Sur America). Catalogo descriptivo con nuevas adiciones fCamposichthys riachuelensis, a fossil pycnodontid genericas y especificas. Boletin Taxonomico - Ministerio de species from Brazil described as new in the same paper. A1g-r7i9cultura y Cria (Venezuela). Laboratorio de Pesqueria 1 This genus is currently treated as valid (Barbosa et al. Figueiredo FJ, Silva Santos R da (1991) Picnodontes da For- 2008; Figueiredo 2009; Poyota-Ariza & Wenz 2002; macao Riachuelo, Membro Taquari, Estado de Sergipe, Souza Lima et al. 2002) and nojunior synonym is avail- Nordestedo Brasil.AnaisdaAcademia Brasileirade Ciencias able forthis genus that could serve as areplacementname. 63 (4): 369-379 Received: 03.01.2012 Corresponding editor: F. Herder Accepted: 02.02.2012 30 Stefan Koerber Figueiredo FJ (2009)Anewmarine clupeoid fish from the Low- Poyato-Ariza FJ, Wenz S (2002)Anew insight into pycnodon- er Cretaceous of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, northeastern tiform fishes. Geodiversitas 24 (1): 139-248 W Brazil. Zootaxa 2164: 21-32 SouzaLimaR, RichterM, Buckup P, Souza-Lima (2002) Os International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999) fosseis da bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas - Os peixes marinhos. International Code ofZoological Nomenclature. 4th edition. Phoenix 4 (41): 1-4 London Travassos H (1946) Contribuicoes para o conhecimento da International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (2002) familiaCharacidae Gill, 1893 III. Discussao sobreosgeneros Opinion 2012 - Case 3041. Cynodon Spix in Spix & Agas- "Cynodon" Spix, 1929 e "Rhaphiodon" Agassiz, 1829, com siz, 1829 and Rhaphiodon Agassiz in Spix & Agassiz, 1829 novonomedesubfamilia. Summa BrasiliensisBiologiae 1 (9): (Osteichthyes, Characiformes): conserved, andC. gibbusand 129-141 R. vulpinus Spix & Agassiz, 1829 designated as the respec- Whitley GP (1953) Studies in ichthyology. No. 16. Records of tivetype speciesofCynodon andRhaphiodon. BulletinofZo- theAustralian Museum 23 (3): 133-138 ological Nomenclature 59 (3): 223-225 Whitley GP (1954) New locality records for some Australian Kottelat M (1988) Authorship, dates ofpublication, status and fishes. Proceedings ofthe Royal Zoological Society ofNew types ofSpix andAgassiz's Brazilian fishes. Spixiana 11(1): South Wales 1952-53: 23-30 69-93 Bonn zoological Bulletin 61 (1): 29-30 ©ZFMK