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MEMS and Microsystems Design, Manufacture, and Nanoscale nd Engineering (2 Edition)* SOLUTION MANUAL Tai-Ran Hsu, Professor** Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering San Jose State University San Jose, CA 95192-0087 USA August 15, 2008 _____________________________________ * John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA ©2008, ISBN 978-0-470-08301-7 ** Telephone: (408)924-3905; Fax: (408)924-3995 E-mail: [email protected] 1 Contents Chapter 1 Overview of MEMS and Microsystems 3 Chapter 2 Working Principles of Microsystems 3 Chapter 3 Engineering Science for Microsystems Design and Fabrication 9 Chapter 4 Engineering Mechanics for Microsystems Design 12 Chapter 5 Thermofluid Engineering and Microsystems Design 27 Chapter 6 Scaling Laws in Miniaturization 36 Chapter 7 Materials for MEMS and Microsystems 36 Chapter 8 Microsystems Fabrication Processes 41 Chapter 9 Overview of Micromanufacturing 50 Chapter 10 Microsystems Design 51 Chapter 11 Assembly, Packaging, and Testing of Microsystems 52 Chapter 12 Introduction to Nanoscale Engineering 55 2 Chapter 1 Overview of MEMS and Microsystems (P. 32) 1. (b); 2. (a); 3. (b); 4. (c); 5. (a); 6. (c); 7. (c); 8. (c); 9. (b); 10. (c) 11. (a); 12. (a); 13. (b); 14. (a); 15. (b); 16. (c); 17. (c); 18. (a); 19. (a); 20. (c) Chapter 2 Working Principles of Microsystems (P. 77) Part 1. Multiple Choice 1.(a); 2. (c); 3. (a); 4. (b); 5. (b); 6. (c); 7. (a); 8. (a); 9. (a); 10. (b); 11. (c); 12. (a); 13. (c); 14. (c); 15. (b); 16. (b); 17. (a); 18. (c); 19. (a); 20. (c); 21. (b); 22. (b); 23. (b); 24. (c); 25. (c); 26. (a); 27. (a); 28. (c); 29. (b); 30. (a); 31. (b); 32. (a); 33. (b); 34. (b); 35. (a) Part 2. Description Problems Problem 2: Transducers Advantages Disadvantages Piezoresistors High sensitivity. Sensitive to temperature. Small sizes. Produced by doping foreign substances to silicon substrates. Capacitors Simple in structure, hence less Exhibit nonlinear input/output expensive to produce. relationship-require careful calibration Not sensitive to temperature- prior to applications. suitable for operations at elevated Much bulkier than piezoresistors-takes temperatures. up precious space in micro devices. Problem 3: The three principal signal transduction methods for micro pressure sensors are: (a) Piezoresistors. (b) Capacitors. (c) Resonant vibrating beams. Advantages of (a) and (b) have been presented in Problem 2. Advantage of (c) is high resolution and sensitivity, especially for high temperature applications. Principal disadvantages of this method are the high cost involved in manufacturing and the bulky size. 3 Problem 5: The assembly of minute overlapped electrodes (known as “comb drives”) can produce electrostatic forces. The scaling laws in Chapter 6 will prove that electrostatic force actuation scale down two orders of magnitude better than electromagnetic force for actuation. A major drawback of electrostatic forces is their low magnitudes, which make them impractical for actuation in macroscale. Problem 6: The natural frequency of a device is related to its geometry, which governs the stiffness of the device, and its mass. Varying the stress state in the device made of an elastic solid, such as the sensing element of a micropressure sensor will result in the change of its geometry, and thus the shifting of its natural frequency. Problem 7: These holes in the back plate can mitigate the change of gap between the thin diaphragm and the back plate. Such gap change can produce unwanted output in capacitance change, and thus malfunctioning of the microphone Problem 8:. We may compute and tabulate the ratios of the output voltage, Vo to the input voltage, Vi vs. the corresponding gaps between a pair of parallel electrodes and follow the procedure as outlined in Example 2.2 on P. 47: Gap, d 2 1.75 1.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 Vo/Vi 0 0.033 0.071 0.167 0.227 0.300 We may plot the relation of the gap, d versus Vo/Vi using the above data in the table. The curve in Vo/Vi vs. the gap d is close to be a straight line. We realize that Vo/Vi → ∞ when d → 0. Problem 9: The output voltage from a thermopile with 3 thermocouple pairs can be obtained from Eq. (2.4) as: ∆V = Nβ∆T with N = 3, and ∆T = (120 – 20) + 273 = 373 K, the Seebeck coefficient, β = 38.74x10-6 V/oC for copper/Constantan from Table 2.3. Thus, the output voltage is: ∆V = 3x38.74x10−6x373= 0.04335volt or 43.35mv 4 Problem 10: Actuation techniques Advantages Disadvantages Thermal force Simple in structure. Response may not be instant due to thermal inertia of the material. Shape-memory alloys Actuation is more precise. Same problem as in the thermal actuation case. It is functional only with a thermal source. Piezoelectric Simple and it is less costly Cannot maintain the actuated movement to produce. Usually for sustained period of time due to provides precise actuation. overheating. Electrostatic force Takes up the least amount Low in magnitudes. of space. Actuation is instant. Problem 11: We assume that there is no friction between the electrodes and the dielectric Pyrex glass. By following the geometry and the dimensions given in Example 2.1 on P. 45 with: L = W = 800x10-6 m; ε = 8.85x10-9 F/m; ε = 4.7 (Table 2.2); V = 70 v; and d = 2x10-6 m o r From Equation (2.10), we may compute the electrostatic force in the width-direction: F = w 0.0815 N. From Equation (2.11), for the force in the length-direction: F = 0.0815 N L Problem 12: We will model the comb drive actuator from a simplified model as illustrated below: V Spring constant Spring constant k k Moving electrodes Moving electrodes Fixed electrodes 5 The required traveling distance of the moving electrodes is δ = 10x10-6 m, which corresponds to the spring force with a spring constant, k = 0.05 N/m: F = kδ = 0.05x10x10-6 = 0.5x10-6 N There are five pairs of electrodes by each of the two moving electrodes. The force needs to be generated by each pair of electrodes is thus equal to: f = F/10 = 0.05x10-6 N From Eq. (2.11), 1εεW F = r o V2 L 2 d with F = f = 0.05x10-6 N; ε = 1.0; ε = 8.85x10-12 C/N-m2; W = 5x10-6 m; d = 2x10-6 m: L r o 11x8.85x10−12x5x10−6 0.05x10−6 = V2 2 2x10−6 We may solve for the required voltage to be V = 21.26 volts Problem 13: The geometry and dimensions of the microgripper is shown in Figure 2.45 below. ““AA”” FFlleexxiibbllee ““DDrriivvee AArrmm”” RReeqq’’ddttiipp mmoovveemmeenntt:: ““AA”” 55 µµmm RRiiggiiddllyy hheelldd ““ CClloossuurree AArrmm”” WWiiddtthh ooff eelleeccttrrooddeess,, WW == 55µµ mm RReeqq’’ddttiipp mmoovveemmeenntt:: 55 µµmm GGaapp,, dd == 22 µµmm 1100 µµmm 115500 µµmm 88 µµmm 55 µµmm 330000 µµmm 1100 µµmm VViieeww ““AA--AA”” We will first find the necessary voltage supply to the electrodes on both drive arms to provide a 5 µm movements at the free end of each of these two arms. We will treat the Drive arms as two elastic cantilever beams and the generated electrostatic forces by the electrodes as concentrated forces acting at the distance that equals to a distance b = 150 + 0.5x8 = 154 µm away from the support-end as illustrated below: 6 bb == 115544 µµmm FF δδ == 55 µµmm mmaaxx LL == 330000 µµmm Since the expression for the maximum deflection at the free-end of the cantilever with a load, P applied at a distant, b from the support (see the illustration above) is: Fb2 δ = (3L−b) max 6EI with the Young’s modulus, E = 1.9x1011 Pa from Table 7.3 for silicon, and the area moment of inertia, I = 4.17x10-22 m4 (for the cross-section of the beam shown in View “A-A”in the sketch of the gripper), we will have the following relationship for the equivalent force, P: F(154x10−6)2(3x300x10−6 −154x10−6) 5x10−6 = ( )( ) 6x1.9x1011 4.17x10−22 Solve for the equivalent applied force, F = 0.1343x10-3 N We are now ready to estimate the voltage supply to the electrodes to generate the above actuation force. There are 5 pairs of electrodes for each arm. From Equation (2.11), the electrostatic force is: 1εεW F = r o V2 L 2 d with ε = 1.0; ε = 8.85x10-12 C/N-m2; W = 5x10-6 m; and d = 2x10-6 m r o Since the electrostatic force in Equation (2.11) is for a single pair of electrodes, the total electrostatic force generated by n-pair of electrodes can be expressed to be: ⎛1ε ε W ⎞ F = n⎜ r o ⎟V2 L ⎝2 d ⎠ We thus have: 1 1x8.85x10−12x5x10−6 0.1343x10−3 = 5 V2 2 2x10−6 7 We may solve for the supply voltage to be V = 1558.2 volts, which is an unusually high voltage for a microgripper. The reduction of required voltage supply to the microgripper can be achieved by a combination of increase the number of pairs of electrodes, as illustrated in Figure 2.29 for Example 2.4, and the geometry and dimensions of the microgripper. Reduction in the length, or the depth of the drive arm would result in the reduction of the required voltage for actuation too. However, with the current geometry and dimensions of the microgrupper in Figure 2.45, it is not realistic to drop the required actuation voltage to 40 volts. Problem 14 Let us first show Equation (2.13) as F = 2mVxΩ, in which F is the induced Coriolis force, V c c is the velocity vector, and Ω is the angular displacement of the object. Expressing Equation (2.13) in a full-length form, we have the following: i j k F i+F j+F k = 2m V V V cx cy cz x y z Ω Ω Ω x y z where i, j, and k = unit vector along x-, y- and z-coordinate respectively in a Cartesian coordinate system. V , V and V = velocity component along x-, y- and z-coordinate x y z respectively, and Ω , Ω , and Ω = angular rotation component about x-, y- and z-coordinate x y z respectively. Expansion of the above expression will lead to the following relations: F i+F j+F k = cx cy cz [( ) ( ) ( ) ] 2m V Ω −V Ω i+ V Ω −V Ω j+ V Ω −V Ω k y z z y x z z x x y y x We observe from the setup illustrated in Figure 2.39 with the following zero quantities: V = V = 0 and Ω = Ω = 0 y z x y We thus from the above equality, the only non-zero Coriolis force component to be: F = - 2m V Ω in the y-direction cy x z The numerical value of the Coriolis force can be obtained with the substitution of the mass m = 1 mg = 10-6 kg and V = 2 (maximum amplitude of vibration)/period of vibration. x We get V = 2 x (100 x 10-6) m/0.001 s = 0.2 m/s x The corresponding Coriolis force with an angular displacement Ω = + 0.01 rad in z counterclockwise direction is: 8 F = -2x10-6 x 0.2 x 0,01 = -4x10-9 N cy Problem 15 With a given equivalent spring constant k = 100 N/m, we have the displacement of the proof mass in positive y-direction as: δ = F /k = 4x10-9/100 = 4 x 10-11 m y cy where the value of F is obtained from Problem 2.14. cy Chapter 3 Engineering Science for Microsystems Design and Fabrication (P. 105) Part 1: Multiple Choice: 1.(b); 2. (b); 3. (a); 4. (a); 5. (a); 6. (a); 7. (b); 8. (c); 9. (b); 10(c); 11. (c); 12. (a); 13. (b); 14.(a); 15. (c); 16. (a); 17. (a); 18. (c); 19. (b); 20. (a); 21. (a); 22. (c); 23. (c); 24. (a); 25. (b); 26. (a); 27. (b); 28. (a); 29. (b); 30. (a); 31. (b); 32. (c); 33. (b); 34. (a); 35. (c); 36. (a); 37. (c); 38. (b); 39. (c); 40. (a); 41. (b); 42. (b); 43. (b); 44. (a); 45. (b). Part 2: Descriptive Problems: Problem 1: We have learned from this chapter that the mass of a proton in an atom is 1.67x10-27 kg, which is 1800 times greater than the mass of an electron. We may thus assume that the total mass of protons in an atom to be the mass of the same atom. We are also aware of the fact that a neutron in the nucleus of an atom has the same mass as that of a proton. Since each hydrogen atom has one proton and one electron, and each silicon atom has 14 each protons and neutrons, we may thus obtain the mass of a single hydrogen atom to be 1.67x10-27 kg, whereas (14+14)x1.67x10-27 = 46.76x10-27 kg to be the mass of a silicon atom. The radii of hydrogen and silicon atoms are available in Table 8.7, from which we may obtain radii at 0.046 nm and 0.117 nm for hydrogen and silicon atoms respectively. Problem 3: A reasonable resistivity of a conductor is 10-5 Ω-cm, the same as that of platinum as indicated in Table 3.3. 9 Problem 4: The negative signs in these equations mean that the concentration of the diffused substance decreases as the distance of diffusion into the base substance increases. Problem 5: Doping process allows engineers to humanly manipulate the electric resistivity of semiconductors by creating localized positive or negative junction in the bulk material. With such arrangements, engineers can control the way how electric current flow in the material, which is the basic function of transistors in miniaturization. Problem 6: Advantages Disadvantage Ion implantation A faster process at room Hard to control (see Figure 8.4) temperature. Diffusion Easier to control the diffusion A slow process at high temperature zone (see Figure 8.6) Problem 7: By following what is shown in Figure 3.11, the optimum temperatures for As, P, and B are the temperatures at which the maximum solubility of diffusion take place. Thus, the corresponding optimum diffusion temperatures are ≈ 1220oC, ≈1200oC and ≈1330oC for As, P and B respectively. The corresponding solid solubility of these materials are: 12x1020 for As, 5.5x1020 for P and 7.5x1020 for B with unit of atoms/cm3. Problem 8: Equation (3.5) is used for the solution of this problem: ⎛ x ⎞ ( ) C x,t = C erfc⎜ ⎟ s ⎜ ⎟ ⎝2 Dt ⎠ The coefficient C in the above equation is maximum possible input concentration. Inthis case, s we have the solubility of phosphorus at the given diffusion temperature of 1260oC at 5.45x1020 atoms/cm3 as obtained from Figure 3.11. The concentration of phosphorus at the depth x = 0, 0.2, 0.4,……2.0 µm at selected time of t = 0.5, 2, and 3 hrs can be computed from the above equation with (D)1/2 = 1.05 µm/(h)1/2 from Figure 3.12. The equation that we will use to compute the distribution of phosphorus concentration at the above 3 selected time instants will thus take the form: ⎛ x ⎞ ⎛0.4762x⎞ C(x,t)=5.45x1020erfc⎜ ⎟=5.45x1020erfc⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝2x1.05 t ⎠ ⎝ t ⎠ 10

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