SANFRANCISCOPUBLICLIBRARY 3 1223 03473 3619 City and County of San Francisco CityHall 1Dr.CarltonB.GoodlettPlace fleeting Agenda SanFrancisco,CA 94102-4689 ^Zoo Audit Select Committee Supervisors: FionaMa,JakeMcGoldrickandTomAmmiano Clerk:Monica Fish ay.^une 03, 2003 2:00 PM City Hall, Room 263 Special Meeting onsentorRegularagendamayincludethefollowingdocuments: irt report icycoverletterand/orreport nee MeforreviewatCityHall, Room244, ReceptionDesk. ranciscoPublicLibrary 'icwillbeallottedthesamemaximumnumberofminutestospeakassetby ernment Information Center ?ofeachitem, excluding City representatives, exceptthatpublicspeakers Francisco Public Library cewillbeallowedtotestifyfortwicetheamountofthepublictestimony Larkin Street, 5th Roor rtranslationservicesareused, speakerswillbegovernedbythepublic Francisco, CA 94102 edtospeakersnotrequestingtranslationassistance. ERENCE BOOK be taken from the Library 030872 [BudgetAnalyst'sperformanceauditoftheSanFranciscoZoo] Ma Supervisor Hearingtoreview andimplementrecommendationsoftheBudgetAnalyst'sperformanceauditofthe SanFranciscoZoopreparedfortheBoardofSupervisorsinJanuary2000. 5/13/03,RECEIVEDANDASSIGNEDtoZooAuditSelectCommittee.ScheduledforconsiderationJune3,2003. 05-21 -03P05 34 -;CVD ADJOURNMENT DOCUMENTS DEPT. MAY 2 1 2003 SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY \dCountyofSanFrancisco 1 Printedat2:13PM on 5/21/03 CitJy and CountyJ of/San Francisco 1Dr.„Carl,toCni!B.y"Goao"dlett„P,lace Meeting Agenda SanFrancisco CA 94102-4689 - - ^Zoo Audit Select Committee Supervisors: FionaMa,JakeMcGoldrickandTomAmmiano Clerk:Monica Fish Tuesday, June 03, 2003 2:00 PM City Hall, Room 263 Special Meeting Note: Each item on the ConsentorRegularagenda mayincludethefollowingdocuments: 1) Legislation 2)BudgetAnalystreport 3) LegislativeAnalystreport 4) DepartmentorAgencycoverletterand/orreport 5)Publiccorrespondence These items willbeavailableforreviewatCity Hall, Room 244, ReceptionDesk. Eachmemberofthepublicwillbeallottedthesamemaximumnumberofminutestospeakassetby the Chairatthe beginningofeach item, excluding City representatives, exceptthatpublicspeakers using translation assistance willbeallowedtotestifyfortwicetheamountofthepublictestimony time limit. Ifsimultaneoustranslation servicesareused, speakerswillbegovernedbythepublic testimonytimelimitappliedtospeakersnotrequesting translation assistance. AGENDA CHANGES REGULAR AGENDA 1. 030872 [BudgetAnalyst's performanceauditoftheSanFranciscoZoo] SupervisorMa Hearingtoreview andimplementrecommendationsoftheBudgetAnalyst'sperformanceauditofthe SanFranciscoZoopreparedfortheBoardofSupervisorsinJanuary2000. 5/13/03,RECEIVEDANDASSIGNEDtoZooAuditSelectCommittee.ScheduledforconsiderationJune3,2003. 05-21-03P05 34 RC-VO ADJOURNMENT DOCUMENTS DEPT. MAY 2 1 2003 SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY CityandCountyofSanFrancisco 1 Printedat2:13PM on 5/21/03 ZooAuditSelectCommittee MeetingAgenda Tuesday,June03,2003 IMPORTANT INFORMATION NOTE: Persons unabletoattendthemeetingmaysubmittothe City, bythetimetheproceedings begin, writtencomments regardingtheagenda itemsabove. Thesecommentswillbemadeapartof theofficialpublicrecordandshallbebroughttotheattention oftheBoardofSupervisors. Any writtencommentsshouldbesentto: Committee ClerkoftheZooAuditSelectCommittee, San FranciscoBoardofSupervisors, 1 Dr. Carlton B. GoodlettPlace, Room244, San Francisco, CA 94102 by5:00p.m. onthedaypriortothehearing. Commentswhich cannotbedeliveredto the committeeclerkbythattimemaybetakendirectlyto thehearing atthelocationabove. LEGISLATION UNDER THE 30-DAY RULE (Not to be considered at this meeting) Rule5.40provides thatwhenan ordinanceorresolution is introducedwhich wouldCREATEOR REVISEMAJOR CITYPOLICY, thecommitteetowhichthelegislation isassignedshallnotconsider thelegislation untilatleastthirtydaysafterthedateofintroduction. Theprovisionsofthis ruleshall notapplytotheroutineoperationsofthedepartmentsofthe Cityorwhen a legaltime limitcontrols thehearingtiming. Ingeneral, the ruleshallnotapplytohearings to considersubjectmatterwhen no legislation has beenpresented, norshallthe ruleapplyto resolutions which simply URGEaction tobetaken. There are no items now pending under the 30 day rule. CityandCountyofSanFrancisco 2 Printedat2:13PM on 5/21/03 ZooAuditSelectCommittee MeetingAgenda Tuesday,June03,2003 Meeting Procedures The Board ofSupervisors is the Legislative Body ofthe City and County ofSanFrancisco. The Boardhas several standing Committees where ordinances and resolutions are the subjectofhearings atwhichmembers of the public are urged to testify. The full Board does not hold a second public hearing on measures which have been heard in committee. Board procedures do not permit: 1) persons in the audience ataCommittee meeting to vocally express support or opposition to statements by Supervisors orby otherpersons testifying; 2) ringing and use ofcell phones, pagers, and similar sound-producingelectronic devices; 3) signs to bebroughtinto the meeting ordisplayed in the room; 4) standing in the meeting room. Citizens are encouraged to testify atCommittee meetings and to write letters tothe ClerkofaCommittee orto its members, City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room244, San Francisco, CA 94102. Agendaare available on the internet at THE AGENDA PACKET IS AVAILABLEFOR REVIEW AT CITYHALL, ROOM244, RECEPTIONDESK. Board meetings are cablecast on SFCable 26. Forvideotape copies and scheduling call (415) 557-4293. Requests for language translation at a meeting mustbe received no laterthan noon theFridaybefore the meeting. Contact Ohn Myint at (415) 554-7704. AVISO EN ESPANOL: La solicitudpara un traductoren una reunion deberecibirse antes de mediodiadeel viemes anteriora la reunion. Llame aErasmo Vazquez (415) 554-4909. mm &m&&Mmm'>®+A/m%&g# (415) 554-7701 Disability Access Both the Committee Room (Room 263) and theLegislative Chamberare wheelchairaccessible. The closest accessible BART Station is Civic Center, three blocks from City Hall. AccessibleMUNIlines serving this location are: #47 Van Ness, and the#71 Haight/Noriega and theFLine toMarketandVan Ness and the Metro stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. Formore information aboutMUNI accessible services, call 923-6142. There is accessible parking in the vicinity ofCity Hall at Civic CenterPlazaand adjacenttoDavies Hall andthe WarMemorial Complex. All meetings are real-time captioned and arecablecast open-captioned on SFCable 26. The following services are available whenrequested 48 hours before the Committee meeting. This advance notice will help ensure availability. • ForAmerican SignLanguage interpreters oruse ofareaderduring ameeting, contactOhn Myint at (415) 554- 7704. Foralargeprintcopy ofagenda orminutes inalternative formats, contactAnnetteLonich at(415) 554-7706. • Assistive listening devices are available fromthereceptionistin the ClerkoftheBoard's Office, Room244, priortothe meeting. • The ClerkoftheBoard's OfficeTTYnumberis (415) 554-5227. In orderto accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees atpublic meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. CityandCountyofSanFrancisco 3 Printedat2:13PM on 5/21/03 ZooAuditSelectCommittee MeetingAgenda Tuesday,June03,2003 Know Your Rights Under the Sunshine Ordinance Government's duty is to servethe public, reaching its decisions in full view ofthe public. Commissions, boards, councils and otheragencies ofthe City and Countyexist toconduct the people's business. The Sunshine Ordinance assuresthatdeliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people'sreview. For information on yourrights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter67 ofthe San Francisco Administrative Code) ortoreporta violation ofthe ordinance, contact Donna Hall; by mail to Sunshine OrdinanceTaskForce, 1 Dr. Carlton B. GoodlettPlace, Room 244, San Francisco CA 94102 by phone at (415) 554-7724, by fax at (415) 554-7854 orby email [email protected] Citizens may obtain a free copy ofthe Sunshine Ordinance by contacting Ms. Hall orby printing Chapter 67 of the SanFranciscoAdministrative Code on the Internet, at Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Requirements Individuals andentities that influenceorattemptto influence local legislative oradministrative action maybe requiredby the SanFranciscoLobbyist Ordinance [SFCampaign & Governmental Conduct Code Sec. 2.100] to registerand report lobbying activity. For more information about the LobbyistOrdinance, pleasecontactthe SanFranciscoEthics Commission at 30 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 3900, San Francisco, CA 94102; telephone (415) 581-2300; fax (415) 581-2317; web site CityandCountyofSanFrancisco 4 Printedat2.13PM on 5/21/03 3 1223 03473 3619 ZooAuditSelectCommittee BOARDOFSUPERVISORS S.F. CITYHALL,ROOM244 1 DR.CARLTONB. GOODLETTPLACE SANFRANCISCO, CA 94102-4689 IMPORTANTHEARING NOTICE!!! [All Committees] City and County ofSan Franciscc Government Document Section Meeting Minutes Main Library — Zoo Audit Select Committee Supervisors: FionaMa,JakeMcGoldrickandTomAmmiano Clerk: MonicaFish uesday, June 03, 2003 2:00 PM City Hall, Room 263 Special Meeting Members Present: Fiona Ma, Jake McGoldrick, Tom Ammiano. MEETING CONVENED. DOCUMENTS DEPT. The meeting convenedat2:03p.m. REGULAR AGENDA JUN 5 2003 SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY 30872 [BudgetAnalyst's performanceauditoftheSanFrancisco Zoo] Ma Supervisor Hearing toreview and implementrecommendationsoftheBudgetAnalyst'sperformanceauditoftheSan FranciscoZoopreparedfor theBoard ofSupervisors inJanuary 2000. 5/13/03,RECEIVEDANDASSIGNEDtoZooAuditSelectCommittee.ScheduledforconsiderationJune3,2003. Heardin Committee. Speakers: StanJones, ProjectManagerfortheZooProject, BudgetAnalyst's Office; Dr. Joel Parrott, Directorofthe OaklandZooandZoo Veterinarian; Jason Yuen, ArchitectandPlanningand Construction Consultant; DavidAnderson, San Francisco ZooDirector;RickJones, Chairman, San FranciscoZoological Society; Elizabeth Goldstein, Director, RecreationandParkDepartment; Peg Stevenson, Controller's Office; Laura Louttit, San FranciscoZoo; JoanneHaney, San FranciscoZoo; Jacquie Grose, Zoo Docent; Geraldine Givens, FlorenceCrittenton Services; Donna L Mollenhauer, Docent, San FranciscoZoo; Use Ushert, Docent, San FranciscoZoo; Philip Carleton, Watchbison Committee; Dr. Elliot M. Katz, DVM, In DefenseofAnimals; Cory Calandra, San FranciscoZoologicalSociety, BoardofDirectors; Virginia Handley, The FundforAnimals. CONTINUEDTO CALLOFTHECHAIR. \D.TOURNMENT The meetingadjournedat5:14p.m. CityandCountyofSanFrancisco 1 Printedat5:44PM on 6/3/03 Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in