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CONTENTS OF VOL. LXII ARTICLES ARCHER, Rosert, Ausias March and the Baena debate on predestina- Box.LunpD-LaGopou.ou, Karin, Judas: the first English ballad? ....... CANNON, CHRISTOPHER, The style and authorship of the Otho revi- sion of La3amon’s Brut Frep, P. J. C., Malory and Perlesvaus Harvey, Rutu E., /Jog/ars and the professional status of the early ESSN NINE RSs escapee arose ahora cel sisi essed Wacusetouepbaateaibacmpbaaebetsam e Jescu, JupiTH, History in the ‘political sagas’ ........sssssssecscessesssessseesees Puriiirps, HELEN, Chaucer and Deguileville: the ABC in context... SAUNDERS, CorINNEJ. , Malory’s Book of Huntynge: the Tristram sec- tion of the Morte Darthur ScHERB, Victor I. Conception, flies and heresy in Skelton’s ‘Replycacion’ SPEARMAN, ALAN, Langland’s ‘Coriew’: another look at Piers Plowman Notes Acker, Paut, An Anglo-Norman—Middle English glossary of tree ASTM EVERU MEN VARNNOLG Sy gcse cae caescanpnces casein sua dsaseedcasacea coat dé aasssasiotananedeeustae Binns, J. W., Wenceslas Clemens’ homage at the tomb of Chaucer, Carrns, Francis, ‘Alain de Lille and the prologue to Patience’: a bib- liographical correction Epwarps, A. S. G., A Chaucerian reader of Trevisa Erter, Mary C., Margery Kempe’s white clothes ..........ssssssssssseeseeees FLETCHER, ALAN J., Black, white and grey in Hai Meidhad and Ancrene Hook, Davin, The exemplum of the eagle and the hunter (Libro de buen amor 270-2) OxasHA, ExIsaBETH, Old English Aring in Riddles 48 and 59 Review ARTICLES Fox, JoHN, A contested will — Villon’s Testament Pattison, D. G., La Celestina: a new edition and three old questions PENnsom, RoceEr, Zumthor and after: a survey of some current trends in the reading of Old French literature REVIEWS Aers, David (ed.), Culture and history 1350-1600: essays on English commu- nities, identities and writing (David Wallace) Alford, John A., ‘Piers Plowman’: a guide to the quotations (A. V. C. Schmidt) Andersen, Hans Erik, The Battle of Maldon: the meaning, dating and bis- toricity of an Old English poem (Richard North) Apfelbéck, Herman, Tradition und Gattungsbewufstsein im deutschen Leich. Ein Beitrag zur Gattungsgeschichte mittelalterlicher musikalischer ‘Discordia’ (Michael Shields.). . Asperti, Stefano (ed.), v7t rovatore Raima Jorden (Linda M. Paterson) Bammesberger, Alfred (ed.), Old English runes and their continental back- ground (Erich Poppe) Barber, Malcolm, The two cities: medieval Europe 10so—1320 (Jean Dunbabin) .... Bawcutt, Priscilla, Dunbar the makar (Sally Mapstone) Beer, Frances, Women and mystical experience in the Middle Ages (Bella Millett) Bland, Cynthia Renée Bland, The teaching of grammar in late medieval England: an edition, with commentary, of Oxford, Lincoln College MS Lat. 130 (David Thomson) Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate, and Timea Szell fode.), Images of saint- hood in medieval Europe (Jocelyn Wogan-Browne) Boffey, Julia, and Janet Cowen (eds.) Chaucer and fifteenth-century poetry (Charles Runacres) Boitani, Piero, and Anna Torti (eds.), Poetics: Sheeey and practice in me- dieval English literature (John C. Hirsh) Bok, Vaclav: see Bokova, Hildegard Bokova, Hildegard, and Vaclav Bok (eds.), Zwei ostmitteldeutsche Bearbeitungen Jateinischer Prosadenkméler. Eine anonyme deutsche Uber- setzung des ‘Buches von Troja nach Guido de Columnis’ (Nigel F. Palmer) Bournazel, Eric: see Poly, Jean-Pierre Boyle, Marjorie O’Rourke, Petrarch’s genius: pentimento and prophecy (Jennifer Petrie) Brauer, Rolf (ed.), Dichtung des europaischen Mittelalters. Ein Fibrer durch die erzablende Literatur (D. H. Green) Bromwich, Rachel, and D. Simon Evans (eds.), ‘Cu/hwch and Olwen’: an edition and study of the oldest Arthurian tale (Ceridwen Lloyd- Morgan) Brunner, Horst (ed.), Die deutsche TiS ailineter as Mittelalters und der Jrihen Neuzeit. Materialien und Untersuchungen (Nigen F. Palmer).... Bullington, Rachel, The ‘Alexis’ in the Saint Albans Psalter: a look into the heart of the matter (P. E. Bennett) Bynum, Caroline Walker, Fragmentation and redemption: essays on gender and the human body in medieval religion (Jill Mann) Cable, Thomas, The English alliterative tradition (A. V. C. Schmidt) ... Cazelles, Brigitte, The lady as saint: a collection of French hagiographic romances of the thirteenth century (Jocelyn Wogan-Browne) Charles-Edwards, T. M., Zhe Welsh Jaws (Richard Firth Green) Conlee, John W. (ed.), Middle English debate poetry: a critical anthology (Helen Barr) Cowen, Janet: see Boffey, Julia Davlin, Mary Clemente, OP, ‘A game ofh euene’: word play and the meaning of ‘Piers Plowman’ (Charlotte Brewer) Deluz, Christiane, Le dre de Jehan de Mandeville: une ‘géographie’ au XIVe siécle (Jane H. M. Taylor) Diekstra, F. N. M. (ed.), Zhe Middle English ‘Weye of Paradis’ and the Middle French ‘Voie de Paradis’: a parallel-text edition (Michael P. Kuczynski) Easting, Robert (ed.), St Patrick’s Purgatory: two versions of ‘Owayne Miles’ and ‘The Vision of William of Stranton’ together with the long text of the ‘Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patrici’ (Deitdre Kessel Brown) Echard, Sian, and Claire Fanger (trans.), The Latin verses in the ‘Confessio Amantis’, with a preface by A. G. Rigg (H. C.) cccccsessssssesessennennees Egan-Buffet, Maire, and AlanJ . Fletcher, Zhe Dublin ‘Visitatio Sepuleri’ play (John Harper) Evans, D. Simon: see Bromwich, Rachel Fanger, Claire: see Echard, Sian Ferrari, Mirella, Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts at the University of California, Los Angeles, ed. R. H. Rouse (John J. Thompson) Fletcher, Alan J.: see Egan-Buffet, Maire Flint, Valerie I. J., Zhe imaginative landscape of Christopher Columbus (C. David Benson) Ford, Patrick (ed.), Ystoria Taliesin (Brynley F. Roberts) «0.0... Giesecke, Michael, Der Buchdruck in der friihen Neuzeit. Eine historische Fallstudie siber die Durchsetzung neuer Informations- und Kommunikation- stechnologien (D. H. Green) Glasscoe, Marion (ed.), Zhe medieval mystical tradition in England: Exeter Symposium V: papers read at the Devon Centre, Dartington Hall, July 1992 (Bella Millett) Goldhammer, Arthur: see Guenée, Bernard Gregory, Stewart (ed.), Zhe romance of Tristran by Beroul (G. N. Bromiley) Griffiths, Bill (ed.), A/fred’s Metres of Boethbius (Susan Irvine) (trans. & ed.), The Battle ofM aldon (Richard North) Guenée, Bernard, Between Church and State: the lives off our French prelates in the late Middle Ages, trans. Arthur Goldhammer (Lesley Smith) Gwynn, Aubrey, SJ, Zhe Irish Church in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, ed. Gerard O’Brien (H. E. J. Cowdrey) Hanawalt, Barbara A. (ed.), Chaucer's England: literature in historical con- text (J. R. Maddicott) Hanly, Michael G., Boccaccio, Beauvau, Chaucer: ‘Troilus and Criseyde’. Four perspectives on influence (David Anderson) Hansen, Elaine Tuttle, Chaucer and the fictions of gender (Jill Mann).... Harwood, Britton, ‘Piers Plowman’ and the problem of belief (David Aerts) Haug, Walter, and Benedikt Konrad Vollmann (eds.), Friihe deutsche Literatur und lateinische Literatur in Deutschland 800-1150 (Almut Suerbaum) and Burghart Wachinger (eds.), Autorentypen (D. H. Green) ... and Burghart Wachinger (eds.), Exempel und Exempelsammlungen I I sistent creetiteritentthiinciiincsenininnnsiissnssnehiiaiiiitin Henkel, Nikolaus, and Nigel F. Palmer (eds.), Latein und Volkssprache im deutschen Mittelalter 1100-1500. Regensburger Colloquium 1988 (Brian Murdoch) Hicks, Eric (ed. & trans.), La vie et les epistres Pierres Abaelart et Heloys sa fame: traduction du XIII siécle attribuée a Jean de Meun, Avec une nouvelle édition des textes latins d’aprés le MS Troyes, Bibl. mun. 802 (Leslie C. Brook) Higgit, Caroline: see Poly, Jean-Pierre Hoge: Richard M., A grammar of Old English, Vol. 1: Phonology (Jan ermak) Hunt, Tony, Zhe medieval surgery (Stephen Golding) Jensen, Frede (ed. & trans.), Medieval Galician-Portuguese poetry: an an- thology (Stephen Parkinson) Jones, Thomas (ed.), Ystoryaen Seint Greal. Rhan I: Y Keis (Nicolas I cai ictiidecaahcaao nastaseosahlapelidianhenaenaréniinnrslianeciabseininiitieionnia te Kay, Sarah (ed.), Raoul de Cambrai (A. E. Cobby) Kelly, Fergus, A guide to early Irish Jaw (Richard Firth Green) Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn, Reformist apocalypticism and ‘Piers Plowman’ (Wendy Scase)... Kruger, Steven F., Dreaming in the Middle Ages (Helen Phillips) Lacy, Norris J. (ed. & trans.), Béroul: the romance of Tristran (G. N. Bromiley) Lambrick, Gabrielle, and C. F. Slade (eds.), Two cartularies ofA bingdon Abbey (David M. Smith) Lecouteux, Claude, and Philippe Marcq, Les esprits et les morts: croyances médiévales (Jane H. M. Taylor) Lecoy, Félix (ed.), Thomas: le roman de Tristan (G. N. Bromiley) Lochrie, Karma, Margery Kempe and translations oft he flesh (Rita Copeland) Lutz, Eckart Conrad, ‘Spiritualis fornicatio’: Heinrich Wittenwiler, seine Welt verti tistics Bhb, oc, cig, Ce TTT RET McGregor, Gordon Douglas, The broken pot restored: ‘Le Jeu de la Feuillée’ of Adam de la Halle, ed. Karl D. Uitti and Joseph Miller (Roger Pensom) McTurk, Rory, Studies in ‘Ragnars saga lodbrékar’ and its major Scandinavian analogues (Judith Jesch) Marcq, Philippe: see Lecouteux, Claude Menocal, Maria Rosa, Writing in Dante’s cult oft ruth: from Borges to Boccaccio (G. H. McWilliam) Mikos, Michael J. (trans.), Medieval literature ofP oland: an anthology (Gerald Milis, Ludo J. R., Angelic monks and earthly men: monasticism and its meaning to medieval society (Henrietta Leyser) Miller, Joseph: see McGregor, Gordon Douglas Neuse, Richard, Chaucer's Dante: allegory and epic theater in ‘The Canter- bury Tales’ (N. S. Thompson) North, Richard, Pagan words and Christian meanings (Rory McTurk).. O’Brien, Gerard: see Gwynn, Aubrey Owen, Charles A., Jr, Zhe manuscripts of the ‘Canterbury Tales’ (N. F. Pagani, Mario, Poemetti misogini antico-francesi, I: ‘Le Blasme des Fames’ (A. E. Cobby) Palmer, Nigel F. (introd)., Apokalypse [etc.]. Die lateinisch-deutschen Blockbiicher des Berlin—Breslauer Sammelbandes, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin — Preuffischer Kulturbesitz Kupferstichkabinett, Cim. 1, 2, 5, 7) 9, 10, 12 (John L. Flood) see Henkel, Nikolaus Patterson, Lee, Chaucer and the subject of history (J. A. Burrow) Perrot, Jean-Pierre, Le passionaire francais au moyen age (Philip E. Bennett) Poly, Jean-Pierre, and Eric Bournazel, The feudalt ransformation 900-1200, trans. Caroline Higgit (Jean Dunbabin) Poole, R. G., Viking poems on war and peace: a study in skaldic narrative (Heather O’Donoghue) Quilligan, Maureen, The allegory off emale authority: Christine de Pizan’s ‘Cité des Dames’ (Rosalind Brown-Grant) Rawski, Conrad H., Petrarch’s ‘Remedies for Fortune Fair and Foul’: a Modern English translation of ‘De Remediis utriusque Fortune’, with a commentary (Letizia Panizza) Reaney, P. H., A dictionary of English surnames, 3rd edn, corr. R. M. Wilson (John Insley) Riddy, Felicity (ed.), Regsonalism in late medieval manuscripts and texts: essays celebrating the publication of ‘A Linguistic Atlas of Late Medieval English’ (Anne Hudson) Rieger, Angelica, 7robairitz. Der Beitrag der Frau in der altokzitanischen hofischen Lyrik. Edition der Gesamtkorpus (Linda M. Paterson) Rigg, A. G.: see Echard, Sian Rosenberg, Samuel N., and Hans Tischler (eds.), Zhe monophonic songs in the ‘Roman de Fauve’ (Nigel Wilkins) .........cssssssssessecssssssecssssessensens Rouse, R. H.: see Ferrari, Mirella Ruhe, Ernstpeter, Himmel und Holle: Heilswissen fir Zisterzienser. Der ‘Lucidaire en vers’ des Gillebert de Cambres (D. D. R. Owen) Scragg, Donald (ed.), Zhe Battle ofM aldon AD 991 (Richard North) Slade, C. F.: see Lambrick, Gabrielle Spector, Stephen (ed.), Zhe N-town play: Cotton MS Vespasian D.8 (David Mills) Stakel, Susan, False roses: structures of duality and deceit in Jean de Meun’s ‘Roman de Ja Rose’ (Jillian Hill) Stanbury, Sarah, Seeing the ‘Gawain’-poet: description and the art ofp erception (Alcuin Blamires) Stérmer, Uta (ed.), Der ostmitteldeutsche Traktat ‘Welch fiirste sich unde syne erbin wil in synem furstethum festin’ nach Aegidius Romanus, ‘De regimine prinaipum’ (Nigel F. Palmer) Strohm, Paul, Hochon’s arrow: the social imagination off ourteenth-century NN sicdaiiesoscinicesisniteahciiananinsiipiapesiiaivaiiliaaiaialiiiida Surtz, Ronald E., The guitar of God: gender, power, and authority in the visionary world of Mother Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534) (Geraldine McKendrick) Swenson, Karen, Performing definitions: two genres of insult in Old Norse literature (Richard North) Szell, Timea: see Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate Szkilnik, Michelle, L’archipel du Graal: étude de IE stoire del Seint Graal’ i Ti sacle eecetinsaripaiaonancinaid reescilabctensocigahciaaniniilia Thomas, Neil, 77istan in the underworld: a study of Gottfried von Strassburg’s ‘Tristan’ together with the ‘Tristan’ of Thomas (Adrian Stevens) .......... Tischler, Hans: see Rosenberg, Samuel N. Torti, Anna: see Boitani, Piero Ueding, Gert (ed.), Hiistorisches Worterbuch der Rhetorik (Almut Suerbaum) Uitti, Karl D.: see McGregor, Gordon Douglas Van Baak, Nancy Wilson: see Wilson, William Burton Vogel, Herfried, Naturkundliches im ‘Reinfried von Braunschweig’. Zur Funktion naturkundlicher Kenntnisse in deutscher Erzahldichtung des SN Te IED snninseiscinccsisteeicnsicintesnincnensnsnnssnsivonciuidasionniehiobeisin Vollmann, Benedikt Konrad: see Haug, Walter Wachinger, Burghart: see Haug, Walter Watson, Nicholas, Richard Rolle and the invention ofa uthority (Roger Ellis) Whaley, Diana, ‘Heimskringla’: an introduction (Heather O’Donoghue) White, Hugh, Nature and salvaiton in ‘Piers Plowman’ (Charlotte Brewer) Wilson, R. M.: see Reaney, P. H. Wilson, William Burton (trans.), John Gower: ‘Mirour de /’Omme’, rev. Bnet OR WN NR EB) acess ecisccccisscionninsinssnaateoniosarberenneiaaies Windeatt, Barry, Troilus and Criseyde, Oxford Guides to Chaucer (Derek Pearsall) Yeager, R. F. (ed.), Chaucer and Gower: difference, mutuality, exchange Pe TNE sittin tise ncicnttiicsorienecnisniconnnsscosecbiechieeabiibaimiaan

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