Measuring communication complexity using instance complexity with oracles Armando Matos Andreia Teixeira Andre´ Souto LIACC - U.Porto LIACC - U.Porto LIACC - U.Porto [email protected] andreiasofi[email protected] [email protected] 9 Abstract—We establish a connection between non-deterministic and [5] where “distinguishers” are used to obtain bounds on 0 communication complexity and instance complexity, a measure communication complexity. 0 of informationbasedon algorithmicentropy.Letx,y andY1(x) Our results use a bounded resource version of instance com- 2 be respectively the input known by Alice, the input known by plexity with access to an oracle. Notice that, in the commu- Bob,andthesetofallvaluesofy suchthatf(x,y)=1;astring n is a witness of the non-deterministic communication protocol iff nication complexity scenario, the time of the computations a it is a program p that “corresponds exactly” to the instance performedby each party is irrelevant. The program p used as J 9 complexity icf,t(y:Y1(x)). a guess must have access to the description of f; however, 1 I. INTRODUCTION the description of non-uniform functions f, which in general is infinite, can not be incorporated into a, necessarily finite, ] In a general scenario of communication complexity there are programp. Our solutionto this problemis basedon an oracle C twoparties,AliceandBob,andthegoalistofindtheminimal which,for eachsize n, givesto p a descriptionof f restricted C quantity of information, measured in number of bits, that to inputs x and y of length n (which is of course finite).1 We . they must exchange in order to compute the value of a given s willshowthattheprogrampusedasaguessmusthaveaccess c function of their inputs, f : X ×Y → {0,1}. The instance to the descriptionof f and so, if f is notuniform,andp does [ complexityicO,t(x:A),isarigorousmeasureofinformation, not have access to its description for free, then p would have 1 based on algorithmic entropy, is the length of the shortest to built in the description of f, which is only possible if its v program with access to the oracle O that, in time t, length is unlimited. 6 1) answers correctly the question “x∈A?”; Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows.Thenextsection 0 2) doesnot“lie”aboutthesetA(theprogrammayhowever contains some background and notation on communication 9 2 answer “I don’t know” by outputting ⊥). complexity and instance complexity. In Section III we study . Thus, the communicationcomplexity measures the communi- the one-sided protocols and in Section IV we focus on two 1 0 cation costs while instance complexityis related with compu- sided protocols. These two sections contain the main results 9 tationalcomplexity.Theobjectiveofthispaperistoestablisha ofthispaper,namelyTheoremsIII.1andIV.1.SectionVcon- 0 relationship between these two apparentlyunrelated measures tains some comments on the relationship between individual : v of complexity. communication complexity and instance complexity. i Let x and y be the inputs of size n of Alice and Bob X II. PRELIMINARIES respectively. Consider Y (x), the set of all possible inputs y 1 ar given to Bob such that f(x,y) = 1. We prove that, apart In the rest of this work, N denotes the set of natural numbers from a constant, max {icf,t(y : Y (x))}, where icf,t (including 0). The alphabet that we will be using is {0,1}. |x|=|y|=n yes 1 yes is a “one-sided” version of instance complexity is equal to A word is this alphabet is a sequence (possibly empty) of 0’s the non-deterministiccommunicationcomplexityN1(f); as a and1’sandwillbedenotedbyx,y andw,possiblyoverlined. consequence of this result the maximum value of icf,t(y : The length and the i-th bit of x are denoted by |x| and xi Y (x)) over all inputs (x,y) equals the non-deterministic respectively. 1 communicationcomplexityN(f).Themainingredientforthe A. Communication complexity proof of this result is a protocolin which Alice uses the non- Weintroducethebasicconceptsofcommunicationcomplexity. deterministicwordpasaprogramthateventuallycorresponds to icf,t(y :Y (x)). It is important to notice that neither Alice For more detailed information see, for example, [4]. Let 1 f : {0,1}n×{0,1}n → {0,1} be a boolean function. Alice nor Bob alone (i.e., without communication and without the help of the oracle f) can computeicf,t(y :Y (x)); the reason and Bob want to determine the value f(x,y) where x is only 1 known by Alice and y is only known by Bob. To achieve is that Alice only knows x and Bob only knows y. the goal is imperative that Alice and Bob communicate. Non We mention two previous works where the communication deterministicprotocolsP forf involvetheusageofa“guess” complexity has been analyzed in a non-standard way: the paper [2] on individual communication complexity in which 1Thisfactimproves theresults provedonaprevious versionofthispaper Kolmogorov complexity is used as the main analysis tool presented atCiE2007. which is given to Alice and Bob. These protocols P satisfy, 2) Alice sends w to Bob. for z =0 or 1 the following conditions 3) Bob checks if y ∈B. (cid:3) [f(x,y)=z] ⇒ [∃w: P(w,x,y)=z] (II.1) Define the sets: [f(x,y)6=z] ⇒ [∀w: P(w,x,y)6=z] (II.2) X0(y)={x:f(x,y)=0}, X1(y)={x:f(x,y)=1}, For z ∈{0,1}a “one-sided”protocolPz has outputeither z Y0(x)={y:f(x,y)=0}, Y1(x)={y:f(x,y)=1}. or ⊥ and satisfies Notice that Alice knows Y (x) and Y (x) while Bob 0 1 [f(x,y)=z] ⇒ [∃w: Pz(w,x,y)=z] (II.3) knows X0(y) and X1(y). The set Y1 is often mentioned in [f(x,y)6=z] ⇒ [∀w: Pz(w,x,y)=⊥] (II.4) this paper. It is easy to build a non-deterministic protocol for f using Definition II.3. A function is uniform if it is computed by a the one-sided protocols P0 and P1. fixed (independentof the length of the input) algorithm. (cid:3) It is importantto notice that at the end of any protocol,Alice Every function that can be described by an algorithm is and Bob must be convinced about the veracity of the value uniform;forinstanceequalityandparityareuniformfunctions. produced, in the sense that “false guesses” must be detected An example of a function which with almost certainty is and rejected (output ⊥). This requirement corresponds to the not uniform is the random function defined as f(x,y) = 0 “∀···”predicatesabove.Inotherwords,thismeansthatAlice or f(x,y) = 1 with probability 1/2. Notice that in the case and Bob do not trust the oracle. Notice that if both Alice and that f is uniform we can built in the program p a description Bob trusted the oracle the problem would be trivially solved off withasmallcost(aconstantnumberofbits)inthelength by sending the bit corresponding to the value of the function of program. On the other hand, if f is not uniform, then the on their input. descriptionoff isnolongera constant.Toavoidprogramsof Definition II.1 (non-deterministic communication complexi- high length for non-uniform functions we allow the program ties). Standard and individual (non-deterministic) communi- to have oracle access to the description of f. cation complexities are denoted by N and N respectively. B. Instance complexity – Individual communication complexity of protocol P Instance complexity is a rigorous measure of information of with output set {1,⊥}: N1(f,x,y) = min {|c(w)| : P w a string relatively to the belonging to a set A. It is based P(w,x,y)=1}wherewistheguessandc(w)(“conver- on algorithmic entropy, which is, up to a constant term, sation”) is the sequenceof bits exchangedbetween Alice equal to the expected value of Shannon entropy. We define and Bob when the guess is w. Notice that N1(f,x,y) is P several forms of instance complexity; for a more complete onlydefinediff(x,y)=1.Notice alsothatthebehavior presentation see [7]. It is assumed that programs always ofthe protocolP forthe otherinputs(x,y)isirrelevant. terminate, and output either 0, 1 or ⊥ (“don’t know”). In – Individual communication complexity with output the communication complexity the ’cost’ is the number of set{1,⊥}:N1(f,x,y)=min {N1(f,x,y)} where the P P bits exchanged between Alice and Bob who have unlimited protocols P considered for minimization are one-sided computationalpower. In order to establish a relationship with protocols with output set {1,⊥} for the function f. instancecomplexityweuseatimeboundedversionofinstance – Communication complexity of protocol P with output complexity where it is assume that the time is sufficiently set {1,⊥}: N1(f)=max {N1(f,x,y)}. P x,y P large. – Communication complexity of function f with output set {1,⊥}: N1(f)=minP{NP1(f)}. Definition II.4. A program p is consistent with a set A if ThecomplexitiesN0(f,x,y),N0(f),andN0(f),aredefined x∈A whenever p(x)=1 and x6∈A whenever p(x)=0. (cid:3) P P in a similar way. Definition II.5 (time bounded instance complexity). Let t be Define also N (f,x,y) = N0(f,x,y) if f(x,y) = 0 P P a constructible time bound, A be a set, x an element and and N (f,x,y) = N1(f,x,y) if f(x,y) = 1; N (f) = P P P p a total program with access to an oracle O. Consider the log(2NP0(f)+2NP1(f)); N(f)=minP{NP(f)}. following conditions: (C1) for all y, p(y) runs in time not Awitnessisaguessthatcausestheprotocoltooutputavalue exceeding t(|y|); (C2) for all y, p(y) outputs 0, 1 or ⊥, (C3) different from ⊥. (cid:3) p is consistent with A and (C4) p(x) 6= ⊥. The t-bounded The following result from [4] proves that for every function instance complexity with oracle access to O of x relative to there is a simple optimal non-deterministic protocol. the set A is Theorem II.2. For every boolean function f there is an pisatotalprogramwithoracle icO,t(x:A)=min8|p|: access toO thatsatisfies(C1), 9 optimal one-sidednon-deterministic protocolP for f, that is, < = (C2),(C3)and(C4) a protocol P such that NP1(f) = N1(f), with the following : ; formwherethewitnessw,1≤w ≤m,istheindexofthefirst We say that a program p corresponds to icO,t(x : A) if rectangle Rw =A×B containing(x,y) in the first minimum it satisfies conditions (C1), (C2), (C3) and (C4); if more- 1-cover: over |p| = icO,t(x : A) we say that p corresponds exactly 1) Alice guesses w and checks if x∈A. to icO,t(x:A). (cid:3) Notice that in the communication complexity the time is p(x) = 1, r(x) = 0 if p′(x) = 0 and r(x) = ⊥ otherwise, not an important issue since Alice and Bob have unlimited concluding that power of computation and the communication complexity icO,f(t1,t2)(x:A) ≤icOyes,t1(x:A)+icOno,t2(x:A)+ is measured in number of bits exchanged and not by the O(log(min{icOyes,t1(x:A),icOno,t2(x:A)})) time required to transmit the information. The reason why where the function f representsthe time overheadneeded for we consider a time bound version of instance complexity is because Alice must have a referencefor the time that she can the simulation of p(x) for t1 steps followed by simulation expectfortheprogram,thatisgiventoherasaguess,tostop. of p′(x) for t2 steps; the logarithmic term comes from the This is a technical detail. Notice that if the possible guess p need to delimit p from p′ in the concatenation pp′. is nota total programthen there are data for which the p will III. ONE-SIDED PROTOCOLS not stop and then Alice cannot compute the set of y such To givean ideaof therelationshipbetweeninstance complex- thatf(x¯,y)6=⊥,unlessshecancomputetheHaltingproblem. ity and communication complexity we first analyze, in sub- section III-A, the special case of function inequality defined Relaxing the condition “p(x)6=⊥” we get two weaker forms by NEQ(x,y) = 1 if and only if x 6= y. We show how to of instance complexity: useprogramscorrespondingtoinstancecomplexityasguesses Definition II.6 (inside instance complexity). Let t be a of (optimal) non-deterministic protocols. This usage is later constructible time bound, A be a set, x an element and p generalized to any function in sub-section III-B. a total program with access to an oracle O. Consider the A. Inequality: an optimal “ic -protocol” following conditions: (C1) for all y, p(y) runs in time not yes exceeding t(|y|), (C2) for all y, p(y) outputs either 1 or ⊥, Consider the predicate NEQ and suppose that x6=y; then for (C3) p is consistent with A and (C4) x∈A⇒p(x)=1. some i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, we have x 6= y . A possible program p i i i The t-bounded inside instance complexity with oracle access corresponding to icNyesEQ,t(y :Y1(x)) is pi(y) = 1 if yi 6= xi, to O of x relative to the set A is p (y)=⊥ify =x .IfthereadercomputesthesetY′ ={y : i i i 1 p (y)=1} it is easy to see that Y′ ⊂Y (x). So, if p(y)=1 i 1 1 pisatotalprogramwithoracle and if |p| is minimum, this program corresponds exactly to icOyes,t(x:A)=min8<|p|: access toOthatsatisfies (C1), 9= icNEQ,t(y :Y (x)) for some function t. (C2),(C3)and(C4) yes 1 : ; Consider now the following protocol P for NEQ where t A program p corresponds to icO,t(x :A) if it satisfies condi- is a time bound sufficiently large (see more details in sub- yes section III-B). Alice receives a word p as a guess; p may tions(C1),(C2),(C3)and(C4);ifmoreover|p|=icO,t(x:A) yes eventually be the program p above. Then she runs p(y) for we say that p corresponds exactly to icO,t(x:A). (cid:3) i yes every y ∈Y until the program halts or until t(|y|) steps have Definition II.7 (outside instance complexity). Let t be a elapsed. If p(y) does not halt in time t(|y|), the word p is constructible time bound, A be a set, x an element and p not a valid witness and the protocol halts. Otherwise Alice a total program with access to an oracle O. Consider the defines the set Y1′ = {y : p(y) = 1}. If Y1′ ⊆ Y1(x), i.e., following conditions: (C1) for all y, p(y) runs in time not if p is consistent with Y1(x), she sends p to Bob, otherwise exceeding t(|y|), (C2) for all y, p(y) outputs either 0 or ⊥, outputs ⊥ and halts. Bob tests if p(y) =1; if yes, outputs 1, (C3) p is consistent with A and (C4) x6∈A⇒p(x)=0. otherwise outputs ⊥. The t-boundedoutsideinstancecomplexitywith oracleaccess Correctness conditions: to O of x relative to the set A is 1) If x 6= y, there is a witness p that corresponds pisatotalprogramwithoracle to icNyesEQ,t(y,Y1(x)). icOno,t(x:A)=min8<|p|: access toOthatsatisfies (C1), 9= We have xi 6= yi for some i, 0 ≤ i ≤ n. Then, if p (C2),(C3)and(C4) happens to be the program p above, the protocol P : ; i outputs 1 so p corresponds to icNEQ,t(y,Y (x)), that Atiopnrso(gCr1a)m,(pC2c)o,r(rCes3p)oanndds(tCo4i)c;Onoi,ftm(xor:eAov)eirf|ipt|s=atiiscfiOnoe,st(cxo:nAdi)- iAs,liwcee) manudstph(yav)e=Y11′(cvoenrsifiisetdenbtywBiyteohsbY).1(x) (1verified by we say that p corresponds exactly to icOno,t(x:A). (cid:3) 2) If a guess is wrong, the output is ⊥. Notice that if x6∈A then icO,t(x:A) is a constant (indepen- Iftheguessiswrong,theneithersomep(y)doesnotrun yes in time t orp isnotconsistentwith Y (x) or p(y)=⊥; dent of x) for a time bound t (namely a constant), because 1 All these cases are possible to detectby Alice and Bob. the program p(x)≡⊥ has fixed length and is consistent with every set; similarly if x ∈ A then icO,t(x : A) is a constant. 3) If x=y, no guess p can cause output 1. no Thisfollowsdirectlyfromthedefinitionoftheprotocol. Notice also that for every element x and set A we have icO,t(x:A)≤icO,t(x:A) and icO,t(x:A)≤icO,t(x:A). Complexity: yes no On the other hand, from a program p corresponding The length of pi need not to exceed logn + O(1) and to icOye,st1(x:A) and a program p′ corresponding to icOno,t2(x: max0≤i≤n{|pi|} is logn + O(1). Thus the complexity of A) we can define a program r as follows: r(x) = 1 if the protocol P is log(n)+O(1). But the non-deterministic Program p,inputy: communication complexity of NEQ is also logn + O(1) From the description of f (which is given by the (see [4]), thus the protocol is optimal. oracle) and i: Find the set S1 of smallest 1-covers B. “icf,t-protocols” are optimal Select the first (in lexicographic order) cover yes hR1,R2,...Rmi∈S1 In this section we prove the main theorem of this paper by Select rectangle Ri=A×B in that cover showing how to use a program corresponding to t-bounded With input y, output p(y)=1 if y∈B inside instance complexity as a guess in a nondeterministic p(y)=⊥ otherwise protocol. In the general case, the function f, which is known Fig.2. ApossiblebehavioroftheprogrampwhichmaycausetheprotocolP byAliceandBob,isarbitrarilycomplex;thereforethedescrip- (seeFigure1)tooutput 1.Astringpwiththis behavior canbespecified in tion of f can not be included into an “instance complexity lengthlogm.Theexistenceofthisprogram,whichhaslengthlogmwherem isthesizeoftheminimumcovers,justifies thestepbetweenequation (III.7) program” p unless lim |p| = ∞. But the scenario is n→∞ andinequality (III.8). differentifwegivetheprogrampfreeaccesstothedescription of the function f. is a computable function that Alice can determine.2 Suppose Theorem III.1 (icf,t-protocols are optimal). Let f be an yes now that f(x,y) = 1. If the protocol accepts (x,y) with arbitrary function. There is a computable function t(n) such guessp,wehave|p|≤logm+O(1)andmax {|p|}≤ that |x|=|y|=n logm+O(1). Thus N1(f)= max {icfye,st(y:Y1(x))}+O(1) (III.5) N1(f) = logC1(f)+O(1) (III.6) |x|=|y|=n = logm+O(1) (III.7) Proof. Let p be the non-deterministicword given to Alice by ≥ max {|p|}+O(1) (III.8) thethirdentity;theprotocolP isdescribedinFigure1.Notice |x|=|y|=n that the protocol specifies that Alice should interpret p as a ≥ max {icfye,st(y:Y1(x))}+O(1) (III.9) |x|=|y|=n program and execute p for all y for t(|y|) steps. On the other hand, there exists a non-deterministic protocol Alice: with complexity max {icf,t(y : Y (x))}+O(1); this Receive program p(y) (as a possible witness) |x|=|y|=n yes 1 is the protocolof Figure 3. Notice that program p can be any Test if, for every y ∈ Y, p halts and produces ⊥ or 1 in time t(n) totalprogramrunningintimetwhichisconsistentwithY (x) 1 If not, output ⊥ and halt and such that p(y) = 1 (and, if f(x,y) = 1, there is at least Compute the set B={y:p(y)=1} one such program,as we have seen above);thus it can be the Using the oracle access to the description of f find the set of smallest 1-covers shortestsuchprogram,|p|=icf,t(y,Y (x)). Takingthemaxi- yes 1 Select the first (in lexicographic order) such mum overall x and y with |x|=|y|=n (see Definition II.1) SelceocvterahRre1c,Rta2n,.g.l.eRmRii=A×B from that cover we get N1(f) ≤ max|x|=|y|=n{icfye,ts(y : Y1(x))} + O(1) where B⊆Y is the set computed above because N1(f) is the smallest complexity among all the As the cover is minimum, there can be at most protocols for f. Combining this result with inequation (III.9) one such rectangle. If there is none, output ⊥ and halt we get N1(f)=max|x|=|y|=n{icfye,ts(y :Y1(x))}+O(1). Test if x∈A Alice: If not, output ⊥ and halt Receive program p(y) (as a possible witness) Send p to Bob Test if, for every y, p(y) halts in time t Bob: If not, output ⊥ and halt VIefriyfeys,ifoutp(pyu)t=11and halt Test if {y:p(y)=1}⊆Y1(x) Output ⊥ and halt (Ipf insotc,onosuitsptuetnt⊥waintdhhYa1l(tx)) Fig. 1. Afamily ofone-sided non-deterministic protocols P.Theguess is Send p to Bob basedonaprogrampthatcorresponds toicfye,st(y:Y1(x)). Bob: Compute r=p(y) and test if r=1 If not, output ⊥ and halt Theprogramp,beinganarbitraryguess,maybehaveinmany Output 1 different ways; in particular, if f(x,y)=1, the behavior can Alice: Output 1 be described as follows: Fig. 3. A family of one-sided non-deterministic protocols P′. The guess If i is chosen so that (x,y) ∈ R (if f(x,y) = 1 there is at least one such i, otherwise there iis none) then p is consistent may be any program p that corresponds to icfye,st(y :Y1(x)), that is p must satisfyonly{y:p(y)=1}⊆Y1(x)andp(y)=1. with Y (x) and p(y) = 1. Then |p| ≥ icf,t(y : Y (x)). 1 yes 1 A note on the uniformity condition Moreover, if p is not “correct”, that fact can be detected by At first it may not be obvious why the validity of equal- AliceorbyBob;thus,conditions(II.3)and(II.4)(seepage2) ity (III.5) of Theorem III.1 depends on the fact that p has are verified. How much time t(n) must Alice run p(y) (for each y) so access to the description of f. In what follows we show that that, there is at least a witness for every pair (x,y) with if f isnotuniformthen(III.5) maybe false. Noticethatif we f(x,y) = 1? It is possible to obtain an upper bound t(n) in a constructive way by detailing and analyzing the algorithm 2Notice that the time required must be, at least, exponential since the thatthewitnesspshouldimplement,seeFigure2.Infact,t(n) determination oftheminimalcovercanbedetermine inexponential time. Program p,inputy: donotallowaccesstoanoracletheresultisvalidforuniform From the description of f given by the oracle functions since the description of f in this cases requires a and i: constantnumberofbitsandhencecanbebuiltintheprogram Find the set S0 of smallest 0-covers and thatis usedasa guesswith acostofa constantinthe number the set S1 of smallest 1-covers Select the first (in lexicographic order) ofbits.Theideatoprovethattheresultisfalsewithoutoracle sequence s=hR1,...Rm,Rm+1,...Rm+m′i access is to use the Kolmogorovcomplexityas a tool. Denote where hR1,...Rmi∈S0 and hRm+1,...Rm+m′i∈S1 by C(x) the (plain) Kolmogorov complexity of x which is Select the ith rectangle Ri=A×B from s With input y, output: defined as C(x) = min{|p| : U(p) = x} where U is some p(y)=z if y∈B and rectangle A×B has color z∈ fixed universal Turing machine, see [6]. {0,1} p(y)=⊥ otherwise Consider a monochromatic cover of a non uniform function Fig.5. ApossiblebehavioroftheprogrampwhichmaycausetheprotocolP such that (i) the number m of rectangles in the cover is very ofFigure4tooutputavaluedifferentfrom⊥.Astringpwiththisbehavior small and (ii) the horizontal side B of the first rectangle in canbespecified inlength log(m+m′). the coverhasa Kolmogorovrandomlength,C(|B|)≈n. The lengthB canbeobtainedfromp,thusC(|B|)≤C(p)+O(1) which implies C(p) ≥ n + O(1) >> logm; thus the step V. ABOUT INDIVIDUAL COMMUNICATION COMPLEXITY (III.7)→(III.8) in the proof is not valid. The one sided individual communication complexity satisfies N1(f,x,y)≥icfye,st(y:Y1(x))+O(1) IV. TWO-SIDED PROTOCOLS for some constructible time t. The complexityN1(f,x,y) is obtained from a minimization over all protocols which must Nowweconsiderthetwo-sidedprotocolsfornon-deterministic of course “work correctly” for every pair (x,y) and not only communication complexity. Similarly to the result of the for (x,y) while no such restriction exists in the definition of previous section we show that there are optimum protocols whose guesses correspond exactly to icf,t(y :Y (x)). instance complexity.The individual communication complex- 1 ity may in a few rare cases (if i has a very short description), Theorem IV.1. Let f be any function. There exists a com- be much smaller than logm. putable function t such that Finally we present a result relating the individual non- deterministic communication complexity with the instance N(f)= max {icf,t(y:Y1(x))}+O(1) |x|=|y|=n complexity. The proof of this Theorem is similar to the proof of Theo- Theorem V.1. (Individualupperbound)For every functionf remIII.1;wemakeonlyafewobservations.Thereadershould and values x and y the individual non-deterministic commu- compareFigures1and2withFigures4and5respectively.The nicationcomplexityN(f,x,y)satisfiesforsomeconstructible main difference in the proof is that we have now to consider time t a minimum cover of 0-rectanglesand a minimum cover of 1- rectangles.Denotebym=C0(f)andm′ =C1(f)thesizeof N(f,x,y)=icf,t(y:Y1(x))+O(1)≤N(f)+O(1) those covers; the witness (program) p has a description with ACKNOWLEDGMENTS length log(m+m′)+O(1). It is not difficult to verify the We thank Sophie Laplante for helpful discussions and suggestions. The correctness of conditions (II.1) to (II.2), see page 2. authors are partially supported by KCrypt (POSC/EIA/60819/2004) and fundsgrantedtoLIACCthroughtheProgramadeFinanciamento Plurianual, Alice: Fundac¸a˜oparaaCieˆncia eTecnologia andProgramaPOSI. 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