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Measurement of dijet azimuthal decorrelation in pp collisions at sqrt PDF

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Preview Measurement of dijet azimuthal decorrelation in pp collisions at sqrt

EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH (CERN) CERN-PH-EP/2016-013 2016/02/16 CMS-SMP-14-015 Measurement of dijet azimuthal decorrelation in √ pp collisions at s = 8TeV 6 1 ∗ The CMS Collaboration 0 2 b e F 3 Abstract 1 ] x A measurement of the decorrelation of azimuthal angles between the two jets with e - the largest transverse momenta is presented for seven regions of leading jet trans- p verse momentum up to 2.2TeV. The analysis is based on the proton-proton collision e h data collected with the CMS experiment at a centre-of-mass energy of 8TeV corre- [ sponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7fb−1. The dijet azimuthal decorrelation 1 iscausedbytheradiationofadditionaljetsandprobesthedynamicsofmultijetpro- v duction. Theresultsarecomparedtofixed-orderpredictionsofperturbativequantum 4 8 chromodynamics(QCD),andtosimulationsusingMonteCarloeventgeneratorsthat 3 include parton showers, hadronization, and multiparton interactions. Event genera- 4 tors with only two outgoing high transverse momentum partons fail to describe the 0 . measurement,evenwhensupplementedwithnext-to-leading-orderQCDcorrections 2 0 andpartonshowers. Muchbetteragreementisachievedwhenatleastthreeoutgoing 6 partonsarecomplementedthrougheithernext-to-leading-orderpredictionsorparton 1 showers. This observation emphasizes the need to improve predictions for multijet : v production. i X r a SubmittedtotheEuropeanPhysicalJournalC (cid:13)c 2016CERNforthebenefitoftheCMSCollaboration.CC-BY-3.0license ∗SeeAppendixAforthelistofcollaborationmembers 1 1 Introduction Hadronic jets with large transverse momenta p are produced in high-energy proton-proton T collisions when two partons interact with high momentum transfer via the strong force. At leadingorder(LO)inperturbativequantumchromodynamics(pQCD),twofinal-statepartons are produced back-to-back in the transverse plane. For this case, the azimuthal angular sepa- rationbetweenthetwoleading p jetsinthetransverseplane,∆φ = |φ −φ |,equalsπ. T dijet jet1 jet2 The nonperturbative effects of multiparton interactions or hadronization disturb this corre- lation only mildly, and ∆φ ≈ π still holds. However, the production of a third high-p jet dijet T leadstoadecorrelationinazimuthalangle. Thesmallestachievablevalueof∆φ = 2π/3oc- dijet cursinasymmetricstar-shaped3-jetconfiguration. Fixed-ordercalculationsinpQCDfor3-jet productionwithuptofouroutgoingpartonsprovidenext-to-leading-order(NLO)predictions for the region of 2π/3 ≤ ∆φ < π. If more than three jets are produced, the azimuthal an- dijet gle between the two leading jets can approach zero, although very small angular separations are suppressed because of the finite jet sizes for a particular jet algorithm. The measurement of the dijet azimuthal angular decorrelation is an interesting tool to gain insight into multijet productionprocesseswithoutmeasuringjetsbeyondtheleadingtwo. This paper reports the measurement of the dijet differential cross section as a function of the dijetazimuthalangularseparation, 1 dσdijet , (1) ∆ σ d φ dijet dijet for seven regions of the leading jet p , pmax, within a rapidity region of |y| < 2.5. Experi- T T ∆ mental and theoretical uncertainties are reduced by normalizing the φ distribution to the dijet total dijet cross section σ within each region of pmax. For the first time, azimuthal angular dijet T ∆ separations φ over the full phase space from 0 to π are covered. Comparisons are made dijet tofixed-orderpredictionsuptoNLOfor3-jetproduction, andtoNLOandLOdijetaswellas to tree-level multijet production, each matched with parton showers and complemented with multipartoninteractionsandhadronization. The measurement is performed using data collected during 2012 with the CMS experiment at theCERNLHC,correspondingtoanintegratedluminosityof19.7fb−1 ofproton-protoncolli- √ sionsat s = 8TeV. Previousmeasurementsofdijetazimuthaldecorrelationwerereportedby √ the D0 Collaboration in pp collisions at s = 1.96TeV at the Tevatron [1, 2], and by the CMS √ andATLASCollaborationsinppcollisionsat s = 7TeVattheLHC[3,4]. 2 The CMS Detector AdetaileddescriptionoftheCMSdetectorcanbefoundinRef. [5]. Thecentralfeatureofthe CMSdetectorisasuperconductingsolenoid,13minlengthand6mininnerdiameter,provid- inganaxialmagneticfieldof3.8T. Withinthefieldvolumeareasiliconpixelandstriptracker, aleadtungstatecrystalelectromagneticcalorimeter(ECAL)andabrassandscintillatorhadron calorimeter (HCAL), each composed of a barrel and two endcap sections. Charged particle trajectories are measured by the tracker with full azimuthal coverage within pseudorapidities |η| < 2.5. The ECAL, which is equipped with a preshower detector in the endcaps, and the HCAL cover the region |η| < 3. In addition to the barrel and endcap detectors, CMS has ex- tensive forward calorimetry, which extends the coverage up to |η| < 5. Finally, muons are measured up to |η| < 2.4 by gas-ionization detectors embedded in the steel flux-return yoke outsidethesolenoid. 2 3 Eventreconstructionandselection 3 Event reconstruction and selection This measurement uses data samples that were collected with single-jet high-level triggers (HLT) [6]. Four such single-jet HLTs were considered that require at least one jet in the event to have p > 140, 200, 260, and 320GeV, respectively. All triggers were prescaled during T the 2012 run except the highest-threshold trigger. The integrated luminosity L for the four trigger samples is shown in Table 1. The trigger efficiency is estimated using triggers with lower p thresholds. Using these four jet-energy thresholds gives 100% trigger efficiencies in T the corresponding four momentum regions 200 < pmax < 300GeV, 300 < pmax < 400GeV, T T 400 < pmax < 500GeV,and pmax > 500GeV. T T Table1: Theintegratedluminosityforeachtriggersampleconsideredinthisanalysis. HLT p threshold(GeV) 140 200 260 320 T L(fb−1) 0.06 0.26 1.06 19.7 Particlesarereconstructedandidentifiedusingaparticle-flow(PF)algorithm,whichcombines theinformationfromtheindividualsubdetectors[7,8]. Thefour-vectorsofparticlecandidates, reconstructedbytheabovetechnique,areusedasinputtothejet-clusteringalgorithm. Jetsare reconstructedusingtheinfrared-andcollinear-safeanti-k clusteringalgorithmwithadistance T parameter R = 0.7[9]. Theclusteringisperformedwiththe FASTJET package[10]usingfour- momentumsummation. Thereconstructedjetsrequiresmalladditionalenergycorrectionstoaccountforvariousrecon- struction inefficiencies in tracks and clusters in the PF algorithm. These jet energy corrections [11] are derived using (1) simulated events, generated with PYTHIA 6.4.22 [12] with tune Z2* [13, 14] and processed through the CMS detector simulation based on GEANT4 [15], and (2) measurementscontainingdijet,photon+jet,andZ+jetevents. Thejetenergycorrections,which dependontheη and p ofthejet,areappliedtothejetfour-momentumvectorsasmultiplica- T tivefactors[16]. Theoverallfactoristypically1.2orsmaller,approximatelyuniformin η,and is 1.05 or smaller for jets having p > 100GeV. An offset correction is applied to take into T account the extra energy clustered into jets from additional proton-proton interactions within thesameorneighbouringbunchcrossings(in-timeandout-of-timepileup)[11]. Pileupeffects areimportantonlyforjetswithlow p andbecomenegligibleforjetswith p > 200GeV. The T T currentmeasurementis,therefore,insensitivetopileupeffects. Eacheventisrequiredtohaveatleastonevertexreconstructedoffline[17]withapositionalong the beam line that is within 24cm of the nominal interaction point. To suppress nonphysical jets,i.e.jetsresultingfromnoiseintheECALand/orHCALcalorimeters,stringentcriteria[18] are applied for identifying jets: each jet should contain at least two particles, one of which is a charged hadron, and the jet energy fraction carried by neutral hadrons and photons should be less than 90%. The efficiency for identifying physical jets using these criteria is greater than99%. ∆ Thetwoleadingjets,whichdefine φ ,areselectedbyconsideringalljetsintheeventwith dijet p > 100GeVandanabsoluterapidity |y| < 5. Eventsareselectedinwhichtheleadingjet p T T exceeds200GeVandthetwoleadingjetsliewithinthetrackercoverageof|y| < 2.5. To reduce the background from tt and heavy vector boson production, the variable E/ /∑E T T is used. The sum of the transverse energies is ∑E = ∑ E sinθ , and the missing transverse T i i i (cid:113) energy E/ = [∑ (E sinθ cosφ)]2+[∑ (E sinθ sinφ)]2, where θ isthepolarangleandthe T i i i i i i i i sum runs over all PF candidates in the event. A noticeable fraction of high-p jet events with T large E/ emerges from tt production with semileptonically decaying b quarks. In addition, T 3 Z/W+jet(s) events with Z decays to neutrinos and W decays into charged leptons with neu- trinos have high E/ values. The distributions of the variable E/ /∑E are shown in Fig. 1 for T T T thetworegions ∆φ < π/2(left)and π/2 < ∆φ < π (right). Thedata(points)arecom- dijet dijet pared to simulated events (stacked), using MADGRAPH [19] matched to PYTHIA6 [12] for eventgeneration. Although some deviationsof the simulationwith respect tothe data are visibleinFig.1(cf.Ref. [20]),thedistributionsallowaselectioncriteriontobeoptimizedwith respecttotheratioofsignaloverbackground. Eventswith E/ /∑E > 0.1arerejectedinboth T T ∆ regions of φ considered in Fig. 1, which corresponds to about 0.7% of the data sample. dijet Negligiblebackgroundfractionsof ≈1%and ≈0.1%remainforthetwo regions ∆φ < π/2 dijet andπ/2 < ∆φ < π,respectively. dijet 19.7 fb-1 (8 TeV) 19.7 fb-1 (8 TeV) h h Widt1011 CMS DQaCtDa Widt1011 CMS DQaCtDa n 1010 n 1010 Bi tt Bi tt s/ W fi ln s/ W fi ln ent Z fi n n ent Z fi n n Ev 108 Ev 108 106 106 D f < p /2 p /2 < D f < p dijet dijet 104 104 102 102 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 E/(cid:229) E E/(cid:229) E T T T T Figure1: DistributionofE/ /∑E fordata(points)incomparisonwithsimulatedjetproduction T T andotherprocesseswithlarge E/ (stacked)separatelyforthetworegions ∆φ < π/2(left) T dijet andπ/2 < ∆φ < π (right). Themaincontributionofeventswithlarge E/ inthefinalstate dijet T iscausedbyprocessessuchasZ/W+jet(s)withZ → ννandW → (cid:96)ν. ∆ 4 Measurement of the dijet cross section differential in φ dijet ∆ Thenormalizeddijetcrosssectiondifferentialin φ (Eq.1)iscorrectedfordetectorsmear- dijet ing effects and unfolded to the level of stable (decay length cτ > 1cm) final-state particles. In this way, a direct comparison of the measurement with corresponding results from other experimentsandwithQCDpredictionscanbemade. Theunfoldingmethodisbasedonthematrixinversionalgorithmimplementedinthesoftware package ROOUNFOLD [21]. Unfolding uses a response matrix that maps the distribution at particle-level onto the measured one. The response matrix is derived from a simulation that uses the true dijet cross section distribution from PYTHIA6 with tune Z2* [13] as input, and ∆ introduces the smearing effects by taking into account the φ resolution. The unfolded dijet distributions differ from the raw distributions by 3 to 4% for ∆φ < π/2 and by less than dijet 3% for π/2 < ∆φ < π. A two-dimensional unfolding based on the iterative D’Agostini dijet ∆ algorithm [22], which corrects for the smearing effects by taking into account both φ and dijet p resolutions,givesalmostidenticalresults. T The main systematic uncertainties arise from the estimation of the jet energy scale (JES) cali- 4 5 Comparisontotheoreticalpredictions bration,thejet p resolution,andtheunfoldingcorrection. TheJESuncertaintyisestimatedto T be 1.0–2.5% for PF jets, depending on the jet p and η [11, 16, 23]. The resulting uncertainties T inthenormalized∆φ distributionsrangefrom7%at∆φ ≈ 0via3%atπ/2to1%atπ. dijet dijet The jet p resolution is determined from a full detector simulation using events generated by T PYTHIA6 withtuneZ2*,andisscaledbyfactorsderivedfromdata[11]. Theeffectofthejet pT resolutionuncertaintyisestimatedbyvaryingitbyonestandarddeviationupanddown,and ∆ comparing the φ distributions before and after the changes. This results in a variation in dijet thenormalized∆φ distributionsrangingfrom5%at∆φ ≈ 0via3%atπ/2to0.5%atπ. dijet dijet The uncertainty in the unfolding correction factors is estimated by checking the dependence of the response matrix on the choice of the Monte Carlo (MC) generator. An alternative re- sponse matrix is built using the HERWIG++ 2.5.0 [24] event generator with the default tune of version2.3. Theobservedeffectislessthan1%. Anadditionalsystematicuncertaintyobtained by varying the ∆φ resolution by ±10% to determine the unfolding correction factors is es- dijet timatedtobeoftheorderof1%. Thisvariationofthe ∆φ resolutionby ±10%ismotivated dijet ∆ by the observed difference between data and simulation in the φ resolution. A total sys- dijet tematic unfolding uncertainty of 1% accounts for the choice of the MC generator in building ∆ theresponsematrixandthe φ resolution. dijet ∆ The unfolded dijet cross section differential in φ and normalized by the dijet cross sec- dijet tion integrated over the entire phase space is shown in Fig. 2 for seven pmax regions. Each T ∆ region is scaled by a multiplicative factor for presentation purposes. The φ distributions dijet are strongly peaked at π and become steeper with increasing pmax. Overlaid on the data for T ∆φ > π/2 are predictions from pQCD, presented in more detail in the next section, using dijet partondistributionfunctions(PDF)oftheCT10PDFset. 5 Comparison to theoretical predictions 5.1 Predictions from fixed-order calculations in pQCD ∆ Thetheoreticalpredictionsforthenormalizeddijetcrosssectiondifferentialin φ arebased dijet ona3-jetcalculationatNLO. Thecorrectionofnonperturbative(NP)effects,whichaccountfor multiparton interactions (MPI) and hadronization, is studied using event samples simulated with the PYTHIA6 (tune Z2*) and HERWIG++ (tune 2.3) event generators. Small NP effects are expected, since this measurement deals with a normalized distribution. These corrections are found to be of the order of 1%, roughly at the limit of the accuracy of the MC simulations. ThereforeNPcorrectionsareconsideredtobenegligibleandarenotapplied. The fixed-order calculations are performed using the NLOJET++ program version 4.1.3 [25, 26] within the framework of the FASTNLO package version 2.3.1 [27]. The differential cross sectioniscalculatedfor3-jetproductionatNLO,i.e.uptotermsoforderα4,withthreeorfour S partonsinthefinalstate. ThiscalculationhasLOprecisionintheregionπ/2 ≤ ∆φ < 2π/3 dijet and NLO precision for 2π/3 ≤ ∆φ < π. The region near ∆φ = π is excluded as the dijet dijet required higher-order calculations for two jets are not yet available. For each region in pmax, T thedifferentialcrosssectionisnormalizedtothedijetcrosssectioncalculatedatLOforπ/2 ≤ ∆φ < 2π/3 and at NLO, i.e. up to terms proportional to α3, for 2π/3 ≤ ∆φ < π. The dijet S dijet useoftheLOdijetcrosssectionforthenormalizationintheregionπ/2 ≤ ∆φ < 2π/3leads dijet to an improved description of the data and avoids artificially increased scale uncertainties as described in Refs. [28, 29]. Of course, this difference in normalization leads to a discontinuity proportionaltoσNLO/σLO at∆φ = 2π/3. dijet dijet dijet 5.1 Predictionsfromfixed-ordercalculationsinpQCD 5 19.7 fb-1 (8 TeV) 1) 1018 dijet- (rad dijet11001175 CMS CNTLO10 ( 2NpL/O3 <P DD fFdijet < p ) sd fDd LO (p /2 < D f < 2p /3) 1 dijet 1013 Anti-kt R = 0.7 dijet pmax > 1100 GeV (x1012) s T 900 < pmax < 1100 GeV (x1010) 1011 700 < pTmax < 900 GeV (x108) T 500 < pmax < 700 GeV (x106) T 109 400 < pmax < 500 GeV (x104) T 300 < pmax < 400 GeV (x102) T 200 < pmax < 300 GeV (x100) 107 T 105 103 10 10-1 10-3 10-5 0 p /6 p /3 p /2 2p /3 5p /6 p D f (rad) dijet Figure 2: Normalized dijet cross section differential in ∆φ for seven pmax regions, scaled dijet T by multiplicative factors for presentation purposes. The error bars on the data points include statistical and systematic uncertainties. Overlaid on the data (points) are predictions from LO (dashed line; π/2 ≤ ∆φ < 2π/3) and NLO (solid line; 2π/3 ≤ ∆φ < π) calculations dijet dijet usingtheCT10NLOPDFsetandexcludingthebinat ∆φ = π. ThePDF, α , andscaleun- dijet S certaintiesareaddedinquadraturetogivethetotaltheoreticaluncertainty,whichisindicated by the downwards-diagonally (LO) and upwards-diagonally (NLO) hatched regions around thetheorylines. 6 5 Comparisontotheoreticalpredictions Thenumberofquarkflavoursthatareassumedtobemasslessissettofive,andtherenormal- ization and factorization scales, µ and µ , are chosen to be equal to pmax. The PDF sets with r f T NLOevolutionsusedinthecalculationsaretabulatedinTable2. TheABM11PDFsetutilizes afixedflavournumberscheme,whereastherestofthePDFsetsuseavariableflavournumber scheme. Themaximumnumberofflavoursisdenotedby N . f Table 2: The PDF sets used to compare the data with expectations, together with the corre- spondingmaximumnumberofflavours N andthedefaultvaluesofα (M ). f S Z Baseset Refs. N α (M ) f S Z ABM11 [30] 5 0.1180 CT10 [31] ≤5 0.1180 HERAPDF1.5 [32] ≤5 0.1176 MSTW2008 [33] ≤5 0.1202 NNPDF21 [34] ≤6 0.1190 The uncertainties due to the renormalization and factorization scales are evaluated by vary- ing the default choice of µ = µ = pmax between pmax/2 and 2pmax, simultaneously in r f T T T the differential cross section and in the total cross section, in the following six combinations: (µ /pmax,µ /pmax) = (1/2,1/2), (1/2,1), (1,1/2), (1,2), (2,1), and (2,2). The PDF uncer- r T f T tainties are evaluated according to the prescriptions for the CT10 PDF set in Ref. [35]. The CT10 PDF set employs the eigenvector method with upward and downward variations for eacheigenvector. Toevaluatetheuncertaintyduetothevalueofthestrongcouplingconstant at68%confidencelevel,α (M )isvariedby±0.001asrecommendedinRef. [36]. S Z The results of fixed-order calculations with the CT10 PDF set are overlaid on the data for ∆φ > π/2inFig.2. Figure3showstheratioofthenormalizeddijetcrosssectiondifferen- dijet ∆ tialin φ totheorycalculatedusingtheCT10PDFset,togetherwiththecombinedPDFand dijet α uncertainty(innerband), andthescaleuncertainty(outerband). Alsoshownaretheratios S of theory derived with the alternative PDF sets ABM11 (dashed line), HERAPDF1.5 (dashed– three-dottedline), MSTW2008(dashed-dottedline), andNNPDF2.1(dottedline)comparedto thepredictionwiththeCT10PDFs. Thefixed-ordercalculationsagreewiththedataforazimuthalangularseparationslargerthan 5π/6exceptforthehighest pmax region,wheretheyexceedthedata. Forsmaller∆φ values T dijet between 2π/3 and 5π/6, in particular where the estimate of the theoretical uncertainties be- comessmall,systematicdiscrepanciesareexhibitedthatdiminishwithincreasing pmax. Inthe T 4-jetLOregionwith∆φ < 2π/3,thepatternofincreasingdeviationstowardssmaller∆φ dijet dijet and decreasing deviations towards larger pmax is repeated, but with less significance because T ofthelargerscaleuncertainty. SimilarobservationsweremadeinthepreviousCMSmeasure- ment [3], which exhibited larger discrepancies in the 4-jet region due to the normalization to theNLOdijetcrosssectioninsteadofaLOone. 5.2 Predictions from fixed-order calculations matched to parton shower simu- lations The PYTHIA6 [12], PYTHIA8 [37], and HERWIG++ [24] event generators complement LO dijet matrix elements with parton showers to simulate higher-order processes. Both PYTHIA ver- sions, PYTHIA6 with the Z2* tune [13] and PYTHIA8 with the CUETM1 tune [14], employ pT- ordered parton showers [38, 39], while HERWIG++ with the default tune of version 2.3 uses a coherent-branchingalgorithmwithangularorderingoftheshowers[40]. The MADGRAPH programversion5.1.5.7[19]suppliestheresultsofLOmatrixelementcalcu- 5.2 Predictionsfromfixed-ordercalculationsmatchedtopartonshowersimulations 7 CMS 19.7 fb-1 1.8 Anti-kt R = 0.7 Data/NLO 1.6 pmax > 1100 GeV TLEGpmax > 1100 GeV T Data/LO T 1.4 Theory CT10-NLO PDF Scale uncertainty 1.2 DF) 1 PADBMF 1&1 a s uncertainty P0.8 NNPDF2.1 CT10 0.6 MHESRTWAP2D00F81.5 y (1.8 heor1.6 700 < pmTax < 900 GeV 900 < pmTax < 1100 GeV T o 1.4 o t1.2 Rati 1 0.8 0.6 1.8 1.6 400 < pmax < 500 GeV 500 < pmax < 700 GeV T T 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 1.8 1.6 200 < pmax < 300 GeV 300 < pmax < 400 GeV T T 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 p /2 2p /3 5p /6 p p /2 2p /3 5p /6 p D f (rad) D f (rad) dijet dijet ∆ Figure3: Ratiosofthenormalizeddijetcrosssectiondifferentialin φ toLO(triangles)and dijet NLO(squares)pQCDpredictionsusingtheCT10PDFsetatnext-to-leadingevolutionorderfor all pmax regions. Theerrorbarsonthedatapointsrepresentthetotalexperimentaluncertainty, T which is the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties. The uncertainties of the theoretical predictions are shown as inner band (PDF & α ) and outer band (scales). S ThepredictionsusingvariousotherPDFsetsrelativetoCT10areindicatedwithdifferentline styles. 8 6 Summary lationswithtwotofouroutgoingpartonsthatcanbematchedtotheimplementationsofparton showers,hadronization,andMPIoftheeventgenerators. Inthisanalysis,itisinterfacedwith PYTHIA6withtuneZ2*usingtheMLMmatchingprocedure[41]toavoidanydoublecounting betweentree-levelandpartonshowergeneratedpartonconfigurations. ThePOWHEGframework[42–44]providesanNLOdijetcalculation[45]thatcanalsobematched via the parton showers to event generators. Here, POWHEG is interfaced to PYTHIA8 with the CUET[14]tuneandtheCTEQ6L1[35]PDFset. ∆ In Fig. 4 the normalized dijet cross section differential in φ is compared to the predic- dijet tions from fixed-order calculations supplemented with parton showers, hadronization, and MPI. The error bars on the data points represent the total experimental uncertainty, which is the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties. Figure 5 shows the ratios of thesepredictionstothenormalizeddijetcrosssectiondifferentialin ∆φ ,fortheseven pmax dijet T regions. The solid band indicates the total experimental uncertainty and the error bars on the MCpointsrepresentthestatisticaluncertaintiesinthesimulateddata. Among the LO dijet event generators PYTHIA6, PYTHIA8, and HERWIG++, PYTHIA8 exhibits thesmallestdeviationsfromthemeasurements. PYTHIA6 and HERWIG++ systematicallyover- shoot the data, particular around ∆φ = 5π/6. The best description of the measurement is dijet given by the tree-level multiparton event generator MADGRAPH interfaced with PYTHIA6 for showering,hadronization,andMPI. The POWHEG generator,inspiteofprovidingdijetevents at NLO that are matched to PYTHIA8, shows deviations from the data similar to the LO dijet eventgenerators. 6 Summary Ameasurementispresentedofthenormalizeddijetcrosssectiondifferentialintheazimuthal angularseparation∆φ ofthetwojetsleadingin p forsevenregionsintheleading-jettrans- dijet T verse momentum pmax. The data set of pp collisions at 8TeV centre-of-mass energy collected T in 2012 by the CMS experiment and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7fb−1 is analysed. ∆ The measured distributions in φ are compared to calculations in perturbative QCD for 3- dijet jet production with up to four outgoing partons that provide NLO predictions for the range of 2π/3 ≤ ∆φ < π and LO predictions for π/2 ≤ ∆φ < 2π/3. The NLO predictions dijet dijet describethedatadowntovaluesof∆φ ≈ 5π/6,butdeviateincreasinglywhenapproaching dijet the 4-jet region, starting at ∆φ = 2π/3, particularly at low pmax. The pattern of increasing dijet T deviations towards smaller ∆φ and decreasing deviations towards larger pmax is repeated dijet T inthe4-jetLOregionwith∆φ < 2π/3,butwithlesssignificancebecauseofthelargerscale dijet uncertainty. ∆ Inacomparisonofthenormalized φdijetdistributionstotheLOdijeteventgeneratorsPYTHIA6, PYTHIA8,andHERWIG++,PYTHIA8givesthebestagreement. PYTHIA6andHERWIG++system- atically overshoot the data, particularly for ∆φ ≈ 5π/6. A good overall description of the dijet measurement is provided by the tree-level multijet event generator MADGRAPH in combina- tionwith PYTHIA6 forshowering,hadronization,andmultipartoninteractions. ThedijetNLO calculationsfromPOWHEGmatchedtoPYTHIA8exhibitdeviationssimilartotheLOdijetevent generators,emphasizingtherebytheneedtoimprovethemultijetpredictions. SimilarobservationswerereportedpreviouslybyCMS[3]andATLAS[4],butwithlesssignifi- ∆ cancebecauseofthesmallerdatasets. Theextensionto φ valuesbelowπ/2,theimproved dijet

[18] CMS Collaboration, “Jet performance in pp collisions at [30] S. Alekhin, J. Bl ¨umlein, and S. Moch, “Parton distribution functions and benchmark
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