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Preview May/June 2017

99 News The Official Magazine of the International Organization of Women Pilots May/June 2017 Ninety-Nine News cAlENdAr 2017 May/June 2017 Volume 43, Number 3 The Official Magazine of The International Organization of Women Pilots JuNE 6-10 Southeast Section Fall Meeting, Memphis, Tennessee. Copyright 2017, All Rights Reserved 20-23 2017 Air race classic, starting at Frederick Municipal Airport (KFDK), home of AOPA 27-28 New England Section Meeting, Lennox, in Frederick, Maryland, and terminating at Massachusetts. OFFIcErS ANd dIrEcTOrS Santa Fe Municipal Airport (KSAF), New 27-30 Arabian Section Fall Meeting, Cairo, Egypt. Mexico. Visit airraceclassic.org/race- Contact Alia Twal at [email protected]. 99 News information. dEcEMbEr July 1 due date for submissions to 99 News for 11-16 Ninety-Nines 2017 International con- the January/February issue. To list your 99s events ference and business Meeting, San on this calendar page, Antonio, Texas. Visit travelplannerstexas. 1-3 20th Anniversary of the German Section, Jan McKenzie Corbi Bulluck Lisa Cotham Barbara Crooker Terry Carbonell Marjy Leggett Leslie Prellwitz CathyWappler Martha Phillips send information to: com/99s2017. Wiesbaden, Germany. Information will be President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director Director Director PrDudirheocmtomr e Past President updated at a later date, ninety-nines.de/ 99 News published by The 99 News 24-30 EAA AirVenture Air Show, Oshkosh, Wis- events\. THE NINETY-NINES, INC. ® PO Box 950374 consin. Visit eaa.org/en/airventure. International Organization of Women Pilots Oklahoma City, OK A Delaware Nonprofit Corporation THE NINETy-NINES MISSION STATEMENT AuGuST 73195-0374 cOrrEcTION Organized November 2, 1929 Email: 1 due date for submissions to 99 News for In the March/April issue, it was incorrectly (ISSN 1548-565X) The Ninety-Nines is the International Organization of Women Pilots that pro- [email protected] the September/October issue. stated that Elizabeth ‘Betty Wall’ Strohfus was INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS motes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual the first Woman Airforce Service Pilot to have an 4300 Amelia Earhart Dr, Suite A support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight. Online Form: SEPTEMbEr www.ninety-nines.org/ airport named after them (Minnesota’s Faribault Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1140 USA 14-17 Northwest Section Fall Meeting, Trout- Mail to: PO Box 950374 forms/index.cfm/news_ Municipal Airport – Liz Wall Strohfus Field.) dale, Oregon, hosted by the Oregon Pines Oklahoma City, OK 73195-0374 reporter.htm Chapter at the Edgefield Resort. Contact However, several other U.S. airports honor 405-685-7969 or toll free 844-994-1929 (please use the new form) Debra Plymate, [email protected]. the WASP, including Dorothy Scott Airport (0S7) FAX: 405-685-7985 EdITOrIAl ANd PhOTO GuIdElINES Email: [email protected] Pleae indicate the Oroville, Washington, and Corneilia Fort Airpark We encourage submissions for publication in the 99 News. Furnish author’s name, email 24-28 distinguished Flying cross Society bien- Website: www.ninety-nines.org name and location (M88), Nashville, Tennessee. address and phone information. We reserve the right to edit for space and/or clarity. We ac- nial convention, Dallas, Texas. Heroic PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE of the event, the cept both original photographs and high-resolution digital photos (at least 4X6 at 300 dpi). women DFC recipients will be recog- Donna Crane-Bailey, Chairman contact name and nized. Visit www.dfcsociety.org. Laura Barnett, Marie Fasano, Lu Hollander, We cannot use photos from the following sources: newspaper, home printer, photocopies the phone/fax/email. Susan Larson, Marion Nauman, Janice Pelletti or copied from the Internet. Include caption information with all photos and your contact 25-27 North central Fall Meeting, Minneapolis, dEAdlINE FOr chANGES TO Bobbi Roe: Publisher/Editor information. Please email photos as separate attachments. For advertising Minnesota. ThE ANNuAl buSINESS MEETING Danielle Clarneaux: Associate Editor/Graphics For additional submission guidelines, log on to ninety-nines.org and click on 99 News information, specs and 29-Oct.1 Southwest Section Fall Meeting, Redding, AGENdA AVIATRIX PUBLISHING, INC. magazine. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]. Deadlines for sub- rates, or to place an ad, California. The Ninety-Nines utilizes a Reference Lake Forest, IL 60045-0911 missions are listed in our calendar on page 2. If you have any questions, please email us at please contact Committee at the Annual Business Meeting THE 99 NEWS [email protected]. advertisingmgr@ OcTObEr as authorized in the Standing Rules. Any 4300 Amelia Earhart Dr, Suite A ninety-nines.org 1 due date for submissions to 99 News for proposed changes to the Meeting Agenda in Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1140 EdITOrIAl POlIcy Fax: (405) 685-7985 the November/December issue. San Antonio, Texas, must be submitted to the Email: [email protected] The opinions expressed in the articles presented in this magazine are those of the authors 5-8 South central Section Fall Meeting, Reference Committee no later than Friday, July COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS and shall not be construed to represent the policies or opinions of The Ninety-Nines, Inc.® Shreveport, Louisiana. 14, 2017, at noon local time (Central Daylight Arabian: Alia Al Twal 99 News is published bimonthly by The Ninety-Nines, Inc.®, International Organization of Time) for consideration. Australian: Jennifer Graham Austrian: Monika Stahl Women Pilots, at 4300 Amelia Earhart Drive, Suite A, Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1140. With the Committee members’ knowledge Brazil: Patricia Rodriguez da Rocha The subscription is included in the annual Ninety-Nines membership dues. Periodicals of the history and documents of The Ninety- British: Dorothy Saul-Pooley On The cover China: Xue yan Zhang postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK and other additional mailing offices. Neither The Ninety- Nines, they review all submissions for com- East Canada: Lisa Bishop Nines, Inc. nor the Publisher can accept any responsibility for the correctness or accuracy Inspired by Singer Rihanna's photo pleteness, form, duplication and conflict with FFainrn Eisahs:t : L Keyenuan gM Oo.l aKriim of the matters printed herein. shoot on top of the wing of a Stearman bi- current corporate documents and determine the French: Isabelle Bazin The Ninety-Nines, Inc. does not warrant, guarantee or endorse any specific product or service order of presentation in the Agenda. German: Ursula Hammer plane, Ventura County Chapter member India: Harpreet A. De Singh that is advertised in its printed or online catalogue or magazine. Michelle Carter discovered a new way You may contact Reference Committee Israeli: Annie Gross The Publications Committee and the Publisher reserve the right to reject any material sub- Chairman Linda Mathias with any submissions Nepal: Pema Lama to fly. Her boyfriend's family runs Mason New Zealand: Dee Bond mitted for publication. Copy submitted for publication shall become the property of The or questions at [email protected] or Russian: Inna Vladimirovna Frolova Ninety-Nines and shall not be returned. Wing Walking Academy based in Sequim, 757-268-1022.You may also contact the other West Canada: Roberta Drinkwater Washington, but they were at Santa Paula Airport (SZP) for Rihanna's United States: Annual Dues: Committee members: Kathy Fox at kathleen. Mid-Atlantic: Juliette Lindrooth U.S. – 65 USD photo shoot. Michelle had never contemplated wing walking, but after two [email protected] or Elizabeth Frankowski at New England: Glenna Blackwell Canada and the Caribbean – 57 USD Overseas – 44 USD POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: of her friends decided to take the walk, her adrenaline skyrocketed. Before [email protected] New york-New Jersey: Rosanne Isom Student Member – 35 USD (65 USD after first two years) The Ninety-Nines, Inc.® she had a chance to reconsider, she was hooked up and soaring on the NNoorrtthhw Ceesnt:t r Paal:t t My Vinianlel tta Gardinier Non-member Subscription Rates: Intern4a3t0io0n Aaml Oelrigaa Enaizrahtairotn D orf, W Soumitee nA Pilots wing. "As a pilot, it was by far the most incredible flight I’ve ever had." — Pat Prentiss South Central: Stephenie Roberts U.S. – 20 USD Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1140 USA Southeast: Myra Bugbee Canada and other countries – 30 USD Southwest: Alice Talnack 2 99 News – MAY/jUNE – 2017 99 News – mAY/jUNE – 2017 3 99 News President’s Page By JAN MCKENzIE, International President May/June 2017 Is your Section growing? Are you adding new Chapters? In June 2013, the Southeast Section had 471 members. In 2015, they had 546 and in March 2017, they grew to over 600. That is a 28 percent increase in membership in less than 6 On the Wing four years! How did they do it? I asked, and here are a few of their comments. A New Kind of Flying • Being inclusive: Asking people to join and participate and finding ways they can by By Michelle Carter participate. 6 • Sections giving back to the Chapters: Section meetings offering a "take home" that 10 Mommy Pilot Chapters can use to help with fundraising, membership, etc. by Ana Vindas with Janice Pelletti • Communication: Stating the vision and goals in various ways, including through conversation, in emails, newsletters, etc. Most people need to hear a message several times In the fading daylight, Ventura County Chapter member Michelle for it to have an impact. Carter, right, experiences her first wing walk. Her friend Danielle 12 Giving and Receiving: • Cheerleading: The Governor should be the greatest cheerleader for the group and help "walks" on the left. My Experience with The Ninety-Nines everyone develop a positive attitude. Professional Pilot Leadership Initiative • Finding creative solutions to problems: We will find a way to make this work! By Alana Erickson The Southeast Section is inspiring. And speaking of inspiring, why do you go to Sun 'n Fun, a 99 meeting or aviation event? To be inspired! 15 Bobbi Roe Wraps Up 15 Years as I had the pleasure of attending Sun 'n Fun in April in Lakeland, 99 News Publisher Florida. My first inspiration started with the opportunity to be the mas- ter of ceremonies at the WASP luncheon sponsored by the Southeast by Bobbi Roe Section. Listening to three WASP and one Tuskegee Airman was truly inspiring. The gender and racial prejudice they pushed through to be- 17 How Do You Know You Don't Know? come the first woman and African American pilot squadrons in World by Nelda Lee War II was compelling. I could have listened to their stories all day. At the end 18 20 Award Winners Are Ready to Fly Now! of the luncheon, I was introduced 10 by Shelley Ventura WASP Bea Haydu, Florence 'Shutsy' Reynolds and Kay to Julie Wang, Hilbrandt. a Ninety-Nine. 23 2017 Karen Johnson Solo Scholarship She is the first Deadline Quickly Approaching Ana Vindas' daughter Josana, center, inspired her to pursue a Chinese person to pilot an aircraft around-the-world solo and the first Chinese flight career. Josana wasn't expected to live past a year. With by Susan Liebeler woman to circumnavigate the globe in an aircraft. I had read an article about her them are Ana's husband Harodys, center back, and her son José. flight in Pilots Digest earlier this year. What a dynamic, engaging and coura- 24 Air India's First All-Female Crew Fly geous young woman! Stay tuned a 777-200 Around the World for an article about her in a future by Carol Munch 99 News. Despite a serious squall line across Florida, several Canadian 99s flew south across the United States to learn, meet new pilots IN EAch ISSuE and be inspired. Their bold flight East Canada Section 99s at Sun 'n Fun Clubhouse. 2 Calendar itself inspired me. Front row: Lisa Bishop ECS Governor; Sharron 5 President’s Page Being a 99 provides so many Lutman, ECS Treasurer; Maureen Egan; Jocelyn 14 Careers opportunities to be inspired. Lecluse. Back Row: Cathy Boyko; Jan McKenzie, Reach out in your life as a 99 and International President; Susan Begg, Immediate Past 14 Milestones Governor; Janet Chesterfield. be inspired and inspiring! 15 14 Friends of The 99s 16 New Members 25 Grass Roots Going to EAA AirVenture/Oshkosh? Then don’t miss out 30 Touch & Go on the Tuesday, July 25 dinner sponsored by The 99s. See In the early1990s, Bobbi Roe, 99 News Publisher, takes float 30 New Horizons Jan McKenzie with Julie Wang. the back cover of this issue for details. See you there! plane lessons in Washington, enjoying landing on some of the state's beautiful lakes. 4 99 News – MAY/jUNE – 2017 99 News – mAY/jUNE – 2017 5 If you had the chance to wing walk, a safety belt. They taught her where practiced our steps on the wing, har- would you take it? to properly place her feet when climb- nessed a five-foot safety line to the strut On The Wing I started flying when I was 19, ing out of the cockpit and how to pull and prepared for the most thrilling flight inspired by my dad who built a Chal- herself up top. She then slid her feet into yet. lenger II kit plane in our garage when I metal sleeves and buckled in, leaning Soon we were both cozy in the open was growing up. Now, five years later, I against the upright bar. Of course, she cockpit, taking off on runway 22. After have completely immersed myself in the looked absolutely stunning throughout climbing to the appropriate altitude, aviation world and have my very own it all. Sammy throttled back and wagged the little Cessna-150F. The magazine cover shot was com- wings of the Stearman, signaling us to Last year, I was awarded the pleted with an air-to-air flight with the begin our walk to the javelin. International Amelia Earhart Memorial wing-walking Stear-man in formation Both Danielle and I crawled out of Scholarship as well as Ventura County with a Cessna 205 as the photo ship. the cockpit, she on the right wing, and Chapter’s Advanced Rating Scholarship The day had already seemed so I on the left. We made our way through to be used towards my instrument rating. surreal, but it was just the beginning. the flying wires, placing our feet along The support from the aviation commu- When the Hollywood crew finished with small squares where the wing is sup- nity has been such a blessing. the Stearman, Sammy was hesitant to ported beneath the fabric. We then I am currently based at Santa Paula put it away. It was too nice a day to tuck swung our legs over the javelin, wrap- Airport in California, flying and work- a beautiful airplane back in its hangar. ping them around as if we were riding a ing at CP Aviation Flight School. This Our good friends Josh, Brandon and broomstick. is where I met my boyfriend Sammy Danielle wandered over to join the fun, When I looked out, all I could see Mason and his amazing airport family. and almost instantly the two boys were was the vast landscape and sunset. There The Masons are a family of flyers, start- plotting an epic wing walking flight. were no obstructions in front of me. ing with Sammy’s grandfather, Sammy Sammy walked them through the With my legs tightly wrapped around A Different Kind of Flying by Michelle carter, Ventura county chapter Mason, airshow pilot and Lockeed test steps and footing, from the cockpit the javelin, I gained the courage to let pilot who taught his six children and through the flying wires to the javelin go and spread my arms. I felt as if I grandson Mike Mason how to fly. stick between the two wings. After prac- were truly flying. I looked over past the Mike struck a passion for wing ticing and perfecting the wing walk, they engine and could see Danielle holding walking at a young age and now runs grabbed a pair of goggles and earplugs, on tight, smiling as big as I was. Mason Wing Walking Academy with his crawled into the cockpit and took off. I looked back at Sammy, who wife Marilyn Mason, teaching in a red As Danielle and I watched the pointed ahead to our good friend Jessica, 1943 Stearman bi-plane. They currently Stearman's radial roar on takeoff, I felt a flying in her Skybolt. Sammy formed hold the title as the only wing walking spark of adrenaline and wanted to be on close-up on her wing, and when she school in the world. They are based out that wing, too. I looked at Danielle and looked back to wave, I don’t think she of Sequim, Washington, but do travel blurted out, “Do you want to wing walk expected to see two girls hanging on the down to Southern California for wing with me?” wings. We all laughed and waved at each walking lessons and Hollywood gigs. I couldn’t believe what I was other. It was absolutely ridiculous, and I Rumor had it that an upcoming saying, and I was hoping she would was having the time of my life. weekend at Santa Paula Airport was instantly call me crazy. Instead, she The feeling I had out on the wing going to be special. Singer Rihanna was paused with a blank stare and then is indescribable. As a pilot, it was by going to be shooting photos on top of nodded yes. We looked at each other in far the most incredible flight I’ve ever the wing of the Stearman for the cover shock, and with big smiles, ran to the had. Since then, a fellow 99 took a wing of Harper's Bazaar. I made sure to hang hangar to rummage for extra sweatshirts walking flight with the Masons and had around that day to catch the whole crew and gloves. We wanted to be prepared in an amazing time both on the javelin and in action and offer any assistance. case we had the chance to catch a flight. on the top of the wing with aerobatic I watched as Rihanna learned to When the boys landed, faces wind- maneuvers. climb up and down the Stearman’s top blown and rosy, we had just enough Take my word, if you have a chance wing, where there is an upright bar with daylight for Sammy to take us up. We to walk the wing, take it! Michelle Carter experiences her most incredible flight — on the wing. 6 99 News – MAY/jUNE – 2017 99 News – mAY/jUNE – 2017 7 Need Financial help? approximate costs for training. Borrow- character. Give the letter writers the can successfully follow directions. ing money from friends or family or scholarship description and any infor- I am fairly certain that some of my paying for training on a credit card are mation that they need to include in the scholarship applications got rejected Try These Tips for Success not the best funding plans. letter. If someone writes a three-sentence because I sent in the wrong file types If you plan on working three jobs letter of recommendation, do not use it. for my application. The following year and eating ramen noodles to be able to Ask for more letters than you need and I asked for clarification on what they finish training or college, put it in your use the best ones. This also gives you wanted and earned a scholarship that By MELISSA HANTHORN, Greater St. Louis Chapter essay. The trustees are looking to see if backup letters if someone doesn’t have year. If the application is not clear, ask One of the most difficult challenges the AEMSF and other scholarships you have a plan to pay for training out- time to write a letter or forgets to do it. the organization to clarify. with flight training and continuing through two different Chapters of The side of scholarships and how likely you If filling out multiple aviation education is finding a way to Ninety-Nines. will be to finish your training. They are applications, ask the letter "Finally, have someone look over pay for it. There are not many of us who Scholarship applications could be the making an investment in you and want writers if you can use their decide to go to flight school and are able first time the scholarship trustees interact to see it pay off. Talk about how you will letter for more than one the entire application for you." to pay for it outright with funds we have with you. Treat it like you would a job give back to the aviation community— scholarship. available. The Ninety-Nines recognize application. Make it look professional, what does your future involvement look Finally, have someone this need and have set up several ways include all of the requested information, like? look over the entire application for you. Do not get discouraged if you have to receive awards and scholarships for follow all of the directions, proofread it If you have long breaks in your train- Give them the essay and letter of recom- applied for scholarships and are not cho- flight training and continuing education. and have a fellow 99 or friend review the ing, address them. If you have lots of mendation prompts and ask them to con- sen. Keep at it—rework your essay and They provide support to student application for you. hours and little progress, talk about it. firm that you included all of the request- ask for different letters of recommenda- pilots through the Amelia Earhart Fly Review the entire application first Talk about handling any adversities you ed information. Scholarship applications tion. Some organizations give prefer- Melissa Hanthorn. Now Award and continue that support before filling it out; ask for any letters of have faced in your training. I failed the are too time consuming to have them ence to applicants who have been turned through further flight training, technical recommendation or other items that may flying portion of my instrument check passed over because of mistakes. down for scholarships in the past. training and education with the Amelia take time to obtain from others. Make pages vertically on one page. Crop any ride my first attempt. I use it in my es- Follow the directions for turning in Applying for scholarships is so worth Earhart Memorial Scholarship Fund, as sure you meet all the requirements of scanned images so they are neat and says now. the scholarship application. If they re- the effort. You never know where your well as scholarships through individual the scholarship. Fill out the application straight. Edit your images so all pages Sticking with training through the quest separate files for your certificates, training will take you or whom you will Chapters. The Ninety-Nines is the only so it flows and creates a picture of who in the application are oriented the same tough times demonstrates perseverance. logbook, essays, letters of recommenda- meet along the way. They open doors to organization that allows applicants you are. way. Do not include extra items not Your letters of recommendation are tion and application, send separate files. networking and possible jobs. to “write their own ticket” with flight Allow yourself enough time to com- requested on the application. another important piece of the appli- Ability to follow instructions is often Maybe you’ll meet someone who will training, technical training and aca- plete the application before the deadline. Perhaps the most important part of cation. The letters give the trustees a part of the selection process. They want inspire you to a new career or training demic scholarships. It’s not restricted to I nearly wasted hours filling out a schol- your application is the essay. This is bigger picture of who you are and your to see that you are paying attention and goal. one specific certificate, rating, aircraft, arship application one time by waiting where you get to share your story and degree or school. until the day it was due to submit it by demonstrate your need for funds. Essays A few years ago, I decided to switch email. The email inbox was full of other can be intimidating, but you are not careers from an executive assistant in scholarship applications, and my email writing a term paper. Include who you wealth management to a commercial was rejected. Thankfully, I was able to are, where you are in your training and contact the organization where you want to go in aviation. Writ- "Scholarship applications could and send it to an alter- ing the essay is not a whole lot different nate email address. than telling a friend your flying story. If be the first time the scholarship Appearances matter. writing is not your strong point, there Your application should are resources available that can help pol- trustees interact with you. Treat be typed whether turn- ish your essay and clearly tell your story. it like you would a job application." ing in a hard copy or Start with a basic essay format—use submitting it electroni- an intro, body and a conclusion. Include cally. Also pay atten- interesting information in the intro that helicopter pilot. I am in flight training as tion to font size and style. If able, pick makes the scholarship trustees want to a commercial student at Midwest Heli- a professional-looking font like Arial or keep reading about you. I like to write copter Academy and working on a BS in Times New Roman. Do not use “fun” a rough draft and review it a day or two Aviation Administration at Utah Valley fonts like Comic Sans; they are distract- later to make sure I included all the University. ing and hard to read. Make sure the font information in the essay prompt. As I progress through my training size is consistent and readable through- For demonstrating financial need, and degree, the support of The Ninety- out the application and that the page be honest about your situation. Even Nines through scholarships and mentors breaks fall in places that make sense. if you earn a good salary, put it in the has helped me immensely. I’m not sure When making copies of logbooks essay and include why you need money I would still be in flight school without and certificates, they should be legible for your training or education. Also, this support. I’ve received a Fly Now and neat. Edit logbook page copies so tell how you plan to fund any financial Melissa, a winner of multiple scholarships sponsored by The 99s, pre-flights at the Midwest Helicopter Academy. Award, an academic scholarship through you can stack both parts of the logbook shortfalls in your training and include Photos by Kelly Witherbee 8 99 News – MAY/jUNE – 2017 99 News – mAY/jUNE – 2017 9 I decided to go with United because this didn’t hesitate to sign up for a discovery was the best chance I would have to be flight. “My first flight took me over the based on the West Coast.” San Diego harbor. I had discovered my Opposite page, top: Ana In 1997, her world turned upside passion.” with her daughter Josana and husband Harody. down. Ana was pregnant with her second Ana took a six-month personal leave Below: Ana's daughter, child. During the pregnancy, doctors told from United, found financial help with Josana, now 20, is Ana's her the child would be born with severe loans and her family, and enrolled at inspiration. "If she has medical conditions. At 24, she was faced Pacific Western University to begin a beaten all the odds and is with the biggest decision she ever had bachelor’s degree in Business Adminis- making it through life, no obstacle is big enough to to make. She decided to continue the tration. stop me from beating all pregnancy. “I knew this decision put my “My daughter inspired me in a the odds of having a job at risk as well as a sense of ‘normal’ wonderful way. My thought was, and successful pilot career.” life.” still is, if she has beaten all the odds and Josana was born with a rare condi- is making it through life, no obstacle tion, holoprosencephaly, where the is big enough to stop me from beating forebrain of the embryo fails to develop all the odds of having a successful pilot into two hemispheres. “We were told she career.” Right: Ana, after over- had only a 10 percent chance of living The stresses and changes in Ana’s coming many challenges in her life, now sits with pride beyond six months and that most kids life took a toll on her marriage. She end- in the left seat. with this condition do not live past one ed up as a single mother, but with her year.” Today Josana is 20 years old, beat- usual determination, she completed her ing all the odds. private, instrument, commercial, multi- For Ana, “She has taught us the true engine, CFI, CFII, MEI and ground meaning of life. Since the day of her instructor certifications in six months. birth, Josana has been my true motiva- She rounded out her education with a they needed. I was moving forward in because I had much, much more than tion in life.” BA in Business Administration, earning my aviation career and had all my obli- two carry-ons worth of baggage. My Ana went back to her flight atten- a 3.7 GPA. gations met 100 percent of the time.” daughter will never grow up. She will Mommy Pilot dant career when Josana was just eight Working as a ground and flight One year later she was hired as a first never be independent.” months old. Shortly after returning to instructor at American Flyers, she also officer on the DHC-8 at Mesa Airlines. After eight years of being together, work, she found herself on a flight with they married in 2010. “He has been a a female captain. “Becoming a pilot true blessing in my life and a tremendous “You may not always end up where you always intrigued me, so I besieged her help for my children.” By ANA VINDAS with questions.” Allegiant Air hired Ana as a first thought you were going, but you will always Phoenix Chapter Upon returning to San Diego, she officer on the MD-80 in 2006. After a With JANICE PELLETTI end up where you are meant to be.” year of commuting to Las Vegas, Al- Appalachian Aviatrixes Chapter legiant opened a base in Phoenix. She transferred when the base opened and returned to work full time in her flight The new base was Phoenix, Arizona. received an offer for a captain position. llegiant Air Captain Ana Vindas I took a special course in San Diego for attendant position with United. She She was faced with a repeat of the move “I was based at home and worked for an A found her journey to the left pregnant teenage girls and graduated found a live-in nanny to help care for just a year earlier. “I had no choice but airline that had me home every day. All seat of an Airbus A319/A20 right before my son José was born.” her children. to work part-time waitressing at a night- aspects of my scattered life were finally to be anything but direct. As a single Living in Cabo San Lucas after the After two years of this demanding club again. piecing together.” mom with two children, one with special birth of José, she worked two jobs. The schedule, she was hired as an Air Vegas When she upgraded to captain, she In 2014, Ana went to the Airbus needs, she did what was necessary to first was selling resort timeshares and the first officer for Grand Canyon tours, fly- was lucky to get a slot on the DHC- 319/320. “I take immense pride in my provide for them and still have the career second as a reservation agent for Aero ing the BE-99 turboprop. She moved the 8 based in Phoenix. In 2006, United duties as captain, my unique life, and she wanted, on her terms. California Airlines, a Mexican airline. family, nanny included, to Las Vegas. recalled her as a flight attendant. “I had everything I have endured to reach this “From the start, I was always drawn “This was the start of my aviation The move was not easy. Leaving two to make the heartbreaking decision to point. The challenges in my career and to aviation. Growing up, my lifetime career.” A year later, she transferred to great jobs to start in a new city raised resign as a flight attendant and move my life have made me a better person dream was to become a flight attendant,” Tijuana International Airport, continuing serious financial issues. By day she flew forward with my new career.” and a stronger woman. I hope to one she recalls. This dream was put on hold to work for the same airline as a ticket for Air Vegas, and at night she was a At Mesa Airlines, she met a special day sponsor a scholarship or foundation when she became pregnant with her first and gate agent. waitress at a gentlemen’s club near the person, Harodys. “The last few years that inspires pregnant teens and young child and was married. She was in high “After finding some stability, I decid- Las Vegas Strip. had been a whirlwind of time. I had women in Latin America to get involved school. Her family, of Hispanic heritage, ed it was a time to follow my dream to “Despite the reputation of working forgotten what it was like to have a in aviation. I hope my experience would was living in Ensenanda, Baja Califor- become a flight attendant. I was extended at such an establishment, I was proud of relationship. I didn’t think anyone would motivate them to not give up their studies nia, Mexico, at the time. Ana was born offers to train with Southwest Airlines, myself for managing my time to have be interested in me for a long-term and dreams and to be successful in life. I in San Diego. “To obtain a U.S. diploma, American Airlines and United Airlines. my life and to give my kids everything commitment or meaningful relationship was there and I did it.” 10 99 News – MAY/jUNE – 2017 99 News – mAY/jUNE – 2017 11 PHASE 1: Captain – In this phase you are literally the captain of your destiny/career, however you are as- signed a “Navigator” or mentor to help sort out your end goals, your strengths Giving and weakness and to share her lessons learned. She and the “Mentoring Coordi- nator” are a wealth of knowledge as well as provide networking/connections for and your particular challenges or questions. PHASE 2: Captain’s Circle: In this phase you’ve got a “flight plan” for your career advancement, have learned receiving skills such as building confidence, overcoming setbacks, life balance and are ready to share ideas with your peers. You will learn how to mentor someone else. Probably you have achieved some substantial personal growth and confi- dence by now, and most have obtained a Among Alana's passengers on an amazing Grand Canyon/Monument Valley tour was flying job (or a better flying job). (second from the left) her PPLI mentoring coordinator, Connie Batuhan. PHASE 3: Navigator: This is the fun part – giving back. Now YOU are Student pilot Ana McCabe (left) flew as copilot with charter pilot Alana Erickson (right). helping another budding professional very assertive and confident in my organized, the content is relevant and See the blue box opposite for more information. pilot in the beginnings of her journey. other career, but as each flying setback fresh, and I’m inspired by these women By now you have met many amazing occurred, I grew less and less confident daily. A program like this would cost My Experience with The Ninety-Nines women, been inspired and challenged and unsure if I should continue trying thousands of dollars in the corporate along the way and can give a good to be a professional pilot. This program, business world. deal of knowledge and insight to your and especially my mentoring coordina- As Madeline Albright said, “There’s Professional Pilot Leadership Initiative Captain. And being humble, as all the tor in the Captain’s phase, was always a special place in hell for women who women I’ve met in this program are, you there for me, pointing out my strengths don’t help other women.” That’s a little probably know you can learn something and telling me “you’ve got this!” dramatic but as the FAA’s recent census from her as well. Going forward, my goals are to of female pilots shows a decline, it’s By ALANA ERICKSON Each phase is three months. I’ve obtain my multi-engine rating and my programs like this that will keep us Idaho Chapter just started my Captain’s Circle segment. CFI – more to qualify at some point to shattering the glass ceiling/cockpit and I This is a formal structured program, be a company check “airwoman” than showing the boys how it’s done. recently switched careers from your mortgage. So many times, I almost around on my own, I would have quit not a go-at-your-own-pace program. It instructing, but who knows? I very By the way, I was chosen to do my corporate America (healthcare threw in the towel. I am very persistent, and just gone back to my old career and can be challenging, but truthfully it’s much want to pass on with gratitude that most recent 135 check ride with the consulting) to flying for a living. I but at some point the circus just wears hope I could talk someone into reim- necessary to ensure positive progression which has been given to me through not FAA over three male candidates based don’t have to tell any of you how chal- you down. bursing my flight to their office. At least in your career. One of the main things just this program but from women (and on “my professionalism, confidence lenging the aviation journey can be at Operator #1 asked me to ground that would subsidize my habit a little. I’ve learned, which I wouldn’t have men) in our aviation community who (thanks PPLI!), work ethic and mastery whatever level. I thought my instrument school for five days, THEN decided I But then, this last fall I was accepted otherwise, is awareness of my lack of have helped me. I couldn’t recommend of the aircraft.” Our female check air- rating was the hardest thing mentally didn’t have enough back country experi- into the Professional Pilot Leadership confidence. I’ve been told I come across a program more highly. It’s extremely man was being evaluated that day also. and emotionally that I had accomplished ence. Operator # 2 had so overhired Initiative (PPLI) program. It has been an We crushed it. with my flying. And then, the FAR Part pilots that we were literally sorting mail epiphany. Here’s a link to the program, and 135 check ride. and loading cargo. Many times, there Basically, this 99s program supports Postscript: After I wrote this article for the NW Section, I had the good feel free to call or email me if you want Does this sound at all familiar? No would be nine or ten pilots in the lounge the advancement of female professional fortune to have a 19-year-old co-pilot on one of my charters. Her name is Ana to know more. plane, no instructor, no examiner, now with only five available aircraft. Opera- pilots and, additionally, teaches leader- McCabe. She's at school in St. Louis and is doing her private pilot cross coun- Alana Erickson, Idaho 99s/NW the weather is junk. Whoops! I guess I tor #3 had such discombobulation and, ship skills so that women can advance tries. Yes, she’s a Ninety-Nine! She wants to be either an airline pilot or work Section. 208-315-4141, alana@ppli. DON’T have enough night cross country at times, such unsafe practices in their into leadership positions in the industry. ATC. Her dad is a retired mechanic for American Airlines. He booked this org; ninety-nines.org/professional-pilot- hours for this rating; the performance operations and training that it’s a miracle The founders and coordinators of charter while they were vacationing in Arizona and asked that she sit up front leadership-initiative-ppli.htm standards/expectations have changed or any of their passengers got to their this program do this out of pure passion as she’s a pilot. Not sure if it was by design or not, but I was on the line that are unclear; you get deathly ill on the destination. Now, Operator #4 seems to and generosity – there is no compensa- day and got to fly with this extraordinary young woman. So far it has been my day of your stage check…the list goes on. be working out just fine, except I am in tion. Applicants must at least hold a favorite flight as a commercial pilot. It just keeps getting better – so everyone, Now take this context and overlay another state half the time. commercial certificate. The program has just stick with it! it on top of making this happen to pay If I had been out there floating three phases. 12 99 News – MAY/jUNE – 2017 99 News – mAY/jUNE – 2017 13 Pilot Careers: bobbi roe Wraps Enough up 15 years as 99 News Publisher By DONNA MILLER International Careers Committee Since 2003, I have had the honor of being your Editor- in-Chief and Publisher, and I am most appreciative of “You’ve got to want it enough.” I “How do you choose to suffer?” Excuse by the sacrifice we are willing to make to the opportunity to work with all of you for the past 15 heard that statement continuously when me? He says that it tells him more about get us there. That great beach body is the years. I remember the day Past President Jody McCar- I first started thinking about an airline people than asking, “What do you want byproduct of hours a day in the gym and rell called and asked me to take on the job. career. I didn’t really appreciate what that in life?” Joy is easy. Everyone wants the choosing food carefully. It’s sacrificing meant until I had spent several years on the great beach body, an amazing relationship, the chocolate cake for an apple and a latte It’s been a pleasure to work with many of you who submitted journey to have one. a successful career, and world peace. But for a cup of green tea. It’s feeling hungry articles, Grass Roots, New Horizons, Touch & Go and Milestones. Now that I’m relatively comfortable in your 24 hours each day, what are you and having sore muscles and foregoing I hope more members will share their inspiring stories in 99 News. in my job, I talk to a lot of aspiring pilots willing to do to achieve all of that? happy hour with the gang. Day after day In 2012, the Amelia Earhart Trustees awarded me a research who say they, too, want a career in avia- We have to choose carefully how we after day. Month after month and year scholarship grant to digitize 85 years (1929 to current issues) of tion. That’s easy. Everyone wants some- spend our time and really examine what after year. The same can be said for flight 99 News for the website. Due to the generosity of The 99s, these thing, and it’s a matter of deciding what it we are willing to struggle for. How much training. issues are all available globally for research. We are currently is you want and, more importantly, what pain are we willing to devote to what we I’m amazed by astronauts. None trying to locate a few missing issues to complete the project. you want “enough.” You’ve probably heard say we want? How much energy are we of them got to NASA by accident. If the term “cost/benefit analysis.” willing to commit, at the cost of everything you look at an astronaut bio, it screams Being a member of The Ninety-Nines has changed my life. If you want the benefit of something, else, to achieve it? commitment. I love that Canadian Chris I have been a member of the Iowa, Finger Lakes, Greater Seattle say, an aviation career, you must also want He says the answer to that question Hadfield started training to become an and Houston Chapters. I have enjoyed the camaraderie and sup- the cost. You must want to commit the time will start to get you somewhere. It’s the astronaut before Canadians were even port of members from all over the world. My hope is that the and effort, expense and energy it takes to question that will ultimately change your allowed to apply to NASA. But he knew current and future members will experience the inclusiveness of get through the ratings, the first job at low life. If you don’t ask yourself, it’s easy to that if he waited for NASA’s nod to begin the women pilots in our organization. pay, the commuting, the constant check- settle. And settling turns the “What if…” learning everything he needed to know, it Danielle Clarneaux, who started with me in 2003 as Assistant rides. All of it. All of the grief, the stress, question into “Was that it?” would be too late for him to start. Now Editor, has been selected Editor-in-Chief and is already on short the uncertainty… What we get out of life is not deter- that is wanting it enough. A friend of mine put it like this: mined by the great things we desire but What do you want enough? final for the July/August issue. Photographer Lilian Holt will be at the International Conference in San Antonio to photograph for 99 News. Please support your new editor and send your inspiring TrAINING MIlESTONES stories to [email protected]. Thank you for a wonderful opportunity to be a part of our Elise Coleman – Private Allison Irwin – Private membership organization. It has been my honor. Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter — Bobbi Melissa Duff – Multi-Engine Jacqulyn Otero – Solo New Friends Commercial Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter Florida Goldcoast Chapter of The 99s Victoria Peck – Private Top photo: Bobbi will continue to enjoy her love of travel. Micaela Hilderbrand – Solo San Diego Chapter Coyote Country Chapter • Stanley Brassington, Schuylkill Rachel Pityk – Solo Center: Bobbi receives the Amelia Earhart Scholarship grant from Haven, Pennsylvania Jacque Boyd, Permanent Trustee of the Amelia Earhart Scholarship Melissa Holley – Private Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter • Marlene Cox, Dover, Delaware Fund. Trustees and awardees wore tiaras to celebrate AEMSF's 75 NOLA Chapter • Performance Dashboard, Dr. Cappy years of awarding scholarships. Sally Sieberts – Tailwheel Leland, Edmond, Oklahoma Lisa Hotung – Instrument Sedona Red Rockettes Chapter Western New York Chapter • Birche Meese, Pinehurst, North Bottom: One of the early issues of 99 News published shortly after Bobbi became Publisher. Sarah Stanley – Single-Engine Seaplane Carolina Cheri Hutson – Multi-Engine Katahdin Wings Chapter •Joan Moss, Troy, New York Memphis Chapter 14 99 News – MAY/jUNE – 2017 99 News – mAY/jUNE – 2017 15 NEW MEMbErS How do Welcome Back Members Marinas, Karena, Ventura County Bartels, Tammy, (F) Northeast Kansas Martin, Justine, (F) Long Beach Bopp, Susan, New Jersey Martinez, Isvet, (F) Fort Worth you know Caswell, Paulette, Long Beach Martinez, Vicki, Marin County Conatser, Jessica, Phoenix Mateos, Louise, Santa Clara Valley Connell, Christina, Santa Clara Valley Matheson, Laura, Eastern Ontario Crase, Nancy, Phoenix McGuinness, Kristin, Chicago Area you don’t Dale, Brenda, Alaska McLean, Chelsea, Long Island Davis, Luana, Northwest Section Miller, Elyse, Columbia Cascade Eastman, Carol, Orange County Monroe, Jennifer, (F) Montana Fey, Jeannette, Santa Clara Valley Munch-Collins, Natascha, German Section know? Flanigan, Marie, Western New York Kathleen M. Ames Nelson, Laura, (F) Orange County Galus, Evelyn, Treasure Coast Treasure Island Chapter Neustel, Raye Ann, Alaska Harris, Crystal, Antelope Valley Newman, Lyzzie Sofia, (F) Aloha Hawkes, Erin, San Luis Obispo County Defeo, Liesel, (F) Eastern New England O'Neil, Meaghan, (F) Eastern New England Hosein, Shantel, Kentucky Bluegrass Dennis, Molly, Georgia Flying Belles Pacheco, Valeria, (F) Delaware By NELDA LEE Kirscher, Maggie, San Diego Diffenderfer, Brenda, Georgia Flying Belles Panchal, Hiral, Waterloo on the Grand Greater St. Louis Chapter Liebeler-Michael, Jennifer, Bay Cities DiSabatino, Arla, (F) Ventura County Parsons, Elizabeth, Long Beach Louis, Rachel, British Columbia Coast England, Kathleen, Phoenix Petitt, Holly, Arabian Section Martinovich, Vera, Greater Seattle Ferguson, Dianna, (F) Big Sky Petitt, Keely, Arabian Section McSheffrey, Anna, Maple Leaf Flanagan, Bernadette, Treasure Coast Pinkowski, Jennifer, Virginia Patterson, Louise, Ventura County Gallman, Lora, Oklahoma Popov, Shea, (F) Austin Hill Country Good question. How do you know about 400 to 500 yards from the house, were going. The unknown of what flying Platts, Tobie, Mid-Columbia Garner, Jordan, Alabama Prins, Jennifer, (F) Reno Area you don’t know? Well, I guess we and the pasture was wide open. Roger was like and the dream of adventure and Salley, Emily, Colorado Garrett, Donna, Ventura County Reaves, Janice, (F) New Jersey assume we don’t know because we have bounced across the pasture and pulled up learning created in me a desire to enroll Schafer, Julie, Orange County Giessel, Allison, Garden State Reeb, Jenny, (F) Old Dominion Scherffius, Teresa, Kentucky Bluegrass Gorth, Deborah, (F) Eastern Pennsylvania Richards, Frances, Georgia Flying Belles never tried, or we tried and failed, or we in the yard. in aerospace engineering at Auburn Uni- Schu, Mary, Greater Seattle Graham, Kayla, (F) First Canadian Robertson, Katelyn, New Jersey said, “Oh, that is beyond my capabili- I’m not sure how mother reacted versity. That was dad’s alma mater, so Sliffe, Melissa, Palomar Grebenc, Emily, Mississippi Rodio, Candy, Ventura County ties or expectations.” What? That all is to seeing Roger come around the house naturally we would go there, too. He said Snyder, Nancy, North Central Section Gruenitz, Nayereh, Greater Seattle Rogers, Jessica, (F) Alabama subject to change. driving the truck, but she had seen all he would pay for it! Vail, Janna, Utah Gutina, Shaunna, (F) Aloha Rojas, Gladys, (F) Orange County Valasco, Dawn, Scioto Valley Hachana, Zina, (F) Arabian Section Rosendall, Hadley, (F) Florida Goldcoast I have a family story that made of us start driving at young ages, so she Again, the “truck story” came to Van Berg, Sheree, Greater Seattle Hall, Brandy, (F) Connecticut Roshdy Zakaria, Sara, Arabian Section this question a key learning experience knew this was going to happen some- mind. I thought, “I don’t know how to be Hall, Emma, (F) Long Beach Rueter, Jessica, (F) Fort Worth for me and my family. It is our all-time time. Roger made the trip back safely, an aerospace engineer, I don’t know how Welcome New Members Harrison, Ashley, (F) Austin Hill Country Runner, Rachel, Kansas favorite story, and we tell it often. and with the tool. to fly an airplane or a helicopter, and I Hart, Serena, (F) San Diego Salazar, Anna, (F) Mid-Columbia Abraham, Dea, (F) Houston Hatch, Amy, (F) Tucson Sambucci, Olena, Sacramento Valley I have two younger brothers, and After they worked for a while, Rog- don’t know how to be a mentor, and on Alford, Delilian, (F) Delaware Hatton, Heather, Eastern Pennsylvania Sander, Kathleen, San Gabriel Valley when Horace was 11 years old and er said, “Hey dad, send me to the house and on…I don’t know how!” And then I Anderson, Susan, Delaware Hena, Tala, Arabian Section Seals, Maybell, (F) Long Beach Roger was 8, dad took them with him to for something else!” He was hooked; thought, “Of course I don’t know until I Archer, Lindsey, (F) Sugarloaf Hill Diller, Rebecca, Colorado Sexton, Roslyn, Australian Section the pasture to fix a piece of farm equip- driving the truck was no longer on his try.” Ashey, Ineke, Idaho Holliday, Mijin, Indiana Sickman Simms, Cynthia, Santa Clara Valley Attaway, Juanita, (F) Dallas Hopkins, Tina, Long Beach Slater, Kristy, Oklahoma ment. They went in the old ’49 Ford “I don’t know how list!” By the time he Try I did, and what a wonderful Bandel, Lisa, Long Island Horton, Stefanie, Big Sky Snyder, Heather, San Diego manual-shift truck. was 11, he was permitted to drive five world has come my way. I am so blessed. Bascom, Lynnette, Dallas Hotsko, Jennifer, (F) Eastern Pennsylvania Sontheimer, Antoaneta, German Section Shortly after they started repairing Becker, Nicole, Arabian Section Hudgens, Myra, Memphis Spears, Clarissa, Sacramento Valley the piece of equipment, Dad realized Benson, Kathryn, Greater Seattle Huntley, Wanda, (F) Carolinas St Julian, Naomi, Scioto Valley I encourage everyone to “get in the Berke, Emily, (F) Shreveport Hutson, Sierra, (F) Florida Suncoast Sweeney, Kasheba, (F) Delaware he left a tool at the house. He needed Binkley, Camile, Reno High Sierra Ireland, Brooke, (F) Waterloo on the Grand Szewczyk, Megan, Pikes Peak Horace to stay and help him, but he told Blinzler, Brina, (F) Antelope Valley Jarrett, Shelby, (F) Delaware Thickstun, Elizabeth, (F) Mat-Su Valley 8-year-old Roger to go get the tool. truck, go to the house and get the tool.” Bogart, Ronda, Colorado Jones, Laken, (F) Sarasota Ladybugs Thompson, Tracy, (F) Rio Colorado Dad said to Roger, “Get in the truck Bolek-Lapinska, Aleksandra, Colorado Jones, Shavana, Delaware Tran, Kim, (F) Orange County Burnham, Laura, Northeast Kansas Jordan, Heather, Treasure Coast Urquijo, Paola, Arabian Section and go to the house and get us the tool.” Burns, Julie, Texas Dogwood Kah, Gretchen, (F) Marin County Vileisis, Catherine, Monterey Bay Roger replied, “Dad I don’t know how miles to town for things. That’s how it First there are so many wonderful people Burns, Katherine, (F) Texas Dogwood Kalousek, Katelyn, Delaware Vinton, Jacqueline, Georgia Flying Belles to drive the truck.” At that point, dad was for us growing up on our farm in the who have helped and mentored me along Burton, Nancy, (F) Wisconsin Keenan, Wendy, Kentucky Bluegrass Vitale, Serafina, (F) Long Island stopped what he was doing, looked at country. the way, in so many ways. Aviation Bush, Robin, (F) Georgia Flying Belles Kelly, Amber, (F) Sarasota Ladybugs Volkova, Ekaterina, Greater Seattle Cabrera, Victoria, Ventura County Kernan, Katherine, Houston Wang, Zheng, Treasure Coast Roger and said, “How do you know you I’ve lived this lesson from dad all organizations and community bonding, Campbell, Patricia, (F) Long Beach Kilcoyne, Claire, (F) Greater Seattle Weatherman, Jennifer, (F) Greater Seattle don’t know how to drive the truck?” my life. I was about 17 years old at the along with Auburn and Boeing career Carlsen, Carolyn, (F) Long Island Kretzschmar, Hannah, (F) Colorado Webb, Emmary, Old Dominion Then he repeated, “Get in the truck, go time, and it was meaningful when I experiences, have molded my life. Now Cary, Shannon, Florida Goldcoast Kwan, Sandra, Bay Cities Werth, Jill, Finger Lakes to the house, and get us the tool.” made choices for my college education I am blessed to be able to give back and Childs, Claudia, Western New York Lang, Maddie, (F) Austin Hill Country Yang, Zizhao, China Section Cordes, Hannah, (F) Greater Seattle Lessard, Megan, (F) Florida Heartland Youtsey, Taylor, Kansas So Roger got in the truck, and dad and my future career. On the farm, I’d share with others who are jumping on Cozik, Angela, Three Rivers Lestan, Laurane, Montreal Zahn, Felecia, (F) Phoenix likely put the manual shift in second be picking beans and an airplane would their career bandwagon. Danz, Terri, (F) Greater Seattle Liscom, Kendra, Phoenix Zanger, Katrina, (F) Monterey Bay gear and Roger sat so that he could look fly over. I always stopped and looked up, I encourage everyone to “get in the Davidsen, Dana, Bay Cities Livengood Junker, Susan, Carolinas Zeffer, Marie, Michigan over the huge steering wheel and see wondered what it would be like to be up truck, go to the house and get the tool.” Davis, Cynthia, New Jersey Ludlow, Sarah, (F) Mt. Shasta Zhang, Xin-Xia, (F) Florida Goldcoast where he was going. They were only there one day, and wondered where they You can do it! 16 99 News – MAY/jUNE – 2017 17 Fly Now Awards reach New heights JEludy cAMAchO, kEySTONE chAPTEr Mid-Atlantic Section, Mentor: diana kelly By Shelley Ventura, Amelia Earhart Scholarship Fund Trustee I am enrolled at Lehigh Carbon Community College in the Profes- sional Pilot degree program. I'm a single mother working full-time The Ninety-Nines Student Pilot membership Fun Facts at a bank and also a soldier in the Army National Guard aspiring to become an officer to fly missions overseas. While I hope to numbers are climbing – and so is the number The 99s Directory shows that 181 new Student Pilot become an airline pilot, my main goal is to spread the freedom of of Fly Now Award winners! The AEMSF members joined during the last round’s eligibility dates aviation to the youth of today. Flying has helped me to escape the Trustees are impressed by the enthusiastic response of 8/16/2016 to 2/15/2017. traumatic experiences and insanity of everything I've faced on the to this program. Of the 66 applicants for the Spring Every Fly Now Award winner has a formal mentor ground. I want to help young women find their path to strength 2017 Fly Now Award, 20 were selected to receive who provides support, encouragement and guidance though aviation. awards worth $84,500. These award winners will have to the student throughout her primary training. The the opportunity to offset up to $6,000 of their flight mentor can be any 99, regardless of location. training costs by completing specific milestones. If Fly Now is available for any initial certificate in any chArlENE cAMPANEllA, lAkE ErIE chAPTEr not completed at the time of application, the following aircraft, including balloons, light sport and gliders. North central Section, Mentor: Nancy Wood milestones are eligible to be earned. The next Fly Now Award application submission My first flight was at six weeks old with my father at the controls. MILESTONE: Passing the FAA or equivalent deadline is September 15, 2017. Applicants must hold Flying was part of our everyday life, and it wasn’t until I was five knowledge exam: $1,000. a student pilot certificate, demonstrate financial need that I realized not everyone had an airplane. Today I’m a writer and MILESTONE: First Solo: $2,500. and be officially registered as Student Pilot Members student pilot living in Northeast Ohio with my husband Stephen. MILESTONE: Long solo cross-country: $2,000. of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. by August 15, 2017 to be In this empty nest season, we are pursuing our pilot certification MILESTONE: Receiving FAA or equivalent flight eligible to apply for the Fall 2017 Fly Now Award. together. My goal is to become a ground school instructor and com- certificate: $1,000. Visit ninety-nines.org/fly-now.htm for information. plete instrument training. Beyond flying for the pure joy it provides, I'm eager to share this passion with the next generation of young women. lAurEN bIllS, PhOENIx chAPTEr MElISSA cOOPEr, AlOhA chAPTEr Southwest Section, Mentor: courtney Smith Southwest chapter, Mentor: Samantha hansen I am so grateful to be one of the Fly Now Award recipients and Originally from Brooklyn, New York, I joined the U.S. Coast am honored to be a part of this supportive and dynamic group of Guard with the dream of flying helicopters for rescue missions. women. I joined the Phoenix Chapter 99s in February 2017, just two Although I didn’t get to fly for them in my 20 years of service, my months after my discovery flight. I am currently a middle school passion never diminished. I knew that I had to make my own dream teacher and beginning a new journey toward becoming an airline a reality, so I set everything aside and began flight training. Now, pilot. Not only do I love adventure and travel, I also enjoy new chal- I’m thrilled I made that decision, and flying in Hawaii is amazing. lenges and accomplishing set goals. The Fly Now Award will help I look forward to earning additional certificates and ratings and one me obtain my private pilot certification as a step forward to becom- day flying search and rescue. I am truly honored and grateful for ing a commercial pilot. the Fly Now award. JudITh burlESON, AlAbAMA chAPTEr lAcEy dIrck, lONG bEAch chAPTEr Southeast Section, Mentor: Nancy Swanner Southwest Section, Mentor: Elizabeth Parsons My first solo flight was thrilling beyond belief. Later, during a flight I feel truly honored and blessed to have been chosen as a recipient of away from the airport, the realization that the right seat was empty the Fly Now Scholarship. I caught the aviation bug while stationed gave me confidence I could do this! Learning to fly is the best deci- in Hawaii as an Air Force Intelligence Analyst. I quickly realized sion I ever made. I intend to fly it forward by teaching my grand- that being an airline pilot was my calling, and after eight years of daughters and other women to reach for the skies. Receiving the service, I separated from active duty to pursue my dreams. After Fly Now Award is an honor. It will enable me to move forward. I'm achieving my private certificate, I plan to attend ATP Flight School grateful to The 99s, my mentor Nancy, and John, my flight instruc- to complete my CFII certificates and ratings. I would like to thank tor, for guiding me towards becoming a safe, conscientious pilot. The Ninety-Nines AE Scholarship Judges, Trustees, and the mem- bers of the Long Beach Chapter for their nomination and support. 18 99 News – MAY/jUNE – 2017 99 News – mAY/jUNE – 2017 19

The Ninety-Nines is the International Organization of Women Pilots that pro- With the Committee members' knowledge Listening to three WASP and one Tuskegee Airman was truly Mason, airshow pilot and Lockeed test .. She's at school in St. Louis and is doing her private pilot cross coun- tries.
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