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Preview May/June 1978

OFFICIAL MAGAZINEO F THE OUTSTANDING AMERICANH ANDGUNNER AWARDS LEATHER-COVERED TEST R LB ORE When America was a younger country, the For further information on our complete better craftsmen all made their gear line of gunleather and law enforcement dependable. It had to wear well, to perform products, see your authorized dealer or in lonely dangerous situations where there send $1.00 for our 1978 color catalog. was no chance of repair or replacement. Write Bianchi Catalog Offer, 100 Calle For many people, these are somewhat Cortez, Dept. AH5,T emecula, California softer times, and some manufacturer's 92390. products seem to reflect the modern age. They make their holsters quick, fast and cheap. But not Bianchi. At Bianchi, we make gunleather the Old West way - as if your life depended on it. Our holsters are famous for their perfect gun-to-leather fit. They're carefully tooled and crafted from the finest leathers; and the large amount of hand labor that goes into each holster reflects the pride we feel in making our The best's worth reaching for products right. Sure, the best costs a little more . . . but what kind of price could you put on your life? Colt service. Our network of Authorized Colt Service Centers is broader than that of any handgun L manufacturer in the United States. These Service Centers observe the highest Colt standards. They guarantee you genuine Colt parts' the qyality of highly skilled craftsmenya nd the precision engineering that makes every Colt worthy of its name. That Colt legend means unparalleled reliabilityy accuracy and goodlmks. We've invested over 140y ears in creating and refining Colt superiority. Our Authorized Service Center network is just one of the ways we're working to maintain the quality that befits a legend. Important product and service literature accompanies every Colt sale; be sure to ask for yours. THE AMERICAN , p-HANDGUNNER # : MAYIJUNE, 1978 George E. von Rosen VOL. 3 NO. 3-1 1 Publisher CONTENTS FEATURES .............. INTRODUCTION TO HANDGUN SILHOUElTE SHOOTING Elgin Gates 22 ................................... HAMMERING THE OMC BACKUP J. B. Wood 24 .............................. SAFETY FOR THE S&W REVOLVER Massad Ayoob 27 ............................... HIDE COVERED HANDGUN GRIPS Russ Gaertner 28 ............................... THE LIlTLE MATCH THAT COULD Massad Ayoob 32 ......................................... THE SSK MAGNUM PAK .A. H. Staff 35 PISTOLSMITH PROFILES .......................... RON POWER-CUSTOMIZING THE S&W Masad Ayoob 38 ................. ARMAND SWENSON-MASTER OF THE -45 AUTO Walter Rickell 44 ................................ TOOLS OF THE GUNSLINGERS George Virgines 48 ........................................... THE CUSTOM SHOP .John Osgood 50 ...................... TEST REPORE BIANCHI'S PISTOLERO RIG Michael Barach 54 .............................. COMPLETE GUtDE TO UN-LOADING Gordon Stark 60 Cover Photos: Ron Power revolver by John Hanusin. Audie Murphy's cus- tom .45 done by Armand Swenson, photo by Walter Rickell. DEPARTMENTS ... ............ INDUSTRY INSIDER Massad Ayoob 6 COP TALK Massad Ayoob 18 ........ ... PISTOLSMITHING Geo. Nonte 10 HANDGUN LEATHER ..Jerry Ahern 58 .. ........ HANDGUN HUNTING Geo. Bredsten 16 TAKING AIM Karl Bosselmann 66 Jerome Rakusan ......................E ditor Bill Bauer .................A dvertising Sales Herbert Gates ............. .Associate Editor Michele Somers .........A dvertising Manager Robert C. O'Quinn .......... Associate Editor Nancy Grove ........ .Advertising Production Sydney Barker ..................A rt Director T.A. von Rosen ..........P roduction Director Benton Covert ...............A rt Production Albert Eskinazi ......S ubscription/Circulation SUBSCRIPTION OFFICE: D. Bennett, 591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200, San Diego, CA. 92108 (714) 297-8523 EDITORIAL OFFICES: J. Rakusan, 591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200, San Diego, CA. 92108 (714) 297-5352) NATIONAL ADV. OFFICES: 8150 N. Central Park Ave., Skokie, Ill. 60076 (312) 675-6010 WEST COAST ADV. REPS: Media Sales Associates, 12121 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 207, Los Angeles, 90025 (213) 826-8341 EAST COAST ADV. REPS: Buchmayr Associates, 19 Birch Rd., Darien, Conn. 06820 (203) 655-1639 THE AMERICAN HANDGUNNER IS pubhshed bl-monthly by Publishers' Development Corp., 8150 N. Central Park Avenue, Skokie, lll~no~s 60076. Second class postage paid at Skokle, Ill. 60076 and at additional entry offlces. SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (6 issues) $9.95. Slngle monthly copies $2,00. CHANGE OF ADDRESSES: Four weeks' notice required on all changes. Send old address as well as new. CONTRIBU- TORS submlttlng manuscripts, photographs or drawings do so at their own risk. Materlal cannot be returned unless accompanied by sufficient postage. PAYMENT WIIbIe made at rates current at time of publication and will cover reproduction in any or all AMERICAN HANDGUNNER Magazine editions. ADVERTISING RATES furnished on request. Reproduction or use of any portion of this magazine in any manner, wlthout written perrnlsslon, is prohibited. All rights resewed. Title to this publication passes to subscriber only on delivery to his address. AMERICAN. HAN.DGU.NNER MAYIJUNE 1978 .,*' .:.% ,, L 4 .< :,%: ." k .- ,, . -. -. > FOUNDATION, INC. 30016 S. RIVER ROAD MT. CLEMENS, MICHIGAN 48045 As promised, things are picking up. Several newsworthy ing considered. How would you like an opportunity to items should be brought to the attention of those who have own such items as Elmer Keith's personal Single Action or not yet signed up as members. George Nonte's custom Skorpion auto? While these First, we have now completed work on our membership particular guns may not be offered, those that will be are package (illustrated below) which includes: a 10" x 14" sure to have equal significance. Keep reading, and iust as membership certificate; a wallet size membership card; a soon as any of these proiects are finalized, you'll read decal for car or home and a 3112" multi-colored shoulder about it here. patch for your shooting iacket. All of this is in addition to Membership in the OAHA Foundation has been increas- the one year's subscription to The American Handgunner ing rapidly since its introduction in this magazine, and the magazine, Quite a package for only $15.00. support has been appreciated. With these new programs, There are several other special programs in the plan- I'd like to see the membership double, even triple in the ning stage, programs that will be available only to mem- next several months. If you are a member, or are iust ioin- bers of the OAHA. The first of these will be the offering of ing the organization, you can help this drive by telling limited edition handguns. While several handguns are be- your handgunning friends all about the present benefits ing considered, we would welcome suggestions from read- and the plans for the future. If every member signs up iust ers. What kind of special edition handgun would you like one more member, that's the answer to our goal of dou- to see? bling membership. Why not give it a try-peak up at the Also in the planning stage is a program whereby Foun- next-club meetini or handg"n match and we'll make the dation members will be able to bid on unique handgun OAHA "Twice as Great in '78." items from the collections of well known enthusiasts. Specially built handguns actually used by past recipients of the Outstanding American Handgunner Awards are be- YES, I want to become a member of the Outstand- ing American Handgunner Foundation Enclosed is $1 5.00 for annual membership which includes a year subscription to The American Handgunner Magazine I am already a subscriber to The American Handgunner; enclosed is $1 0.00 for my annual membership (Note: Life and Endowment memberships are avail- able, please write for details) Mail to: OUTSTANDING AMERICAN HANDGUNNER FOUNDATION 30016 S. River Rd., Mt. Clemens, MI 48045 ...................................... NAME ..................................... CITY ................ .................. STATE ZIP This volume thoroughly explores all the facets of the various military and civil- ian models, from use, disassembly, maintenance and detail repair to history and accessories. With nearly 50 pages NEWS FROM MANUFACTURERS and nearly 40 clear illustrations, this volume is undoubtedly the most com- prehensive work in print on these pistols. Instructions on how to take it down to By MASSAD F. AYOOB the last pin for inspection and repair, how to zero it, virtually every aspect of this arm is covered in finely illustrated detail. The best source of Hi-Power in- formation available. "The Browning HI-POWER Pistol". . . $2.95 I T'S that time of year again. The NSGA employee, but offering permanent jobs to mmm=- ==m= show is coming up, and all the 1978 his two capable sons. The price offered DESERT PUBLICATIONS goodies that have become closely guarded was said to have been excellent in addition Dept. AH Cornville, AZ 86325 secrets are approaching the great unveil- to the sinecure jobs and perks. Joe turned I have enclosed $- . Please rush me ing in Houston. Industry sources are more it down, probably out of pride; a company .copy (5 ) of: close-lipped than ever. I hate this time of you build from nothing is precious to you, "The Browning HI-POWER Pistol" year. and you don't let somebody else adopt it, Gotta dig for scraps. . . lessee.. . did I even if they do promise to take better care already tell you Colt was planning on a six of it and still give you visitation rights. ADDRESS inch Diamondback? OK, then, never Will the Security revolver be reborn? CITY STATE- ZPI ,- mind, you knew already. What else . . . ,Some of us had hoped so, but it looks in- There's always the bad news, of course. creasingly doubtful. The auction of the Security Industries, according to the in- manufacturing layout should be over by siders, is dead. We knew that the plant the time you read this, and the several in- closed up a few months ago, right after dustry people I've talked to are convinced M500 CHRONOCRAPI this column came out announcing that that the Security production line will be I company's planned move to Alabama, but sold piecemeal to this firm that needs a VELOCITY TEST YOUR RELOADS we were keeping our fingers crossed, even Bridgeport lathe or two, and that one that though that padlock and the poster on the could use a milling machine. door signed by the sheriff looked kind of Ironically, a cabal of well-financed gun ominous. buffs that wanted to try and buy Joe back Joe Lee, president of Security Indus- out of receivership and re-establish the tries, has been unavailable for comment. plant in northern New England, with him WRITE FOR FREE TEST REPORT: His fine little stainless-steel "J-frame" .38 still at the helm, wasn't able to get through CUSTOM CHRONOGRAPCHo . and .357 snub nose guns were never fa- to him because he secluded himself when 3518-A 1st Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107 mous for great workmanship. But Lord, the financial roof caved in. For consumers they were slick. Trouble was, some pro- the word is, it would be a good idea to duction runs would come through spark- hold onto any Security Industries revolver ling and perking, and others would have a you have, because it will eventually be a high number of guns that were out of collector's item. A good one is an out- time. standing "user's" gun as well. This writer What went wrong? Probably a lot of has three, and carries his Security Police things, but one we can point to is cheap la- Pocket Magnum, a Chief-Special-size bor. Joe never was able to get a good 357 in stainless, more often than his skilled craftsman team together, and peo- model 60 or his Detective Special. ple paid minimal wage or less produce On to better news. A new Massachu- equivalent quality goods. Joe had hoped setts-based firm, Yankee Hill Machine Hctndgun Grip for to go someplace where labor was both Co. 20 Ladd Ave., Northhampton, MA, champions Molded plastic cheap and good, and apparently couldn't 01060 is coming out with a new line of HEAL WOOD now hold out long enough to make the transi- gun cleaning gear under the Kleen-Bore tion. trademark. They're also planning on get- Engionf eyeoreudr cgouunn.to urs make your hand part The death of a fine or potentially fine ting into the firearms industry full blast handgun is sad news, and we go into it (forgive me, puns are an occupational ha- The best for Lawmen. Combat. Field - Target only because there may be a few lessons to zard for gun writers.) Muzzle-loaders will Also - Cartridge boxes, powder funnel, those who follow. We hear through the be their entree. They've already, accord- primer flipper. grapevine that an established firm had of- ing to arms-industry whispers, been FITZ P.O. Box 49697 L. A ., Coliiomia 90049 fered to buy Joe out, not only keeping him awarded a contract for three hundred spe- U. S. A. for life as a high-salaried management cial charcoal-burners that will be used to AMERICAN HANDGUNNER MAYIJUNE 1978 one& Not ever crazy about refurbish an historic Canadian fort. Nothing definite yet, but word is that Charter Arms is thinking of upgrading a the a00 ol'~s'obsession C r couple of its revolvers. One will be their 6" .357, which would sport a vent-rib and wiâ‚ bullet performnce. precision adjustable sight if company management takes the plunge. The other change would be a "factory custom" Bull- dog .44 with superslick action, maybe a heavy barrel or a standard one with a vent rib, and classy adjustable sights. A hard- chrome finish like the one on the out- standing "Backpacker" special edition of the Bulldog, might also be part of the as yet un-named deluxe -44. Larry Kelly the Mag-Na-Port honcho whose special-edi- tion revolvers have always been so pop- ular, got exceptional rave reviews with his slicked up, ported, and plated Bulldog, and a factory gun with the features we de- scribed above should be a terrific seller. After all, since there is no competition in a small -44 Special, price won't be much of an object. The big news in ammo for the past year or two has been the Treasury Load, the high performance .38 Special cartridge Some would rather not think 30 of the 105 bullets they make Winchester-Western has produced for about handgun bullets that can are made just for handgunners. certain U.S. government agencies. Not more than double their diameter Then there's pistol primers. available for public consumption, it prob- on impact. Or handgun primers They're a prime concern for fie ably will never be; it is what is known by that make sure those bullets get boys at CCI. So there's plenty of insiders as a "Q Load," a round made up the perfect send-off. fussing to make sure their primer solely for a single buyer who is going to But the good 01' boys at CCI- mixes match up just right with use a lot of it. We should note that Trea- Speer have given them a lot of the powders'handloaders use. sury people don't use mild .38 wadcutters thought, and their pistol primers For target and standard veloc- for practice, and train their people entire- and bullets show it. ity loads, the #300 provides per- That double-diameter expan- fect ignition for large pistols. And ly with hot duty ammo. Until it went out sion is the result of Speer's the #500 is just right for small of business, Treasury (and Secret Service, unique design for jacketed hand- ones. and most of the government cops except gun bullets. They start with a soft But for the kind of heat and FBI) used only Super Vel for practice or lead alloy core. Then put it in a pressure needed for top velocity duty. jacket that's thick at the rear of and Magnum loads, the #350 is The Treasury loads we've seen are the bullet' and thin at the front. On the answer for big handguns. made up on Government-headstamped impact, the jacket's contoured While the #5!X does the same job cases, and are in effect well-designed 110- walls peel back uniformly for full for small ones. grain .38 special semi-jacketed hollow- impact and good expansion. One other thing. These are the points, loaded to quasi--357 magnum ve- Jacketed or solid lead' for exact same bullets you'll find in plinking, practice or match, no CCI-Speer's factory-IoAded Law- locities. What incidents have occurred one gives handloaders more man Ammo. Manufactured to with Federal agents using this ammo are bullet choices in all popular cali- exactly the same strict law en- not available to reporters, but word from bers than the good 01' boys. And forcement and militarv standards. the Feds we know is that the stuff per- So no wonder forms like dynamite. Remember the indi- JACKETED PISTOL BULLETS they tend to be A vidual who vaulted the fence and charged - Gal. Din. Weight Point Type popular with the White House some months ago? He handloaders. 9mm ,355 88gr. Hollow Point , was dropped like a stone by a single .38 9mm ,355 100gr. Hollow Point Even though Treasury Load through the &ht chest. 39m8 m .,335575 112150 ggrr.. . SHoofltlo Pwo Pinot int not everyone's Speaking of the' Treasury Load, "con- 38 ,357 125gr. Hollow Point crazy aboilt 38 ,357 125 gr. Soft Point them. ventional" law enforcement agencies are 38 ,357 140gr. Hollow Point eager to try it, California Highway Patrol .38 ,357 146gr. Hollow Point 38 ,357 158gr. Hollow Point has adopted it as their standard load; That 38 ,357 158 gr. Soft Point 38 ,357 160 gr. Soft Point famous and trend-setting law enforcement 41 ,410 200gr. Hollow Point agency had allowed its men to carry 6" 4t ,410 220gr. Soft Point 44 ,429 200gr. M num Holbw Point .38s and .357s of their choice for years; 44 ,429 225gr. H%V point we scooped the rest of the industry in this 4444 ,,442299 224400 ggrr., SMoafgt nPuomin tH ollow Point k:'. ' column~severa1m onths ago when we re- 4454 ,,442591 220400 ggrr.. MHoalglonwu mPo Sinotf t Point ported that the agency was buying its men 45 ,451 225 gr. Magnum Hollow Point a new gun designed expressly for them; 45 ,451 260 gr, Magnum Hollow Point :' *- the Smith & Wesson Model 68, a 6" ad- I 9mm ,356 12L5EgAr.D BRUoLuLnEdT NSo se . :.:.< - jusWtabel eh-asvigeh mt -o3r8e Snpeewcisa lo inn tshtaaitn clehsosi sctee eolf. 1 3233888 ,,,33IS55888 111445888 ggarrr... SBHeeomvlloeiw-l Bwbaaasdseec Wu Wttaaeddrc cuutttteerr * ,358 158ir. Rwnd Nose gauren sg. eFttiirnsgt, tthheei Cr aclhifooircnei ao fr otahda tp laotnrogl mbaern- 45 1443i02 224000 &or.. S!%emmi-iw-waaddcuctutettre r 11 45 ,452 230gr. Round Nose relled gun, or the familiar 4" version, the 45 ,452 250 Qr. Semi-wadcutter AMERICAN HANDGUNNEFI MAYIJUNE 1978 Model 67 stainless Combat Masterpiece. controllable handling characteristics. ent and immediate past superintendent of Our sources say that slightly over half of We mentioned special loads before. Illinois State Police. Illinois Governor Jim these lawmen (who have always carried Ammo companies will take such orders Thompson, the big Republican star of the long barrel guns in the past) have opted from large-volume buyers, if (A) the buy- 1976 elections at state level and heavily for the shorter, more-comfortable-to-carry er makes clear his specs and (B) promises touted as the GOP presidential candidate Model 67. They're also being issued the that the ammo maker won't be held liable for 1980 told me personally that he would Griffis Second Six elastic seeedloader. if the hot load they ask for is too much for go with giving the troopers hollowpoints if though we understand several are exercis- their guns. Don't expect those companies their ordnance department says that's ing their option to carry instead the new to make those hot loads available over the what they need for safety on the job. Safariland loader. The Bianchi Model 27 counter to somebody who might have a Thompson, a strong pro-gun politician, is holster (as seen on syndicated reruns of junk .38 Special. This is why you'll, never a man to watch for that upcoming Big "The Rookies") is standard with this de- see W-W's Treasury load in your sporting Race. partment, though many of the officers goods store. It's also why you'll probably Next issue, all the cats will be out of the favor the similar Hoyt holster. never be able to buy the special 9 mm. bag from the National Sporting Goods According to one insider, who has Parabellum cartridge being produced by Dealers Association show. To tell you the never been affiliated with the California Federal for Illinois State Police. It's built truth, the national wholesalers' show Highway Patrol but has always been close around a 95-grain semi-jacketed Sierra comes sooner, and the subsequent NRA to them, the switch to a .38-only gun was softpoint pill that expands to 60 caliber in show hosts more gun people, but for some partially prompted by the infamous 1970 "flesh equivalent" when it hits the 13P-re- reason, the makers love those retailers, slaying of four CHP patrolmen in a single quired 1400 f.p.s. It supposedly feeds as and keep a lot of stuff secret just for them. gunfight. Their inability to reload fast was slick as hardball through S&W autos. Of course, since the people who ultimately determined to have been one factor in Trouble is, the loaded round is short sell your product are the real barometer of their deaths, which is why they were enough to jam in a Luger or some other whether you'll be eating next year if you authorized to carry speedloaders a year guns, and the pressure might get a little make stuff that's sold retail, I guess we 7 later and issued them last year. Another spooky with a poorly made foreign gun can all see why factor, some say, was that three of the produced of soft steel. They might have they feel that way. downed "troopers" were carrying .357s simply settled on Remington's 115-gr. -- - - 1 loaded with hot 158-gr. Magnum ammo jacketed hollowpoint in 9 mm., which po- Build a 44 caliber -shootable- ' and couldn't control the recoil enough to lice agencies across the country are begin- DERRlnGER ! fire accurately and take down their at- ning to agree on as the ultimate cartridge tackers, who killed them with .45 autos. in this caliber, but that state is cool toward CHP's feeling seems to be that a low-kick hollow nose bullets after the ACLU-in- . . . load like the fast but light Treasury round spired "dum-dum" controversy at will give adequate stopping power with least, that's the word we get from the pres- ing. Insert the cartridges into the reloader and a simple turn of the knob on top locks them in. It gives a secure grip, with fast out-of-case-and-into-revolver action. Trouble free operation, with NO JAMS, has made our reloaders famous. No other reloader offers all these important features: ON0 BULLET J I G G L E - c ~ ~ ~ali~gn~ p~er~fe~ctlsy with revolver cylinder. - 0 RELEASES CARTRIDGES TWO WAYS Push loader straight into revolver and "WHAM-0 !", you're loaded - in one easy motion-or turn the knob to release the cartridges! - @NOS PILL ACTION If dropped our reloader will NOT spill ammo, as many others do! - Call TOLL FREE 1-800-354-9814 for DealershipIOrdering Information. 8 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER MAY/JUNE 1978 Here's why - ' -* S&W is the standard - Smith & Wesson handguns are And our stainless steel models made the way guns should be. For are stain~ess,i nside too. Where shooters. corrosion resistance is critical. The frame-solid. Barrel, lug by which Smith & Wesson means and top rib-solid. Each 'machined "dependable." And our world-wide from a single steel S&W forging. reputation for dependability is literally in the hands of our fitters. all They're the best. Dedicated. Proud. They "tune" every handgun. It takes time to qualify as a Smith handguns & Wesson fitter. That's why our handgun production The sideplate. Fitted by hand. Fitted so well you can hardly find it. The action. The standard of smoothness. A crisp single action. Consistently the best out-of-the-box double action. Ask the competitive shooters. Ask your gunsmith. This famous double-action was the basis for unequaled performance in speed and performance demonstrated by double-action shooting specialist Ed McGivern who set all his big records with a Smith increases slowly. & Wesson. Including the time he fired five shots in '15 But surely. Because of a second, into a group that could be covered by a we won't compromise. playing card, on a target 18 feet away! Even today, Final inspection S&W is the revolver selected by serious covers more than 50 individual characteristics. double-action shooters for competition. Each handgun is test fired for function. The finish. Renowned Smith & Wesson bluing. en are we sure it's the best. Done the same, slow way for over a hundred year For You. Smith & Wesson, Because nobody's found a better way. Done field, Massachusetts 01 101 after even raw service gun frame and grips are mated to each other. ^ '. y,. Smith . . \^"^^ 9 A Bangor Punta Company most military manuals on such weapons caution against the practice, even to the extent of recommending if not directing that the magazine never be filled to maxi- mum capacity. To eliminate occasional problems encountered when that 15th round is crowded into the magazine, S&W has changed the M59 follower so that only 14 rounds may be inserted, and that when the magazine is so charged, the spring cannot be over-compressed. With the new follower, it is not possible to insert that 15th round. The new M59 extractor (and it should fit and function equally well in the M39-2) has been modified from the original to re- duce the possibility of it snagging on an oversize case rim or malfunctioning be- cause of other non-standard case-head di- R ECENTLY, we've received a pair of some of the more recent high-perform- mensions. In addition. the extractor releases from Smith & Wesson set- ance loads have a "fatter" bullet profile or spring has been changed toward the same ting forth their offer to apply modifica- have the bearing surface extended sub- end. tions to M59 9mm autos and M29 .44 stantially forward of the case mouth. Un- I might point out that the slide stop and Magnum revolvers. First of all it should der some conditions, such bullets can extractor problems eliminated by the new be pointed out that these modifications make minor contact with the inward pro- parts have been encountered in some are not necessarily indicative that S&W trusion as they are elevated by the fol- M39's as well, and the modifications considers guns in the field to be defective lower-with the result that on rare occa- made to those parts by Smith & Wesson in any way. Actually, they are the results of sions the stop will be raised sufficiently to have been routinely performed by pistol- an ongoing product-improvement pro- engage the slide while cartridges still re- smiths tuning those guns for maximum re- gram that has been in existence for count- main in the magazine; an "early slide stop liability and have also been described in less years at Smith & Wesson, just as simi- function." Current-production slide stops some of my own writings in recent years. lar programs exist with other manufac- have this inward protrusion reduced Lest you think that the S&W has been turers. Further, these modifications are slightly in length so that those fat bullets inattentive, let me assure you that the ex- not repairs or alterations to the basic guns, can't contact it, but positive normal slide- tractor and slide-stop changes were made but the installation of current-production stop function is retained. necessary by the appearance of new 9mm parts on the M59 and reprofiling of the The original M59 magazine follower Parabellum loads. It appears that the forcing cone on the M29. This simply up- has not produced any particular problems characteristics of the M59 were not given dates existing guns to current production- in functioning; however, in a great many sufficient considerations during their de- gun status. magazines it can move far enough down velopment; and, to the greater incidence M-59's delivered to Smith & Wesson within the body to permit a 15th cartridge these days of over-size case rims and irreg- service facilities to take advantage of this to be forced under the feed lips. The de- ular extractor groove profiles and di- offer will be fitted with a modified slide sign capacity of the magazine is 14 mensions. stop', new extractor and extractor spring, rounds, and when a 15th round is added, The M29 modification consists of re- and a new magazine follower. As in most and even though it appears to enter with- profiling and refinishing the forcing other autos, the M59 slide stop is forced out too much difficulty, the magazine cone-as is presently done in production upward to engage the slide by the follower spring is over-compressed, and the tight- guns-producing improved transition of after the last shot has been fired; an in- ness of that 15th cartridge itself may the bullet from the chamber throat into ward protrusion on the stop is contacted cause a feeding problem. Shooters experi- the barrel. This reduces what is commonly by the follower and forced upward. As enced with magazine-fed automatic weap- called "side spitting." With the new long as conventional ball ammunition and ons are well aware of the hazards of forcing cone, there is a markedly reduced commercial loads are used. the original crowding in the last possible cartridge. It tendency for propellant, lubricant, and " slide stop gives no trouble. However, often produces feeding problems, and bullet particles to be thrown out through the barrel-cylinder gap. NEW All these modifications are worthwhile, Introducing a PROGRESSIVE and gunowners wishing to take advantage AI;\;;;;DNIG of them should contact the nearest S&W service facility to do so. There are only a few of these facilities across the country so eou~ur A hunter it will normallybe necessary to ship a gun Micro Pistol Master to the nearest location for modification. Fully Progressive. Cases, Primers And Powder Are Fed And Indexed Automatic- This is provided for in federal law, and ally. No ExtrasTo Buy. you may safely ship a handgun to a li- DoubleOutsideToggles For Extra Powder And Easy Operation. censed gunsmith/dealer/manufacturer for Capable Of 500 Rounds Per Hour. Four Station Operation. repair or modification; however, the gun Standard Equipment Includes Carbide Sizing, Speed Seating And Taper Crimp nips may not be shipped through the US. Cross Bar Handle Permits Left Or Right Hand Operation And Unobstructed View mails, so UPS or another common carrier And AccessTo All Stages Of Operation. must be used. According to the releases Easy Adjustments. Nocumbersome Die Lock Rings. we have at hand, there is no charge for the Bronze Bearings And Hardened Steel Bushings Located At Majorwear Points. M59 modifications, and there is an $8.00 PRICE I Couyar A Xunter service charge for the M29 job. If your COMPLETE Available In 381357 . JOBBER AND 395.00 Specify Bullet Style DEALER INQUIRIES GUNSMITHS - MANUFACTURERS gun is essential to your daily work, I think And Powder Charge. INVITED G-6398P iarson Road Flushing, Michigan4 8433 it would be wise to contact the service fa- AMERICAN HANDGUNNER MAY/JUNE I978

..Jerry Ahern 58. HANDGUN the one year's subscription to The American Handgunner magazine, Quite a maintenance and detail repair to history and accessories. gun; it would be prudent to make an ap-. - propriate
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