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Preview May 2010 Vol. LVII, No. 2

The Pennsylvania May 2010 • Volume LVII No. 2 Bro. Mark Twain Bro. George Washington Bro. Theodore Roosevelt Bro. William Shakespeare Invite Great Men To Continue Our Legacy A One Day Masonic Journey Bro. Benjamin Franklin Bro. Gerald Ford Bro. Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin Bro. Larry Christenson Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Announces the June 2010 quarterly communication The June Quarterly Communication, open to all Master Masons, will be held at the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown on SATuRDAy, JunE 26, AT 10 A.M. Lunch will be provided immediately following the meeting. Masonic dress is required. Automatic Dues Payments are Convenient & Efficient In an effort to modernize the dues to pay its obligations on time. Payment can payment method in line with the 21st Century be made in full or by installments, and can Masonic Renaissance, R.W. Grand Master significantly reduce, and hopefully eliminate, Thomas K. Sturgeon has announced a new suspensions for non-payment of dues. automated withdrawal dues payment program In addition, members may make which will be implemented through Payliance contributions to their lodge charity and/or at no cost to lodge members. Masonic Charities, should they wish. They The new method makes the dues will even be able to use this method to pay collection process much quicker and easier for lodge events and activities in the same both for members and lodge secretaries. Each manner. member of the lodge may have his dues paid Grand Master Sturgeon highly by simply authorizing automatic withdrawals recommends and encourages all members from either his savings or checking account. to participate in this new program. To enroll, By allowing this method of payment, members simply request a form from your lodge secretary, take care of their obligation and help the lodge fill it out and return it to him. 13th Annual Meeting in the Hills Friday, June 18, 2010 Held Outdoors at Christner’s Grove near Dawson, PA • Casual Dress--No Shorts, Blue Jeans, or Collarless Shirts--Light Jacket recommended. A 12 oz. new york Strip Steak Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Tickets are $25 and may be ordered from Bro. Richard E. Bigley Following dinner, a lodge meeting hosted by James Cochran Lodge at 107 Ashton Drive, Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666. Please send a self- no. 614, Connellsville, will be held. Last year, Thomas K. Sturgeon, addressed stamped envelope with payment. Checks should be made R.W. Grand Master, announced that a significant first-ever event payable to: CDS Building Corp. All ticket orders must be received would take place during this year’s meeting. As the honored guest, by Monday, June 14, 2010. Phone: (724) 547-2367 or E-mail: he plans to fulfill that promise! [email protected] THe PennsylvAnIA FreeMAson® Inside this Issue... Vol. lVII, May 2010, No. 2 ©2010 The R.W. Grand lodge F.&a.M. of Pa EdItorIaL Board Chairman thomas K. Sturgeon, r.W.G.M. Jay W. Smith, r.W.d.G.M. robert J. Bateman, r.W.S.G.W. raymond t. dietz, r.W.J.G.W. Jeffrey W. Coy, r.W.G.t. Mark a. Haines, r.W.G.S. EdItorIaL StaFF tina L. raybold - Production Coordinator rich Johnson - Graphic Designer thomas r. Labagh - Executive Director, PMyF, Consultant Masonic Library & Museum of Pa Staff (Publication No. USPS 426-140) May 2010 Issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason® Published quarterly by the Masonic Villages, one Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, 4 Grand lodge Pa 17022. articles and photographs to be considered Renaissance Q & a with the Grand Master for publication should be sent with local Masonic annual Grand Communication authority to the address above, to the attention of one Day Masonic Journey the The Pennsylvania Freemason® or e-mailed to Help for our Heroes [email protected]. Except by adopt a Resident special arrangement, all articles, photographs and Masonic Temple Tours artwork become the property of the Grand lodge. Meet a Modern Day Renaissance Mason Published by the Masonic Villages, owned and operated by the Grand lodge of Free and accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, as a means of soliciting the physical 16 lodge and District and financial support of the members, their families Good Deeds, Indeed and the public in general. Periodical postage paid at local Happenings Elizabethtown, Pa and additional mailing offices. Get your Masonic Kicks on Route 6 We appreciate the many submissions we receive for consideration. We apologize, but due to space constraints we are not able to publish every submission 24 PA Masonic youth Foundation we receive. lifeskills Grads Promote Community Partnership Teamwork leads to Growth StatEMENt oF oWNErSHIP Rainbow Gets Girls Ready for life (act of oct. 23, 1962; Section 4369; Title 39, United States Code) May. 1, 2010, The Pennsylvania Freemason®, published quarterly by the Masonic 26 Masonic villages Villages, Elizabethtown, Pa 17022. Publishers: The 2010 Wish list Right Worshipful Grand lodge of the Most ancient and New Services: Hospice Care & Home Care Honorable Fraternity of Free and accepted Masons of Paw Prints for Pennsylvania Patriots Pennsylvania. Editor: Thomas K. Sturgeon. owner: The Right Worshipful Grand lodge of the Most ancient Where Caring is a Tradition and Honorable Fraternity of Free and accepted Masons Statewide options of Pennsylvania. Known bondholders: none. No 20th Century Renaissance leaders Set Path for advertising handled. Free distribution averages 21st Century Renaissance 134,000 each quarter. I certify that the statements a Century of Service made by me are correct and complete. thomas K. Sturgeon, Editor Mailing address changes If your address on the back cover of this magazine is not exactly as you have provided it to us, please be aware that addresses are modified through the various mailing process requirements required by the U.S. Postal Service. If you have subscribe to the online edition! any questions or would like to inform us of a change in address, please contact the office pagrandlodge.org of Gift Planning at (800) 599-6454 or giving@ masonicvillagespa.org. If you would prefer to receive an electronic version of the magazine for your convenience and/ Postmaster: Send address changes to: or to save the fraternity printing and mailing costs, please make your request by e-mailing The Pennsylvania Freemason®, c/o Masonic [email protected]. an electronic version of the magazine is also available Village, one Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, Pa online at www.pagrandlodge.org. 17022-2199. G L G L r and odGe r and odGe Q & A with the Grand Master From January through March, R.W. Grand We’ll become a name of the past.” Master Thomas K. Sturgeon and the Grand Lodge Officers traveled throughout the state to meet with brethren at the 25 Renaissance “When I joined 45 years ago, there were Visitations. Grand Master Sturgeon made the 250,000+ Masons in Pennsylvania. There following comments about the 21st Century are 113,000 today. We can survive today at Masonic Renaissance changes: 113,000, but if we do nothing, next year we’re “I made a commitment when I made all going to have 110,000 and the year after that of the changes that are so controversial among 107,000 … and eventually the fraternity will all Pennsylvania Freemasons that I would become unsustainable. stand in front of all of you to explain why “The obligation is ours. Are we content I did what I did, what I think the problems to ride into the sunset, or are we willing to are and what my solutions are as I see them. do what’s needed to make Freemasonry come And I do not shrink from that duty.” alive once again? “I love this fraternity enough to take all of the criticism that I’m getting. I love it enough “The decisions I made are what I truly to stand up here and tell you that I believe believe are the best for the fraternity. If we we need to change it to make our lodges and want our fraternity to be around for future the Grand Lodge better and stronger. I’m in “We can’t afford generations, we need to do the right things. for the long haul. If you love it too, join with This fraternity hasn’t changed much at all in me to restore it. to continue to sit 200 years, yet the world all around us has. “I don’t ask any Freemasons to agree The right thing today is to make it more with every single element of the 21st Century back because our contemporary with 2010 than 1810. Masonic Renaissance. People have their own “We can’t afford to continue to sit back priorities in different places. The overall membership decline because our membership decline will not solve good, however, is what’s most important. We itself. For 50 straight years, we lost 2-3 percent need to overcome our different perspectives will not solve itself.” of our members every year. If we keep up that and focus on our pride in and love for our trend, people won’t even recognize us 50 years fraternity, and commit to ensuring its future. from now, or know who the Freemasons were. “We need to do it today!” 4 Pennsylvania Freemason G L G L r and odGe r and odGe The following questions are among those ourselves, “I wonder why he never came Answer: Anyone can still blackball a asked most of the Grand Master during his back?” We need to bring five or 10 people candidate if he chooses; the only difference Renaissance Visitations. His answers follow. into the sun. We need 50-60 people on the today is, if the candidate passes the ballot, sidelines. We need to have an all-star degree the objecting brother must go to his District Question: Grand Master, how do you respond team putting on the degrees and impress the Deputy Grand Master (DDGM) and explain to the criticism that you have violated your new candidates by doing it with perfection. why the man is not worthy of membership. oath and obligation by printing the ritual? Prior to the Renaissance, when a candidate Upon investigating the situation, if the reason received the three degrees, he was required is found to be a valid Masonic objection, the Answer: First, it is important to remember to memorize the ritual, oath and obligation, candidate will be rejected by order of the that the word “ritual” never appears in our working tools and grips. This is one reason DDGM. He is only person who will know obligation and secondly, there is no mention why change is necessary. Believe it or not, who objected or why. This process ensures in the “Ahiman Rezon” concerning printing there are a lot of people who will not join that candidates are being rejected only for of the ritual. the fraternity because they don’t think they valid reasons and not petty personal ones. Most Pennsylvania brothers do not realize can do it. So they stay away. Is our function that we are one of the few Grand Lodges that to make good men better, or to teach them Question: Grand Master, what do you have did not already have a ritual manual; most how to memorize a bunch of words that they against neck ties? others’, in fact, are word-for-word. will never use again unless they choose to be We have had open installations of the an officer? Answer: Absolutely nothing! In fact, I have new District Deputy Grand Masters for years had a number of new Masonic ties designed now, and much of what has been printed in “Why shouldn’t we in Jerry Garcia-like fashion which I wear quite the new ritual manual is exactly what we have often and have received many compliments invite a worthy man opened to the public in these ceremonies. on. These will be provided to all first-line Most of the more sacred portions of our ritual petition signers throughout my term as my to be a member? Do have been coded in the manual using the first personal “thank you” for being part of my letter of the word which, in my opinion, has you like this fraternity? Masonic Renaissance team. preserved the integrity of our ritual. If you’re referring to my change in the Are you proud of it? The general concept of the degree ritual dress code not requiring members to wear a is already fully disclosed on the Internet and necktie to lodge, that is just another small Then invite your son, in various publications. Google “Freemasonry step toward making this fraternity more ritual,” turn on the Discovery or History grandson, nephew, best contemporary. channel and you’ll find out we don’t have I, personally, will not come to a lodge friend, neighbor or any secrets. The secret art and mystery of the meeting without wearing a necktie. However, fraternity does not lie in oaths and obligations, I also acknowledge that we have many decent co-worker to enjoy the but rather in our bonds of brotherly love, our young men in this country today who don’t wear rich history and our matchless charity. benefits of Freemasonry ties or even own a sport jacket. In May, June If we truly believe that a brother should and September, some people won’t go to lodge and help it flourish at take care of his family, community, place of meetings because without air conditioning, worship and have good work ethics, then we it’s too hot to wear a suit. That’s a shame. the same time!” must be more sensitive to the time constraints I don’t know of a church or club where placed on our lodge officers in their personal you can’t go in without a necktie today; it lives and with the lodge. The ritual manual Why don’t we teach them where we seems that they would rather have people enter will be an aide in becoming more proficient came from, who we are, about the Shriners’ their sanctuaries or dine in their restaurants in learning our beautiful work. Hospitals for children who are crippled or in less formal attire than to not have them That being said, out of respect for our burned, the learning centers of the Scottish come at all. The world has changed; we need tradition, I have mandated a strict usage of Rite, the Knights Templar eye foundation, to change with it by being willing to make the manual and will penalize any brother or and all the good things we do … so that this fraternity more open and welcoming to lodge who violates the restrictions. when a man receives his Master Mason all brothers. degree and he walks out onto the street and So, go ahead and wear a necktie if you Question: If we want more people to learn someone asks him, “What are the Masons want to wear one; I’m not telling you that the ritual, then why have district-wide degree all about?” instead of just saying, “I can’t tell you can’t. In fact, you won’t be alone; I’ll be teams? you because it’s all a secret,” let’s prepare him wearing one, too. to talk about our greatness! We shouldn’t be Answer: It’s time we do the degree work better ashamed of what we are. I’m proud of what than we’ve ever done it before. Oftentimes we’ve accomplished in this world. Aren’t you? when we bring a person from the preparing room door and into this beautiful Masonic Question: Aren’t we becoming less selective/ light, there is nobody on the sidelines and lowering our standards by requiring three we do very mediocre ritual. Then we ask black balls to reject a candidate? More Q & A on following pages May 2010 5 G L G L r and odGe r and odGe *Projected decline based on past trends without implementing the 21st Century Masonic Renaissance Question: Pennsylvania Freemasonry has been around for more their doors open because they can’t even afford to pay their taxes than 280 years. Why do we need a Renaissance to change it now? and their utilities. We can’t overlook the fact that we need to pay the bills and be financially strong. If we can’t afford a building to Answer: Over the past 50 years, membership has declined and meet in or have enough members to afford to even to buy the collars with it, so has our income. In those same 50 years, the expenses of and aprons, the fraternity will fade into oblivion. the Grand Lodge and of the local lodges have risen greatly, and we It’s time we do something to revive this great still must maintain the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia and ensure fraternity before our membership decline becomes a the perpetuity of the Masonic Villages and our Masonic Charities. catastrophic situation from which we are unable to recover. All across the state, there are small lodges that can barely keep 6 Pennsylvania Freemason G L G L r and odGe r and odGe *Projected decline based on past trends without implementing the 21st Century Masonic Renaissance Question: Won’t the One Day Masonic Journey be a short-term, 2 percent improvement. As for these members’ participation levels, band-aid approach to the membership decline? there are Worshipful Masters and lodge officers all across the state who joined during that one day class. So it works. Let’s give the men who Answer: One of the biggest myths permeating our fraternity is work midnight and afternoon shifts a chance to join the fraternity. that new brethren who join the fraternity through a one day class This approach is not short-sighted; on the contrary, it works are less active and less likely to maintain their membership. Here hand-in-hand with allowing selective invitation, enabling us to grow are the facts: if you look at Pennsylvania Masons within a five-year substantially. By promoting our fraternity, educating and welcoming span who join the fraternity the traditional way, we lose 16 percent quality men who otherwise were afraid to ask for fear of rejection or of those brothers for non-payment of dues. In 2004, when we took in the unknown, we are becoming a more friendly fraternity that more over 5,000 Masons in one year, we lost 14 percent over five years, a men will want to be part of. May 2010 7 G L G L r and odGe r and odGe CPI-Consumer Price Index, a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a sample of consumer goods and services. Question: Considering the recent economy, how is the Grand Lodge into the Masonic light. Obviously, most of us would much prefer the positioned financially for the future? second option. By inviting worthy men to become members, we are honoring them and providing them with an outstanding opportunity Answer: As you can clearly see in the chart above, for many years to benefit from Freemasonry, and helping the fraternity to flourish at our lodge dues and initiation fees have not risen sufficiently to consider the same time. the cost of inflation, causing many of our lodges to merge or disband. To remedy this situation, we have one of two choices: we raise our dues substantially, or we do a better job of bringing new members 8 Pennsylvania Freemason G L G L r and odGe r and odGe AAnnnnuuaall GGrraanndd CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn On Dec. 28, hundreds of Pennsylvania More than 1,500 guests attended the Freemasons and their guests, as well as installation of R.W. Grand Master Thomas K. distinguished guests from 17 Grand Jurisdictions Sturgeon on Dec. 28. Celebration, patriotism and 16 Masonic bodies bade farewell to and energy of change permeated the event, R.W. Past Grand Master Stephen Gardner culminating with entertainment by Lee and thanked him for his leadership. Bro. Greenwood. Richard E. Fletcher, Executive Secretary of In offering congratulations, Bro. Norman the Masonic Service Association (MSA) and L. Christensen, Deputy for Wisconsin, Supreme Past Grand Master of Vermont, presented a Council, A.A.S.R., N.M.J., presented Grand plaque to Bro. Gardner for his support of the Master Sturgeon a Green Bay Packers helmet. Hospital Visitation Program of MSA. Bro. On behalf of Masonic District 7, District Gardner also was presented with his Past Deputy Grand Master Edward R. Stein Grand Master’s Jewel, Apron, Lapel Pin and presented an Eagles shirt with the Grand a Past Grand Master’s Commission. Master’s title printed on the back. Pennsylvania Franklin Medal Recipients Presented by Mark A. Haines, R.W. Grand Secretary .........................................................Stephen Gardner, R.W. Past Grand Master Stephen Gardner, R.W. Past Grand Master ....................................................Thomas K. Sturgeon, R.W. Grand Master Larry A. Buzzard, Director of the Ritualistic Work ........................................Thomas K. Sturgeon, R.W. Grand Master Jeffrey W. Coy, R.W. Grand Treasurer ............................................................Thomas K. Sturgeon, R.W. Grand Master The Pennsylvania Franklin Medal was created in 1979 to honor distinguished Master Masons for their outstanding service to the Craft in general and Pennsylvania in particular. It has been awarded sparingly since then, maintaining very high standards for its presentation, and including among its recipients some of the most renowned Freemasons of our time. It is worn with Masonic regalia on formal occasions. 1,500 guests wave American flags during a patriotic song by Lee Greenwood. May 2010 9 G L G L r and odGe r and odGe OOnnee DDaayy MMaassOOnniicc JJOOuurrnneeyy INVITE GOOD MEN TO BECOME MASONS! Saturday, October 30, 2010 Reach out to family members, neighbors, co-workers and friends, and share your Masonic values, experiences, friendships and benefits. Take advantage of this unique event – ideal for quality men busy with family, work and volunteer commitments. THE OnE-DAy MASOnIC JOuRnEy WILL BE HELD AT 13 COnVEnIEnT LOCATIOnS STATEWIDE. Approved candidates for membership may receive all three Blue Lodge degrees, and if they desire, progress through Scottish Rite and Shrine Freemasonry, all in one day. It’s also a great opportunity for current Blue Lodge members to expand their Masonic experience to include Scottish Rite and Shrine Freemasonry. 10 Pennsylvania Freemason

The June Quarterly Communication, open to all Master Masons, will be held at the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown on Pennsylvania Freemason® Published quarterly by the Kenton E. McElhattan: Entrepreneur, engineer, airman, instructor, author, computer skills, primarily to senior citizens,.
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