MATHEMATICAL REALITY — My Philosophy on Mathematics with Reality Linfan MAO N S N N S S N S The Education Publisher Inc. 2018 Dr.Linfan MAO Chinese Academy of Mathematics and System Science, P.R.China International Academy of Mathematical Combinatorics & Applications, USA Email: [email protected] Mathematical Reality — My Philosophy on Mathematics with Reality The Education Publisher Inc. 2018 This book can be ordered in a paper bound reprint from: Books on Demand ProQuest Information & Learning (University of Microfilm International) 300 N.Zeeb Road P.O.Box 1346, Ann Arbor MI 48106-1346,USA Tel:1-800-521-0600(CustomerService) Peer Reviewers: F.Smarandache, Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico - Gallup, USA. F.Tian, Academy of Mathematics and Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P.R.China. Arindam Bhattacharyya, Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700032, India. H.Ren, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062,P.R.China. Copyright 2018 by The Education Publisher Inc. and Linfan MAO Many books can be downloaded from the following Digital Library of Science: smarandache/eBooks-otherformats.htm ∼ ISBN: 9781599735764 Price: 85$ Reality: To Be or Not To Be ( Preface ) A thing is complex, and hybrid with other things sometimes. Then, what is the reality of a thing? Therealityofathingisitsstateofexisted,exists,orwillexistintheworld,independent ontheunderstandingofhumanbeings,whichimpliesthattherealityholdsonbyhumanbeings maybe localor gradual,notthe reality ofa thing. Hence, to holdonthe reality ofthings is the main objective of science in the history of human development. One orthe mainfunction of mathematics in science is it canestablishexact mathematical expressions for scientific models on things. Observing and collecting measurements, as well as the hypothesizing and predicting often require extensive applying mathematical techniques, including mathematical physics, mathematical chemistry, mathematical biology, mathematical finance, and mathematical economics, i.e., the reality of things by human beings is mostly dependent on mathematical reality. But,a mathematical conclusion really reflects the reality of a thing? Theanswerisnotcer- tainbecausethepracticesofhumanbeingsshowthemathematicalconclusiondonotcorrespond tothe realityofathing sometimes,forinstancetheAmes Room. Usually,the understandingof a thing is by observation of human beings, which is dependent on the observable model, data collection by scientific instruments with data processing by mathematics. Such a observation brings about a unilateral, or an incomplete knowledge on a thing. In this case, the mathemat- ical conclusion reflects partial datum, not all the collection, and in fact, all collection data (by differentobserverswithdifferentmodel)withdataprocessedisnotamathematicalsystem,even with contradictions in usual unless a data set, which implies that there are no mathematical subfields applicable. In recent years, there are more and more examples supporting this claim with social development. Physics. The matters consist of two classes particles, i.e., bosons with integer spin n, fermions with fractional spin n/2, n 1(mod2), and by a widely held view, the elementary ≡ particles consists of quarks, leptons with interaction quanta including photons and other par- ticles of mediated interactions ([16]), which constitute hadrons, i.e., mesons, baryons and their antiparticles. Thus, a hadron has an internal structure, which implies that all hadrons are not elementary but leptons are, viewed as point particles in elementary physics ([2],[3]). The quark model is a formal classification scheme for hadrons in terms of quarks, i.e., the quarks and antiquarks, which completely changed the usual notion that a hadron is an geometrical abstract point or a subset of space for characterizing its behavior. For example, a baryon is predominantly formed by three quarks, and a meson is mainly composed of a quark and an antiquark in quark models of Sakata, or Gell-Mann and Ne’eman. But a free quark was never foundinexperiments. Thus,thequarkmodelisonlyamodelforclassifyinghadronsmotivated byphysicists. However,itopenedanewwayforunderstandingtherealityofahadroninnotion, i.e., we are not need to insist again that a hadron is a geometrical point or a subset of space ii MathematicalReality such as those of assumptions in determinable science. Biology. Thebiologicalpopulationsaredependenteachotherbyfoodweb,i.e.,anatural interconnectionoffoodchainsandagraphicalrepresentationofwhat-eats-whatinanecological community on the earth. For example, a food chain starts from producer organisms (such as grass or trees which use radiation from the sun to make their food) and end at apex predator species(likegrizzlybearsorkillerwhales),detritivores(likeearthwormsorwoodlice),ordecom- poser species (such as fungi or bacteria). Usually, a model of a biological system is converted into a system of equations. The solution of the equations, by either analytical or numerical means, describes how the biologicalsystem behaves either over time or at equilibrium. In fact, a food web is an interaction system in physics which can be mathematically characterized by the strengthofwhatactiononwhat. Fora biological2-system,letx, y be the twospecies with the action strength F′(x y), F(y x) of x to y and y to x on their growthrate, ([1]). Such → → a biological 2-system can be quantitatively characterizedby differential equations x˙ =F(y x) → y˙ =F′(x y) → on the populations of species x and y.However, this method can be only applied to the small number ( 3)of populations inthis web. If the number of populations 4,one cannot getthe ≤ ≥ solutionofequationsingeneralandcanbe onlyby dataapproximatingsimulation. Thus,even inmathematicalbiologyone hasno amathematicalbranchapplicablefor the realityofbiology unless differential equations and statistical analysis. Economy. Today, the world trade rules enables each one of his member develops exten- sivelyonothermembers. Achievingmutualbenefit,andfinallystrivingfortradebalanceisthe purpose of the world or regional trade organization. This situation appears both in the global orareaeconomybecausetherearefew countriesorareasstillinself-sufficienttoday. The trade surplus and deficit usually result in the trade disputing in members, processes the multilateral negotiations, and then reach a new ruler for members in the international trade. Usually, one canobtains statisticaldatapublished bycustomsorstatisticalservicesinacountryoranarea, but there are no a mathematical subfield for characterizing the global or local changing in economy. Certainly,wecaneasilygetotherfieldsthattherearenomathematicalsubfieldsapplicable. For example, the complex network,including community network,epidemic spreading network with their behaviors. Then, can one holds the reality of things? For this question, there are always two answers. One is the reality of things can not completely understanding, i.e., one can only holds on the approximate reality of things. Another is one can finally understanding the reality of things by Theory of Everything. For the first answer, there is a well-known philosophical book: TAO TEH KING written by an ideologist Lao Zi in ancient China. In this book, it discussed extensively on the relation of TAO with name and things, shown in its first but central chapter ([4]): TheTaothatexperiencedisnottheeternalTao; TheNamenamedisnottheeternalName; Preface iii Theunnamableistheeternallyrealandnamingistheoriginofallparticularthings; Freelydesire,yourealizethemysterybutcaughtindesire,youseeonlythemanifestations; Themysteryandmanifestationsarisefromthesamesourcecalleddarkness; Thedarknesswithindarkness,thegatewaytoallunderstanding. Therefore, it is difficult to know the reality of all things according to Lao Zi, and all mathematical reality is only approximate reality. The second answer is the main trending in scientific community today, i.e., the physical world is nothing else but a mathematical structure ([6]). That is to say, mathematical reality is the reality of things. Generally,the realityofathingis aninteractionsysteminanmicroworldview,andifone enters the internal of the thing, the equations established on the observing datum usually are non-solvable,or contradictory. However,the trendof mathematical developingin 20th century shows that a mathematical system is more concise, and its conclusion is more extended, then farther to the reality of things because it abandons more and more characters of things, and in logic, each mathematical subfield should be in coordination, i.e., without contradictions. This result implies that even if the physical world is a mathematical structure, one can only understands partial or local reality by classical mathematics. For establishing the mathematical model on the reality of things, there are two questions should be solved. One is the contradiction between things, i.e., different things should be in equal rights, and another is the dependence of things. Today, we have known a kind geometry breaking through the non-contradiction in classical mathematics, i.e., Smarandache geometry (1969) by introducing a new type axiom for space. An axiom is said to be Smarandachely denied if the axiombehaves in at leasttwo different wayswithin the same space, i.e., validated and invalided, or only invalided but in multiple distinct ways. A Smarandache geometry [6] is ageometrywhichhasatleastoneSmarandachelydeniedaxiom(1969). IfA isaSmarandache denied axiom on space T, then all points in T with A validated or invalided consistof points setsTH(A) andTN(A),andifitisinmultipledistinctwaysinvalided,withoutlossofgenerality, let s be its multiplicity. Then all points of T are classified into TA,TA, ,TA. Hence, we 1 2 ··· s get a partition on points of space T as follow: T =TH(A) TN(A), or T =TA TA TA. 1 2 ··· s [ [ [ [ This shows that T should be a Smarandace multispace. Generally, let (Σ ; ), (Σ ; ), , (Σ ; ) be m mathematical spaces, different two 1 1 2 2 m m R R ··· Rm m bytwo. ASmarandache multispaceΣisaunion Σ withrules = onΣ,i.e.,therule i i R R i=1 i=1 RionΣiforintegers1≤i≤m([2],[e8]). Thus,thSerealityofthingse,evenSapproximeateshouldbe characterizedor found out on Smarandachemultispaces. Certainly, a Smarandache multispace inheritedagraphstructure(intersectiongraph)GL[Σ],labeleditseachvertexbyΣ . Thus,the i Smarandache multispace solved better the contradiction in classical mathematics. However, e an abstract Smarandache multispace is nothing else but an algebraic or set problem ([8]), and cannotextensivelyappliesachievementsinclassicalmathematics. Thus,forunderstandingthe realityofthings, a new envelopetheory shouldbe establishedonSmarandachemultispace,i.e., mathematical combinatorics. iv MathematicalReality What is mathematical combinatorics? The mathematical combinatorics is such a mathe- matics over topological graphs −→G. And how to combine classical mathematics with topological graphs −→G? Ifoundatypicalsetoflabeledgraphs−→GL canbeviewedasmathematicalelements, i.e., labeling their edges by elements in a Banach space B with two end-operators on B and holdingonthe continuityequationoneachvertexin−→G. Then,suchasetoflabeledgraphs−→GL inherits the characterofclassicalmathematics,i.e., if −→G ,−→G , ,−→G areorientedtopological 1 2 n ··· graphs and B a Banach space, then all such labeled graphs −→GL with linear end-operators is alsoa Banachspace,andfurthermore,if B is a Hilbert space,allsuchlabeledgraphs−→GL with linear end-operators is a Hilbert space too. This fact enables one to apply achievements of classical mathematics in mathematical combinatorics,which can be find in this book. As the time enters the 21st century, sciences such as those of theoretical physics, com- plex system and network, cytology, biology and economy developments change rapidly, and meanwhile, a few global questions constantly emerge, such as those of local war, food safety, epidemic spreading network, environmental protection, multilateral trade dispute, more and more questions accompanied with the overdevelopment and applying the internet, , etc. In ··· thiscase,how tokeep upmathematics withthe developments of other sciences? Clearly,today’s mathematics is no longer adequate for the needs of other sciences. New mathematical theory or techniques shouldbe establishedby mathematicians. Certainly,solvingproblemis the main objective of mathematics, proof or calculation is the basic skill of a mathematician. When it develops in problem-oriented, a mathematician should makes more attentions on the reality of things in mathematics because it is the main topic of human beings. References [1] Fred Brauer and Carlos Castillo-Chaver, Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology(2nd Edition), Springer, 2012. [2] Linfan Mao, Smarandache Multi-Space Theory, The EducationPublisher Inc., USA, 2011. [3] Y.Nambu, Quarks: Frontiers in Elementary Particle Physics, World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd, 1985. [4] QuangHo-KimandPhamXuanYem,ElementaryParticlesandTheirInteractions,Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1998. [5] Z.Sima, Completely TAO TEH KING (in Chinese), China Changan Publisher, Beijing, 2007. [6] F.Smarandache,Multi-spaceandmulti-structure,inNeutrosophy. NeutrosophicLogic,Set, Probability and Statistics, American Research Press, 1998. [7] F.Smarandache,Paradoxist Geometry, StateArchivesfromValcea,Rm. Valcea,Romania, 1969, and in Paradoxist Mathematics, Collected Papers (Vol. II), Kishinev University Press, Kishinev, 5-28, 1997. [8] W.B.VasanthaKandasamyandF.Smarandache,N-Algebraic Structuresand S-N-Algebraic Structures, HEXIS, Phoenix, Arizona, 2005. [9] M.Tegmark, Parallel universes, in Science and Ultimate Reality: From Quantum to Cos- mos, ed. by J.D.Barrow, P.C.W.Davies and C.L.Harper, Cambridge University Press, 2003. Content Preface...................................................................................i Chapter 1 Mathematics with Reality.........................................1 1.1 Complex Flows with Synchronization...............................................2 1.2 Mathematics with natural reality – Action flows...................................25 1.3 Mathematical combinatorics with natural reality..................................43 1.4 A new understanding of particles by −→G-flow interpretation of differential equation...................................................................63 1.5 A review on natural reality with physical equations................................71 Chapter 2 Contradiction with Reality......................................77 2.1 Mathematics on non-mathematics.................................................78 2.2 Non-solvable spaces of linear equation systems...................................115 2.3 Global stability of non-solvable ordinary differential equations with applications....................................................................129 2.4 Cauchy problem on non-solvable system of first order partial differential equations with applications...............................................163 2.5 Geometry on non-solvable equations - A review on contradictory systems................................................................192 Chapter 3 Combinatorial Notion on Reality.............................213 3.1 Combinatorial speculation and combinatorial conjecture for mathematics.........................................................................214 3.2 Mathematics after CC conjecture-Combinatorialnotions and achievements........................................................................233 Chapter 4 Envelope Mathematics on Reality............................234 4.1 Extended Banach −→G-flow spaces on differential equations with applications.........................................................................235 4.2 Hilbert flow spaces with operators over topological graphs........................278 4.3 Labeled graph – A mathematical element........................................305 Chapter 5 Combinatorial Models on Reality.............................334 5.1 Combinatorial fields - An introduction...........................................335 5.2 Curvature equations on combinatorialmanifolds with applications to vi MathematicalReality theoretical physics...................................................................357 5.3 Relativity in combinatorial gravitationalfields ...................................376 5.4 Biologicaln-system with global stability..........................................387 5.5 A topological model for ecologically industrial systems...........................415 Chapter 1 Mathematics with Reality Why fails to see the true face of Lushan mountain, Because he is just in these mountains. By SuShi, a well-known poet in Chinese Song dynasty.