Thisisavolumein PROBABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS ASeriesofMonographsandTextbooks Editors: Z. W.Birnbaum and E. Lukacs Acompletelistof titlesinthisseriescan beobtainedfrom thePublisherupon request. MartIngale LImIt Theory and It. ApplIcatIon P. Hall Department ofStatistics, SGS Australian National University Canberra,Australia C. C. Heyde CSIRODivisionofMathematics and Statistics CanberraCity, Australia 1980 ACADEMIC PRESS A Subsidiary ofHarcourt BraceJovanovich, Publishers NewYork London Toronto Sydney San Francisco The history ofprobability (and ofmathematics in general) shows a stimulating interplay ofthe theory and applications: theoreticalprogress opens new fields ofapplications, and in turn applications lead to new problems andfruitfulresearch. Thetheoryofprobabilityisnowappliedto many diversefields, and theflexibility ofageneraltheory isrequired to provide appropriatetoolsfor sogreatavarietyofneeds. w.Feller ...theepistemologicalvalueofthetheoryofprobabilityisrevealedonlyby limit theorems. Moreover, without limit theorems it is impossible to understand therealcontent oftheprimaryconceptofalloursciences-the concept ofprobability. B.V.Gnedenkoand A. N. Kolmogorov COPYRIGHT© 1980, BYACADEMIC PRESS,INC. ALLRIGHTSRESERVED. NO PART OFTHISPUBLICATIONMAYBEREPRODUCEDOR TRANSMITTEDIN ANYFORMORBYANY MEANS,ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDINGPHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, ORANY INFORMATION STORAGE ANDRETRIEVAL SYSTEM,WITHOUT PERMISSIONIN WRITINGFROM THEPUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 111FifthAvenue,NewYork,NewYork10003 United Kingdom Edition publishedby ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28OvalRoad,LondonNW1 7DX LibraryofCongressCatalogingin PublicationData Hall,P Martingalelimit theoryand itsapplication. (Probabilityand mathematicalstatistics) Bibliography: p. Includes indexes. 1. Martingales(Mathematics) 2. Limit theorems(Probabilitytheory) I. Heyde, C.C., jointauthor. II. Title. QA274.5.H34 519.2'87 80-536 ISBN 0-12-319350-8 PRINTEDIN THEUNITED STATESOF AMERICA 80 81 82 83 987654321 The history ofprobability (and ofmathematics in general) shows a stimulating interplay ofthe theory and applications: theoreticalprogress opens new fields ofapplications, and in turn applications lead to new problems andfruitfulresearch. Thetheoryofprobabilityisnowappliedto many diversefields, and theflexibility ofageneraltheory isrequired to provide appropriatetoolsfor sogreatavarietyofneeds. w.Feller ...theepistemologicalvalueofthetheoryofprobabilityisrevealedonlyby limit theorems. Moreover, without limit theorems it is impossible to understand therealcontent oftheprimaryconceptofalloursciences-the concept ofprobability. B.V.Gnedenkoand A. N. Kolmogorov COPYRIGHT© 1980, BYACADEMIC PRESS,INC. ALLRIGHTSRESERVED. NO PART OFTHISPUBLICATIONMAYBEREPRODUCEDOR TRANSMITTEDIN ANYFORMORBYANY MEANS,ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDINGPHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, ORANY INFORMATION STORAGE ANDRETRIEVAL SYSTEM,WITHOUT PERMISSIONIN WRITINGFROM THEPUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 111FifthAvenue,NewYork,NewYork10003 United Kingdom Edition publishedby ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28OvalRoad,LondonNW1 7DX LibraryofCongressCatalogingin PublicationData Hall,P Martingalelimit theoryand itsapplication. (Probabilityand mathematicalstatistics) Bibliography: p. Includes indexes. 1. Martingales(Mathematics) 2. Limit theorems(Probabilitytheory) I. Heyde, C.C., jointauthor. II. Title. QA274.5.H34 519.2'87 80-536 ISBN 0-12-319350-8 PRINTEDIN THEUNITED STATESOF AMERICA 80 81 82 83 987654321 Preface This bookwascommenced byoneoftheauthorsinlate1973inresponseto agrowingconvictionthattheasymptoticpropertiesofmartingalesprovidea keyprototype ofprobabilistic behaviour,whichisofwideapplicability. The evidence in favor of such a proposition has beenamassing rapidly over the interveningyears-so rapidly indeed thatthe subject keptescapingfrom the confines of the text. The coauthorjoined the project in late 1977. Thethesisofthisbook,thatmartingalelimittheoryoccupiesacentralplace in probability theory, may still be regarded as controversial. Certainly the story is far from complete on the theoretical side, and many interesting questions remainoversuchissuesastherelationshipbetweenmartingalesand processes embeddable in or approximable by Brownian motion.' On the other hand, the picture ismuch clearer on the applied side.The vitality and principal source ofinspiration ofprobabilitytheory comesfrom itsapplica tions. The mathematical modeling of physical reality and the inherent nondeterminism of many systems provide an expanding domain of rich pickings in which martingale limit results are demonstrably of great usefulness. The effectivebirth of probability as a subject took place in hardly more thana decadearound 1650,2and ithas beenlargelyweddedtoindependence theory for some 300 years. For all the intrinsic importance and intuitive content of independence, it isnot a vital requirementfor the three keylimit laws of probability-the strong law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, and the law of the iterated logarithm. As far as these results are concerned, the time has come to move to a more general and flexible framework inwhichsuitablegeneralizationscanbeobtained.Thisisthestory ofthefirst partofthe book, inwhichitisargued thatmartingalelimittheory provides the most general contemporary setting for the key limit trio. The basicmartingaletools,particularlytheinequalities, haveapplicationsbeyond 'Forrecentcontributions,seeDrogin (1973),Philipp andStout(1975),and Monroe(1978). Wehavenot directlyconcerned ourselveswiththeseissues. 2See,for example, Heyde and Seneta (1977,Chapter I). Ix x PREFACE the realm of limit theory. Moreover, extensions of the martingale concept offer the prospect of increased scope for the methodology.! Historically, thefirstmartingalelimittheorems weremotivatedbyadesire to extend the theory for sums of independent randomvariables. Verylittle attentionwaspaid topossibleapplications,and itisonlyinmuchmorerecent times that applied probability and mathematical statistics have been a real force behind the development of martingale theory.! The independence theory has proved inadequate for handling contemporary developments in manyfields.Independence-basedresultsarenotavailableformanystochastic systems, and in many more an underlying regenerative behaviour must be found in orderto employthem. Onthe otherhand, relevantmartingalescan almost always be constructed, for example by devicessuch as centering by subtracting conditional expectations given the past and then summing. In this book wehave chosentoconfineour attentiontodiscretetime.The basic martingale limit results presented here can be expected to have corresponding versions in continuous time, but the context has too many quite different ramifications and connotations!to betreatedsatisfactorilyin parallel with the case of discrete time. The word application rather than applications in the title of the book reflectsthe scopeoftheexamplesthatarediscussed.The rapidly burgeoning list ofapplications has rendered futile any attempt at an exhaustive or even comprehensive treatment within the confines of a singlemonograph. As a sample of the very recent diversity which wedo not treat, wemention the couponcollectors problem[Sen(1979)],randomwalkswithrepulsion[Pakes (1980)], the assessment of epidemics [Watson (1980a, b)], the weak con vergence of U-statistics [Loynes (1978), Hall (1979)]and of the empirical process [Loynes (1978)]and ofthe log-likelihood process[Halland Loynes (1977)],and determiningtheorderofanautoregression[Hannanand Quinn (1979)].Martingale methods havealsofound applicationinmany areas that are not usually associated with probability or statistics. For example, martingaleshavebeenusedasadescriptivedeviceinmathematicaleconomics for over ten years, and more recently the limit theory has proved to be a powerful tool.6Ourapplicationsratherreflecttheauthors'interests,although it is hoped that they are diverse enough to establish beyond any doubt the usefulness of the methodology. The book isintended for useasareferencework ratherthanasatextbook, although itshould besuitable for certainadvanced coursesorseminars.The 3For example linear martingales [McQueen (1973)], weak martingales [Nelson (1970), Berman(1976)],and mixingales[McLeish(1975b,1977)]. 4Thisisalittleironicinviewofthe roots ofthe martingale concept in gambling theory. sFor example, throughtheassociation withstochastic integrals. 6See,for example, Foldes(1978),Plosser etal.(1979),and Pagan (1979). PREFACE xl prerequisite is a sound basic course in measure theoretic probability, and beyond that the treatment is essentially self-contained. In bringing this book to itsfinal form wehavereceivedadvicefrom many people.Ourgrateful thanksaredueparticularlytoG.K.Eaglesonandalsoto D. Aldous, E.J. Hannan,M. P. Quine, G.E.H. Reuter, H. Rootzen.andD, J. Scott, who have suggested corrections and other improvements. Thanks are alsodueto thevarious typistswhostruggledwiththemanuscriptand last but not least to our wivesfor their forbearance. C. C. HEYDE P. HALL Canberra, Australia November 1979 Notation The following notation is used throughout the book. a.s. almost surely (that is, with probability one) Li.d. independent and identically distributed p.gJ. probability generating function r.v. random variable CLT central limit theorem LIL law ofthe iterated logarithm SLLN strong law oflarge numbers ML maximum likelihood. Almost sureconvergence, convergence in probability,andconvergencein distribution are denoted by~',!., and· ~, respectively. Fora randomvariable X, we use II X lipfor(EIXIP)I/P,p >0,whilevarX denotes the variance ofX. Themetricspace qo,I]isthespaceofcontinuousfunctionsontheinterval [0,1] with the uniform metric p defined by p(x,y) =sup Ix(t) - y(tH OS,Sf ThecomplementofaneventEisdenoted byIt, andtheindicatorfunction of E by [(E), where ifwEE otherwise. The normal distribution with mean p. and variance 02 is denoted by N( p., 02). The realand imaginaryparts ofafunctionfaredenoted byRefand1m/. respectively. Forrealnumbers, x+denotes max(0,x), andsgnxisthesignofx,whilea /\ bismin(a,b). The transpose ofa vector vis denoted byv',andthetraceofamatrixA is written as tr A. The square root ofa nonnegative variable is taken to be nonnegative. xii 1 Introduction 1.1. General Definition Let (Ω,J^P) be a probability space: Ω is a set, ^ a σ-field of subsets of Ω, and Ρ a probability measure defined on ^. Let / be any interval of the form (fl,b), (α,ί?] or [α,ί?] of the ordered set {-oo,... ,-1,0,1, ,00}. Let {J^,, η 6 /} be an increasing sequence of σ-fields of sets. Suppose that {Z„, η G /} is a sequence of random variables on Ω satisfying (i) Z„ is measurable with respect to (ii) E\Z„\ < O), (iii) E{Z„\^J = a.s. for all ηκη,πι,πΕί. Then, the sequence {Z„,nG 1} is said to be a martingale with respect to {^„,nel}. We write that {Z„,^„,nGl} is a martingale. If (i) and (ii) are retained and (iii) is replaced by the inequality E{Z„\^J ^ Z^ a.s. {E{Z„\^J ^ Z^ a.s.), then {Z„,#„, ne 1} is called a submartingale (super- martingale). A reverse martingale or backwards martingale {Z„, η G /} is defined with respect to a decreasing sequence of σ-fields {^„, η G /}. It satisfies conditions (i) and (ii) above, and instead of (iii), (iii') E{Z„\^J = a.s. for all m > n, n, m G /. Clearly {Ζ^,^^, 1 ^i^n} is a reverse martingale if and only if {Z„_i+i, ^„-i+i,l ^i ^n} is a martingale, and so the theory for finite reverse martingales is just a dual of the theory for finite (forward) martingales. The duality does not always extend so easily to limit theory. 1.2. Historical Interlude The name martingale was introduced into the modern probabilistic litera ture by Ville (1939) and the subject brought to prominence through the work of Doob in the 1940s and early 1950s. 2 1. INTRODUCTION Martingale theory, like probability theory itself, has its origins partly in gambling theory, and the idea of a martingale expresses a concept of a fair game (Z,, can represent the fortune of the gambler after η games and the information contained in the first η games). The term martingale has, in fact, a long history in a gambling context, where originally it meant a system for recouping losses by doubling the stake after each loss. The Oxford English Dictionary dates this usage back to 1815. The modern concept dates back at least to a passing reference in Bachelier (1900). Work on martingale theory by Bernstein (1927,1939,1940,1941) and Levy (1935a,b, 1937) predates the use of the name martingale. These authors in troduced the martingale in the form of consecutive sums with a view to generalizing limit results for sums of independent random variables. The subsequent work of Doob however, including the discovery of the celebrated martingale convergence theorem, completely changed the direction of the subject. His book (1953) has remained a major influence for nearly three decades. It is only comparatively recently that there has been a resurgence of real interest and activity in the area of martingale limit theory which deals with generalizations of results for sums of independent random variables. It is with this area that our book is primarily concerned. 1.3. The Martingale Convergence Theorem This powerful result has provided much motivation for the continued study of martingales. Theorem. Let {Z„,J^„, n>l} be an L^-bounded submartingale. Then there exists a random variable Ζ such that lim„_ooZ„ = Ζ a,s. and E\Z\ ^ liminf„^oo £|Z„| < QO. // the submartingale is uniformly integrable, then Z„ converges to Ζ in L\ and if {Z„,^„} is an L^-bounded martingale, then Z„ converges to Ζ in L^. This is an existence theorem; it tells us nothing about the limit random variable save that it has a finite first or second moment. The theorem seems rather unexpected a priori and it is a powerful tool which has led to a number of interesting results for which it seems essentially a unique method of approach. Of course one is often still faced with finding the limit law, but that can usually be accomplished by other methods. As a simple example of the power of the theorem, consider its application to show that if = Yj=i is a sum of independent random variables with converging in distribution as π oo, then S„ converges a.s. This result is a straightforward consequence of the martingale convergence theorem when