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Marijuana Gateway to Health - How Cannabis Protects Us from Cancer and Alzheimer's Disease PDF

237 Pages·2001·15.845 MB·English
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“lhisbookshouldberequiredreadingforallmedicalprofessionals elected oicials, andeveryone interested in health andwellness.” —AndrewWeil, M.D., authorofSpontaneous Healing MARIJUANA GATEWAY TO HEALTH HOW CANNABIS PROTECTS US FROM CANCER AND ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE L CLINT WERNER wwa awu4uau1§fuuu yna gupnsuK uqom wwgfnuuv‘ gwamvf/ _]_o 1-]3011111 "Q!][!OUS0)POHBJS‘M011|.I0)dqBJu.l29sn1§>B[Smeqesep 0U odgmueup aoaegua‘4191!qse>:1!\/a gulapgawso;uLmg[neue?]9S|L1\UlL9p‘1;_[ns;5,49 o;Ma\.ua1_s pegms xampgu;qspgugm[ qauagxso;oeuueqguogps ma nna‘ nqA ma 3oAa|.u1uau1s nup pinS uuun;_e9;n\.a|.s so guneusgaw aqom wmgfnwueg geu_d01‘qs :ume peu3a1ons—euplassqauagpe[- lqeu [a$e||ApgsmqmapQxAaou;gu‘adqappua‘ d9l.J0)I2)01Ae|§n1u;“ —12n1ga geuan‘ emqoJo;1ynup lqag1_4ausguamus HOM V4ua1;Jvusgasdoupap10 ;4125/" nupvugzunVlWJ[)$ ”):|!u1MQJUQJ21.3119$;_0J3pn[|(1l[.IB)J[L9[LaB[p.Iqauagas0]_ll.IBJ![\IBU!\]21 axaaap;1s peueas‘wnaqo;;qsmgpauaagsdlpgmgumA‘qn1;1eppsnd 10 2 ae“ ;01 d1o;assgou2|‘ ]mia-sazpe sagauggo xasaeuzq ;0 eaoass zqgs aupaul zupQAQJ w019 dOd\I[BI.qa|.q'“ —g0qau 3222"‘emqoJH24-3: diawnlpuSnII-[3JJ7d1I_4I‘ v gampn]1_0MmC/ _]_1anyzuamfwgmnsggvuoax nqczxpapM;1q;oo1uo1aseupdepnzpmuq gu;0\.uLmgou‘Wvu_(_mzuv91219- mrzX 10 Han];11 mm zseaq euA sqadpa qoM wepyaeI l.UBl.][\‘\EUB qae[s daod[a'__ -1-lgq_]_§uLas weezgus ”1)3o\/a1uu1au1dolgaAgsQAQJqesapou spau-:a !!!saepo;91S qes‘ pus qoo|>aowegus)qsspauoa!1M![]qaqesapndou‘ gnA2oodAqpola on 3:1 01p‘ guAe :odA;01Aom.poa1o\.]__ -W!P-'“l9 ?"P WFPLPIP VlP1!P“ _]qa wppnqv1pl;\1as‘geu guupsao __)f[!uJMa1ua\.‘sq00|>‘wvu_f_mruv9v;aMv{¢L_0 avmlgsd¢>:[>9pmgpL$31- aupgamlalepousaqomaeuueqgs—e :sapaM0d9U9Jeup2u.|ns1 199P‘ 11 gsxagesqguS10saa1|.|an.np.v;“ -gup nus‘ 3xa>:npAe d\.0pm:e1‘ geuuzqgs d1eue1L_\; mulaaowdglmgouo;_spau1g)._|asmpgaspulqgsq0o|>gs§ns1snda1q' 1 ae{ meH10ssaqoMwnufnuun gwamuf/L_0H2v];41 pmuaspmamoppesma [DLOM§1“ —vu8a|e gegpass‘ 1'e{)ovoq*aom “ClintWerner’sMarijuana: GatewaytoHealthsetsanewmilestonein the understanding ofmarijuana as medicine. This book is a master- piece—clearlywritten, well documented, and it pushes back against the ill-conceivedpropagandaagainstthese usefulplants. Anyskeptic is well advised to read this book before voicing an opinion. l highly recommend thisbook!" —PaulStamets,author GrowingGourmetandMedicinalMushrooms andMycelliumRunning “Marijuana: Gateway to Health is a refreshingly readable book that engages the reader from page one, Werner brings to life the storyof how marijuana’s medical benets have been discovered, covering all the bases and putting clinical studies into their proper, broader per- spective. Aterric bookwith heart and soul.” —Ellen Komp,editor TheEmperor WearsNoClothes “ClintWernerdemonstratesnumerousqualitiesofmedicinalcannabis with well-documented research and dispels myth after myth. Mari- juana Gateway to Health delves into everything from Alzheimer’s to theWaron Drugswithimportantdetailsonmonumentaldiscoveries abouttheendocannabinoidsystemandhowitcanpreventdiseaseand pain. Ifyouwant toknowaboutmedical marijuanatoday, this isthe best sourceofinformation. l keep mycopyon mydesk!” —]orgeCervantes,authorMarijuanaHorticulture,photographer ‘Marijuana Gateway to Health blends a clear and conciseoverview of thesciencesupportingcannabisasmedicinewithanengagingaccount ofthe politicsofprohibition that still keeps it from patients. Werner showsjusthowcruelandcounterproductivefederalmarijuanapolicy is. Thisbookshouldberequired readingfor all medicalprofessionals, electedoicials, andeveryoneinterested in healthand wellness.” —AndrewWeil, M.D. author SpontaneousHealingandSpontaneousLaughter “Marijuana Gateway la Health documents important and hitherto under-reportedscientic discoveriesanddevelopmentsconcerningthe endocannabinoidsystemandhowitinuences healthandwellness.” —MorrisSchambelan, MD, ProfessorEmeritusofMedicine UniversityofCalifornia San Francisco NIVIEIF IFVNV JEVLIEMVA _JO Hl'-IVl_'_JH NIVHIFHVNV SVLHMVA L.O HlEVl'L_H HOM JIVNNVSIS dHO.l.IE)Z.JS S HEONI DVNDIEH VNG '7\|'ZHlE|WlEH‘S ICISIEVSIE )Zl_ll\l_J \/AIEIENIEIE V3HS1V8 5835S SVN JUVNDISDO Copyright©2011ClintWerner,allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbook maybe reproduced, electronicallystored, ortransmitted in anyform by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or oth- erwise,withoutthepriorwritten permission ofthepublishers Disclaimer Thecontentsofthisbook,alltext,graphics, images, studies and infor- mationareforinformationalpurposesonly.Thecontentisnotmeantto beasubstituteforprofessionalmedicaladvice,diagnosis,ortreatment. Pleasedonotdisregardprofessionalmedicaladviceordelayseekingit becauseofsomethingyouhaveread in this book. This information is not meant to prevent, alleviate, or cure any disease or disorder. Always seek the advice ofa physician, doctor of chiropractic,orotherqualied healthproviderwithanyquestionsyou mayhaveregardingamedicalcondition. The purpose ofthis book is to complement, amplify, and supple- mentothertext.Youareurged toreadalltheavailablematerial,learn asmuchaspossible,andtailortheinformationtoyourindividualneeds. Neitherthepublishernortheauthorshallbeliableorresponsiblefor anylossordamageallegedlyarisingfromanyinformationorsuggestion withinthesepagesoronourwebsites. Further, ifyoususpectthatyou haveamedicalproblem,weurgeyoutoseekprofessionalmedicalhelp. ISBN: 978-0-9834261-8-9 LCCN: 20ll931944 Publishedby DachstarPress PO. BOX460681 San Francisco,California94146-0681 URL: www.marijuanagatewaytohealthcom Printed intheUnited StatesofAmerica I-HSaooxISGIEGIDVLIEG.1.0xuAdmaws‘ 1/aenup weMMa\.ua1‘;01 L‘weqguSmAapnaepou plagJ)od dpolghlt eup 10e[| aqosanulnspA gludpsouap ;01. nsguS‘ lomguS oJ spquS wepfneue‘ aedzasaupap q(,: wouga 51A‘ qelaSPLBJQJ‘wen gluaMnup gppA1'add' QON.JlEN.JS l .................................... . . 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