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Preview Maharashtra Gazette, 2020-01-11, Extra - Ordinary, Part -1 A

RNINe, MAHBIL /2012/47576 wraps. maharashtra.gevin FERT BIT MTT SRA APT Gep-at_-gor fret yeaoit 7 “arr, an, 20207 7, yee rena i 2 sme avert are sol 5, Ula, ALC MT A eer Tes Akl SERA, oH fala se Daeige Sie, aeteag shot etl aa ae aI A ea tla cet 9 SH ote TH ATTRNTE Wa Ree tear oe Aen Sra erh ewe, sec tgh 54 ae onal & atuwtend eigen Bales 3 bes 296 coll AM tee stitend reed cae ER TRI oma ST PET TEAR ae pe or? offi aa. vag std a =e 3 3 3 1 Senpre apr Rte tere Aa, Reta dh then ye SRB, ¢ ATAPI we BY COLLECTOR Order ate old eae tA HH, e23e.-In execs ofthe pewere conferred onme by the State Elec- tion Commissioner, Waharashtra, Mumbai vide vis order Ko. SEC:NP-2018'CR-/Desk. &, dated 23th November 2019 and tha prow sions contained in tha sub-section (1) af Saction 19 af the Maharacktra ‘Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industial Townships Act, 1985, |, Daulat Desai, Colector, Kolhapur, hereby puslish tre name ofthe candidate who have been declared elecied Presicentof Hatkanangle Nagar Panchayat in the Direct PresidentialElection held on dated 2th December 20° 9. @ 2 arg net i ta ot gh Bel pal, 8 A 040 ae 49, bi Schedule 5. No, Name of Presiden: Reraks Ward Resarvation) 1 2 3 1 Janvekar Aiunkumar Madhusudan ‘Scheeuled Case DAULAT DESAI, Go lector. Kohapur. Kolhapur, 8th Jeruary 2020, ere art aie 48 (a Hla a, frie ge FR gee oar org core Seer ahs of cher Hg Say a HacAle 2l Pla a) aL Ah emt tig alin ate 2¢ Pasig 2698 A Bea Psa se etl Ad cae ake es Sem Sur unit, ise ety Bagg tee one mA 1 a ARR sn. Regt atest ge 48 HIN el suas 2 rad canes 2 rR errr 2 caprer cont Ces yr ETT 4 carrera mene enter @ e3 aie « egypt 5 ast, 0 FR * aeBabvsns as & a agg nergy & aeBabensnns as ‘ il i ea sagan sR 8 dc tin sige +B os sp Rat see ° 1 Rarer mae bo ai a SET " sane a arate rier ” safer nene of afar 8 rn anne % % age sete “& pies Sete oT % sagan +a os oh Aaa w awe ot ag Riera Ah ae ye thes anal = TERM TH TO, FATTO vat — Ph eer GRE, a4 SH oon Fae, wR ORDER nieces eH ase. aeca.-ih exoralgecafthe pasts conferrodon mo by fhe State Election Commissioner. Maharashtra, Mumbai vilehis order No. SEC/NP-2019/CR-G'Desk, €, deted 29th Noverber £2019 and the o-ovisions cantaines inthe sub-section (1) of Section 19 af the Maharashira Munic pal Counc, Nayar Pancrayaie and Industrial Townsrips Act, 1S68, |, Daulat Dasa , Collector, Kolhapur hareby publish the ramas of the candidates who have baen declared elected as tha Councilors of Hatkanar gle Nagar Panchayat from the wards shown egeinst reir names inthe General Election held on dated 29th Decerber 2018. Schedule St. Nos, Name af Coundillar's ‘Ward Nos. Remarks (Nard Reservation 1 2 a 4 1 hot Rohini Gurudas 4 General Wornen 2 Ingawae Raju Jaysingrao 2 General 3 ‘Swami Shubhada alas Puja Prakash 3 Backward Class of Citzens women 4 Kambale Ketan Babaso 4 Soheculed Caste 5 hangar Raait 3iru s Backward Class of Citzone 8 Kell Mayur Rajaram 8 Elackward Class of Citzens. 7 Mujawar Ramjan Rasul 7 General 8 Suryavanshi érunchat mesh 8 General Wornen 8 Patil Shaya Chandracant e ‘Benoral Women 10 MujswarFarida Nurmahammad © 10 Elackward Class of Citzens ‘Women " More Dinansthashok " General 2 Upachhye Prajakta Pravin oe Backward Class of Citzens Women Lugada Abhijt Prakash a General Kambale Alaks Jaysing “ Schaeuled Caste Woman Hatkanangalekar Kavita Rahul 6 Scheculed Caste ‘Women Iraker Scnebai Tanaji 6 General Wornen het Vijay Vasant 7 General DAULAT DESAI, Ca lector, Kohapur, Kolhapur, th Jer uary 2020. ander Sie yy AEP Pye ste rg ate SETA a ter ee ATES, wy cei tleedia alo ¢ rae la oa aia 41 ote Rashes Sie, anieny st FoF Pe a TEP aw PRT eT on attra ah aia Ret eee ee, sluts cod ots dada ed at fo 26 Cots aon Lo My accede tesa Fast: stelle Shean 14s dE A no rea FN gh me Haig nt i a a ot gh Bel apa, 8 A 040 aie 49, tb 98 sire wm gtd au 1 spo arto ‘eraen rite feo ATE, aay. aan ue Orcier ai 7 on Jn were. -In exercise ofthe powe's conferred an ma by he State Election Commissioner, Maharashtra, Murnbal ve his oder No. SEG/NP-201!CR.6'Desk, 6, dated 25th Noverber 2019 and the o‘ovisions cantainee inthe sub-section (1) of Soation 19 ofthe Maharashira Mlunic pal Coun, Nagar Panc1aya:e and Industrial Townstips Act, 1865, |, Daulat Desa , Collector, Kolhapur, haraby publish the rane of the candidte wha have been declared elected President of Charklgad Nagar Parichat in the Direct Presidential Elect on held on dated 29th December 2019. Sohedule Sr.No, Namo of Presiden: Remarks (Ward Reservation 1 2 3 1 Kanekar Prachi Dayanand General Wornen DAULAT DESAI, Go lector, Kohvapur, Kolhapur, 6th Jeriary 2020, ade ames aul QeAML Qa etal cam sAasgu amar Hee, eo ig fl tld am, got Bagger AED, MSIE NE se Aa & ag, Fediee ce dieAs oae a AQT ald See MBN H cloe AUS, “aes Beal, eemlxs a Ai a sieMe 118 ARPA. Gee S aed aig FA = Roopa af, cose parton fore gs fitiae gow Tar AT ame seat aris = m op Ee CEPT re an ary Py nee? eo fein Beta sr er 4 Le aL . ws 2 svete, RAN Hee : fae 8 as yaad aa 2 sae Raa ans p84 ft 5 * canner 8 : canner TERM RTH SRO, FTE ve eat — Ph Sen REM, 99 STH coe Fae ae, HA RIE, Toe OT ” URE eer : etch as ‘ ae Rabersir wad ‘ cart aa se * ‘arent 6 nes Pa in sae Raa ans bed it " saesortr for " soars rh e ea Te aegis sa 5 erry ree ‘wren fsa os ae eerie w inner “ settee esi! sion sige +B os Hes uTich Went % ue Ba oa ceptpriorr Fair wy Sete ar Co ater ‘ORDER Spa THERES En av tezon exercise of the powe's conferred on meby the Stale Election Commissioner, Msharasttra, Murnbai vceehis order No. SEG/NP-2019/CR-iDesk €, deted 2th Noverber 2019 and te o-ovisions containec inthe sub-section (1) of Section 19 af the Maharashtra Munic pal Counc, Nagar Paneraya:s and Industrial Townsrips Act, 1968, |, Daulat Dosa , Collector, Kolhapur, hereby publish the namas af the cancidates wha have bean declared eleccad as the Councilars af Chandgad Nagar Panchayat from the wards shown sgainst tei eames inthe General Election held on dated 29th Dever bet 2019. Schedule Sr. Nos, Nama af Counellar's Ward Nos. Remarks Nard Resencationy 1 2 3 4 1 Gutbe Abhi: Shantararn 4 General 2 CChandgadke Dilip Mahacev 2 General 3 Madar Mlumtazki Sulerran 3 Backward Glass of Citzens ‘amen Naikwadi Nocrjahsr Abdulrahim 4 General veoren Naik Mentab Ayu 5 General Naik Zakirhuseain Yusut 6 General Kamble Notradeepa Pramod 7 ‘Schaculod Caste Woman Heldankaranand Manat 8 backward Class of Citzens. 9 Dani Anusaya Srikristna 8 General Yeanen 10 Pariténita Santosh +0 Backward Glass of Citzens Wamen eg ner ct rt va a ot ag Bel pal 8 I 040 Zaha 49, tb 98 Schedule-cont 1 2 3 4 " Nesavikar Sachin Ningappa " Dackward Glass of Cilzens. 2 Mulls Firojbdu rashid % General 8 Kumbhar Wedhur Maruti e General veonen “ \Watengi Rohit Rajendra 4 General 18 Chandgadkar SanjeevaniSanjay 18 General Wonen 6 Gawida Pramila Parashram * General Waren w Kekarekar Sanjana Saneeep 7 Faackwardl Class of Citzens Women DAULAT DESAL Go lector, Kolnapur. Kolhapur, 6th Jaruary 2020, aes sities ani gyno state yee eay ote a, lel EEA Fla eo SEE. Sey 6a f4b od ty chad Bsmes SN RK, a al ELS Fg rer RT aoe TH ITT aa er ares oh tae eer ae RAE aM FRR EP aM ee rR PR ser? ort ae re, ARR se. equate et asa ete ati a 1 3 2 ’ " 3 anes ‘ w ws 3 n1dia et stg ‘ a ste eat ow Bee, ‘ne ps cote goa, ORDER prise RETA FA eRtayotn exarcice ofthe powa's canfarrad an me by the Stata Election Commissioner, Maharashtra, Mumbai vitehis order No. SEC:NP-201aICR-6iDesk. €, dated 2th Nover ber £2019 and the o‘ovisions containec inthe sub-secion (1) of Section 19 of the Maharashtra Munic pal Counc, Nagar Panevaya's and Industrial Townsrips Act, 1965, |, Daulat Desa , Collector, Kolhapur hereby publish the rama of the candidatas who rave bean declared alacieo as the Ceunellors of Gadhinglaj Municipal Council from tha wards shewen against their names in the Extension Aaa Election held an dated 23th December 2018, TERM RTH SRO, FOTO ve eat — Ph Sen GREMA, 99 STH coe Fae ae, HA Schedule Sr Nos. Name of Councillor's Ward Sos, SeatNos. Remarks ‘Ward Reservation} 1 2 8 4 5 1 Kori Mahesh Basa 8 BA General 2 Patil Shubhada Rahul 8 9B Generel Wornen DAULAT DESAI, Go lector, Kolrapur, Kolhapur, 6th Jaruary 2020. sat aripacciterver aanaean, Hei HRMat nein af GLAPABK ecard ahd APR ota dl teh oF apt ardie or of Order No. PSNAVSIKS- 1'44:2020 —In exercise of the powers vested in me under the Maharastra Municipal Gouncis, Nagarpanchayats (Nominated memebr qualification and electicr orocedure) Rule 2040 (6), . Naval Kishor Ram, Collector, Pune hereby publish the nama of perscr who has bean declarad lected as Nominatad Memba’ af Municipal Council, Saswad in spacial maating conveyed an Sth Dece nber 2019, Sohedule Sr Nos. Name cfMunicipalCounci Name of Nominated Members 1 2 3 7 Saswaa Nandkumar vithal Jagtap 2 Saswad Rajendra Kundalk Girm=. NAVAL KISHOR RAM, Collector, Pune. Pune, 4th Jansary 2020,

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