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^roFTs]^ 'UN 28 191R %, .^3Kfc\ Sfctton V>3 y MAHABHAEATA THE ov KRISHNA-DWAIPAYANA VTASA ^^ TRANSLATED / ^^ ^'^^''^^ INTO ENGLISH PROSE. ^^^GICAL Sl>^^ Published and distributed chiefly gratis BY PROTIP CHANDRA ROY. VIRATA PARVA. CALCUTTA BHARATA PRESS. No. 367, UPPER CHITPORE ROAD. 18S6. ( The right oj traiislaiion is reserved. ) TABLE OF CONTENTS. VIR\TA PARVA. Pdndava-Pravega Parva. PAGE. Yudhishthira's consultation with his brothers and Draiipadi. 1 Yudhishthira's desire of entering the service of Virata as a gambler ... ... ... 2. Bhima's desire of serving Virata as a cook ... 3 ArjUna's ditto of serving ditto as a dancing-master in the inner apartments ... ... ••. 4 Nakula's ditto of serving ditto askeeper of the steeds 5 Sahadeva's ditto of serving ditto as keeper of the kine 6 Draupadi's ditto of serving Virata's wife as her Sairin- dhri ... ... ... ••• ib Dhaumya's advice to Yudhishthira and his brothers re- garding the bearing of persons living in palaces 7 Dhaumya performs the rites of departure ... 11 Dhaumya takes leave of the Pandavas ... ib Indrascna and other servants set out for DwarakS, ib The Pandavas set out for Virata's city ... ib The Pandavas keep their weapons on a ^ami tree 12 They assume new names for holding secret converse 13 Yudhishthira's hymn to Durga ... ... 14 Durga's boon to Yudhishthira ... ... 16 Yudhishthira presents himself to Virata ... 17 Gives his name as Kanka and is accepted as a courtier 18 Bhima approaches Virata as a cook, giving his name as Vallava, and is accepted ... ... 19 Draupadi enters Virata's city and is accepted as a Sai- rindhri by the queen ... ... ... 20 Sahadeva approaches Virata and is accepted as the keeper of the king's kiuc ... ... ... 23 11 CONTENTS^ PAGF» Arjuna approaches Virata dressed as a eunuch and is accepted as dancing-master to the royal maidens 24 Nakula approaches the king and is accepted as keeper of the king's steeds ... ... ... 26 Samctya-Palana Parva. The festival in honor of Brahma ... ... 28 Bhima encounters the athlete Jimuta and slays him ib Virata rewards Bhima ... ... ... 30 Kichaka-badha Parva. Kichaka beholds Draupadi and is smitten with her charms 31 Kichaka accosts Draupadi ... ... ... ib Draupadi mildly reproves Kichaka ... ... 33 Kichaka renews his suit ... ... ... 34« Draupadi's indignant reply ... ... ib Kichaka conspires with Sudeshna for getting Draupadi in his power ... ... ••• 35, Sudeshna sends Draupadi to Kichaka's abode on a pre- tended errand ... ... ... 36 Draupadi invokesSurya and Surya commands a Rdkshasa to wait invisibly on Draupadi ... ... ib Kichaka attempts to use force on Draupadi ... 37 Draupadi's escape and Kichaka's overthrow by the invisi- ble Rdkshasa ... ... ... lo Kichaka pursues Draupadi and kicks her in the presence of Virata and his courtiers ... ... 38 Draupadi's lament at this ... ... ... lo Yudhishthira sends away Draupadi to the inner apart- ments 39 Draupadi visits Bhimaat night ... ... ** *2 Bhima's lament ... ... ••• ** Draupadi's lament ... ... ••• ^" Bhima consoles Draupadi ... ... ••• Bhima's promise to slay Kichaka ... ••• ^^ Draupadi's pretended assignation with Kichaka ... 54« Bhima cncountcra Kichaka at uight in the dancing-hall 56 m CONTENTf?. PAGE. They fight ... ... ... ••• 57 Bhima slays Kichaka and reduces him to a formless mass 58 of flesh ... ... ••• ••• The Upakichakas desire to burn Draupadi with Kichaka's corpse ... .•• ••• ••• 60 Draupadi invokes her lords for help ... ... 61 Bhima rushes, tree in hand, against the Upakichakas and slays them ... ... ... t.. 62 Draupadi comes back tP Virata's palace ... 63 Virata's fears ... ... ... ... ib Draupadi's meeting with Vrihannala ... ... ib Sudeshna asks her to leave her service ... 64) She promises to do so within a few days ... ib Go-harana Parva. The spies of Duryodhana carry news of Kichaka's death to Hastinapura ... ... ».. 66 Duryodhana's resolve to renew the search ... 67 Kama counsels the same ... ... ... ib Drona recommends peace ... ... ... 68 Bhishma does the same ... ... ... 69 Kripa's speech ... ... ... ... 72 Su9arman's proposal for invading Virata's dominions 74 Duryodhana accepts the proposal and makes arrangements accordingly ... ... ... 75 News reaches Virata of the seizure of his kine ... 76 Virata makes preparations for setting out ... ib The four sons of PSndu follow Virata ... ... 77 The fight between the Matsyas and the Trigartas ... • 78 Virata taken captive by Su9arman ... ... 81 Bhima rescues Virata, vanquishing Su9arman ... 83 Su9arman taken prisoner by Bhima ... ... 84< Yudhishthira sets Su9arman free ... ... 85 Virata's gratitude to the Pandavas ... ... ib Seizure of Virata's kine in the north by the Kurus 87 News is brought to Uttara of this ... ... ib Uttara's want gf a charioteer ... ... 88 . iV CONTENTS. PAGEJ Draupadi praises Vrihannala's skill in driving cars... 89 Uttara requests Vrihannala to act as her brother's charioteer ... ... ... ... 91 Uttara sets out with Vrihannala '... ... 93 XJttara's panic at sight of the Kuru army ... 94 Uttarajumps down from the car and runs away ... 95 Arjuna seizes Uttara and takes him up on the car... 96 The doubts of the Kurus at sight of this act ... ib Arjuna assures Uttara ... ... ... 97 Arjuna and Uttaraproceed towards the fami tree ... ib Drona's speech at sight of evil omens ... ... ib Arjuna and Uttara having reached the ^ami tree, the former askes the latter to climb it for weapons ... 99 Uttara climbs up the tree ,.. ... ... 100 Uttara's enquiries regarding the weapons he sees 101 .. Arjuna answers Uttara ... ... ... 104" Arjuna discloses himself to Uttara ... ... ib Arjuna's ten names and their meanings ... 105 Uttara recovers from his fright and agreesto drive Arjuna's car in battle ... ... ... 106 Arjuna's explanation of his disguise as a enunch ... 107 Arjuna invokes his weapons ... ... 108 They promise to obey his call ... ... ib Arjuna invokes his own celestial banner ... 109 It comes at his call ... ... ... ib Drona calls the attention of the Kuru chiefs to various evil omens... ... ... ... Ill Duryodhana'sjustification of the invasion ... 112 His surmises regarding the approaching warrior ... 113 Duryodhana urges his army to fight ... ... H'l* Kama accuses Drona of secretly favoring the Pandavas ib Kamabrags of his own prowess ... ... 116 Kripa's reply to Kama ... ... ... 117 A^wathaman's speech in reply to Kama's brag ... 120 Bhishma's conciliatoryspeech ... ... 123 Duryodhana asks Drona's forgiveness ... ... 124 Bhishma's calcultvtiou of the period of coiiceahueut 125

THE MAHABHARATA. ••—*-. VIRATA PARVA. Section I. ( Pdndava-prave^a Parva. ) Om ! After having bowed down to Narayana, and Nara the most exalted of male beings, and also to the goddess Sara- swati, must the word Jaya be uttered,. Janamejaya said.—" How did my great-grandfathers, afflict-.
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