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Preview Magnetic shielding properties of high-temperature superconducting tubes subjected to axial fields

7 0 Magneti shielding properties of 0 2 high-temperature super ondu ting tubes n a subje ted to axial (cid:28)elds J 1,2 1,3 1 2 3 4 1 S Denis , L Dusoulier , M Diri kx , Ph Vanderbemden , R Cloots , M Ausloos 1 2 and B Vanderheyden ] n February 6, 2008 o c - r p 1 abstra t u s . Wehaveexperimentally studiedthe magneti shielding propertiesofa ylindri- t a alshell ofBiPbSrCaCuOsubje ted to lowfrequen y AC axialmagneti (cid:28)elds. m The magneti response hasbeen investigated asafun tion of thedimensions of - the tube, the magnitude of the applied (cid:28)eld, and the frequen y. These results d n areexplained quantitatively by employingthJe m(Bethod ofE. H. Brandt (Brandt c o E H 1998 Phys. Rev. B 58 6506) with a ) law appropriate for a poly- c rystalline material. Spe i(cid:28) ally, we observe that the applied (cid:28)eld an sweep [ into the entralregioneither throughthe thi kness of the shield orthroughthe 1 opening ends, the latter me hanism being suppressed for long tubes. For the v (cid:28)rst time, we systemati ally detail the spatial variation of the shielding fa tor 8 (the ratio of the applied (cid:28)eld over the internal magneti (cid:28)eld) along the axis 3 of a high-temperature super ondu ting tube. The shielding fa tor is shown to 2 1 be onstant in a region around the entre of the tube, and to de rease as an 0 exponential in the vi inity of the ends. This spatial dependen e omes from 7 the ompetition between two me hanisms of (cid:28)eld penetration. The frequen y 0 dependen eoftheshieldingfa torisalsodis ussedandshowntofollowapower / n t law arising from the (cid:28)nite reep exponent . a m - 2 Introdu tion d n o Ele tromagneti shieldinghastwomainpurposes. The(cid:28)rstoneistopreventan c ele troni devi efromradiatingele tromagneti energy,inorderto omplywith : radiationregulations,toprote tneighbouringequipmentsfromele tromagneti v i noise, or, in ertain military appli ations, to redu e the ele tromagneti signa- X tureofthedevi e. These ondpurposeofshieldingistoprote tsensitivesensors r fromradiationemittedintheirsurroundings,inordertotakeadvantageoftheir a full apabilities. f > As long as the frequen y of the sour e (cid:28)eld remains large, typi ally 1 kHz , ondu ting materials an be used to attenuate the (cid:28)eld with the skin e(cid:27)e t. For the lowest frequen ies, however, ondu tors ontinue to a t as good ele tri shields(and anbeusedtomakeaFaraday age),buttheyfailtoshield 1 magneti (cid:28)elds. Thetraditionalapproa htoshieldlowfrequen ymagneti (cid:28)elds onsists in using soft ferromagneti materials with a high relative permeability, whi h divert the sour e (cid:28)eld from the region to prote t [1℄. As the magneti permeabilityde reaseswithin reasingfrequen y,thisapproa hisonlypra ti al f < 1 kHz for low frequen ies (typi ally ). If low temperatures are allowed by the appli ation (77 K for ooling with liquid nitrogen), shielding systems basedonhigh-temperaturesuper ondu tors(HTS) ompetewiththetraditional T c solutions[2℄. Belowtheir riti altemperature, ,HTSarestronglydiamagneti and expel a magneti (cid:29)ux from their bulk. They an be used to onstru t en losures that a t as very e(cid:27)e tive magneti shields over a broad frequen y range [2℄. Several fa tors determine the quality of a HTS magneti shield. First, a B lim threshold indu tion, , hara terizes the maximum applied indu tion that anbestronglyattenuated. Inthe aseofashieldthatisinitiallynotmagnetized andissubje tedtoanin reasingapplied(cid:28)eld,theinternal(cid:28)eldremains loseto B lim zero until the applied indu tion rises above . The (cid:28)eld then penetrates the inner region of the shield and the indu tion in reases with the applied (cid:28)eld [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8℄. A se ond important fa tor is the geometri al volume over whi h a shield of given size and shape an attenuate an external (cid:28)eld below a given level. A third determining fa tor is the frequen y response of the shield. In this paper, we fo us on the shielding properties of a erami tube in the parallel geometry, whi h means that the sour e (cid:28)eld is applied parallel to the tube axis. This geometry is amenable to dire t physi al interpretation and numeri alsimulations,as urrents(cid:29)owalong on entri ir lesperpendi ularto the axis. Note that a HTS tube ertainly outperforms a ferromagneti shield in the parallel geometry [9℄. For a ferromagneti tube with an in(cid:28)nite length, the shield does not attenuate the external magneti (cid:28)eld sin e its longitudinal omponent must be ontinuousa rossthe air-ferromagnetinterfa e. For (cid:28)nite lengths, themagneti (cid:29)ux is aughtin the materialbe auseofdemagnetization e(cid:27)e ts but the shielding e(cid:30) ien y remains poor for long tubes. Anumberofresults anbefoundintheliteratureonHTStubesintheparal- B lim lelgeometry. ForHTSpoly rystallinematerials, wasfoundtovarybetween 0.3 mT d=40 µm for a tube with a super ondu ting wall of thi kness [10, 11℄, 15 mT d = 2.2 mm 77 K and for [8℄ at . If lower temperatures are allowed 77 K B lim than , higher values an be obtained with other ompounds. As an 1 T 2 example, MgB tubes were reported to shield magneti indu tions up to 4.2 K at [12, 13℄. Results on the variation of the (cid:28)eld attenuation along the axis appear to be ontradi tory. An exponential dependen e was measured for a YBCO tube [14℄ and for a BSCCO tube [15℄. Other measurements [7, 16℄ in similar onditions have shown instead a onstant shielding fa tor in a region around the entre of YBCO and BSCCO tubes. As for the frequen y response, the shielding fa tor is expe ted to be onstant if (cid:29)ux reep e(cid:27)e ts are negligi- ble, as is the ase in Bean's model [17, 18℄. It is on the other hand expe ted to in rease with frequen y in the presen e of (cid:29)ux reep, sin e the indu ed ur- rents saturate to values that in rease with frequen y [19℄. Experimental data haveshownverydiversebehaviours. In[15℄,the(cid:28)eldattenuationduetoathi k BSCCO(cid:28)lmona ylindri alsilversubstratewasfoundtobefrequen yindepen- dent. The same results were established for super ondu ting disks made from YBCO powderand subje ted to perpendi ular (cid:28)elds [20, 21℄. Yet other studies on bulk BSCCO tubes [3, 22℄ measured a (cid:28)eld attenuation that de reases with 2 Table 1: Physi al hara teristi s of the sample: the material omposition and the riti al temperature ome from [24℄ 1.8 0.26 2 2 3 10+x Material Bi Pb Sr Ca Cu O ℓ=8 cm Length a =6.5 mm 1 Inner radius a =8 mm 2 Outer radius d=1.5 mm Wall thi kness T =108 K c ∼ Criti al temperature frequen y,whereastheattenuationwasshowntoslowlyin reasewithfrequen y for a YBCO super ondu ting tube [23℄. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed study of the magneti shielding properties of a poly rystalline HTS tube, with regard to the three determining fa tors: threshold indu tion, spatial variation of the (cid:28)eld attenua- tion, and frequen y response. The study is arried both experimentally and by means of numeri al simulations, in order to shed light on the relation between the mi ros opi me hanisms of (cid:29)ux penetration and the ma ros opi proper- ties. For the numeri al simulations, we have followed the method proposed by E. H. Brandt in [19℄, whi h an be arried easily with good pre ision on a personal omputer. We fo us on a HTS tube with one opening at ea h end andassumethatthesuper ondu tingpropertiesareuniformalongtheaxisand isotropi . The report is organized as follows. The sample and the experimental setup aredes ribedinse tion3. Inse tion4,wedis ussthe onstitutivelawsthatare appropriate for a polygrain HTS, set up the main equations and the numeri al model. Se tion5isdevotedtotheshieldingpropertiesofsuper ondu tingtubes subje tedto slowlytimevaryingapplied(cid:28)elds( alled theDC mode). First, the evolution of the measured internal magneti indu tion of a ommer ial sample versus the applied indu tion is presented. We then detail the (cid:28)eld penetration into a HTS tube and study the (cid:28)eld attenuationas a fun tion of position along the tube axis. The frequen y response of the shield is addressed in se tion 6, where it is shown that the variations with frequen y an be explained by s aling laws provided heat dissipation an be negle ted. Our main results are summarized in se tion 7, where we also draw on lusions of pra ti al interest. 3 Experimental Wemeasuredtheshieldingpropertiesofa ommer ialsuper ondu tingspe imen T = 77 K (type CST-12/80 from CAN Super ondu tors), whi h was ooled at under zero-(cid:28)eld. The sampleisatube madeby isostati pressingofapolygrain erami . Its main hara teristi s are summarized in table 1. The experimental setup is shown in (cid:28)gure 1. The sample is immersed in liquid nitroBgen=anBd zpˆla ed inside a sour e oil Bgenerating an axial magneti a a a indu tion . The applied indu tion, , an be generated in two B a di(cid:27)erent modes. B˙In=the0.2(cid:28)rmstTm/sode, alled the DC mode, in reases at a a ∼ onstant rate of with a brief stop (around 1 se ond) needed B a to measure the internal indu tion at ea h wanted value of . The maximum 30 mT applied indu tion in this mode is . The indu tion in the inside of the 3 B in shield, , is measured with a Hall probe pla ed in the entre of the tube; the probe is onne ted to a HP34420 nanovoltmetre. To redu e noise from outside sour es, the setup is en losed in a double mu-metal ferromagneti shield. The 1 µT (cid:28)eld resolution is around . In the se ond mode of operation, alled the AC mode, the applied (cid:28)eld is a low-frequen y alternating (cid:28)eld with no DC 43 Hz omponent. The frequen y of the applied indu tion ranges between and 403 Hz B 25 mT a and the amplitude of an rea h . The (cid:28)eld inside the tube is z measured by a pi k-up oil, whi h an be moved along the −axis and whose indu ed voltage is measured with an EGG7260 lo k-in ampli(cid:28)er. In this mode, 1 nT 103 Hz the setup an measure magneti indu tions as weak as at . As a result, are must be taken to reje t ommon-mode ele tri al noise. In the present work, the apa itive oupling between the sour e and the pi k-up oils was redu ed by ele tri ally onne ting the super ondu ting tube to ground so as to realize an ele tri al shield. z B a HTS tube a 2 a 1 y (cid:34) magnetic sensor source x coil ℓ Figure 1: Experimental setup. The super ondu ting tube of length and wall d = a a 2 1 ti kness − is pla ed inside a oil generating an axial indu tion of B a magnitude . The applied (cid:28)eld an have the form of a slow ramp, in whi h ase the magneti sensor is a Hall probe onne ted to a nanovoltmetre, or a that of a low-frequen yalternating (cid:28)eld, in whi h ase the (cid:28)eld inside the tube is measured by a pi k-up oil onne ted to a lo k-in ampli(cid:28)er. In all ases, the sample and the sensor are ooled with liquid nitrogen (T = 77 K) under zero-(cid:28)eld ondition. 4 4 Theory 4.1 Flux penetration in poly rystalline bulk erami s Bulk poly rystalline BiSrCaCuO erami s onsist of a sta k of a large num- ber of super ondu ting grains [25℄. The penetration of a magneti (cid:29)ux in su h a material is inhomogeneous and strongly depends on the mi rostru ture, as shielding urrents an(cid:29)owboth in thegrainsandtheintergranularmatrix[26℄. For a polygrain material that has been ooled in zero-(cid:28)eld ondition, the (cid:29)ux penetrates in roughly three di(cid:27)erent steps [27℄. First, for the weakest applied (cid:28)elds, Meissner surfa e urrents shield the volume and no (cid:29)ux enters the sam- B µ H H 0 c1j c1j ple. When the lo al indu tion, , ex eeds , where is the lower riti al(cid:28)eldoftheintergranularmatrix,vorti esstartenteringthis region. The B µ H 0 c1g magneti (cid:29)ux penetrates the grains at the higher indu tion ∼ [28℄, H c1g where is the lower riti al (cid:28)eld of the grains themselves. 4.2 Model assumptions H c1j Inourmodel, wenegle t surfa ebarriere(cid:27)e ts and set to zero. Therefore, (cid:29)ux starts threading the intergranular matrix as soon as the applied (cid:28)eld is turned on. The penetration of individual grains depends on the intensity of the lo al magneti (cid:28)eld, whi h, be ause of demagnetization e(cid:27)e ts, varies as a fun tion of the grainsizes and orientations. The penetration of ea h grainmay thus take pla e over a range of applied (cid:28)elds: we expe t an in reasing number of grains to be penetrated as the external (cid:28)eld is in reased. Sin e we aim at studying the ma ros opi properties of the super ondu ting tube and aim at deriving re ommandations of pra ti al interest, we will not seek to des ribe grains individually and thus negle t dBetailed e(cid:27)e ts of their diamagnetism. We will instead onsider the indu tion to be an aveBrag=e oµf tHhe magneti (cid:29)ux 0 over many grains and assume the onstitutive law . The resulting modeldes ribesthemagneti propertiesofanisotropi materialwhi hsupports ma ros opi shielding urrents. We will further assume the material to obey the onventional [19, 29℄ on- stitutive law J n J E(J)=E , c J J (1) (cid:18) c(cid:19) J J n where is the module of the ve tor urrent density . The exponent allows for (cid:29)ux reep and typi ally ranges from 10 to 40 for YBCO and BSCCO om- n pounds at 77 K. The value for that is adequate for the sample of table 1 is to be determined from the frequen y dependen e of its shielding properties, see se tion 6.3. Note that one re overs Bean's model, whi h negle ts (cid:29)ux reep n e(cid:27)e ts, by taking the limit → ∞. A (cid:28)nal onstitutive law omes from the polygrain nature of the material. The riti al urrent density is assumed to de rease with the lo al indu tion as in Kim's model [30℄: J c0 J (B)= , c 1+B/B (2) 1 J B c0 1 where and areexperimentallydeterminedby(cid:28)ttingmagnetizationdata, as dis ussed in se tion 5.2. 5 4.3 Model equations and numeri al algorithm A ommon di(cid:30) ulty in modelling the (cid:29)ux penetration in HTS materials arises from the fa t that the dire tion of the shielding urrents is usually not known a priori and, furthermore, may evolve over time as the (cid:29)ux front moves into the sample. This problem is greatly simpli(cid:28)ed for geometries in whi h the dire tion of the shielding urrents is imposed by symmetry. Examples in lude long bars in a perpendi ular applied (cid:28)eld [29℄, in whi h ase the urrents (cid:29)ow along the bar, and axial symmetri spe imens subje ted to an axial (cid:28)eld, for whi h the urrents (cid:29)ow along on entri ir les perpendi ular to the symmetry axis. NumerousexampleshavebeenextensivelystudiedbyE.H.Brandt[31℄for both geometries, by means of a numeri al method based on the dis retization of Biot-Savart integral equations. In this work, we follow Brandt's method for modelling the (cid:29)ux penetration in a tube subje ted to an axial (cid:28)eld. To set up the main equations, we losely follow [19℄. As a reminder, the a a ℓ 1 2 sample is a tube of internal radius , external radius , and length (see (cid:28)gure 1). We work with ylindri al oordinates, so that positions are denoted (r,ϕ,z) B a by . As the magnitude of the axial indu tion, , is in reased, the indu ed ele tri (cid:28)eld and the resulting urrent density assume the form J= J(r,z)ϕˆ, E= E(r,z)ϕˆ, − − (3) ϕˆ where is the unit ve tor in the azimuthal dire tion. The magneti indu tion z ϕ isinvariantunder arotationaroundthe -axisand has no - omponent. Thus, B(r,z)=B (r,z)rˆ+B (r,z)zˆ. r z (4) B E J The (cid:28)elds , , and the urrent density, , satisfy Maxwell's equations ∂B E = , ∇× − ∂t (5) B = µ J, 0 ∇× (6) B=µ H 0 where we have used the onstitutive law . InBo(rrd,te)r to avoidan expli it and ostly omputation of the magneti indu - tion in the in(cid:28)nite region exterior to the tube, an equatJio(nr,otf)motion is (cid:28)rst established for the ma ros opi shielding urrent density , sin e its support is limited to the volume of the super ondu tor. The magneti (cid:28)eld is then obtained wBhere required by integrϕating the Biot-Savart law. After hav- ing eliminated and integrated over , this pro edure leads to the integral equation [19℄ a2 ℓ/2 r E(r)= µ Q(r,r′)J˙(r′)dr′dz′+ B˙ , 0 a − 2 (7) Za1 Z0 r r′ (r,z) (r′,z′) Q(r,r′) where and are shorthands for and , while is a kernel Q whi h only depends on the sample geometry. In the present ase, assumes the form Q(r,r′)=f(r,r′,z z′)+f(r,r′,z+z′), − (8) where π r′cosϕ ′ f(r,r ,η)= dϕ, Z0 2π η2+r2+r′2−2rr′cosϕ (9) p 6 is to be evaluated numeri ally as suggested in [1′9℄. By o′ntrast to [19℄, the r = a r = a 1 2 kernel is integrated in the radial dire tion from to , as di tated by the tubular geometry of the sJample. The equation of motion for is obtained in three steps. First, the ele - tri (cid:28)eld is eliminated from (7) by using the onstitutive law (1). Se ond, the ∆r ∆z equationisdis retizedon atwo-dimensionalgridwithspatialsteps and . Third, the resulting matrix equation is inverted, yielding the relation J˙(t)= 1 Q−1 rjB˙ E[J (t)] . i µ ∆r∆z ij 2 a− j (10) 0 Xj n o J Q J(r ) Q(r ,r ) i ij i i j Here, and are shorthands for and . A tually, the two- dimensional spa ematrix is transformed into a one-dimensional ve tor. Impos- ing the initial ondition J (t=0)=0 i, i ∀ (11) the urrent density an be numeri ally integrated over time by updating the relation J (t+∆t)=J (t)+J˙(t)∆t, i ∼ i i (12) J˙ ∆t i where is evaluated asin (10) and is hosen suitably small. An adaptative time step pro edure des ribed in [19℄ makes the algorithm onverge towards a solution that reprodu es the experimental data fairly well, see se tions 5 and 6. Note that for those geometries that have one dimension mu h larger than the others, as is the ase for a long tube with a thin wall, one an improve the onvergen e while preserving the pre ision by working with re tangular ells with the re(cid:28)nement des ribed in [32℄. A ording to the two di(cid:27)erent modes of operation of the external sour e B (t) a that were introdu ed inBse (tti)on=3B,˙wte have run the algorithm with eithfer a a in the form of a ramp, , or as a sinusoidal sour e of frequen y , B (t) = B sin(2πft) a o . The shielding properties of the sample are evaluated in both ases by probing the magneti (cid:29)ux density at points lo ated along the z zˆ -axis of the tube. By symmetry, this (cid:28)eld is dire ted along , and we de(cid:28)ne B (z) zin as B(r =0,z)=B (z)zˆ. zin (13) B =B˙ t a a For the DC mode, with , we de(cid:28)ne the DC shielding fa tor as B a DCSF(z)= . B (z) (14) zin B (t)=B sin(2πft) a o However, in the AC mode, with , one must pay attention B zin tothenon-linearityofthemagneti responseofthesample. Theindu tion ontainsseveralharmoni s, all odd in the absen e ofa DC omponent [33℄. We are led to de(cid:28)ne the AC shielding fa tor as B a,RMS ACSF(z)= , B (z) (15) zin,RMS B = B /√2 a,RMS o where is the RMS value of the applied magneti indu tion B (z) B zin,RMS zin and istheRMSvalueofthefundamental omponentof ,whi h an be dire tly measured by the lo k-in ampli(cid:28)er. DCSF The algorithm presented in this se tion allows us the determine up 107 ACSF 104 to in the DC mode and up to in the AC mode. 7 5 Magneti shielding in the DC mode 5.1 Experimental results 30 20 10 B (mT) in 0 −10 −20 B lim −30 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 B (mT) a Figure 2: Evolution of the internal magneti indu tion at the entre of the B (z =0) zin tube, ,asafun tionoftheappliedindu tion. Thesample(table1)is T =77K ooledinzero-(cid:28)eld onditionsdownto . Theopen ir lesrepresentthe experimental data and the (cid:28)lled squares represent the simulation, as dis ussed in subse tion 5.2. Figure 2, open ir les, shows the evolution of the magneti indu tion mea- B B (z = 0) in zin sured at the entre of the tube, ≡ , as a fun tion of the ap- plied magneti indu tion. Here, the external sour e was operated in the DC 77 K mode. The sample des ribed in se tion 3 was ooled down to in zero-(cid:28)eld onditions. Then, we applied an in reasing magneti indu tion and rea hed B = 28 mT B = 28 mT a a . Upon de reasing the applied indu tion to − and B = 28 mT a in reasing it again up to , the internal indu tion is seen to fol- low an hystereti urve. This behaviour re(cid:29)e ts the dissipation that o urs as vorti es sweep in and out of the super ondu tor. Remarkably, along the (cid:28)rst B B 14 mT in lim magnetization urve, is negligible below a threshold ≈ and B a in reases rapidly for higher . As the tube is no longer an e(cid:30) ient magneti B lim shield in this latter regime,severalauthorsregarded asaparameterdeter- B lim mining the quality of the shield [4, 7, 8℄. In this paper, we determine as DCSF the maximum applied magneti indu tion for whi h the is higher than B lim 1000 (60 dB). In (cid:28)gure 2, roughly orresponds to the indu tion at whi h the (cid:28)rst magnetization urve meets the hystereti y le. 5.2 Model parameters and numeri al results The shape of the urveof (cid:28)gure2 is indi ativeof the dependen e of the riti al J c urrent density, , on the lo al indu tion. Assuming Kim's model (2), the 8 J B c0 1 parameters and anbe extra ted from data asfollows. First, we negle t n (cid:29)ux reep e(cid:27)e ts and set →∞. As a result, the urrentdensity an either be J =J (B) c null or be equal to . Se ond, we negle t demagnetization e(cid:27)e ts and thus assume that the tube is in(cid:28)nitely long. Equation (6) then be omes ∂B J c0 =µ . 0 ∂r 1+B/B (16) 1 A dire t integration yields a homogeneous (cid:28)eld in the hollow of the tube that assumes the form 0 Ba <Blim,∞, B = for in ( B1+ (B1+Ba)2 2dµ0Jc0B1 Ba >Blim,∞, (17) − − for q Blim,∞ where , de(cid:28)ned as Blim,∞ =−B1+ B12+2dµ0Jc0B1, (18) q is the threshold indu tion assuming an in(cid:28)nite tube with no reep. Fitting B > 14 mT B = a 1 equation (17) to experimental data in the region , we (cid:28)nd 5 mT J =1782 A/cm2 c0 and . n In pra ti e, (cid:29)ux reep e(cid:27)e ts are present and the exponent assumes a high, but (cid:28)nite, value. In our ase, as to be determined in the se tion 6.3, n 25 we found ≈ . The (cid:28)lled squares of (cid:28)gure 2 show the simulated values B a of the internal indu tion versus the applied indu tion, , for a tube with n = 25 J (B) c the dimensions of the sample and a (cid:29)ux reep exponent . The B =5 mT 1 relation (2) wasintrodu edin the equationsofse tion 4.3with and J = 1782 A/cm2 c0 . These numeri al results reprodu e the data fairly well. As B lim in the experiment, a simulated value of an be obtained as the maximum applied indu tion for whi h the DCSF is higher than 60 dB. We also obtain B 14 mT n = 25 lim ≈ . We note that even in the presen e of (cid:29)ux reep with , B lim the simulated has the same value as the one given in Kim's model, (18). 5.3 Modelling of the (cid:28)eld penetration into a HTS tube In this se tion, we ompare the penetration of the magneti (cid:29)ux in a tube and in a bulk ylinder through a numeri al analysis. This omparison reveals the oexisten eof di(cid:27)erent penetration me hanismsin the tube. An understanding of these me hanisms is ne essary to predi t the e(cid:30) ien y of a HTS magneti shield. Weusethe numeri almodelintrodu edin se tion4,witha(cid:29)ux reepexpo- n=25 nent . In orderto fa ilitate omparisonswith resultsfrom the literature, J c we hoosethe riti al urrentdensity, ,tobeindependentofthelo almagneti indu tion. Wefurtherwishtonormalizetheapplied(cid:28)eldtothefullpenetration H n P (cid:28)eld, , that, in the limit → ∞, orresponds to the (cid:28)eld for whi h the J c sample is fully penetrated and a urrent density (cid:29)ows throughout the entire volume of the super ondu tor. a ℓ H 2 P For a bulk ylinder of radius and length , assumes the form [27℄: J ℓ 2a 4a2 H = c ln 2 + 1+ 2 . P 2 ℓ r ℓ2 ! (19) 9 ℓ HP∞ =Jca2 In the limit →∞, one re oversthe Bean limit . An approximate H P expression of for a tube an be obtained with the energy minimization approa h developed in [34℄: 2 1/2 ℓ 1 δ 2a (1+δ) 2a (1+δ) 2 2 H =J − ln + 1+ , P c 2 1+δ  ℓ (cid:18) ℓ (cid:19) !  (20)   δ =a /a 1 2 with . An interesting observation is that (20) an be rewritten as: 2 1/2 ℓ 4a¯ 4a¯ H =J d ln + 1+ P c 4a¯  ℓ (cid:18) ℓ (cid:19) !  (21)   a¯ = (a +a )/2 1 2 where is the mean radius. This shows that the orre tion to HP HP∞ =Jc(a2 a1)=Jcd the(cid:28)eld ofan in(cid:28)nite tube, − , dependsonlyonthe ℓ/a¯ ratio . Physi ally, this ratio is a measure of the importan e of end e(cid:27)e ts. Consider then the ylinder and the tube of (cid:28)gure 3, both of external radius a ℓ=6a a =0.5a 2 2 1 2 andlength . Theinnerradiusofthetubeis B.˙B(ot)th=saEmp/laes a c 2 are subje ted to an in reasing axial magneti indu tion, with B (0)=0 a and . z z (cid:34)/2 (cid:34)/2 a2 r B a1 a2 r a a ℓ=6a 2 2 Figure3: CylinderandtubeofexBtern=alBradzˆius ,andlength 0 r subaje ted a a 2 to an axial magneti indu tion . Only the region ≤ ≤ and 0 z ℓ/2 ≤ ≤ is depi ted for symmetry reasons. Figure 4 shows a omparison of the simulated (cid:29)ux front for the ylinder (a) and for the tube (b) as a fun tion of the applied magneti indu tion. Here, the (cid:29)uxfront orrespondsto the lo usofpositions at whi hthe urrentdensity J /2 c rises to . To label the front as a fun tion of the applied indu tion, we H P have taken as a referen e magneti (cid:28)eld the full penetration (cid:28)eld, , whose expression is given in (19) and (20), both for the bulk ylinder and for the tube. The (cid:29)ux front is depi ted for di(cid:27)erent external magneti indu tions with B /(µ H )=0.1,0.3,0.5, 0.7 a 0 P and . Wenotethatthefrontshapesaresimilarto those obtained by Navau et al. [34℄, whi h used an approximate method based on the minimization of the totalmagneti energy to study the (cid:28)eld penetration into bulk and hollow ylinders. Due to the (cid:28)nite length ofthe samples,the (cid:29)ux z =ℓ/2 ∼ frontsare urved in the end region . Remarkably, this urvatureimplies z =0 thatthemagneti (cid:29)uxprogressesfastertowards alongtheinnerboundary 10

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