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Magach 6B Gal: M60A1 in IDF Service, Part 1 PDF

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Preview Magach 6B Gal: M60A1 in IDF Service, Part 1

M60Al IN IDF SERVICE PART 1 MAGACH 68 GAL (M60A1 ) IN ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES SERVICE PART 1 WriHen by: Michael Mass Contents: Editor and Graphic Designer: Rafy Levy The Magach Family, Names and Derivatives ............................... 3 All photos are from the author's private collection unless The Magach 6B Gal in Action ................................................... 9 otherwise indicated. The Man and the Machine ...................................................... 20 The Magach 6B Gal in Detail .................................................. 32 © 2006 All rights reserved to Desert Eagle Publishing The Magach 6B Gal in Detail -Power Pack ............................... 48 Approved by the Israeli Defense forces (IDF) Censorship Bureau Training With The Magach 6B Gal ........................................... 51 Printed in Korea Tactical Signs -No One Alike .................................................. 53 Modeling The Magach 6B Gal .................................................. 56 Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the following for their support and cooperation: IDF, IDF Armor Corps, its officers and soldiers Lt. Col Ron Karniely, IDF Censorship Bureau Our wives ... for their love and support Gilad Mass for his guidance Chan Kie Lee from Legend Productions Desert Eagle JoAnn Sperber for her witty pen PUBLISHING ISBN 0-9788844-1-3 Cover Page-A very mean-looking Magach 68, leaves for deployment equipped with the KMT 4 (Nochri) adapter. 6. An Armor formation that includes aformer Magach 68 Gal (M60Al), left, and advanced Magach 68 Gal 8atash (security) during training prior to deploy ­ ment in the security zone on the Lebanese border. The difference between the two tracks is evident in this photograph. Although the 68 Gal is equipped with an American made T142 track, the 8atash, right, is fitted with a new Merkava 2 track. NAMES AND DERIVATIVES THE GAC he Magach name was given to the Patton tanks used by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) by General Avraham "Bren" Adan, and the meaning of the name is "Battering Ram." In Hebrew, the meaning of the three letters of the Magach name are: ~ MA-40 CH -8 (together 48 for M48) G- for Germany (where the first M48 arrived from). AMES AND DERIVATIVE THE M48 GROl"P (round turret, round hull front glacis) Magach 3 - The name for all M48Al, M48A2C, .A. A Magach M48A2C, in service with the Steel Division, fights near Rajah in M48A3 and all their derivatives before or after the northern Sinai during the Six Day War in 1967. conversions made during their long service, also called "FROG" by IDF soldiers. All sub-versions had the T97 tracks. Galilee operation, in the eastern part of Lebanon. lilagach 3 tanks have been fitted with the Blazer explosive reactive armor (ERA) modules since the late '70s. Alarger THE M60 GROUP' (round turret, flat hull front glacis) turret basket was installed in 1984, replacing the old small storage basket in the rear part ofthe turret. Also, minor Magach 6 - This name represents the original M60 (plain) :inprovements were made to the fire control system (CFS). tanks supplied to Israel during the war of attrition. They saw Final configuration of the Magach 3 included the widespread service in the Sinai peninsula until and during :05mm L7 "Sharir" or the American-made M68 main gun. the Yom Kippur War in 1973. 3ecause the modified Magach 3 was based on several Because of massive losses of M60 tanks during the war, -d versions of the M48, some tanks had three sets of return many M60s arrived from the United States during and after ~Jners on each side of the suspension, while others had five the war via air and sea transports. Under the name Magach :~':s . The Magach 3 variants took part in the Six-Day War in 6, these M60s differed from the early M48s by having alu­ :;67, the Yom Kippur War in 1973 and the Peace for Galilee minum road wheels, fenders, air cleaners, stowage boxes and ::;eration in 1982. ammunition stowage racks. Their suspension arms also were different. At the time, only a few minor additions, such as Magach 5 - The name for more than 100 M48A5 tanks gun supports for the UZI submachine gun, were added to the , ~__plied to Israel by the U.S. govenment in the late '70s. original configuration. All Magach 6 were fitted with T97 =-.~y were equipped with the low-profile "Urdan" cupola and tracks and the original AVDS1790-2A engine, coupled with =-AVDS1790-2C engine that differs from the M48A3 the CD850-6 automatic transmission. The original M19 cupo­ _.....-mS1790-2A engine by having a new 650 AMP generator, la was used until the low-profile Urdan cupola was installed :):npared to the 300-amp generator on the in the entire fleet. :._:. -2A engines. This new engine also was fitted with larger :~_ coolers and an improved injection pump. Magach 6R (Reish)-In the late '70s, at same time fne Magach 5 tanks were equipped with T97 tracks during as the arrival of a large fleet of the M60Al RISE, designated -.:-.2.ir entire service, and used Blazer ERA modules on the Magach 6B (Bet), IDF ordnance engineers developed a :-.:...-ret and hull. The Magach 5 fleet was supplied to Israel Magach 6 fleet (M60) improvement program, so the tanks ~.. ::-.~ with many other armored fighting vehicles (AFVs) would perform like the U.S. advanced Patton tanks. The ~_:c-, as the M88Al armored recovery vehicle (ARV), M60 improvements consisted of installation of a Honeywell ::"'~.Jred vehicle launched bridge (AVLB), M60Al Reliability hydraulic stabilization system, as well as an upgrade to the :"-~ ~ovements for Selected Equipment (RISE) , Ml09A2 and turret control-components. :--:':.2[S. In addition to the stabilization system, a 10 HP electrical =-,e Magach 5 saw operational service during the Peace for motor was installed in the hydraulic turret power pack, IOF ARMOR SERIES NO. 1 - MAGACH 6B GAL replacing the 5 HP motor used in the M48 and M60 tanks. First, a 60mm mortar was installed on the turret to the right Other modifications were made to the traversing gearbox, side of the commander, together with a swivel-arm-mounted gunner control, elevating mechanism and other turret- con­ machine gun, installed on the left side of the turret for the trol components. use by the loader. Two smoke grenade launchers were fitted to the front of the turret on both sides of the main gun and new armored steel housings replaced the air cleaners' alu­ The old AVDS1790-2A engine with its 300-amp minum housings on the tank fenders. At that time, the Magach 6R was not equipped with a new advanced FCS, which was in the final stages of development. Magach 6Rs participated in the Peace for Galilee operation in 1982. Magach 6R* (Kochav) - When the new Nachal-Oz FCS was ready to be installed, 100 Magach 6Rs were prepared for the new FCS installation. These tanks were designated Magach 6R*, but were identical to the Magach 6R in all other aspects. Magach 6M (Mem) - After installation of the Nachal-Oz FCS in the Magach 6R and 6R*, the final configuration of the Magach 6 improvement program was designated Magach 6M or Mem. The Magach 6M was externally identified by the thermal sleeve on the main 105mm gun, similar to the one on the ... A Magach 6A (Aleph), a former American made M60Al Patton tank, in Merkava Mk. 1 and 2 variants. service with the Armored Forces in Sinai (AFIS) in the early '70s. In the years before Acrosswind sensor mast also was installed in the left rear the Yom Kippur War (Odober 1973), the AFIS consisted of the Sinai Division (252) part of the turret roof. The total program ended in early and the Steel Division (162). The tank is stil/fitted with the 1984, after delivering heavily modified and improved M60s high-profile Mk 19 cupola and the original T97 tracks. to the Armor Corps brigades. Many of the Magach 6R/6R* and 6M tanks were in service with armored units during the generator was not powerful enough, so IDF engineers devel­ Peace for Galilee operation in 1982 and later in the "security oped a program to enable the original engine to have -2C zone" in southern Lebanon. capabilities. The new engine was designated AVDS1790-2AG (-2A with generator). The name for the Magach 6R was Magach 6M Tadach - Aamerican-made M9 dozer based on the RISE's -2C capabilities. kits were installed on 28 Magach 6Ms. These tanks were the Together with the opening of the modification line in the only dedicated dozer Magach tanks (Tadach) that were used 7100 Central Tank Depot, the Urdan company was asked to with a permanent dozer blade. develop and manufacture sprocket wheels and hubs that would enable the installation of the all-steel Merkava-style Magach 7-After its long and massive service in the track on the Magach 6. Armored Corps, the IDF improved the Magach 6M's protec­ The first 100 Magach 6Rs left the assembling line with the tion by replacing the ERA armor modules with improved original T97 tracks, sprockets and hubs. The tanks were sup­ applique sections on the turret and hull, along with newly plied to the armored units with Blazer ERA modules on the installed side skirts that were used for the first time on turret and hull, a new larger stowage basket on the rear of Magach tanks. the turret, along with other changes and modifications such The new large rectangular shape of the armored turret as supports for the Galil short assault rifles (SARs) inside gave the Magach 7 a unique and threatening appearance; and on top of the turret. however it reduced the commander's ability to see the tank's After the Yom Kippur War-and as a result of lessons margins during maneuvers. learned on the battlefield, involving enemy infantry and The increased weight of the tank caused a reduction in anti-tank hunters-more defensive elements were added. the power-to-weight ratio. Additionally, the tanks were too NAMES AND DERIVATIVES .... AMagach 7 on a flat bed of a FH16 Volvo trailer with its gun traversed backward and secured in the travel lock. The box-shaped turret .', evident in this photo, a unique shape among the up-armored Magach den'vatives. :-.eavy for their already limited 750 HP engines. to the Magach 6B configuration. As a result, the Magach 6A finished its career under its origi ­ Magach 7C (Gimel) - As a result of the Magach 7's nal designation and started a new service period within the o':-.ortcomings, IDF engineers designed improvments to the Magach 6B fleet. -: :-tk by increasing the existing engine power from 750 to ;~o HP the same as the Merkava Mk 1 and 2 tanks. Magach 6B (Bet) - The largest delivery of armored fight­ The turret applique armor modules were redesigned, ing vehicles after the Yom Kippur War resupply arrived in :~cring an arrowhead shape that enabled the commander 1978, in what was called the "Brown Deals." ~---:-.?roved control ofthe tank's position during maneuvers. Among the many models of vehicles, which included self-propelled guns and armored personnel carriers, were GRO . (long turret, flat hull front glacis). Hagach 6A (Aleph) - Shortly before the Yom Kippur War, ::-~ U.S. government supplied the first long-turreted Patton :::~<s to the IDF. The tanks saw immediate service in the .-_----=.ored Corps units, with their high-profile M19 cupolas in ~-~ :urrets equipped with the electrically operated M85 .50­ --: :---2r machine guns. Together with the Magach 3 and 6 :~~:s, these M60A1s took part in the War of Attrition along ~-_ ~ Suez Canal, and later, in the Yom Kippur War, in the : : ::':-.ern front. .~_-:1ong the losses of Israeli tanks during the Yom Kippur -';':- :nany were M60Ai tanks. :-.:...ing and after the war, the U.S. government supplied -..: ~ ~F with other M60A1 tanks. Only minor changes and :-_::: ~.2ments were fitted on the IDF M60A1s during their first ... This Magach 6M Tadach is on display at the Yad Lashiryon --c. :.:, ~f service. AU Magach 6A were converted in 1980-81 Memon'al Site and Museum in Latrun. A A 6B Gal leaves an emplacement for a patrol mission. This is the tank of First Platoon commander of the Second Company. He sits high in his cupola, while giving radio instructions to his crewmembers and other two tanks. A Puma engineers armored personanel carrier is parked in the background. The Magach belongs to the Third Battalion, Second Company. Two short towing cables hang in front of the two frontfenders, aI/owing easy accessibility. The armor shield for the gunner sight is folded up for daylight use, unlike the photos on page 9, where the shield is down. several hundred M60Al RISE that received the designation ing the original narrow-bowed basket. Magach 6B (Bet). Compared to the Magach 6A, the 6B The Magach 6B Gal was considered a first-line tank included an improved turret-control system with a for many years, in parallel to the Merkava Mk 3 Baz. 10 HP electrical motor, main gun stabilization kit, improved AVDS1790-2C engine, and T142 track with a removable rub­ Magach 6B Gal Batash (routine security) - In the ber pads. The Magach 6B was immediately fitted with Blazer late '90s, new threats were identified in the security zone ERA, Urdan cupola, 60mm mortar and an additional machine between Lebanon and Israel, caused by the massive supply of gun on the turret. Although the Magach 6B was based on a state-of-the-art anti-tank missiles in the hands of the modern version, the Magach 6M was considered superior Hezbollah guerilla forces. because of its advanced Nachal-Oz FCS. Aspecial advanced armor envelope was designed and installed on the Magach 6B Gal. This armor, which replaced Magach 6B Gal (Wave) - After the Peace for Galilee oper­ the old Blazer ERA modules, included heavy armor around ation, the Ordnance Corps decided to improve on the turret, roof armor sections and hull front. An armored the Magach 6B FCS, since it was based on the optical M17 section was added on the gun mantlet, and new side skirts range finder and M13 ballistic computer. The advanced Gal were installed on special mounting consoles. optical system was installed, changing the tank's disignation This unique design gave the Magach 6B Gal, "Batash" as it to Magach 6B Gal. The installation of a new peritelescope was caned by the crews, much improved protection and also forced the construction of new and larger armored housing, led to an engine conversion from 750 to 900 HP. which was positioned immediately in front of the comman­ Another addition to the armor envelope was the belly der's cupola. armor, which was attached to the front and rear shackles. A thermal sleeve also was installed on the original main The Gal Batash had an important role in the fighting in gun, and a crosswind sensor mast was positioned on the rear Gaza and Samaria. left hand of the turret's roof. Some additional modifications were made during the conversion line, noticeably a large Magach 6C (6 Gimel) - Among the AFVs supplied by stowage basket was installed in the rear of the turret, replac­ the U.S. government in the late '70s, were M60A3 TIS tanks. NAMES AND DERIVATIVES ~Magach 6B Gal Batash inside a tank emplacement in northern Samaria. Note the difference in color between the sandy turret and front hull glacis, compared to the side skirts. New armor on the turret, hull front and the side skirts changed the Magach 5 shape. This tank uses American-made steel road "heels still painted green, in addition to wheels painted sand gray. The tank belongs to the battalion commander and carries five crew members instead of -:;ur. TWO BADGES OF BRIGADES 'JUs tank's exterior was similar to the Magach 6B; the turret and OPERATING MAGACH TANKS ~: II were the same size and shape. The Magach 6 Gimel (Gimel is equivalent to Cor 3), were fit­ :2d with a smooth American-made thermal sleeve for the main ~'.J1 and a different crosswind sensor mast. A Blazer suite was :.-.:unediately installed on the Magach 6 Gimel, but the original ': c'.'led turret stowage basket was never replaced. This tank had a unique American FCS, which was based on ~e XM21 ballistic computer, a laser range finder and a thermal Badge of the 401 Brigade, known as "Iron Badge of the 500 Brigade, known ~.:',:lTIer's sight. A majority of the 6 Gimel tanks used T142 tracks Tracks," former unit of the Regulars 6B Gal also as "Kfir"(young lion) , unit of tanks. Today the the Magach 7 and 7 Gimel tanks. , ':-~',e in service with the U.S. Army, but arrived in Israel with brigade is equipped with the :-:~el (M48) road wheels. The tank participated in the Peace for state-of-the-art Merkava Mk 4 tanks. ~~'..'.;ee operation in 1982, and served afterward in reserve units. :1 Magach AVLB (6 Tagash) - The fleet of M60A1 armored BADGE OF A BATTAI.ION -=":-icle lounched bridge (AVLBs) also known as Tank Gishur or OPERA'rING MAGACH TANKS ~~~ash Magach, was produces in a very small quantity. An additional quantity of M60A1-based AVLBs arrived in 1979 :':: ::-:-. the United States. as part of the "Brown Deals." The ~::~::sh tanks have participated in all fronts and battles since the ,:=.::'.y 1970s. Several years ago, 1M1 developed a dual bridge for the M60A1 .-.'.LB, using the same hydraulic Launcher, and received the The "Eshet" Battalion belongs to the 401 Brigade. :-lame Tagash Tsemed (pair). The emblem is based on the "PAL-MACH" symbol from Magach M88/M88Al (Tachlats) - The IDF had seven gaso- the 1948 War ofIndependence. IDF ARMOR SERIES NO. 1 - MAGACH 6B GAL ... This Magach 68 Gal is fitted with almost every Gal version feature, including the new Gal FCS as evidenced by the crosswind mast on the turret rear roof, the big gunner sight housing and the thermal sleeve on the main gun. Also visible are the large stowage basket in the rear of the turret and Merkava tracks and sprocket wheels. Only the second road wheel from the front is an aluminum wheel (with ribs); all the others are steel wheels. This is a First Platoon commander tank of Second Company. T The entire fleet of ARV (Tachlats) is still in active service with the Ordnance Corps, and has undergone several minor modifica­ tions. "'A Tagash Magach was on display at the Yad Lashiryon Memorial Site and Museum in Latrun. line M88 heavy armored recovery vehicles in service with the Magach 3 and 6 units in the late 1960s and early '70s. fu; part of a large delivery by the United States, several diesel M88A1 ARVs entered service with the IDF. At that time, the seven M88s were sent to BMY Co. in the United States to be upgraded to M88A1 standards. '-" THE MAGACH' 6B GAL IN ACTION ..­... '" . ,. '" . 68 GaL tanks from two reserve armored units engage in training maneuvers in the northern Negev Desert. The tanks have improvised company and pLatoon -:: ·ngs. The battalion markings on the main gun are missing on the tank at right. Most of the tanks in the reserve units are fitted with the originaL T142 ::-::::ks and aLuminum road wheels, as seen on this tank. The observation tower is noticeabLe above the trees, enabling training :: -manders to spot targets and identify hits. ... -:: :~alion commander tank of a Third reserve Battalion. No company insignia appears on this tank. It is fitted with two communication -.= --::5, since it is a unit commander's tank that operates two separate radio sets. The 60mm mortar, in traveL Lock, is painted sand gray. .A. A Magach 6B Gal moves in the heavy dunes of the Negev Desert on its T142 original tracks. Afolded stretcher is secured to its leftfrontfender, while the right fender is free of the crew tent that is stowed there only in emergencies. The tank is part of Company Alef (A). Note how the oil that drops from the .50­ caliber on the gun's mantlet and the loader's 7. 62mm MAG, leaves stains ofoil mixed with dust under the machine guns. .A. Side photo ofa Magach with the "Nochri" (foreigner) KMT 4 mine roller. Many mine rollers were captured by the IDF during the wars, and entered service with the Armored Corps. The KMT 4 was later copied and manufactured in Israel, and was installed on many tank varieties using special adaptors. Note the red painted service, or special attention points on the KMT 4. A mount for the search light is welded to the upper rear part ofthe turret basket. This Magach also has folded antennas. Its .50-Caliber machine gun is missing from the coaxial cradle on top of the gun mantlet. This tank belongs to Third Battalion, Second Company (Bet), but it has no other markings.

This book is the first in a series covering AFVs of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). Magach is the name that the IDF uses for M48/60 Patton tanks. The book covers the original Magach 6B (Gal) which is based on the US M60A1 RISE.
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