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Madhya Pradesh Gazette, 2020-01-06, Extraordinary, Number 05 PDF

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Preview Madhya Pradesh Gazette, 2020-01-06, Extraordinary, Number 05

avd mee gortpeesampatein @ St aren ats fel a Fag. pin Tas dat Riv caw on ae wow fat ae ert ard fret sine, fates 6 sad 200 “a mee somata on) rere Fars 9 ti aaa Fae fia re, 2000 FT sromner arg Aa ggeT Berar HT fo es Heer som ae! ae He aA, wae aay, ar aha, renin Ta Fee «sr 2020 mgr OFT Bier ate pemmea fata (aaticn-w ) safisfaras, 208k ese ara, vo30 ce cord ote ‘Serer reer HE] pa 300%-go go eral earner arate aH Renae anfing fe, armen rr at he “aan fae gpa <6 fy ahem, sora sore TR a age. Hee gn Pett 9 ari re afer ar ater a arr (SoH) ea, R088 geo, 2 meat Tee at rn fifa a, or & whee (a) H fefaider wird! fended vere ze Tar ara Se aiy perm rs doa gat Re Tet ward are eer, wa or want a aa a Pe, A ag wae Cae aa Se eS emacs at are ta ad aoe co ze Bahra fae we ae a eA a ar Ra ATA fa aftr gr mer a i at RATA oa te zt aka og safer, oe 5 ee aga heat ate we feat wane et (a 3 3 BPD oy @ @ - apn dai sterlc _ ‘refi @ are feet erie Fe aes FY BERT retin oe wet oe oa Tae euae.ooe waetaeo ek Aas 9.20.84 H00 . 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This Aor uy be ell the Mazhys Pradesh Approprition (No. 71 Act, 29 2, Frum und out ofthe Consolidated Kad ofthe Stite of Madhya Pradesh there may ‘nepal und applied sins pot eacoedg those pectiodincolama @) of te Schetule ami ating ‘nthe aggregate to Une sus of x. Twenty three chousand free hosed rinkeea crore ily {pantie tue lakh ninety ur thom cee tra aly anwavae deaping the several charges which Wi Finmetat"Yert come Inthe sourse of payment arin due Fvanclal Year 2019-20 in respect of services ne sivas ‘pmeposes pec in coluca (2 wf the Shel w @ «@ _ ae = wi 7 6, fear ser wa © Laken se as Fs a ore oo 1n40,00,880 8 tenvetee ra ore Paeeet the BeReAU RRR att aReRaecee 2.8 warsewegere lea aR eect the LATE Reet stag, foie 6 srr 2020 we uae wedla (ah) MR Ar aS enh ane (3) HE TED Amey fab Cae 7) aTaRe, 2019 mR 2-H ame9) 1 ie SER ARUN pre BT se fiver ot swap & yrs fh ae @ ae ean. rie oe, a MADITVA, PRADESIT ACT No.2 62000 TIUGADTIVA PRADESH AFPROPEIATION (No, 7) BULL. 2018 Diet tc asa fe Seer ti 4 me Hc PON ne aye Pre a "ioe, de omar, 2h) ‘An Aci» wethorise payment and approprintion of cern further suai fry and out af the ‘Commoidated Fund ofthe State of ladyn Prades for Une ervies ofthe Finaneal Yea 2019-20, Bo enced by te Madlya Pradcsh Teint inthe Seventh year of the Republic of Ta a Fone — 1. "This Ack aye called whe Medhyu Brudeos Appropriation Mn 7) Act, 2018 2 Fron and out of tbe ConsotMuted Fund of dhe State of Madbya Pradesh there muy be pald and appled suns not excoing hose svecifie coburn (af he Schedule rmounting in le opgregate tothe sinas of Rx Twenty three ibvosand (hres mle wbveten cxore fey ‘one lk ninety four Sousa eighty two unl socurdsdetrusiny several sarge which wl ‘ome ia the course of payment during fe Final Yeur 2019-20 iu respec of mervies and Durpasis spots hr calanin (2) of the Sehodule.

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