t r 20 1 £7oNDWORDSThe«—rmHe,,.i e 40 ^ fl ANYBODY THERE? Modern life makes 28|?^REVOLTAne„_e l^lYCwHEK^ST.Canadian^ 32 laa,—„ 44'^T,CALEOOTBALLCa„ad,„ara, 361 a?*——. ■^jr * Change your perceptions ■S ®w1r MACLEAN’S O, A TRAGEDY BEYOND BELIEF We once could close our minds to others’ H disasters-but the world is smaller now PHU'HMSLAND, offthe coast ofThailand, is—orwas-one of those unbelievably lovely. gSss— jggE “ 1 assay. =r/a° con.rasrs rift rhe much large, Phuke, nlrhy, which has , wcll-desoved “: “v . “SSSSS 55Sy §II§H“ “If" SSfea- jggrp once was. And Phi Phi Island wit never again ELr ^ f/UIILI . UIIiMI A-vlj AJl *. " WHERE'S ^ THE REMOTE?! Today. Tomorrow. BEAUTY AT 30,000 FEET iilsj Ansh ionuvledsntm’t eignnt oprlea no ne __ for the other. EmCSMJ™ Investment planning is about balance. To reach a financial destination without Wf'dScompromising howyou want to live today. understands this balance, lat has helped thousands build the right plan to fit their life. Or existing plan to fit their cht it your plan. Think about where you warn norrow, and what you want to do today. And think; talking to ATB Investor Services. We re built o % 65-year history of helping Albertans balance boi ri An hour with us could be the best investment you’ve ever made. • ATB Investor Services' UPFRONT