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Loschmidt echo decay from local boundary perturbations Arseni Goussev and Klaus Richter Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany (Dated: February 8, 2008) We investigate the sensitivity of the time evolution of semiclassical wave packets in two- dimensional chaotic billiards with respect to local perturbations of their boundaries. For this purpose, we address, analytically and numerically, the time decay of the Loschmidt echo (LE). WefindtheLEtodecayexponentiallyintime,withtherateequaltotheclassical escaperatefrom an open billiard obtained from the original one by removing the perturbation-affected region of its boundary. Finally,weproposeaprincipalschemefortheexperimentalobservationoftheLEdecay. 7 0 The study of the sensitivity of the quantum dynamics ular to the boundary are considered to be much larger 0 to perturbations of the system’s Hamiltonian is one of than the de Broglie wavelength λ, so that the perturba- 2 the important objectives of the field of Quantum Chaos. tion significantly modifies trajectories of the underlying n An essential concept here is the Loschmidt echo (LE), classical system, see Fig. 1. Our analytical calculations, a J also knownas fidelity, that was firstintroduced by Peres confirmedby results of numericalsimulations,show that 0 [1] and has been widely discussed in the literature since the LE in such a system follows the exponential decay 1 then [2]. The LE, M(t), is defined as an overlap of the M(t) e−2γt, with γ being the rate at which classi- quantumstatee−iHt/~ φ obtainedfromaninitialstate calpar∼ticleswouldescapefromanopen billiardobtained 0 ] | i D φ0 inthe courseofits evolutionthroughatime t under from the original, unperturbed billiard by removing the | i aHamiltonianH,withthe statee−iH˜t/~ φ thatresults perturbation-affected boundary segment. The LE decay C 0 | i fromthesameinitialstatebyevolvingthelatterthrough isindependentoftheshapeofaparticularboundaryper- . n the same time, but under a perturbed Hamiltonian H˜ turbation, and only depends on the length of the per- li different from H: turbation region. Furthermore, our numerical analysis n shows that for certain choices of system parameters the [ M(t)= φ eiH˜t/~e−iHt/~ φ 2. (1) exponential decay persists for times t even longer than 2 (cid:12)h 0| | 0i(cid:12) the Heisenberg time t . (cid:12) (cid:12) H v It can be also inter(cid:12)preted as the overlap(cid:12)of the initial 1 B w 6 state |φ0i and the state obtained by first propagating 1 ~ 0 φ0 through the time t under the Hamiltonian H, and B 8 |theinthroughthetime tunderH˜. TheLEequalsunity 1 − r s 0 at t=0, and typically decays further in time. 0 1 6 JalabertandPastawskihaveanalyticallydiscovered[3] s~ 0 1 r that in a quantum system, with a chaotic classicalcoun- n/ terpart,Hamiltonianperturbations(sufficientlyweeknot B0 s0 i l toaffectthegeometryofclassicaltrajectories,butstrong n enoughtosignificantlymodifytheiractions)resultinthe : v exponentialdecayoftheaverageLEM(t),wherethe av- i eraging is performed over an ensemble of initial states X FIG.1: Anunperturbed,chaoticbilliard(solid-line),together or system Hamiltonians: M(t) e−λt. The decay rate r ∼ with the perturbation (dashed-line). The boundary of the a λ equals the average Lyapunov exponent of the classi- unperturbedbilliardconsistsoftwosegments, 0and 1. The cal system. This decay regime, known as the Lyapunov perturbationreplacesthelattersegmentby ˜1B,rendeBringthe regime, provides a strong,appealing connectionbetween perturbed billiard to be bounded by 0 andB ˜1. The initial classicaland quantum chaos,and is supported by exten- Gaussian wavepacketiscenteredat rB0. ThreeBpossible types sive numerical simulations [4]. For discussion of other oftrajectories,s0,s1 ands˜1,leadingfromr0 toanotherpoint r, are shown. decay regimes consult Ref. [2]. In this paper we report a new regime for the time de- We proceed by considering a Gaussian wave packet, cay of the unaveraged, individual LE for a semiclassical wave packet evolving in a two-dimensional billiard that 1 i (r r )2 is chaotic in the classical limit. We consider the general φ0(r)= √πσ exp(cid:20)~ p0·(r−r0)− −2σ20 (cid:21), (2) class of strong perturbations of the Hamiltonian that lo- cally modify the billiard’s boundary: the perturbation centered at a point r inside the domain of a two- 0 A only affects a boundary segment of length w small com- dimensionalchaoticbilliard(e.g. thesolid-lineboundary paredto the perimeter P, see Figs. 1 and2. Bothw and inFig.1),andcharacterizedbyanaveragemomentump 0 the perturbationlength scale in the direction perpendic- thatdefinesthedeBrogliewavelengthofthemovingpar- 2 ticle,λ=~/p . Thedispersionσisassumedtobesuffi- s(r,r ,t) by paths s˜(r,r ,t), that lead from r to r in 0 0 0 0 | | ciently small for the normalizationintegral drφ (r)2 time t within the boundaries of the perturbed billiard A | 0 | to be close to unity. We let the wave packRet evolve in- (e.g. trajectories s0 and s˜1 in Fig. 1). side the billiard through a time t according to the time- The wavefunctions of the unperturbed and perturbed dependent Schr¨odinger equation with hard-wall (Dirich- billiards at a point r can be written as ∈A let) boundary conditions. This evolutionyields the wave function φt(r) = hr|e−iHt/~|φ0i, where H stands for the φt(r)=φ(t0)(r)+φ(t1)(r), (6) Hamiltonian of the billiard. Then, we consider a per- φ˜ (r)=φ(0)(r)+φ˜(1)(r), t t t turbed billiard obtained from the original one by modi- fyingtheshapeofasmallsegmentofitsboundary. Fig.1 where φ(0)(r) is given by Eq. (4) with the sum in the t illustrates the perturbation: the unperturbed billiard is RHS involving only trajectories s , which scatter only 0 bounded by segments and , whereas the boundary 0 1 off the part of the boundary, , that stays unaffected of the perturbed billiarBd is comBposed of and ˜ . The B0 pdoermtuarinbat˜ioonf,tBhe1p→ertB˜u1r,biesdabsislulimareddetnotibrBeel0ysuccohnttBahi1ants tthhee bwyavtehefupnecrttiounrbφa(tt1i)on(,φ˜s(te1e) )Fiingv.o1l.veOsnontlhyesoutchhertrhaajencdt,ortihees dofomthaeininAAitiaolfwthaeveupnapcekretut,rbEeqd. (o2n)e,.inTshideettihmeepeevrotluurtbioedn sp1er(tus˜r1ba)tiothna-atffuecntdeedrgroegaiotnl,eBas1t(oBn˜e1 )c,olsleiseioFnigw. i1t.hTthhee LE integral in Eq. (3) has now four contributions: billiard results to φ˜ (r) = re−iH˜t/~ φ , with H˜ being t 0 theHamiltonianoftheperthur|bedbilli|ardi. Then,theLE, drφ˜∗φ = dr φ(0) 2+ dr φ(0) ∗φ(1) defined in Eq. (1), reads ZA t t ZA (cid:12) t (cid:12) ZA h t i t (cid:12) (cid:12)∗ ∗ (7) 2 + dr(cid:12)φ˜(1)(cid:12) φ(0)+ dr φ˜(1) φ(1). M(t)=(cid:12)(cid:12)ZAdrφ˜∗t(r)φt(r)(cid:12)(cid:12) , (3) ZA h t i t ZA h t i t (cid:12) (cid:12) WearguethatthedominantcontributiontotheLEover- where the asterisk deno(cid:12)tes complex con(cid:12)jugation. lap comes from the first integral in the RHS of the last Wenowpresentasemiclassicalcalculationofthe over- equation. Indeed, all the integrands in Eq. (7) contain lap integral Eq. (3). As the starting point we take the the factor exp[i(Ss Ss′)/~ iπ(νs νs′)/2], where the expression[3,4]forthe time evolutionofthesmall(such trajectorysiseither−ofthety−pes or−s ,ands′iseitherof 0 1 thatσismuchsmallerthanthecharacteristiclengthscale thetypes ors˜ ,seeFig.1. Anintegralvanishesifthere 0 1 ofthebilliard)Gaussianwavepacket,definedbyEq.(2): is no correlationbetween s and s′, since the correspond- ing integrand is a rapidly oscillating function of r. This φ (r) (4πσ2)1/2 (r,r ,t)e−σ2(ps−p0)2/2~2. t ≈ Ks 0 is indeed the case for the last two integrals: they involve s(rX,r0,t) suchtrajectorypairs(s,s′) that s is ofthe type s or s , 0 1 (4) and s′ is of the type s˜ , so that the absence of correla- 1 This expression is obtained by applying the semiclassi- tionswithinsuchpairsisguaranteedbythefactthatthe cal Van Vleck propagator [5], with the action linearized scale of the boundary deformation is much larger than in the vicinity of the wave packet center r , to the wave 0 λ. Then, we restrict ourselves to the diagonal approxi- packet φ0(r). Here, the sum goes over all possible tra- mation, in which only the trajectory pairs with s = s′ jectoriess(r,r ,t)ofaclassicalparticleinsidetheunper- 0 survivetheintegrationoverr. Thesecondintegralinthe turbed billiard leading from the point r to the point r 0 RHS of Eq. (7) only contains the trajectory pairs of the in time t (e.g. trajectories s and s in Fig. 1), and 0 1 type (s ,s ), and,therefore,vanishesin the diagonalap- 0 1 proximation. Thus, the only non-vanishing contribution √D i πν Ks(r,r0,t)= 2πi~s exp(cid:18)~Ss(r,r0,t)−i 2s(cid:19), (5) reads 2 σ2 σ2 wthheerpeatShs(rs,.r0,tI)n daenhoaterds-wthalel cbliallsisaircdal Sasc(tri,orn0,ta)lon=g ZAdr(cid:12)(cid:12)φ(t0)(cid:12)(cid:12) ≈ π~2 ZAdrXs0 Ds0exp(cid:20)−~2 (ps0 −p0)2(cid:21) (m/2t)L2(r,r ), where L (r,r ) is the length of the tra- (cid:12) (cid:12) σ2 σ2 s 0 s 0 dp exp (p p )2 , jectory s, and m is the mass of the moving particle. In ≈ZPt(A) π~2 (cid:20)−~2 − 0 (cid:21) Eq. (5), D = det( ∂2S /∂r∂r ) is the Van Vleck de- s s 0 (8) | − | terminant, and ν is an index equal to twice the number s of collisions with the hard-wall billiard boundary that a where D = det(∂p /∂r), with p being the initial s0 | s0 | s0 particle, traveling along s, experiences during time t [6]. momentumonthetrajectorys (r,r ,t),servesastheJa- 0 0 In Eq. (4), p = ∂S (r,r ,t)/∂r stands for the ini- cobian of the transformation from the space of final po- s s 0 0 − tial momentum of a particle on the trajectory s. The sitions r to the space of initial momenta p ( ). t expression for the time-dependent wave function φ˜ (r) Here, (∈)Aisthesetofallmomentapsuchthat∈aPtrajAec- t t P A is obtained from Eq. (4) by replacing the trajectories tory, starting from the phase-space point (r ,p), arrives 0 3 L at a coordinate point r after the time t, while un- ∈ A dergoingcollisionsonlywiththeboundary (and,thus, 0 avoiding ), see Fig. 1. Thus, drφ(0) 2Bis merely the e-iHt/h¯ B1 A | t | R probability that a classical partRicle, with the initial mo- Perturbation mentumsampledfromtheGaussiandistribution,experi- r ences no collisions with during the time t. Therefore, 1 B iftheboundarysegment isremoved,this integralcor- responds to the survivalBp1robability of the classical par- eiH˜t/h¯ ticle in the resulting open billiard. In chaotic billiards the survivalprobability decays exponentially [7] as e−γt, FIG. 2: Forward-time wave packet evolution in the unper- with the escape rate γ given by turbed DD billiard, followed by the reversed-time evolution intheperturbedbilliard. TheinitialGaussianwavepacketis w γ =v , (9) characterized by the size σ = 12 and de Broglie wavelength πA λ=15/π;thearrowshowsthemomentumdirectionoftheini- where v = p /m is the particle’svelocity,andA stands tialwavepacket. TheDDbilliardischaracterizedbyL=400 | 0| andR=200√10. Theperturbationisdefinedbyw=60and for the area of the billiard. Equation (9) assumes that r =30. The propagation time corresponds to approximately thecharacteristicescapetime1/γismuchlongerthatthe 10 collisions of theclassical particle. average free flight time t . In chaotic billiards the latter f is given by [8] t =πA/vP, where P is the perimeter of f the billiard. Condition t 1/γ is equivalent to w P. f ≪ ≪ To simulate the time evolution of the wave packet In accordance with Eqs. (3) and (7) the LE decays as inside the billiard we utilize the Trotter-Suzuki algo- M(t) exp( 2γt). (10) rithm [11]. Figure 2 illustrates the time evolution of ∼ − a Gaussian wave packet in the DD billiard followed by Equation(10)constitutesthe centralresultofthe paper. thetime-reversedevolutioninsidetheperturbedbilliard. Together with Eq. (9) it shows that for a given billiard The parameters characterizing the system are L = 400, the LE merely depends on the length w of the bound- R = 200√10, w = 60 and r = 30. The Gaussian wave ary segment affected by the perturbation and on the de packet is parametrized by σ = 12, λ = 15/π; the ar- Broglie wavelength λ = ~/mv. It is independent of the row shows the momentum direction of the initial wave shapeandareaoftheboundaryperturbation,aswellasof packet. The evolution time t in Fig. 2 corresponds to the position, size and momentum direction of the initial some 10 free flight times of the corresponding classical wave packet. (We exclude initial conditions for which particle, i.e. t=10t . f the wave packet interacts with the perturbation before Figure 3 shows the time dependence of the LE com- having considerably explored the allowed phase space.) puted for the DD billiard system characterized by L = The decay rate γ, and thus the LE, are also related to 400, R = 200√10, σ = 3, and λ = 5/π. The initial mo- classical properties of the chaotic set of periodic trajec- mentum direction is the same as in Fig. 2. The different tories unaffected by the boundary perturbation, i.e. to LEdecaycurvescorrespondtodifferentshapesofthe lo- properties of the chaotic repellor of the open billiard [9]: calboundaryperturbation: thewidthoftheperturbation region stays fixed, w = 60, and the curvature radius of γ =λ h , (11) r− KS the perturbation arc takes the values r = 30; 35; 40; 45. where λ is the average Lyapunov exponent of the re- In all four cases the LE displays the exponential decay r pellor, and hKS is its Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. Thus, for times t up to 40tf-45tf followed by LE fluctuations Eqs. (10) and (11) provide an interesting link between around a saturation value, Ms. The thick solid straight classical and quantum chaos. lineshowsthe trendofthee−2γt exponentialdecay,with In order to verify the analytical predictions we sim- γ given by Eq. (9). One can see strong agreement be- ulated the dynamics of a Gaussian wave packet inside tween the numerical and analytical LE decay rates. We a desymmetrized diamond (DD) billiard, defined as the have also verified numerically that the LE decay rate fundamental domain of the area confined by four inter- is independent of the momentum direction of the initial sectingdiskscenteredattheverticesofasquare. Accord- wave packet. ing to the theorem of Ref. [10] the DD billiard is chaotic The inset in Fig. 3 presents the time decay of the av- in the classicallimit. It can be characterizedby the disk erage LE M(t), with the averaging performed over 16 radiusR,andthelengthLofthelongeststraightsegment individual decay curves M(t) corresponding to different oftheboundary,seeFig.2. WeconsidertheHamiltonian values of the arc radius r, ranging from r = 30 to 45. perturbation that replaces a straight segment of length The saturation mechanism for the LE decay was first w of the boundary of the unperturbed billiard by an arc proposedbyPeres[1]andlaterdiscussedinRef.[4]. The of radius r, see Fig. 2. In general, w 2r. LE saturates at a value M inversely proportionalto the s ≤ 4 100 cavity interface will reflect the -component of the M(t) state, but will transmit the -|co↑mi ponent. As a re- | ↓i 10−1 sult, the two components will evolve under two different 10−1 spatialHamiltonians,H andH˜,correspondingtothege- (t) 10−2 ometry of the ballistic cavity and the geometry of the ho,M10−2 e-2γt 10−3 wcaivlliteyv-ofelvrreotmoagnet compound respectively. Then |Ψ0i c hmidte10−3 0 30 60 90 t/tf Ψt = 1 e−iHt/~ φ0 +e−iH˜t/~ φ0 . sc | i √2h | i⊗|↑i | i⊗|↓ii o L (12) r=30 10−4 r=35 Theexpectationvalueoftheprojectionofthespininthe x-direction is related to the LE overlap by r=40 r=45 ~ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 s¯x(t) Ψt sx Ψt = Re φ0 eiH˜t/~e−iHt/~ φ0 , (13) Time,t/tf ≡h | | i 2 h | | i where Re denotes the real part. As we have shown FIG.3: (Coloronline)TheLoschmidtecho(LE)decayinthe DD billiard for four different values of the curvature radius above, this overlap is real and decays exponentially in r of the arc perturbation. The width of the perturbation time. Therefore, the average spin projection in the x- region is fixed, w = 60. The other system parameters are direction will also relax exponentially with time, i.e. L=400,R=200√10,σ=3,andλ=5/π. Thesolidstraight s¯ (t) ~exp( γt), with the relaxation rate γ deter- line gives the trend of the exp( 2γt) decay, with γ given by x ∼ 2 − mined by Eq. (9). This result provides a link between − Eq.(9). TheinsetpresentsthedecayoftheaverageLE,with the spin relaxationin chaotic,mesoscopicstructures [12] averagingperformedoverindividualLEcurvescorresponding and the LE decay due to local boundary perturbations. to different values of r. The authors would like to thank Inanc Adagideli, Arnd B¨acker, Fernando Cucchietti, Philippe Jacquod, number N of energy levels significantly represented in Thomas Seligman, and Oleg Zaitsev for helpful con- the initial state. If the areas of the unperturbed and versations. AG acknowledges the Alexander von Hum- perturbed billiards are relatively close, then N A/σ2 ≈ boldt Foundation (Germany), and KR acknowledges the and M σ2/A. (We have verified the latter relation s ∼ Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for support of bycomputingtheLEsaturationvalueforbilliardsofdif- the project. ferent area.) Thus, one might expect the exponential decay of the LE to persist for times t . t , with the s saturation time t = (1/2γv)lnN. The latter can be s longer than the Heisenberg time t =A/2πλv for a sys- H tem with sufficiently large effective Hilbert space, since [1] A. Peres, Phys.Rev.A 30, 1610 (1984). t /t (λ/w)lnN. Indeed, for the system correspond- [2] see, e.g., T. Gorin, T. Prosen, T. 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B B to represent the ferromagnet.) Then the ferromagnet-

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