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Preview Long-time electron spin storage via dynamical suppression of hyperfine-induced decoherence in a quantum dot

Long-time electron spin storage via dynamical suppression of hyperfine-induced decoherence in a quantum dot Wenxian Zhang,1,2 N. P. Konstantinidis,1,∗ V. V. Dobrovitski,1 B. N. Harmon,1 Lea F. Santos,3 and LorenzaViola2 1Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, USA 3Department of Physics, Yeshiva University, New York, NY 10016, USA (Dated: February 2, 2008) The coherencetime of an electron spin decohered by thenuclear spin environmentin a quantum 8 dot can be substantially increased by subjecting the electron to suitable dynamical decoupling 0 sequences. Weanalyzetheperformanceofhigh-leveldecouplingprotocolsbyusingacombinationof 0 2 analyticalandexactnumericalmethods,andbypayingspecialattentiontotheregimesoflargeinter- pulsedelaysand long-time dynamics, which are outsidethereach of standard average Hamiltonian n theorydescriptions. Wedemonstratethatdynamicaldecouplingcan remain efficient farbeyondits a formaldomainofapplicability,andfindthataprotocolexploitingconcatenateddesignprovidesbest J performanceforthissystemintherelevantparameterrange. Insituationswheretheinitialelectron 7 state is known, protocols able to completely freeze decoherence at long times are constructed and characterized. The impact of system and control non-idealities is also assessed, including theeffect ] l of intra-bath dipolar interaction, magnetic field bias and bath polarization, as well as systematic l pulse imperfections. While small bias field and small bath polarization degrade the decoupling a h fidelity,enhanced performance and temporal modulation result from strong applied fieldsand high - polarizations. Overall, we find that if the relative errors of the control parameters do not exceed s 5%, decoupling protocols can still prolong the coherence time byup to two orders of magnitude. e m PACSnumbers: 03.67.Pp,76.60.Lz,03.65.Yz,03.67.Lx . t a m I. INTRODUCTION pumpingtheelectronintoanauxiliaryexcitedtrionstate – which also appears very challenging at present. - d n Electron and nuclear spin degrees of freedom are Asanalternativeapproach,directmanipulationofthe o promising candidates for a variety of quantum informa- centralspinbymeansofelectronspinresonance(ESR)13 c tion processing (QIP) devices1,2,3. While the wide range and dynamical decoupling (DD)14,15,16,17 techniques ap- [ of existing microfabrication techniques make solid-state pears ideally suited to hyperfine-induced decoherence 1 architectures extremely appealing in terms of large-scale suppression,inviewofthelongcorrelationtimeandnon- v integration, such an advantage is seriously hampered by Markovian behavior which distinguish the nuclear spin 2 the noisy environments which are typical of solid-state reservoir. A single-pulse Hahn-echo protocol has been 9 systems, and are responsible for unwanted rapid deco- implementedrecentlyinadouble-QDdevice5,increasing 9 herence. For an electron spin localized in a GaAs quan- the coherence time by two orders of magnitude. Signifi- 0 tumdot(QD)4,forinstance,therelevantcoherencetime cant potential of more elaborated pulse sequences, such . 1 isextremelyshort: attypicalexperimentaltemperatures as the multi-pulse Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) 0 (T 100 mK) and sub-Tesla magnetic fields, the elec- protocol18 and concatenated DD (CDD)19,20,21,22, has 8 tron∼free induction decay (FID) time T∗ 10 ns5,6,7, been established theoretically for a single QD subjected 0 the dominant decoherence mechanism be2in∼g the hyper- to a strong external bias field, whereby the electron ef- : v fine coupling to the surrounding bath of Ga and As nu- fectively undergoes a purely dephasing process. The DD Xi clear spins. Although efforts for achieving faster gating problem for the more complex situation of a zero or low timesmaycontributetoalleviatetheproblem,itremains biasfields,wherepuredephasingandrelaxationcompete, r a bothhighlydesirableandpresentlymorepracticaltoex- has been recently examined in Refs. 23,24. Having es- tend the coherence time of the central system (the elec- tablishedtheexistenceofhighlyeffectiveDDschemesfor tron spin) in the presence of the spin bath. electronspinstorage,thepurposeofthisworkistwofold: first, to gaina deeper understanding of the factors influ- Several proposals have been recently put forward to encing DD performance and the range of applicability meetthischallenge. Afirststrategyistomanipulatethe of conclusions based on analytical average Hamiltonian spinbath. Polarizingthenuclearspins,forinstance,may significantlyincreasethecoherencetime8,9,providedthat theory (AHT) approaches; and second, to assess the in- fluence of various factors which may cause the system nuclear-spin polarization &99% may be achieved. This, and/or control Hamiltonians to differ from the idealized however, remains well beyond the current experimen- starting point chosen for analysis. tal capabilities. Another suggestive possibility, based on narrowing the distribution of nuclear spin states10,11,12, Asidefromitsprospectivepracticalsignificance,devel- has been predicted to enhance electron coherence by up oping and benchmarking strategies for decoherence sup- to a factor of hundred, upon repeatedly measuring and pression in various spin nanosystems is interesting from 2 the broader perspective of quantum control theory. In II. SYSTEM AND CONTROL ASSUMPTIONS particular, standard theoretical tools usually employed fortheanalysisofDDperformance,suchasAHTandthe Inthissectionwedescribethemodelspin-Hamiltonian MagnusExpansion(ME),haveveryrestrictiveformalre- foratypicalsemiconductorQD,andtypicalpictureofthe quirementsofapplicability(veryfastcontroltime scales, decoherence dynamics of an electron spin in a QD. We boundedenvironments,etc), whichmay be hardto meet present the DD methods used to suppress the electron in realistic systems. Thus, in-depth studies of physically spin decoherence and the metrics for DD performance, motivated examples are essential to understand how to followed by numerical methods we employed. go beyond the formal error bounds sufficient for conver- gence, and to identify more realistic necessary criteria for DD efficiency. In this sense, a QD system, described A. QD model Hamiltonian by the central spin model (a central spin-1/2 interact- ing withabathofN externalspins25,26)both providesa The decoherence dynamics of anelectronspinS local- natural testbed for detailed DD analysis, and paves the izedinaQDandcoupledtoamesoscopicbathconsisting way to understanding more complex many-spin central ofN nuclearspinsI ,k =1,...N,maybeaccuratelyde- k systems. scribed by the effective spin Hamiltonian23,24,27,28,29,30 H =H +H +H , (1) In this work, we present a quantitative investigation S B SB of DD as a strategy for robust long-time electron spin where, in units ~=1, storage in a QD. The content of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we lay out the relevant control HS = ω0Sz, (2) setting, by describing the underlying QD model as well N N asthedeterministicandrandomizedDDprotocolsunder H = Γ (I I 3IzIz), (3) B kℓ k· ℓ− k ℓ consideration. Among periodic schemes, special empha- k=1ℓ<k=1 X X sis is devoted to the concatenated protocol (PCDD2), N which was identified as the best performer for this sys- H = A S I , (4) SB k k · tem in Ref. 23. Exact AHT results are obtained up to k=1 X second-order corrections in the cycle time, which allow Here, the Hamiltonian H describes the electron spin, additional physical insight on the underlying averaging S ω = g∗µ B being the Zeeman splitting in an exter- and on DD-induced bath renormalization to be gained. 0 e B 0 nal magnetic field B , g∗ is the effective Land´e fac- Details onthe methodologiesfollowedto assessthe qual- 0 e tor of the electron spin, and µ is the Bohr’s magne- ityofDDandtoeffectexactnumericalsimulationsofthe B ton. The Hamiltonian H is the bath Hamiltonian, de- centralspin coupled to up to N =25 bath spins are also B scribing dipolar interactions with strength Γ between included in Sec. II. kℓ nuclear spin k and ℓ. For our analysis, a nearest- neighbor approximation to H is adequate, with Γ B kℓ In Sec. III, numerical results on best- and worst-case takenasrandomnumbersuniformlydistributedbetween performanceofDDprotocolsforshortevolutiontimesare [ Γ ,Γ ], so that the parameter Γ upper-bounds the 0 0 0 presentedandcomparedwithanalyticalpredictionsfrom s−trength of intra-bath couplings. The relevant system- AHT/ME under convergence conditions – in particular, bath coupling Hamiltonian H accounts for the Fermi SB ω τ 1, where ω and τ are the upper cutoff frequency c c contact hyperfine interaction, the coupling parameter ≪ of the totalsystem-plus-bathspectrum, andthe time in- A = (8π/3)g∗µ g µ u2(x ) being determined by the k e B n n k terval between (nearly instantaneous) consecutive con- electron density u2(x ) at the k-th nuclear spin site x k k trol operations, respectively. Evolution times as long as and by the Land´e factor of the nuclei g . Other small n 1000T∗ for τ .T∗ are able to be investigated numer- ∼ 2 2 contributions to the total QD Hamiltonian, such as the ically, other decoherence mechanisms becoming relevant Zeeman splitting of the nuclear spins and anisotropic for yetlongertimes. Inthe best-casescenario,where de- electron-nuclearcouplings,maybe neglectedfor the cur- coherence of a known initial state may be frozen under rentpurposes29,30 (see,however,Ref.31forrecentdevel- appropriatecyclicDDprotocols23,thedependenceofthe opments on controllability in the presence of anisotropic attainable asymptotic coherence value on τ is elucidated hyperfine couplings). in the small τ region. Sec. IV is devoted to further in- Upon tracing over the nuclear-spin reservoir, the elec- vestigating the effect of experimentally relevant system tronspindescribedbyEq.(1)undergoesfastdecoherence features and/or non-idealities, such as the presence of with a characteristic FID time of residualdipolarcouplings betweenthe nuclearspins, the influenceofanappliedbiasmagneticfield,andtheroleof 1 8 3 A2 T∗ , A= k k, initial bath polarization. In Sec. V, the effect of system- 2 ≃ AsN 4I(I+1) rPN atic control imperfections such as finite width of pulses and rotation angle errors is quantitatively assessed. We where A 10−4µeV for typical GaAs QDs with N = present conclusions in Sec. VI. 106 I =≈I = 3/2 nuclear spins29,32. This results in a k 3 T∗ value of about 10 ns5,6,7,30, which is too short for spin flips are energetically suppressed, and pure dephas- 2 QIP applications. In simulations, we shall neglect the ing in the transverse direction is the dominant decoher- I-dependenceoftheFIDtimeandsimplysetthenuclear ence source18,20,33,34. Insucha situation,the interaction spin value to I = 1/2 for all k. The FID time also Hamiltonian Eq. (4) simplifies to k turnsouttodependveryweaklyontheappliedbiasfield OB0vearshaluonsegrafiselBd0oifstshmeaullneprotlharainzeodrncuocmlepaarraspbilnest2o9.thAe Heff =Sz A′kIkz, (7) k similar conclusion holds for a weakly polarized nuclear X spin bath, with polarization p 1. Throughout this with renormalized coupling constants A′. The z- ≪ k paper,energiesshallbeexpressedinunitsofA,andtime component of the central spin remains constant, while styhpailclableGeaxApsreQssDeds30in, wuenisthsaollft1a/kAe.Γ0Si=nc0e (Γh0en≪ceAHkBfo=r tghoeestrGaanusvsseirasne FcoImDpwointehnttims⊥e c=onpsthaSnxtiT22∗+.hBSyyia2pupnlydienrg- 0) unless explicitly stated. a π pulse at times t = τ and 2τ (the so-called Hahn x echo, for brevity denoted as [τXτX]), the electron spin is refocused completely15 at time T =2τ, B. QD decoupling protocols U(2τ) = e−iπSxe−iHeffτe−iπSxe−iHeffτ = 1, − Comparedtootherdecoherencecontrolstrategies,DD S (2τ) = U†(2τ)S U(2τ)=S (0). (8) x,y x,y x,y has many attractive features: it is a purely open-loop control method which, as such, avoids the need of mea- A protocol consisting of repeated spin-echoes shall be surements and/or feedback; it does not rely on a par- referred to as CPMG henceforth. In the case of zero ticular initial state which might be hard to prepare; its or small bias field where the full Fermi contact interac- designandimplementationmaysignificantlybenefitfrom tion is relevant (see Sec. IVC for more discussion on the the extensive expertise available from nuclear magnetic case of a nonzero bias field), selective DD no longer re- resonance (NMR) and ESR techniques. moves the effect of the hyperfine coupling on a generic Weshallfirstassumetohaveaccesstoidealcontrolre- initial electron state. Rather, to lowest order in τ, the sources,anddeferthe discussionofcontrollimitationsto control has the effect of symmetrizing the system-bath Sec. V. In this idealized setting, DD of the electron spin Hamiltonian according to the direction of the applied is implemented by subjecting it to a sequence of bang- pulses17,35. The presence of such a control-induced ap- bang πnˆ pulses16, each instantaneously rotating the spin proximate symmetrization is essential to understand the S along a given control axis nˆ by an angle π. Consecu- possibility of decoherence freezing23, to be further dis- tive pulses are separated by a time interval τ, resulting cussed in Sec. IIIA as well as in the Appendix. in a total time-dependent Hamiltonian of the form H (t) = H (t)+H, tot c 2. Deterministic two-axis DD H (t) = π(S nˆ )δ(t ℓτ), (5) c ℓ · − Xℓ In the absence of a bias field (B0 = 0), relaxation in the longitudinal direction is as important as dephas- where δ() is the delta function, ℓ = 1,2,... labels the · ing. Thus, removing the effect of the nuclear reservoir applied pulses, andH is givenby Eq.(1). The evolution on the electron spin is only possible by using a con- of the coupled electron-nuclear system in the physical trol protocol which achieves non-selective (or universal) frame is then described by the unitary propagator DD. Several sequences have been constructed for finite- t dimensionalsystemsbyassumingcontroloverabasicset U(t) = exp i H (s)ds , (6) of unitary operations forming a discrete group = g , tot j T − G { } (cid:20) Z0 (cid:21) j = 0,1,..., 1 (DD group)16,17,19. In the simplest |G|− case of cyclic DD, the control propagator is sequentially where denotes as usual temporal ordering. T steered through the DD group in a predetermined or- der, the change from g to g being effected through the i j 1. Deterministic single-axis DD application of a bang-bang pulse Pi,j = gjgi† – for in- stance, = I,X in the above-mentioned CPMG pro- G { } tocol, I denoting the identity operation. Thanks to the DDprotocolsinvolvingcontrolrotationsofthecentral inherentperiodicityofthecontrolaction,withcycletime spinaboutafixedaxisachieveselectiveaveragingofspin T = τ, the DD analysis can be naturally carried out components perpendicular to the rotation axis. Such se- c |G| within the AHT by invoking the ME13,14,15, quencesareeffectivewhenapreferreddirectionispresent either in the underlying physical Hamiltonian or in the ∞ initial quantum state to preserve. For instance, in the U(T )=exp( i T ), = (k), (9) c c presence of a strong static bias field, B &1 T, electron − H H H 0 k=0 X 4 where denotes the AHT. In principle, arbitrary high- to so-calledsymmetric DD (SDD). Correspondingto the H (k) above-defined PDD protocol, the SDD protocol relevant order contributions may be explicitly evaluated by knowing the appliedHcontrol sequence36. A DD scheme to our problem is defined by the control cycle for an open-system Hamiltonian of the form (1) is said SDD=C XC ZC XC C XC ZC XC . (14) (0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to be of order m if = H and the first non-zero B H (m) Symmetrizationguaranteesthatthe electronspin opera- contribution to arises from , thereby being of or- der (Tm) in thHe expansion pHarameter T . Estimates of torsarecancelledinalltheoddtermsoftheME(k odd), O c c atthe expenseofmakingT twiceaslong asinPDD.As the convergenceradius for the ME depend sensitively on c long as the bath is non-dynamical, H = 0, this also how the strength of H is quantified, which may be es- B (1) peciallydelicateformesoscopic-andinfinite-dimensional yields =0. As one mayverify by directcalculation, H environments20,37,38. A conservative convergence bound the lowest-order term containing the electron spin is arises by assuming that a finite upper spectral cutoff ωmcaTyc b<e1idiesnotibfieeyde,d2||0H,38||,39∼,40ω.cA<m∞or,eapnrdectisheecchoanrdaicttieorn- H(2)=−6τT3c 8 k j [Hk,[Hj,Hi]]+[[Hk,Hj],Hi] ization of sufficient convergence conditions for the ME Xk=1Xj=1Xi=1(cid:16) (cid:17) has been recently established in Ref. 41. Szτ2. (15) ∝ Periodic DD(PDD)isthesimplestnon-selectivecyclic A powerful method to enhance DD performance by protocol, which ensures that the unwanted evolution is systematically shrinking the norm of higher-order terms removedto firstorder in the ME at everyT =nT , n N,forsufficientlyshortT . Forasinglecentrnalspin,cPDD∈ is to resort to concatenated design19. CDD relies on a c temporalrecursivestructure,sothatatlevelℓ+1thepro- isbasedontheirreduciblePauligroup = I,X,Y,Z , GP { } tocol is defined recursively as C =C XC ZC XC Z, where X,Y,Z are Pauli matrices, up to irrelevant phase ℓ+1 ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ C denoting as before free evolution under H. Building factors16,17. A possible implementation, corresponding 0 onthe resultsofRef.23,wefocusinthisworkonatrun- to the group path (I,X,Z,Y), involves two-axis control cated versionof CDD, whereby concatenationis stopped sequences of the form atacertainlevelandtheresultingsupercycleisrepeated C =PDD = e−iπSzC e−iπSxC e−iπSzC e−iπSxC periodically afterwards. Such a protocolis referred to as 1 0 0 0 0 PCDD , with T =4ℓτ (note that ℓ=1 recovers PDD). ℓ c = C XC ZC XC Z (10) 0 0 0 0 Specifically, a cycle of the PCDD protocol consists of 2 two identical half-cycles, and has a form with C = exp( iHτ) representing the operator of free 0 − evolution between pulses. Note that in the second line [C XC ZC XC YC XC ZC XC ][repeat], (16) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of Eq. (10), the time convention used for pulse sequence descriptions is followed,that is, time evolves fromleft to where [] denotes each half-cycle. This protocol leads · right. For such a sequence, the lowest-orderME reads to especially remarkable DD performance and averaging structureforthecentral-spinproblem. First,becausethe C = exp iT ( (0)+ (1)+ ) (11) protocolistime-symmetric,averagingisatleastofsecond 1 c − H H ··· (0) (1) order, as in SDD that is, = 0, and = 0. How- h i H H with ever, in contrast to SDD, the second-order contribution (2) turns out to be an effective pure bath term which (0) 1 H = [H +H +H +H ]τ =H , (12) renormalizesthe bathHamiltonianwithoutdirectly con- 4 3 2 1 B H T c tributing to the decoherence dynamics. Thus, operators (1) = i 4 j [H ,H ]τ2 mixing electronand nuclear spins can only appear ator- j i (4) H −2T der and higher. The fact that a pure-bath contri- c j=1i=1 H XX (2) τ bution is generatedto second-orderin the ME,and = S A A (IzIx+IxIz), (13) H − y4 k ℓ k ℓ k ℓ that a particularly favorable scenario is to be expected Xk Xℓ for CDD convergence, was implied in Ref. 20. Remark- ably, two additional features emerge to second order in where H = H, H = XHX, H = YHY, and H = 1 2 3 4 the controlled dynamics: ZHZ, respectively. Thus, PDD achieves first-order DD, (i) The DD-induced bath Hamiltonian has a regular with the unwanted hyperfine coupling vanishing in the coupling structure, (0) limit τ 0, and = 0 for a non-dynamical bath. → H Note that the decoupling happens after completion of (2) τ2 16 k j each cycle, so everywhere in the subsequent analysis of = [H ,[H ,H ]]+[[H ,H ],H ] k j i k j i H −96 cyclicDD, weshallassumethatthe evolutionis sampled Xk=1Xj=1Xi=1(cid:16) (cid:17) stroboscopically at instants tj =jTc,j =1,2,... N N A simple strategy to improve over PDD averaging is = Γ′ I I 3IxIx , (17) based on exploiting time-symmetrization14,17 – leading ij i· j − i j Xi=1j<Xi=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) 5 where enforcing symmetrization on the RPD protocol, sym- metrized random path DD (SRPD) is obtained, whereby A A (A +A ) Γ′ =τ2 i j i j . (18) every sequence from the above set is augmented by its ij 3 time-reversed counterpart. SRPD additionally ensures thatall oddterms in the effective Hamiltonianwhichin- That is, to second order in τ, the hyperfine interaction volve the electron spin operators disappear at T =8pτ, between the electron and the nuclei is removed, and an p p=1,2,.... effective dipolar Hamiltonian with control-renormalized couplingsisinducedonthenuclearspins–comparewith the Hamiltonian in Eq. (3)42. (ii) To the same level of accuracy in τ, it is possible C. DD performance metrics to show that a similar averaging is achieved by a half- PCCD protocol–thatis,aprotocolwhosecycleconsists In order to meaningfully compare different DD proto- 2 of just the first half in (16). In practice, this may be colsforgivencontrolresources(inparticular,finiteτ),an usefultoreducethenumberofrequiredpulsesforagiven appropriatecontrolmetricshouldbeidentified. Different desired accuracy. choices may best suit different control scenarios. Quan- tities suchas pure-stateinput-output fidelity andpurity, for instance, depend strongly on the initial state of the 3. Randomized DD centralsystem,thusbeingappropriatewhenpreservation ofaknown electroninitialstate is the intended DDgoal. Randomizeddesignoffersanotherapproachtoimprove Average input-output fidelity and gate entanglement fi- DDperformance,bybothensuringrobustbehaviorinthe delity do not rely on a particular initial state, however presenceofintrinsicallytime-varyingopen-systemHamil- they depend onthe probabilitydistribution ofthe initial tonians and by minimizing the impact of coherent error states and quantify typical performance46,47,48. Taking accumulation at long evolution times40,43,44,45. Unlike advantageof the smalldimensionality ofthe centralspin deterministic schemes, randomized DD is distinguished system,anaccuratewayforquantifyingDDperformance bythefactthatthefuturecontrolpathisnotfullyknown atpreservinganarbitrary electronpure stateis to evalu- in advance. Analysis is most conveniently carried out in atebothbest-caseandworst-caseinput-outputfidelities. alogicalframethatfollowsthe appliedcontrol40,andby For a given initial state ψS(0) , recall that the input- | i trackingthe appliedsequenceto ensurethatappropriate output fidelity is defined as framecompensationcanbeusedtoinfertheevolutionin the physical frame. Although loss of periodicity in the F(t)=Tr[ρS(t)ρS(0)]= ψS(0)ρS(t)ψS(0) , (19) h | | i controlHamiltoniancausesAHTnottobedirectlyappli- cable, contributions of different orders in τ may still be where ρS(t) is the reduced density matrix of the central identified in the effective Hamiltonian describing a given spinS attime t, ρS(t)=TrBρ(t), ρ(t)andTrB denoting control sequence. thetotaldensityoperatorattimet,andthepartialtrace Among all randomized protocols43,44,45, we consider overthebathdegreesoffreedom,respectively. F(t)gives a few representative choices. Naive random DD (NRD) ameasureofhowfarthecentralsystemhasevolvedaway corresponds to changing the control propagator accord- from its initial state. The best-case (b) and the worst- ing to a path which is uniformly randomwith respect to case (w) fidelities are then naturally defined as the invariant Haar measure on . For our system, this G F (t)=max F(t) , F (t)=min F(t) . meansthataX,Y,Z pulse,orano-pulseisappliedwith b |ψSi{ } w |ψSi{ } equal probability at every instant t = jτ, j = 0,1,.... j So-called random path DD (RPD) merges features from D. Numerical methodology both pure random and cyclic design, by involving PDD cycles where the path to traverse is each time chosen G at random among the ! possible ones. For our sys- Analytical bounds on the expected worst-case fi- |G| tem, weimplement asimplifiedpseudo-RPDprotocolby delity decay for various DD protocols have been ob- restricting to cycles which always begin with the iden- tained for sufficiently short evolution times based on tity – that is, at every instant T = 4nτ, n = 1,2,..., either AHT and/or on additional simplifying assump- n we randomly choosea sequence from the following set of tions19,20,40,43,44,45. Forcyclicschemes,therelevanterror ( 1)! possibilities: boundsassumeconvergenceoftheMEseries,thusrequir- |G|− ing, in particular, that ω T < 1, where in our problem c c {C0XC0ZC0XC0Z, C0ZC0XC0ZC0X, ωc isthe highestfrequencyofthe total(electronplus nu- C XC YC XC Y, C YC XC YC X, clei) spectrum. For a typical GaAs QD with N 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∼ bath spins, C YC ZC YC Z, C ZC YC ZC Y . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } A NA Unlike NRD, RPD guarantees that averaging of HSB ωc | k| 20 GHz, is retained to lowest order over each control cycle. By ≈ 4 ∼ 4 ∼ k X 6 thusstrictconvergenceoftheMEimpliesextremelyshort ent initial states of the electron are considered, characteristic control time scales, τ 10 ps. Moreover, ∼ for ESR experiments under resonance conditions, ω ψ = , c z ∼ | i |↑i 20GHzisabout400timeslargerthancurrentlyavailable ψ = , z¯ carrier pulse frequency49, and roughly 20 times larger | i |↓i 1 than attainable exchange-gating frequency5,50. ψ = ( + ), x | i √2 |↑i |↓i In order to evade the strict convergence requirement 1 and to study DD performance in regimes of more direct ψ = ( +i ) y | i √2 |↑i |↓i experimentalrelevance, numericalsimulations are neces- sary. Specifically, we are interested in pulse separations and for each such state the time-dependent Schr¨odinger of the order of 1/σ, where equationofthetotalsystemsubjectedtoDDissolved,by employing the Chebyshev polynomial expansion method 1 1 tocalculatethe evolutionoperator28,51. Atthefinalevo- σ = A2 = √NA (20) 2 k 2 lution time T, the four reduced density matrices (ob- s k X tained upon partial trace over B) are used to compute the superoperator matrix χ (T) which describes the mn is the characteristic half-width of the coupling spectrum, electron spin dynamics according to the linear map as opposed to the highest frequency ω , with σ being c roughly√N 103 timessmallerthanω . Thus,T 4τ 3 3 c c √Nω−1, w∼ith typical inter-pulse delays values o≥f the ρ˜ (T)= K ρ (0)K†χ (T), ∼ c S m S n mn order of 10 ns, which is not too far (within an order m=0n=0 X X of magnitude) from current experimental capabilities49. where K = I, K = X, K = iY, K = Z, and Furthermore,inordertoaccessDDinthelong-timelimit, 0 1 2 3 − ρ˜ specifies evolution in the logical frame, with ρ˜ (0) = we consider up to thousands of control cycles. Nuclear S S ρ (0). Since an arbitrary initial pure state of S on the spin environments consisting of N 25 spin-1/2 are in- S ≤ Bloch sphere may be parameterized as vestigated(withacorrespondingHilbertspacedimension of 7 107)–givinghopethatourmainconclusionsmay ∼ · ψ (0) =cos(θ/2) +sin(θ/2)eiϕ , be extrapolated to real mesoscopic environments. S | i |↑i |↓i The initial state of the entire system is taken to with θ [0,π] and ϕ [0,2π], F (T) simplifies to be a direct product of the electron initial spin state ∈ ∈ b/w ρ (0) = ψ (0) ψ (0) and the bath initial spin state ρBS(0). In| SmostihcaSses,|we assume an unpolarized spin Fb/w(T)=max/min(θ,ϕ)hψS(0)|ρ˜S(T)|ψS(0)i. bath, described by the thermal equilibrium density op- In practice, after determining the matrix χ, we obtain erator ρ (0) = 2−NI , where I is the 2N- B 2N×2N 2N×2N F (T) by numerical optimization, using a statistically dimensionalidentitymatrix(polarizedinitialbathstates b/w meaningful set of initial guesses for (θ,ϕ). shall be considered in Sec. IVC). Such a maximally mixed spin state reflects the fact that for typical experi- mentaldilution-refrigeratortemperatures(T 100mK), the thermal energy is much larger than the e∼nergy scale III. RESULTS ON DD PERFORMANCE oftheintra-bathspininteractions. Forasmallnumberof bathspins(N 8),wedirectlysimulatetheevolutionof In this section we summarize results on best- and ≤ the totalsystem’s density operator,followedby apartial worst-case performance of deterministic DD protocols traceoverB. ForlargerN,thisapproachisnotcomputa- relevant to the QD problem, including analytical esti- tionally efficient, and we perform simulations by assum- mates atshorttimes. The discussionof randomizedpro- ing that the total system is in a pure state23,24,29,51. In tocols is postponed to Sec. IIIB, as there is little differ- this case, ρB(0) is approximated as a uniformly random ence between best and worst case. superposition of environment product states, ψ (0) = B | i 2N c φ of all possible tensor products of the form i=1 i| ii φ = 1 2 3 ... N, where ci are uni- A. Best-case performance and decoherence freezing P|forimly|↑diist⊗rib|u↓tied⊗ra|n↓diom⊗ num⊗b|e↑rsi23,24,29,51,52, subject to c 2 = 1. Thanks to concentration of measure on i| i| Investigation of best-case performance both provides the space of random pure states, such an approximation anupperboundontheattainableDDfidelity,andreveals hasPan exponentially small error, of the order of 2−N/2, a remarkable phenomenon of single-qubit deterministic with respectto using the identity state – that is, 0.5% ∼ DD:theoptimalperformanceboundisreachedforinitial for N =15. states of the electron, which depend on the geometry of The desired best/worst case fidelity Fb/w is evaluated the control protocol and cause the long-time fidelity to byinvokingquantumprocesstomography53. Fourdiffer- freezeatanon-zerovaluedeterminedbytheDDrate23,24. 7 1. Short-time behavior which we could not calculate analytically54. The single- cycle results are presentedin Table I; an excellentagree- Inordertobridgeanalyticalandnumericalresults,we ment is seen between analytical and symbolic results, as begin by considering the performance of a single DD cy- reported in the second and third row, respectively (see cle, in the limit where the inter-pulse delay τ is small also Appendix A for yet another analytical derivation of enough to justify the application of AHT and the ME. the coefficient α and the leading decoherenceorder n for Clearly,perfect (stroboscopic)preservationwouldbe en- CPMG, which agrees well with the results given by the sured for an initial electron spin state which is an eigen- other methods). stateofthefullAHT . ForfiniteDDaccuracy,thebest- An alternative way for determining Fb(Tc) is provided case scenario still corHrespondsto initializing the electron bydirectnumericalsimulationofthetotalevolution,fol- in an eigenstate of the lowest-order term of the ME, so lowed by the process tomography procedure described that the fidelity decay after one cycle is determined by in Sec. IID. By restricting the simulations to short τ, the next-lowest-order contribution to . and fitting 1 Fb(Tc) to a power-law function of τ, it Let the total cycle propagator be exHpanded as is then possib−le to independently determine the leading decoherenceordersinthe MEseries. Fig.1,forinstance, U(Tc) = exp[ iTc( (0)+ (1)+ (2)+...)], (21) shows the dependence upon τ of Fb(Tc) for N = 5. The − H H H initial region in Fig. 1, where 1 F (T ) has a power- b c − and consider, to begin with, the simplest [C ZC Z] law dependence on τ, indicates the region of validity for 0 0 CPMG protocol. Then (0) = S A Iz, and the AHT/ME,theslopeofthecurvedeterminingtheorderof H z ⊗ k k k the best-case decoherence term. The first line of Table I (1) next dominant contribution arises from . By using P shows the leading ME order, n(ME), obtained in this H Eq.(19),andbyassumingthat ψ (0) isinvariantunder S way, which is in excellent agreement with the available | i (0) for best-case performance, one finds analytical estimates obtained from AHT/ME. In partic- H (6) ular, these simulations confirm that is the leading F (T )CPMG 1 T2Tr ρ (0) ∆ (1) 2 decoherence term for PCDD in the bHest-case scenario. b c ≈ − c B B H |ψS(0)i 2 h (cid:16) (cid:17) i 1 αT2τ2+ (T4τ2), (22) ≈ − c O c 0 where (cid:16)∆H(k)(cid:17)2|ψSi =hψS|(H(k))2|ψSi−hψS|H(k)|ψSi2 2F) / T]bc−10 − denotes the partial variance of the dominant correction 1 (k) in the initial electron state ψ , and ατ2, α R, ln[( −20 S H | i ∈ gives the expectation of such variance operator over the initial bath state. Thus, α is clearly protocol- and bath- −30 state dependent. By a similar calculation, the best-case −8 −6 −4 −2 0 fidelities for PDD and SDD may be expressed as: ln(ω τ) c F (T )PDD 1 T2Tr ρ (0) ∆ (2) 2 FIG.1: (Color online) Best-case performance for single-cycle b c ≈ − c B B H |ψS(0)i DD under the CPMG (plus signs), PDD (circles), SDD (up- h (cid:16) (cid:17) i 1 βT2τ4+ (T4τ6), (23) wardpointingtriangles),andPCDD2(downwardpointingtri- ≈ − c O c angles)protocolinthesmallτ region. BathsizeN =5. Solid lines are linear fits, with fittingparameters given in Tab. I. F (T )SDD 1 T2Tr ρ (0) ∆ (4) 2 b c ≈ − c B B H |ψS(0)i h (cid:16) (cid:17) i 1 γT2τ8+ (T4τ12), (24) ≈ − c O c TABLE I: Fitting parameters of the best-case cycle perfor- manceFb(Tc)=1−κ(ωcτ)nTc2,κ∈R, fora single DDcycle forsuitablerealparametersβ,γ. Thus,k =2,4forPDD underCPMG, PDD,SDD,andPCDD2 inthesmall τ region and SDD, respectively. where ωcTc . 1. Bath size N = 5. Also presented are ME Beside the above analytical determination, the rele- predictionsbyanalytical method, n(ME), andsymbolic Tay- vant fidelity decay terms may also be obtained symbol- lorexpansion,n(Sym). Thesame agreement holdsfor N =3 ically – by Taylor-expanding the exact evolution opera- and N =7. tor U(Tc) = je−iHjτ for the appropriate transformed Hamiltonians Hj, and collecting coefficients of order τn, CPMG PDD SDD PCDD2 Q n(Fit) 2.00 4.02 7.93 11.80 so that the lowest two contributions to may be iso- H n(ME) 2 4 8 - lated. This approach is required, in particular, to ex- n(Sym) 2 4 8 12 tractthebest-caseleadingdecoherenceorderforPCDD , 2 8 1 1 0 0.9 b0.9 F −2 0.8 (a) (b) F)f 0.8 − 0.7 1 0.3 1 3 10 30 1 3 10 30 n( −4 l 1 1 0.99 Fb0.96 −6 (c) 0.98 (d) −2 −1 0 1 2 ln(σ τ) 0.92 3 10 30 100 10 30 100 300 Time Time FIG. 3: (Color online) Dependence of the coherence satura- tion value on pulse delay for CPMG (plus signs), PDD (cir- FIG. 2: Best-case performance of (a) CPMG, (b) PDD, (c) cles), SDD (upward pointing triangles), and PCDD2 (down- SDD, and (d) PCDD2 starting from an initial state along ward pointing triangles). Dashed lines are linear fittings at the half-cycle direction (z for (a) and (c); y for (b) and (d), small τ. respectively). Bath size: N = 15. τ = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, from top to bottom in all panels(in panel (d),thecurvesfor tive magnetic field is createdby the DD pulses, and that τ = 0.1 and 0.2 are indistinguishable). Decoherence freezes at sufficiently long time. properalignmentofthe initialspinpreventsthe electron from precessing around this direction – thereby experi- encing fully frozen nuclear spin fluctuations. (See also Table I and Fig. 1 clearly demonstrate how DD per- Ref. 59 for a recent demonstration of a similar-in-spirit formance improves as we go from PDD to SDD and to stabilizationeffectatzeroappliedfield,leadingtoalong- PCDD . Even though, as already remarked, the CPMG livednuclear-spinpolaronstateviaopticalpumpingwith 2 protocol[C ZC Z]doesnotachievemaximalDDforzero polarizedlight). Inpractice,decoherencefreezingmaybe 0 0 biasfield,theexistenceofanapproximateintegralofmo- exploited to optimally preserve a known initial electron tion, S , still makes it possible to decouple with high fi- spin state, through appropriate design of a DD protocol z delityprovided thatthe initialelectronspinstateisaS - withthedesiredquasi-integralofmotion. Whileasimilar z eigenstate. For two-axis cyclic DD, a preferred direction effect could be achieved by applying a strong static bias for initialization may still be identified. The PDD pro- field, one advantage of DD stabilization is that better tocol [C XC ZC XC Z], for instance, conserves S in storage may be ensured by simply rearranging the pulse 0 0 0 0 y the limit τ 0 (because ZX Y, which coincides with sequence, so that it implements a higher-level protocol → ∼ the half-cycle direction); this establishes a Sy-eigenstate (from PDD to PCDD2, for example). as the best-case state for PDD. When several DD cycles While asymptotic saturation behavior has been re- are implemented, the existence of approximate control- ported for purely dephasing spin-boson models with ar- induced symmetries is responsible for the decoherence bitrary initial spin states16,17,60,61,62, saturation effects freezing phenomenon which we address next. for a spin bath have only received attention very re- cently22,23,24. Thanks to its inherent simplicity, the CPMG protocol makes it possible to gain analytical in- 2. Long-time behavior sight under the assumption that a simplified coupling Hamiltonian is appropriate: At long times, none of the above-mentionedanalytical N or symbolic methods is applicable, thus numerical simu- HQSA = AS I . (25) lation is required. SB · k k=1 Fig. 2 shows the long-time best-case performance for X the deterministic control protocols discussed so far. De- This corresponds to assuming a uniform electron den- coherence freezing is clearly seen as a plateau of F at sity in the QD, allowing one to regard the total nuclear b sufficiently long evolution times23,60, the corresponding spin as a constant. For our purposes, because of the saturationvalueincreasingasthepulsedelayτ decreases. large number of spins in the bath, this is also equiva- From a control standpoint, decoherence freezing may lenttodescribingthenuclearspinreservoirundertheso- be thought of as signaling the dynamical generation of called Quasi-Static Approximation (QSA), which treats a stable one-dimensional decoherence free subspace via the Overhausernuclear field as a classical random static DD55,56. In NMR language, the resulting saturation field30. WhileinprincipletheQSAisvalidforshortevo- is reminiscent of the “pedestals” seen in the long-time lution times29,30, it is important to realize that the do- magnetization signal under pulsed spin-locking condi- mainofvalidityoftheQSAisextendedinthepresenceof tions14,57,58. Physically, one may think that an effec- DDpulses,similarlytowhathappensforanexternalbias 9 field30,andconsistentwiththefactthatthenuclearfield 0 becomesprogressivelymorestaticrelativetotheelectron dynamics as the electron-nuclear coupling is suppressed. freBezyinfgollvoawluinegretphoertsetedpisnilRluesft.r2a3teidsionbtAapinpeedn:dix A, the 2) / T]wc−10 F − FfCPMG ≈1− 2Tτ2∗2, ln[(1 −20 2 for sufficiently small τ. Interestingly, the leading power −30 ofτ, n=2,does not explicitly depend on the number N −8 −6 −4 −2 0 ln(ω τ) of bath spins. For other protocols in the same range of c τ, numerical results (see Fig. 3) suggesta similar depen- dence of the asymptotic coherence value, FIG. 4: (Color online) Worst-case single-cycle performance for PDD (circles), SDD (upward pointing triangles), and Ff 1 a(στ)n, a R, PCDD2 (downward pointing triangles) in the small τ region. ≈ − ∈ Bath size: N = 5. Solid lines are linear fittings, with fitting withtherelevantvaluesofnbeinggiveninTableII. Note parameters given in Tab. III. that the characteristic values of τ considered here are of orderof1/σ,thatis,ω τ 1inthesimulations,thereby c well beyond the converge≫nce region of AHT/ME. case, Fw(Tc) depends on τ according to a power-law, when τ is sufficiently small to ensure that ω T . 1 and c c thattheAHT/MEapproachisvalid. TableIII(firstline) TABLE II: Fitting parameters of the decoherence freezing givestheleadingdecoherencetermordersextractedfrom value Ff = 1−a(στ)n for CPMG, PDD, SDD, and PCDD2 Fig.4, whichare inexcellentagreementwith the analyt- at small τ,where στ .1 butωcτ ≫1. ical and symbolic predictions (last two lines). Note that CPMG, which is not a universal decoupling sequence, is CPMG PDD SDD PCDD2 notusefulintheworst-casescenario,thuswedonotcon- n(Fit) 2.0 1.7 2.7 5.3 sider it further. TABLEIII:Fittingparametersofworst-casesingle-cycleper- formance Fw(Tc) = 1−κ(ωcτ)nTc2, κ ∈ R, for PDD, SDD, B. Worst-case performance and arbitrary state and PCDD2 in thesmall τ region where ωcτ .1. preservation PDD SDD PCDD2 Asevidencedbythebest-caseconsiderationspresented n(Fit) 2.00 3.99 7.94 above,for sufficiently small τ, initial electronspin states n(ME) 2 4 8 which are (approximate) eigenstates of the decoupled n(Sym) 2 4 8 evolutionarestableatlongtimes, whereasthe spincom- ponents perpendicular to the decoherence-free axis are lostinthe long-timeregime. Insuchapicture,the worst case scenario for a given cyclic protocol corresponds to 2. Long-time behavior and randomized DD initialspinstateswhichareperpendiculartotheeffective half-cycle control axis. Clearly, worst-case performance For long evolution times, the worst-case performance lower-boundsthe fidelity of storageachievable for an ar- F (T)ofsixDDprotocols(threedeterministicandthree bitrary (possibly unknown) initial state, as required for w randomized) are summarized in Fig. 5. All schemes lead an electron-spin quantum memory. to substantial enhancement of the electron spin coher- ence, some of them by more than a factor of 1000, with PCDD showing the most dramatic improvement23. Ac- 1. Short-time behavior 2 cordingtotheME,theleadingordertermfortheFIDsig- (0) (1) (2) nalis ,whereasitis forPDD, forSDD,and In order to quantitatively assess worst-case DD fideli- H H H (4) ties, we begin, as in the previous Section, by examining forPCDD ,asdiscussedinSec. IIB2. Forrandom- 2 H single-cycle performance. Again, the order of the lead- ized protocols,lack of periodicity prevents the definition ing decoherence term is determined using three meth- of a time-independent average Hamiltonian, thus AHT ods: (i) exact numerical simulation; (ii) analytical pre- is not applicable. However, for a given evolution time, dictions based on AHT/ME; and (iii) symbolic Taylor an effective Hamiltonian and the corresponding leading expansion. Fig. 4 shows the exact τ-dependence of the orderstocoherencedecaymaystillbedefineddirectlyin worst-casefidelityforsingle-cycleDD.Similartothebest terms of the unitary logical-frame propagator44,45. 10 1 best performer for the problem under exam. 0.9 A. Bath size 0.8 FID w PDD F 0.7 SDD Inoursimulations,the numberofbathspinsismoder- PCDD2 ately large, N 25, thus it is essential to assess to what 0.6 NRD ≤ RPD extent our numerical results might be applicable to real SRPD QD devices with N 104–106. In order to verify this, 0.5 ∼ 10−1 100 101 102 103 PCDD2 simulationshavebeencarriedoutforbathswith Time N varying from 15 to 25, their corresponding spectral widthbeingcharacterizedbyσ =√NA/2asinEq.(20). Fig.6illustrates,fordifferentN,the instantoftimeT FIG. 5: (Color online) Worst-case DD performance in the 0.9 logicalframe40,45,withτ =0.1. Hamiltonianparametersare: whereFw(T)forPCDD2 reachesathresholdvalueof0.9 ω0 = 0, Γ0 = 0 and N = 15. For deterministic DD, data – as a function of the dimensionless parameter 1/(2στ). points are acquired at the completion of each cycle, while It is seen how, by correctly rescaling τ (that is, by mea- for NRD and FID this is done after every τ, for RPD after suring τ in units of 1/σ), the curves corresponding to every 4τ, and for SRPD after every 8τ. Random protocols differentbathsizetendtofallontopofeachother,espe- are averaged over 100 control realizations. ciallyasN increases. This providesstrongevidence that our results should be applicable to realistic mesoscopic spin environments upon appropriate parameter scaling. In general, protocols with higher leading order tend It is also interesting to stress that T increases ex- 0.9 to give superior performance. However, such a conclu- tremely rapidly as the product στ decreases and the re- siondoesnotnecessarilyholdifarandomizedprotocolis gionofveryfastDDisentered(notethelogarithmicscale comparedto a deterministic one. For example, RPDhas of the y-axis in Fig. 6). This rapidincrease has been an- a lower-order leading term than SDD, so that SDD may alyzedearlier24. We remark here that a naive extrapola- outperform RPD at short times. However, Fig. 5 shows tion from the ME, T 1/τ4, which could be expected 0.9 thatatlongtimesRPDoutperformsSDD,whichdemon- ∝ to hold in the limit τ 0, strongly disagrees with our strates the advantage of randomization in suppressing → datainthelong-timeparameterrangeofFig.6,andthat coherent error accumulation. The poor performance of a Zeno-type analysis as invoked in Ref. 24 appears more NRD is expected, since the advantages of this low-level appropriate to explain the observed τ-dependence. DD scheme may emerge only when is large,and cyclic DD is inefficient. In a closed systemG44, SRPD has been found superior to PCDD at long times, but for the QD 2 B. Intrabath interaction model considered here SRPD does not match PCDD , 2 confirming the fact that irreducible DD groups and slow bathsareespeciallyfavorableforconcatenatedcontrol19. The effect of the internal bath Hamiltonian HB, Eq. (3), may become important once the electron co- However,itisworthemphasizingthatincreaseinthecon- herence time becomes longer than the characteristic catenation level for fixed pulse separation does not nec- time scale of the corresponding bath evolution. As re- essarily improve the protocol performance: As shown in Ref. 23, PCDD may deliver worse fidelity than PCDD 4 2 if τ becomes sufficiently large. A possible explanation maybe rootedin the DD-induced renormalizationofthe 104 pure-bath terms discussed in Sec. IIB2, which for large τ may become important enough to offset the benefits associated with a more elaborated DD cycle. 103 9 0. T 102 IV. REAL-SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS N=15 17 101 20 Inrealisticscenarios,severalfactorsbeyondthesimpli- 25 fiedtreatmentconsideredthusfarwillunavoidablyaffect 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 DD performance. Among those related to the underly- 1/(2στ) ing QD model Hamiltonian, the most important are the influence ofspin-bathdynamics,externalbiasfields, and FIG. 6: (Color online) Bath size effect. T0.9 vs. 1/(2στ) for nuclear spin polarization. We shall address these factors PCDD2 with different bath sizes N =15 (black squares), 17 one by one, by primarily focusing on the worst-case fi- (blue circles), 20 (green upward pointing triangles), and 25 (red downward pointing triangles). delity of the PCDD protocol, which has emerged as the 2

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