(log t)2/3 law of the two dimensional asymmetric simple exclusion process Horng-Tzer Yau ∗ Courant Institute, New York University 2 0 February 7, 2008 0 2 n a J Abstract 1 3 We prove that the diffusion coefficient for the two dimensional asymmetric simple 2 exclusion process diverges as (logt)2/3 to the leading order. The method applies to v nearest and non-nearest neighbor asymmetric simple exclusion processes. 7 5 0 1 Introduction 1 0 2 Asymmetric simple exclusion process is a Markov process on 0,1 Zd with asymmetric jump 0 { } / rates. There is at most one particle allowed per site and thus the name exclusion. The h p particle at a site x waits for an exponential time and then jump to y with rate p(x y) - − h provided that the site is not occupied. Otherwise the jump is suppressed and the process t starts again. The jump rate is assumed to be asymmetric so that in general there is net a m drift of the system. The simplicity of the model has made it the default stochastic model : for transport phenomena. Furthermore, it is also a basic component for models [5] [12] with v i incompressible Navier-Stokes equations as the hydrodynamical equation. X The hydrodynamical limit of the asymmetric simple exclusion process was proved by r a Rezakhanlou [13] to be a viscousless Burgers equation in the Euler scaling limit. If the system is in equilibrium, the Burgers equation is trivial and the system moves with a uniform velicity. This unifrom velocity can be removed and the viscosity of the system, or the diffusioncoefficient, canbedefinedviathestandardmeansquaredisplacement. Althoughthe diffusioncoefficient isexpected tobefinitefordimensiond > 2, arigorousproofwasobtained only a few years ago [9] by estimating the corresponding resolvent equation. Based on the mode coupling theory, Beijeren, Kutner and Spohn [3] conjectured that D(t) (logt)2/3 ∼ in dimension d = 2 and D(t) t1/3 in d = 1. The conjecture at d = 1 was also made by ∼ Kardar-Parisi-Zhang via the KPZ equation. This problem has received much attention recently in the context of integrable systems. The main quantity analyzed is fluctuation of the current across the origin in d = 1 with the jump restricted to the nearest right site, the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP). Consider the special configuration that all sites to the left of the origin were occupied while all sites to the right of the origin were empty. Johansson [6] observed that ∗ Work partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0072098,[email protected] 1 the current across the origin with this special initial data can be mapped into a last passage percolation problem. By analyzing resulting percolation problem asymptotically in the limit N , Johansson proved that the variance of the current is of order t2/3. In the case of → ∞ discrete time, Baik and Rains [2] analyze an extended version of the last passage percolation problem and obtain fluctuations of order tα, where α = 1/3 or α = 1/2 depending on the parameters of the model. Both the approaches of [6] and [2] are related to the earlier results of Baik-Deift-Johansson [1] on the distribution of the length of the longest increasing subsequence in random permutations. In [10] (see also [11]), Pr¨ahofer and Spohn succeeded in mapping the current of the TASEP into a last passage percolation problem for a general class of initial data, including the equilibrium case considered in this article. For the discrete time case, the extended problem is closely related to the work [2], but the boundary conditions are different. For continuous time, besides the boundary condition issue, one has to extend the result of [2] from the geometric to the exponential distribution. To relate these results to our problem, we consider the asymmetric simple exclusion processinequilibriumwithaBernoulliproductmeasureofdensityρastheinvariantmeasure. Define the time dependent correlation function in equilibrium by S(x,t) = η (t);η (0) x 0 h i We shall choose ρ = 1/2 so that there is not net global drift, xS(x,t) = 0. Otherwise a x subtraction of the drift should be performed. The diffusion coPefficient we consider is (up to a constant) the second moment of S(x,t): x2S(x,t) D(t)t ∼ Xx for large t. On the other hand the variance of the current across the origin is proportional to x S(x,t) (1.1) | | Xx Therefore, Johansson’s result on the variance of the current can be interpreted as the spread- ing of S(x,t) being of order t2/3. The result of Johansson is for special initial data and does not directly apply to the equilibrium case. If we combine the work of [10] and [2], neglect various issues discussed above, and extrapolate to the second moment, we obtain a growth of the second moment as t4/3, consistent with the conjectured D(t) t1/3. ∼ We remark that the results based on integrable systems are not just for the variance of the current across the origin, but also for its full limiting distribution. The main restrictions appear to be the rigid requirements of the fine details of the dynamics and the initial data. Furthermore, it is not clear whether the analysis on the current across the origin can be extended to the diffusivity. In particular, the divergence of D(t) as t in d = 1 has not → ∞ been proved via this approach even for the TASEP. Recent work of [8] has taken a completely different approach. It is based on the analysis of the Green function of the dynamics. One first uses the duality to map the resolvent equation into a system of infinitely-coupled equations. The hard core condition was then removed by using variational principles. Once the hard core condition was removed, the Fourier transform becomes a very useful tooland the Green function was estimated to degree 2 three. This yields a lower bound to the full Green function via a monotonicity inequality. Thus one obtains the lower bounds D(t) t1/4 in d = 1 and D(t) (logt)1/2 in d = 2 [8]. ≥ ≥ In this article, we shall estimate the Green function to degrees high enough to determine the leading order behavior D(t) (logt)2/3 in d = 2. ∼ 1.1 Definitions of the Models Denote the configuration by η = (η ) where η = 1 if the site x is occupied and η = 0 x x∈Zd x x otherwise. Denote ηx,y the configuration obtained from η by exchanging the occupation variables at x and y : η if z = x, y, z 6 (ηx,y) = η if z = y and z x η if z = x. y Then the generator of the asymmetric simple exclusion process is given by d ( f)(η) = p(x,y)η [1 η ][f(ηx,y) f(η)] . (1.2) x y L − − Xj=1 xX∈Zd where e , 1 k d stands for the canonical basis of Zd. For each ρ in [0,1], denote by ν k ρ { ≤ ≤ } the Bernoulli product measure on 0,1 Zd with density ρ and by < , > the inner product ρ { } · · in L2(ν ). The probability measures ν are invariant for the asymmetric simple exclusion ρ ρ process. For two cylinder functions f, g and a density ρ, denote by f;g the covariance of f and ρ h i g with respect to ν : ρ f;g = fg f g . ρ ρ ρ ρ h i h i −h i h i Let P denote the law of the asymmetric simple exclusion process starting from the equilib- ρ rium measure ν . Expectations with respect to P is denoted by E . Let ρ ρ ρ S (x,t) = E [ η (t) η (0) η (0)] = η (t);η (0) ρ ρ x x 0 x 0 ρ { − } h i denote for the time dependent correlation functions in equilibrium with density ρ. The compressibility χ = χ(ρ) = η ;η = S (x,t) x 0 ρ ρ h i Xx Xx is time independent and χ(ρ) = ρ(1 ρ) in our setting. − The bulkdiffusion coefficient isthevarianceofthepositionw.r.t. theprobability measure S (x,t)χ−1 in Zd divided by t, i.e., ρ 1 D (ρ,t) = x x S (x,t)χ−1 (v t)(v t) , (1.3) i,j i j ρ i j t(cid:26) − (cid:27) xX∈Zd where v in Rd is the velocity defined by vt = xS (x,t)χ−1 . (1.4) ρ xX∈Zd 3 For simplicity, we shall restrict ourselves to the case that the jump is symmetric in the y axis but totally asymmetric in the x axis, i.e., only jump to the right is allowed in the − x axis. Our results hold for other jump rates as well. The generator of this process is given − by 1 ( f)(η) = η (1 η )(f(ηx,x+e1) f(η))+ f(ηx,x+e2) f(η) (1.5) L x − x+e1 − 2 − xX∈Zdh (cid:0) (cid:1)i where we have combined the symmetric jump in the y-axis into the last term. We emphasize that the result and method in this paper apply to all asymmetric simple exclusion processes; the special choice is made to simplify the notation. The velocity of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process is explicitly computed as v = 2(1 2ρ)e . We further assume that 1 − the density is 1/2 so that the velocity is zero for simplicity. Denotetheinstantaneous currents(i.e., thedifference betweentherateatwhichaparticle jumps from x to x+e and the rate at which a particle jumps from x+e to x) by w˜ : i i x,x+ei η η w˜ = η [1 η ], w˜ = x+e2 − x (1.6) x,x+e1 x − x+e1 x,x+e2 2 We have the conservation law 2 η + w˜ w˜ = 0 . L 0 −ei,0 − 0,ei Xi=1 n o Let w (η) denote the renormalized current in the i-th direction: i d w (η) = w˜ w˜ w˜ (η ρ) i 0,ei −h 0,eiiρ − dθh 0,eiiθ(cid:12)θ=ρ 0 − (cid:12) Notice the subtraction of the linear term in this definition(cid:12). We have η η w (η) = (η ρ)(η ρ)+ρ[η η ], w (η) = e2 − 0 1 0 − e1 − e1 − 0 2 2 Define the semi-inner product g,h = < τ g; h > = < τ h; g > (1.7) hh iiρ x ρ x ρ · xX∈Zd xX∈Zd Since the subscript ρ is fixed to be 1/2 in this paper, we shall drop it. All but a finite number of terms in this sum vanish because ν is a product measure and g, h are mean zero. From ρ this inner product, we define the norm: f 2 = f,f . (1.8) k k hh ii Notice that all degree one functions vanish in this norm and we shall identify the currents w with their degree two parts. Therefore, for the rest of this paper, we shall put w (η) = (η ρ)(η ρ), w (η) = 0 (1.9) 1 0 − e1 − 2 Fix a unit vector ξ Zd. From some simple calculation using the Ito’s formula [7] we ∈ can rewrite the diffusivity as 1 1 t 2 ξ Dξ = t−1/2 ds (ξ w)(η(s)) . (1.10) · − 2 χ (cid:13) Z · (cid:13) (cid:13) 0 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 4 This is some variant of the Green-Kubo formula. Since w = 0, D is a matrix with all entries 2 zero except 1 1 t 2 D = + t−1/2 ds w (η(s)) . 11 1 2 χ (cid:13) Z (cid:13) (cid:13) 0 (cid:13) Recall that ∞e−λtf(t)dt λ−α as λ (cid:13)(cid:13) 0 means (in some w(cid:13)(cid:13)eak sense) that f(t) tα−1. 0 ∼ → ∼ Throughout theRfollowing λ will always be a positive real number. The main result of this article is the following Theorem. Theorem 1.1 Suppose that the density ρ = 1/2. Then there exists a constant γ > 0 so that for sufficiently small λ > 0, ∞ λ−2 logλ 2/3e−γ|logloglogλ|2 e−λt tD (t)dt λ−2 logλ 2/3eγ|logloglogλ|2 11 | | ≤ Z ≤ | | 0 From the definition, we can rewrite the diffusion coefficient as t 2 t s tD (t) = + euLw ,w duds 11 1 1 2 χ Z Z hh ii 0 0 Thus ∞ 1 2 ∞ t s e−λt tD (t)dt = + dt e−λt euLw ,w duds Z 11 2λ2 χ Z Z Z hh 1 1ii 0 0 0 0 1 2 ∞ ∞ t = + du dt e−λ(t−u) ds e−λueuLw , w 2λ2 χ Z0 nZu (cid:16)Zu (cid:17) o hh 1 1ii 1 = +χ−1λ−2 w , (λ )−1w . (1.11) 2λ2 hh 1 −L 1ii Therefore, Theorem 1.1 follows from the following estimate on the resolvent. Theorem 1.2 There exist a constant γ > 0 such that for sufficiently small λ > 0, logλ 2/3e−γ|logloglogλ|2 w ,(λ )−1w logλ 2/3eγ|logloglogλ|2 1 1 | | ≤ hh −L ii ≤ | | From the following well-known Lemma, the upper bound holds without the time integra- tion. For a proof, see [9]. Lemma 1.1 Suppose µ is an invariant measure of a process with generator . Then L t 2 Eµ t−1/2 w(η(s))ds w ,(t−1 )−1w (1.12) 1 1 Z ≤ hh −L ii h(cid:16) 0 (cid:17) i Since w is the only non-vanishing current, we shall drop the subscript 1. 1 5 2 Duality and Removal of the Hard Core Condition Denote by = (ρ) the space of ν -mean zero cylinder functions. For a finite subset Λ of ρ Zd, denote Cby ξCthe mean zero cylinder function defined by Λ η ρ x ξ = ξ , ξ = − . Λ x x ρ(1 ρ) Y x∈Λ − p Denote by the space of cylinder homogeneous functions of degree n, i.e., the space n M generated by all homogeneous monomials of degree n : = h ; h = h ξ , h R . n Λ Λ Λ M ∈ C ∈ n X o |Λ|=n Notice that in this definition all but a finite number of coefficients h vanish because h is Λ assumed tobea cylinder function. Denoteby = thespace ofcylinder functions n 1≤j≤n j C ∪ M of degree less than or equal to n. All mean zero cylinder functions h can be decomposed as a finite linear combination of cylinder functions of finite degree : = . Let n≥1 n C ∪ M = + where is the symmetric part and is the asymmetric part. Fix a function g in L S A S A : g = g ξ . A simple computation shows that the symmetric part is given by Mn Λ,|Λ|=n Λ Λ P 1 ( g)(η) = g g ξ ξ . S −2 Ω∪{x+e1} − Ω∪{x} Ω∪{x+e1} − Ω∪{x} xX∈Zd Ω,|ΩX|=n−1 n oh i Ω∩{x,x+e1}=φ The asymmetric part is decomposed into two pieces = M+J so that M maps into n A A M itself and J = J +J maps into : + − n n−1 n+1 M M ∪M 1 2ρ (Mg)(η) = − g g ξ +ξ , 2 Ω∪{x+e1} − Ω∪{x} Ω∪{x+e1} Ω∪{x} xX∈Zd Ω,|ΩX|=n−1 n oh i Ω∩{x,x+e1}=φ (J g)(η) = ρ(1 ρ) g g ξ , + − − Ω∪{x+e1} − Ω∪{x} Ω∪{x,x+e1} p xX∈Zd Ω,|ΩX|=n−1 n o Ω∩{x,x+e1}=φ (J g)(η) = ρ(1 ρ) g g ξ . − − − Ω∪{x+e1} − Ω∪{x} Ω p xX∈Zd Ω,|ΩX|=n−1 n o Ω∩{x,x+e1}=φ Restricting to the case ρ = 1/2, we have M = 0 and thus J = . Furthermore, A A∗ = A . We shall now identify monomials of degree n with symmetric functions of n + − − variables. Let denote the set with no double sites, i.e., 1 E = x := (x , ,x ) : x = x , for i = j 1 n 1 n i j E { ··· 6 6 } Define f(x , ,x ) = f , if x 1 ··· n {x1,···,xn} n ∈ E1 = 0, if x . (2.1) n 1 6∈ E 6 Notice that 1 E f ξ 2 = f(x , ,x ) 2 A A 1 n n! | ··· | (cid:8)(cid:2)|AX|=n (cid:3) (cid:9) x1,··X·,xn∈Zd From now on, we shall refer to f(x , ,x ) as homogeneous function of degree n vanishing 1 n ··· on . 1 E With this identification, we have w (0,e ) = w (e ,0) = 1 1 1 1 1 andzerootherwise. Sinceweonlyhaveonenon-vanishingcurrent, weshalldropthesubscript 1 for the rest of this paper. If g is a symmetric homogeneous function of degree n, we can check that A g(x , ,x ) + 1 n+1 ··· n+1 1 = [g(x , ,x +e , ,x , x ) g(x , ,x , ,x , ,x )] 1 i 1 j n+1 1 i j n+1 −2 ··· ··· ··· − ··· ··· ··· Xi=1 Xj6=i b b δ(x x e ) 1 δ(x x ) (2.2) j i 1 j k × − − − − Yk6=j(cid:0) (cid:1) where δ(0) = 1 and zero otherwise. We can check that n g(x , ,x ) = α 1 δ(x +σe x ) 1 n i α k S ··· − − Xi=1 σX=±αX=1,2Yk6=i(cid:0) (cid:1) [g(x , x +σe , ,x ) g(x , ,x ,, ,x )] (2.3) 1 i α n 1 i n × ··· ··· − ··· ··· where α is some constant and δ(0) = 1 and zero otherwise. The constant α is not important inthis paper andwe shall fix it so that is the same asthe discrete Laplacianwith Neumann S boundary condition on . 1 E The hard core condition makes various computation very complicated. In particular, the Fourier transform is difficult to apply. However, if we are interested only in the orders of magnitude, this condition was removed in [8]. We now summarize the main result in [8]. For a function F, we shall use the same symbol F to denote the expectation h i 1 F(x , ,x ) 1 n n! ··· x1,··X·,xn∈Z2 We now define A F using the same formula except we drop the last delta function, i.e, + n+1 1 A F(x , ,x ) = F(x , ,x +e , ,x , x ) + 1 n+1 1 i 1 j n+1 ··· −2 ··· ··· ··· Xi=1 Xj6=i h b F(x , ,x , ,x , ,x ) δ(x x e ) (2.4) 1 i j n+1 j i 1 − ··· ··· ··· − − i Notice that A F = 0. Thus the counting measure ibs invariant and we define A = A∗, h + i − − + i.e., A G,F = G,A F (2.5) − + h i −h i 7 Finally, we define L = ∆+A, A = A +A , + − where the discrete Laplacian is given by n ∆F(x ,... ,x ) = [F(x ,...x +σe ,... ,x ) F(x ,... ,x ,,... ,x )] 1 n 1 i α n 1 i n − Xi=1 σX=±αX=1,2 For the rest of this paper, we shall only work with F and L. So all functions are defined everywhere and L has no hard core condition. Denote by π the projection onto functions with degrees less than or equal to n. Let L n n be the projection of L onto the image of π , i.e., L = π Lπ . The key result of [8] is the n n n following Lemma. Lemma 2.1 For any λ > 0 fixed, we have for k 1, ≥ C−1k−10 w,L−1 w w, −1w Ck5 w,L−1w (2.6) hh 2k+1 ii ≤ hh L ii ≤ hh 2k ii The expression w,L−1w was also calculated in [8]. The resolvent equation (λ L )u = hh n ii − n w can be written as (λ S)u A u =0, n + n−1 − − A∗u +(λ S)u A u =0, n 1 k 3 (2.7) + k+1 − k − + k−1 − ≥ ≥ A∗u +(λ S)u =w. + 3 − 2 We can solve the first equation of (2.7) by u = (λ S)−1A u . n + n−1 − Substituting this into the equation of degree n 1, we have − −1 u = (λ S)+A∗(λ S)−1A u . n−1 − + − + n−2 h i Solving iteratively we arrive at −1 −1 −1 u = (λ S)+A∗ (λ S)+ +A∗ (λ S)+A∗(λ S)−1A A A w. 2 − + − ··· + − + − + + + h n (cid:16) (cid:17) o i This gives an explicit expression for w,(λ L )−1w , for example, 3 hh − ii −1 w,(λ L )−1w = w, λ S +A∗(λ S)−1A w . hh − 3 ii hh − + − + ii h i −1 −1 w,(λ L )−1w = w, λ S +A∗ λ S +A∗(λ S)−1A A w . hh − 4 ii hh − + − + − + + ii h n o i w,(λ L )−1w (2.8) 5 hh − ii −1 −1 = w, λ S +A∗ λ S +A∗[λ S +A∗(λ S)−1A ]−1A A w . hh − + − + − + − + + + ii h n o i This is the expression we shall estimate for the rest of the paper. 8 3 Main Estimate We now introduce the following convention: Denote the component of p by (r,s). Denote p = (p , ,p ),r = (r , ,r ) and s = (s , ,s ). The Fourier transform of n 1 n n 1 n n 1 n ··· ··· ··· [F(x +e , ,x ) F(x , ,x )]δ(x = x +e ) 1 1 n 1 n n+1 1 1 ··· − ··· is given by [F(x +e , ,x ) F(x , ,x )]e−i[x1p1+···+xnpn+(x1+e1)pn+1] 1 1 n 1 n ··· − ··· Xx = eir1 e−irn+1 Fˆ(p +p , ,p ) [i(r +r )] Fˆ(p +p , ,p ) 1 n+1 n 1 n+1 1 n+1 n − ··· ∼ ··· (cid:2) (cid:3) All functions considered for the rest of this paper are symmetric periodic functions of period 2π. Since F is symmetric, we have n+1 A[F(p ) = (eirj e−irm)Fˆ(p , ,p +p , ,p , ,p ) (3.1) + n+1 1 j m m n+1 − − ··· ··· ··· jX<m c We can also compute the discrete Laplacian acting on F n \∆F(p ) = eiekpj 2+e−iekpj Fˆ(p , ,p ) = ω(p )Fˆ(p ) n 1 n n n − − − ··· Xj=1 kX=1,2(cid:2) (cid:3) where ω(p ) = n ω(p ) and n j=1 j P ω(p ) = eirj 2+e−irj eisj 2+e−isj (3.2) j − − − − (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) We shall abuse the notation a bit by denoting also ω(r ) = eirj 2+e−irj j − − (cid:2) (cid:3) Notice that ω(x) = 0 iff x 0 mod π. When x 0 mod π, we have ≡ ∼ p ω(x) sinx (3.3) ∼ | | p By definition, we have 1 F,G = F¯(x , ,x )G(x +z, ,x +z) 1 n 1 n hh ii n! ··· ··· Xz x1X,···,xn 1 = dp dp Fˆ(p , ,p )Gˆ(p , ,p )ei(p1+···+pn)z 1 n 1 n 1 n n! Z ··· ··· ··· Xz 1 ˆ ˆ = dp dp δ p + +p F(p , ,p )G(p , ,p ) (3.4) 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n n! Z ··· ··· ··· ··· (cid:0) (cid:1) In other words, when consider the inner product , , we can consider the class of hh· ·ii Fˆ(p , ,p ) defined only on the subspace p 0 mod 2π. We shall simply use the 1 ··· n j j ≡ notation jpj = 0 to denote the last conditiPon. FromPnow on, we work only on the moment space and all functions are defined in terms of the momentum variables. Let dµ (p ) denote the measure n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 1 dµ (p ) = δ p dp (3.5) n+1 n+1 j j (n+1)! (cid:16)Xj=1 (cid:17)Yj=1 9 3.1 Statement of the Main Estimate Let τ be a positive constant and define τ(p ) = ω(p ) logλ −2τ (3.6) n n G { ≤ | | } Denote the complement of τ by τ. Define for κ 0 the two operators G B ≥ Un (p ) = ω(r ) log(λ+ω(p )) κ, p τ; κ,τ n n | n | n ∈ G = ω(r ) log(λ+ω(p )) , p τ (3.7) n n n | | ∈ B Vn (p ) = ω(r ) log(λ+ω(p )) κ, p τ; κ,τ n n | n | n ∈ G = loglogλ 2ω(r ), p τ. (3.8) n n −| | ∈ B The main estimates of this paper are the following Theorem. Theorem 3.1 Let κ and τ be nonnegative numbers satisfying 0 κ 1 < τ (3.9) ≤ ≤ Let n be any positive integers such that n10 loglogλ 1/2 (3.10) ≤ | | Suppose that for some γ loglogλ −3 ≤ | | Ω γVn+1 (3.11) n+1 ≥ κ,2τ as an operator. Let κ˜ = 1 κ/2 . (3.12) − Then A∗(λ S +Ω )−1A γ−1 loglogλ 2Un (3.13) + − n+1 n+1 + ≤ | | κ˜,τ as an operator. On the other hand, if Ω γ−1Un+1 (3.14) n+1 ≤ κ,τ Then we have A∗(λ S +Ω )−1A CγVn (3.15) + − n+1 n+1 + ≥ κ˜,2τ as an operator. 10