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Localization of weakly disordered flat band states Daniel Leykam,1,2 Joshua D. Bodyfelt,3 Anton S. Desyatnikov,1,4 and Sergej Flach3,5 1Nonlinear Physics Centre, Research School of Physics and Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia 2Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637371, Singapore 3New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study, Centre for Theoretical Chemistry & Physics, Massey University, 0745 Auckland, New Zealand 4Physics Department, School of Science and Technology, Nazarbayev University, 53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave., Astana, Kazakhstan 5Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, Korea 6 (Dated: January 18, 2016) 1 0 Certain tight binding lattices host macroscopically degenerate flat spectral bands. Their origin 2 is rooted in local symmetries of the lattice, with destructive interference leading to the existence of compact localized eigenstates. A recent study of a particular one-dimensional lattice [EPL 105, n 30001 (2014)] showed that weak diagonal disorder hybridizes compact eigenstates with dispersive a J bands, leading to Fano resonances, Cauchy-tailed effective disorder potentials, and a loss of single parameter scaling. Here we generalize to different classes of flat band lattices in one and two 5 dimensions as well as off-diagonal disorder, revealing different scaling exponents for the Anderson 1 localization length and confirming the broad applicability of the underlying Fano-Cauchy physics. ] n PACSnumbers: 03.65.Ge,73.20.Fz n - s I. INTRODUCTION ofaperturbationinasystematicway? Anespeciallyrel- i d evant perturbation is disorder, which is inevitable in any . t physicalsystem. Andersonlocalizationintheseflatband a Wave dynamics reflect the symmetries and topologies systems is thus an interesting problem, which has been m imprinted by an underlying periodic potential. Restric- explored in several recent works [16–20]. - tions to a few bands of the dispersion relation lead to ef- d fective lattice equations. The resulting wave nature, i.e. Several FB construction pathways using graph theory n the corresponding characteristic lengths and time scales, were suggested [7, 21–24]. Another route uses compact o canvarystrongly. Examplesincludeelectronsincrystals eigenstates which are fully localized on several lattice c [ or in artificial quantum dot arrays [1], ultracold atoms sites[7,25]. Theoriginofsuchacompactlocalizedstate in optical lattices [2], microwaves in dielectric resonator (CLS)isdestructiveinterference,effectivelydecouplingit 1 networks [3], and light propagation in waveguide net- from the rest of the lattice. A recently published detan- v works [4]. The width of one of these bands corresponds gling procedure allows to transform FB models hosting 4 to a certain amount of available kinetic energy. Addi- CLSintoFanolattices[26],wherebyaperturbativediag- 8 7 tionalinteractionsbetweentheconstituentwavesleadto onal disorder potential is split into two parts. With the 3 interesting new phenomena under competition with the use of the local symmetries of a CLS, the first part lifts 0 kinetic energy (for instance, see references in recent re- their degeneracy, while keeping the eigenstates compact. 1. views on topological flat bands [5, 6]). The more narrow The second perturbative part hybridizes the CLS with 0 the band, the weaker the interaction strength needed to the continuum of dispersive degrees of freedom, in anal- 6 get into nonperturbative interaction regimes. ogy with Fano resonances [27]. The result for a partic- 1 ular 1D cross-stitch network was the localization length A particularly interesting situation arises when some : ξ scaling with diagonal disorder strength W as ξ ∼1/W v of the dispersion parts become strictly flat. Such flat i at the FB energy – at variance to the familiar ξ ∼1/W2 X bands (FB) have been studied in a number of lattice law away from the FB energy [26]. models in three-dimensional, two-dimensional, and even r a one-dimensional (1D) settings [7–9], and recently real- Inthiswork,weapplythedetanglingideas[26]toava- izedexperimentally withphotonicwaveguidearrays[10– riety of different quasi-1D and 2D lattices, and consider 12], exciton-polariton condensates [13, 14], and cold both diagonal and off-diagonal disorder. We find that in atoms [15]. In this case, any relevant perturbation may all cases, weak disorder turns a CLS into a strong Fano lift the macroscopic degeneracy, and define the type of scatterer for dispersive waves under an effective Cauchy- emerging eigenstates. Most of the lattice models with tailed disorder. We characterize disordered FB states flat bands are obtained by intuitive procedures, leaving by computing how their localization length scales with open questions. Is there a constructive way to generate weak disorder, displaying a whole variety of unconven- flat band models? Can such a construction method help tional emerging exponents and a violation of single pa- in detangling flat band (FB) states from the dispersive rameter scaling [28, 29], confirming the broad applica- part of the lattice? Can this be used to track the impact bility of the Fano-Cauchy physics. We show that in 2D 2 lattices Fano scatterers can no longer trap and localize waves,butresonancesstillaffectthescalingofothermea- + + sures of localization such as the eigenmode participation number. Dˆ f n Westartbyreviewingthedetanglingprocedureforflat − band lattices in Sec. II and Anderson localization under the resulting Cauchy-tailed disorder in Sec. III, before applying the detangling to four 1D example lattices in FIG. 1. Schematics of the detangling procedure. Left: the Sec.IV.Sec.Vdiscussesthegeneralizationto2Dsystems 1D sawtooth lattice. A compact localized state of its flat and we summarize our results in Sec. VI. band excites three sites with amplitudes as indicated by the ± signs. A local rotation Dˆ transforms the lattice to its de- tangledversion(right),consistingofdecoupledFanostatesf n II. FLAT BAND MODELS, COMPACT only coupled to the lattice via perturbations (dashed links), LOCALIZED STATES, AND DETANGLING whereastheblacklinksindicatehoppingterms(notnecessar- ilyuniform)thatarenonzerointheabsenceofperturbations. Consideralatticewaveeigenvalueproblemofthetype (cid:80) EΨ =(cid:15) Ψ − t Ψ ,wherethewavecomponents n n n m nm m Ψ are complex scalars allocated to points on a peri- malcompletebasisfortheflatband. ForU >1theCLS n odic lattice, the matrix t defines an interaction be- lackorthogonality, butmaystillformalinearlyindepen- nm tween them, and (cid:15) are onsite energies. The eigenvec- dentset(apparentlyforallknown1Dcases)whichforms n tors of such a tight binding model are delocalized Bloch a complete basis for the flat band. On the other hand, waves with eigenenergies E ((cid:126)k) forming a band struc- plenty of 2D examples with U > 1 have a set of CLS ν ture, where (cid:126)k is the Bloch wavevector and ν = 1,...,µ which is linearly dependent. In that case, the missing stateswhichcompletetheflatbandbasisarecompactlo- is the band index. Excluding the trivial case of just one calizedlines(CLL)extendedinonelatticedirectionwhile band,µ=1,weconsidermodelswithatleastoneFBfor which E ((cid:126)k) = const. Due to the macroscopic degener- staying compact in the orthogonal one. They originate ν from protected touchings of the flat band with the edge acy of the FB, its Bloch waves may be mixed to obtain of a dispersive band and represent a nontrivial mixture localized FB eigenvectors (analogous to the construction of extended (dispersive) and localized (CLS) states [25]. of Wannier functions [30]). It is tempting to search for For U = 1 we can detangle all CLS simultaneously. cases supporting compact localized eigenvectors that are When U > 1, one can perform a similar detangling by strictlyzerooutsideafiniteinterval[7],althoughnogen- considering a superlattice formed by groups of U unit eral theorem guarantees their existence. When they do cells. Using such an enlarged unit cell, N/U of the flat exist, such compact localized states can be further clas- band states become CLS of class U = 1, which can de- sified by the number of unit cells they span, U. tangled exactly as above. In many cases this partial de- ThenonzeroamplitudesΨ ofeachCLSdefineadirec- n tangling of the flat band is sufficient to understand the tion in the vector space formed by the lattice wave am- plitudes. ArotationDˆ canthusbeperformedtoproduce impactofperturbationssuchasdisorder,especiallywhen the perturbations destroy the translational invariance of a new basis vector(cid:126)e aligning with the CLS direction, CLS the lattice. along with a remaining set of orthogonal basis vectors (cid:126)e . This local rotation, which respects the symmetry of ⊥ a given CLS, literally rotates the CLS degree of freedom out of the lattice, as illustrated in Fig. 1. III. DISORDER When starting with a network of M lattice points and N <M unit cells, applying this transformation will pro- Now consider the effect of disorder on the above lat- duce one detangled CLS satisfying a trivial equation of tices, such that onsite potentials are uncorrelated, uni- the type EΨ = E Ψ and M −1 equations for the formly distributed random variables, (cid:15) ∈[−W/2,W/2]. S FB S n remainingnetwork. Thebenefitofapplyingsuchatrans- Generically,thesymmetricpartofthedisorderwillsmear formation is that perturbations to the original Hamilto- out the energy of the CLS to a width W while retaining nian network can then be split into a symmetric part their compactness. The antisymmetric part couples the which maintains the existence of the CLS, but possibly CLS to the other dispersive states, which are typically shifting its energy, and an antisymmetric part that cou- Anderson-localized to a size of ξ ∼1/W2 [31] in 1D sys- ples it into the remaining degrees of freedom (dispersive tems, and potentially to neighbouring CLS and to CLL. bandstates,andpossiblyafinitenumberofneighbouring We can understand the effect of coupling the disor- CLS).Inparticular,weimmediatelyobservethatthisan- dered CLS to the dispersive states by introducing a tisymmtric coupling is local in space due to the compact generalized Fano-Anderson model [27]. For sufficiently nature of the CLS. weak disorder, we can restrict our attention to the near- ForU =1thesetofallCLS(notethatthereisalways resonantinteractionbetweentheCLSandtheclosestdis- one CLS per flat band and unit cell) forms an orthonor- persive band. Interaction with other dispersive bands 3 will be nonresonant and much weaker. In this two-band simplyintermsofthedivergentvarianceofthepotential: approximation, the eigenvalue problem reduces to given a long enough chain, one is certain to encounter a potential barrier large enough to classically trap the Epn =Vnpn+(cid:15)−nfn−pn−1−pn+1, wave, i.e. larger than the wave’s kinetic energy. In con- (1) Ef =(E +(cid:15)+)f +(cid:15)−p , trast, thelocalizationmechanismforsmallW intheAn- n FB n n n n derson model is weak localization, an interference effect where pn are amplitudes corresponding to the nearest with no classical analogue, because the trapping poten- dispersive band, fn are the CLS amplitudes (analogous tial is always smaller than the kinetic energy. to Fano states in the Fano-Anderson model), Vn is a One can thus expect at E =EFB different power laws boundedtermaccountingfortheeffectofdisorderonthe compared to the conventional Anderson model, originat- dispersive band, and (cid:15)± are the (anti)symmetric parts of ing from the Cauchy-tailed effective disorder potential. n the disorder potential affecting the FBS. Since the Fano Heavytailsalsopersistforsmalldetunings|E−E |=δ FB statesarelocallycoupledtotherelevantdispersiveband, from E , as long as δ (cid:46)W and E−E −(cid:15)+ =0 has FB FB n the Fano state amplitudes fn can be eliminated from a solution. For small shifts, one can thus expect a cross- Eqs. (1) leaving over in scaling behaviour at W ∼ δ, e.g. from ν = 1 to ν =2. (cid:18) ((cid:15)−)2 (cid:19) Epn = Vn+ E−EFnB −(cid:15)+n pn−pn−1−pn+1. (2) areWehveanneEscFeBntisepveonsitfioornevdaniinshainggapd,itshoreddeirs,paenrsdivtehsetadtiess- tance from E to the dispersive band edge sets the lo- It is immediately seen that the Fano state leads to a FB calizationlengthsimilartoadefectstate. Weakdisorder resonant enhancement of the effective onsite potential, merely determines the degree of hybridization between via the second term in the brackets. In particular, cal- the evanescent waves and CLS. Hence we expect an ex- culating the probability distribution function (PDF) of ponentν =0,withanonzerofiniteξ(W →0)determined z =1/(cid:15)+ yields [26] n bythedetuningoftheflatbandfromthedispersiveband 2 (cid:90) (cid:18)2 (cid:19) edge. W(z)= P(y)P −y dy, Movingtohigherdimensionallattices,d>1,thisFano z2 z resonancepicturewillpersist. Itis,however,alwayspos- where P(x) is the PDF of the random variable (cid:15)+. At sibleforwavestotravelaroundaresonantFanostate,so n E = E , a bounded uniformly distributed disorder Anderson-localized dispersive waves cannot be trapped FB is transformed into one resembling a Cauchy distribu- by Fano resonances and conventional scaling of ξ is ex- tion, with heavy tails W(z) ∼ 1/z2 for large z. This pected. On the other hand, the enhancement of inten- type of distribution resembles the Lloyd model [32] – an sity at resonance can still influence other measures of lo- Anderson-type model in which the onsite energies (cid:15)˜ are calization, such as the eigenmode participation number n drawn from a Cauchy distribution, P = 1/(cid:80)n|Ψn|4, which counts the number of strongly excited lattice sites. 1 W P(x)= . All results from above have to be compared to the im- πx2+W2 pact of the coupling of CLS amongst each other (U >1) or to the potential coupling between CLS and CLL. The Thouless[33]andIshii[34]derivedthelocalizationlength network of weakly coupled and disordered CLS (U > 1) ξ for the Lloyd model, given as will yield a localization length which is independent of 4cosh(ξ−1)=(cid:112)(2+E)2+W2+(cid:112)(2−E)2+W2, the disorder strength in the limit of weak disorder, since boththeCLS-CLScouplingmatrixelementsandtheCLS For energies within the band, −2 < E < 2, a Taylor energy detuning are proportional to W. This effect will expansion for small ξ−1 and W yields therefore be of potential importance only for flat bands locatedingaps,andthecorrespondinglocalizationlength (cid:112) ξ−1 =W/ 4−E2, has to be compared to the above discussed one which originates from the coupling between gapped CLS and Thus, ξ ∼ 1/Wν displays a power law scaling with ex- dispersive states. As for the coupling between CLS and ponent ν = 1, in contrast to the ν = 2 scaling of the CLL, we have to refer to future work, as this aspect is conventional 1D Anderson model. currently not understood in detail. Similarly, at the dispersive band edge E =±2, a weak disorder expansion yields (cid:112) IV. EXAMPLES ξ−1 = 2/W, with exponent ν =1/2, in contrast to the usual ν =2/3 We now apply the above formalism to some 1D ex- when the disorder potential is bounded [35]. amples generalizing the cross-stitch lattice studied in In other words, for small W the Lloyd model displays Ref. [26]. In particular, we consider the effect of on- muchstrongerlocalization. Thiscanbeunderstoodquite site disorder on lattices with multiple flat bands (1D py- 4 rochlore) and flat bands of class U = 2 (stub and 1D with (p ,p ,f ,f ) = Dˆ(a ,b ,c ,d ), and the 1,n 2,n 1,n 2,n n n n n Lieb), and the effect of coupling disorder in the tunable diagonal disorder terms transforming to Dˆdiag((cid:15)j)Dˆ−1 n diamond ladder. (here diag((cid:15)j) denotes a diagonal matrix with elements n (cid:15)j on the diagonal). The transformed disorder thus has n both diagonal and off-diagonal components. Rewriting A. 1D Pyrochlore Eq. (3) in terms of the detangled variables, we obtain an equivalent set of amplitude equations, As an example of a U = 1 flat band lattice, we con- Ef =((cid:15)p1 +2)f +(cid:15)p2f +(cid:15)f1p +(cid:15)f2p , siderthe1DpyrochlorelatticeofFig.2(a). Itsamplitude 1,n n 1,n n 2,n n 1,n n 2,n equations read Ef2,n =(cid:15)pn2f1,n+(cid:15)pn1f2,n+(cid:15)fn2p1,n+(cid:15)fn1p2,n, (5) Ep =(cid:15)f1f +(cid:15)f2f +((cid:15)p1 −2)p +(cid:15)p2p − Ea =(cid:15)aa −b −b −d −c , 1,n n 1,n n 2,n n 1,n n 2,n n n n n n−1 n n−1 p −p +p −p , 1,n−1 1,n+1 2,n−1 2,n+1 Eb =(cid:15)bb −a −c −a −d , n n n n n n+1 n+1 Ep =(cid:15)f2f +(cid:15)f1f +(cid:15)p2p +(cid:15)p1p + Ec =(cid:15)cc −b −d −a −d , (3) 2,n n 1,n n 2,n n 1,n n 2,n n n n n n n+1 n+1 p +p −p +p , 2,n−1 2,n+1 1,n−1 1,n+1 Ed =(cid:15)dd −a −c −b −c . n n n n n n−1 n−1 corresponding to the “detangled” lattice in Fig. 2(c). Intheabsenceoftheonsitepotential(cid:15),therearetwoflat Note in particular the structure of the effective coupling bands and two dispersive bands, terms: symmetric parts yielding effective onsite poten- tials, and antisymmetric parts locally coupling the Fano √ E ={0,2}, E(k)=−1∓ 5+4cosk, states to the dispersive degrees of freedom, exactly as FB advertised in the previous section. plotted in Fig. 2(b). The first CLS (E =0) is Hence if the potential satisfies the local symmetry FB,1 (cid:15)f1 = (cid:15)f2 = 0 then the two CLS f decouple from n n {1,2},n 1 1 the dispersive degrees of freedom p . If that sym- a =b = δ , c =d =− δ {1,2},n n n 2 n,m n n 2 n,m metry is additionally supported on all unit cells, then all CLS decouple with the individual energies with a corresponding four-dimensional local basis vector (cid:114) 2o)f (cid:126)eisCLS,1 = (1,−1,1,−1)/2. The second CLS (EFB,2 = E =1+(cid:15)pn1± 1+(cid:16)(cid:15)pn2(cid:17)2. 1 1 Note that if (cid:15)p2 (cid:54)= 0, the two CLS hybridize, but retain a =c = δ , b =d =− δ n n n 2 n,m n n 2 n,m their compactness otherwise. Because the coupling to the CLS is purely local, one with a local basis vector of (cid:126)eCLS,2 = (1,1,−1,−1)/2. can use the first two lines of Eq. (5) to eliminate the These two local basis vectors define two Fano states f variables for arbitrary (cid:15) , leaving equations for {1,2},n n f{1,2},n for each unit cell, the dispersive variables p{1,2},n subject to a resonantly- enhancedeffectivedisorderpotential,inthesamemanner 1 astheprevioussection. Wehenceexpectquantitiessuch f = (a ∓b ±c −d ), {1,2},n 2 n n n n as the localization length to be modified by an effective (cid:15)f{1,2} = 1((cid:15)a ∓(cid:15)b ±(cid:15)c −(cid:15)d) Cauchy-tailed disorder. n 4 n n n n We verify this by numerically calculating the localiza- tionlengthξ(W)usingthetransfernumbermethodout- while the remaining two-dimensional orthogonal sub- lined in the Appendix, assuming uncorrelated and uni- space spanned by (cid:126)e encodes the two remaining disper- ⊥ formly distributed disorder (cid:15) ∈ [−W/2,W/2], where W sivedegreesoffreedomp ,correspondingtothetwo {1,2},n is the disorder strength. We consider the scaling of ξ dispersive spectral branches of Fig. 2(b), with W at different energies in Fig. 2(d). Away from the flat bands, we observe the usual ν = 2 and ν = 2/3 1 p = (a ±b ±c +d ), within and at band edges respectively, while at each of {1,2},n 2 n n n n theflatbandenergiesananomalousν =1/2isobserved. 1 (cid:15)p{1,2} = ((cid:15)a ±(cid:15)b ±(cid:15)c +(cid:15)d). Thus,theFanomodelremainsapplicabletolatticeswith n 4 n n n n multipleflatbands,wherethedisorderintroduces(weak) These transformations can be encoded in the local rota- hybridization between their CLS. tion Dˆ, 1 1 1 1  B. 1D Stub 1 1 −1 −1 1 Dˆ =  , (4) 21 −1 1 −1 Foroursecondexampleweconsiderthe1Dstublattice 1 1 −1 −1 showninFig.3(a),whichisofclassU =2. Itseigenmode 5 (a) (b) transformed amplitudes 2 1 ) 0 fn = √ (c2n−1−b2n−1+c2n), k 3 ( E-2 1 p = √ (c −c ), 1,n 2n−1 2n 2 -4 1 0 k � p2,n = √ (c2n−1+2b2n−1+c2n), 6 (c) (d)104 p 1,n 103 ν=2/3 ν=2 correspond to the local rotation (p1,n,p2,n,fn) = Dˆ(c ,b ,c ) with ξ102 2n−1 2n−1 2n f1,n f2,n 101  √1 0 −√1  ν=1/2 2 2 Dˆ = √1 √2 √1 . (7) 100  6 6 6  p √1 −√1 √1 2,n 10-1 3 3 3 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 W Similarly transforming the potentials, 1 FIG. 2. (a) The 1D pyrochlore lattice. Circles denote lat- (cid:15)fn = 3((cid:15)c2n−1+(cid:15)b2n−1+(cid:15)c2n), ticesites,solidlinesarehopping(off-diagonal)elementswith 1 strength 1. Filled circles show profile of a compact local- (cid:15) = √ ((cid:15)c −(cid:15)c ), n 2n−1 2n ized state, with alternating signs its amplitudes as indicated. 6 (b) Irreducible band structure, for onsite energies (cid:15) = 0. 1 γ = √ ((cid:15)c −2(cid:15)b +(cid:15)c ), (c) Equivalent lattice detangled by Eq. (5). Solid lines in- n 2n−1 2n−1 2n 3 2 dicate dispersive coupling terms (grey lines carry the oppo- site sign as compared to the black ones), while the dashed and substituting into Eq. (6), we obtain the equivalent disorder-inducedcouplingtermsare,fromlightesttodarkest, detangled lattice {(cid:15)p2,(cid:15)f1,(cid:15)f1}. (d) Scaling of Anderson localization length ξ n n n with disorder strength W, ξ ∼ 1/Wν, for different energies Ef =(cid:15)ff +(cid:15) p +γ p , n n n n 1,n n 2,n E. Solidlinesmarkdifferentpowerlawexponentsν. E =−2 (cid:18) (cid:19) γ (cid:15) (circles, ν = 2/3), E = 0 (squares, ν = 1/2), E = 2 (*, Ep =(cid:15) f + (cid:15)f + √n p + √n p 1,n n n n 1,n 2,n ν =1/2), E =1 (triangles, ν =2). 2 2 1 +√ (a −a ), 2n 2n−1 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) equations are (cid:15) γ Ep =γ f + √n p + (cid:15)f − √n p 2,n n n 1,n n 2,n 2 2 Ea =(cid:15)aa −b −b −c , (cid:114) n n n n−1 n n 3 Ebn =(cid:15)bnbn−an−an+1, (6) − 2(a2n−1+a2n), (8) Ecn =(cid:15)cncn−an, Ea =(cid:15)a a −b − √1 p −(cid:114)3p , 2n−1 2n−1 2n−1 2n−2 2 1,n 2 2,n with spectrum (for (cid:15)=0) (cid:114) 1 3 Ea =(cid:15)a a −b + √ p − p , √ 2n 2n 2n 2n 2 1,n 2 2,n E =0, E(k)=± 3+2cosk, FB Eb =(cid:15)b b −a −a , 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n+1 plotted in Fig. 3(b). A CLS occupies a minumum of two illustratedinFig.3(c). Thep ,p sitesformtwosepa- 1,j 2,j unit cells, ratepathsbetweenthea anda sites;destructivein- 2j−1 2j terference between these paths can suppress wave trans- 1 1 port,correspondingtothe“missing”flatbandstatesnot a =0, b =−√ δ , c = √ (δ +δ ). n n n,m n n,m n,m+1 3 3 included in our detangling. In fact, these missing states form a flat band of class U = 2 in the detangled lattice; To detangle the lattice, we introduce a supercell formed thusbyrepeatedlyapplyingthedetanglingprocedureone by two unit cells, and perform rotations in the 3- canisolatealargerfractionoftheFBStoidentifysymme- dimensional subspace occupied by the CLS (leaving the triesinthedisorderpotentialthatleavethemdecoupled. a sublattice invariant). This detangling will only ac- Forexample,thedetangledFanostatesf arecompletely n j count for half of the flat band states, and we wish to decoupled from the chain in the absence of disorder, and determine whether this partial detangling is sufficient to they remain decoupled if the disorder has the local sym- understand the properties of the disordered system. The metry (cid:15) =γ =0. n n 6 (a) (b) plotted in Fig. 4(b). In contrast to the stub lattice, the 2 Lieblatticehasdispersivebandsinresonancewithitsflat 1 band,soweanticipatenontrivialscalingofitslocalization k)0 length. The flat band’s CLS is ( E -1 1 1 a =b =0, c =d = δ , e = (δ +δ ). n n n n 2 n,m n 2 n,m n,m+1 -2 0 k � Applying the transformation (c) (d) 104 fn p 103 ν=2/3 ν=2 {a¯n,c¯n}= √1 (an∓bn), (cid:8)¯bn,d¯n(cid:9)= √1 (dn∓cn) 1,n 2 2 b ξ102 e corresponding to the rotation 101 a a ν=0 e o 1 −1 0 0 0  p 100 0 0 −1 1 0 2,n 1   10-1 Dˆ = √ 1 1 0 0 0 , 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 20 0 1 1 0  W √ 0 0 0 0 2 FIG. 3. (a) The stub lattice. Circles denote lattice sites, and similarly transforming the disorder potential by solid lines are hopping (off-diagonal) elements with strength Dˆdiag((cid:15)j)Dˆ−1, 1. Filled circles show profile of a compact localized state, n with alternating signs its amplitudes as indicated. (b) Ir- reducible band structure, for onsite energies (cid:15) = 0. (c) (cid:15)1± = 1(cid:0)(cid:15)a ±(cid:15)b(cid:1), (cid:15)2± = 1(cid:0)±(cid:15)c +(cid:15)d(cid:1), n 2 n n n 2 n n EquivalentlatticedetangledbyEq.(8). Dispersivecouplings (cid:112) (cid:112) are ± 1/2,−1,− 3/2 (from light to dark). The disorder- we obtain the partially-detangled lattice √ induced couplings are respectively (cid:15) / 2,(cid:15) ,γ (from light to dark). To conserve space, the notnations ane =n a2n−2,be = Ea¯n =(cid:15)1n+a¯n−¯bn−1−¯bn+(cid:15)1n−c¯n, b2n−2,ao = a2n−1 have been used. (d) Scaling of Anderson E¯b =(cid:15)2+¯b −a¯ −a¯ +(cid:15)2−d¯ , localizationlengthξwithdisorderstrengthW,ξ∼1/Wν,for n n n n n+1 n n √ different energies E. Solid lines mark different power law ex- Ec¯ =(cid:15)1+c¯ +(cid:15)1−a¯ −d¯ −d¯ −e 2, (10) n n n n n n−1 n n p√onents ν. E =0 (circles, ν =0), E =1 (squares, ν =2/3), Ed¯ =(cid:15)2+d¯ +(cid:15)2−¯b −c¯ −c¯ , 2 (triangles, ν =2). n n n n n n n+1 √ Ee =(cid:15)ee −c¯ 2, n n n n Turning to the scaling of the localization length in shown in Fig. 4(c). It consists of an ordinary 1D chain Fig. 2(d), since the flat band is isolated from the disper- with (a¯ ,¯b ) sites, corresponding to the middle two dis- n n sive band by a gap, there is no scaling at E (ν = 0), persive bands, coupled via disorder to a 1D stub lattice. FB and the dispersive band displays the expected exponents One could further detangle this stub lattice is a man- ν = 2/3 and 2. Moving slightly away from E , non- ner similar to the calculations above, but this partial de- FB trivial behaviour of ξ(E,W) induced by a gapped flat tangling is already sufficient to understand the effect of band was recently reported in Ref. [20]: the decay of ξ disorder. as |E−E | increases is nonmonotonic. Incontrasttothepreviousexamples,intheLieblattice FB there are two possible transmission channels for the dis- persivewaves,correspondingtoeither(a¯ ,¯b )or(c¯ ,d¯ ) n n n n C. 1D Lieb chains, leading to two distinct localization lengths which can be computed using the transfer matrix method out- AsasecondexampleofclassU =2weconsiderthe1D lined in the Appendix. The observed power law scalings Lieb lattice shown in Fig. 4(a). Its eigenmode equations in Fig. 4(d) show some interesting features caused by either the resonant interaction between CLS and a dis- Ean =(cid:15)anan−dn−1−dn−en, persive channel, or between the two dispersive channels. Ebn =(cid:15)bnbn−cn−1−cn−en, At EFB there are two exponents: ν =0, and ν ≈4/3. The ν = 0 exponent corresponds to transmission along Ec =(cid:15)cc −b −b , (9) n n n n n+1 the“stub”partofthedetangledlattice;sinceitsflatband Edn =(cid:15)dndn−an−an+1, is separated by a gap, there is no scaling of its localiza- Ee =(cid:15)ee −a −b , tionlength,asexpected. Ontheotherhand,modesofthe n n n n n (a¯ ,¯b ) chain are in resonance with the stub’s flat band n n yield (for (cid:15)=0) the spectrum states, leading toa Fano resonance-inducedmodification (cid:110) √ √ (cid:111) to its scaling. Since the CLS do notexcite the c¯n sublat- EFB =0, E(k)= ± 2+2cosk,± 4+2cosk , tice, disorder can only directly couple the Fano states to 7 (a) (b) in our case, the Fano rotations generically mix disorder 2 terms into a combination of effective onsite and hopping disorder. Thus, pure hopping disorder and pure onsite ) (k0 disorder have qualitatively similar effects, so there are E no delocalized states at E . As an explicit example, FB -2 consider the U = 1 diamond ladder with hopping disor- der shown in Fig. 5(a). Its eigenmode equations read 0 k � (c) (d)104 Ean =−C1,nbn−C3,nbn+1−C5,ncn, e¯n 103 ν=4/3 ν=2 Ebn =−C3,n−1an−1−C1,nan−C4,n−1cn−1−C2,ncn, Ec =−C b −C b −C a , (11) ξ102 ν=2/3 n 2,n n 4,n n+1 5,n n c¯n d¯n 101 where the hopping is taken from uniformly distributed ν=0 random variables C ∈1+[−W/2,W/2], and C ∈ 1−4,n 5,n 100 t+[−W/2,W/2]. To ensure positive nonzero couplings a¯n ¯bn 10-1 – generally the case for ordinary evanescently coupled 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 waveguidearrays–weenforcetherestrictionW <(cid:98)t,1(cid:99). W In the ordered case W = 0 the cross coupling term C 5,n shifts the energy of the flat band to E =t, opening a FB FIG. 4. (a) The 1D Lieb lattice. Circles denote lattice sites, gap between the two dispersive bands, see eg. Fig. 5(b) solid lines are hopping (off-diagonal) elements with strength showing the spectrum for t = 1. When t > 2, E 1. Filledcirclesshowprofileofacompactlocalizedstate,with FB becomes separated from dispersive bands by a gap. alternating signs its amplitudes as indicated. (b) Irreducible WereducetheeigenvalueproblemtotheFanoformby band structure, for onsite energies (cid:15)=0. (c) Equivalent lat- √ making the rotation tice detangled by Eq. (10). The fixed couplings are −1,− 2 (light/dark). The disorder-induced couplings are (cid:15)1− (light) n C a −C c C a +C c and (cid:15)2n− (dark) (d) Scaling of Anderson localization length ξ fn = (cid:113)4,n n 3,n n, pn = (cid:113)3,n n 4,n n, withdisorderstrengthW,ξ∼1/Wν,fordifferentenergiesE. C2 +C2 C2 +C2 3,n 4,n 3,n 4,n Solid lines mark different power law exponents ν. E =0 (+, √ ν = 0,4/3), E = 1 (circles, ν = 0,2), 2 (*, ν = 2/3,4/3), E =√1.8 (diamonds, ν =2,2), E =2 (squares, ν =2/3,4/3), corresponding to (pn,fn)=Dˆ(an,cn) with E = 6 (triangles, ν =0,2/3). (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 C −C Dˆ = 4,n 3,n . (12) (cid:113) C C C2 +C2 3,n 4,n the ¯b sublattice, i.e. there is only a Fano resonance at 3,n 4,n n every second latticesite. This resembles thegeometry of Notably, here the detangling itself depends on the disor- the diamond ladder studied extensively in Ref. [19], and der. The eigenmode equations become remarkablyweobtainthesamescalingexponentν ≈4/3 even though the physical lattice is completely different. (E−C )f =−C˜ b −C˜ p , 5,n n 2,n n 4,n n A second pair of anomalies occur at the energies E = √ (E+C )p =−C˜ b −C˜ b −C˜ f , (13) 2,2,whichbothhaveexponentsν =2/3,4/3. Atthese 5,n n 3,n n 1,n n+1 4,n n energies one of the dispersive channels has a band edge, Eb =−C˜ f −C˜ p −C˜ p , n 2,n n 3,n n 1,n−1 n−1 corresponding to exponent ν = 2/3. Interestingly, the vanishing group velocity and stronger localization asso- where we have introduced the effective couplings ciated with these band edge states presumably leads to (cid:113) the resonantly-enhanced ν = 4/3 exponent for the mid- C˜ = C2 +C2 , 1,n 3,n 4,n bandstatesintheotherdispersivechannel(afullanalysis C˜ =(C C −C C )/C˜ , of the resonant interaction between multiple dispersive 2,n 1,n 4,n 2,n 3,n 1,n channels is however beyond the scope of this work). All C˜ =(C C +C C )/C˜ , (14) 3,n 1,n 3,n 2,n 4,n 1,n other energies display conventional exponents. C˜ =C (C2 −C2 )/(2C C ). 4,n 5,n 4,n 3,n 3,n 4,n ThisFanoformisillustratedinFig.5(c). Theoff-diagonal D. 1D Tunable Diamond: Off-diagonal disorder disorder is transformed to a mixture of effective on-site and hopping disorder. The Fano states have energy C andarecoupledtoboth sublatticesofthedispersive AsafinalapplicationoftheFanodetanglingprocedure 5,n in1D,weconsideroff-diagonaldisorder[36]. Inordinary chain. In the limit o√f vanishing disorder, C˜2,n,C˜4,n →0. lattices, off-diagonal disorder has a significantly differ- Then C˜ ,C˜ → 2 and coupling to the Fano state 1,n 3,n ent effect compared to diagonal disorder: modes at the vanishes. Such Fano decoupling also occurs if the disor- band centre E =0 become delocalized [37–39]. However der is correlated such that C =C and C =C . 1,n 2,n 3,n 4,n 8 Eliminating the Fano sites fn, we obtain (a) an (b) + C C 2 Ep =(cid:15) p −C˜ b −C˜ b , 1,n 3,n n 1,n n 0,n n 1,n n+1 ) Ebn =(cid:15)2,nbn−C˜0,npn−C˜1,n−1pn−1, bn C5,n E(k0 -2 where C2,n C4,n C˜2 C˜2 -cn 0 k � (cid:15) ≡ 4,n +C , (cid:15) ≡ 2,n , (c) (d) 1,n E+C5,n 5,n 2,n E+C5,n 104 ν=1 ν=2 C˜ ≡C˜ + C˜2,nC˜4,n, fn ξ ν=1/2 0,n 3,n E+C5,n C˜2,n C˜4,n 102 ν=0 wInhpicahrtiiscusilmari,lafrortowtehaekodnissoitrededrisworedheravceasC˜e, as,C˜expe∼cteWd. C˜1,n-1bn C˜3,n pn C˜1,n 100 2,n 4,n andtheFanoresonanceleadstoadivergenceoftheeffec- 10-4 10-2 100 W tive onsite potentials ε when E = C . In the disor- j,n 5,n dered system this can occur within the resonance width FIG. 5. (a) The 1D diamond ladder. Circles denote lattice |E−EFB|<W/2, leading again to an effective disorder sites,solidlinesarehopping(off-diagonal)elementswithran- potential with Cauchy tails and a much smaller localiza- dom strength. Filled circles show profile of a compact local- tionlength. Outsidethiswindow,theeffectiveonsitedis- ized state, with alternating signs its amplitudes as indicated. orderisboundedwith(nonzero)strengthproportionalto (b) Irreducible band structure, for t = 1 and onsite energies W. Consequently, there should be no divergence of ξ for (cid:15)=0. (c) Equivalent lattice detangled by Eq. (13). (d) Scal- ing of Anderson localization length ξ with disorder strength the dispersive states, which is completely different from W, ξ ∼1/Wν, for different energies E. Solid lines mark dif- theconventionalAndersonmodelwithhoppingdisorder. ferentpowerlawexponentsν. E =1.5,t=1 (circles, ν =2), Asabove,wetestthesepredictionsbynumericallycal- E = t = 1 (squares, ν = 4/3), E = t = 2 (*, ν = 1/2), culatingξ(E,W)usingthetransfernumbermethod. We E =t=2.1 (triangles, ν =0). find indeed that ξ(E) shows no divergences, and calcu- late the weak disorder power law scalings at E for FB different flat band positions (choices of t) in Fig. 5. In examples,i.e. marginallocalizationwithanessentialsin- all cases, the predicted anomalous scaling laws at E FB gularity as W →0 [31]. are observed (ν = 1,1/2 or 0), in contrast to the ν = 2 On the other hand, resonances still result in very off-resonance with the flat band. Thus, as anticipated, stronglyexcitedsites,whichinfluencesothermeasuresof hopping disorder has an effect qualitatively similar to eigenmode localization such as the participation number onsite disorder. P =1/(cid:80) |Ψ |4. P counts the number of sites strongly n n excited in an eigenmode Ψ , and in conventional lattices n it is proportional to the localization volume (ξ)d. In a V. 2D LATTICES weakly disordered flat band, P should instead count the number of Fano resonances, ∼ W(ξ)d, which is much We now examine how the detangling concept general- smaller than the localization volume in the weak disor- izesto2Dlattices. Fig.6showsexamplesof2Dflatband der limit [26]. latticesalongwiththeirCLSandirreduciblebandstruc- To test this prediction, we carry out exact diagonliza- tures. For U = 1 lattices such as the cross-stitch, the tion of the disordered t = 4 cross-stitch and pyrochlore positionoftheflatbandwithrespecttodispersivebands lattices. In both cases the flat band touches the edge is tunable, whereas in the U > 1 examples (2D Lieb, of the dispersive band. For eigenmodes near the flat 2D pyrochlore, and Kagome) the flat band is forced to band energy E , we compute three measures: P, P , FB FB touch the edge of a dispersive band. These “protected” and P . P is the participation number of the nor- disp FB crossings are a consequence of the real space topology malized flat band component of the eigenmode, which of the CLS, which form a linearly dependent set. The estimates the number of resonances. Similarly the par- “missing” flat band states resulting from this linear de- ticipation number of the eigenmodes projected onto the pendence belong to the touching dispersive band, which dispersive bands P estimates the localization volume, disp cannot be gapped out without destroying the CLS [25]. P ∼ (ξ)d. Fig. 7 shows the scaling of these three disp As noted above, in dimensions d > 1 it is always pos- measures with disorder strength W. sible for a dispersive wave to travel around a strong yet For the cross-stitch case we indeed see that P counts localizedFanoscatterer,whichspoilsthetrappingmech- the number of resonances ∼ P rather than the local- FB anism responsible for the anomalous scaling of the local- ization volume ∼ P , which grows much more rapidly disp ization length in 1D. We thus expect on one hand con- as W → 0. The slower growth of P is consistent with FB ventional scaling of the localization length ξ in these 2D thenumberofresonancesgrowingasP ∝W(ξ)d. On Fano 9 (a) (b) (a) (b) 102 P P ξ P P ξ FB FB P 102 P disp disp 101 101 100 − 100 10-1 100 W 101 100 W 101 (c) Fano (d) (cross stitch) Fano y y (pyrochlore) (c) (d) (e) (f) Dispersive (cross stitch) Dispersive y y (pyrochlore) x x FIG. 7. Flat band Anderson localization in the 2D cross- FIG. 6. Two-dimensional FB lattices. Circles denote lattice stitch (a,c,e) and pyrochlore (b,d,f) lattices. (a,b) Scaling of sites, black/grey lines are hopping (off-diagonal) elements of eigenmodeparticipationnumberP withdisorderstrengthW t = 1. Filled circles again show CLS location. Irreducible at EFB, along with its flat band PFB and dispersive compo- band structures for onsite energies (cid:15) = 0 are shown below nentsPdisp. Thelatticewidthis300unitcellsanderrorbars each lattice, with flat bands corresponding to red horizontal indicate statistical error. (c–f) Representative intensity pro- planes. ThemodelsandCLSclassesare: (a)2-Dcross-stitch, files of FB (c,d) and dispersive (e,f) components of a weak U =1 (black/grey lines denote horizontal/vertical bonding); disorder (W =0.1) eigenmode. (b) Lieb, U = 3; (c) pyrochlore, U = 3; and (d) Kagome, U =4. LiebandKagomelatticeswhichalsohostprotectedband crossings. the other hand, in the 2D pyrochlore we see a distinctly This strong coupling between Fano scatterers is medi- different behaviour, with P ∼ PFano ∼ Pdisp all growing ated by the delocalized dispersive states that replace the atsimilarratesasW →0. Thus,thepredictedscalingof “missing” CLS at a protected band crossing. The cou- the number of resonances in an eigenmode breaks down pling can be quantified by considering the range of the at a protected crossing. (real space) flat band projection operator, which deter- To further demonstrate this strong qualitative differ- mines how the CLS respond to a local perturbation. In ence, we consider the profiles of the flat band and dis- regular flat bands the projection operator is either local persive band components of a representative eigenmode (U = 1) or short-ranged (U > 1); the disorder perturbs at E in Fig. 7(c-f). We observe very different mode each CLS independently. However in d>1 lattices with FB profiles; the cross-stitch eigenmodes agree with our intu- protected crossings, the projector is long-ranged with a ition,consistingofacollectionofwell-separatedresonant power law decay ∼ 1/rd, leading to strong coupling, ge- CLS, weakly coupled via the Anderson-localized disper- ometric frustration, and multifractality in the W → 0 sive states. In contrast, this weak coupling assumption limit [18]; the CLS respond to generic perturbations in a is violated in the 2D pyrochlore; many CLS are excited complexway. Westresshoweverthatundersuitablecor- in close proximity and they can no longer be consid- related perturbations that for example do not shift the ered independently. Similar behaviour also occurs in 2D energy of some fraction of the CLS, weakly coupled CLS 10 can persist [40]. Appendix A: Localization length In 1D lattices with only a single transmission chan- nel (such as the sawtooth, pyrochlore, and stub), we can VI. CONCLUSIONS apply the simple transfer number method to obtain the localization length. This relies on the fact that a single Wehaveshownthatthe“compactlocalizedstate”pic- scalar equation describes the growth rate of the eigen- ture of flat band eigenmodes provides a useful way to modes. As an example, we consider the two-band ap- understand the response of a variety of flat band lattices proximation of Eq. (2). Dividing by the dispersive wave to perturbations such as disorder, testing the prediction amplitudep ,definingtheamplituderatioR ≡p /p n n n+1 n ofaFanoresonance-enhancedeffectivedisorderpotential and rearranging, we obtain the map againstnumericalcomputationoftheAndersonlocaliza- tion length in four one-dimensional lattices with differ- ((cid:15)−)2 1 R =V + n −E− . (A1) ent properties. We have verified the applicability of this n n E−E −(cid:15)+ R FB n n−1 model to: (i) lattices with multiple flat bands, (ii) flat bands of class U >1, where the minimal compact local- For Anderson localized modes, p ∼en/ξ, where ξ is the n ized states occupy multiple unit cells, and (iii) lattices localization length, such that R ∼ e1/ξ and the local- n with off-diagonal (hopping) disorder. ization length is obtained as [31] In most cases, our reduction to the Lloyd model cor- rectly predicts the scaling exponent ν of the localization N 1 (cid:88) length in 1D. While this reduction inexplicably fails for ξ−1 =Nl→im∞N ln|Rn|. (A2) the 1D Lieb lattice flat band, for which ν ≈ 4/3, we n=1 found a reduction of this model to a previously studied For sufficiently large N the summand is self-averaging casesharingthesameanomalousexponent: thediamond and this expression converges to ξ−1. ladder [19]. The appearance of ν = 4/3 in dispersive In lattices with multiple (M > 1) transmission chan- bandsintheLieblatticesuggestsauniversalmechanism, nels (eg. 1D Lieb and 2D lattices), each channel j has a probably related to the density of states, which would differentlocalizationlengthξ . Ifoneeliminatesvariables be interesting to explore further in future studies, either j to obtain a single equation for an amplitude ratio R , by applying the semi-analytical approach recently intro- n the solution will only be sensitive to the fastest growing duced in Ref. [20], or generalizing the older perturbative channel,correspondingtothesmallestlocalizationlength expansions of Refs. [35, 41, 42] to disorder with a diver- min(ξ ), whereas the transport properties of the lattice gent variance. We leave a rigorous analytical derivation j are determined by the largest localization length. Thus, of this anomalous scaling law as an open problem. the transfer number method no longer works, and the Generalizingto2Dlattices,wefoundthattheresponse moregeneraltransfermatrixmethodisrequired[31,47]. todisorderbecomessensitivethe“geometricfrustration” Typically one writes the eigenvalue problem as of the flat band. In certain “unfrustrated” lattices disor- der weakly couples compact localized states via disper- tˆ ψ =((cid:15)ˆ −E)ψ −tˆ† ψ , (A3) sivestates,similartothe1Dcase. Ontheotherhand,in n n+1 n n n−1 n−1 “frustrated” lattices the coupling between CLS becomes where ψ encodes the sublattice amplitudes, tˆdescribes n long-ranged and this simple picture of independent Fano intercell hopping, and (cid:15)ˆ accounts for intracell hopping resonances breaks down under generic uncorrelated dis- and onsite potentials. This can be rewritten as order. Finally, while we have focused on the case of static (cid:18)ψ (cid:19) (cid:18)t−1((cid:15)ˆ −E) −t−1t† (cid:19)(cid:18) ψ (cid:19) n+1 = n n n n−1 n , disorderpotentials,ourdetanglingproceduremayalsobe ψn ˆ1 0 ψn−1 usefulincharacterizingtheresponseofflatbandstoother (cid:18) (cid:19) ψ perturbations, such as nonlinearities [43–45] or balanced =Tˆ n , (A4) ψ gain and loss [45, 46]. n−1 where Tˆ is the transfer matrix and ˆ1 is the identity ma- trix. For sufficiently large N the localization lengths ξ j ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS are obtained from the M largest eigenvalues λ of TˆN as j 1/ξ = 1 ln|λ |. Note that a naive direct computation j N j This research was supported by the Australian Re- of the matrix TN via matrix multiplication will suffer search Council, and the Singapore National Research fromnumericaloverflow, henceonemustperiodicallyor- Foundation under grant No. NRFF2012-02. thonormalize columns of the partial product Tˆn [31].

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