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O U R S U N D A Y V I S I T O R PARISH 5 C A T E C H I S T E D I T I O N CATECHIST GRADE 5 EDITION The Seven Sacraments aliveinchrist.osv.com CE1_14ABL024_CU5119_CE5P_TP_Dig.indd 1 5/24/13 1:16 PM The Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found the doctrinal content of this manual, copyright 2014, to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Nihil Obstat Rev. Fr. Jeremiah L. Payne, S.Th.L. Censor Librorum, Diocese of Orlando Imprimatur ✠ Most Rev. John Noonan Bishop of Orlando April 30, 2013 ©2014 by Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division, Our Sunday Visitor. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Write: Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. 200 Noll Plaza, Huntington, Indiana 46750 Permission is granted to individual catechists and teachers using the corresponding student textbooks as the major vehicle for regular instruction to photocopy Copying Masters from this publication for instructional use and not for resale. Alive in Christ is a registered trademark of Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division, Our Sunday Visitor, 200 Noll Plaza, Huntington, Indiana 46750. For permission to reprint copyrighted materials, grateful acknowledgment is made to the following sources: English translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for the United States of America copyright © 1994, United States Catholic Conference, Inc.—Libreria Editrice Vaticana. English translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Modifcations from the Editio Typica copyright © 1997, United States Catholic Conference, Inc.—Libreria Editrice Vati- cana. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Excerpts from the English translation of Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum © 1982, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL), excerpts from the English translation of Order of Christian Funerals © 1985, ICEL; excerpts from the English translation of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults © 1985, ICEL, excerpts from the English translation of Roman Missal © 2010, (ICEL). All rights reserved. Published with the approval of the Committee on Divine Worship, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Music selections copyrighted or administered by OCP Publications are used with permis- sion of OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. Please refer to songs for specifc copyright dates and information. Scripture selections taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C., and are used by license of the copyright owner. All rights reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Alive in Christ Parish Grade 5 Catechist Edition ISBN: 978-1-61278-031-3 Item Number: CU5119 [print code] [CPSIA Line] CE02_14ABL024_CU5119_CE5P_CR_Dig.indd 2 7/8/13 9:55 AM Table of Contents About Alive In Christ Student Lessons Program Overview. .CE4 OPEning LESSOn. .1 Vision.and.Philosophy. .CE4 ChUrCh FEASTS AnD SEASOnS . .9 Alive in Christ Structural.Framework. .CE8 UniT 1: revelation. . 52 Alive in Christ Program.Components . . CE10 Chapter.1:. God’s.Plan.for.All.Creation. .53A Online.Resources. . CE11 Chapter.2:. Made.to.Be.With.God. .63A Call of the Catechist . . CE12 Chapter.3:. Signs.of.God’s.Presence. .73A Responding.to.Your.Vocation. . CE12 UniT 2: Trinity. . 86 The Task of Catechesis. . CE14 Chapter.4:. The.Mystery.of.the.Trinity . .87A As.Jesus.Formed.His.Disciples. . CE14 Chapter.5:. Prayer.and.Worship. .97A Chapter.6:. A.Life.of.Virtue. . 107A Unique and Efective Pedagogy. . CE16 The.Divine.Pedagogy. . CE16 UniT 3: Jesus Christ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 Three.Step.Catechetical.Process. . CE18 Chapter.7:. Living.Image.of.Christ. . 121A Lesson.Preparation. . CE20 Chapter.8:. Proclaim.the.Kingdom. . 131A Sacred.Scripture.. . CE22 Chapter.9:. Celebrating.the.Paschal.Mystery. . 141A Sacred.Tradition. . . CE23 UniT 4: The Church . .154 Developmental Appropriateness. . CE24 Chapter.10:. The.Church’s.Message . . 155A The.Theory.and.Practice.of.It.. . CE24 Chapter.11:. The.Teaching.Church. . 165A The.Use.of.Images.. . CE26 Chapter.12:. Lives.of.Holiness. . 175A The.Role.of.Music . . CE27 Reaching.All.Learners. . CE28 UniT 5: Morality . .188 Teaching.Fifth.Graders. . . CE29 Chapter.13:. Evil.in.the.World. . 189A Chapter.14:. New.Life.in.Christ. . 199A Family and Community. . CE30 Chapter.15:. Forgiveness.and.Healing. . 209A Living.and.Learning.Together. . CE30 Catholic.Social.Teaching. . CE31 UniT 6: Sacraments. .222 Chapter.16:. Gathered.as.One . . 223A Scope and Sequence . . CE32 Chapter.17:. Liturgy.of.the.Word. . 233A Grade Four. . CE32 Chapter.18:. Liturgy.of.the.Eucharist. . 243A Grade.Five . . CE36 Grade.Six. . CE40 UniT 7: Kingdom of god. .256 Chapter.19:. The.Call.to.Serve. . 257A Endnotes . . CE44 Chapter.20:. The.Last.Things. . 267A Chapter.21:. Bring.the.Good.News. . 277A CAThOLiC SOCiAL TEAChing. Live Your Faith. .290 OUr CAThOLiC TrADiTiOn. Faith Basics . .304 Activity Master Answer Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CE57 Table of Contents CE3 CE03-CE31_14ABL024_CU5119_CE5P_FM_Dig.indd 3 6/3/13 10:28 AM Program Overview Vision and Philosophy I am the way and the truth* and the life… I am the resurrection and the life. John 14:6, 11:25 Jesus Christ not only transmits the word of God: he is the Word of God. Catechesis is therefore completely tied to him. Thus what must characterize the message transmitted by catechesis is, above all, its ‘christocentricity’. 1 General Directory for Catechesis, 98 Jesus Christ at the Center Welcome to Alive in Christ. Christ is at the center of our faith, our Church, our catechesis. Alive in Christ is intentional in its focus on the life, mission, and saving work of Jesus Christ. This lays a foundation for a relationship with Jesus, who continually leads us to his Father’s love and calls us through the Spirit to share in the divine life through his Church (see Catechism of the Catholic Church, 426). Mirroring the Divine Pedagogy The catechetical process of Alive in Christ mirrors the divine pedagogy—the gradual and relational way God teaches us so that we can know him and his truth, be guided by the Holy Spirit to respond with faith and love, and accept the gift of new life in Christ. In this unique and efective pedagogy, each lesson encourages a personal and ongoing relationship with God, beginning with God’s invitation through Sacred Scripture and leading children to refect on his Word, deepen their understanding of our Sacred Tradition, and respond with a lived faith within the home and among friends, within the Church and in the community. Building Knowledge of, and Reverence for, Sacred Scripture Sacred Scripture from the New American Bible Revised Edition is foundational to every lesson in Alive in Christ. Scripture from both the Old Testament and New Testament is presented in a variety of ways that encourage children to listen to the voice of God in his written Word and learn about the people and stories of the Bible. Each lesson ofers several distinct encounters with Sacred Scripture, giving children the opportunity to pray with, refect on, study, and apply God’s Word to their lives. CE4  Alive in Christ CE03-CE31_14ABL024_CU5119_CE5P_FM_Dig.indd 4 6/3/13 10:28 AM Comprehensive Presentation of Catholic Teaching Alive in Christ provides an authentic and comprehensive presentation of the essentials of the Catholic faith and has been found by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Subcommittee on the Catechism to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Following a systematically organized scope and sequence, key themes of Catholic teaching are repeated each year, through a grade-level focus, building on the child’s knowledge of the faith at each developmental stage. This presentation of Catholic teaching—coupled with a purposeful emphasis on Catholic practices, images, and models of faith—promotes a common language of faith and builds a vibrant Catholic identity. Developmentally Responsive and Appropriate Created by a team of experts in catechesis, theology, and child psychology Alive in Christ incorporates the most trusted research on how children learn and communicate. Defnitions, activities, questions, and reading passages have been reviewed for developmental appropriateness. Targeted on-page interactions help children more efectively learn or reinforce lesson content. Topics are presented at important developmental “windows”—ages when research in child development tells us that learning about a particular topic would be most efective. Illustrations, Catholic art, and photos emphasize Scripture and visually present the chapter objectives in ways children can understand and relate to. Complete and Purposeful Approach to Prayer and Worship Every grade level intentionally incorporates each of the fve forms of prayer mentioned in the Catechism—blessing and adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise (see CCC, 2626-2643). Children learn about and pray these basic prayer forms and are introduced to traditional prayers and devotions of the Church. They are taught how to talk with God in their own words and listen silently as he speaks to them. Each grade level also presents many opportunities to deepen children’s understanding of the feasts and seasons of the Church year and how we celebrate the Paschal Mystery through them. Program Overview CE5 CE03-CE31_14ABL024_CU5119_CE5P_FM_Dig.indd 5 6/3/13 10:28 AM Program Overview Putting Faith into Practice Alive in Christ presents and efectively implements the six fundamental tasks of catechesis (see General Directory for Catechesis, 84–85). Exercises, features, and questions throughout the text prompt children to relate knowledge of our Catholic faith with their life experience. Every chapter has on page activities for immediate application as well as concrete suggestions for children to live out the faith at school, at their parish, and in their homes, and communities. Each lesson’s Our Catholic Life section provides practical examples of the ways we worship, live, pray, and serve together as Catholics. It introduces children to Catholic fgures who stand as models of heroic virtue in everyday life. Every lesson has connections to the Catholic social tradition, and each grade level provides catechesis on the seven major themes of the Church’s Social Teaching. Practical Ways to Involve Families in Their Children’s Faith Formation The “Family + Faith” page and an extensive website give parents the tools they need to know what their children are learning, talk about the faith, and recognize how they can more consciously live the faith in their daily family life. On each lesson’s take home page, parents will fnd information about children’s developmental understanding, discussion prompts, and resources for family prayer. Taking into consideration the aims of the New Evangelization, each page includes an opportunity for adult refection on their own relationship with Jesus and the Church. Online resources ofer multimedia tools to foster family interaction and reinforce the lesson at home. A Commitment to Support Both New and Experienced Catechists Alive in Christ Catechist Editions empower catechists with easy-to-use and efective tools for lesson planning, teaching and reinforcing faith concepts, and growing in their own relationship with Christ and his Church. The key concepts and chapter objectives are fully explained and conveniently located at the beginning of each lesson along with background to strengthen catechist understanding and nurture personal faith. A clear, concise, wraparound lesson plan leads the catechist page-by- page through the efective three-step process with integrated background on Sacred Scripture and doctrine, teaching tips, and connections to music, liturgy, and Catholic Social Teaching. CE6  Alive in Christ CE03-CE31_14ABL024_CU5119_CE5P_FM_Dig.indd 6 6/3/13 10:28 AM Extensive Online Resources for Catechists and Families Alive in Christ provides catechists and leaders comprehensive program level resources and unit, chapter, and seasonal specifc tools and activities. Online support includes lesson planning tools, catechist formation, custom test building and eAssessments, connections to the Sunday readings, and the option to share lesson plans via social media. This extensive site provides children and families access to web-based assessments, interactive games and reviews, and articles and resources targeted specifcally to adults—all to support faith sharing and continued learning in the home. Age-Appropriate Music that Enhances Learning With the knowledge that music is a means for forming children in Sacred Scripture, Church teachings, and Catholic Identity, Alive in Christ integrates multiple music options into every lesson. A variety of music from OCP (Oregon Catholic Press), John Burland, Dr. Jo Ann Paradise, and other sources is tied to chapter objectives and themes. Music is suggested at point-of-use in the Catechist Edition, with multiple song suggestions for each chapter. Many prayer pages feature a song to be used within the prayer service. Music can be sampled and downloaded. Also, we now have an all-new music component, Songs of Scripture: Deepening Children’s Understanding of the Word of God, which features songs that teach, reinforce, and unfold the meaning of Scripture stories presented in the Student Book. Alive in Christ Development Team Greg Erlandson Beth McNamara Sabrina Magnuson President and Publisher General Manager Associate Publisher Dr. Jo Ann Paradise Dr. Joseph White Ana Arista Heidi Busse David Dziena Dr. Hosfman Ospino Denise Utter Program Overview CE7 CE03-CE31_14ABL024_CU5119_CE5P_FM_Dig.indd 7 6/3/13 10:28 AM Program Overview Alive in Christ Structural Framework Alive in Christ follows a systematic Scope and Sequence The seven essential, eternal truths of the faith— organized around key themes of Catholic teaching Revelation, Trinity, Jesus, The Church, Sacraments, that repeat each year within a grade-level focus, Morality and Kingdom of God—provide the structural building on the child’s knowledge of the faith at each framework that organizes the content of the grade. developmental stage. Progressing from frst to sixth grade, the child deepens understanding as he or she is presented content that is This organizational structure takes into account theologically precise and developmentally appropriate. research in child development that tells us at which age learning about a particular topic is most efective. These As you study the Scope and Sequence, you will see developmental “windows” help us to understand when how the objectives across grades move the learner to the spiritual, cognitive, emotional, sociological, moral, examine and appropriate a greater knowledge of our and physical abilities of a child are “ripe” for learning. Catholic faith and how those objectives help to form a Included in the sequence, then, is a sensitivity to when vibrant Catholic Identity. children are ready to learn. A grade level focus based within the structural framework of the seven essential truths allows for optimal learning. Grade Level Focus “For through faith you are all children of God in Christ 1: Jesus Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:26 2: Sacraments of Penance “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this and the Eucharist in memory of me.” Luke 22:19 “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains 3: The Church in me and I in him will bear much fruit…” John 15:5 “This is my commandment: love one another as I love 4: The Moral Life you.” John 15:12 “The water I shall give will become in him a spring of 5: The Seven Sacraments water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14 6: The Word of God in “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my the Old Testament path.” Psalm 119:105 Go to aliveinchrist.osv.com for an overview of the developmental windows for each grade level focus and full program Scope and Sequence. CE8  Alive in Christ CE03-CE31_14ABL024_CU5119_CE5P_FM_Dig.indd 8 6/3/13 10:29 AM

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