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Preview Liquid ejection apparatus, liquid ejection method, and method for forming wiring pattern of circuit

US 20070097162Al (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0097162 A1 Iwashita et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 3, 2007 (54) LIQUID EJECTION APPARATUS, LIQUID (86) PCT No.: PCT/JP04/10828 EJECTION METHOD, AND METHOD FOR FORMING WIRING PATTERN OF CIRCUIT § 371(c)(1), BOARD (2), (4) Date: Feb. 7, 2006 (75) Inventors: Hironobu IWashita, Hino-shi (JP); (30) Foreign Application Priority Data KaF‘mm Ya‘f‘amtm Hmoishl (mi Aug. 8, 2003 (JP) .................................... .. 2003-290544 Shlger“ Nlshl‘” Yamato'konyama'shl Aug. 8, 2003 (JP) .................................... .. 2003-290612 (JP); Kazuhiro Murata, Tsukuba-shi (JP) Publication Classi?cation Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl. FRISHAUF, HOLTZ, GOODMAN & CHICK, B41J 29/38 (2006.01) PC (52) US. Cl. ................................................. .. 347/9; 347/19 220 Fifth Avenue 16TH Floor (57) ABSTRACT NEW YORK, NY 10001-7708 (US) A liquid ejection apparatus includes: a liquid ejection head (56) having a noZZle (51) for ejecting a droplet of charged (73) Assignees: KONICA MINOLTA HOLDINGS, solution from the tip portion; an ejection electrode (58) INC., Tokyo (JP); SHARP KABUSHIKI provided on the liquid ejection head, to Which a voltage is KAISHA, Osaka (JP); NATIONAL applied for generating an electric ?eld to eject the droplet; a INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED INDUS voltage applying unit (35) for applying the voltage to the TRIAL SCIENCE & TECH ejection electrode; a substrate K including insulative mate NOLOLGY, Tokyo (JP) rial for receiving the ejected droplet; and an ejection atmo sphere adjusting unit (70) for keeping an atmosphere subject (21) App1.No.: 10/567,484 to ejection from the liquid ejection head, to a deW point of 9 degrees centigrade or more and less than a Water saturation (22) PCT Filed: Jul. 29, 2004 temperature. NOZZLE DIAMETER MAXIMUM ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY(V/m) DEVIATION RATE (‘M’) (m) CAPWIII) CAPUHII) 0.2 A 2.001 X 109 2.00005 x 109 0.05 0.4 1.001 x 109 1.00005 x 109 0.09 1 0.401002 X 109 0.40005 X 109 0.24 4 0.1010903 x 109 0.100112 x 109 0.97 0 0.0510196 x 109 0.05005 x 109 1.94 20 0.0210476 x 109 0.0200501 x 109 4.98 50 0.00911111 x 109 0.00805 x 109 15.10 Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 1 Of 31 US 2007/0097162 A1 (mDFNCIOESHRZNTAOZT)NLECMERE FIGJB NOZCPOEZSNILTTIEEORN 4 -‘m'‘ -22'1i'''000md0""‘ DISTANCE FROM OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u 111) NCPOOESZNIZTTLIEOERN ("DFNCIOESHR1ZNTAOZTNLECM)ERE Q Q Q E Q Q § 5 E? a 5 ‘5 DISTANCE FROM OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u m) Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 2 0f 31 US 2007/0097162 A1 Z 2 E: _ 1Q a i~ FIG.2B ?-I _ I E5 52 H . E\@ 1% U I a - 22. § 7 I 2 - I g a a s a a m((mCNDFCDFNEIuOIEOuRSNRSZNTZ)TTZO)ATOZAENLNELMCRMCEREE E N DISTANCEFROM OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u m) Z 2 E: . c2n _ .5 a FIG.2A a: I a - -= I- :N Z : END & pg 1 I4 _ '§ § 5T O ' :a Z - 10:1 DISTANCE FROM OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u 111) Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 3 0f 31 US 2007/0097162 A1 um) -‘2'02“-1'0‘_00’“‘"I0‘ NCPOOSZITZEILOEN N/TER (DNCFIEOSRNZTTAZONELCMREE F3IGB. DISTANCE FROM OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u m) CPNOEOSNZITZTIELOREN (mDNFCIOEHSRZNTZAO)TNLECMERE F3IGA. 1'21 '2002100'0'‘ Q Q § Q Q Q % Qx $0 I\ \c ‘n 3 i: Z‘ 2 E 2 DISTANCE FROM OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u m) Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 4 0f 31 US 2007/0097162 A1 E :3_ Z Q m a I E m é a? ‘i=4 1% i=1 .N ,4 \l- E j g a: E» F Z ~ 2 :2, 5 La N . a: 2 jg. ; g a a a a a g N DISTANCEFROM E ‘ OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u m) E Z :1 2 V H '-‘ . a: 8 IQ: E D-q IN Z c: - a [I] 1% U ‘Q E 1"“ m 0 U Q N L: 5 g N S ‘S- 2 LL‘ 0 0 Z 3. E ' H g a a s a & <-> a a a a: a 2: E H DISTANCEFROM $2 OPPOSING ELECTRODE( u m) G Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 5 0f 31 US 2007/0097162 A1 vEAv@MSMmm@SUaEuAraaOZaON-zNt?‘MN.?w5NMz/OamlOEEnEZEwZyU a Zmm2@Eia00N5Nt55Nm/255OoE52zu2Z HHPP ....<1idd. .4 mmg2aaE3gsQS---- mm5amm2 D:D23:»R mm2:mm: aaa::nn wwee MMRR mm5%: 4 0O FEE Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 6 0f 31 US 2007/0097162 A1 (mCDFNIEOuSRNZT)TAOZNELCMREE PNCOOZSZILTEEI ON yER F6IGB. 5H1...‘ 1'‘222'000M20"10 ' §§§§§§ samuwln DISTANCE FROM OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u m) CPNOOSZITZ/ILOEN ENTER (mDFNCIOEuRSZNT)OZTANLEMCERE 6FIAG. --01"212''0000". DISTANCE FROM OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u m) Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 7 0f 31 US 2007/0097162 A1 E22Ga25EE52w2:z52$@E 5E15 5225g5Z 2.5525 .mUNK aamwg3xxaa9sssgsm? R“QS2~xx5sE%53v;5 Qawam2xxg8s:ss3i6s QQ2n2xx2w33338g6 és Qag“a.xxmg5gis3mgg?ss Qav%x~xm§g3sss.g~? mQQ%2g-xx§a-.33gs~:s ..2 :E@:31 5265 Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 8 0f 31 US 2007/0097162 A1 (w/MAlISNHlNI (I'IEIH QIHJDITIEI wnwlxvw Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 9 0f 31 US 2007/0097162 A1 EJECTION START VOLTAGE lRAYLEIGH MARGINAL VOLTAGE as “s “g g Qs ks sm M.Q ~6 QEm<DuZEs5EhmQ?<J»2: 1EQ.UU2|<.E.5H1E.Am|Q OgQ> 2rE2w5|.ao62n||w?: ;» 2aRa3a Z5mOa2E?DkafQ?m--l-E’ VEE@5S123E; m.bME II II I I I II I 'uil,- ._____ VOLTAGE (v)

US 2007/0097162 A1 OPPOSING ELECTRODE ( u 111) Q Q § Q Q Q. % Qx. $0. I\. \c. 'n . Patent Application Publication May 3, 2007 Sheet 11 0f 31 0. 00 704. 0.00756. 0. 00812. 0. 008 71. 0.00935. 0. 01 001. 0. 01072. 0.
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