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FREE 4.7GB DVD WITH 6 VITAL DISTROS www.linuxuser.co.uk L IN U X U S E R & D E V E L O P E R DISC SPECIAL IS S U E 1 6 2 WEARABLE PI ZERO TECH DISC MISSING? Control portable LEDs ASK YOUR with the Twitter API RETAILER T O T A L D IS T R O T O O L K IT EDIT VIDEOS IN BLENDER Troubleshooting Repairs Backup Partitions LEMAKER GUITAR Security Privacy SOLUS OS 1.0 Banana Pi maker takes Distro creator challenges on the Compute Module Ubuntu’s Mark Shuttleworth PAGES OF DEVELOP WITH w w PYTHON w TUTORIALS ISSUE 162 £5.99 .lin ISSN 2041-3270 62 > u xu Systems programming, se computer science & more 9 772041 327002 Pro tips for web dev, maths, science & robotics r.c o .u PLUS MONOGAME MARIADB PI ZERO SETUP PACKAGE MANAGERS k 001_LUD162Week3.indd 1 27/01/2016 09:35 Full Page.indd 1 25/01/2016 12:47 THE MAGAZINE FOR THE GNU GENERATION Welcome Imagine Publishing Ltd Richmond House, 33 Richmond Hill Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6EZ ☎ +44 (0) 1202 586200 Web: www.imagine-publishing.co.uk www.linuxuser.co.uk www.greatdigitalmags.com to issue 162 of Linux User & Developer Magazine team Editor Gavin Thomas gavin.thomas@imagine-publishing.co.uk ☎ 01202 586257 Production Editor Rebecca Richards This issue DesignerSam Ribbits Photographer James Sheppard Senior Art EditorAndy Downes Editor in ChiefDan Hutchinson Publishing Director Aaron Asadi » Free live-booting DVD with 6 distros Head of DesignRoss Andrews Contributors » Repair and recover broken fi lesystems Dan Aldred, Joey Bernard, Liam Fraser, Toni Castillo Girona, Gareth Halfacree, Tam Hanna, Richard Hillesley, Jon Masters, Richard Smedley, Nitish Tiwari, Alexander Tolstoy, Mihalis Tsoukalos » Harden your home/offi ce network security Advertising Digital or printed media packs are available on request. » Learn pro development skills for Python Head of Sales Hang Deretz ☎ 01202 586442 hang.deretz@imagine-publishing.co.uk Sales Executive Luke Biddiscombe ☎ 01202 586431 Welcome to the latest issue of Linux User & Developer, luke.biddiscombe@imagine-publishing.co.uk FileSilo.co.uk the UK and America’s favourite Linux and open source Assets and resource fi les for this magazine can now be found on this website. magazine. This month, we’ve created a special covermount Support fi lesilohelp@imagine-publishing.co.uk DVD for you containing six distros that can, between them, International Linux User & Developer is available for licensing. help you out in some of the most common (Linux-specifi c) Head of International Licensing Cathy Blackman situations. Need to re-partition one of your drives? There’s ☎ +44 (0) 1202 586401 licensing@imagine-publishing.co.uk GParted Live. Trying to fi x a faulty fi lesystem? Just run Subscriptions For all subscriptions enquiries SystemRescueCd. Deploying multiple machines on your network? ☎ 0844 249 0282 (UK) ☎ +44 (0) 1795 418661 (Overseas) Give Clonezilla a whirl. Strengthening the security on said network? Email: LUD@servicehelpline.co.uk 6 issue subscription (UK) – £25.15 Use BackBox. We’ve considered those times when you need these 13 issue subscription (Europe) – £70 (ROW) - £80 solutions but, importantly, might not have access to the internet to Circulation Head of Circulation Darren Pearce download an ISO or the ability to create your own bootable medium. ☎ 01202 586200 PP☎rro o0dd1u2uc0tci2ot ni5o D8ni6re2c0t0or Jane Hawkins oinLs os1o0u keM f1ao6rr3c h Sreimfepr ltyo ltivhee- fbeoaottu trhee s ttoaortli ynogu o nne peadg fer o1m9, aonudr Tyootua’ll lD bies tgroo oTdo otolk gito, .and Finance Want it sooner? We also take a good look at Python development this month. Finance Director Marco Peroni Subscribe Starting on page 60, we run through some of the essential tools for Founder Group Managing Director Damian Butt today! automation with Python, web development work, using Python for Printing & Distribution PPrriinntteedd bbyy WWiilllliiaamm GGiibbbboonnss,, 2266 PPllaanneettaarryy RRooaadd,, maths and science investigations, and for robotics projects. If you’re Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 3XT ready to start using your programming language for some real dev Distributed in the UK, Eire & the Rest of the World by: work, it’s a must-read. There’s plenty more this issue, too, including Marketforce, 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf London, E14 5HU a revealing interview with the creator of Solus OS, which has hit its ☎ 0203 148 3300 www.marketforce.co.uk fi rst major point release (page 12). Enjoy the magazine! Distributed in Australia by: Gavin Thomas, Editor Network Services (a division of Bauer Media Group) Level 21 Civic Tower, 66-68 Goulburn Street Sydney, New South Wales 2000, Australia ☎ +61 2 8667 5288 Get in touch with the team: Disclaimer The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any unsolicited material lost or damaged in the post. All text and layout is the copyright of Imagine Publishing Ltd. Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced in whole or part without the written permission of the publisher. linuxuser@imagine-publishing.co.uk All copyrights are recognised and used specifi cally for the purpose of criticism and review. Although the magazine has endeavoured to ensure all information is correct at time of print, prices and availability may change. This magazine is fully independent and not affi liated in any way with the companies mentioned herein. Buy online If you submit material to Imagine Publishing via post, email, social Facebook: Twitter: nane tiwrroervko ocra balney, optehrepre mtueaal,n rso,y yaoltuy -afrueteo mlicaetnicsaell yto g ruasnet tIhmea mgiantee Priuabl laischroinsgs Linux User & Developer @linuxusermag its entire portfolio, in print, online and digital, and to deliver the material to existing and future clients, including but not limited to international licensees for reproduction in international, licensed editions of Imagine products. Any material you submit is sent at your risk and, although every care is taken, neither Imagine Publishing nor its employees, agents or subcontractors shall be liable for the loss or damage. Visit us online for more news, opinion, tutorials and reviews: www.linuxuser.co.uk © Imagine Publishing Ltd 2016 ISSN 2041-3270 www.linuxuser.co.uk 3 003_LUD162.indd 3 27/01/2016 12:56 Contents Reviews Subscribe & save! 81 Best package managers 28 C gUchraSeena cc tksu n usoebtuowstm c ooruefibfrres er ! Ebuatc hw dhiiscthr iibs uretiaolnly h tahse ibtse sotw fno rf athveo ujorbit?e, via page 80 APT DNF Zypper Pacman 19 Total Distro Toolkit Six crucial distros containing dozens of tools, all on one DVD OpenSource Tutorials 06 News 30 Systems programming: 86 LeMaker Guitar T he biggest stories from Creating and using threads The Banana Pi maker takes on the the open source world When to program multi-threaded processes Compute Module with its CoM board 08 Free software column 36 Get started with Blender 88 Free software Expert insights into open Learn to manipulate and animate models Richard Smedley recommends some source and free software excellent FOSS packages for you to try 40 Harness shaders in MonoGame 11 Coding column We continue the game dev series and look 90 Linux Mint 17.3 KDE Edition Learn problem solving and this month at handling colouring with shaders One of the most popular Linux distros systems programming in C gets ready for its next LTS release 44 Switch to the MariaDB database 12 Interview Use the fastest-growing open source database Ikey Doherty claims Solus OS will beat Ubuntu to the tablet 48 Identify false positives 16 Kernel column Learn to differentiate between real security The latest on the Linux holes and misinterpreted system events kernel with Jon Masters 52 Computer science: Generating unique strings 94 Letters From infi nite monkeys to brute-forcing Your views shared and your questions answered RReessoouurrcceess Features 96 On your free disc 19 Total distro toolkit Find out how to navigate the DVD Learn to use the six distros interface and how to live-boot the 59 Practical Raspberry Pi on your live-booting DVD distros included on the disc Boost your programming potential with an expert look at Python, monitor audio on your 60 Develop with Python Pi, learn to set up the Pi Zero from scratch, Discover new techniques and 98 and make a Pi Zero-controlled wearable packages for a range of fi elds DDiiggiittaall rreeaaddeerr?? GGeett yyoouurr ffrreeee ttuuttoorriiaall aasssseettss Join us online for more Linux news, opinion and reviews www.linuxuser.co.uk 4 004_LUD162.indd 4 27/01/2016 15:12 210x297 Our revolutionary NEW Web Hosting platform 100% guaranteed UP TIME 100% guaranteed Smart SSD storage Dedicated SSL uptime! & intelligent load certifi cates balancing Web Hosting from: £1 .99 per month ex VAT charged at 20% 0333 0142 708 Call or visit fasthosts.co.uk/hosting SERVERS • WEB HOSTING • DOMAIN NAMES • EXCHANGE EMAIL Full Page.indd 1 26/01/2016 11:26 06 News & Opinion | 12 Interview | 94 Your questions answered HACKING Sony’s PlayStation 4 gets unoffi cial Linux support The cheap way to get your hands on an eight-core PC Noted engineering team ‘fail0verflow’ surprise – but that limitation has now been The feat has far has successfully booted Linux on Sony’s unoffi cially removed. more potential than PlayStation 4 console, bypassing the Speaking at the 32nd Chaos Communication just gaming, too: the protections the company has put in place Congress, the fail0verfl ow team demonstrated PS4’s processor is an against running third-party software and the ability to bypass protections against booting eight-core AMD model with powerful integrated potentially opening the doors to novel uses for third-party software on the console by loading a graphics, yet the device retails at less than £300 the device. Linux distribution – something Sony had taken – far less than an equivalently-powered PC. Sony’s PlayStation family has a long history pains to prevent. Both the PS2 and PS3 found use in computing with Linux. The company released an expansion “Linux on the PS4 actually makes a lot of clusters due to their price-performance ratio, kit in 2002 which turned its PlayStation 2 console sense, more than it ever did on any previous and the ability to run Linux on the PS4 will likely into a fully-fledged Linux personal computer, game console,” claimed fail0verfl ow’s ‘marcan’ lead to the same uses. and its successor the PlayStation 3 launched of the team’s work. “It’s close enough to a PC There is a catch, however: while the team has with ‘OtherOS’ support for booting a number of that getting 3D acceleration working, while released the loader required to boot Linux on Linux distributions. The company soon began rather painful, seems entirely possible without the PS4, it has not released the exploit needed worrying that developers would find a way to undue amounts of effort to the level needed to boot the loader. “We can add more value to use the OtherOS support to play illegitimately for real indie games and even triple-A titles, not the homebrew ecosystem by helping port Linux copied games, however, and removed the feature just homebrew. And many thousands of indie than by releasing exploits,” explained marcan, in a firmware update – prompting a class-action and triple-A games already run on Linux. Yes, telling interested parties to “write an exploit, lawsuit against the company. SteamOS on the PS4 should ‘just work’ once point it to our loader, and you’ll get Linux.” Given Sony’s removal of OtherOS from the the driver issues are sorted out. We demoed Sony has not issued comment on the team’s PlayStation 3, the fact its successor launched a silly GBA emulator because all we had was breakthrough, but will likely be looking to block without the ability to run anything but the a 2D framebuffer, but the real fun is getting 3D the ability to boot third-party software in a company’s BSD-variant Orbis OS was no games to run just like they do on a PC.” future fi rmware update. Linux on the PS4 actually makes a lot of sense, more than it ever did on any previous game console Above The PS4 can now boot Linux, if you have an exploit 6 006-011_LUD162.indd 6 27/01/2016 16:33 OPEN HARDWARE TOP FIVE New features in KDE Plasma 5.6 1 Notifi cations Plasma 5.6 brings with it a vastly improved device notifi cation system, changing code which has stood untouched since Plasma 4.7 to improve the appearance and usability – in particular when unmounting a USB mass storage device for removal – meaning an end to annoying ‘orphan’ error message pop-ups. Google, HP and Oracle join RISC-V group Above Device notifications are now tidily organised in a single window display Open source chip project gains big-name supporters 2 Unity Launcher support Unity may be divisive, but it’s also widespread. “If there’s an API or library that works and is widely The RISC-V project, pronounced Risk Five, has project can even boast a shipping implementation in adopted, we’re happy to pick it up and add support gained some big-name members in the form of the Axiom family of open source 4K video cameras. for it in our software stack,” explained developer technology giants Bluespec, Google, Hewlett The promise of a royalty-free reasonable and Kai Uwe. Packard Enterprise, Lattice Semiconductor, non-discriminatory (RAND) licence has doubtless Microsemi, and Oracle, as it looks to offer an helped, as have designs which compare favourably 3 Media applet open source alternative to MIPS and ARM. The to proprietary equivalents from embedded industry The KDE Plasma 5.0 release included a media latest incarnation of the RISC core, first developed giant ARM. While membership of the project will controller applet, but only for selected software. by David Patterson and John Hennessey in require contribution of any modifications made With Plasma 5.6, the MPRIS specifi cation has 1980 and recently seen commercially in the Sun to the RISC-V core under the project’s permissive been implemented to allow control of software Microsystems SPARC processor family, RISC-V licence, executive director Rick O’Conner told from VLC through to Spotify right in Task Manager. aims to offer an open source processor design industry outlet EE Times that there would be “plenty 4 Better crash handling which anyone can customise and implement, either of room for secret sauce and company-specific via a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) or by implementations” of the core. The focus-stealing DrKonqi crash handler has fabricating silicon chips. The RISC-V project was launched to develop been replaced with an unobtrusive desktop Google, which has previously been investigating a clean-slate and open alternative to ARM, x86, notifi cation, offering one-click options to the use of low-power ARM processors as a means and MIPS in the processor world, offering a report the bug to the developers and restart the application without stealing focus from your of reducing power draw in its data centres, has simpler approach and modular layout designed currently active window. been named as a new member of the project, which for extensibility and specialisation. The project was launched by the University of California at has long stated it will concentrate on offering a 5 Desktop Actions Berkeley in 2010. The company is joined by Oracle, specification, and allow both open and proprietary which acquired SPARC creator Sun Microsystems implementations. Andreas Olofsson, known for Also known as Jump Lists, Desktop Actions allow applications to offer certain commonly- in 2010, along with Hewlett Packard’s newly- the Epiphany architecture, has described RISC-V used tasks – such as creating a new document formed Enterprise division, Lattice Semiconductor, as “state of the art” and stated that “we need an or opening a private browsing window – directly Microsemi, and tool vendor Bluespec. The list of architecture that is bigger than any one company [...] through Task Manager in the application’s right- interested parties is impressive, and the RISC-V my bet is on RISC-V.” click menu, for quicker access. www.linuxuser.co.uk 7 006-011_LUD162.indd 7 27/01/2016 12:57 OpenSource Your source of Linux news & views OpiniOn FREE SOFTWARE Stand up for the GPL “VMware uses a badly-hacked 2.4 kernel with a big binary blob hooked into it” – Christoph Hellwig, 2006 The importance of the ongoing legal dispute more than quarter of a million lines of code to the Linux between Cristoph Hellwig, Linux kernel kernel and is one of the 20 most prolific contributors to developer, and VMware, the virtualisation the kernel. Specifically, he has contributed to the scsi company, cannot be underestimated. At issue is the subsystem and radix tree (look-up mechanism) that are right of an individual developer to license their code as also included in vmklinux. He owns the copyright to the they see fit, with the expectation that the terms of the code he has written, and code he has written is included licence will be honoured. At stake are the viability of in VMware’s offering, so he has a clear right to object to free software and the GPL, and an industry built on the the appropriation of his code. flexibility and accessibility of FOSS. VMware also claims an interface called VMK API Hellwig’s complaint against VMware is that Linux creates a shield between the GPL code, contained in an kernel code written by himself and other kernel ‘interoperability module’ called vmklinux, and VMware’s contributors is incorporated in the proprietary elements proprietary code. Hellwig argues that “vmklinux is not of VMware’s ESXi hypervisor, and that VMware is an interoperability module, but rather an arbitrary refusing to comply with the terms of the GPL. VMware separation of the Linux-derived module from vmkernel. doesn’t deny the use of GPL-licensed code inside the Specifically, vmklinux is nonfunctional with any non-ESX ESXi supervisor, and instead “questions Christoph’s OS, and vmklinux is tied intimately to a specific version Richard Hillesley copyright interest in the Linux kernel and his right to bring of ESXi.” this action” and claims “vmklinux is an ‘interoperability writes about art, music, digital Hellwig also points out that “if the Court allows rights, Linux and free software for module’ which communicates through a stable interface a variety of publications proprietarization of an arbitrary split portion of GPL’d called VMK API.” computer programs, it could allow redistributors to The questioning of Hellwig’s interest in the copyright of trivially bypass the strong copyleft terms found in the the kernel may be a legal device to cast doubt on his right GPL,” simply lifting core sections of GPL code and doing to speak for a project which belongs to everyone and to what they will with it, without reciprocation. He argues The success no-one. Linux has no single owner. However, individual that “vmkernel and vmklinux don’t ‘communicate over and/or corporate contributors ‘own’ the copyright to the of Linux is built an interface’,” but “run in the same process as a single code they have contributed, unless they have assigned computer program” and the ‘interface’ doesn’t comply on its status as ownership of the copyright to someone else. with the definition of an interface “as set forth in the EU The GPL has a very simple purpose, to ensure that a commodiied Directive 2009/24/EC.” free software remains free. The instrument to achieve The precedents set by this case are vital to the future kernel, and this is copyleft. The mechanism is well understood. of free and open source software. The success of Linux Software vendors are entitled to do what they like with the reciprocity is built on its status as a commodified kernel, and the free software, but if they re-use copylefted code in reciprocity that the GPL encourages between individual that the GPL another setting then all modified and associated code and corporate contributors. Corporate contributors are must be made available to users under the same licence. encourages often ambivalent and sometimes hostile to the GPL, but If the terms are unacceptable there is a simple alternative, the GPL and copyleft have been a large part of the long- between which is to write your own code. term success of Linux. VMware’s get-around has been to take a huge chunk individual and Hellwig is funded in his case against VMware by of the Linux kernel code – some would argue the difficult Software Freedom Conservancy, a non-profit charity corporate parts – and then impose a ‘shim’ or translation layer dedicated to defending the GPL. Software Freedom module called vmklinux containing the Linux code and contributors Conservancy is increasingly reliant on voluntary an API that speaks to the vmkernel. The argument is donations because, as Karen Sandler, SFC’s executive that the API precludes the need for copylefting the director, told supporters recently, “Over the past year, and derivative code, which is nonetheless dependent on in particular since we launched the VMware suit, some of large segments of Linux code. Hellwig has contributed our corporate funding has been pulled.” 8 006-011_LUD162.indd 8 27/01/2016 12:57 PACKAGES DEBIAN Apt package manager gets Ian Murdock, Debian founder, major performance boost dies aged 42 Scores of Ubuntu derivatives to benefi t Born on the 28th of April 1973 in Konstanz, Package manager apt, as featured in Debian, updating with PDiffs enabled took 41 seconds; West Germany, Ian Murdock is best known Ubuntu, and Linux Mint, has received a serious For APT 1.1.7, updating with PDiffs enabled for founding the Debian Linux distribution performance boost in its latest release, thanks took four seconds. That’s a tenfold increase – named for himself and then-girlfriend to the work of developer Julian Andres Klode. in performance.” Debra Lynn, giving DEB and IAN – in 1993. Klode discovered that apt’s handling of While a tenfold speed boost will be The Debian project has stated that “Ian’s Pdiffs, the fi les used for differential fi les applied undoubtedly welcomed by apt’s users, Klode sharp focus was on creating a Distribution to packages, sources, and other fi les in an claims there is still room for considerable and community culture that did the right apt archive, was far from optimal despite the improvement in the performance of the package. thing, be it ethically, or technically. Ian’s introduction of performance-boosting read “Writes are still unbuffered, and account for dream has lived on, the Debian community buffering in December of last year. about 75 to 80 per cent of our runtime. That’s an remains incredibly active, with thousands of Discovering the problem in the software’s obvious area for improvements.” developers working untold hours to bring the ReadLine method and working through a series A further change proposed by Klode but world a reliable and secure operating system. of modifi cations, including modifying the buffer not yet implemented is shifting compression The thoughts of the Debian Community are length and removing the use of the memmove away from gzip and using LZ4 for a six-fold with Ian’s family in this hard time.” function, Klode worked on a fi x which has had a performance improvement in exchange for a Murdock’s death followed a stream dramatic effect. “I measured the run-time of apt- larger compressed archive size. “We’d still fetch of posts to his personal Twitter account get update, excluding appstream and apt-fi le gzip-compressed Contents fi les, but recompress claiming that he had been hospitalised fi les,” he explained in a blog post on the changes. them to LZ4 on the system,” Klode explained of following abuse from his local police force. “The results are impressive: For APT 1.1.6, his suggested modifi cation. Murdock stated he would post details of his complaints to his personal blog before committing the act, but no such post was made before his family announced his death. TECHNOLOGY Police have confi rmed that they arrested and bailed Murdock on the night in question, Gadget showcases next-gen tech on charges of assault and obstructing an offi cer, then re-arrested him later that same night when a reportedly intoxicated New magazine curates the world’s best new devices Murdock attempted to gain entry to a neighbour’s house. Imagine Publishing has globally launched a much more besides. With insightful features No details regarding his death have been new print and digital magazine dedicated to covering everything from crowd-sourced yet released by his family. the discovery and celebration of cutting-edge disruptive technologies to CES show-stealers, it is technology: Gadget. From the makers of the essential reading for anyone who keeps their finger award-winning How It Works magazine and the on the pulse of the industry. tech team behind industry-leading titles such as Android Magazine and games™, the publication is a champion of technological innovation and identifies key trends in industries including mobile and embedded computing, 3D-printing, UAVs and transportation, consumer electronics, media and the arts, astronomy, gaming, emergent technologies and Above The passing of Ian Murdock has been felt deeply across the Debian community www.linuxuser.co.uk 9 006-011_LUD162.indd 9 27/01/2016 12:57 OpenSource Your source of Linux news & views DISTRO FEED BLOCKCHAIN Top 10 LF launches (Average hits per day, 15 December – 18 January) Blockchain project Linux Mint 1. 3,227 Debian 2. 2,092 Ubuntu 3. 1,581 Aims to develop an enterprise-grade ledger openSUSE 4. 1,459 Manjaro 5. 1,126 The Linux Foundation has announced transactions, which the project’s leads claim 6. Fedora 1,079 the launch of a new collaborative project can be used to create cost-effi cient business deepin concentrating on the blockchain technology networks without requiring a centralised point 7. 968 that underpins popular crypto-currency of control. CentOS 8. 909 Bitcoin. The latest in a string of projects headed “Distributed ledgers are poised to transform Arch by the Foundation, the blockchain project has a wide range of industries from banking and 9. 863 the backing of companies including Accenture, shipping to the Internet of Things, among Mageia 10. 834 IBM, Intel, the London Stock Exchange Group, others,” claimed Jim Zemlin, executive director VMware, and Wells Fargo, and aims to create an at The Linux Foundation, of the new project’s This month open source distributed ledger framework. scope. “As with any early-stage, highly-complex Under the name Hyperledger, the blockchain technology that demonstrates the ability to offers a means of recording and verifying change the way we live our lives and conduct ■ Stable releases (20) ■ In development (9) business, blockchain demands a cross- Above Blockchain technology industry, open source collaboration to advance will no longer be limited The traditional end-of- to Bitcoins the technology for all.” year slowdown has “A broad, cross-industry and open source hit, but the new year approach is critical to advance the potential has still had some impressive new releases for blockchain and make it mainstream,” claimed Arvind Krishna of IBM Research, which has donated considerable code to the Highlights effort. “Even beyond building out standards, creating common code will allow organisations to focus on creating industry-specifi c KaOS 2016.01 applications that enhance the Built around the latest stable KDE value of this technology.” Plasma release, the new KaOS release includes new widgets such as the Colour Picker and INFOTAINMENT Disk Quota, restores support for legacy system tray icons, and shifts to Noto as the default font. AGL snags four more members Linux Mint 17.3 KDE, Xfce A two-for-one release, the Linux Mint community celebrated the new year Industry members now number over fi fty with KDE and Xfce spins of the distribution boasting support for UEFI BIOS, though not Secure Boot, and support through to 2019. The Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) project has process to gain a competitive edge. We are glad announced four new members, all heavy-hitters to see the increased commitment being made by Tails 2.0 RC1 in the vehicle industry: Subaru (a subsidiary of the automotive industry to advance AGL as the de The first release candidate for the privacy- Fuji Heavy Industries), Mitsubishi Motors, Mazda facto standard for the connected car.” enhancing Tails 2.0 brings with it a switch Motor Corporation, and Ford Motor Company. The companies join more than fifty existing to Icedove for mail handling, an upgraded Tor browser, “We are excited to welcome Ford, Mazda, members including Nissan, Jaguar Land Rover, and support for newer Intel graphics chips. Mitsubishi Motors and Subaru as the latest and Toyota, the latter of which has upgraded its automotive OEM members of AGL,” said general membership to Platinum level. “Toyota believes Latest distros manager Dan Cauchy. “In order to keep up with that Linux, open source, and the development of available: consumer demands for a modern infotainment an open ecosystem is a suitable approach for the system, car makers realise that they need to future of infotainment,” said Tokuhisa Nomura of fi lesilo.co.uk adopt an open source software development his company’s decision. 10 006-011_LUD162.indd 10 27/01/2016 12:57

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