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Levitical Sacrifice and Heavenly Cult in Hebrews PDF

316 Pages·2016·1.38 MB·English
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Benjamin J. Ribbens Levitical Sacrifice and Heavenly Cult in Hebrews Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft Edited by Carl R. Holladay, Matthias Konradt, Hermann Lichtenberger, Judith Lieu, Jens Schröter and Gregory E. Sterling Volume 222 Benjamin J. Ribbens Levitical Sacrifice and Heavenly Cult in Hebrews ISBN 978-3-11-047581-4 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-047713-9 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-047589-0 ISSN 0171-6441 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress. Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.dnb.de abrufbar. © 2016 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck ♾ Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany www.degruyter.com For Sarah εἶπεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς, ἀναστήσω αὐτὴν ἐγὼ ἐν τῇ ἐσχατῃ ἡμέρᾳ (John 6:40) For Whitney τίνα εὐχαριστίαν δύναμαι τῷ θεῷ ἀνταποδοῦναι περὶ σοῦ ἐπὶ πάσῃ τῇ χαρᾷ ᾗχαί ρω δι’ σέ; (1 Thess 3:9) Acknowledgements This monograph is an updated revision of my Ph.D. dissertation defended at WheatonCollegein2013.Manyyearsandmanylifeeventshavetranspireddur- ing the writing of this dissertation turned monograph, leaving me with many people to thank. I would first like to thank my doctoral advisor Dr. Douglas Moo who supervised the dissertation. He applies the same rigor tohis students ashedoestohisresearchandwriting,andhehasspurredmeontobeabetter writer, teacher, and theologian. His steady hand brought increased clarity and precisiontothiswork,andIaminhisdebtforhiscountlesshoursspentreading andrespondingtothiswork.Yet,moredeeplyappreciatedthanhisacademictu- telage has been his and his wife Jenny’s care for me as a person. I want to express my gratitude to Wheaton’s doctoral program and its cur- rent and former faculty for accepting this project and giving it direction. Among the Wheaton faculty, I want to give a special thanks to Dr. Dan Treier who invested in me as a scholar and provided a helpful theological response tothistext.Iamgratefultomysecondandexternalreaders,Dr.HassellBullock andDr.EricF.Mason,fortheirinteractionwiththisworkthathasledtoanum- ber of improvements. Dr. Mason, in particular, has been an advocate for this monograph and has graciously given me assistance beyond all expectation. I would also like to extend my thanks to Dr. David Moffitt who took the time to readandinteractwiththismanuscript,illuminatingwaystoimproveandsharp- enthediscourse.Othershavecontributedtothiswork,includingtheformatting supervisionofDr.ChrisVlachosandtheeditorialworkbyCarolynnVanNamen. IamgratefultoDeGruyterandtheBeiheftezurZeitschriftfürdieneutesta- mentlicheWissenschaft(BZNW)seriesforacceptingthismonographforpublica- tion.The reviews of the editorial board have helped me to clarify the positions articulatedinthisbookmorecarefully,andIwanttothankthestafffortheirpro- fessional and excellent workon the volume. Onamorepersonalnote,Ihaveahostoffriendsandfamilywhohavesup- portedme.IcouldnothaveperseveredwithoutthesupportofmyparentsBruce andCarol;mysiblingsAngieandBrad,SarahandMark,andNathan;theMulder family;theHarrisfamily;seminaryfriendsJosh,Nick,andSteve;Chicagofriends Bryan and Mike; friends and colleagues at Elmhurst CRC; and doctoral collea- gues at Wheaton. Finally, I want to acknowledge the role of two amazing women in my life. This work is indebted to my late wife Sarah who died suddenly and tragically on June 5, 2012 during the writing of the dissertation. She was an intelligent andgiftedwoman,risingquicklytothetopofherfield,whileremainingahum- VIII Acknowledgements ble, principled, Midwestern girl. Her work ethic and dedication inspired me to applymyselffullytomywork,andshegavemetheencouragementandcomfort neededwhentheschoolworkseemedinsurmountable.Icouldnothavelivedas richalifeorachievedthecompletionofthisprojectwithouther.Afterspending ayeargrievingSarahduringwhichIcompletedanddefendedthedissertation,I metWhitneyinJuly2013.Whitney’swhimsicalandeasy-goingnaturemadehera joyouscompanion,andshebroughtloveandjoybackintomylife.Hersharpin- tellectandthoughtful reflection continue tochallengeand enliven me. Herlov- ingsupportenablesmetoflourishinmyteaching,servemystudents,andcon- tinue in my research.We got married November 8, 2014, and I am excited and eager to enjoy life with Whitney. I would like this work to be a tribute to Sarah and to Whitney, acknowledging their love and support and expressing the love, respect, andgratitude I have for them. March 31, 2016 Benjamin J. Ribbens Contents List of Abbreviations XIII  The Efficacy of Levitical Sacrifice Compared to Christ’s Sacrifice in Hebrews 1 . Two Tensions in Hebrews’s Cult Criticism 2 .. Self-Contradictory Sacrifice Theology? 3 .. Malicious Reinterpretation of the LXX? 4 . Proposals 5 .. Different Kinds of Cleansing 6 ... External v. Internal 6 ... Defilement v. Sin 7 ... Social Purity v. Sins 8 ... Sins of Ignorance v. Willful Sins 8 ... Temporary v. Final 9 .. Prophetic Criticism 10 .. Hellenistic Dualism 11 .. Dogmatic Conclusion 11 .. Socio-Historical Context 12 .. Typology 13 . Need for and Approach to this Study 17  Sacrifice Theology in Second Temple Judaism 20 . Second Temple Judaism: An Overview 21 .. Perspectives on and Hopes for the Temple 22 .. Efficacy of Sacrifice: Pentateuch 26 .. Importance of Internal Dispositions: Prophets 27 .. Re-Narration of Biblical History 29 .. Martrydom Described with Sacrificial Terms 30 . Philo 32 .. The Efficacy of Sacrifice 32 ... Three Types of Levitical Sacrifice 32 ... The Day of Atonement 34 .. The “Plain” and “Symbolic” Senses 35 . Qumran Literature 40 .. Relationship to the Temple 40 ... Separation from the Temple 40 ... Anticipation of Restored Control of the Jerusalem Temple 42 X Contents ... Expectation of a God-Made, Eschatological Temple 43 .. Sacrifice Theology 43 ... The Ideal Sacrificial Cult 43 ... Provisional Adaptations 45 Offerings of Piety 45 Community as Temple 47 . Conclusion 49  Heavenly Cult in Second Temple Judaism 52 . 1 Enoch 14 54 . Jubilees 56 . Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice 60 .. First and Thirteenth ShirShabb 61 .. Second and Twelfth ShirShabb 64 .. Third through Eleventh ShirShabb 65 .. Function of the ShirShabb 65 . Testament of Levi 71 . Post-70 CE Texts 79 . Conclusion 80  Heavenly Tabernacle and Cult in Hebrews 82 . Introduction to Hebrews 83 . Possible Backgrounds to Hebrews’s Heavenly Tabernacle 89 . Texts 99 .. Hebrews 1:3 99 .. Hebrews 4:14–16 100 .. Hebrews 6:19–20 101 .. Hebrews 7:26 102 .. Hebrews 8:1–6 102 .. Hebrews 9:11–14 113 .. Hebrews 9:23–28 119 .. Hebrews 10:11–14 127 .. Conclusions 129 . The Function of the Heavenly Sanctuary and Cult 136 . Distinctives 141 .. Singularity of Christ’s Sacrifice 141 .. The End of Sacrifice 142 .. The Inauguration of the Heavenly Sanctuary 143 .. LXX Psalm 39:7–9 in Hebrews 10:5–10 143

This monograph examines Hebrews understanding of the relationship between old covenant sacrifices and Christ s new covenant sacrifice, especially as it relates to the question of efficacy. Most scholars think the author of Hebrews strips the levitical sacrifices of most, if not all, efficacy, but th
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