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Preview Letter to Thomas David 1 25 18

Empowerment. Integration, Equality Disability Ng Rights 1800 Uner Ave. Se 2000, datimore, MD 21211 Maryland ‘oe oi iad Fanuary 25, 2008 Thomas R. Dass, inseter U.S, Departtvent oF Hlsusiny and Ushi Develeprrent Office of Kecapitalization The Weaver Fedseal Bvilding ASI Th Sires! SW. Room 6730 Washingion, DC 20410 ‘Sent by cxail tun by Wiest Class Maal RF: Complaint Regarding Violations of KAD Authorizing Staute, RAD Native, RAT) The _Agreemesi, HAP Contstts, and KAD Conversion Carmmizmest (RCC), i Nallimare Cy, MP. Respaindents: 1} Alferti’e Apurtmeris Limited Purtnership snd ity gout, empleyecs ene 2) BOT LAC and its agents, emplayess an rwmagerss 3) Board b, Mason, LLC and its agents, erplsy ees und mumagerss 4) Broadway Overlook, LLC, and ics agents, employees, and mayer St New Bromtwoud, LP sax ils agents, employees, and manager 8} Hornas for Mount Yornon Timitsé Pretcrship acd its ages, emplo mosayerss 1) TMershie General TIC ard is agents, employees aml mamas: i Gvunis Viwr (GM) Marslund H.C une its xgen's, employees und managers 9} Lolli Louse, LLC and its agents, 1) LVTE, LLC and its agents, employees, aod managers, ‘CB MeCulloh Apartments, LLC, and its agents, emuliyees, and manayerss Primrose Place Apartmeris, LLC ane its agsuts. caployors, and managers, Yysmam Tous, TLC and is syten emplayecs, and mansgess; aud 14) The [fausing Authisvty af BalGrnore City ipliyety, and marge; Hoveiatce eerred 0 eo as The Respandents,” PULA: Housing Auchsrity sf Baltinare City (ABC) Janet Abrabsins, Exceative Davetor 417, Fayette St Thalmns, MM 21202, Dour Mr, Davis Dissbi ity Righs Sdsryland is writing w anele fom’ coraplat regnring ths toute fhllove of the sbave named Responcn, thea agents, e;pluyes, ats] mamagers, to BHI residents ot Reset A svivomes: Demonstration (04D) prapcrlis the berelit n'a eevee process as reyuiret by Lie RAD Antanizing Slamte, EUD's RAD Nose. Ure [GAD Use Agrecunent the Housing Assistance Peyiment {ITAP) Centuel, ad te RAD Coaveisson hon fisiag rumination their temiey lo ullegel vetarions of theltk Comrilment, The RAT? prayrery 2 juperties with madsnance: converted [hw assésumce under secricm 3 [of the United States Honing AL of 1987, 15 ca. marie he sane righls under comverséon a those pwede under section 6 sind yoctioa 9 ofthe [ited States Kivu ng at (USHA 7 1937, a9 amended” See, Reutsl Assistmen Demoasttion Consolidated ate Farther Contiauing Appropriations ‘Act, 2012 (PT. 112-38), paragraph 5, Ihe RAL) Notice recwes comeing properties to provide specifie wrist rpciew el efford azooss #9 9 legitimate Secrian f Ciiswince Process 70 resents. Core principles of rights provided taar Soetious @ aad 9 ul the USHA are me die process rights and opprtatty In yriove averse actions ageing: tke lene, Crievmee pronase under Section 6 typically have wey stages. Vis! in the Informal seating éaye, which ervouriges come] settemant of dispcs. 24 C.F. § 966.4. Soound is ¢ locenal yrievsace process Mus yespires an inp} etng offices) vo tender a vaiten decision on te disjaty aid descr has this lesson sas yondozed seid uny documents sod io ensking this decision, 24 CLR, § 966.56. Taito ks reservecion of No%ice anu yriovsmee- rights under Sootion 6 of the Unived State ene ng ‘Ast (USHA), Responlesty win seceive Prajeel Taser Rental Agsistance (DERA} st3sidy iwealso comtgena‘ly obligated to provide ‘oni sh The infin esting reypiremnets aneles 34 CER. § BSG Grivvunee pavvosses under Section 6 may oxclude only £1 any rine weliviy Pa theeacens she heals sues, or right 2 poncofil cgjoviment of sho LA's pubic Pouring premises by other residents or sraplagees oF he PITA an] F) drugcclated ot violeat otkminal activity 0: 0 off the premises." TIARC en the RAD Owsueu/Menagameutlumtities nared above apres] hn livrmliz ‘nant sighs in he RAD LTA Grisvance Poliey amd 2coce dacs (ENMIbit 13, whet is incerporated inta the RAD Lise Agreernent, ths Hausiny a ssisacoe Payment (APY Coineatt, the RAD Couversion Conmiletc, and ext tenant's lease, Toews in prnctige, Owuors are reanlariy iquoring these clenrly slated tenant rights. Further, HAIC has not taken effective step to ensure RAD Qwaeas’ coupliauee, HUD?s 2111 2616-17 (114) provides tts: “PAS and Projeot Oven vines for enscaring that aie RATS uotvicies (rachuling hogs netivites implemented eheie seo respite al all ‘Seton te USHA, PHS iy afr aie pce cera hil nen BF ame pres the 34D Nerlee doesnot expel anv cel ery In cave amy conduct rom the Grea ts, contrzstors, oF other RAL team -natrbaes} geregly writs all uppliene tit Trousing and civil sights eequieoments. Pls ad Project Orers shull he awccnmnble Li Fr loosing smd oivl nights compliance issues with respect to chois RAD uetivcien, ether Case dirsoilyov toosygh sgents, coustlteers, coateacters, ox otee RAD rest tistics wre members.” BACKGROUND Resemilenis are the ovntes tn mmuagemcat ctrtics of RAD develapirents Rarwerly wn arsLapsrutll Fy die Lous iy of timate Clty (ABC) as public housing, On Decembor 24, 2074, HUD approve AIG's request tren parliolio nyse ander RAD to convert ‘ovouy-nv (22) public housirg developrieaia (he "RAD Pages", making pessihle the shubiliaen ofthe davelopmeats and their coutimed operation uy aJTorduble Rousing, HARC Ties received TIT) spprval to conve 73 mbsed popolation unite to RAD, Respacdeats bie bees eon vesing property ale KAT) since uppeeimately October 2015, Because enc of t2e RAD-coaverted properties is envered hy v faderal Consces Doero>, Bite. 08a.» BABU. er af, Case No, JPM A2-CV-235; and Unled States v. MARC. at al. Case Wo, JEVCOLCV-03 107, HUD toqaived cach of the Respondents and HABC &1 epree tr special eanditiors inser Lae RAT? Conversion Cormmaltiacat (R.C.G' Aa cxample of suea an RCC is Inchaied in Uahibil 2. One othe special eoZilions vor exmplenee with ihe torms of fe Lorg- ‘Yoru Affordable (LTA) Criteris, le ten. selection and cupey polices thet TATIC bs cape dovolapers #2 mtilize, HUD approved several waivels ef PIAIRA Provisians ander HANG’: RAD sumvrsinng in its Male 75, 2085 lot (shat 3), stating, “LUD has an terest in ARC's ongoing compliance sch Mail, because BIT hus an on-going role a ‘nouiteving aud coloecing ABC sand vGier sovipien’s’ eonaplinnee with Sentinn 504, Tile Tol the Aucccicans wit Disabilitios Act, and the fair using A, Failure us eoninete the zion inad hy bre Ray Camsent Dcetee at she RAD properties wert likely pve te cy chet viviallons a Seetin 504 tha ease TIL uy mks the Maile refezal 9 LO more than a sevacde ago.” See. Pp, Hiece ae the specific issues we ae seeing: Hives to Vueate, 4D Overens ay’ nor isave 4 Notice ta Vaoate mus the ‘asides gs Uno Ts Grieyuneo Prasess, Seo KAD LA Crista page 39. VILL, Notice to Vacate: “The Rotice o Vacs¢e sail nel bo ixsued porte tbe Hesrieg Pans?s and ar by regufar mail 1p the Gouget Such Noize lo Vacate must bo in waiticg aud spooky tua that iP the Resident fads wr at dhe prersises widhir Cw applieshle sletntory period, oc hy the toundsaticn dats stated i tho rotce v° wr’o:, ychever i lls, upprapricte ein fr evieaiy will be Drought agaunst hint cic fish may be ngquive be pay coe casts ara ones fea T he ‘Menageraeat Ages or Ov prevais in the evieton acon.” BAD wwners do wut appear fo be iuchuding this specific lamgnage in their Nulives to Vacate, Action tem: We request hal NUD enforoe AAC ancl AAD OwenersiAgents ‘UbLgation aok to issue & Novice ty Veunle to a resi until the grievance preces completed. HABC a sy shull entre Goa tha Nato wo Vecate coming the requined famgusge eutanceds thal ITABC require RAD owners rasp ccasistent agg For Nose tn Baca, 1a."Fropused ‘'eemination Notices” shoul be ruuired. Since RAD OworsiAgeans Fruiy not fasne 8 Notice “a cae MA Tee vesidenl as the opparlunly panes ee Pree, i y dllowes thar what ler residents sl Tiem: We osk HUD to veaae RAD Owiaers‘Agents t0 use spevitic, voxisont 2 in thir propusel terms: :utizes ste Notices <9 Vacate, Some RAD owners appase to be rely on Ure PRA reyulafiore ot 24 CFR 880 rather taan the RAI) LTA, (Grilesa shen they Wisk to terminate a fesckaa Fen thai honing, We ask shat AUD equi HABE to aufocce RAD Ovintes! genta” Use wf such serine lamgays Dsi {propose notices and Notioes to Vacate Dalie af Grigyynee Pruvess should be clearly stated in the proposed Agtice ty ‘Vacate or proposed Notice of Leave Violation, The Natives in Vacate dat wave ‘viewed do pot elessy indicate that tho resce has the right ua jie i esllishedl Geizwsmex Process, Some Notices provide only that che ecsigen has the ‘opportunity “a requ a nivelng with mmeagement fa discwss the wnoination, ‘The RAL) LTA Crietis, nage 27-28, 12.2.1, Nutive af Tease Termination, (2 ywmedes “hat "Wes The: Owwrer is required to affecd tae Revideat che npparun ty far warievunes hewsing, Ih notice ull also; I. Infiwm the -ssideut of the Residen!'s deht gr ey. aware aocosiune with the Crivsunow Praseaire fhsbily TD): 2, Spsel the [edict evietion procedne to be nsed hy the Oxyuer ior vivliat of Ca Mosidenl. ace stat tat UD hes ‘Aescemiued that this evievion proceéuve provides the opporutity for 4 eocrt heatieg that vontsias Lay basiy elements af dus process defined in (LIE recuiaiany; and 3) Sete ‘helt Ihe evistion is for crisical activity o: for ceug related erful activ'y Weash thal RAD avress be reeained te provide a copy ofthe Grievance cacdmenL ks evesy np lerninivion nctce, Wa reeB ze that the 3 loese ines as an atrachn:ent # coy of RAD LTA Resiclen! Grievance Polley andl apaea'y Provedeve, out most residecs will nat he aware ta this prowens epplies le ease lerminalines, ond while unser the stoss af oeeiving a texmieaion notice my ace renee: ho ge back wud “eal Meir lee. A eony of dks Resident Grievance Polley should be fucked with any Notice of Preyused Terninaien si tha. wets te to partisipate che Gsievarice Peau ase ae Ua Letters Scheduling Taformal Divcustione wre Licleat, Fol.ow-np commeication Flom RAD GvsnerstAgeins fr residents tbl ques am falar Discussion 1 afr ‘eonfusing, Ln one elieats case, te jetter scheduling the Tnloemne Tiseussion incieered i | | ‘eas a “haring al the he woudl Ie ae to resend dcr aes alr witnene Te letter appcsced to confuse the Informe! Diseassian sn. the Grievaney lleaing, Pursugaa InSeRATITTS Chievanee Policy and Apposls Procedase. nu informe exioveace heerng “nay he requenled ers rneasng, wll rammagracal Fas to produce west acceplable ts the resis ction Htom: We ssk tar HOD susus thet HABC reese RAD Owners te adopt feonsisent, elisa langue for Totees schodul'ng Informa’ Discussions ead Grievances Treating Breach of Lenso Complaints Kiled Early. Beach of eee compels are ing filed prior 0 Ibe Uotevance Polley boing calacstee Action Tkem: I's unanl doug ret appar al a iefosmal raseting 9 contest a propesed {eeminarion, there shold Iss some vite eorannusiainn I th reside, indian the lalsinal Diseassinn sus setsedulel und he resin! did wal upper so he BaD ‘emnarisisming a Nodice 2 Vacate (aca stlaching arotier cong ut “he Grievanes Palos) rior lo Ming the eviction ation in Dish Court, La this way, tho resideat would bave lhe ppporLanily e-xequestu Criesomee Tring aralfor waver of Ths: Teeeal Digension For guiod cause, ‘Tuyyragute. QumerstAgents sss wzil the “ull 20 huss days Grivwanee: Prkigy Notice Tho the Grievant Puliey Thies Wot Appily heat Chuinal Activity (or other cxsinded activity, If te RAD Oxaer eas fy the preposeel lerminssion -yscimina! ae te proposed sSiguleeary vist His, sea ao stale Cau Uhe resident is not ble ky psvticipe isthe Grieve Prsceduce Revanse ctiminal ativily ix exemp:od Fom the Crisvance Peliey Again, «cong af the Cirieeance Paiicy shemld he provided to che resident. In ach a case, to sotklont i fil entitle! zespond 6 the esiner oy discuss the propaaved teria, Pursuant to 24 CFR § 881,184 (05 (oferring to the soquiremten's at HI CHL 88.6010), Ths PRRA Model Teas provides cal lenamls he yven 10 dys ta zequest & meeting with the lull er lseass uncy. Therapy kerinalan ries sal also ete: language Indicabtng shat 1119 has determin tha the jabieialpvcess Kor ‘cictior ‘n Marslaed compoits with duc process proteetans. TARC’s RAD ETA Crisvin, 7.28, 12.3.1, Nios of Tease Toreaineton, () statos that S[oofhen the Owner ix rn, sequived ta alTend the Resident the opportuni “or hearing ler the Griavcuce Procedure, the native ef lege Lerainalion stall: (1) Stale Boa the AKesidoat is aot orsitied toa gclevacee heat:ng o& the temminationy (2) Spacity che judicial ition procedine ta be useel ky ths Vimagement Agor: Zor ovietion ef the Residext, sel ‘uly Ju HUD das delecniud Uns tis eviction preovéaees provides Ue apporsunily Lor 2 court eating that vonlzin he basi clements oF duo proves as defined iy HUD regulations; al (1) Nate whether the evietian ie far exi“ival aetvity ar Tar rag-eeiaied suiminal activity.” Active Item: HATC chosld royui's RAT Opmors to clearly Enfewan cosidnts when the ‘Oner Geleimines Cra the Resident nt sbfect lt Ihe Criewemee Posy, sing Cg avguage proviced above, in ach a case, the propunett Nove of Lease Termination sliovld clesuly state that tae sesilant as ten {101 cays to ance withthe Hanlond vo discuss omrmination of ensaey 6 1o Regier Ressonuble Acc notices of teumtnation fll co intovm tesideats of the: sigh wr Rust a veasonable ecenvenadation to pacisfzate in tke Grievance Process aval in wesponse to the undevtyiag, wopaned termination: rstive sud early sl A reqwest a seesousble aceammodation as aevessare to presicipate in the be propasea terminarious renice shoutd alsn mace clear tat regoedlo cof whisher Gheiy founinstion is for erinal activity or uc. seaidanfs make may a reagorable samndation request! ut amy pon! fm ha prises hal ued indy ide HARM TO TENANTS IN RAD BUILDINGS Hoved on III's investigation, suape [4D tenants have bser. cvietel after ceiving Notises ly Feuute th did pot confoant Ip Ww legal roquizvinsnis, Ws wry alvo Goreme! Lal zesidents art vacating “heir unity after wvesiving notice, hut ‘ef im eur, yeu af receiving notices that filet 10 provide the eequived rice of due process ait ena. tights. In ‘our investigation uf courd filings weer the past your we blentified © evicted or had warvants of restitution issued, ¥ resides rraitingly wsewea Pir vis elle veceviny.» Notice of Longe Tesinalion ha ys Tikal legally Taswed, a ths formation us rot heen provided ke us by the Re gorudents atin's our silegeio Try the Rospervien! Court of Maryland far Ba revivwed the Molise iy Vacole o* Natioss 1° Tesuiizaive append DRM reviewed all Beene! of Lense filings ‘o the Disleet Gocet of Mryloed that i cocld uave back toa Kegponden:, Our review indicates that every Breach cf Lease ease we zeviewet that ‘gt ill by, the Kesgpailon! KAA Chvenar?Mamagerent Kres soataie! bagel em Geprived fhe wfTevfed resident xf ahoqunty Nolive, ssacyuizes utlsr Soutien § of Une Ui Stutes Housing. Act, and in the major of staess did rn nei ude edequale-nolize al The Residere arievance rights under these RAL) Coaversians. Our investigation could valy iderity resideuts she dé not vacate after tae exalmtoa date ashe Katies, and dd nat real sions saho anny hve complise wich a Taumition Novice ther aid not eouapert vith tke Neti Griewaren reypererveats uuler tis RAD Notice, or Sho T.7§ Ceilvia, We alo wnly rs hove lease terminations Unul se ead trace ac I Respondents, Eicher, apn infemnaticm are bebe, DRM sons chat the Roop thatthe netice and ariovance cights af resis ace 1 we vevicwred Tarek: of Lense eases fled in tae Distckt nove Cily Front luce 21, G16 theauga Septeraher 2017, ad eat fled evenphaint wnxlents wutitely Fil lo gruvide resets with Futon (143 6 slay notive nf termination for fee %c pay rent." A chant summarising the skal -sooninrs ol ‘e203 Leratination Nosise wo reviowed Ae allzohed as Exhibit 4 ‘DIRM has 2rongbt oar concern ly HAAN or. rn snare esis Go aes one eumploin’s hott Resaanden's’ failace“e comply with reyuted lease termine. perhares vl the RAD LUA Chievinee Polisy, Intesponse, HAC dafied & template of teeminatio: language lor the Resprments in ase, Mfoat responders Lave doelined w use che lemplas, Addidianelly, DRM test several delicieseiey inthe azgested Jace, Est HABC relied ty maake-“he eattectioas, HABC his aio sera genta reise Teller 16 the Respundents’ shou sha! they agrcod 2, our fale te identity the howe (hut cand HABE i send the ee Owner kuties cond tke, ABC's elf woul rot snd de rot adequitsly’ ude The iss Io oe i 1 or avs co comet ‘We reac luc dhe Otice of Recaoitelization, ia additim lo reviswcg lease terunation notives thud resell i coun Hinys, also review it Lease tersinalion notices thet did not result ia Court ilieps hecuue a resilen! sae he iy Lease toreiinatians tesa ting Fro file a py an are Slings Zor Failte te ay ls an¢ whether the appropriate anu adele ay okies 1 wale wes prvi, Iissurm, DRM sets lim Respondents rontiue AD conserted prupe tes Falls Cig mdr HUD subsidizea propeities undor 22 C18. § 880, ¥ ignore the benefits allbeded to csidonts 38 if they ‘Tis is comtomy 40 the lets and spit of the LADD pugrute. DRM desives to ys this sine Blue hy the Reyponcents #9 socess tothe arievance jaocens belie the denial ol vescent sights hexane un ertineled and rome featace of the RAD piogrsin is Balidaace City. Yo this eoniplinl oe have alluchell a Tisting al ench RAT) Propexty. slong with its Qooner acd Mangement Ageat (Lshibit 8). REOU ACTION IWvaddities to the °Actian tems” cutlined ature, DRM is requesting HOD's Ofice of [Recapitelization considec the flowing aaivees A eorapre cepa Convensan Coney RCC), the RAD Use Agreemoes, and Anteemente: sive reviow ofall practices ul the Respurslets asses ir Zh thy KAD Auvorizing Stanues, “hs RAL Notice, the RAD RAD HAP, bb. The srcation of a remselitian prea le ieniy resident ard lemomts dere affects by the covtine faitate of the Responders“ prsvide saiaquate log oliegs to residents sa (onamts ¢? RAD properties cousce.ng cho: sights "pba Fas how ale ov thee “eos ecaute fa ue to pe rah aca nena pes Ion tly aireectes may erly be seare"editthe Zour: tes kn Rocuire Respondents, sie agents, employee, allomess, ad her representatives tp urderp0 adequate fining on Mherecuisctacats of tke RAD Peograen, particularly the reyuirenents relating Cue vests rights; 4, Require HABC to develop ‘raining materials on RAD TTA Ci ther leant rights specially en lease terminations, grievance rights, ad other tect ights Te are part oP saree! ar tke Rental Assistance Demeustestion Progra sce Pliey al ac orcetion of a Unifere Lease Uerininair Nose tn ho likely ech Respondent (atseaed ¢s Eshibit 6) ia every prose lease vertninatin, [The creation af Voluntary Coraplinnes Auroomces withthe Respondenss 70 csc their Fong-terecaunipiace will De requirments ithe RAND Authorizing Starte, the [LAD Natioe, the RAD Corvessier Cormniimisnt he RAD Use Agrocment, ane! the RAD HAP Apreenents We ere willing fo discus fuser tho complex legal iatcraction between lepaly Have Kina WSlpane-Welham, Tis, Aifachments: hibit {: RAL) LTA Ghievance Poliey stl Appeals Procedure Dxhibit 2: RAD Cor yersion Corazaitment (&.C.C.) Example Lxhibit%: Murch 25, 2015 leer mm HUD co Paul Graziaco sogscding ABC's Request for Walvees of VRA Provisions under Rerial Assistimce emanstention Exhibit 4: DRM Chect Sumanatizing Lea Termination Shorleossinys Talibit & Tist of Bach RAD Property with Ownes!Agent Tslebit 6: Uniform Tse: Fermtnatiga Notice 7a be used by each Respondent

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