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Digitized by the Internet Archive 2013 in http://archive.org/details/leaderdogupdate200203unse I SUMMER 2002 LEADING THE WAY TO GREATER INDEPENDENCE On April 27th Leader Dogs for the Blind held a brush up on their orientation and mobility prior to the ceremonial ground breaking for the obtaining a Leader Dog. largest improvement since its inception in The ground breaking itselfwitnessed thejoining of many forces credited with bringing about the existence 1939. The Polk Residence and Training Center will not ofa dream. Stephen and Bobbi Polk, along with three only provide private rooms to the students during their 25 day stay it will also house new programs in the future of oftheir children, were the first to turn over dirt in Leader Dog. Many ofthe details ofthe new facility have appreciation ofthe family's large gift toward the facility and long term involvement in Leader Dog. Fred Yaffe, been highlighted in past issues ofthe Update. To revisit a Tom McNulty and Lon Grossman, to name a few, were few: the residence will offer separate space for a computer there to represent the Board ofTrustees who have lab, an exercise room, and a lecturelooim The students supported and carried the project through to see the day and their dogs will enjoy private time jri.individual rooms which will improve the overall bonding experience, plus it would break ground. Other groups represented at the historic moment were: puppy counselors - ambassadors simulate an environment closer to that ofhpme. ofraisers who sponsored room number one in the Additionally, facilities will accommodate space to facility; major donors who have been instrumental expand the current services available to the deaf/blind in obtaining funding necessary to realize such a community, and as the future evolves, also allow for monumental accomplishment; and Lions club members, programs such as vocational training to be explored and like PID LarryYoung, who proudly shared a few words implemented to assist the blind community in searching with some 160 onlookersjust prior to the start ofthe for and securing employment. ground breaking. PID Young was also the leader ofthe Earlier this year, the remedial O&M course was piloted. sapsesciisatleldyLfeoardmeerdDgorgoiunpoorfgDainsitzriinctgCaoloarrdgienaatmoorusnwthoof This vital and important part ofLeader Dog's future will Michigan Lions continue to take shape as the building is erected. The ^* support surrounding course can be this project. This offered to those special group, individuals who consisting of are in need of PDGs and PIDs, was also on hand to share in the culmination of efforts. Conclusion on Page2 PicturedL toR: Bill Hansen, CaroleHansen, FredYaffe, BobbiPolk, Leading Into StephenPolk. The Future inside: Noise Phobia • Overweight Issues • Where did that one come from? Building our Future In the last Update issue, became the breeding and class schedules, I addressed change and puppy kennels. which provided us the reflected on the impact it opportunity to test Each ofthese represented has on others, and their integrating Orientation physical growth ofthe reaction to it. On April 27th and Mobility brush , facility that allowed us to as is reported on the cover up training. The educate more blind people of this issue, we began results exceeded our in the use ofLeader Dogs. one ofthe most important expectations. Over For the first time, a ground changes in the history of the coming months, Leader Dogs for the Blind. breaking event will provide we will continue to We call it Leading Into The the opportunity for a refine this approach as Future. mseormviecnetsowuespcrhoavnigdee itno tohuer we incorporate it into our Bill Hansen, LeaderDogPresident total training curriculum. It is not the first time we students and graduates. Our focus in the coming Our changes will allow have built new buildings. The core program will year will be to further us to assist the visually Indeed the present remain the training of develop our services and impaired from a holistic dormitory grew in stages Leader Dogs and the instructional program as we approach, marrying guide beginning with the 1924 education ofblind people complete construction on work, O & M training, farmhouse purchased by with the Leader Dog. our new facility. future possibilities in our three Lions founders in Leading Into The Future vocational assistance, and f1o9l3l9o.wTedhean1d95t4heanddwietion is totally "client focused" AcshaInhgaeviessgaoiodd.inCihsasunegsepahsats, a more complete program and enhances our ability to aid the deaf/blind added the 1969 and 1975 to better meet the needs of certainly been a friend to community. We will be additions, culminating Leader Dog and with the those to whom we provide serving students as a whole in the new food services our services. It melds new phases ofour program and offering the many skills department in the early beginning to take shape, Orientation and Mobility needed to function in the 80's. training into our present this change is no exception. sighted world here, on one This transformation will The kennel complex started program and allows a site, at Leader Dogs for the be the start ofa new with a barn and a shed that student to achieve many Blind,•**• philosophy at Leader Dog. were replaced by a 1947 different disciplines at one We will always continue kennel, and then the 1969, location-an opportunity to breed and train the best 1982 and 1992 additions. that has not previously dogs for Leader Dog work The '47 kennel was torn existed in the U.S. and offer stellar instruction down to make room for the This year we realigned on how to use the highly 1992 addition and at that our present Leader Dog trained canines. same time, the 1969 kennel Leading Into The Future (Cont'd) As many supporters (photo at right) gathered under the tent erected to ward offimpending rain, the energy and excitement oozed through the crowd. This moment was four years in the making. Now with the first shovels ofdirt moved, the structure itselfis expected to take approximately 18 months to complete. There is little question that the energy and enthusiasm will be matched on that final and spectacular day when the Polk Residence and Training Center opens. Leader Dog is happy to have had the opportunity to involve so many people who have supported this great effort and looks forward to the day the project becomes complete, the dreams ofmany realized, and the results put into active motion. •»• . CM General Motors + Leader Dog = volunteer Plu$ Being located in Michigan current GM Board member us that incorporates up the GM Foundation. Our has many benefits, not to volunteer their time on to 9 more GM employees. goal is to have enough the least ofwhich, is our behalfand then apply Your group could also apply volunteers together donate our proximity to and for a $250 grant from the for a grant of $250.00, enough to pay for the partnerships with, the GM Foundation. effectively doubling your cost ofone Leader Dog automotive companies, donation! What a great way team, about $25,000 or The donated service may be their suppliers and to support Leader Dog! 100 people participating. automotive related performed as follows: Together, we can do Leader Dog receives many businesses. Many • 50 hours in a year, this! Your volunteer volunteer forms each year companies, like General performed by an hours can help a visually to process for the $250 Motors, Delphi, Visteon, individual employee on a GM impaired person receive grant from employees. tMournraamy'esaDifeswc,ouhnatveAuttaokeannd single project, We think this is a wonderful imonbdielpietyn!de•n#•ce and an interest in Leader Dog • A series ofactivities that way to support Leader totals 50 hours a year, Dog and ask that each of and support us through a our readers think oftheir variety ofefforts. • A team project with a friends, family, neighbors We focus this article on a combined contribution of and co-workers who may 50 hours (10 employees program sponsored by our also be eligible to apply for maximum) friends at General Motors this grant and help support GM and the Volunteer Plu$ Each eligible employee Leader Dogs for the Blind. program. can apply for a maximum GM Ifyou are a employee ofone individual grant of This program allows any or family member, GM $250.00 and participate in U. S. based employee contact Phil Ogle to designate a regular one team application for at Leader Dog active employee, an active $250.00, per calendar year. for ways you permanent part-time The team concept is one can volunteer salaried employee, an that we believe has great to help Leader active hourly employee, potential! Imagine being a Dog and also active flexible service GM employee and friend of make a grant salaried employee, a co- Leader Dog and then doing of $250.00 GM op student of or any an event or fund-raiser for to us through Leading into The Future Members ofthe 2001-2002 Sitting Council ofGovernors: Members ofthe 2002-2003 Incoming Council ofGovernors. L-RDGPeggyFarnsworth, DG Bob Jenkins, DG Tom Doyle, L-R LeaderDog President Bill Hansen, DGE Stan Preshaw, DGBarbara Morgan, DGAl Ekola, LeaderDogPresident Bill DGEJim Walls, DGE Bob Loper, DGE Vicki Ruiz, DGE Hansen (back row Stephen and Bobbi Polk) Howard Davis Welcome Northern U Illinois Crosswalk Rod Haneline I would like to take the opportunity to welcome Northern Illinois University to our O&M University program. Jodi Sticken and Jim Carey accompanied six students from the O&M program for two days at the Leader Dog campus. The program centers around preparation ofstudents for dog guides and methods to assist those who have dogs. They have indicated they will be regulars in the program. We were also host for a group of O&M instructors from the Tampa area. They attended our professional seminar and had the added treat ofattending the ground Above Left: LeaderDogInstructor and breaking for the Polk Residence and Training Center. We look forward to O&MProfessional Becky Derocha with North Carolina and South Carolina in May with an additional professional NIL!student. Above Right: Tampa area O&M seminar as well. Until next time take care and be aware. Instructors. •"5J* The Long and Winding Road The ability to select a good dogs roaming the area? Is have not worked their minimum. Consider looking route is an important part it a high crime area? Are area as extensively as for alternate routes or "back oftraveling safely with a you traveling in an area they once had due to their up" routes in case your guide. It isn't always the where you could be putting previous dog's advanced primary route undergoes shortest distance between yourselfat risk ofcriminal age. When they start up change. With the warm two points. Several factors activity? (This may be a with a new dog they count weather upon us, travel should be considered before short cut around the back on their old routes to be may become more frequent selecting and utilizing of stores, through over there. Occasionally they and routes longer. Be sure a route. Here are some grown lots, long routes in are "surprised" by radical ofyour environment to get questions you may ask areas where there are no changes in the area. the most out ofit. ••• yourselfin evaluating your houses or open businesses). Conditions can change in a routes. Which route gives you the relatively short time. Stores best auditory clues? and new neighborhoods First and foremost, is it seem to pop up almost over safe? What are the traffic All ofthis should be night. Road construction conditions? Heavy? Light? considered in selecting appears to be going on Are the traffic patterns a route. One ofthe best everywhere. Sometimes subject to change with the ways to preview routeOs&isM these changes may make a hours ofday or due tojob with the help ofyour route that was passable, no and school schedules? If instructor or other sighted longer safe. On the other help. Sometimes there are there are street crossings, hand the addition ofa new is there adequate traffic conditions that are not sidewalk or walking path control, traffic lights or stop easily detectable, such as may offer previously unsafe signs? What kinds ofcurbs crime statistics or loose dog areas accessibility. are there? Are they easily information. A call to the detected? What condition local police or discussions Be aware ofthe changes in are the sidewalks or streets with neighbors who use the your area; contact local in? Is there broken glass routes may help give more city offices or road or rotten food around to insight to these conditions. commissions to hurt your dog? Are they While working with find out about wkielpltppoaosrsawbelaet?hWehrahtaveeffoecnts gsirtaudautaitoensofItfeinndctohmaetsthuep ninetwhecoanrsetar.ucBteiionng the route i.e. snow and where a grad has recently informed insures the lack ofits removal? retired a dog and is starting that "surprises" Is there a history ofloose out with a new dog. They are kept to a _i

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