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Y R A R B LI W A L N KI S A L A R O B LAW AND DEVELOPMENT PROFESSOR MICHAEL TREBILCOCK AND PROFESSOR KEVIN DAVIS 1997/98 VOLUME ONE Faculty of Law University of Toronto These materials are not to be considered as published. They are for the sole educational use of students at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. Storage V. i C. f ■ DEC 5 1997 BORA LASKIN LAW LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LAW AND DEVELOPMENT PROFESSOR MICHAEL TREBILCOCK AND PROFESSOR KEVIN DAVIS 1997/98 VOLUME ONE Faculty of Law University of Toronto These materiais are not to be considered as published. They are for the soie educationai use of students at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Toronto https://archive.org/details/lawdevelopment01treb LAW AND DEVELOPMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume One 1. Conceptions of Development A. Quantitative indicators of development and underdevelopment World Bank, Selected world development inidicators, World Development Report 1997 (Washington D.C.: World Bank, 1997). 1-1 Todaro, M. Economic Development 5th ed. (UK: Longman Group, 1994) p. 39-54:60-65. 1-7 B. Qualitative conceptions of development • Gender and development Mosse, J.C. Half the World, Half a Chance: An Introduction to Gender and Development (Oxford: Oxfam, 1993) p. 68-76; 115-32; 152-76. 1-29 • Non-quantifiable aspects of development Sen, A. “The Concept of Development”, Chenery H. and Srinivasan T. eds.. Handbook of Development Economics , v. 1 (Amsterdam: North Holland, 1991) p. 10-26. 1-56 2. Determinants of Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence A. Theories of economic growth • General introduction Todaro, M. “Theories of Development: A Comparative Analysis", Economic Development, p. 67-92. 2-1 • Institutions matter Olson, M. “Big Bills Left on the Sidewalk”, (1996) 10 Journal of Economic Perspectives 3. 2-26 B. Evidence • General Barro, RJ. “Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study”, NBER Working paper 5698 (Abstract). 2-47 Sachs, J. “The Limits of Convergence: Nature, Nurture and Growth”, Economist, June 14, 1997.. 2-48 World Bank, “Refocusing on the Effectiveness of the State", World Development Report 1997, p. 29-38. 2-51 Index of Economic Freedom (Washington D.C.: The Heritage Foundation, 1997). 2-61 3. The New Institutional Economics A. Introduction: Institutions matter Lin, J.Y. and Nugent, T. “Institutions and Economic Development”, Handbook of Development Economics, p. 2303-2319; 2342-2362. 3-1 North, D. “The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development”, in Harriss J. et al, eds.. The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development (London: Routledge, 1995) p. 17-27. 3-19 B. How to develop effective institutions: obstacles and possibilities Trebilcock, M. “What Makes Poor Countries Poor?: The Role of Institutional Capital in Economic Development”, in Buscaglia, E. et. al. eds. The Law and Economics of Development (Connecticut: JAI Press, 1997) p. 15-52. 3-25 4. Law and Development A. Introduction: Law and development and legal technical assistance Faundez, J. “Legal Technical Assistance”, in Faundez J. ed.. Good Government and Law: Legal and Institutional Reform in Developing Countries (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997) p. 1-14. 4-1 World Bank, “The World Bank and Legal Technical Assistance: Initial Lessons”, Policy Research Working Paper 1414 (Washinton, DC: World Bank, 1995). 4-9 B. Law, governance and the market MacAuslan, P. “Law, Governance and the Development of the Market: Practical Problems and Possible Solutions”, in Good Government and Law, p. 25-44. 4-24 Winn, J. “Relational Practices and the Marginalization of Law: Informal Financial Practice of Small Businesses in Taiwan”, (1994) 28 Law and Society Review 193-228. 4-35 C. Access to justice Cranston, R. “Access to Justice in South and South-east Asia”, in Good Government and Law, p. 233-255... 4-56 i D. Law and investment La Porta, Rafael, Lopez-de-Siianes, F., and Shleifer, A. “Which Countries Give Investors the Best Protection?”, Note, World Bank Finance Private Sector Development Department. 4-68 5. Democracy and Development A. The relationship between economic develooment/arowth and democracy • Empirical evidence Przeworski and Limongi, “Political Regimes and Economic Growth,” (1993) 7 Journal of Economic Perspectives 51 -66. 5-1 • Analyses (i) Democracy and development/markets: hand-in-hand Bhagwati, J. “The New Thinking on Development”, (1995) Journal of Democracy 50-64. 5-17 (ii) The East Asian experience Pei, M. ‘The Puzzle of East Asian Exceptionalism", (1994) Journal of Democracy 90-103. 5-25 (iii) Civil society and the enhancement of productive social capital Putnam, R. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy (Princeton: Princeton U.P., 1993) p. 83-120. 5-32 B. The challenge ahead: the second stage of democratic and economic reform • Overview of the issues: the case of Latin America Naim, M. “Latin America: The Second Stage of Reform”, (1994) Journal of Democracy 32-47. 5-52 6. Bureaucracy and Development A. Introduction: a model of effective bureaucracy Campos, J. and Root, H. “Leadership and the Economic Bureaucracy”, The Key to the Asian Miracle: Making Shared Growth Credible (Washington, D.C.:The Brookings Institution, 1996) p. 138-173. 6-1 B. Organizational reform Schiavo-Campo, S. “Reforming the Civil Service”, Finance and Development, Sep. 1996, p. 10-13. 6-19 X C. Decentralization World Bank, “Bringing the State Closer to People”, World Development Report 1997, p. 110-130. 6-23 7. State-owned Enterprises and Development 4_Introduction Shirley, M. et al.. Bureaucrats In Business: The Economics and Politics of Government Ownership (Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 1995) Chapter One... 7-1 B. The economics of SOEs and SOE reform Smith and Trebilcock, “State-Owned Enterprises in Developing Economies: Performance and Prospects”. Mimeo, May 30, 1997, p. 13- 58..... 7-24 C. Recent developments Articles from the Wall Street Journal, Oct. 2 1995, on Mexico, Chile and recent privatizations... 7-101 Volume Two 8. Corruption and Development Rose-Ackerman, S. “Corruption and Development”. Mimeo.... 8-1 Smith, A. “Corruption and Development: Support for New Institutional Economics”, Centre for the Study of State and Market, WPS #34-1997.... 8-49 9. Ethnic Conflict and Development A. Dynamics of ethnic conflict • General Bardhan, P. “Method in the Madness? A Political-Economy Analysis of Ethnic Conflicts in Less Developed Countries”. Mimeo..... 9-1 • Case studies (i) Indigenous marginalization King, V. and Jawan, J. “The Ibans of Sarawak, Malaysia: Ethnicity, Marginalization and Development”, Dwyer, D. and Drakakis-Smith, D. eds. Ethnicity and Development: Geographical Perspectives (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1996) p. 195-212.................. 9-40 (ii) Trading elite 1 Fafchamps, M. “Ethnicity and Markets: Supplier Credit in African Manufacturing". Mimeo, April 1996, p. 1-8; 24-25; 30-42. 9-51 B. Overcoming ethnic conflict Klitgaard, R. ‘Three Strategies for Overcoming Ethnic Inequalities”, Adjusting to Reality (San Francisco: ICS Press, 1991) p. 175-199. 9-78 10. Property Rights and Development A. Introduction: property rights and efficiency Eggertsson, T. Economic Behavior and Institutions (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990) p. 317-348. 10-1 Fleisig, H. “Secured Transactions: The Power of Collateral”, Finance and Development, June 1996. 10-19 B. Issues in land reform Jazairy, I. et.al. “Access of the Rural Poor to Resources: Land", The State of World Rural Poverty: An Inquiry into its Causes and Consequences (London: International Fund for Agricultural Development, 1996) p. 105 -133. 10-22 Jodha, “Property Rights and Development”, in Hanna, S. et al. eds., Rights to Nature: Ecological, Economic, Cultural, and Political Principles of Institutions for the Environment (Washington D.C.: Island Press, 1996). 10-51 Trebilcock, M. “Communal Property Rights in Papua New Guinea”, 1984 University of Toronto Law Journal 387-400. 10-59 11. Corporate Governance, Finance, SMEs, and Micro- Enterprise A. The need for financial intermediaries Gertler, M. and Rose, A. “Finance, Public Policy and Growth”, Caprio, G. et. al. eds. Financial Reform: Theory and Experience (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 1994) p. 19-34... 11-1 Schiantarelli, F. et. al. “Credit Where It is Due”, in Financial Reform, p. 64-80. 11-17 B. Financing the large firm: banks and stock markets • Banks Survey on Banking in LDCs, Economist, April 12, 1997. "Fragile, Handle With Care”; “The Four to Fear”, “Capital Punishment”. 11 -26 • The Role of stock markets Levine, R. “Stock Markets: A Spur to Economic Growth", Finance and Development, March 1996. 11-35 Singh, A. ‘The Stock Market, Economic Efficiency and Industrial Development”, in Arestis, P. and Chuli, V. eds. Finance, Development and Structural Change: Post-Keynesian Perspectives (Aldershot: Edmund Elgar, 1995) p. 71 -81; 89-107. 11 -39 C. SMEs • The Missing Middle Grosh, B. and Somolekae, G. “Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns: Can Microenterprise Serve as the Seedbed of Industrialization”, (1996) 24 World Development 1879-1888. 11 -54 The Key to the Asian Miracle, p. 60-64. 11 -66 D. The microenterprise/informal sector • The informal sector Charmes, J. “A Critical Review of Concepts, Definitions and Studies in the Informal Sector”, Turnham D. et. al. The Informal Sector Revisited (Paris: OECD, 1990) p. 17-28. 11 -69 • Micro-credit “From Sandals to Suits”, Economist, February 1, 1997. 11 -79 Siebel, H. “From Cheap Credit to Easy Money”, in Bouman, F.J.A. and Hospes, O. Financial Landscapes Reconstructed: The Fine Art of Mapping Development (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994). 11 -80 “Successful Rural Financial Institutions”, Finance and Development., The State of World Rural Poverty, p. 174-176. 11 -97 12. International Trade and Foreign Investment A. International trade Trebilcock, M. and Howse, R. The Regulation of International Trade (London: Routledge, 1995) p. 301-330. 12-1 Howse, R. and Trebilcock, M. “The Fair Trade-Free Trade Debate: Trade, Labor and the Environment”, (1996) 16 International Review of Law and Economics 61. 12-16

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