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Latin American Politics and Society 2003: Vol 45 Index PDF

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Index to Volume 45 Ack' le; son, Jason, book ] review Adam rancis, book review, 1:158—62 Arboley The Cuban Counterrevolution, reviewed, 1:135—45 Arceneaux Als Bounded Missions Vilitary Regimes and Democra ; ization in the Southern Cone and Brazil,J reviewed, 1:135—45 Avritzer, Leonardo, book review Democracy and the Publi Space in Latin America, re\ Florence, After Revolution: Mapping Gender and Cultural Politics n Neoliberal Nicaragua, reviewed, 2:159-—70 Chabat Transnational Crime and Public Challenges to Mexico and the United States. reviewed Politic S SOn ial 1 ¢ hile reviewe Vilitarizatio mocracy, And Det ils of Praetorianism in Latin America, reviewed W. James Hettric Vexico and reviewed, 4:129—4( segregation and «¢ itizenship Maya Kaq hikel Historical Per in Latin Ameri Domestic ( hristopher I ‘ll, Driven by Toward Colombia 4-158—63 Cronin, Patrick, Explaining Free Tra Mexico 1985-1988, 4:63—-95 Deere, Carmen Diana, and Magdalena Leon, Empowering Women: Land and Property Rights in Latin America, reviewed, 2:159-—70 Demmers, J., A. E. Jilberto, and B. Hegenboom, eds.., Miraculous Meta morphoses: The Neoliberalization of Latin American Populism reviewed, 1:150-—53 LATIN AMERICAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY Diamint, Rut, book review, 4:157-62 Pilar, and Rachel Sieder, eds., Rule of Law in Latin America ve International Promotion of Judicial Reform, reviewed, 1:153—58 Paul, Violence, Spatial Segregation, and the Limits of Local Empowerment in Urban Latin America (review essay), 4:129-46 Kent, Can Politicians Control Bureaucrats? Applying Theories of | Control to Argentina’s Democracy, 4:33—62 odd A., Thinking Outside the (Ballot) Box: Informal Elec- ns and Mexico's Political Opening, 1:25—-54 Cuba's Foreign Relations in a Post-Soviet World. Economic Reforms in Chile: From Dictatorship ‘viewed 4-153 58 OK review t 1606 72 Financing For Development in Latin America and wed, 1:158—62 and Edward Newman, eds., Democracy in nstructing Political Society, reviewed, 2:171-—73 k review, 4:152-—5 ind Karen Kampwirth, eds., Radical Women in Left and Right, reviewed, 2:159-70 rics, Exiles, and Acadet Opposition to the Dictatorship in the ited States, 1969-1974, Empire and Revolution: The Americans in Mexico War, reviewed, 1:174-81 IOOK TEVICW 1:162—0606 Rogelio, The Renovation of Old Institutions: State e Political Transition in Mexico, 4:97-12 | Joao Pontes Nogueira, Ecuador us. Peru: Peacemak- reviewed, 1:166—70 book review. 1:1606—70 Tr. , Political Entrepreneurs and Neoliberal Reform in » Salinas Requisa of the Port of Veracruz, 2:105—32 thryn, Fading Green? Environmental Politics in the Mer Free Trade Agreement, 4:1—32 Katharine, Still Fighting: The Nicaraguan Women’s Movement 2000. reviewed, 2:159-—70 ilbert M., ed., Reclaiming the Political in Latin American His- Essays from the North, reviewed 173-3-7 7 ipwirth, Karen, Arnoldo Aleman Takes On the NGOs: Antifeminism d the New Populism in Nicaragua, 2:133—58; Women and Guer- rilla Movements: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas, Cuba, reviewed, 16? til AW) Kay, Stephen J., book review, 3:149-53 Kirkendall, Andrew J., book review, 2:177-81 Knight, Alan, Mexico, volume 1, From the Beginning to the Spanish Con- quest, volume 2, The Colonial Era, reviewed, 4:166-—72 Ladutke, Lawrence Michael, book review, 4:147 —5] Lehoucg, Fabrice, book review, 2:171—73 Levitsky, Steven, and Maxwell A. ( ameron, Democracy Without Parties? Political Parties and Regime Change in Fujimori’s Peru, 3:1—33 Lewis, Stephen, book review, 2:185—90 Louie, Miriam Ching Loon, Sweatshop Warriors: Immigrant Women Workers Take On the Global Factory reviewed, 3:129-—39 Mahoney, James, The Legacies of Liberalism: Path Dependence and Political Regimes in Central America, reviewed, | 162—06 McGuire, James W., book review Middlebrook, Kevin J., ed., ¢ mservative Parties, the Right, and Democ racy in Latin America, reviewed, 1 135-45 Morris, Stephen D., book review |: 186-89 Murillo, Maria Victoria, Labor Unions, Partisan Coalitions, and Market Reforms in Latin America, reviewed 3:141-44 Myers, David J., and Henry A. Dietz, eds., Capital City Politics in Latin imerica: Democratization and Empowerment, reviewed, 4:129—46 varro, Sharon, Border Narratives: The Politics of Identity and Mobi- lization (review essay), 3:129-—39 Norden, Deborah L., and Roberto Russell, The United States and Argentina: Changing Relations in a Changing World, reviewed, t:157-62 Nylen, William M he 0k review 1:14 SU O’Dougherty, Maureen, Consumption Intensified: The Politics of Middle 79] Class Daily Life in Brazil, reviewed, 2:17 Oxhorn, Philip D., book review, 1:18] R5 Payne, Leigh A., Uncivil Movements The Armed Right Wing and Democ- racy in Latin America, reviewed, 1:135—45 Pereira, Anthony, Brazil's Agrarian Reform: Democratic Innovation o1 Oligarchic Exclusion Redux? 2:41-65 Power, Margaret, Right-Wing Women in Chile: Feminine Power and the Struggle Against Allende, 1964-197 3, reviewed, 4:162—06 Richards, Patricia, New Readings « nn Women’s Movements and Women’s Rig its in Latin America (review essay), 2:159-70 Roberts, Kenneth M., Social Correlates of Part y System Demise and Pop ulist Resurgence in Venezuela, 3:35—5 Rotker, Susana, ed., Citizens of Fear Urban Violence in Latin America, reviewed, 4:129—46 Ruiz, Vicki L., ed., Las Obreras Chicana Politics of Work and Family, reviewed, 3:129—39 LATIN AMERICAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY Russell, Roberto, and Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, From Antagonistic Auton- ymv to Relational Autonomy: A Theoretical Reflection from the Southern Cone, 1:1—24 Saldivar-Hull, Sonia, Feminism on the Border: Chicana Gender Politics and Literature, reviewed, 4:129—39 7, Omar, book review, 1:150—53 Amber L., The Right in Latin America: Strategies, Successes ailures (review essay), 1:135 Carolyn, Limits to Hegemonk } in the Organization of American States, 3:59-92 Dreaming Equality: Color, Race, and Racism in Urban reviewed, 4:129—46 ok ‘ review. 3:153-—58 Selling Sustainable Development and Shortchanging osta Rican Forest Io licy, 3:93-12 1:153-58 book review, 3:141—44 ok review, 3:158—63 ives! Histories and Cultural Politics in Southern 185—90 vith Amelia Brown, Democratic Governance reviewed, 4:144—49 utional Change and Ethnic Parties in South review. 3:163—65 Borders, Reinforcing Borders: Soc ial Categories Narrative Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Frontier ’olitics of Market Reform in Fragile Democracies Peru, and Venezuela, reviewed, 4:152—5 Social J Movements and Economic Transition: Mar 1 Distributive Conflict in Mexice viewed, 1:181-85 Varket Reforms in Mex Codlitions, Institutions , ff Policy Change, rev

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