LARGE SETS OF COMPLEX AND REAL EQUIANGULAR LINES 5 1 JONATHAN JEDWAB AND AMY WIEBE 0 2 Abstract. Large sets of equiangular lines are constructed from sets of r a mutually unbiased bases, over both the complex and the real numbers. M 0 2 1. Introduction ] O The angle between vectors x and x of unit norm in Cd is arccos x ,x , j k j k C |h i| where , is the standard Hermitian inner product. A set of m distinct lines h. in Cd thh·ro·iugh the origin, represented by vectors x ,...,x of equal norm, is 1 m t a equiangular if for some real constant a we have m x ,x = a for all j = k. [ j k |h i| 6 2 The number of equiangular lines in Cd is at most d2 [4], and when the vectors v arefurtherconstrainedtolieinRd thisnumberisatmostd(d+1)/2(attributed 5 9 to Gerzon in [9]). It is an open question, in both the complex and real case, 3 whether the upper bound can be attained for infinitely many d, although 5 in both cases Θ(d2) equiangular lines exist for all d. Specifically, Ko¨nig [8] 0 . constructed d2 d+1 equiangular lines in Cd where d 1 is a prime power, 01 and de Caen [3]−constructed 2(d+1)2/9 equiangular lines−in Rd where (d+1)/3 5 is twice a power of 4. By extending vectors using zero entries as necessary, we 1 can derive sets of Θ(d2) equiangular lines from these direct constructions for : v all d. i X Two orthogonal bases x ,...,x , y ,...,y for Cd are unbiased if { 1 d} { 1 d} r a x ,y 1 (1) |h j ki| = for all j,k. x y √d || j||·|| k|| A set of orthogonal bases is a set of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) if all pairs of distinct bases are unbiased. Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5A 1S6 Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Box 354350, Seat- tle, WA 98195-4350, USA E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]. Date: 20 January 2015 (revised 7 March 2015). 1 2 LARGE SETS OF COMPLEX AND REAL EQUIANGULAR LINES The number of MUBs in Cd is at most d + 1 [4, Table I], which can be attained when d is a prime power by a variety of methods [5], [7], [10]. The number of MUBs in Rd is at most d/2+1 [4, Table I], which can be attained when d is a power of 4 [1], [2]. The authors recently gave a direct construction of d2/4 equiangular lines in Cd, where d/2 is a prime power [6]. We show here how to generalize the underlying construction to give Θ(d2) equiangular lines in Cd and Rd directly from sets of complex and real MUBs. 2. The Construction Weassociate anordered set of m vectors inCd with the m d matrix formed × from the vector entries, using the ordering of the set to determine the ordering of the vectors. Theorem 1. Suppose that B ,B ,...,B form a set of r MUBs in Cd, each of 1 2 r whose vectors has all entries of unit magnitude, where r d. Let a ,a ,...,a 1 2 t be constants in C, where t 1. Let B (v) be the set o≤f d vectors formed by j multiplying entry j of each ≥vector of B by v C, and let L(v) = r B (v) j ∈ ∪j=1 j (considered as an ordered set). Then all inner products between distinct vectors among the rd vectors of t L(a ) L(a ) ... L(a ) L t+1 a h 1 2 t (cid:16) −X j(cid:17)i j=1 2 in C(t+1)d have magnitude t a 1 2 + t (a 1) or (t+1)√d. Pj=1| j − | (cid:12)(cid:12)Pj=1 j − (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Proof. WriteA = a ,a ,...,a ,t+1 t a fortheset ofargumentsv C { 1 2 t −Pj=1 j} ∈ takenbyL(v)intheconstruction. Weconsidertwocases, accordingtowhether distinct vectors of L(v) originate from the same basis or from distinct bases. In the first case, consider the inner product of distinct vectors of L(v) con- structed from vectors from the same basis B . Since the original vectors j are orthogonal, this inner product is z( v 2 1) for some z of unit mag- | | − nitude that depends only on the original two vectors. Since each occur- rence of L(v) uses the same ordering, the inner product of the correspond- ing concatenated vectors in C(t+1)d is therefore z ( v 2 1), which equals Pv∈A | | − 2 z t a 1 2+ t (a 1) after straightforward algebraic manipu- (cid:16)Pj=1| j − | (cid:12)(cid:12)Pj=1 j − (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:17) lation. (cid:12) (cid:12) In the second case, consider vectors of L(v) constructed from vectors from distinct bases B ,B . Let these constructed vectors be j k x = (x x ... vx ... ... x ), 1 2 j d y = (y y ... ... vy ... y ). 1 2 k d LARGE SETS OF COMPLEX AND REAL EQUIANGULAR LINES 3 The inner product of x and y in L(v) is d x y + +vx y + +vx y + +x y = x y +(v 1)x y +(v 1)x y . 1 1 ··· j j ··· k k ··· d d X ℓ ℓ − j j − k k ℓ=1 ThereforethecorrespondingconcatenatedvectorsinC(t+1)d haveinnerproduct d d (t+1) x y +x y (v 1)+x y (v 1) = (t+1) x y , X ℓ ℓ j jX − k kX − X ℓ ℓ ℓ=1 v∈A v∈A ℓ=1 because v = t+1. Now, all of the entries x , y have unit magnitude by Pv∈A ℓ ℓ assumption, andso d x y = √dby theMUB property (1). Therefore the (cid:12)(cid:12)Pℓ=1 ℓ ℓ(cid:12)(cid:12) concatenated vector(cid:12)s in C(t+1)d(cid:12)have inner product of magnitude(t+1)√d. (cid:3) Remark. Lemma 6.2 of [6] describes the special case t = 1 and r = d of Theorem 1, in which the MUBs are constrained to arise from a (d,d,d,1) relativedifferencesetinanabeliangroupaccordingtotheconstructionmethod of [5]; the permutation π given in [6, Lemma 6.2] can be dropped without loss of generality. Corollary 2. Let t be a positive integer and let d be a prime power. There exist d2 equiangular lines in C(t+1)d. Proof. There exists a set of d+1 MUBs in Cd for which one of the bases is the standard basis [10]. After appropriate scaling, all entries of each of the vectors of the remaining d bases therefore have unit magnitude, using (1). So we may apply Theorem 1 with r = d. There are infinitely many choices of a ,a ,...,a C for which the two 1 2 t ∈ magnitudes in the conclusion of Theorem 1 are equal, one such choice being a = 1+d1/4/√t for each j. (cid:3) j Corollary 3. Let t be a positive integer and let d be a power of 4. There exist d2/2 equiangular lines in R(t+1)d. Proof. There exists a set of d/2 + 1 MUBs in Rd for which one of the bases is the standard basis [1], [2]. Apply Theorem 1 with r = d/2 and take, for example, a = 1+d1/4/√t for each j to obtain real equiangular lines. (cid:3) j The proof of Theorem 1 shows that the magnitude of the inner product of distinct vectors is ( v 2 1) or (t + 1)√d. In the construction of Pv∈A | | − Corollaries 2 and 3, the constants a are chosen so that these magnitudes j are equal, and the inner product of each concatenated vector with itself is ( v 2+d 1). It followsthat thecommonanglefor thesets ofequiangular Pv∈A | | − linesconstructedinCorollaries2and3isarccos(1/(1+√d))forallt, regardless of the choice of the constants a . j 4 LARGE SETS OF COMPLEX AND REAL EQUIANGULAR LINES Theorem 1 can be generalized as follows. Let c ,...,c be real constants, 1 t and take the rd vectors of t c L(a ) c L(a ) ... c L(a ) L 1+ c2(1 a ) h 1 1 2 2 t t (cid:16) X j − j (cid:17)i j=1 in C(t+1)d. Then all inner products between distinct vectors have magnitude 2 t c2 1 a 2+ t c2(1 a ) or (1+ t c2)√d. If a ,a ,...,a and Pj=1 j | − j| (cid:12)(cid:12)Pj=1 j − j (cid:12)(cid:12) Pj=1 j 1 2 t c ,c ,...,c are cho(cid:12)sen so that thes(cid:12)e two magnitudes are equal, the common 1 2 t angle of the resulting set of equiangular lines is again arccos(1/(1+√d)). Remark. The case t = 1 and d = 4 of Corollary 3 constructs 8 equiangular lines in R8 having the form [L(a) L(2 a)], where a 1 √2 . 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