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Preview Landau's theorem for slice regular functions on the quaternionic unit ball

Landau’s theorem for slice regular 7 functions on the quaternionic unit ball 1 0 2 Cinzia Bisi n a Universit`adegli StudidiFerrara J Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica 7 Via Machiavelli 35, I-44121 Ferrara, Italy 2 [email protected] ] V Caterina Stoppato∗ C Universit`adegli StudidiFirenze h. Dipartimento diMatematica e Informatica “U.Dini” t Viale Morgagni 67/A, I-50134 Firenze, Italy a m [email protected]fi.it [ 1 Abstract v Along with the development of the theory of slice regular functions 2 1 overtherealalgebraofquaternionsHduringthelast decade,somenatu- 1 ralquestionsaroseaboutsliceregularfunctionsontheopenunitballBin 8 H. This work establishes several new results in this context. Along with 0 some useful estimates for slice regular self-maps of B fixing the origin, it . establishestwovariantsofthequaternionicSchwarz–Picklemma,special- 1 0 ized to maps B → B that are not injective. These results allow a full 7 generalization toquaternionsoftwotheoremsprovenbyLandauforholo- 1 morphicself-mapsf ofthecomplexunitdiskwith f(0)=0. Landauhad : computed, in terms of a := |f′(0)|, a radius ρ such that f is injective at v leastinthedisk∆(0,ρ)andsuchthattheinclusionf(∆(0,ρ))⊇∆(0,ρ2) i X holds. Theanalogous resultprovenhereforsliceregularfunctionsB→B r allows a new approach to the study of Bloch–Landau-type properties of a slice regular functions B→H. 1 Introduction The unit ball in the real algebra of quaternions H, namely B:= q H: q <1 , { ∈ | | } isthesubjectofintensiveinvestigationwithinthetheoryofsliceregularquater- nionic functions introduced in [19, 20]. The theory is based on the next defi- nition, where the notation S := q H q2 = 1 is used for the sphere of { ∈ | − } quaternionic imaginary units. 1 Definition1.1. LetΩbeadomain(anopenconnectedset)inHandletf: Ω H. For all I S, let us use the notations L := R+IR, Ω := Ω L an→d I I I f := f . Th∈e function f is called (Cullen or) slice regular if, for ∩all I S, thIe rest|rΩiIction f is holomorphic; that is, if, for all I S, f is differenti∈able I I and the function ∂ f: Ω H defined by ∈ I I → 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ f(x+yI):= +I f (x+Iy) I I 2(cid:18)∂x ∂y(cid:19) vanishes identically. Ifthisisthecase, thenasliceregularfunction∂ f :Ω H c → can be defined by setting 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ f(x+yI):= I f (x+yI) c I 2(cid:18)∂x − ∂y(cid:19) for I S, x,y R (such that x+Iy Ω). It is called the Cullen derivative of ∈ ∈ ∈ f. For slice regular functions on the quaternionic unit ball B, the Schwarz lemmaanditsboundaryversionwereprovenin[20,22]. Sliceregularanalogsof theMo¨biustransformationsofBhavebeenintroducedandstudiedin[8,23,31], leading to the generalization of the Schwarz–Pick lemma in [7]. Other results concerning slice regular functions on B have been published in [2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17]. Within this rich panorama, the present work establishes the quaternionic counterparts of the following results due to Landau [27, 28], which we quote in the form of [26], 2.10. § Theorem 1.2 (Landau). For each a (0,1), let Φ denote the set of holomor- a ∈ phic self-maps f of the complex unit disk ∆(0,1)such that f(0)=0, f (0) =a. ′ | | Let ρ:= inf r(f), f∈Φa r(f):=sup r (0,1) f is injective in ∆(0,r) . { ∈ | } Then ρ= 1 √1 a2. Furthermore, for f Φ the equality r(f)=ρ holds if, and − a− ∈ a only if, there exists η ∂∆(0,1) such that f(z)=F(ηz)η 1 where − ∈ a z F(z):=z − . 1 az − Theorem 1.3 (Landau). For each a (0,1), let ∈ P := inf R(f), f∈Φa R(f):=sup r Ω ∆(0,1) s.t. 0 Ω and f :Ω ∆(0,r) is bijective . r r r { |∃ ⊆ ∈ → } Then P = ρ2 with ρ = 1 √1 a2. Furthermore, for f Φ it holds R(f) = ρ2 − a− ∈ a if, and only if, there exists η ∂∆(0,1) such that f(z)=F(ηz)η 1. − ∈ 2 Besides their independent interest, Theorems 1.2 and 1.3 can be used to prove one of the most celebrated results in complex function theory: Theorem 1.4 (Bloch–Landau). Let f be a holomorphic function on a region containing the closure of ∆(0,1) and suppose f(0) = 0,f (0) = 1. Then there ′ is a disk S ∆(0,1) on which f is injective and such that f(S) contains a disk ⊆ of radius b>1/72. The reference [10] presents in Ch. XII 1 a proof of the Bloch–Landau § theorembasedonreducingtoboundedfunctionsandapplyingtothemavariant of Theorem 1.3. The largest value of b for which Theorem 1.4 holds is known as Bloch’s constant. As it is well-known, determining this constant is still a challenging problem nowadays. While the situation is considerably different in the case of several complex variables[4,9,13,25],variantsofTheorem1.4holdinthetheoryofsliceregular functions, see [12], and in other hypercomplex generalizations of the theory of one complex variable: see [30]for the classof T-holomorphic functions overthe bicomplexnumbers;and[29]forsquareintegrablemonogenic functionsoverthe reduced quaternions. As we already mentioned, in the present work we estab- lish perfect analogs of Theorems 1.2 and 1.3 for slice regular functions. Other original results are proven along with them and a new version of Theorem 6 of [12] is obtained as an application. The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we recall some preliminary material needed for our study, in- cluding the algebraic structure of slice regular functions: a ring structure with the usual addition + anda multiplication , as well as the existence of a multi- ∗ plicativeinversef whenf 0. Thisstructureisthebasisfortheconstruction −∗ of regular M¨obius transforma6≡tions, namely, (q)u for q B,u ∂B, where Mq0 0 ∈ ∈ Mq0(q):=(1−qq¯0)−∗∗(q−q0). We recall some known results on the differential of a slice regular function and wederiveacharacterizationoffunctionsthatarenotinjective. Thequaternionic Schwarz–Picklemma is also recalled in detail. Section 3 establishes two variants of the quaternionic Schwarz–Picklemma, specializedtoself-mapsofthe quaternionicunitballthatarenotinjective. The first one is: Theorem 1.5. Let f : B B be a regular function, let q B and set v := 0 → ∈ f(q ). If f is not injective in any neighborhood of f 1(v) then there exists 0 − p B such that 0 ∈ (f(q) v) (1 v¯ f(q)) (q) (q). | − ∗ − ∗ −∗|≤|Mq0 ∗Mp0 | A second variant can be derived from the former: Theorem 1.6. Let f: B B be a slice regular function, which, for some r (0,1), is injective in B→(0,r) := q H : q < r but is not injective in ∈ { ∈ | | } 3 B(0,r ) for any r > r. Then there exists q ∂B(0,r) such that f is not ′ ′ 0 ∈ injective in any neighborhood of f 1(f(q )) and − 0 (f(q) f(q )) (1 f(q ) f(q)) (q) (q). | − 0 ∗ − 0 ∗ −∗|≤|Mq0 ∗Mp0 | for some p B(0,r). In particular, if f(0)=0 then f(q ) r2. 0 0 ∈ | |≤ We add,inSection4, someusefulestimatesforsliceregularself-mapsofthe unit ball fixing the origin: Theorem 1.7. Let f : B B be a slice regular function with f(0) = 0. If → a:= ∂ f(0) belongs to (0,1) then c | | a q q +a q −| | f(q) q | | . (1) | |1 aq ≤| |≤| |1+aq − | | | | for all q B. Furthermore, if there exists q B such that equality holds on ∈ ∈ the left-hand side or on the right-hand side, then f(q) = q (q) where is a regular M¨obius transformation of B with (0) =a. M M |M | The aforementionedtheorems allow us to achieve, in Section 5, a full gener- alization of Landau’s results: Theorem 1.8. Let f : B B be a slice regular function with f(0) = 0. If → a := ∂ f(0) belongs to (0,1) and if we set ρ := 1 √1 a2 then the following | c | − a− properties hold. 1. The function f is injective at least in the ball B(0,ρ). 2. For all r (0,ρ), B 0,r a r f(B(0,r)) B 0,r a+r . As a conse- ∈ 1−ar ⊆ ⊆ 1+ar quence, (cid:0) − (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) B(0,ρ2) f(B(0,ρ)). ⊆ 3. The following are equivalent: (a) B(0,ρ) is the largest ball centered at 0 where f is injective; (b) there exists a point q ∂B(0,ρ) with f(q ) ∂B(0,ρ2); 0 0 ∈ ∈ (c) f(q) = q (q) where is a regular M¨obius transformation of B M M (necessarily such that (0)=∂ f(0), whence (0) =a). c M |M | In Section 6, as an application, we obtain a quaternionic Bloch–Landau- type result in the spirit of [12]. Although finding a full-fledged quaternionic generalization of Theorem 1.4 is still an open problem, the new approach used here opens a new path towards such a generalization,which will be the subject of future research. 4 2 Preliminary material Letusrecallsomebasicmaterialonsliceregularfunctions,seeChapter1in[18]. We will henceforth use the adjective regular, for short, to refer to slice regular functions. Proposition 2.1. The regular functions on a Euclidean ball B(0,R):= q H q <R { ∈ | | | } warheicehxacocntlvyertgheeisnumBs(0o,Rf )t.hose power series Pn∈Nqnan (with {an}n∈N ⊂ H) Between two regular functions on B(0,R), say f(q):= qna , g(q):= qnb , n n nXN nXN ∈ ∈ the regular product is defined as follows: n (f g)(q):= qn a b . k n k ∗ nXN kX=0 − ∈ The regular conjugate of f is defined as fc(q):= qna¯ . n nXN ∈ The next definition presents a larger class of domains that are of interest in the theory of regular functions. Definition 2.2. A domain Ω H is called a slicedomain if Ω =Ω L is an I I open connected subset of LI ∼=⊆C for all I ∈S, and Ω intersects the re∩al axis. A slice domain Ω is termed symmetric if it is symmetric with respect to the real axis, i.e., if for all x,y R,I S the inclusion x+Iy Ω implies x+yS Ω. I ∈ ∈ ∈ ⊂ The definition of the multiplication (f,g) f g can be extended to the 7→ ∗ case of regular functions on a symmetric slice domain Ω, leading to the next result. For more details, see 1.4 in [18]. § Proposition 2.3. Let Ω be a symmetric slice domain. The set of regular func- tions on Ω is a (noncommutative) ring with respect to + and . ∗ The operation f fc can also be consistently extended to the case of 7→ regular functions on a symmetric slice domain Ω. The additional operation of symmetrization, defined by the formula fs :=f fc =fc f ∗ ∗ allows to define the regular reciprocal of f as f (q):=fs(q) 1fc(q) −∗ − 5 andto provethe next results,where we use the notation := q Ω h(q)= h 0 for the zero set of a regular h : Ω H. For details, wZe refe{r t∈he re|ader to } → Chapter 5 in [18]. Theorem 2.4. Let f be a regular function on a symmetric slice domain Ω and suppose that f 0. Then f−∗ is regular in Ω fs, which is a symmetric slice 6≡ \Z domain, and f f =f f 1. −∗ −∗ ∗ ∗ ≡ Theorem 2.5. Let f,g be regular functions on a symmetric slice domain Ω. Then 0 if f(q)=0, (f g)(q)= ∗ (cid:26) f(q)g(f(q)−1qf(q)) otherwise. If we set Tf(q):=fc(q)−1qfc(q) for all q Ω fs, then ∈ \Z (f g)(q)=f(T (q)) 1g(T (q)), (2) −∗ f − f ∗ for all q Ω fs. For all x,y R with x+yS Ω fs Ω fc, thefunction T maps∈x+\yZS to itself (in pa∈rticular, T (x)=⊂x f\oZr all⊂x \RZ). Furthermore, f f ∈ Tf is a diffeomorphism from Ω fs onto itself, with inverse Tfc. \Z Let us now recall some material on the zeros of regular quaternionic func- tions,seeChapter3in[18]. Webeginwitharesultthatisfolkloreinthetheory of quaternionic polynomials. For all q = x +Iy with x ,y R,I S, we 0 0 0 0 0 ∈ ∈ will use the notation S :=x +y S. q0 0 0 Theorem 2.6. Let q ,q H and f(q)=(q q ) (q q ). If q S then f has two zeros in H, n0am1el∈y q and (q q¯ )q−(q0 ∗q¯ )−11 S .1N6∈owqs0uppose, 0 0− 1 1 0− 1 − ∈ q1 instead, that q S . If q = q¯ then f only vanishes at q , while if q = q¯ 1 ∈ q0 1 6 0 0 1 0 then the zero set of f is S . q0 As in the case of a holomorphic complex function, the zeros of a regular quaternionic function can be factored out. The relation between the factoriza- tion and the zero set is, however, subtler than in the complex case because of the previous theorem. Theorem 2.7. Let f 0 be a regular function on a symmetric slice domain Ω and let x+yS Ω. T6≡here exist m N = 0,1,2,... and a regular function g :Ω H, not⊂identically zero in x+∈yS, su{ch that } → f(q)=[(q x)2+y2]mg(q) − If g has a zero p x+yS, then such a zero is unique and there exist n 1 N,p ,...,p x+y∈S (with p =p¯ for all l 1,...,n 1 ) such that ∈ 1 n l l+1 ∈ 6 ∈{ − } g(q)=(q p ) ... (q p ) h(q) 1 n − ∗ ∗ − ∗ for some regular function h:Ω H that does not have zeros in x+yS. → 6 This motivates the next definition. Definition 2.8. In the situation of Theorem 2.7, f is said to have spherical multiplicity 2m at x+yS and isolated multiplicity n at p . Finally, the total 1 multiplicity of x+yS for f is defined as the sum 2m+n. Let us now recall a definition originally given in [24] and a few results from [16], which concern the real differential of a regular function. Definition 2.9. Let f be a regular function on a symmetric slice domain Ω, and let q = x +Iy Ω with x ,y R,I S. If y = 0 then the spherical 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∈ ∈ ∈ 6 derivative of f at q is defined by the formula 0 ∂ f(q ):=(q q¯ ) 1(f(q ) f(q¯ )). s 0 0 0 − 0 0 − − Proposition 2.10. Let f be a regular function on a symmetric slice domain Ω, and let q = x + Iy Ω with x ,y R,I S. If y = 0 then the 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∈ ∈ ∈ real differential of f at q acts by right multiplication by the Cullen derivative 0 ∂ f(q ) on the entire tangent space T Ω H. If, on the other hand, y = 0 ancd if0 we split such space as H = Lq0 L≃ then the real differential ac0ts6 on I ⊕ ⊥I L by right multiplication by ∂ f(q ) and on L by right multiplication by the I c 0 ⊥I spherical derivative ∂ f(q ). s 0 The next result characterizes the singular set N of a regular function f, f that is, the set of points where the real differential of f is not invertible. Proposition 2.11. Let f be a regular function on a symmetric slice domain Ω, and let q Ω. The real differential of f at q is not invertible if, and only if, 0 0 there exist∈q S and a regular function g :Ω H such that 0 ∈ q0 → e f(q)=f(q )+(q q ) (q q ) g(q); (3) 0 0 0 − ∗ − ∗ that is, if, and only if, f −f(q0) has total multipelicity n ≥ 2 at Sq0. We can distinguish the following special cases: equality (3) holds with q = q¯ if, and only if, the spherical derivative 0 0 • ∂ f(q ) vanishes; s 0 e equality (3)holdswithq =q if, andonlyif, theCullenderivative ∂ f(q ) 0 0 c 0 • vanishes. e The following theorem asserts that the total multiplicity n of f f(q ) at 0 − S is constant in a neighborhood of S . q0 q0 Theorem 2.12. Let Ω be a symmetric slice domain and let f : Ω H be → a non-constant regular function. Then its singular set N has empty interior. f Moreover, for a fixed q N , let n>1 be the total multiplicity of f f(q ) at 0 f 0 ∈ − S . Then there exist a neighborhood U of q and a neighborhood T of S such q0 0 q0 that, for all q U, the sum of the total multiplicities of the zeros of f f(q ) 1 1 ∈ − in T equals n; in particular, for all q U N the preimage of f(q ) includes 1 f 1 ∈ \ at least two distinct points of T. 7 Corollary 2.13. Let Ω be a symmetric slice domain and let f : Ω H be a → regular function. If f is injective, then its singular set N is empty. f For the purposes of our present work, we add the following remark. Proposition 2.14. Let Ω be a symmetric slice domain and let f :Ω H be a → regular function. For each value v of f, the following are equivalent: f is not injective in any neighborhood of f 1(v); − • there exist q ,q Ω and a regular g :Ω H such that 0 1 • ∈ → f(q)=v+(q q ) (q q ) g(g). (4) 0 1 − ∗ − ∗ Proof. Suppose f(q)=v+(q q ) (q q ) g(g), 0 1 − ∗ − ∗ so that in particular f(q ) = v. If q S then f v vanishes at some 0 1 6∈ q0 − q S . As a consequence, f(q ) = v = f(q ) and f is not injective on any 1 ∈ q1 1 0 neighborhoodoff 1(v) q ,q . If,ontheotherhand,q S thenq N bey Proposition 2.1−1. In⊇su{ch0a 1ce}ase, f is not injective in a1n∈y nqe0ighborh0o∈od off f 1(v) q by Theorem 2.12. e − 0 ∋ Now let us prove the converse implication. If v is the value of f at q then 0 there exists h : Ω H such that f(q) = v +(q q ) h(q). If h does not 0 → − ∗ admit any zero q Ω then f does not take the value v at any other point 1 ∈ of Ω other than q and q N . As a consequence, f 1(v) = q and f is 0 0 f − 0 6∈ { } a local diffeomorphism near q . A fortiori, f is injective in a neighborhood of 0 f 1(v). − Weconcludeouroverviewofpreliminarymaterialwithafewresultsconcern- ing the unit ball B := q H q < 1 . The work [31] introduced the regular M¨obius transformation{s, ∈name|ly| |the f}unctions q (q)u with u ∂B, q B and 7→ Mq0 ∈ 0 ∈ (q):=(q q ) (1 q¯ q) =(q q ) (1 qq¯) =(1 qq¯ ) (q q ). Mq0 − 0 ∗ − 0∗ −∗ − 0 ∗ − 0 −∗ − 0 −∗∗ − 0 These transformations are the only bijective self-maps of B that are regular. In [7], the following result has been proven. Theorem 2.15 (Schwarz-Pick lemma). Let f : B B be a regular function and let q B. Then in B: → 0 ∈ (f(q) f(q )) (1 f(q ) f(q)) (q). (5) | − 0 ∗ − 0 ∗ −∗| ≤ |Mq0 | Moreover, 1 ∂ f (1 f(q ) f(q)) (6) | c ∗ − 0 ∗ −∗||q0 ≤ 1 q0 2 −| | ∂ f(q ) 1 s 0 | | (7) 1 fs(q ) ≤ 1 q 2 0 0 | − | | − | 8 If f is a regular M¨obius transformation of B, then equality holds in the previous formulas. Else, all the aforementioned inequalities are strict (except for the first one at q , which reduces to 0 0). 0 ≤ The proof was based on the following lemmas, proven in [8] and in [7], respectively. Lemma 2.16. If f : B B is a regular function then for all q B, the 0 → ∈ function f(q):=(f(q) f(q )) (1 f(q ) f(q)) is a regular function from 0 0 −∗ − ∗ − ∗ B to itself with f(q )=0. e 0 Lemma 2.17. Ief f :B B is a regular function having a zero at q B, then 0 f is a regular fun→ction from B to itself. ∈ M−q0∗∗ The proof of Lemma 2.17 used the next result (see 7.1 in [18]), which will § be thoroughly used in the present work. Theorem 2.18 (Maximum Modulus Principle). Let Ω H be a slice domain and let f: Ω H be regular. If f has a relative maximu⊆m at p Ω, then f is → | | ∈ constant. As a consequence, if Ω is bounded and if, for all q ∂Ω, 0 ∈ limsup f(q) M | |≤ Ω q q0 ∋ → then f M in Ω and the inequality is strict unless f is constant. | |≤ Finally, the following lemma, proven in [7] as a further tool for the proof of Theorem 2.15, will also be useful later in this paper. Lemma 2.19. Let f,g,h : B = B(0,R) H be regular functions. If f g → | | ≤ | | then h f h g . Moreover, if f < g then h f < h g in B , h | ∗ | ≤ | ∗ | | | | | | ∗ | | ∗ | \Z where we recall that := q B h(q)=0 . h Z { ∈ | } 3 A generalized Schwarz-Pick lemma Our first step towards a quaternionic version of Landau’s results is a special variant of Theorem 2.15, concerned with self-maps of B that are not injective. We will start with the next theorem and then achieve the result which we will apply later in the paper. Theorem 3.1. Let f : B B be a regular function, let q B and set v := 0 → ∈ f(q ). If f is not injective in any neighborhood of f 1(v) then there exists 0 − p B such that 0 ∈ (f(q) v) (1 v¯ f(q)) (q) (q). | − ∗ − ∗ −∗|≤|Mq0 ∗Mp0 | Namely, if q ,q B are such that f(q) = v+(q q ) (q q ) g(g) holds 0 1 0 1 for some regular∈g : B H, then the previous −inequa∗lity−holds∗with p := 0 → (1 q q ) 1q (1 q q ) S . − 1 0 − 1 − 1 0 ∈ q1 9 Proof. Iff isnotinjectiveinanyneighborhoodoff 1(v)thenProposition2.14 − applies. Let q ,q B be such that 0 1 ∈ f(q)=v+(q q ) (q q ) g(g) 0 1 − ∗ − ∗ for some regular g :B H. Now, → f(q):=(f(q) v) (1 v¯ f(q)) −∗ − ∗ − ∗ e =(q q0) (q q1) g(g) (1 v¯ f(q))−∗ − ∗ − ∗ ∗ − ∗ isaself-mapofBwithazeroatq . Inparticular,byLemma2.17,h:= f is a regular function from B to it0self. Moreover, M−q0∗∗ e h(q)=(1 qq¯0) (q q1) g(g) (1 v¯ f(q))−∗ − ∗ − ∗ ∗ − ∗ vanishes at p := (1 q q ) 1q (1 q q ) S by Theorem 2.5. By applying 0 − 1 0 − 1 − 1 0 ∈ q1 again Lemma 2.17 we find that h= f M−p0∗∗ M−p0∗∗M−q0∗∗ is again a regular function from B to itself. By Lemmea 2.19 we conclude that f | |≤|Mq0 ∗Mp0| in B, as desired. e Thepreviousresultwasalreadyknowninthespecialcaseswhentheviolation ofinjectivity iscausedbythe vanishingoftheCullenorthe sphericalderivative at q : see Theorems 5.2 and 5.4 in [7]. In such cases, the point p appearing in 0 0 the statement coincides with q or q¯ , respectively. 0 0 WenowexploitTheorem3.1andturnitintoaresultthatwillbeparticularly useful in the sequel. Theorem 3.2. Let f: B B be a regular function, which, for some r (0,1), → ∈ is injective in B(0,r) but is not injective in B(0,r ) for any r > r. Then ′ ′ there exists q ∂B(0,r) such that f is not injective in any neighborhood of 0 ∈ f 1(f(q )) and − 0 (f(q) f(q )) (1 f(q ) f(q)) (q) (q). | − 0 ∗ − 0 ∗ −∗|≤|Mq0 ∗Mp0 | for some p B(0,r). In particular, if f(0)=0 then f(q ) q p r2. 0 0 0 0 ∈ | |≤| || |≤ Proof. For each n 1, since f is not injective in B(0,r+1/n), there exist two ≥ distinctpointsp ,q inB(0,r+1/n)wheref takesthesamevaluev . Sincewe n n n supposedf tobeinjectiveinB(0,r),onlyoneofthetwopoints,sayp ,maybe n included in B(0,r) while q must have r q <r+1/n. Therefore, q r n n n ≤| | | |→ as n + and, up to refining the sequence, q q for some q ∂B(0,r). n 0 0 Up to→fur∞ther refinements, p p for some p →B(0,r) and v ∈ v B. n n → ∈ → ∈ Clearly, f(q )=v =f(p). This immediately proves that f is not injective near 0 10

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