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Preview LAN : The Network Solutions Magazine 1996: Vol 11 Index

1996 EDITORIAL INDEX by the LAN Staff 1996 Index Remember it but can’t find it? LAN Magazine's annual list of the past year’s articles is an excellent reference tool when searching for networking topics. APPLICATIONS AND MIDDLEWARE The Restoration of Exchange Server To successfully restore Exchange Server, you must first understand the Breaking the 32-Bit Barrier idiosyncrasies of backing it up. Here’s how to work with the quirks. You no longer have to wait for 32-bit applications. Now you can grow Kathy Ivens and Bruce Halberg November, page 109 your own using these programming tips and software development kits. John Bryan July, page 113 Stretching the OLE Net If your desktops are Microsoft, then your LAN will probably be Brightest Apple in the Bunch OLE/COM. Despite objections from competitors, this may happen soon. Apple’s next-generation operating system provides advanced connectiv- Robert Richardson May, page 57 ity capabilities via its new network architecture, Open Transport. Shannon Gaw February, page 107 Viruses: Sucker Bait There’s only one way to ensure that your systems won't become infected The Depths of OpenDoc with malicious programs: Remain eternally vigilant. OpenDoc is one of three major standards for distributing software com- Jim Geier November, page 101 ponents across networks. Here’s a look beneath the surface. Robert Richardson March, page 69 You Play, You Pay If your company tends to bend the rules of software licensing, beware of Facing Up to LANs the industry watchdogs. Software metering programs can help you keep It won't be long before video conferencing applications run on the LAN the beasts at bay. reliably, thanks to a new standard that eliminates video’s quirks and Lee Chae January, page 99 jerks. Mike Hurwicz June, page 71 Will Internet Mail Prevail? In a world gone Web-crazy, up-and-comers like Software.com are betting Help Is on the Way old-style proprietary e-mail is a dead letter. Help desks are commonly viewed as expendable. But functionality and Robert Richardson December, page 85 upcoming standards may show that supporting internal users makes good business sense. Anita Karvé August, page 67 CASE STUDY Java Picks Up Steam Better Than Par Sun’s Java has plotted a course between the Web and an uncharted sea of At the annual Sprint International PGA golf tournament, par counts for swirling applets, causing the tide to rise for distributed component nothing—technology for everything. architectures. Jim Kercheville February, page 125 Robert Richardson April, page 79 Bringing Up a Network Making Mixed Messaging Work This broadcasting company found that adding an Internet presence Can diverse e-mail environments find true happiness together? Yes—but strengthened the bond between company and audience—and it’s prov- only if their relationship is based on a carefully considered, thoroughly ing profitable. planned approach. Hanna Hurley October, page 135 Mike Hurwicz October, page 117 Casting a Worldwide Net Moving the Database Mountain An international headhunting firm builds a standardized WAN that links The simplicity of middleware is often based more in theory than in real- its offices in 17 countries. ity. Here’s some clarification on how to choose the best architecture for Lenny Liebmann January, page 123 your network. Bill Lazar September, page 95 http://www.lanmag.com December 1995 / LAN 149 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX The LAN Down Under organization has opted to correct the problem before the clock runs out. A major player in Australia’s refining revolution refits its information Pat Becker August, page 123 pipeline for a smoother data flow and premium-grade performance. Elizabeth Clark April, page 129 COVER STORY Minding the Marathon LAN Testing its mettle at NetWorld + Interop, the show’s network goes for the Banyan’s StreetTalk Moves to NT gold in Atlanta. Speed, endurance, and performance produce a clear Banyan keeps its head above the ever-rising NOS waters, proving its met- winner. tle by being first to the market with a complete directory for NT. Elizabeth Clark December, page 117 Mike Hurwicz September, page 58 Multimedia Takes the Stage Can You Turn to Tech Support? Delivering full-motion video on a network can be a tricky undertaking, Network managers are charged with ensuring that the networking solu- but the place that pays tribute to rock and roll found a way to bring the tions they impleme::t run smoothly. When systems go down, the ven- music to life. dors’ support desks can make the difference. Anita Karvé May, page 123 Lori Piquet August, page 52 So Far, Yet So Close Competition Comes to the WAN Two members of the remote access revolution defeat distance to liberate The Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 will unleash a heavyweight users from information isolation. brawl in the data communications market. Meet the contestants. Elizabeth Clark June, page 129 Steve Steinke July, page 52 Training on a Fast LAN Connecting to the Internet, Step by Step A state government agency proves its resourcefulness by creating a mul- Internet access is getting easier, but it’s still an exacting and time-con- timedia network that brings technology courses to the masses. suming process. Here’s a checklist for making it happen. Patrick Powers March, page 113 Steve Steinke November, page 52 The Turn of the Century The Data Breakthrough The turn from 1999 to 2000 could mean complete systems failure, but one Today’s data warehousing tools are finally unleashing a torrent of infor- Geutp t o speed on iley=1e If it’s fiber assem- CSP customizes fiber blies you need, CSP assemblies too. We’ll is ready to move full supply spooled, cut-to- speed ahead. length assemblies We manufacture with factory- and stock a broad installed connec- line of fiber optic tors to meet your assemblies, specifications. components and Our stocked fiber enclosures for optic assemblies are immediate terminated with ST, SMA, shipment when you FDDI, SC or ESCON connectors. don’t have time to wait. To speed things up, call CSP at the number below. Computer System Products, Inc. (CSP) + 14305 N. 21st Ave. » Plymouth, MN 55447 CSP. We help speed thiags up. 1-800-932-9823 150 LAN / December 1995 Circle Reader Service Number 73 http://www.lanmag.com 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX mation. The key was to clear a major blockage: lack of usability. Products of the Year Bill Lazar May, page 50 Here are 34 powerful performers and one emerging technology that will help you build a polished—and perfect—enterprise network. Everything’s Changed ... But Nothing’s Changed The LAN editors April, page 46 Continuous reinvention of network hardware, software, and business applications, as seen through the eyes of LAN Magazine. Shared Everything, Shared Nothing The LAN Staff December, page 53 Community property sounds like a good idea—until two community members want the same property at the same time. Here’s how multi- Follow the Money processing servers are helping to solve this problem on the LAN. Management wants electronic commerce, but is your network secure Steve Steinke June, page 46 enough? Your information systems may be more vulnerable than you think. Telcos: Answering the Call for ATM Richard Power October, page 54 Telcos are jockeying for ATM customers as this emerging market comes online. But how long will it take to get a two-way exchange going? Free Market Theory Suketu Mehta March, page 46 The Telecommunications Act of 1996 has changed the rules and the out- look for communications providers at every level. The next question: Unearthing Underground Data How will it change U.S. businesses? Will it yield the information motherlode of the millennium? Nobody Lenny Liebmann July, page 60 knows for sure, but data mining will likely have many network users dig- ging in their organizations’ databases for buried treasure. The Great NOS Face-off: NetWare vs. NT Cheryl Krivda May, page 42 The two leading providers of network system software are on the verge of updates. How do they measure up, and where are they headed? Windows 95: The Great Migration Steve Steinke September, page 50 The grass may look greener on the other side, but the terrain can be tricky. Here are some tips for making your way to Microsoft’s newest OS. In the Line of Fire Howard Marks February, page 56 A company’s Internet connection is a sitting duck for hackers. But a fire- wall to protect network resources just might help network managers sleep a little better. Anita Karvé October, page 62 Is Tech Support Really Listening? Network vendors are reorganizing their tech support departments, focusing on new alternatives designed to attract new customers—and hang on to old ones. Lee Chae August, page 60 Last Year’s Office This Year If your office is moving to a Windows 95 desktop, should your desktop be moving to a Windows 95 Office? Robert Richardson February, page 46 Lotus Notes: Will It Become the Giant that Swallows the Internet? Move over Netscape and Microsoft. Lotus has gussied up Notes for its Web debut—and its intranet-savvy style is likely to have a domino effect Extension Ladder. on the industry. Robert Richardson November, page 60 Wise Components can help you reach the next level, with Hitachi's Hi-Net Category 5 power sum cabie. Readily availiat pbrolvidees, a n Make Way for the Hot WANs extension of frequency and performance characteristics for voice and These formerly poky performers have ditched their backward ways. data transmission. Hi-Net displays the significantly enhanced electrical attributes WAN services are ready to propel your network to warp-speed needed to meet TIA/EIA 568A and UL verification programs. And its performance. improved signal transmission is maintained even on links that exceed the standard 320 feet. William Stallings January, page 48 Compof thois ponwer esum ncablte ares twis ted into pairs that have varying lays to minimize crosstalk. There are 25 pairs of 24 guage wire, NetWare Spans the WAN with four pairs in each of six plenum-rated jackets, plus one i The Novell standard has ventured into wide area territory, and it has pair. Extend yourself. Youll get a leg up by contacting Wise now for learned to speak the language of the locals. superior service. Alan Sheltzer and Scott Gillman January, page 56 Pentium: The Processing Prodigy » i HITACHI Initial forecasts predicted the Pentium would be a top performer, but has this chip really made the grade? GreenCwt. i800c 54h3 ,43 33 + Fax 203531 4859 | Ron Levine June, page 56 Cary, N.C. $19 380 9370 » Fax 9193809510 | Circle Reader Service Number 75 http://www.lanmag.com December 1996 / LAN 151 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX ENTERPRISE trades automated teller machines for Internet- and CTI-based services. Lynn Haber July, page 119 The ABCs of Capactiy Planning In an age of rapid technological change, capactiy planning is becoming Calling for Change more critical. A proactive approach can help you prepare for the future. The challenges facing the communications industry will surely foster new Fred Scholl December, page 105 competition. But will this benefit consumers or create more confusion? Ted Bunker April, page 123 Calculating WAN Operating Rates In networking, “time is money” translates to “speed costs bucks.” This les- Data Takes Flight son will help you calculate your need for speed based on your network’s This is no flight simulation: Airlines rely on sophisticated data trans- requirements. portation on the ground to ensure a smooth ride in the skies. Gilbert Held September, page 111 Dave Brambert March, page 107 Client-Server Moves to the ‘Net Feeling Right at Home What’s on the horizon for client-server computing? The next bastion to Keeping up with changing technology can help network managers keep conquer is the host-based world of the global Internet. telecommuters online, whether across town or clear across the country. Bill Lazar August, page 107 Lenny Liebmann June, page 121 Head-to-Head Network Warfare Getting Away from It All As the NetWare-vs.-NT Server cliff-hanger continues, a few new wrinkles Planning a vacation doesn’t have to take a lot of time and effort. Just have emerged. Which operating system vendor will iron them out first? point your Web browser and start dreaming of your next adventure. Alan Sheltzer and Irfan Chaudhry November, page 127 Anita Karvé February, page 119 Going Shopping Image Isn’t Everything Managing graphic images on the LAN is not always a pretty picture. By sharing information, manufacturers and retailers can cut costs at dis- Knowing their storage needs and LAN bandwidth requirements will help tribution centers, increase efficiency at the check stand, and pass the sav- you stay focused. ings on to you. Gilbert Held January, page 85 Anita Karvé January, page 117 The Information Epidemic Many Tasks, Many Functions Today’s multifaceted networking devices pack in more functionality than As more segments of the health care system are diagnosed with data over- ever before, with a size and price that’s often surprisingly affordable. load, connectivity contagion is emerging as the treatment of choice. Kirstin Gulbransen April, page 117 Elizabeth Clark May, page 117 Mastering Your Data’s Destiny Logging In to Learn In terms of avoiding data dropout, good network citizens are made, not Today’s networks are earning a gold star in the education market in terms born. Easy access to corporate data is possible—if users develop a few of providing connectivity and resources to students and administrative good habits. staff. Doug Welch June, page 87 Elizabeth Clark September, page 127 The Midrange on the Move Read All about It IBM takes its AS/400 beyond SNA, adding long-awaited connectivity to Publishing has moved into cyberspace, but to keep online customers NetWare, TCP/IP, and the Internet. coming back, newspapers and magazines must print more than all the Cheryl Krivda July, page 89 news that fits. Anita Karvé November, page 135 NT vs. NetWare: Users Take the Hit Once held back by architectural barriers, the OSs of the management realm are reemerging as object-oriented, fully distributed client-server INTERNET systems. Mike Hurwicz February, page 113 The Internet as Your WAN The costs of wide area connectivity are headed downward. Could the PC, Phone Home! Internet replace some of your expensive communications links? Forget about call waiting—CTI is formally online! And in the not-so-dis- Steve Steinke October, page 47 tant future, customer demand may have CTI vendors’ phones ringing off the hook. Multimedia: The I-Way Drive-In Elizabeth Clark October, page 125 Using the Internet as a ticket to live audio and video isn’t trouble free, but a growing lineup of players is developing some eye-catching debuts. Steve Steinke August, page 45 INDUSTRY REVIEW Open for Discussion Banking on the Future As groupware goes from buzzword to essential business tool, support for Banks and brokerage houses are moving toward a new banking future that 152 LAN / December 1995 http://www.lanmag.com Soe ri 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX Internet protocols becomes key to surviving in the open world of Diving into Java collaboration. What’s brewing on the Internet? The answer is Java, the streamlined pro- Anita Karvé December, page 45 gramming language from Sun that promises to have the Web buzzing with interactivity. Revving Up Your Web Server Alex Dunne Interoperability, May, page 47 On today’s information superhighway, a sluggish Web server just doesn’t cut it. Here are some ways to turbocharge your system for optimal Ethernet Earns Its Wings performance. Revved up to 100Mbps, Fast Ethernet is equipping networks with the Gilbert Held November, page 45 speed to win the race for performance optimization. But which path will get you there the fastest: 100BaseT or 100VG-AnyLAN? Serving the Internet Charles Feltman Interoperability, May, page 19 The Internet information explosion is igniting. Here are some ways to make sure your organization’s Web site blasts off to join the hottest sites The Great WANs of China in cyberspace. Despite a long history of isolationism and lagging technological develop- Gary Kessler September, page 43 ment in many areas, China is proving its potential as a nation ripe for networking. Your Namespace or Mine? Andrew Carstens Interoperability, August, page 35 In the brave new network-centric world, how will you keep up with the Joneses? Giant directories will do your legwork. The Inside Advantage Robert Richardson July, page 4 An internal Web server can provide a laundry list of benefits within your organization—even if it’s not connected to the Internet. Doug Welch Interoperability, February, page 23 INTEROPERABILITY AND LAN SPECIAL REPORT Internet or Intranet? Debunking the Dilemma 2000: Will Your LAN Survive? A comprehensive network personality profile could be the key to com- The upcoming shift in millennia will wreak havoc on data systems world- patibility with your organization’s goals and requirements. wide. Plan now to protect your network from the onslaught. Michael Millikin LAN Special Report, November, page 16 Pat Becker Interoperability, May, page 31 IPv6: The New Netspeak Breaking the Device Vice An enhanced protocol that provides upgraded security, flexibility, and Don't be alarmed. The real objective of network and systems manage- traffic support features offers a new lexicon for increasingly complex ment is to track the availability of applications and services, not device applications. monitoring. William Stallings LAN Special Report, November, page 24 Lenny Liebmann Interoperability, February, page 49 Lotus Notes: Between the Lines Bridging the Network Gap Is there a Notes newcomer in your future? Here’s how to decide—and When laying fiber is out of the question and a leased line hurts your how to bring the new arrival into the fold. pocketbook, wireless technology can be the alternative that brings build- Bret Swedeen Interoperability, February, page 6 ings closer together. Perspective Anita Karvé Interoperability, August, page 29 Eric Cooper, CEO of Fore Systems. Changing Channels Steve Steinke Interoperability, May, page 56 Will Fibre Channel alter the nature of high-capacity data transfer by mov- Perspective ing the complexity of device interconnection and switching to a fabric? Jane Eisenberg, Marketing Director, Communications Products Group, Walter Goralski and Gary Kessler Interoperability, May, page 6 IBM/Lotus. Commerce at the Speed of Light Melanie McMullen Interoperability, February, page 56 With new developments on the Internet security front, companies can Perspective turn their electronic dreams into reality. John Quarterman, President and Editor of Matrix Information and Joe Rudich LAN Special Report, November, page 33 Directory Services. Data Meets the Dial Tone Elizabeth Clark LAN Special Report, November page 56 As keypads and keyboards converge and telcos tussle for market share, Perspective user-oriented products and services will dot the communications land- Stephen Von Rump, Vice President of Marketing, MCI’s Enterprise Net- scape. work Solutions. Elizabeth Clark Interoperability, February, page 29 Elizabeth Clark Interoperability, August, page 48 Data on the Web: Truth or Fiction? Plan 9: Son of Unix The Web is coming to a database near you, and everyone—from data- You've got to admire an operating system named after a bad movie. base vendors to software developers—is jumping to offer you a helping hand. Plus, before the final credits roll, Plan 9 may offer systems designers Bill Lazar LAN Special Report, November, page 41 154 LAN / December 1995 http://www.lanmag.com 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX some new plot twists. Netscape Communications Robert Richardson Interoperability, August, page 41 Steve Steinke September, page 34 Pushing the E-Mail Envelope Frank Ingari, Chairman and CEO, Shiva. As e-mail migrates toward collaborative messaging, GroupWise, Novell’s Anita Karvé April, page 38 quiet success in the groupware market, seems destined for greatness. Bill Larson, President, CEO, and Chairman, McAfee. Robert Richardson Interoperability, February, page 18 Melanie McMullen January, page 40 Reshaping the Digital Landscape Harry Newton, Co-Founder, Original Publisher, and Former Although it may be a bumpy ride, the trail blazed by the Telecommuni- Editor-in-Chief, LAN Magazine cations Reform Act of 1996 promises higher bandwidth for increasingly Steve Steinke December, page 34 demanding applications. Susan Fitzgerald Interoperability, August, page 14 Tom Noone, AT&T InterSpan Frame Relay Product Manager. Elizabeth Clark July, page 36 SMDS: A WAN Alternative If you think frame relay and ATM are the only guests at the WAN party, John O'Leary, Director of Educational Programs, Computer think again. SMDS may be just what your organization needs to maxi- Security Institute. mize your wide area network investments. Anita Karvé October, page 36 Gerald Mendes Interoperability, August, page 22 Alan Taffel, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, UUNET Taking the World by Storm Technologies. An experimental research network in France takes ATM to task with an Elizabeth Clark November, page 34 ATM backbone, a 155Mbps ATM WAN, and ATM to the desktop. Doug Walker, President, WRQ. Lori Piquet Interoperability, May, page 23 Anita Karvé August, page 36 Toll-Free Telephony With the advent of Internet-based telephony, cyberspace may soon be THE LAN TUTORIAL SERIES picking up the tab for computer-based conversations. Mike Hurwicz LAN Special Report, November, page 47 Cable Testing May, page 25 Up Close and Personal CGI and Web Servers October, page 27 Desktop video conferencing technology is shattering the barriers of time and space that have kept colleagues at arm’s length. Creating ‘Virtual Documents’ with CGI November, page 25 Jim Geier Interoperability, May, page 39 CSUs and DSUs April, page 27 A Winsock 2.0 Preview Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol March, page 27 With the potential to revolutionize the networking world, this sequel standard promises to be a blockbuster. Ethernet Frame Types February, page 27 Martin Bickford, Martin Hall, and Chris Wellens Interoperability, HTML and CGI August, page 27 February, page 43 HTML and CGI, Part Two September, page 25 Wireless World of WANs With a wireless modem and wireless network infrastructure, mobile Hypertext Markup Language July, page 27 workers can perform their jobs from remote locations without a tele- phone line. Phone Services and Circuits January, page 27 Jim Geier Interoperability, February, page 35 Providing Internet and World Wide Web Services June, page 27 Web Server Image Maps December, page 25 INTERVIEW Stanford Crane, Jr., President, CEO, Chairman, and Founder, The MANAGEMENT Panda Project. Melanie McMullen June, page 40 Amassing the ESD Troops Today's electronic software distribution offerings give LAN managers Leslie Denend, President and CEO, Network General. and administrators extra military might in the battle to track and update Melanie McMullen May, page 36 applications. Joe Rudich April, page 111 Bob Frankenberg, Chairman, President, and CEO, Novell. Melanie McMullen February, page 38 Choose Your Own Route Routing protocols take a simple packet header and give it some direction. Michael Gardner, President, Whittaker Communications. But use caution: These wide area crossing guards are not all alike. Melanie McMullen March, page 38 Jim Geier September, page 103 Eric Hahn, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Technologies, http://www.lanmag.com December 1996 / LAN 155 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX Clearing a Path Cable Testing Tools A global naming tree can locate network objects and prevent naming col- A listing of cable testing tools with company telephone numbers. lisions. Get to know your tree well, or you may not be able to see the tree The LAN staff August, page 99 for the forest. Direct Network Connect Printers Gilbert Held June, page 107 A listing of direct network connect printers under $10,000 with company Making the Grade telephone numbers. Certification programs are reinventing themselves, bringing real, tangible The LAN staff September, page 77 benefits to individuals and companies that advocate performance E-mail Front Ends for POP-3 and IMAP-4 quantification. A listing of e-mail front ends for POP-3 and IMAP-4 with company tele- Anita Karvé March, page 101 phone numbers. Managing Switched Networks The LAN staff December, page 93 What switches give with one hand, they take away with the other. What Ethernet Repeaters good is performance if it’s impossible to fix problems? A listing of 100Mbps Ethernet repeaters with company telephone Steve Steinke December, page 97 numbers. Multimedia LANs and WANs The LAN staff May, page 75 Will multimedia play on the corporate network? Several vendors and Inventory and Metering Applications standards groups are working on ways to make it happen. A listing of inventory and metering applications with company telephone Alan Frank July, page 81 numbers. Network X-Rays The LAN staff January, page 105 Several seemingly disparate products have converged around the func- ISDN Boards and Terminal Adapters tions of network monitoring and protocol decoding. What sort of future A listing of ISDN boards and adapters with company addresses and tele- will they have? phone numbers. Steve Steinke May, page 109 The LAN staff April, page 99 Platforms Reach Higher Multiprocessing Servers Once held back by architectural barriers, the OSs of the management A listing of multiprocessing servers with company telephone numbers. realm are reemerging as object-oriented, fully distributed client-server The LAN staff June, page 63 systems. Steve Steinke January, page 111 RAID Subsystems A listing of fault-tolerant disk array subsystems with company telephone Reading the Cable Meter numbers. A lot can go wrong beneath the casings of your network’s coiled connec- The LAN staff February, page 85 tors. Peek into your cabling infrastructure using these cable testing techniques. Remote Control Software Jim Geier August, page 91 A listing of remote control software with company addresses and tele- phone numbers. Signals from Servers The LAN staff October, page 79 With the aid of a few fault management tools, network managers can get a ‘heads up’ on server trouble before it wreaks havoc. Tape Backup Software Shannon Gaw November, page 77 A listing of tape backup software with company telephone numbers. The LAN staff November, page 95 Storage Management Metamorphosis Responding to the need for better backup and storage, data protection Token Ring Hubs and Switches and management technologies are transforming into increasingly sophis- A listing of Token Ring hubs and switches with company telephone ticated solutions. numbers. Robert Harbison and Dan Felder February, page 95 The LAN staff July, page 75 UPSs to the Rescue Power sags and surges are inevitable, but they needn’t cause disaster. UPSs SPECIAL REPORT safeguard critical data and hardware from the perils of power problems. Jim Geier October, page 97 The LAN 100 Takes a Quantum Leap In 1995, the LAN 100 experienced its biggest growth spurt ever, nudging the channel even wider. PRODUCT GUIDE Dave Brambert July, page 125 ATM Interface Cards Net Managers Show Net Gains A listing of ATM interface cards with company telephone numbers. Four factors affect the net worth of network managers: locations, certifi- The LAN staff March, page 57 cation, experience, and gender. Here’s how to make the most of the fac- 156 LAN / December 1995 http://www.lanmag.com 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX tors you can change—and even those you can't. yellow predecessors? Melanie McMullen March, page 142 Suketu Mehta June, page 77 Virtual LAN, Real Performance STRATEGY VLANs can significantly reduce the cost of administration, enhance secu- rity and control, and help ease the transition to switched networks. A Change in Plans Charles Feltman January, page 67 New technologies and product releases tempt many network managers. Virtual Office Reality A detailed IT plan of action will help ensure a smooth hardware or soft- ware upgrade. Is it live, or is it 500 miles away? With a well-designed, industrial-strength remote access solution, only your IT department knows for sure. Anita Karvé July, page 107 Gary Dunham and Robert Harbison October, page 85 Inside Looking Out More and more organizations are rejecting rugged individualism for out- sourcing’s potential payoffs of cost savings, convenience, and quality of TEST DRIVES service. The 32-Bit Remote Control Round-Up Elizabeth Clark August, page 83 This look at the new breed of remote control products aims to keep users In the Test Driver’s Seat in touch with the 32-bit world. Reading up is essential when deciding which products to put on your William Wong June, page 151 network, but there’s no substitute for taking the candidates for a lap 100VG-AnyLAN’s High-Speed Hopes around the track. Part two of our 100Mbps test series looks at 100VG-AnyLAN perfor- Tom Henderson April, page 105 mance. Is 100VG, rather than 100BaseT, more your speed? The LAN Guessing Game Alan Frank and Dave Fogle January, page 128 How can you be sure a new LAN will be able to handle the load? Here’s a The All-in-One Approach simple way to estimate network traffic based on the applications it will If you're not afraid to put all your eggs in one basket, check out Xircom’s carry. super multiport modem card—a single-board solution to remote access Gilbert Held May, page 93 networking. Making NetWare Palatable Tom Henderson and Kirk Demaree August, page 143 NetWare administrators can avoid the heartburn associated with user- The Ascent of ISDN induced network problems by following a simple diet of homemade user The Pipeline 25 and Pipeline 50 from Ascend Communications let you menus. put away the POTS and tap in to the speed of ISDN. Once configured, Gilbert Held March, page 95 they make the ISDN WAN link nearly transparent—about the size of an A New Path for Remote Users external modem. Not long ago, modems ruled the realm of remote access. Fortunately, the Dave Fogle and Alan Frank March, page 120 rise of the Internet has begun to give remote access a new face. Backup Exec: A Family Line Joe Rudich November, page 67 Arcada Software offers data backup for your enterprise—no matter what Novell’s Future (and Yours) size it is. Here, versions for NetWare, Windows NT, and OS/2 Warp are The leading NOS vendor began to stumble when it played King of the put to the test. Mountain with Microsoft. After a decade of dominance, is Novell about William Wong April, page 149 to fall? Steve Steinke February, page 67 Backup for (Almost) Any Network Cheyenne leverages agent technology for faster backups from diverse Peer-to-Peer Internet Access clients, with optional support for ‘live’ backup of key databases and appli- In the middle ground of Internet access, peer-to-peer networks are finally cation servers. coming into their own, thanks to the availability of tailored products and William Wong September, page 132 services. Backup in a Box Kevin Stoltz September, page 87 Exabyte bundles an 8mm helical-scan tape drive with a SCSI host bus Rewiring the Workplace adapter and a smorgasbord of tape backup software to create an all-in- For a new and improved cabling system, good planning, good partner- one backup starter kit. ships, and lots of performance testing are all part of the equation. Dave Fogle May, page 129 Frank X. Mara May, page 101 The Bind That Ties Systems Together Surfing the Yellow Pages The new version of BindView works as promised, helping network man- The yellow pages as you know them are about to go high-tech. Will agers stay in touch with their system binderies in today’s mixed-platform interactive, online telephone ‘books’ stack up against their big, world. Steve Kalman December, page 141 http://www.lanmag.com December 1996 / LAN 157 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX Breaking the Backup Barrier Shoot-out at the IP Corral Sotrage Dimensions’ JetArray and Cheyenne Software’s Jetserve adapt the Firewalls are your first line of defense. We put six PC-based Internet fire- | RAID array concept to tape backup, shattering speed records in the walls to the test. process. Kirk Demaree, Tom Henderson, and Mike Robbins December, page 123 © William Wong March, page 137 This Is Your LAN Calling Diving into the Modem Pools PictureTel’s LiveLAN-V package turns Windows 95 systems into video The review crew—traveling the NOS universes that IBM, Microsoft, and conferencing stations. Stations can connect across the LAN or—with Novell occupy—goes in search of remote node. LiveGateway—across ISDN links. Tom Henderson, Mike Robbins, and Kirk Demaree June, page 136 William Wong November, page 151 Don’t Let the Small Size Fool You Tracing the Server Family Tree Handheld network testers bridge the gap between cable testers and full- DS Expert gives network administrators the tools they need to manage blown protocol analyzers. Their compact size belies the functionality the NDS database—tools that NetWare 4.x fails to provide efficiently. inside. Steve Kalman | August, page 137 Tom Henderson and Mike Robbins May, page 137 Unix Mail, as Seen through Windows Exchanging Mail Systems TCP/IP e-mail software may be just what you need to link your Win- With its new Exchange Server, Microsoft morphs Microsoft Mail into a dows-based network clients to each other and to the rest of the world. world-class e-mail package that has groupware possibilities. Daniel Bahr March, page 127 Tom Henderson and Mike Robbins September, page 139 Video for the Masses The Eyes Have It Intel’s video conferencing package, ProShare Video System 200, lets you With the help of Windows 95’s infrared feature, these two wireless, meet and work with others from across the LAN or across the land. infrared devices produce network connections out of thin air for laptops William Wong February, page 137 equipped with infrared eyes. WarpWorld Lee Chae October, page 142 IBM’s latest network operating system, Warp Server 4.0, offers network Microsoft Revs Up SQL Server and systems management features galore. But trying to get this NOS up Version 6.0 brings to the table new administration tools and improved and running will have you up and running ... away. support for distributed databases. Microsoft is still serious about the Tom Henderson and Kirk Demaree August, page 130 database arena. Web Sites? Yes, They Run on NetWare Joe Salemi January, page 135 Do you want high-performance Web servers for your NetWare network? Network Delivery Truck Here are three platforms that foot the bill. WinInstall 5.0 handles the onerous task of delivering and installing new William Wong October, page 159 software (or software upgrades) to fleets of networked PCs. And when it ‘What City, Please?’ comes to electronic software distribution, WinInsta!l 5.0 is a strong con- Novell’s NetWare Directory Services isn’t the only way to manage shared tender for Windows-heavy networks. resources on a NetWare LAN. See who comes out on top when Banyan Tom Henderson and Mike Robbins January, page 147 takes the ring against Big Red. Network Design: The Next Generation Tom Henderson and Mike Robbins February, page 130 Frustrated with basic graphics packages for your network designs? Wel- The Windows NT Internet Makeover come to the next generation of network design tools. Windows NT 4.0 now has the look and feel of Windows 95. But will its Daniel Bahr July, page 147 Internet face-lift allow it to win the NOS beauty contest? Notes from the Groupware Battlefield Tom Henderson November, page 142 Lotus has put some ‘notable’ improvements into its flagship groupware Your Server Is Tuning Itself product, making it easier than ever to navigate. Actually, it's HawkNet’s NetTune Pro that’s performing this neat trick— Dave Fogle October, page 151 but the point is, you don’t ave to do it. Peer Pressure William Wong January, page 141 Given that a peer-to-peer system is built into Windows 95, you may be wondering what LANtastic has to offer the new, 32-bit environment. Kevin Stoltz July, page 140 WIDE AREA NETWORKING The Preferred Tree-Trimmer’s Tool Acing the Frame Relay Race Preferred Systems’ DS Standard NDS Manager gives you powerful con- Transporting IP over frame relay carries a hefty payload. This crash trol over NDS. Now you can prune, pare, and graft directory trees to your course in packet patrol will help you optimize bandwidth utilization and heart’s content. performance. Steve Kalman April, page 142 Terry Parsons and Daniel Bahr June, page 95 158 LAN / December 1995 http://www.lanmag.com

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