Opinionated See Perspectives for our new opinion column page 6 L E B A N O N V A L L E Y C O L L E G E ’ S S T U D E N T N E W S P A P E R La Vie Collegienne Volume 78, No. 15 An Independent Publication | Founded 1924 March 2, 2011 Celebration of student learning THIS WEEK IN LA VIE LVC students’ work to be recognized S college mission statement, “to almost all of the departments apy department also appears to portS Sarah Frank ’14 become people of broad vision, will be showcased, exhibited and be unavailable for the event as La Vie Staff Writer capable of making informed de- performed at various locations well, seeing as they will be off cisions, and prepared for a life of around the campus. This mara- campus doing clinical rotations Lebanon Valley College has service to others,” perfectly sums thon of celebrations will cul- at the time of the celebration. always been dedicated to the up the ideals at the very heart of minate with the annual awards April 26, 27 and 28 have been college experience: the fun, the this school. ceremony and awards dinner. It chosen as the reserved days for friends, the late night study ses- Those ideals are the reason is uncertain, however, if the lan- this occasion that found its cre- sions and all the ups and downs celebrating academic success is guages department, which has ative gestations in the mind of that constitute this new stage of so important, and the Celebra- not yet informed the Dean’s of- Dr. Michael Green, vice presi- life. But first and foremost aca- tion of Student Learning does fice as to whether or not it will dent of academic affairs. Green Women’s Basketball takes the demics are most important to exactly that. Over the span of be sponsoring an event, will be Commenwealth Conference both students and faculty. The three days, student work from participating. The physical ther- See LEARNING | Page 2 Championship Page 8 Wig and Buckle reports theft F eatureS Latshaw ’11, stage manager of Any- Did you know LVC has a radio station? Learn about WLVC Alyssa Bender ’11 thing Goes. “It became too coinciden- Co-Editor tal when eight different girls reported Page 4 money stolen.” From Thursday, Feb. 17 to Friday, According to Latshaw, the girls Feb. 25, eight LVC students reported reported that the cash was taken items stolen from Leedy Theater’s directly from their wallets located perSpectiveS women’s dressing room. In total, $170 in their purses or in various places worth of cash and about $60 worth of around the dressing room. “Noth- makeup was stolen from the musical ing was locked up because we’ve cast members. never had this type of problem be- Assuming they had merely lost or fore,” says Latshaw. The downstairs misplaced their money, none of the door to the Green Room, which is girls reported the thefts until Saturday, normally locked, was left unlocked Photo by Alyssa Bender ’11 / LA VIE Feb. 26. “I discovered my money was and propped during the rehearsals missing when I came back to my room and performances due to the loss of Latshaw sees this event as a items stolen. Latshaw is pleased later that night,” details Carrie Becker sewer lines to the dressing rooms. wake-up call to the campus. “I with their response. ’14, who had $50 stolen on Feb. 17. However, even if it had been locked, think this whole theft shows that “I think the response from Public Looking for something new to “I assumed that I misplaced it, and Wig and Buckle advisor Dr. Kevin even though we attend a small Safety and LVC Administrators to eat? We share the recipe for searched my bag and my clothes back Pry says that after looking into the campus and believe we know ev- solve this mystery has been phenom- Waffles & Ice Cream and other in my room. I didn’t report it because I box office theft of $1,000 in 2008, it erybody, terrible things can still enal,” she says. “It’s great that this is a fun treats you can make with thought I had just made a stupid mis- was discovered that there are over happen where we least expect it.” top priority for the aforementioned ingredients in the caf Page 6 take and misplaced it.” 200 people with keys that can ac- Wig and Buckle has discussed parties; a lot of people were affected It was not until eight girls had cess the Mund door. closing the doors during show weeks by this incident, and it’s a reassuring money stolen that the cast realized “I never thought that any of my as well as the investment in a safe for feeling knowing there are people on INDEX thefts had occurred. “The girls started belongings were unsafe in the Wig the company to prevent thefts from this campus working to get to the bot- News ..................................1-3 talking in the dressing room, and one and Buckle dressing rooms,” says occurring in the future. tom of this.” Features ................................4 girl mentioned that she was miss- Becker. “Everyone in the cast and On Feb. 26, the theater com- If you have any information about Arts & Entertainment ............5 ing money. A second girl mentioned crew are friends, and I find it hard pany reported the events to Public this theft, please contact Public Safety Perspectives...........................6 the same and the whole story sort of to believe that anyone could do Safety, who have been taking mea- at ext. 6111. Sports .................................7-8 unraveled from there,” explains Jamie that to their friends.” sures to contact those reporting A. BENDER [email protected] M E M B E R PLEASE WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK [email protected] LaVieLVC x6169 FREE | TAKE ONE RECYCLE 2 La Vie CoLLegienne March 2, 2011 N ews Student Government Update: 2.28.11 L C A M P U S Visitor parking, Business Office discussed SG has approved purchasing for TVs and personal computers. Nick Thrailkill ’14 students tickets to the NCAA Bas- President of the Handicap Ac- La Vie Staff Writer ketball Championship Game that cessibility Task Force Roberto will be held on Friday, March 4, if Valdes is planning to meet with Dr. CRIMEWATCH On February 28, Student Gov- student attendance warrants this Yvonne Foster after spring break in ernment convened for its sixth purchase. order to make suggestions about meeting in order to discuss snow On the topic of visitor parking, possible improvements to campus concerns on campus, the possi- friends who come to visit students facilities. Valdes is also planning bility of purchasing tickets to the must park in the Gold Lot if staying to represent the Handicap Acces- NCAA Basketball Championship overnight on the weekend. Family sibility Task Force at the Social Jus- All information courtesy of the LVC Department of Public Safety on Friday, March 4, visitor park- members who come to visit are al- tice Council to be held 5:00 p.m. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ing requirements, Food Service lowed to park closer to the dorms, Thursday in the Chapel Building. concerns, suggestions about cam- but whether the visitor is a friend Other social justice and diversity pus security, the Handicap Acces- or a family member, he or she must awareness groups around campus 2-21-11 | Campus sibility Committee’s future plans, still obtain the parking registration will also have representatives at this Theft student concerns about the Busi- guest pass from Public Safety. council. A theft of a 26” flat panel TV was reported. ness Office, and the Cystic Fibrosis On the topic of Food Service, Director of Student Accounts Tournament. SG members have mentioned that Carrie Skovrinskie asks students 2-22-11 | Campus Student Government President the cafeteria now offers a variety to e-mail, contact or personally Theft Ashten O’Brien will meet with of bread choices, such as pretzel meet with her in Humanities 110A A laptop was reported stolen. President MacDonald on Thurs- buns and ciabiatta, which should if they have any concerns with the day, March 3, in order to discuss be available every day. Some Stu- Business Office that they would be 2-24-11 | Campus concerns about campus accessibil- dent Government members also willing to discuss. Hospital Trip ity after snowfall. Residential Life commented that the cafeteria stops The Cystic Fibrosis Tourna- A suicidal student with a panic attack was taken to the hospital. was informed of an incident that making omelets at an inconvenient ment will be held on May 1. If 2-25-11 | Campus happened last Tuesday after the time and that some cafeteria work- students wish to learn more about Emergency Assistance snowstorm that occurred last Mon- ers start cleaning up while dinner is the tournament, they can join the A male student was transported to the hospital for a migraine. day night. A male student slipped still open. Facebook group or e-mail Mary on some ice on a campus sidewalk SG members advise students to Kent. 2-25-11 | Campus and had another injury on his al- secure their personal belongings, Traffic Accident ready injured leg. Facilities has such as computers and cars, in light Damage to a vehicle in the Red Lot was reported. apologized for the incident. of some recent reports of thefts of N. THRAILKILL [email protected] 2-25-11 | Campus Learning: Showcasing student achievement Incident Services A telephone caller reported the hazardous walking surface of a slumping Continued from Page 1 sidewalk. will be serving as the Master of department says, “We consider useless nor succeeding with- 2-26-11 | Campus Ceremonies at the awards din- the success of all of our students out recognition of the success. Narcotic Drug Laws ner and intends to be present at to be our mission. All of our stu- “There is some very impressive A person reported students smoking marijuana. the many events and showcases dents are possible candidates.” work being done by students scheduled for those days. The English department has al- at LVC—whether it’s scientific 2-26-11 | Campus The faculty of each depart- ready scheduled their particular research or creative writing or Narcotic Drug Laws ment have the honor of selecting event for 11 a.m. on Tuesday, digital graphics or philosophical A suspicious smoke smell in a hallway was reported. the students that will have their April 26, as they plan to high- research papers. We should all projects and talents showcased light students from all four of the take time as an academic com- 2-26-11 | Wig and Buckle Dressing Room in the individual department English concentrations (second- munity to salute the meritorious Theft events. ary education, literature, com- work of our students,” says Ann Money and make up were reported stolen from the Wig and Buckle dress- “In our department, indi- munications and theater). A full Damiano, associate dean for aca- ing room. vidual faculty were asked to rec- schedule of events, students and demic affairs. It is important that ommend students, so I looked presentations will be made avail- students are not only recognized 2-27-11 | Campus Changes to the writing center at who had done research proj- able to the public before the on- for their successes but that they Emergency Assistance A call was received for a student with chest pains and a racing pulse. ects for me in the fall semester set of the event. also have the opportunity to and asked a few of them if they The reason this event is so share their newfound knowledge 2-27-11 | Campus were interested,” comments Dr. important for both students with the academic community. Incident Services Rebecca McCoy, of the history and faculty is that, unlike high A call was received from a student complaining of chest pains. department. In contrast, Profes- school, the work that students sor Bryan Hearsey of the math do here is intentionally neither S. FRA NK [email protected] Corrections & Clarifications It is our continuing goal to provide readers with complete and accurate information. To that end, we welcome Please report any suspicious activity to Public Safety at x6111. and encourage notification of any mistakes. Readers who wish to submit corrections should send an email to [email protected], subject line: Corrections. La Vie CoLLegienne March 2, 2011 3 N ews Special interest housing serves community LVC students ing to have people write something mester, the ladies of Hearts for Haiti volunteer for VITA Jon Leer ’12 they are holding a grudge for on held two yard sales, a basket raffle at Kayla Fulfer ’12 a piece of paper and then burn it. a football game, a build challenge, La Vie Staff Writers Then we will use the ashes to plant LVC’s best dance crew competition Business and economics students file a tree,” explains Jones. and had a speaker from the non-profit Habitat for Humanity Practical Compassion organization. taxes for the community Lebanon Valley College encour- The Habitat for Humanity Through these efforts, approximately ages student participation in a wide House unites students with a com- $2,000 has been raised. Through the sylvania tax returns, including di- variety of community service and mon interest in eliminating sub- extraordinary support of the LVC stu- Sarah Barkman ’12 rect deposit of refunds, and can volunteer organizations, both on cam- standard housing, fostering a sense dent community, these fundraising Perspectives Editor also help with local taxes. The stu- pus and off campus. One of the best of community and service. The stu- efforts have already exceeded Hearts dents specialize in tax credits, such examples of this encouragement is dents living in the house volunteer for Haiti’s initial fundraising goal set More than a dozen students as Earned Income and American with the community service houses with the LVC Habitat for Humanity before the semester. from LVC’s business and econom- Recovery and Reinvestment Act on LVC’s campus. club, which works with the Lebanon The group plans to hold several ics program have volunteered to credits. Last year alone, LVC stu- Four LVC-owned houses are County Habitat for Humanity. events this semester, including more prepare income tax returns for free dent volunteers, who are also cer- set aside for groups of students The Habitat House members vol- yard sales, basket raffles and several for eligible residents of the com- tified IRS tax preparers, filed 132 who will devote a large amount of unteer on construction sites and help other events still in the planning stage. munity. The Volunteer Income free tax returns and secured more their time during a school year to a in the new Re-Build It store once a Friendship House Tax Assistance (VITA) program at than $130,000 in refunds for the community service organization of month. Additionally, Habitat helps Friendship House is also organiz- Lebanon Valley is designed to assist community members. their choice. These students have out with the Realtor’s Association ing several charity events for the 2010- Lebanon community elderly, low- The experience has been edu- to apply and provide a clear plan of Auction, which benefits the Leba- 2011 school year. income and otherwise disadvan- cational and rewarding to the LVC what charitable organization they non Habitat for Humanity, and holds In the fall semester, this house fo- taged taxpayers. This is the fourth student volunteers. According to will work with and how they will fundraisers and advocacy/education cused on the Invisible Children orga- year that the LVC students have of- student volunteer Stephen Doll help these organizations. events each semester. nization. The Invisible Children orga- fered the program. ’11, a business administration and Applications for special interest “[This] semester we have the sec- nization creates documentaries about The VITA program will run un- accounting double major, “The housing for the 2011-2012 school ond annual Act!Speak!Build! week, war-affected children in east Africa in til April 14. For applicants with an VITA program allows students to year are due March 21. To help you which is a week of advocacy and edu- an effort to inspire individuals to help income of less than $49,000, ap- complete tax returns for eligible decide if or where you want to apply, cation about housing issues and what end the longest running war in Africa. pointments may be scheduled on individuals in Lebanon and sur- here is an overview of the 2010-2011 Habitat can do to help. The Habitat The biggest event of the fall se- Tuesday and Thursday evenings rounding counties. VITA provides special interest houses: The Mental House will also hold a panel discus- mester was the meal donation event from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. by calling the students experience with in- Health House – The Stress Free Zone, sion on controversial issues of home- held in November. The residents of (717) 867-6054 and leaving a mes- come tax programs as well as an Habitat for Humanity, Hearts for Hai- lessness and what others can do to the Friendship House organized this sage for the program scheduler. increased working knowledge of ti and the Friendship House. These help,” says Heather Howard ’11, presi- event with the help of Metz & Associ- Appointments are held in LVC’s the tax law. As a student who has houses already made a huge impact dent of the Habitat House. ates. As a result of this fundraiser, 495 Lynch Memorial Hall, room 120, participated in the VITA program during the fall 2010 semester and have The Habitat House has been on students donated their Nov. 23 din- in the Department of Business and for three years, I am grateful for the no plans of slowing down. campus for two years now, first started ner. A check for $1,212.75 was given Economics suite. LVC’s student opportunity to put my education This article will detail what the by Khevna Shukla ’11 and Howard in to the Legacy Scholarship Fund of volunteers work under the direc- to practical use. VITA provides stu- four houses have already achieved and 2009. Shukla and Howard are also the the Invisible Children charity, a char- tion of Brion Smoker, retired prin- dents with a sense of pride know- a sneak peak at what they are planning founders of the LVC Habitat for Hu- ity which hopes to make a change in cipal of Hershey’s Smoker Smith ing that we are helping members of for this semester. manity chapter. lives of Ugandans. Many people who and Associates. the community.” The Mental Health House- Hearts for Haiti have visited Uganda believe education The program offers free e-file The Stress Free Zone On an otherwise normal Tuesday is the key to lasting peace in the region. services for both federal and Penn- S. BARKMAN [email protected] The Mental Health House - The in January 2010, the lives of every per- According to The Legacy Scholarship Stress Free Zone is a house that fo- son in one of the world’s poorest na- Fund website, this scholarship fund The Allen Theater and cuses on ways to de-stress the campus tions, the small island nation of Haiti, “[provides] education and mentoring and improve mental health. Dur- were forever changed. to students who otherwise could not MJ’s Coffeehouse Presents: ing the fall semester the house held January 12, 2010 at about 4:50 afford it.” guided imagery sessions, brought in a p.m., Haiti was rocked by a 7.0 magni- For the spring semester, the First Thursday Jazz Series! hypnotist who lead hour-long hypno- tude earthquake. The Haitian govern- Friendship House will be focusing sis sessions, handed out pre-packaged ment estimates over 230,000 people on charities associated with Multiple Thursday, March 3, 2011 8:00 PM books and hung motivational signs to were killed while 300,000 people were Sclerosis, more commonly known help students eliminate stress. injured as a result of this earthquake. as MS. Many house members have Come watCh So far, student response to the A group of Lebanon Valley Col- family or friends battling the disease. Mental Health House has been lege students weren’t really sure While most of the plans are still in andy RobeRts positive: “We were greatly im- how they could help, but they knew the early stages of development, the pressed with the outcome, and they wanted to. So for the 2010- group plans on having a meal plan- as this incredibly talented jazz pianist plays some many people commented on how 2011 school year, Kayla Fulfer ’12, based fundraiser and to attend the they felt more relaxed,” Brianna Katerina Seigendall ’12, Caitlin MS walk, a nationwide fundraising of his signature pieces. Jones, president of the house, says Murphy ’12, Rachel Armor ’13 event of the National MS Society, in reference to the hypnotist. and Rachael Hoffman ’13 came to- held April 17 at the Pocono Raceway. a graduate of berklee college of music, andy re- This semester, the Mental Health gether to form “Hearts for Haiti,” a Information sessions for spe- House will have “How to Feng Shui community service house on cam- cial interest housing will be held sides in mt. Gretna and is a Your Place” and relaxation through pus. They have made it their mis- Wednesday, March 2 at 12 p.m. frequent performer all around the region. art. Forgiveness Day is another proj- sion to raise money and awareness and Thursday, March 3 at 5 p.m. ect the house plans to do. for this struggling nation. J. LEER [email protected] “This is a day where we are go- By the end of the fall 2010 se- K. FULFER [email protected] 4 La Vie CoLLegienne March 2, 2011 Features WLVC finds its voice Remember Broadcasting, volunteering, music & more the Stars constitution and guidelines, its contact and received music from ev- radio station had closed.” Rosemary Bucher ’14 purposes include to “promote an erywhere from New York to Califor- The radio station has been in Justin Roth ’14 La Vie Staff Writer understanding and appreciation of nia, and even Alaska.” contact with the English depart- La Vie Staff Writer broadcasting,” “provide the com- Furman is most concerned about ment about starting up a book re- College radio stations around munity with a means of commu- the radio station’s visibility around view themed show. In addition, the the country are essential in giving nication and entertainment” and campus. “I think the biggest change radio station is looking for sports- students the opportunity to find “provide an opportunity for any in the station since I took over as casters so they can broadcast LVC their voice. They also give the music students of Lebanon Valley College president is the presence we have sports events and reach a broader industry a medium to get their art- audience. ists noticed, which is very important “I see the station continuing to for the development of new talent. grow and thrive, and the WLVC Unfortunately, many college radio officers and I are working hard to stations in the country have been achieve that goal,” Furman says. “For Justin Roth ’14 / LA VIE shut down for lack of funding and the future, we plan to continue to be There are three new clubs on interest. LVC is fortunate enough to more involved in campus events like campus that have been granted have a thriving and functional radio Valleyfest, and we want to attract probationary club status by Stu- station. more musicians on our own to per- dent Government; among them is LVC’s student-run radio station, form in the station.” Remember The Stars. WLVC, features radio shows and WLVC also participates in ser- The purpose of the Remem- music of all genres and types. Stu- vice activities. In the past, Cub ber The Stars club is to promote dent DJs can design and run their Sarah Frank ’14 / LA VIE Scouts and other children have vis- awareness on campus of the ex- own radio shows, learning about with an interest in radio to gain an in the LVC community. The radio ited the radio station to learn about istence of To Write Love On Her communication and music simulta- experience in radio broadcasting.” station can’t grow if no one knows broadcasting and recording. Arms (TWLOHA) (a non-profit neously. Radio shows feature every- WLVC also makes contact with it exists. I encourage people to put Students interested in getting Organization dedicated to pre- thing from boy bands and bubble several record companies around up fliers to advertise their shows, involved with the radio station can senting hope and finding help for gum pop to jazz and rock. Listeners the country, receiving music from and we made fliers with the entire e-mail [email protected] for more infor- people struggling with depres- can tune in by visiting WLVC’s web- new and upcoming artists. WLVC’s schedule to spread around campus. mation and opportunities. sion, addiction, self-injury and site, http://stuorgs.lvc.edu/wlvc. current president, Erik Furman ’12, My freshman year, the Digital Com- suicide) and to get the Lebanon According to the organization’s explains that the station has “made munications advisors thought the R. BucheR [email protected] Valley College campus involved in spreading their vision of hope, love, encouragement and inspira- Radio station tion. President of Remember The Have you ever felf like you are in a situation that is Stars, Kayla Zimering ’14, has schedule been volunteering for and pro- in violation of the code that you agreed to when you moting the organization since it came to LVC? started in 2006. The vice presi- SuNDAY ThuRSDAY dent of Remember The Stars is • Sunday Nite Jazz: 10 p.m. to 12 a.m •The Just In Bin: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Are you the victim of abuse based on age, religion, Dynasty Sepulveda ’14. •Electro-Jam Double Header: Zimering plans on attending 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability? the MOVE conference in New MONDAY •Dave’s Mildly Eclectic, York City in April in order to •FUBAR: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Completely Rad WLVC Radio If you answered yes to these questions please bring make the Remember The Stars •Tara and Jon’s Loud and Proud Show: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. club a UChapter, which is an of- Rock Block 7 p.m to 9 p.m. •Yippie Jamie’s Strictly your concerns to the: ficial branch of TWLOHA. For •Kouqj and Migsy’s Hippie Rude PUNK/SKA HOUR: more information on the cause versus Hipster Happy Hours: 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. LVC Bias Response Team or the conference, you can go to 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. the TWLOHA website at www. We are a team of students and faculty that is dedi- twloha.com. Remember The Stars is host- TueSDAY FRIDAY cated to hearing about these problems and reporting ing An Evening of Hope, Love and •MastaSteveIzzySlickDaddy: •Michael Lasky : 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Music at MJ’s Coffee House on 9 a.m to 10 a.m. •B.R.E.A.D.: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. them directly to the President of the College. March 29 at 9:00 p.m. Come out •Rock Appreciation: and support Remember The Stars. 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. For more information about us and to meet our members, please see the following site: WeDNeSDAY SATuRDAY •Erica Smith: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. •Vinyl Variety Hour: https://www.lvc.edu/spiritual-life/bias-response- •Big Daddy Krev Variety Show: 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. team-feedback.aspx •Super Fat Joint Radio Show: J.ROTh jlr007 @lvc.edu 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. La Vie CoLLegienne March 2, 2011 5 Arts & Entertainment One of the last “Lone-Wolf ” concerts at MJs scribes his parents as “genius mu- the beauty of groove,” says Free- historical influence there is on The be a lifelong passion. “I’ll never sicians,” and growing up in such a man. Even rap artists like Eminem Lone-Wolf Project. In particular, stop playing music. I’ll be on my Andrew Veirtz ’12 household planted the seeds for have had a lasting influence on the period between the end of the deathbed with a banjo!” La Vie Staff Writer a lifelong pas- Civil War and the 1930s Whatever the venue, for Free- This Wednesday, March 2 will sion. While is of particular interest man the best thing about perform- mark one of The Lone-Wolf Proj- his parents im- to Freeman, despite the ing is being able to make people ect’s last shows at MJ’s Coffee- parted an ap- suffering people went happy with his music, whether it is house. preciation for through during this the audience or the musicians he According to The Lone-Wolf classical music, time. “Through that suf- chooses to play with him. “It puts Project’s website, the band is “a Freeman’s cous- fering came some of the light in my heart. That’s the reason raucous traveling folk-rock circus in, a member of best music out there. I make music, and it’s the reason I act under the direction of a fanati- ’90s rock band Those guys inspired my make music with other people. We cal and slightly disturbed ringmas- Live, ingrained love for blues and au- have a blast.” ter known to many as Phillip Na- an equal love thentic, organic sounds.” The Lone-Wolf Project will thaniel Freeman.” With Freeman for rock music. So what is a musical perform at MJ’s Coffeehouse about to graduate, a long musical As he got older, talent like Freeman go- Wednesday, March 2 at 9 p.m. journey is about to come to con- a love for bands ing to be doing after he Check out the band’s website, clusion, and another journey is like The Red Hot Chili Peppers Freeman’s musical palette. “[Emi- graduates? The answer might sur- www.thelonewolfproject.com, for about to begin. broadened his musical spectrum. nem] definitely influenced my prise you: Freeman plans to take more updates. Freeman got his passion for “The Chili Peppers are definitely writing style, for sure!” a year after graduation for service, music at a very young age. He de- a huge influence. They taught me It’s surprising how much of a after which music will continue to A. VEIRTZ [email protected] LVC Oscar predictions Gamer Zone: Lose your sanity in ‘Amnesia: The Dark Decent’ A V by ndrew eirtz Students were polled about their predicted jects or clues. So all you can do is run away, huddle winners of two coveted awards at the I am unusually difficult to scare. As you traverse Brennenburg in a corner or hide in a closet and hope Being a horror movie buff, I’ve seen Castle, you become aware that there is that the monsters decide not to rip 83rd Academy Awards a lot of scary and disturbing things, something not right about the place. you to pieces. so I’ve almost become a little desensi- Doors seemingly open by themselves, The atmosphere the game presents tized to a lot of what I see and play. there are footsteps creaking on floors is unremittingly creepy, and the con- Inception With that said, Amnesia: The Dark above you, and strange noises abound. stant threat of a monstrous, clanking, Descent made me shriek like a little And if you are exceptionally unfortu- deformed creature being just around church girl being chased by an axe nate, you may encounter one of the the next corner is genuinely the most 12.5 *The King’s Speech Best Picture murderer. horrifying creatures that randomly ap- horrifying thing I have experienced in Amnesia is a first-person survival pear inside of the castle. You have abso- a game. And when these creatures do 12.5 horror game developed by Frictional lutely no way to defend yourself against find you and chase after you, the game Games, a little-known Swedish game any of the dangerous entities you may requires you to physically open and Toy Story 3 developer that specializes in survival or may not encounter, so the only thing shut every door to block the monster’s 12.5 62.5 horror. The game was released in you can do is run and hide. path. Or you might climb into a cup- The Social Network September 2010 and sold mildly well Also, the castle is really, really dark board, and then open the door a slight upon its release, but it has gained no- and Daniel needs light to see. You can crack to peek out, to see if the coast is where near the notoriety it deserves. use your lantern, which only has a lim- clear. The game revolves around the ited amount of oil, which runs out fairly If you like scary stuff, then Amnesia character of Daniel, a native of Lon- quickly, or you can use tinderboxes to is your game. It is genuinely the scariest don who has woken up inside of the light torches randomly placed on the game I have ever played, partly because *actual winner Prussian Brennenburg Castle with no walls. But this makes you more vulner- of its unique gameplay and partly be- memory of who he is or what has hap- able to be sighted by a monster, so your cause of how much it messes with your pened. The castle is deserted and be- only option is to hide in the darkness. mind as a player. Of course, this game *Tom Hooper David Fincher ginning to fall apart, and it is your job But as Daniel spends time in the might not be for everyone, because it The King’s Speech The Social Network as the player to uncover Daniel’s past. darkness, he slowly starts to lose his isn’t nearly as action-heavy as many The game is played from a first- sanity. You start to hear this horren- modern games, but for those with a 12.5 12.5 person perspective, but the niftiest dous scratching, scraping sound com- bit of patience and a willingness to play Coen Brothers aspect of Amnesia’s world is the phys- ing from the inside of Daniel’s skull, games alone in the dark, Amnesia: The 12.5 True Grit ics engine it employs. The environ- and your vision may start to warp and Dark Descent will scare the wits out of ment is not operated and manipulated blur. As you become progressively you. Buy it now and let’s get Frictional at the push of a button, like so many more insane, you might start to hear Games the notoriety they deserve, and Darren Aronofsky other games. Instead of simply press- or see bugs crawling across your vi- then we can get more great games like Black Swan ing a button to open a door, you must sion, or even hallucinate phantom this one! 12.5 click on the door and physically swing specters attacking you. And the dark- Amnesia: The Dark Descent is available it open. This has a lot of repercussions ness isn’t the only thing that can drive only for PC through video game retailers or in a game like this. If you want to you crazy, as seeing unsettling events over Steam, for about $20. E-mail Andrew Best Director search a desk, then you have to actu- or even looking at one of the monsters Veirtz if you have game column ideas at *actual winner ally open each door to search for ob- will greatly decrease Daniel’s sanity. [email protected] 6 La Vie CoLLegienne MarCh 2, 2011 P ersPectives Letters to the Editor Creative Cafeteria Ideas La Vie Collegienne requires all Letters to the Editor to contain the author’s name, telephone number, Want to try something different in the cafeteria? and e-mail address. No initials or pen names will be accepted. La Vie does Well, here are some ideas that you may not have thought of! not publish any anonymous letters. Telephone numbers and email ad- dresses are required for verification. They will not be printed. Letters should be no longer than 200 words. All letters for submission become property of La Vie Collegi- enne. La Vie reserves the right to edit for length, accuracy, and clarity. Sub- missions may be edited and may be published or otherwise refused. Letters, columns, and opinion- based articles do not necessarily rep- resent the views of La Vie or Lebanon Cheesy Roll-up: Trail Mix Yogurt: Nacho Soup Dip: English Muffin Pizza: Valley College. Submissions may be e-mailed to Take a tortilla wrap and put Put yogurt in a cup. Then add Take a soup, such as chicken Toast an english muffin, then [email protected], hand-delivered to our shredded cheese in the middle. granola, craisins, raisins and even tortilla or three-bean soup, and place a small amount of mari- Mund office, submitted to lavieonline. lvc.edu or mailed to the address Then roll it up like a burrito and some sunflower seeds if you sprinkle with shredded cheese. nara sauce (from west side)on below. stick it in the microwave! Then take nacho chips and use top, and finish by sprinkling with want! La Vie Collegienne the cheesy soup as a dip! shredded cheese! Microwave. ATTN: La Vie Editors 101 N. College Ave. Annville, PA 17003 Advertise with La Vie Recruit for your student organization. Sell your old junk... or that ugly sweater from your grandmother. Say hi to your lover. (maybe not that last part.) www.google.com [email protected] Breakfast Sandwich: Root Beer Float: Smores in a Cup: Waffles and Ice Cream: La Vie Collegienne If it’s a day where breakfast sand- Get a tall cup and place in it a Place golden grahams, chocolate Make a waffle, then place some wiches aren’t offered, feel free to couple scoops of ice cream. Then chips and marshmallows in a cup vanilla ice cream on top! Use 101 N. College Ave | Annville, PA 17003 Campus Extension 6169 or [email protected] make your own! Simply toast an add root beer, stir and put some an enjoy! (Use a microwavable various toppings such as choco- Established 1924 english muffin or bagel, get some whipped cream on top! cup to heat and melt chocolate) late syrup, bananas, whipped scrambled eggs, cheese and a cream, etc. piece of bacon or sausage! Winner of three Compiled by Pennsylvania Newspaper S. BARKMAN [email protected] Association 2011 Keystone Press Awards Opinionated: It’s about time for a women’s center CO-EDITORS Katie Zwiebel ’12 Alyssa Bender ’11 Mark Rosborough ’11 individuals of the LGBTQ culture not care about the social status of these issues, having a Center is a FEATURES EDITOR Contributing Columnist as well—and the support of indi- our community, or are we just too visual and physical commitment of Caitlin Murphy ’12 viduals who simply need a space to lazy to do anything about it? that concern.” It’s about time our A&E EDITOR Tony Gorick ’11 On a campus with a student go or an ear to listen. Thus, for me, I congratulate all campus stops hiding from such piv- body composed of 56 percent fe- I refuse to believe that people at of those individuals involved in the otal issues in our world. I know that PERSPECTIVES EDITOR Sarah Barkman ’12 males, according to U.S. News’s Lebanon Valley simply do not care creation of the WSGRC. Thank- there are many individuals who SPORTS EDITOR College Compass, why is it that it about gender issues. However, I fully, our campus finally has seen need to start talking about things Lauren Scott ’12 took Lebanon Valley College un- would say that I’ve sensed a loom- the convergence of students, fac- such as gender, and thankfully we SENIOR COPY EDITOR til 2011 to finally open a Women’s ing feeling in the student body that ulty and administration who all are now have committed space and Alyssa Sweigart ’12 Services and Gender Research thinks we really have nothing to convicted by previous lack of sup- volunteers willing to begin chang- CIRCULATION MANAGER Center? Though LVC, when worry about. And for those that do port for women, and broadly gen- ing the tide of this campus. Sarah Frank ’14 founded in 1866, accepted females think there is a problem, in the four der issues, on this campus. Teddi Lastly, I must urge the adminis- BUSINESS MANAGER Matthew Garber ’11 into the student body, do we truly years that I’ve been a student here, Hermes ’12, who along with Mary tration to ensure, with the renova- think that this makes our campus this campus has never been open Auker ’10, led the push by stu- tions of Mund, that the WSGRC ADVISER exempt from the real-world strug- and accepting to dialogue that ad- dents to see this center to fruition, does not go overlooked. This re- Robert E. Vucic gle for gender equality? After 145 dresses sensitive issues like gender. states, “I think that by LVC having source is invaluable to the student La Vie Collegienne is published every years of waiting, our campus finally When professors hold a sustained a Women’s Center we are a sending body, and we simply cannot let it Wednesday of the academic year. has a physical space set-aside for a dialogue to open this forum, the a vitally important message to the fall apart after the extremely long Meetings are held Mondays at 5:15 community devoted to the cause of only way to get students to attend campus community that gender wait this campus endured before p.m. in our Mund office, activities gender equality—which goes be- is to make it a class requirement or equality is something that matters its opening. room #3. We’re always looking for new yond men and women to include offer extra credit. LVC, do we really to us. While LVC may care about M. RoSBoRough [email protected] writers! La Vie CoLLegienne March 2, 2011 7 S portS Men’s hoops breaks 11-game run in CC play Schedule S coreboard Dan callahan ’14 Wednesday, 3/2 La Vie Staff Writer Women’s Lacrosse vs. Alvernia, 4 p.m. After defeating Widner in a close 58-56 victory, leading LVC Women’s Basketball Friday, 3/4 to its first Commonwealth Con- vs. Alvernia, 2/23: W 55-38 Men’s and Women’s Track vs. Alvernia, 2/26: W 55-33 ference championship since 2004- 05 season, the top seeded Alvernia @ ECAC Championships, Crusaders hosted the Lebanon 12 p.m. Valley Dutchmen in the Com- monwealth Conference Champi- Saturday, 3/5 Men’s Basketball vs. Widener, 2/23: W 58-56 onship Game on Saturday. With Men’s and Women’s Track @ Alvernia, 2/26: L 57-55 the game holding eight ties and six @ ECAC Championships, lead changes, Alvernia came out 12 p.m. on top at the end 57-55, bringing LVC’s 11-game winning streak to Men’s Lacrosse a sudden halt. Photo courtesy of godutchmen.com vs. Mount St. Mary’s, 1 p.m. Leading the way for the Dutch- The game swayed back and two points, and the game ended Men’s and Women’s Track @ MAC Indoor Championships, men was Joe Meehan ’12, who tal- forth, but Lebanon Valley only with a score of 57-55. Women’s Lacrosse February 26: lied 21 points. A well-ready and led by as much as three. They took The tournament field for the Men: 4th place (85 points) tough Alvernia defense held the that three point lead with just un- NCAA was announced at 1 p.m. @ Goucher, 3 p.m. Women: 3rd place (88.5 points) red-hot junior Anthony Traut- der 2:00 left in the game, but two on Monday and unfortunately For more results, visit man to only 11 points. The Cru- Alvernia three-pointers kept in LVC missed the cut. However, Sunday, 3/6 godutchmen.com sader defense limited the Valley to their favor for the rest of the game. they did earn the No. 1 seed for Men’s Tennis shooting 35 percent from the field. Meehan then hit a big jumper, the ECAC South Men’s Basket- @ Baldwin Wallace, 9:30 a.m. As the Alvernia offense began siz- but the Crusaders netted two foul ball Championship. They will host zling in the second half and shot shots right after. Sophomore Dan- Marywood in a first-round game Women’s Tennis 54 percent, it was no match for ny Brooks answered with another Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. @ Trine, 2 p.m. Players LVC. jumper, but it only cut the lead to D. caLLahan [email protected] of the Week Track and field place third and fourth Jenn Cronin Women’s TraCk & Field Lauren Scott ’12 Senior Jenn Sports Editor Cronin won gold twice at LVC crowned eight individual MAC Indoor champions at the MAC Indoor Champion- Championships on Saturday, Feb. ships in the mile and the 26 as the women placed third and 5,000-meter the men placed fourth. run to earn Senior Track Athlete of the the most Year Jenn Cronin won gold in both outstand- ing track athlete honors, the first the mile and the 5,000-meter run Dutchman to do so since Jenn to earn most outstanding track Nauss in 1997. athlete honors. She was the first Dutchman to win the award since 1997. Placing first and second in the Jerome dunCan event on the women’s side were Photos courtesy of godutchmen.com men’s TraCk & Field Messiah (103.5 points) and Eliz- Weight throw and shot put the triple jump and pole vault, re- Frederick ’12, Alyssa Miller ’14, Junior abethtown (98.5 points) while were won by seniors Zach Bleiler spectively. Lauren Johnson ’11 and Farrell. Jerome the men were defeated by Wid- and Andrew Scott. Three individuals and two re- Events for these individuals can be Duncan ener (112 points), DeSales (108 Cynthia Adams ’14 won the lays secured spots for this week- found on godutchmen.com. was the points) and Elizabethtown (90 800-meter run to reset the oldest end’s ECAC Championships in Rounding out the men’s first MAC points). LVC indoor record. New York City, including Scott team is Duncan, Weir, Wiley, Mill- Indoor Jerome Duncan ’12 was the Bronze medals were won by in shot put, Adams in the 800m, er, Scott and Bleiler. Champi- onship meet’s highest scorer as he won the three of the women’s relays, the Farrell in the long jump, and the For information on athletes meet’s 55-hurdles and 200-meter dash to 4x200, 4x400, and 4x800. Johanna women’s 4x200 and 4x800 relays. reaching second team honors and highest exit with silver in the pentathlon. Walker ’12 added a silver in the The Dutchmen earned 53 all- more information on track and scorer. Sophomore Alisha Farrell reset 55-hurdles. conference spots. Women’s first field results, visit godutchmen. Duncan captured the 55-hurdles her MAC record in the pentath- Caleb Wiley ’13 recorded team includes Adams, Cronin, com. and the 200-meter dash to go lon with 3,017 points and earned 6.68m in the long jump, taking Walker, Kristin Fitti-Hafer ’14, with a silver in the pentathlon. bronze medals in the pole vault second while freshmen Joey Miller Katie Evison ’11, Jamielyn Samper and the long jump. and Michael Weir took bronze in ’14, Miranda Klinger ’11, Tiffany L.Scott [email protected] Men’s hoops fall in CC Track and field Page 7 Page 7 S portS LVC: Commonwealth Conference Champs The Lady Dutchmen will appear in their second-straight NCAA Tournament Sherae Jones ’11 La Vie Staff Writer After making their fourth- consecutive trip to the Common- wealth Conference Playoffs, the Women’s Basketball Team (25-2) has finally claimed a Common- wealth Conference Champion- ship. On Saturday, the team de- feated Messiah 51-33. Prior to the championship game, the team matched up with Alvernia University in the Com- monwealth Conference semifinals (Feb. 23). The Dutchmen defeated the Crusaders 55-38. Renee Fritz ’13 led the team with 16 points and two blocks, while seniors Andrea Hoover (10 points, 10 assists) and Suzie Noyes (10 points, 10 rebounds) each had double-doubles. With the win, the team advanced to the Common- wealth Conference Championship Photos courtesy godutchmen.com for the fourth-straight year. The Lady Dutchmen faced rival a double digit lead from 17:17 re- gia ’13 had 11 points. Defensively, ond year in a row where the Dutch- water State (19-7) on Saturday, Messiah, who gave the Dutchmen maining until the end of the game. senior Suzie Noyes grabbed seven men will play Neumann who went March 5 again at LVC. Times their second loss during the regu- LVC shot 45.5 percent from rebounds. Borgia followed with 20-7 this season. The game will be for both games are TBA. Check lar season in a 59-55 heartbreak the floor while holding Messiah to six. played at the Arnold Sports Center godutchmen.com for time an- on Feb. 9 in LVC’s Fourth Annual only 28.9 percent. The win allowed the team to on Friday, March 4. Tickets for the nouncements. Pink Game. The Dutchmen were led by capture their first ever conference game are $3 for students and se- Last year LVC lost to Medaille During the Championship Hoover’s 15 points, six assists per- title. They also received an auto- niors and $7 for adults. Tickets for 64-63 in a heartbreaker in the first game against Messiah, LVC held formance. She was also named the matic bid to the NCAA Tourna- children under two are free. round. the upperhand thoughout the sec- Tournament Most Valuable Player. ment. The winner of the game will ond half by holding Messiah to Sophomore Tierney Hiltz added The Dutchmen return to the go on to play the winner of Ran- only 18 points while maintaining 14 points, while classmate Liz Bor- NCAA Tournament for the sec- dolph-Macon (22-6) and Bridge- S. JoneS [email protected] Good luck over break spring sports athletes! Spring sports trivia: One year ago.... 1. After making it to the NCAAs in 2008, this team made program history in 2010 with the team’s first win in NCAA play. A. Men’s Lacrosse 2. After being reinstated to LVC in the 2010 season, this team won their first game of the 2010 season 18-7. B. Baseball 3. This team finished its spring break trip by defeating Eastern University 8-1. C. Women’s Tennis 4. This team played Mount St. Mary College on Elizabethtown’s artificial turf due to an unplayable field in their first game of the season, D. Softball a 14-7 victory for the Dutchmen. E. Women’s Lacrosse 5. This team began its spring schedule with a 5-4 victory over St. Vincent. F. Men’s Tennis 6. This team went 22-14 overall in the 2010 season and 9-9 in the conference. B.6 ,C.5 ,A .4 ,F .3 ,E .2 ,D .1 Information courtesy godutchmen.com archives