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(cid:2)PUBLIC HEALTH IN VIETNAM: HERE’S THE DATA, WHERE’S THE ACTION? Knowledge of the health consequences of tobacco smoking: a cross-sectional survey of Vietnamese adults Dao Thi Minh An1*, Hoang Van Minh1, Le Thi Huong1, Kim Bao Giang1, Le Thi Thanh Xuan1, Phan Thi Hai2, Pham Quynh Nga3 and Jason Hsia4 1Department ofEpidemiology, Institute forPreventive Medicine and Public Health,Hanoi MedicalUniversity, Hanoi,Vietnam; 2The Vietnam SteeringCommittee onSmoking and Health, Hanoi,Vietnam;3WorldHealthOrganizationOfficeinVietNam,Hanoi,Vietnam;4CenterforDisease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA Background: Although substantial efforts have been made to curtail smoking in Vietnam, the 2010 Global AdultTobaccoSurvey(GATS)revealedthattheproportionofmaleadultscurrentlysmokingremainshighat 47.4%. Objectives: To determine the level of, and characteristics associated with, knowledge of the health consequences ofsmoking among Vietnamese adults. Design:GATS2010wasdesignedtosurveyanationallyrepresentativesampleofVietnamesemenandwomen aged 15 and older drawn from 11,142 households using a two-stage sampling design. Descriptive statistics were calculated and multivariate logistic regression was used to examine associations between postulated exposurefactors (age, education, accessto information,ethnic groupetc.) andknowledge on healthrisks. Results:Generalknowledgeonthehealthrisksofactivesmoking(AS)andexposuretosecondhandsmoke (SHS) was good (90% and 83%, respectively). However, knowledge on specific diseases related to tobacco smoking(stroke,heartattack,andlungcancer)appearedtobelower(51.5%).Non-smokershadasignificantly higherlikelihoodofdemonstratingbetterknowledgeonhealthrisksrelatedtoAS(OR1.6)andSHS(OR1.7) thansmokers.Adultswithsecondaryeducation,collegeeducationorabovealsohadsignificantlyhigherlevels knowledgeofAS/SHShealthrisksthanthosewithprimaryeducation(AS:ORs1.6,1.7,and1.9,respectively, andSHS:ORs2.4,3.9,and5.7respectively).Increasingagewaspositivelyassociatedwithknowledgeofthe healthconsequences of SHS, and accessto information wassignificantlyassociatedwith knowledge of AS/ SHS health risks (ORs 2.3 and 1.9 respectively). Otherwise, non-Kinh ethnic groups had significantly less knowledgeonhealthrisksofAS/SHSthanKinhethnicgroups. Conclusions: It may be necessary to target tobacco prevention programs to specific subgroups including currentsmokers,adultswithloweducation,non-Kinhethnicsinordertoincreasetheirknowledgeonhealth risksofsmoking.Comprehensivemessagesand/orimagesaboutspecificdiseasesrelatedtoAS/SHSshouldbe conveyedusingofdifferentchannelsandmodesspecifictolocalculturestoincreaseknowledgeonsmoking healthconsequencesforgeneralpopulation. Keywords: knowledge;smoking;healthconsequences;globaladulttobaccosurvey;Vietnam Received:7 May 2012; Revised:11 December 2012; Accepted:17 December 2012; Published:31 January 2013 Over the past 10 years, Vietnam had made issuedofficialdirectivesfortheimplementationofasmoke- substantial efforts on tobacco control. In 2005, free policy. At the same time, levels of smoking remain Vietnam ratified the Framework Convention on high in Vietnam. In 2001(cid:2)02, 69.1% of men smoked TobaccoControl(FCTC),andinAugust2009,thePrime cigarettes; 23.2% of men smoked water pipe tobacco. Minister’s Decision No. 1315/Q D-TTg approved a plan In addition, 63%of households had at leastone smoker, toimplementFCTC.TheMinistryofHealth,Ministryof and71%ofchildrenunderage5livedinhouseholdswith Education & Training, and Ministry of Transport also atleastonesmoker(1).In2003,nearly60%ofschool-age GlobHealthAction2013.#2013DaoThiMinhAnetal.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution- 1 Noncommercial3.0UnportedLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/),permittingallnon-commercialuse,distribution,andreproduction inanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Citation:GlobHealthAction2013,6:18707-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) DaoThiMinhAnetal. Policy Recommendations . IEC activities in Vietnam should be designed specifically to focus on specific target populations, given their smoking status and demographic characteristics. . Information conveyed to smokers should be comprehensive, including not only general messages of smoking- healthharmsbutalsospecifichealthrisksofactive,secondhandsmoking,anddiseaseburdensofsmokingbased on the real data of specific diseases related to smoking which Vietnamese people suffered from. . To improve accessibility to information of health consequences of smoking, messages that smoking is harmful should be conveyed appropriately, frequently, and efficiently to different targeted populations by different channels/modesofcommunicationwhicharemostlypreferredormostlyaccessiblebyeachtargetedpopulationin the Vietnamese setting. youth reported being exposed to secondhand smoke at Development Establishment (IDE). These activities con- home (2). The prevalence of cigarette smoking among sisted of celebrity television interviews; tobacco control students was 3.3% overall, while that among male communication activities in combination with a trans (cid:2) students was 5.9% (3). The 2010 Global Adult Tobacco Viet bicycle riding tour from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh Survey (GATS) in Vietnam showed that smoking pre- City; hosting training IEC workshops on designing a valence among adult males was 47.4%, and in a survey smokers’ behavior influencing project, called ‘Keep conducted in hospitals and public places evidence re- tobacco smoke away from your wife and kids’ in Hai vealed that smoking was common (4, 5). Phong City; and improving public awareness on the KnowledgeisdefinedbytheOxfordEnglishDictionary negative effects of tobacco on human health and the as expertise and skills acquired by a person through economy.VINACOSHhasbeencooperatingwithIDEin experienceoreducation;whileperceptionistheprocessby developing tobacco and secondhand smoke control IEC which humans interpret and organize sensation to pro- materials,applyingsocialmarketingapproachesindesign- duce a meaningful experience of the world (6). It is now ingIECmaterials,and selectingrelevant communication well established that if people’s perceptions of the com- channels (10). Although many efforts have been made monalityandacceptabilityofabehaviorcanbeadjusted, under the IEC programs in Vietnam, there is still a need their inclination to engage in that behavior may be in- for additional research to understand the relationship of fluenced.Forexample,themorecommonandacceptable knowledgeofsmoking-healthrisksandsmokingbehavior young people think smoking is among their immediate inVietnam.Thepurposeofthisstudywastoidentifythe peers, their family group and society as a whole, the level of knowledge of health consequences of tobacco morelikely theyareto take upthe habit (7). Conversely, smoking and its associated factors to inform IEC pro- smoking uptake can potentially be reduced if pro- gramsonreducingtobaccosmoking. smoking norms are challenged and anti-smoking norms are strengthened. Gerards Hastings in his book titled Methods ‘SocialMarketing(cid:2)Whyshouldthedevilhaveallthebest’ wrote that ‘Normative education or de-normalization Selectionanddescriptionofparticipants programs, therefore, can correct erroneous perceptions Data used in this article were obtained from the 2010 of the prevalence and acceptability of drug and alcohol GATS Vietnam, which was part of the multi-countries use and establish conservative group norms that are household survey of the ongoing Global Tobacco Sur- postulated to operate through lowering expectations veillanceSystem(GTSS)(11).TheGATSinVietnamwas aboutprevalenceandacceptabilityofuseandthereduced designedasanationallyrepresentativesurveyofallnon- availabilityofsubstancesinpeer-orientedsocialsettings’. institutionalizedmenandwomenaged15andolder,with Therefore, Article 4 of FCTC of the World Health their primary residence in Vietnam. Organization (WHO) stated that every person should be Atotalof11,142householdswereselectedusingatwo- informed of the health consequences, addictive nature, phase sampling design analogous to a three-stage strati- and mortal threat posed by tobacco consumption and fiedclustersampling.In2009,theGeneralStatisticsOffice exposuretotobaccosmoke.Asaresult,severalcountries (GSO) in Vietnam conducted a population and housing have attempted to educate their populations about the census.Meanwhile,GSOprepareda15%mastersampleto healthconsequencesofsmoking(8,9).TheVietnamSteer- serveasafuturenationalsurvey-samplingframe.The15% ing Committee on Smoking and Health (VINACOSH) master sample contains a subset of enumeration areas hasmadesignificanteffortstoconveymessagesoftobacco (EAs) that consist of 15% of the population in Vietnam controltoVietnamesepopulationduringthepast10years stratifiedintothreegroups.Thefirstgroupconsistsof132 by several Information, Education, and Communication districts, towns, or cities of provinces. The second group (IEC) activities in cooperation with the International consistsof294plainandcoastaldistricts.Thethirdgroup 2 Citation:GlobHealthAction2013,6:18707-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) Knowledgeofsmoking(cid:2)healthrisksamongVietnameseadults consists of 256 mountainous and island districts. The (2) Knowledge of health consequences of secondhand GATS sample was drawn from the 15% master sample smoke defined by one answered ‘yes’ to question afterfurtherstratificationofthethreegroupsintourban ‘breathingotherpeople’ssmokecauseseriousillness andruralareas(sixstrataintotal). in non-smokers’. At the first stage of sampling, the primary sampling unit (PSU) was EAs. The sampling frame was a list of Independent variables the EAs, from the 15% master sample, with the number of households as well as identifiable information, admi- (1) Smoking status: current smokers and current non- nistered by the GSO Vietnam in 2009 from the census. smokers Foreachofthesixstrata,thedesignatednumberofEAs (2) Demographicvariables:age;sex;education,quintile wasselected. Aselectionprobability proportionaltosize of household income which is based on the current (PPS)samplingmethodwasused,wherethesizewasthe study; area (urban/rural); region (ecological area), selection probabilityof an EAusing PPS sampling from ethnic group the entire target population divided by the selection (3) Accesstopositiveinformationchannelinthelast30 probabilityof an EA for the master sample. days(Answer‘yes’tooneofthefollowing:informa- At the second stage of sampling, 18 households from tionabouthealthconsequencesofsmoking,encour- the selected urban EAs and 16 households from the agement to quit, or health warnings on cigarette selected rural EAs were chosen using simple systematic packages) random sampling. One eligible household member from (4) Accesstonegativeinformationchannelinthelast30 eachselectedhouseholdwasthenrandomlychosenforan days(Answer‘yes’tooneofthefollowing:cigarette interview. advertisement through media, cigarette advertise- Note that the current design and the design where ment events, or cigarette promotion). EAs were sampled directly universally were analogous. The selection probability of an eligible individual was Statistics calculated as a product of selection probability for each Descriptive and statistical analyses with percentages stage.Thesamplingbaseweightforaneligibleindividual and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated using wastheinverseofthe selectionprobabilityshownabove. Stata 10 software (Stata Corporation). The relationship between demographic variables (sex, areas, education, Datacollection age group, quintiles of income, regions), smoking status, Handheldcomputers(iPAQ)wereusedforcollectingdata. and levels of access to information and knowledge of Interviewers and supervisorsfrom GSO conductedfield- health consequences were conducted. Multivariate logis- work, under the co-supervision of the WHO in Vietnam tic regression modeling was performed to identify what andHanoiMedicalUniversity.Thefieldworklastedfrom variables associated with knowledge of health conse- March 22, 2010, to May 13, 2010, in all 63 provinces of quencesofactivesmokingandpassivesmokinginwhich Vietnam. The interviewers and supervisors were experi- variablesofdemographiccharacteristics,smokingstatus, enced, trained in using computers and handheld (iPAQ) rule of ‘no smoking at home’ and levels of access to devices, and had previous experience working with local information were screened for bivariate association authorities,whichiskeytominimizingnon-responserates. and then all entered into the model as the independent Acasefilecontainingaddressesandnamesofthehouse- factors. Backward elimination was used to remove ones holds assigned to the interviewer was preloaded in the thatwerenotstatisticallysignificant(p(cid:2)0.05).Theodds iPAQ prior to the fieldwork. The data collectorswent to ratio(OR)with95%CIwasused.Samplingweightswere theresidencesoftherespondentsandmettheheadofthe used in all of the computations. household to acquire general information about the number of eligible individuals in the household. This Results numberwasenteredintothehandheldcomputerandone The household response rate was 96.9% and was a individual was automatically selected to be interviewed. little higher in rural areas than that in urban areas AllresponseswereenteredintheiPAQ. (97.5 and 96.5%, respectively). The individual response ratewas95.7%andwasalsoalittlehigherinruralareas Variablesanddefinitionusedinthisarticle than that in urban areas (96.3 and 95.0%, respectively). Dependent variables Overall,0.6%ofthehouseholdsand0.6%oftheselected individuals refused to respond to the survey. The total (1) Knowledge of specific diseases of active smoking responseratewas92.7%(93.9%inruralareasand91.7% defined by one who answered ‘yes’ to all four inurban sites). situations (smoking causes serious illness, stroke, Among 9,925 completed interviews of adults aged 15 heart attack, and lung cancer) and above, two-thirds were living in rural areas. People 3 Citation:GlobHealthAction2013,6:18707-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) DaoThiMinhAnetal. aged25(cid:2)44 madeupthelargestproportion(41.9%). The Table2. Knowledge of healthconsequences oftobacco educational level that predominated was secondary smokingbydemographic characteristics school (52.5%), followed by primaryor less (26%), while college degree or above was only 7.2% of the total. The Activesmoking Secondhand main occupation of the study population was farmers causesserious smokingcauses (49.6%), followed by service/sales (19.2%) and produc- illness seriousillness tion/driving (12.9%). By ethnicity, 84.5% were Kinh Demographic Percentage Percentage people, and the remaining 15.5% belonged to other characteristics (95%CI*) (95%CI*) ethnic groups. By marital status, 67.7% of the total was married,26.2%weresingle,andtheremaining6.2%were Overall 93.4(91.0(cid:2)95.2) 83.8(81.3(cid:2)86.1) separated/divorced/widowed (Table 1). Sex Generally, the percentage of adults who agreed that Male 93.7(91.9(cid:2)95.1) 84.3(81.8(cid:2)86.4) activesmokingandexposuretosecondhandsmokecauses Female 93.2(89.9(cid:2)95.4) 83.4(80.3(cid:2)86.1) serious illness were at high levels (93.4 and 83.8%, res- Residence pectively) but differed by demographic characteristics. Urban 97.1(96.4(cid:2)97.6) 90.8(89.7(cid:2)91.8) Regarding knowledge of harmful health effects of active Rural 92.1(88.8(cid:2)94.5) 81.3(78.0(cid:2)84.2) and passive smoking, adults living in urban areas were Ethnicgroup moreknowledgeablethanthoselivinginruralareas(97.1 Kinh 96.8(96.1(cid:2)97.3) 88.2(87.0(cid:2)89.2) vs92.1%and90.8vs81.3%,respectively);Kinhethnichad Other 84.3(76.6(cid:2)89.8) 72.0(64.7(cid:2)78.2) greater knowledge than non-Kinh ethnic (96.8 vs 84.3% and 88.2 vs 72.0%, respectively). The respondents who Ecologicalregions hadhigherincomeandeducationweremorelikelytohave RedRiverDelta 97.4(96.6(cid:2)98.0) 91.5(90.2(cid:2)92.7) betterknowledgethanthosewhohadnot.Therewereno Northernmidland 96.1(94.6(cid:2)97.2) 86.2(82.9(cid:2)88.9) differences for knowledge of health damage by sex, age andmountain group,andecologicalregion(Table2). NorthCentralarea 97.1(95.0(cid:2)98.3) 92.6(90.0(cid:2)94.5) andCentralcoastal Table1. Distributionof adults ]15years byselected Centralhighlands 98.0(94.5(cid:2)99.3) 93.0(84.6(cid:2)97.0) demographiccharacteristics (cid:2)VietNam GATS, 2010 SouthEast 95.1(93.8(cid:2)96.2) 82.5(80.0(cid:2)84.8) MekongRiverDelta 88.6(82.1(cid:2)92.9) 78.9(72.5(cid:2)84.1) Weighted Agegroups 15(cid:2)24 93.9(90.6(cid:2)96.0) 89.7(86.1(cid:2)92.4) Number Unweighted 25(cid:2)34 93.7(89.0(cid:2)96.5) 85.0(79.6(cid:2)89.1) Demographic Percentage ofadults numberof 35(cid:2)44 94.0(89.3(cid:2)96.7) 84.6(81.0(cid:2)87.6) characteristics (95%CI*) (inthousands) adults 45(cid:2)54 95.6(94.1(cid:2)96.7) 87.0(84.8(cid:2)88.9) 55(cid:2)64 93.5(90.1(cid:2)95.8) 79.1(75.1(cid:2)82.6) Overall 100 64,321 9,925 (cid:2)64 87.1(83.7(cid:2)89.9) 70.0(66.1(cid:2)73.6) Gender Male 48.6(47.3(cid:2)49.9) 31,259 4,356 Incomes Female 51.4(50.1(cid:2)52.7) 33,063 5,569 Quintile1 85.3(78.8(cid:2)90.1) 69.6(64.1(cid:2)74.6) Quintile2 96.0(94.5(cid:2)97.1) 86.7(84.1(cid:2)89.0) Age(years) Quintile3 96.9(95.6(cid:2)97.8) 88.9(86.5(cid:2)90.8) 15(cid:2)24 25.9(24.6(cid:2)27.2) 16,637 1,656 Quintile4 97.9(97.0(cid:2)98.6) 92.1(90.6(cid:2)93.4) 25(cid:2)44 41.9(40.6(cid:2)43.2) 26,944 4,251 Quintile5 97.7(96.8(cid:2)98.3) 94.8(93.5(cid:2)95.8) 45(cid:2)64 23.4(22.4(cid:2)24.5) 15,065 2,886 65(cid:4) 8.8(8.2(cid:2)9.5) 5,675 1,132 Education Primaryorless 84.5(79.0(cid:2)88.7) 64.6(60.3(cid:2)68.7) Residence Lowersecondary 96.8(95.4(cid:2)97.8) 88.7(86.6(cid:2)90.5) Urban 30.7(30.0(cid:2)31.4) 19,725 4,958 Uppersecondary 98.2(96.9(cid:2)99.0) 95.0(93.1(cid:2)96.3) Rural 69.3(68.6(cid:2)70.0) 44,596 4,967 Collegeand/or 99.1(98.4(cid:2)99.5) 97.1(95.8(cid:2)97.9) Educationlevel above Primaryorless 26.0(24.2(cid:2)27.8) 12,377 2,034 Lowersecondary 52.5(50.8(cid:2)54.3) 25,031 3,981 *95%confidenceinterval. Uppersecondary 14.3(13.1(cid:2)15.5) 6,794 1,023 N(cid:3)9,919individualsfrom656PSUsof6strata. Collegeorabove 7.2(6.6(cid:2)7.9) 3,447 1,227 However,only51.5%ofintervieweesansweredcorrectly *95%confidenceinterval. to all three specific health consequences (stroke, heart N(cid:3)9,925individualsfrom656PSUsof6strata. attack, and lung cancer). The most common health 4 Citation:GlobHealthAction2013,6:18707-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) Knowledgeofsmoking(cid:2)healthrisksamongVietnameseadults consequence was lung cancer (95.8%), while strokes and health consequences of active smoking are education, heart attacks were found to be much lower (67.6 and ethnicity, access to information, and smoking status. 60.9%, respectively). Of interest, current smokers dis- Adults at lower secondary, upper secondary, and college played significantly lower knowledge of health risks of or above were more likely to have significantly better active smoking than current non-smokers, for example, knowledge of health consequences of active smoking smoking causes serious illness (83.3 vs 95.1%), stroke than those at primary school (OR: 1.6, 1.7, and 1.9, (59.4vs70.3%),heartattack(54.2vs.63.1%),lungcancer respectively).Itwasalsothecaseofknowledgeonhealth (93.0 vs 96.7%), all three main consequences (43.1 vs consequences of secondhand smoke (OR: 2.4, 3.9, and 54.3%),andsecondhandsmoke(77.3vs86.0%)(Table3). 5.7, respectively). Adults belonging to non-Kinh ethnic There were significant differences in the knowledge of had significantly lower knowledge of active and passive healthconsequencesforthosewhohaveaccesstopositive smoking-healthrisksthanKinhethnic(OR:0.7and0.4, information and those who did not, with those having respectively). This model also indicated that accessing access to information having more knowledge of health positive information had significant association with consequences of active smoking than those who did knowledge of both active and passive smoking-health not, for example, knowledge of: serious illness 96.2 vs risks (OR: 2.3 and 1.9, respectively). Noticeably, current 76.3%, stroke 71.8 vs 41.1%, heart attack 64.5 vs 37.9%, non-smokers have significantly better knowledge of lung cancer 97.7 vs 83.4%, and all three main health active and passive smoking-health risks than current consequences 55.5 vs 27.0%. This relationship held for smokers (OR: 1.6 and 1.7, respectively). Increasing age individuals having access to information about second- was positively related to knowledge of the health hand smoke exposure; 87.9% of individuals with access consequences of secondhand smoke (Table 5). knew that breathing other people’s smoke can cause serious illness in non-smokers, while among adultswith- Discussion out access only 59.0% knew about the consequences. This study found that although there was a high pro- However, as demonstrated in Table 4, there were not portion among adults answering that active and second- manyother differences between the groups. hand smoking can cause serious illness (Table 1), only Education level was reported onlyamong respondents 51.5% of them understood that smoking can cause all aged 25 yearswith the assumption that at age of 25 and three specific diseases (stroke, heart attack, and lung above, people have completed their education and have cancer) which were scientifically documented to have acquired knowledge and attitudes about tobacco use. close relationships with smoking (Table 2) (12, 13). The Twomodelswereconstructed:(1)Modela:forallofthe finding that the riskof lung cancer was most frequently study subjects (all aged 15 years and above) education reported is consistent with other findings about the was excluded and (2) Model b: for those aged 25 years causes of disease reported by adults, even though heart andaboveandeducationwasincludedasanindependent disease is the numberone killerof smokers (14). variable. Model a had similar results as model b. In this The difference in knowledge between current smokers article, model b was presented in Table 5 of the results and current non-smokers was also studied elsewhere. section while model a was presented in Table 6 in the Yang et al. found in the 2010 GATS China that current appendixsection.Multivariatelogisticregressionanalysis smokers were aware of fewer health effects of smoking indicatedthatafteradjustingfordemographiccharacter- than current non-smokers, respectively. For individual istics,accessibilitytoinformation,ruleof‘nosmokingat health effects, only 68% of current smokers agreed that home’, and smoking status, predictors of knowledge of smoking causes lung cancer in smokers while among Table3. Knowledge of healthconsequences oftobacco smoking by smoking status Knowledgeofhealthconsequencesoftobaccosmoking Currentsmokers Currentnon-smokers Total Smokingcauses Percentage(95%CI*) Percentage(95%CI*) Percentage(95%CI*) Seriousillness 88.3(82.8(cid:2)92.2) 95.1(93.6(cid:2)96.3) 93.4(91.0(cid:2)95.2) Stroke 59.4(54.0(cid:2)64.6) 70.3(67.8(cid:2)72.7) 67.6(64.9(cid:2)70.3) Heartattack 54.2(49.9(cid:2)58.5) 63.1(60.8(cid:2)65.4) 60.9(58.5(cid:2)63.4) Lungcancer 93.0(89.9(cid:2)95.2) 96.7(95.8(cid:2)97.3) 95.8(94.6(cid:2)96.7) Stroke,heartattack,andlungcancer 43.1(38.0(cid:2)48.4) 54.3(52.0(cid:2)56.6) 51.5(48.8(cid:2)54.2) Breathingotherpeople’ssmokecauseseriousillness 77.3(71.3(cid:2)82.4) 86.0(84.2(cid:2)87.7) 83.8(81.3(cid:2)86.1) innon-smokers *95%confidenceinterval. N(cid:3)9,919individualsfrom656PSUsof6strata. 5 Citation:GlobHealthAction2013,6:18707-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) DaoThiMinhAnetal. Table4. Knowledge of healthconsequences oftobacco smoking bydifferent channels of accessingto information Accesstopositiveinformation** Accesstonegativeinformation*** Knowledgeofhealthconsequencesoftobaccosmoking Percentage(95%CI*) Percentage(95%CI*) Smokingcauses No Yes No Yes Seriousillness 76.3(67.5(cid:2)83.3) 96.2(94.9(cid:2)97.2) 93.2(90.9(cid:2)94.9) 94.7(90.1(cid:2)97.2) Stroke 41.1(34.5(cid:2)48.0) 71.8(69.7(cid:2)73.7) 66.5(63.5(cid:2)69.3) 75.1(70.0(cid:2)79.7) Heartattack 37.9(32.0(cid:2)44.3) 64.5(62.5(cid:2)66.4) 59.6(56.9(cid:2)62.2) 69.6(64.7(cid:2)74.0) Lungcancer 83.4(77.7(cid:2)87.9) 97.7(97.1(cid:2)98.1) 95.4(94.1(cid:2)96.5) 97.8(96.6(cid:2)98.6) Stroke,heartattack,andlungcancer 27.0(21.9(cid:2)32.7) 55.5(53.4(cid:2)57.6) 50.1(47.3(cid:2)52.9) 60.0(55.1(cid:2)64.7) Breathingotherpeople’ssmokecauseseriousillness 59.0(52.0(cid:2)65.6) 87.9(86.0(cid:2)89.6) 83.4(80.9(cid:2)85.6) 86.6(82.2(cid:2)90.0) innon-smokers *95%confidenceinterval. **Accesstopositiveinformationchannelinthelast30days(informationabouthealthconsequencesofsmokingorencouragementtoquit; healthwarningsoncigarettepackages). ***Accesstonegativeinformationchannelinthelast30days(cigaretteadvertisementthroughmedia,cigaretteadvertisementevents, cigarettepromotion). N(cid:3)9,919individualsfrom656PSUsof6strata. current non-smokers, the percentage is more than 90%. secondhandsmokingwere2.3and1.9times,respectively, In addition, only 36% of current smokers agreed that more likely to have more knowledge than those who smoking causes coronary heart diseases while among did not. Returning to the first major model for com- currentnon-smokersthepercentageisover50%(15).The munication in 1949 by Claude Elwood Shannon and difference in knowledge of health risk between smokers Warren Weaver, the process of communication was andnon-smokersissimilartopatternsobservedinChina broken down into eight discrete components, that is, and Western countries, where smokers systematically informationsource,message,transmitter,signal,channel, underestimated their personal risks from smoking, pre- noise, receiver, and destination. The current study has sumably in an attempt to minimize cognitive dissonance identified three out of eight components of this model fromsmokingandshieldthemselvesfromworry(16(cid:2)18). that should be carefully considered when developing RegardingdifferencesinknowledgebetweenKinhethnic and carrying out an IEC program for tobacco control and non-Kinh ethnic, the 2002 Vietnamese national conducted in Vietnam. health survey indicated that non-Kinh ethnic groups are First, by indicating that an understanding about peoplelivinginruralareaswithlowerlevelsofeducation specific health risks related to tobacco smoking among than those living inurban areas (19), and a World Bank Vietnameseadults,especiallyamongcurrentsmokersand survey indicated that 90%of the poor inVietnam live in non-Kinhethnic,maystillnotbespecific,thisstudycan the rural areas (20). ‘This has resulted in significant help inform IEC programs designed to prevent tobacco educational challenges’, as said by the Vice General smoking;messagesshouldbedesignedtobescientifically Director of the Department of Sports, Entertainment credible, comprehensive, andconsistent for thenation as and Economic Information at Viet Nam Television awhole. Second, by indicating that current smokers and (VTV). In addition, in a very recent household survey non-Kinh ethnic groups have lower levels of knowledge inVietnamconductedin2011,itindicatedthatpeopleat thanothergroups,itmaybenecessarytotargetmessages loweducationlevelsweremorelikelytosmoke(21).This to individual population subgroups. Third, byindicating iswheretheIECcanplayanimportantroleinpreventing that access to positive information is predictive of smoking.CheeRueyHsiehinhisstudyonknowledgeof knowledge, this current study highlights the importance health risks in anti-smoking campaigns found that anti- of coverage of an IEC program. This issue is specially smoking campaignshad a significantlypositive effect on concernedinVietnamesecontextbecausetheGATS2010 the public health-related knowledge (22). The Centers indicated that, percentage of population accessing to for Disease Control (CDC)’s best practice guidelines massmediawasstillverylow(32.8%)andthataccessing suggested that public education is an integral part in to health warnings on cigarette packets among current the efforts to both prevent initiation of tobacco use and smokers was only 14% and among general population to encourage tobacco cessation (23). This current study was only 12.7% (24). supportstheimportanceoftheabilitytoaccessinforma- Therefore,intermsofpolicyimplication,itisnecessary tion in both descriptiveand multivariate analyses. Those todevelopanationalIECprogramforpreventingsmok- accessing information of the health harms of active and ing tobaccowhichwould be designedfordifferent target 6 Citation:GlobHealthAction2013,6:18707-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) Knowledgeofsmoking(cid:2)healthrisksamongVietnameseadults Table5. Logisticregressionanalysis forfactors associatedwithknowledge of healthconsequences of smoking(model b) Dependentvariables Knowledgeonhealthrisks Knowledgeofhealthrisksof ofactivesmoking secondhandsmoking Independentvariables Sub-categories OR** 95%CI* OR** 95%CI* Gender Male 1 Female 0.9 0.8(cid:2)1.1 1 0.7(cid:2)1.4 Agegroup 25(cid:2)34 1 35(cid:2)44 0.9 0.7(cid:2)1.2 2 1.5(cid:2)2.7 45(cid:2)54 1 0.9(cid:2)1.3 1.9 1.5(cid:2)2.4 55(cid:2)64 1.2 1(cid:2)1.5 2.2 1.6(cid:2)2.9 65andabove 1.3 1(cid:2)1.6 1.3 1(cid:2)1.7 Education Primary 1 Lowersecondary 1.6 1.3(cid:2)1.9 2.4 1.9(cid:2)3 Uppersecondary 1.7 1.3(cid:2)2.2 3.9 2.6(cid:2)5.8 Collegeorabove 1.9 1.4(cid:2)2.5 5.7 3.7(cid:2)8.6 Income Quintile5 1 Quintile1 0.9 0.7(cid:2)1.1 0.5 0.3(cid:2)0.6 Quintile2 0.9 0.7(cid:2)1.1 0.8 0.6(cid:2)1.1 Quintile3 0.8 0.7(cid:2)1 0.7 0.5(cid:2)1 Quintile4 0.9 0.8(cid:2)1.1 0.9 0.6(cid:2)1.2 Ethnic Kinh 1 Non-Kinhethnic 0.7 0.5(cid:2)0.8 0.4 0.3(cid:2)0.6 Accesstopositiveinformation No 1 Yes 2.3 2(cid:2)2.6 1.9 1.6(cid:2)2.3 Accesstonegativeinformation No 1 Yes 0.7 0.4(cid:2)1.1 0.7 0.2(cid:2)1.9 Area Urban 1 Rural 1.1 1(cid:2)1.3 1.1 0.9(cid:2)1.3 Region RedRiverDelta 1 Northernmidlandandmountain 1.2 0.9(cid:2)1.5 1.9 1.2(cid:2)3 NorthCentralareaandCentralcoastal 1.2 1(cid:2)1.4 1.1 0.8(cid:2)1.5 Centralhighlands 1.2 0.8(cid:2)1.7 1.2 0.7(cid:2)2.1 SouthEast 1.1 0.9(cid:2)1.4 0.8 0.6(cid:2)1.1 MekongRiverDelta 0.9 0.7(cid:2)1.1 0.5 0.4(cid:2)0.7 Smokingstatus Currentsmokers 1 Currentnon-smoker 1.6 1.3(cid:2)1.9 1.7 1.1(cid:2)2.5 *95%confidenceinterval,**oddsratio. N(cid:3)8,265individualsfrom656PSUsof6strata. groups of adults, including a general one, smokers, and smoking can cause all three diseases of stroke, heart non-Kinh ethnic groups in which clear and comprehen- attack, and lung cancer. Regarding knowledge of health sive messages/images about the health harm of tobacco harms of active and passive smoking, current non- smoking is conveyed appropriately and efficiently by smokers were 1.6(cid:2)1.7 times likely to have better knowl- differentchannels/modestolocal-specificcultures. edgethancurrentsmokers,respectively;non-Kinhethnic groups were less likely to have knowledge (OR(cid:3)0.7 and Conclusion 0.4, respectively) than Kinh ethnic group smokers. The 2010 GATS in Vietnam showed that adults’ knowl- Accessing positive information had a close association edge of specific diseases related to tobacco smoking was with knowledge of smoking-health risks (OR(cid:3)2.3 and stillvagueasreflectedinonly51.5%adultsknowingthat 1.9, respectively, with pB0.001). The more education 7 Citation:GlobHealthAction2013,6:18707-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) DaoThiMinhAnetal. adults had, thebetterknowledge of health consequences Kingdom, and Australia: findings from the ITC four country of tobacco smoking they got. Increasing age was posi- survey. APACT 2010. Handbook and Conference Program. FCTC in the Asia Pacific: Change, Challenge and Progress. tivelyrelatedtoknowledgeofthehealthconsequencesof APACT2010-Sydney,Australia,2010,p.141. secondhand smoke. 9. Otani J. Awareness of college students on health impact of smokingandimpactofhealtheducation,measuredbytheKano Test for Social Nicotine Dependence (KTSND): comparative Acknowledgements survey of Japan and Central Asian countries. APACT 2010. HandbookandConferenceProgram.FCTCintheAsiaPacific: Sincethebeginningofthe2-yearsurvey,wehavereceivedveryclose Change, 2010. Challenge and Progress. APACT 2010-Sydney, andvaluabletechnicalassistancefromCDCinthedevelopmentof Australia,p.163. questionnaires,sampledesign,dataanalysis,aswellasstandardized 10. Vinacosh, International Cooperation. Vietnam Steering GATS methodology and protocols in a series of manuals and Committee on Smoking and Health; 2012. Available from: guidelines. Our appreciation goes out to CDC for these valuable http://www.vinacosh.gov.vn[cited15January2012]. contributions. 11. WarrenCW,LeeJ,LeaV,GodingA,O’HaraB,CarlbergM, We also acknowledge and highly appreciate the strong commit- etal.Evolutionoftheglobaltobaccosurveillancesystem(GTSS) ment,leadership,andsupportfromMinistryofHealthandMinistry 1998(cid:2)2008. Glob Health Promot 2009; 16(2 Suppl): 4(cid:2)37. of Planning and Investment for completing this survey. Excellent 12. CDC. State-specific smoking-attributable mortality and years cooperationfromtheVietnamSteeringCommitteeonSmokingand ofpotentiallifelost(cid:2)UnitedState,2000(cid:2)2004.MMWRMorb Health,theGSO,andHanoiMedicalUniversityhascontributedto MortalWklyRep2009;58:91. thesuccessofthisproject. 13. U.S. Departmentof Health and Human Services (2010). How Collaboration and support from related governmental and non- tobaccosmokecausesdisease.ReportoftheSurgeonGeneral(cid:2) governmental organizations and tobacco control experts are also Executive Summary. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and highlyappreciated. Our sincere thanks go to the World Health Organization, from HumanServices,CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention. 14. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2004). The HeadquarterstoRegionalOfficestoCountrylevels,forfacilitating GATSimplementation,providingtechnicalandmanagementassis- healthconsequencesofsmokingareportofthesurgeongeneral. tance, financial support, and coordinating national and interna- Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, tionalpartners. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center Themostgratefulacknowledgmentgoestothehardworkoffield for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office supervisors, field interviewers, and all respondents. Without their onSmokingandHealth. contributions,ourworkwouldneverhavebeenpossible. 15. Yang J, Hammond D, Driezen P, Fong GT, Jiang Y. 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Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/ mentandimplementation.APACT2010.HandbookandCon- campaign/tips/resources/videos/[cited22May2011]. ferenceProgram.FCTCintheAsiaPacific:Change,Challenge 24. Ministry of Health (2010). Global adult tobacco survey in andProgress.APACT2010-Sydney,Australia,2010,pp.101(cid:2)2. Vietnam.MinistryofHealth. 6. RosenstockIM,StrecherVJ,BeckerMH.Sociallearningtheory andthehealthbeliefmodel.HealthEducQ1988;15:175(cid:2)83. 7. Ukwayi JK, Eja OF, Chibuzo C. Unwanede, peer pressure *DaoThiMinhAn and tobacco smoking among undergraduate students of the DepartmentofEpidemiology UniversityofCalabar,CrossRiverState.HighEducStud2012; InstituteforPreventiveMedicineandPublicHealth 2:92. HanoiMedicalUniversity 8. Kennedy D. Knowledge of the causal association between Hanoi,Vietnam smoking and blindness in Canada, United States, United Email:[email protected] 8 Citation:GlobHealthAction2013,6:18707-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) Knowledgeofsmoking(cid:2)healthrisksamongVietnameseadults Appendix Table6. Logisticregression: factors associatedwithknowledge ofhealthconsequences of smoking (model a) Dependentvariables Knowledgeonhealth Knowledgeofhealthrisksof risksofactivesmoking secondhandsmoking Independentvariables Sub-categories OR** 95%CI* OR** 95%CI* Gender Male 1 Female 0.8 0.7(cid:2)1 0.8 0.5(cid:2)1.1 Agegroup 25(cid:2)34 1 35(cid:2)44 0.8 0.6(cid:2)1 3 2.2(cid:2)4.1 45(cid:2)54 0.8 0.7(cid:2)1.1 2.6 2(cid:2)3.4 55(cid:2)64 1 0.8(cid:2)1.2 3.1 2.3(cid:2)4.1 65andabove 0.7 0.5(cid:2)0.9 1.7 1.2(cid:2)2.2 Education Primary 1 Lowersecondary 1.6 1.3(cid:2)1.9 2.4 1.9(cid:2)3 Uppersecondary 1.7 1.3(cid:2)2.2 3.9 2.6(cid:2)5.8 Collegeorabove 1.9 1.4(cid:2)2.5 5.7 3.7(cid:2)8.6 Income Quintile5 1 Quintile1 0.7 0.6(cid:2)0.9 0.3 0.2(cid:2)0.4 Quintile2 0.8 0.6(cid:2)1 0.5 0.4(cid:2)0.7 Quintile3 0.8 0.6(cid:2)0.9 0.5 0.4(cid:2)0.7 Quintile4 0.9 0.7(cid:2)1 0.7 0.5(cid:2)1 Ethnic Kinh 1 Non-Kinhethnic 0.6 0.5(cid:2)0.7 0.3 0.3(cid:2)0.5 Accesstopositiveinformation No 1 Yes 2.4 2.1(cid:2)2.8 2.2 1.8(cid:2)2.6 Accesstonegativeinformation No 1 Yes 0.6 0.4(cid:2)1.1 0.6 0.2(cid:2)1.8 Area Urban 1 Rural 1.1 0.9(cid:2)1.2 1 0.8(cid:2)1.2 Region RedRiverDelta 1 Northernmidlandandmountain 1.2 0.9(cid:2)1.5 1.8 1.1(cid:2)2.9 NorthCentralareaandCentralcoastal 1.2 1(cid:2)1.4 1.1 0.8(cid:2)1.5 Centralhighlands 1.1 0.7(cid:2)1.6 1 0.6(cid:2)1.8 SouthEast 1 0.8(cid:2)1.3 0.6 0.5(cid:2)0.9 MekongRiverDelta 0.8 0.6(cid:2)1 0.4 0.3(cid:2)0.6 Regulationof‘nosmokingathome’ No 1 Yes 1 0.8(cid:2)1.3 0.8 0.6(cid:2)1.2 Smokingstatus Currentsmokers 1 Currentnon-smokers 1.6 1.3(cid:2)2 1.8 1.2(cid:2)2.7 *95%confidenceinterval,**oddsratio. N(cid:3)9,919individualsfrom656PSUsof6strata. 9 Citation:GlobHealthAction2013,6:18707-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose)

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