Hans Kellerer - Ulrich Pferschy David Pisinger Knapsack Problems With 105 Figures and 33 Tables « .f Springer Prof. Hans Kellerer University ofGraz Department ofStatistics and Operations Research Universititsstr. 15 A-8010 Graz, Austria hans.ke11erer@uni—graz.at Prof. Ulrich Pferschy University ofGraz Department ofStatistics and Operations Research Universitfitsstr. 15 A-8010 Graz, Austria pferschy@uni—graz.at Prof. David Pisinger University ofCopenhagen DIKU, Department ofComputer Science Universitetsparken 1 DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark [email protected] ISBN978-3-642-073]l-3 ISBN978-3-540-24777-7(eBook) DOI l0.I007/978-3-540-24777-7 Cataloging-in—Publication Dataapplied for Acatalogrecordfor thisbook is availablefrom the LibraryofCongress. BibliographicinformationpublishedbyDie Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; de— tailedbibliographicdatais availablein the Internet at <http://dnb.ddb.de>. This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse ofillus— trations. recitation, broadcasting. reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication ofthis publication or parts thereofis permitted only under the provisions ofthe German Copyright Law ofSeptember 9, 1965, in its current version, andpermissionforusemustalways beobtained fromSpringer-Verlag. Violations areliablefor prosecutionunder the German Copyright Law. springeronline.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2004 OriginallypublishedbySpringer—VerlagBerlinHeidelbergNewYorkin2004 Softcoverreprintofthehardcoverlstedition2004 The use ofgeneral descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publica— tion does not imply, even in the absence ofa specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Coverdesign: Erich Kirchner, Heidelberg Preface Thirteen years have passed since the seminal book on knapsack problems by Martello and Toth appeared. On this occasion a former colleague exclaimed back in 1990: “How can you write 250 pages on the knapsack problem?” Indeed, the definitionofthe knapsackproblem is easily understood even by a non-expertwho will not suspect the presence ofchallengingresearch topics in this area at the first glance. However,inthelastdecadealargenumberofresearchpublicationscontributednew results for the knapsack problem in all areas ofinterest such as exact algorithms, heuristics and approximation schemes. Moreover, the extension of the knapsack problem to higher dimensions both in the number ofconstraints and in the num- ber of knapsacks, as well as the modification ofthe problem structure concerning the available item set and the objective function, leads to a number ofinteresting variationsofpracticalrelevancewhichwerethesubjectofintensiveresearchduring the lastfewyears. Hence,twoyearsagotheideaarosetoproduceanewmonographcoveringnotonly the mostrecentdevelopments ofthe standard knapsackproblem, but also giving a comprehensivetreatmentofthe whole knapsackfamily including the siblings such asthe subset sumproblemandtheboundedandunboundedknapsackproblem,and also moredistantrelatives such as multidimensional,multiple,multiple-choiceand quadraticknapsackproblemsin dedicatedchapters. Furthermore, attention is paid to a number of less frequently considered variants ofthe knapsack problem and to the study ofstochastic aspects ofthe problem. To illustratethehighpracticalrelevanceoftheknapsackfamilyformanyindustrialand economic problems, a number of applications are described in more detail. They are selected subjectively from the innumerable occurrences ofknapsack problems reportedintheliterature. Our above-mentioned colleague will be surprised to notice that even on the more than 500pages ofthis book not all relevanttopics could be treated in equal depth butdecisionshadtobemadeonwheretogointodetailsofconstructionsandproofs andwheretoconcentrateonstatingresultsandrefertotheappropriatepublications. Moreover, an editorial deadline had to be drawn at some point. In our case, we stoppedlookingfornewpublicationsattheendofJune2003. Vl Preface The audience we envision for this book is threefold: The first two chapters offer a very basic introduction to the knapsack problem and the main algorithmic con- cepts to derive optimal and approximate solution. Chapter 3 presents a number of advanced algorithmic techniques which are used throughout the later chapters of the book. The style ofpresentation inthese threechapters is keptrathersimpleand assumesonlyminimalprerequisites.Theyshouldbeaccessibletostudentsandgrad— uatesofbusinessadministration,economicsandengineeringaswellaspractitioners with littleknowledgeofalgorithms andoptimization. This firstpartofthe book is also well suited to introduceclassical concepts of0p— timization in a classroom, since the knapsack problem is easy to understand and is probably the least difficult but most illustrative problem where dynamic program- ming, branch-and-bound,relaxationsandapproximationschemescanbeapplied. In these chapters no knowledge oflinear or integerprogrammingand only a mini- mal familiarity with basic elements ofgraph theory is assumed. The issue ofNEP- completeness is dealt with by an intuitive introduction in Section 1.5, whereas a thoroughandrigoroustreatmentisdeferredtotheAppendix. Theremainingchapters ofthebookaddress two differentaudiences. On one hand, a student or graduate of mathematics or computer science, or a successful reader ofthe first threechapters willing to go into more depth, can use thisbook to study advancedalgorithms forthe knapsackproblemand its relatives. Onthe otherhand, we hope scientific researchers or expertpractitioners will find the book a valuable source ofreference for a quick update on the state ofthe art and on the most ef- ficient algorithms currently available. In particular, a collection of computational experiments, many ofthem published for the first time in this book, should serve as a valuable tool to pick the algorithm best suited for a given problem instance. To facilitate the useofthebookas a referencewe triedto keep thesechapters self- containedas faraspossible. Forthese advancedaudiencesweassumefamiliarity with thebasic theoryoflinear programming,elementaryelementsofgraphtheory,andconceptsofalgorithmsand datastructures as faras they aregenerallytaughtinbasiccoursesonthesesubjects. Chapters 4 to 12 give detailed presentations ofthe knapsack problem and its vari- antsin increasingorderofstructural difficulty.Hence, westartwith the subsetsum probleminChapter4,moveontothestandardknapsackproblemwhichisdiscussed extensively in two chapters, oneforexactand oneforapproximatealgorithms, and finishthissecondpartofthebookwiththeboundedand unboundedknapsackprob- lem inChapters7 and 8. The third partofthe bookcontains more complicated generalizationsofthe knap- sack problems. It starts with the multidimensional knapsack problem (a knapsack problem with d constraints) in Chapter 9, then considers the multiple knapsack problem (m knapsacks are available for packing) in Chapter 10, goes on to the multiple-choice knapsack problem (the items are partitioned into classes and ex- actly oneitem ofeach class mustbepacked),andextendsthelinearobjectivefunc- Preface Vll tionto aquadraticoneyieldingthequadraticknapsackprobleminChapter 12. This chapter also contains an excursion to semidefinite programming giving a mostly self-containedshortintroductiontothistopic. AcollectionofothervariantsoftheknapsackproblemisputtogetherinChapter 13. Detailedexpositionsaredevotedtothemultiobjectiveandtheprecedenceconstraint knapsackproblem,whereasothersubjectivelyselectedvariantsaretreatedinamore cursory way. The solitary Chapter 14 gives a survey on stochastic results for the knapsackproblem. Italsocontains asectionontheon-lineversionoftheproblem. Allthesesixchapterscanbeseenassurveyarticles,mostofthembeingthefirstsur- vey on their subject, containingmany pointers to the literature and some examples ofapplication. Particular effort was put into the description of interesting applications of knap- sack type problems. We decided to avoid a boring listing ofumpteen papers with a two-line description ofthe occurrence ofa knapsack problem for each of them, but selected a smaller number ofapplication areas where knapsack models play a prominentrole. These areas are discussed in more detail in Chapter 15 to give the reader afull understanding ofthe situations presented. They should be particularly useful forteachingpurposes. The Appendix gives a short presentation of NEP-completeness with the focus on knapsackproblems. Without venturing into the depths oftheoretical computersci- ence and avoiding topics such as Turing machines and unary encoding, a rather informal introduction to ?\[ZP-completeness is given, however with formal proofs forthe Nf-hardnessofthesubsetsumandtheknapsackproblem. Someassumptionsandconventionsconcerningnotationandstyle arekeptthrough- outthe book. Mostalgorithms are stated in a flexiblepseudocodestyleputtingem- phasis on readability instead offormal uniformity. This means that simpler algo- rithmsaregiveninthestyleofanunknownbuteasily understandableprogramming language, whereas more complex algorithms are introduced by a structured, but verbaldescription. Commandsandverbalinstructionsaregivenin Sans Seriffont, whereas comments follow in Italic letters. As a general reference and guideline to algorithmsweusedthebookbyCormen,Leiserson,Rivestand Stein [92]. Forthesakeofreadabilityandpersonaltastewefollowthenon-standardconvention of using the term increasing instead ofthe mathematically correct nondecreasing and in the same way decreasing instead ofnonincreasing. Whereever we use the log functionwe always referto thebase2 logarithm unless stated otherwise. After thePreface we give a short list ofnotations containing only those terms which are used throughoutthebook. Many morenamingconventionswill be introducedon a local levelduringthe individualchaptersandsections. As mentioned above a number ofcomputational experiments were performed for exactalgorithms. Thesewereperformedonthefollowingmachines: VlIl Preface AMD ATHLON, 1.2 GHz SPECint2000=496 SPECfp2000=417 INTELPENTIUM 4, 1.5 GHz SPECintZOOO=558 SPECfp2000= 615 INTELPENTIUM III, 933 MHz SPECintZOOO=403 SPECfp2000= 328 The performance index was obtained from SPEC (www. specbench.org). As canbeseenthethreemachineshavereasonablysimilarperformance,makingitpos- sible to comparerunning times across chapters. The codes havebeencompiled us- ingtheGNUprojectC andC++Compilergcc—2.96,whichalsocompilesFortran77 code,thuspreventingdifferencesincomputationtimesdueto alternativecompilers. Acknowledgements Theauthors stronglybelieveinthenecessity todoresearchnotwith anisland men- tality but in anopenexchangeofknowledge,opinions and ideas within an interna- tional research community. Clearly, none ofus would have been able to contribute to this book without the innumerable personal exchanges with colleagues on con- ferences and workshops, in person, by e-mail or even by surface mail. Therefore, we would liketo startour acknowledgementsby thankingtheglobalresearch com- munity forprovidingthespiritnecessaryforjointprojectsofcollectionandpresen- tatlon. The classic book by Silvano Martello and Paolo Toth on knapsack problems was frequently used as a reference during the writing of this text. Comments by both authorsweregreatly appreciated. ToourpersonalfriendsAlbertoCapraraandErandaCela weowespecialthanksfor many discussions and helpful suggestions. John M. Bergstrom brought to our at- tention the importanceofsolving knapsackproblemsfor all values ofthecapacity. Jarl Friis gave valuable comments on the chapter on the quadratic knapsackprob- lem. KlausLadner gave valuable technical support, in particular in the preparation offigures. In the computational experiments and comparisons, codes were used which were made availableby Martin E. Dyer, Silvano Martello, Nei Y. Soma, PaoloToth and JohnWalker.Wethankthemfortheircooperation. AndersBoRasmussenandRune Sandvik deserve special thanks for having implemented the upper bounds for the quadratic knapsack problem in Chapter 12 and for having run the computational experiments with these bounds. In this context the authors would also like to ac- knowledgeDIKU Copenhagenforhavingprovidedthecomputationalfacilities for thecomputationalexperiments. Finally, we would like to thank the Austrian and Danish tax payer for enabling us to devote most ofour concentration on the writing ofthis book during the last two years. We would also like to apologize to the colleagues ofour departments, our friends and our families for having neglected them during this time. Further apologiesgotothereaderofthisbookforanyerrorsandmistakesitcontains.These willbecollected attheweb-siteofthisbookat www.diku.dk/knapsack. Table of Contents Preface ........................................................ V TableofContents ............................................... IX ListofNotations ................................................XIX 1. Introduction ............................................... 1 1.1 IntroducingtheKnapsackProblem........................... 1 1.2 VariantsandExtensionsoftheKnapsackProblem .............. 5 1.3 Single-CapacityVersusAll-CapacitiesProblem ................ 9 1.4 AssumptionsontheInputData .............................. 9 1.5 PerformanceofAlgorithms ................................. 11 2. BasicAlgorithmicConcepts .................................. 15 2.1 TheGreedy Algorithm ..................................... 15 2.2 LinearProgrammingRelaxation ............................. 17 2.3 DynamicProgramming .................................... 20 2.4 Branch-and-Bound ........................................ 27 2.5 ApproximationAlgorithms ................................. 29 2.6 ApproximationSchemes ................................... 37 X TableofContents Advanced AlgorithmicConcepts .............................. 43 3.1 Finding theSplitItem inLinearTime ........................ 43 3.2 VariableReduction ........................................ 44 3.3 StorageReductioninDynamicProgramming .................. 46 3.4 DynamicProgrammingwithLists ........................... 50 3.5 CombiningDynamicProgrammingandUpperBounds .......... 53 3.6 Balancing................................................ 54 3.7 WordRAM Algorithms .................................... 60 3.8 Relaxations .............................................. 62 3.9 LagrangianDecomposition ................................. 65 3.10 The KnapsackPolytope .................................... 67 The SubsetSum Problem .................................... 73 4.1 DynamicProgramming .................................... 75 4.1.] WordRAMAlgorithm .............................. 76 4.1.2 Primal-DualDynamicProgrammingAlgorithms ........ 79 4.1.3 Primal-DualWord-RAMAlgorithm................... 80 4.1.4 Horowitzand SahniDecomposition ................... 81 4.1.5 Balancing......................................... 82 4.1.6 BellmanRecursion inDecisionForm.................. 85 4.2 Branch-and-Bound ........................................ 85 4.2.1 UpperBounds ..................................... 86 4.2.2 HybridAlgorithms ................................. 87 4.3 CoreAlgorithms .......................................... 88 4.3.1 FixedSizeCore.................................... 89 4.3.2 ExpandingCore ................................... 89 4.3.3 FixedSizeCoreandDecomposition .................. 90 4.4 ComputationalResults: ExactAlgorithms ..................... 90 4.4.1 SolutionofAll-CapacitiesProblems .................. 93 4.5 PolynomialTimeApproximationSchemesforSubsetSum ...... 94 4.6 AFully PolynomialTimeApproximationSchemeforSubsetSum 97 4.7 ComputationalResults: FPTAS.............................. 112 TableofContents Xl ExactSolutionofthe KnapsackProblem ....................... 117 5.1 Branch-and-Bound ........................................ 119 5.1.1 UpperBounds for(KP) ............................. 119 5.1.2 LowerBoundsfor (KP) ............................. 124 5.1.3 VariableReduction ................................. 125 5.1.4 Branch-and-BoundImplementations .................. 127 5.2 PrimalDynamicProgrammingAlgorithms .................... 130 5.2.1 WordRAM Algorithm .............................. 131 5.2.2 Horowitz andSahni Decomposition ................... 136 5.3 Primal-DualDynamicProgrammingAlgorithms ............... 136 5.3.1 BalancedDynamicProgramming ..................... 138 5.4 TheCoreConcept......................................... 140 5.4.1 FindingaCore .................................... 142 5.4.2 CoreAlgorithms ................................... 144 5.4.3 CombiningDynamicProgrammingwith TightBounds . . . 147 5.5 ComputationalExperiments ................................ 150 5.5.1 DifficultInstances.................................. 154 5.5.2 DifficultInstances withLargeCoefficients ............. 155 5.5.3 DifficultInstances With SmallCoefficients............. 156 ApproximationAlgorithmsforthe KnapsackProblem............ 161 6.1 PolynomialTimeApproximationSchemes .................... 161 6.1.1 ImprovingthePTASfor(KP) ........................ 161 6.2 FullyPolynomialTimeApproximationSchemes ............... 166 6.2.1 Scaling andReductionoftheItemSet ................. 169 6.2.2 An Auxiliary VectorMergingProblem ................ 171 6.2.3 SolvingtheReducedProblem ........................ 175 6.2.4 PuttingthePiecesTogether .......................... 177 XIl TableofContents TheBounded Knapsack Problem ............................. 185 7.1 Introduction .............................................. 185 7.1.1 Transformationof(BKP) into (KP) ................... 187 7.2 DynamicProgramming .................................... 190 7.2.1 A Minimal Algorithmfor (BKP) ..................... 191 7.2.2 ImprovedDynamicProgramming: Reaching (KP) Complexityfor(BKP) ................. 194 7.2.3 WordRAM Algorithm .............................. 200 7.2.4 Balancing......................................... 200 7.3 Branch-and-Bound ........................................ 201 7.3.1 UpperBounds ..................................... 201 7.3.2 Branch-andBoundAlgorithms ....................... 202 7.3.3 ComputationalExperiments ......................... 204 7.4 ApproximationAlgorithms ................................. 205 TheUnbounded KnapsackProblem ........................... 211 8.1 Introduction .............................................. 211 8.2 Periodicity andDominance ................................. 214 8.2.1 Periodicity ........................................ 215 8.2.2 Dominance ....................................... 216 8.3 DynamicProgramming .................................... 219 8.3.1 SomeBasic Algorithms ............................. 220 8.3.2 An Advanced Algorithm ............................ 223 8.3.3 WordRAMAlgorithm .............................. 227 8.4 Branch-and-Bound ........................................ 228 8.5 ApproximationAlgorithms ................................. 232 Multidimensional KnapsackProblems ......................... 235 9.1 Introduction .............................................. 235 9.2 RelaxationsandReductions................................. 238 9.3 ExactAlgorithms ......................................... 246 9.3.1 Branch-and—BoundAlgorithms ....................... 246