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The King Cyrus Anointing, the Sword and a New Fountain in the Valley of Decision! This is a summary of words the Lord has given us through the past weeks for Switzerland, ignited during two Visitations in the month of August. This Word is written in a particular way to all the Swiss believers, who follow the Lord wholeheartedly and are on Fire for the Lord. If I had to write a Word for the lukewarm or chosen frozen which happens sometimes as well, it would be very, very different! It is also for all those who would like to be part of His Grace released on our Nation and a call to pray with us, because there are only a few intercessors for this great work the Lord is doing here in this Hour! It began, reading several passages in the Book of Isaiah, and then coming across the well known passage in Isaiah 45:1-7 “Thus says the LORD to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held — to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut: ‘I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob My servant’s sake, and Israel My elect, I have even called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not known Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other; there is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me, that they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other; I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.’ During the next Revival Gatherings in August I felt led to begin with this Passage and preaching on it for a moment. It’s an amazing Prophecy Isaiah declared, receiving even the Name of the great Persian King 2 or 3 centuries before he became a great King, and ruling over many nations. This passage is the expression how God anointed and used a Gentile King with precious Royal Anointing and used Him to overthrow Babylon and to release the people of God to return into their land with the order of the King to rebuild the Temple and the Kingdom. Please read as well Ezra Chapters 1~7. These passages gives a wonderful description of what happened, when this word was fulfilled beginning in the year 539 BC, until the second Temple in Jerusalem was built in the year 515 BC, March 12. A Visitation Received, September 14th ~ 16th and 26th, 2009 Released during the Feast of Tabernacle, October 2009 Then during our time of prayer on August 14, suddenly we had a wonderful visitation of the Holy Spirit for 3 days, Heaven truly opened, and His Power and Glory filled our room. First we both saw the Color purple then my wife Charlotte had a Vision. The Vision I saw the Angels coming from all direction going through the Main street of our little town running all the darkness out. Then I saw the Lord blowing on our town, and our neighbor towns, Oberhallau, Gaechlingen, Neunkirch, and then he turned towards Wilchingen blowing all the garbage out. As we received this Vision we could feel how the Atmosphere changed in the Spirit realm. Then the next day the Visitation continued, it was for sure one of the most awesome we ever had and how He expressed His love for us. Then the Holy Spirit began to speak to me, how through this word and Vision, He was showing how the Lord is releasing a royal Anointing over Switzerland to break ancient yokes to bring forth a change as radical as He did literally 2,500 years ago in Babylon, when through His Authority he found the King of Babylon and his officials wanting (Daniel 5) and gave King Cyrus the reign of the whole Empire, the Babylonians had conquered and ruled over for 70 years, established new laws and released His people to return to Israel. Then the Holy Spirit insisted that there is a particular yoke He is breaking right now through the release of this royal Anointing, which has been established 70 years ago in Switzerland. If we count back from now we come to the year 1939, which is the beginning of WWII and the Lord is saying, that with the beginning of WWII, specific demons and principalities where placed into Switzerland, which have never been removed since, but crippled our Nation from the Government down to the very simple person in every aspect of live! How did it happen or can this be understood? The Lord showed me the passage in the Book of Joshua, where the Battle of Jericho, where God did a mighty miracle and brought down the walls and Joshua and the whole Army fought valiantly to fully clean up the mess and execute everything which needed to be executed. But there was sin in Israel’s Camp, there was a man in the Camp with the Name of Achan, who took Gold and a Babylonian garment and some other precious things, which was forbidden and through this sin, he totally crippled the Nation of Israel, who lost the next seemingly insignificant battle. In the very same way, the sin committed during WWII, by some of the Achan’s in our Nation, mostly in the Government and in the Banks has been crippling our Nation. Do we remember that we washed Gold for the Nazis worth about 1 Billion Swiss franks at that time. That’s worth the wealth of about 15 Nations at that time. We sent about 30 000 to 50 000 Jews into the death camps, allowed Nazi trains to travel through our Nations, some even with Jewish people and nobody either knew or had the boldness to free the imprisoned and the list goes on. And today after 70 years we can clearly see how the Fruit of this sin has grown to a big Mountain. We have a Government who officially welcomes the Middle East Hitler, shakes hands with him and gives him permission to build His Kingdom in our Nation and the Government even says yes to establish loudspeakers all over our Land to do so! Not too long ago officially the first Concentration Camp was approved in the Canton of Zurich, where people come from all over the world to be executed, we have officially drugs given to young people who desire them and for more then 20 years we condone any kind of rape, even gang rapes without prosecution of the abuser! And the list goes on with signs, that if we would go on like this, in 10 years the Nation of Switzerland will have a climate, behavior including a Government like we have seen it in China over the past 30 years, like Russia before the opening in 89 or similar simply with a more modern touch like Germany during WWII! The demons and principalities we have invited through our sins have done their work! Praise God for every move of repentance and intercession on these Issues through the past decades, the Lord is answering these prayers! Last Saturday during our prayer watch, my wife Charlotte had a very interesting Vision: She saw a gathering of Swiss people, very similar like the two and a half million who gathered in Washington DC on September 12, 2009 to protest against the wicked schemes of the new American Administration, who has taken a lead into a very similar direction, to turn America into Red Communism with an anti-Semitic behavior like we have never seen in America’s History! (Serious I am not joking, it’s the simple truth if you like it or not!) And the Lord spoke to her and said to her, Switzerland stands in the Valley of Decision! Yes I truly believe that we as a Nation are standing in the Valley of Decision. We are at the point to make a choice, to go either left, the way of destruction and no return, or choose to humble ourselves, repent and ask the Lord to truly intervene with a turn around. And I can tell you a radical turn around is needed and it will not go without pain. But I tell you, this is the hour to choose to walk with God whatever the cost is! And what the Lord is saying is, the reason He is releasing this royal Anointing over our Nation is, to bring forth that turn around, because it is not by Might, nor by Power, but by His Spirit says the Lord. In the situation where we have moved as a Nation only through the leading, the Power and the Might of His Spirit that kind of turnaround is possible! But God is also saying wake up, stand up and run to me and follow me and I have the impression many unbelievers are ready to do so! There are many believers and churches here that are true champions in resisting the Holy Spirit and we enter into an hour the Lord will treat those who resist His Spirit much more severe as the unbelievers because the time His Body can vex him is over says the Lord! God is ready to bring a turn around in a very radical way and the Lord wants us to follow Him in the most radical way and to invite the working and leading of His Spirit in a measure greater than what ever we have seen. We enter into a time of a Prophetic Revolution, exactly like the Book of Joel declares it, the Book of Joel is the Message from the Lord to our Nation! The Lord has a plan for us individually, but as well for our Nation and we need to pray from all our Heart, that our Nation can and will choose to enter into this plan, because that is the only thing that works in this end times. We are in the Hour, where Babylon is falling, please read Jeremiah 50 and 51 as well as Revelation 17 and 18, that’s the hour where we are! But the Kingdom of God is designed to prosper and be blessed even in the Hour, when the World will get crazy and Babylon is collapsing! We need to ask the Lord to reveal His Blueprint, the one He has designed before the Foundation of the Word for our Nation to us and I believe with the Royal Anointing He is releasing right now, we can do the change and enter into that plan, knowing that it will be very radical and it will hurt for a moment. And there is a second thing, the Lord is doing: A New Fountain in the Valley of Decision The next day my wife Charlotte had again a Vision where she saw how He established a Fountain in our Valley, a Fountain because we are standing in the Valley of Decision! Please read the Book of Joel, it is the Book for our Nation for the Hour we are! It is a Fountain which is so large, covering our Nation going even beyond our Borders, into all our Neighboring Nations. Zechariah 13: 1-6 My precious Sweetheart saw in a Vision the Lord standing in the Fountain and the water gushed out. Then the Lord showed her, that this is not the only Fountain He is establishing right now, she saw like a Cross and on top, bottom, left, right and in the center there was a Fountain, the one he established here in our Nation being the one on the right side of the Cross. We where deeply touched through this Visitation and we could see, how the Lord changed the spiritual atmosphere in our town and lives in these days, when we received these Visions and Words. And there is a clear word the Holy Spirit is giving to His Body, you are not supposed to be the tail, but the head in this Nation, you are called to rule and reign and establish My Kingdom through word and deed. It is not the world which is called to rule in our Nation, it is the Body of Christ. And with the release of this Royal Anointing He is releasing strength, authority and Knowledge to His Body to impart what he needs to accomplish its call! And His second answer for our Situation is the opening of a Fountain of living Water to strengthen His Body and to release His Power to repent and change and to walk in righteousness and to do His work! This Fountain is so big and its primary focus is to bring forth a new Move of God! And there is so much Anointing, which is enough to solve all the Problems we have and will occur in our Nation, if we give the Lord the room to do so! A move of God is not just a few people giving their lives to the Lord, is not just a few new churches, is not just a few people turning to God. A move of God, means the birthing of hundreds of new hot, solid and on fire Ministries, hundred thousand of Churches either new or old once made new through the renewing of His Spirit, and this means Gatherings of 20, 30 maybe 50 and sometimes 100 000 Peoples who Praise and Worship God and our touched by the Glory of God! Do you know that this is possible and is needed in Europe, not just for us, but for the Body of Christ from the Nations around us to come and to be able drink! The question is: Are you hungry and thirsty for His Spirit, His joy and for fresh Revelations from the Throne Room? The Lord is opening a Fountain to baptize our Nation in His Spirit and make it ready for what is to come, enable us to enter into the Call we have, which is simply impossible in our own strength and ability to fulfill! God’s heart is for us to be again a Nation, where the Gospel shall be preached, people shall be saved, His presence, and Glory can dwell and His blessings flow! Are you ready to be touched a fresh, are you ready to be Baptised with His Fire, His Glory and His Power? If we want to have the strength and the strategy for this coming hour, we need to be touched a fresh by His Spirit, we need to be literally painted and soaked and marinated by His Presence, His Fire, His Glory and His Power! The Lord is beginning a new Move of His Spirit in our Nation and it is the Most Powerful Move we ever had in History. Praise God we are not the only once, there are other places He is doing the same, Praise God in a time where many other places on the earth turn towards evil in a measure which is just beyond imagination and comprehension and the spirit of antichrist likes to take over and invade every soul especially the kids, music, economy and governments! The release of His Fresh Water is the best thing which could ever happen in our Nation and we for sure do not deserve it, it’s a pure expression of His Grace and Mercy. And we better do everything to get every drink and refreshing out of it! When God opens a Fountain, or gives a time of Visitation, it is not for ever, its for a time and season and we need to do everything we can to at one hand to get the refreshing and at the other hand to be faithful stewards of His Anointing, it is for sure the most precious thing we can receive and cherish, much more precious then all the Money, and the best watches and most expensive Rolexes or jewels we could ever have! Its an anointing which will wash out and evacuate all the dirt of backslidings, neutrality and sin and will give us the power to stand and overcome! And there is one more important thing: A new Sword With the opening of the Fountain He is giving us a New Sword! Most of our precious Swiss people, don’t know anymore, what it means to fight in and for His Kingdom, which is a fight not by might or power, but through His Spirit! In the Spirit realm there is no neutrality, because neutrality is a lie from the pit of Hell. In the Spirit realm there is war and the forceful is called to take the Kingdom by force and so are we called! It was a few days later towards the end of August, we had a third Visitation, the most Awesome of the Three. The Lord showed us the thousands of Angels and Heavenly Horses He is releasing right now to prepare for His return. And He showed us three Ark Angels in particular which He is establishing in this Fountain. They are the Sword of the Lord for Switzerland! This sword has a handle and it has a name: Strategy, Victory and Triumph, because the reason the Lord is releasing this sword is to restore to the Body of Christ in our Nation, Strategy, Victory and Triumph and to cut out and evacuate the Darkness which has invaded over the past decades! Remember the Lord is not returning for a polluted and crippled Bride, but for a spotless and pure Bride who has cherished the Anointing He has given her! This Sword has three blades, the first blade is established through the First Ark Angel who has a Mandate to release the Glory of God! In the same way it was imperative for Moses to see the Glory of God, to be able to establish the First Covenant and to lead the people of Israel through the desert for 40 years, and for Jesus to go to the Mountain of Transfiguration to meet Moses and Elijah in the Glory of God in the very same way it is imperative for the Body of Christ in our Nation to see the Glory of God on the Mountain of the Lord. Because in the Glory of God are all the Revelations, and the Expressions of His Love we need to walk through this End times and to send out Harvesters into the Harvest. The Glory of God is absolutely awesome and not optional, but a vital part of the Gospel including all the Manifestations of His Glory!

The King Cyrus Anointing, the Sword and a New Fountain in the Valley of Decision! This is a summary of words the Lord has given us through the past.
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