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King cobra peptide OH-CATH30 as a potential candidate drug through clinic drug-resistant isolates PDF

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Preview King cobra peptide OH-CATH30 as a potential candidate drug through clinic drug-resistant isolates

ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH King cobra peptide OH-CATH30 as a potential candidate drug through clinic drug-resistant isolates FengZhao1,2,4,*,Xin-QiangLan2,YanDu3,Pei-YiChen1,JiaoZhao1,FangZhao1,4,Wen-HuiLee2,YunZhang2,* 1KeyLaboratoryofSubtropicalMedicinalEdibleResourcesDevelopmentandUtilizationinYunnanProvince,DepartmentofBiologyand Chemistry,PuerUniversity,PuerYunnan665000,China 2KeyLaboratoryofBioactivePeptidesofYunnanProvince/KeyLaboratoryofAnimalModelsandHumanDiseaseMechanismsofChinese AcademyofSciences,KunmingInstituteofZoology,KunmingYunnan650223,China 3DepartmentofClinicalLaboratories,FirstAffiliatedHospitalofKunmingMedicalUniversity,KunmingYunnan650032,China 4InstituteofComparativeStudyofTraditionalMateriaMedica,InstituteofIntegrativeMedicineofFudanUniversity,Shanghai200433,China ABSTRACT Keywords: Cathelicidin;Antibacterialagent;Clinical Cationicantimicrobialpeptides(AMPs)areconsidered isolates;OH-CATH30 asimportantcandidatetherapeuticagents,whichexert INTRODUCTION potentmicrobicidalpropertiesagainstbacteria,fungi The abundant use of traditional antibiotics has resulted in and some viruses. Based on our previous findings theemergenceofmanyantibiotic-resistantisolatesworldwide, king cobra cathelicidin (OH-CATH) is a 34-amino causingthreateningtohumanhealthandtherateofantibiotic acid peptide that exerts strong antibacterial and discovery and production has been insufficient to respond to weak hemolytic activity. The aim of this research this crisis (Fischbach & Walsh, 2009; Nathan, 2004). Recent is to evaluate the efficacy of both OH-CATH30 and studies have shown that there are many components in the venom that possess antimicrobial activity. Snake venom, its analog D-OH-CATH30 against clinical isolates produced by specialized glands in the snake jawbone, is comparing with routinely utilized antibiotics in vitro. a particularly rich source of such antimicrobial compounds In this study, 584 clinical isolates were tested (Tashimaetal.,2012). Severalvenomcompoundshavebeen (spanning 2013–2016) and the efficacy of the used for antimicrobial effects, such as phospholipases A2, candidate peptides and antibiotics were determined metalloproteinases, L-amino acid oxidases and antimicrobial peptides (De Oliveira Junior et al., 2013). Cathelicidins by a broth microdilution method according to have been identified as the main family of naturally-occurring the CLSI guidelines. Among the 584 clinical antimicrobialpeptidesfromsnakevenom,whichexhibitpotential isolates, 85% were susceptible to OH-CATH30 microbicidalpropertiesagainstbacteria,fungiandsomeviruses and its analogs. Both L- and D-OH-CATH30 (Zhang,2015).Currently,atleast9 cathelicidin-typeantimicrobial showedhigherefficacyagainst(toward)Gram-positive bacteria and stronger antibacterial activity against nearly all Gram-negative bacteria tested compare Received:01December2017;Accepted:08February2018 with antibiotics. The highest bactericidal activity Foundation items: This work was supported by grants from the was detected against Acinetobacter spp., including NationalNaturalSciencesFoundationofChina(31572268,31560596), multi-drug-resistantAcinetobacterbaumannii (MRAB) the Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (KJZD-EW-L03),"YunnanScholar"Program,theYunnanAppliedBasic (MRSA). The overall efficacy of OH-CATH30 and its Research Projects (2016FD076), the National Training Program of analogswashigherthanthatofthe9routinelyused InnovationandEntrepreneurshipforUndergraduates(201510685001, antibiotics. OH-CATH30 is a promising candidate 201610685001),andPuerUniversity(RCXM003&CXTD011) drug for the treatment of a wide variety of bacterial *Corresponding authors, E-mail: [email protected]; zhangy@ infectionswhichareresistanttomanyroutinelyused mail.kiz.ac.cn antimicrobialagents. DOI:10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2018.025 SciencePress ZoologicalResearch39(2):87-96,2018 87 peptideshavebeenidentifiedfromelapidsnakevenoms,most Wepreviouslyreportedanovelcathelicidin-derivedpeptide of which exhibit potential antimicrobial activities (Falcao et from the king cobra. This reptile cathelicidin was al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2008). Cationic antimicrobial peptides termed OH-CATH30 and exhibited potential broad-spectrum (AMPs) are considered as important candidate therapeutic antibacterial activity in vitro and relatively low toxicity in vivo agents comprising a diverse group of bactericidal molecules (Li et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2010). The aim of this study forwhichmicrobialorganismsshowlowerlevelsofresistance, is to evaluate the efficacy of OH-CATH30 and its analog for example pexiganan, an AMP developed for the treatment D-OH-CATH30(comprisingallD-aminoacidsresidues)against of diabetic foot infection (Ge et al., 1999). Although several clinicalisolates(collectedfrompatientsinhospital)compared peptide-antibiotics are well established clinically, such as with routinely utilized antibiotics in vitro. Meanwhile, the polymixin B, AMPs alone without any modifications have not corresponding information is crucial for the cytotoxicity to beenwidelyusedinclinicaltreatment(Hancock&Sahl,2006). eukaryotes and the immunogenicity of these peptides, which AsanuniquefamilyofAMPs,thecathelicidinpeptidesshared hemolysis assay and IL-6 assay were further investigated. conserved N-terminal domains from a variety of species and Considering that most of AMPs have free radical scavenging exhibited effective antimicrobial activity and some cytotoxic ability, we also expanded nitric oxide assay and detected the activity towards eukaryotic cells (Johansson et al., 1998; releaseofnitricoxide(Figure1A). Zanettietal.,1995). A in vitro OH-CATH 30 (L- / D-) in vivo IL-6 NO IL-6 NO Low cytotoxity High bactericidal activity B 100 OH-CATH30 D-OH-CATH30 80 %) 60 y ( c n e u 40 q e Fr 20 0 ≤2 4 8 16 32 64 128 >128 MICs of OH-CATH30 and D-OH-CATH30 (μg/mL) Figure1CytotoxicityofOH-CATH30anditsanalog A:TheworkflowofcytotoxicitydeterminationtoL-OH-CATH30andD-OH-CATH30;B:DistributionofL-OH-CATH30andD-OH-CATH30MICsfor584bacterialisolates. 88 www.zoores.ac.cn MATERIALSANDMETHODS (v/v/v). The sample was added along with auto-sampler to a Thermo Scientific EASY loading column (Thermo Fisher Ethicsstatement Scientific,USA)(2cm×100µm,5µm-C18)thentoananalytic This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Puer column (75 µm×100 mm, 3 µm-C18) with a flow rate of 1.2 University and the Biomedical Ethics Committee of the First mL/min. The presence of peptides was confirmed by an AffiliatedHospitalofKunmingMedicalUniversity.Thedatawere absorption peak at 215 nm. The purity of each synthetic analyzedanonymously,patientidentitydeducedordisclosed. peptidewasabove95%.Theidentityandpurityofeachpeptide Clinicalisolates,referencestrainsandmaterials was further confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption A total of 584 clinical isolates were collected between July ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry 2013 and June 2016, which included 14 different species as (Voyager; Supplementary Figure S2). The survey of the full follows: (i) Acinetobacter spp. (n=53); (ii) Citrobacter spp. scan MS spectra (m/z 300–1 800) was acquired in the Orbit (n=7); (iii) Enterobacter spp. (n=41); (iv) Escherichia spp. rapwitha70000-resolution(m/z200).Dynamicexclusionwas (n=229); (v) Klebsiella spp. (n=126); (vi) Proteus spp. (n=4); set to 15s. The 10 most intense multiply charged ions (z≥2) (vii)Pseudomonas spp. (n=76); (viii)Salmonellaspp. (n=16); were sequentially isolated and fragmented by higher-energy (ix) Serratia spp. (n=12); (x) Sphingobacterium spiritivorum collisional dissociation (HCD) with a fixed injection time of 80 (n=1);(xi)Staphylococcusaureus(MSSA)(n=2)andS.aureus ms and 17 500-resolution (m/z 200). The conditions were as (MRSA)(n=2); (xii)Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia(n=9); (xiii) follows: sprayvoltage,2kV;nosheathandauxiliarygasflow; Streptococcus pneumoniae. (n=2); and (xiv) Yersinia spp. heated capillary temperature, 250 °C; and normalized HCD (n=4). The species identification of each clinical isolates collision energy 27 eV; underfill ratio 0.1%. The MS/MS ion was confirmed with the Vitek 2 system (bioMérieux, France; selectionthresholdwassetat1×105counts. part of the data shown in Supplementary Figure S1). The DeterminationofMICs antibiotic susceptibility of the clinical isolates was determined MICs were determined by the broth microdilution method using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method, in accordance (Wiegand et al., 2008) according to the CLSI guidelines with the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 2009). In each 2009 guidelines (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, well of a 96-well plate, 100 µL of MHB broth and bacteria 2009). Twelve control strains were also included: E. coli (5×105 colony-forming unit (cfu)/mL) were incubated with ATCC25922andATCC35218, HaemophilusinfluenzaATCC variousconcentrationsofantimicrobialsfor16hat37°C.The 49766 and ATCC 49247, S. aureus ATCC 25923 and ATCC concentrationsoftheantimicrobialswerethesameforeachof 43300,KlebsiellapneumoniaeATCC13883andATCC700603, the tested bacterial strains in three independent experiments, S. maltophilia ATCC 8090, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC and the MIC values were obtained without inter-experiment 29212,EnterobactercloacaeATCC13047andPseudomonas variations and expressed as µg/mL. For compounds and aeruginosa ATCC 27853. All strains were cultured in MHB antibiotics drugs, the interpretation criteria were set by using Mueller-Hintonbroth(MHB,pH7.2)mediumat37°C.Allother the CLSI published criteria. The concentration of antibiotics reagents were of analytical grade and were obtained from was initially set at 512 µg/mL, then diluted to 4 µg/mL. As for commercialsources. the(onlytwoarelisted)peptidesusedinthisstudy(pexiganna, Antibiotics polymyxinB),theconcentrationwasdilutedfrom256µg/mLto Ampicillin(Amp)andcefoperazone(CPZ)wereacquiredfrom 2 µg/mL. In each batch of susceptibility tests, the 12 control theGeneralPharmaceuticalFactoryofHarbinPharmaceutical strainslistedabovewereincludedasaqualitycontrol. Group(Harbin,China).Roxithromycin(ROX),chloramphenicol Hemolyticassayandcytokinedetermination (CHL)andazithromycin(AZM)werefromSangonBiotechCo., Hemolytic assays were investigated using human red blood Ltd. (Shanghai, China). Amikacin (AMK), vancomycin (VAN), cells in liquid medium as previously reported (Yang et al., levofloxacin(LVX)andpolymyxin(PB)werefromSigma-Aldrich 2012). Serial dilutions of the samples were incubated with Co.LLC(Sigma,St.Louis,MO,USA). washedredbloodcells(2%)at37°Cfor30min,thecellswere Antimicrobialpeptidessynthesis thencentrifuged, andtheabsorbanceofthesupernatantwas Pexiganan(GIGKFLKKAKKFGKAFVKILKK-NH2),OH-CATH30 measuredat540nm. Maximumhemolysiswasdeterminedby (KFFKKLKNSVKKRAKKFFKKPRVIGVSIPF) and its analog adding1%TritonX-100tothecellsamples(Liuetal.,2012). D-OH-CATH30 (KFFKKLKNSVKKRAKKFFKKPRVIGVSIPF, An ELISA kit (Neobiosoence) was employed for IL-6 italicsindicateD-aminoacids)weresynthesizedbysolid-phase determination according to the manufacturer’s instructions. synthesis on an Applied Biosystems Model 433A peptide Nitric oxide was quantified using the Griess chemical method synthesizer according to the manufacturer’s standard protocols, (Parketal.,1993). asreportedpreviously(Lietal.,2012). Then,thecrudesynthetic IL-6 detection in vitro: Prior to euthanization, mice were peptide was purified by reverse-phase high-performance lipid administered 3 mL of saline by intraperitoneal injection. The chromatography (RP-HPLC, Supplementary Figure S2). Mobile abdomenwaskneadedfor2minbeforebeingopenedupand phase eluent A consisted of 0.1% TFA (aqueous) and mobile theperitonealfluidwascollected.Afterexcision,themicelivers phase eluent B consisted of ACN/ddH2O/TFA 90/10/0.08% and kidneys were placed into physiological saline, cut(sliced) ZoologicalResearch39(2):87-96,2018 89 intopieces,homogenizedwithtrypsin,groundintofluid,passed tested, 85% were susceptible to OH-CATH30 and its analog throughameshsieveandcentrifugedat2000r/minfor10min. with a MIC≤64 mg/L (Figure 1B). For Escherichia spp. and The supernatant was discarded and the pellet was washed Klebsiella spp. (61% of all clinical isolates), OH-CATH30 with PBS until the supernatant was clear. Then the cells was more active than the 9 antibiotics tested, and showed werere-suspendedinF12mediumand190µLofcells(about slightly higher activity than pexiganan. For 53 strains of 1×107) were added to each well of a 96-well plate before the Acinetobacterspp.,includingmultidrug-resistantAcinetobacter adding10µLofdifferentconcentrationsofOH-CATH30asthe baumannii (MRAB), the MIC value of D-OH-CATH30 was 90 experimental group or F12 medium as the control. The plate doubled comparing with that of OH-CATH30, and polymixin wasthenincubatedat36°Cfor2h,followedbycentrifugation B also had high rates of susceptibility (77%) to Acinetobacter at 3 000 r/min for 20 min. The supernatant was retained for spp. compared with other antibiotics, except for pexiganan. furtherdeterminations. For the 76 strains of Pseudomonas spp., the activity of IL-6 detection in vivo: Mice were intraperitoneally injected OH-CATH30 and its analog was higher than pexiganan, with2mLofsaline,thenafter5hwereintraperitoneallyinjected although these peptides are all showed higher activity than with 5 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg of different types of OH-CATH30 the 9 antibiotics, with the exception of levofloxacin. For the (Li et al., 2013). Mice were euthanized, then the abdomen 16strainsofSalmonellaspp.,allshowedhighsusceptibilityto was kneaded for 2 min, after which it was opened and the theantimicrobialpeptidesandantibiotics,withtheexceptionof peritoneal fluid was collected. After excision, the livers and ampicillinandcefoperazone.Therateofsusceptibility(92%)to kidneyswereplacedintophysiologicalsaline,slicedintopieces, levofloxacinamongthesespecieswasconsiderablyhigherthan homogenizedwithtrypsin,groundintofluid,passedthrougha theother8antibiotics.Amongthe14speciesofclinicalisolates mesh sieve and centrifuged at 3 000 r/min for 20 min. The tested, Serratiaspp., forwhichtherewere12strains, hadthe supernatant was discarded and the pellet was washed with lowest rate of susceptibility to antimicrobial peptides and the PBSuntilthesupernatantwasclear. peptide-antibiotic(polymixinB).OH-CATH30inhibitedallofthe species,comprisingaround10strains,ataconcentrationof≤ Statisticalanalysis 64mg/L,withtheexceptionofProteusspp. andS.maltophilia. The data was analyzed using two-way ANOVA. The Of the four strains of S. aureus tested, including two MSSA experimental data are expressed as MIC and MIC values. 50 90 andtwoMRSA,D-OH-CATH30wasfoundtobemoreeffective ThelevelofstatisticalsignificancewassetatP<0.05. atinhibitingMRSAthanOH-CATH30,witharangeof≤8mg/L. RESULTS Overall, L- OH-CATH30 showed higher efficacy against two thirdsofthetestedclinicalisolatesthanOH-CATH30. Susceptibilitytest Theinvitrosusceptibilityof584clinicalisolatestothreeAMPs Hemolysisassay and nine antibiotics was tested, which was also represented Generally,thepeptideanditsD-analogshowedlittledifference by its cytotoxicity of prokaryotes cell (Figure 1A). Table 1 in hemolytic activity to human red blood cells (Figure 1A). shows the MICs, with ranges of MIC and MIC values, of WhenthedoseofL-OH-CATH30orD-OH-CATH30waslower 50 90 each antimicrobial agent tested against 14 different species. than 125 µg/mL, similar hemolysis rates of about 10% were Overall, the efficacy of OH-CATH30 and D-OH-CATH30 was observed, but as the dose increased to 250 µg/mL, high higher when compared with 9 routine antibiotics, and slightly hemolyticactivitiesexceeding70%forthepeptideand80%for higher than pexiganan. Among the 584 clinical isolates itsD-analogweredetected(Figure2). 100 D-OH-CATH30 80 L-OH-CATH30 %) Saline sis ( 60 Triton X-100 y ol m ae 40 H 20 0 0 100 200 300 Concentration (μg/mL) Figure2HemolyticactivityoftheL-andD-OH-CATH30peptides Peptidesatvariousconcentrationswereincubatedwithhumanredbloodcellsfor4hat37°C. 90 www.zoores.ac.cn Table1MICsofthreeantimicrobialpeptidesandnineantibioticsdeterminedfor584clinicisolates,andtheMIC andMIC values 50 90 Percentage Percentage ofisolates ofisolates OH-CATH30MIC(mg/L) D-OH-CATH30MIC(mg/L) AmpbMIC(mg/L) CPZbMIC(mg/L) Isolates No. susceptibletoc susceptibletoc (%) (%) MIC50a MIC90a Range MIC50a MIC90a Range MIC50a,*** MIC90a,*** Range MIC50a,*** MIC90a,*** Range Acinetobactersp. 53 16 32 8–>128 8 16 2–>128 >256 >256 8–>256 0 >256 >256 4–>256 2 Citrobactersp. 7 8 16 4–>128 8 >128 4–>128 >256 >256 8–>256 20 >256 >256 4–>256 40 Enterobactersp. 41 8 32 4–>128 8 >128 4–>128 >256 >256 64–>256 0 >256 >256 4–>256 33 Escherichiasp. 229 8 64 2–>128 8 >128 2–>128 >256 >256 8–>256 5 >256 >256 4–>256 25 Klebsiellasp. 126 8 64 4–>128 16 128 2–>128 >256 >256 16–>256 0 >256 >256 4–>256 29 Proteussp. 4 >128 >128 8–>128 8 128 8–>128 >256 >256 16–>256 0 256 256 4–256 33 Pseudomonassp. 76 8 128 4–>128 16 >128 4–>128 >256 >256 16–>256 5 256 >256 4–>256 23 Salmonellasp. 16 8 8 4–>128 4 >128 4–>128 64 >256 4–>256 54 32 >256 4–>256 54 Serratiasp. 12 >128 >128 4–>128 8 64 8–>128 >256 >256 128–>256 0 256 >256 4–>256 36 Sphingobacteriumspiritivorum 1 8 8 8 16 16 16 >256 >256 >256 0 >256 >256 >256 0 Staphylococcusaureus(MSSA)d 2 16 16 16 32 64 32–64 >256 >256 >256 0 >256 >256 >256 0 Staphylococcusaureus(MRSA)e 2 16 32 16–32 8 8 8 >256 >256 >256 0 >256 >256 >256 0 Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia 9 8 >128 4–>128 8 32 4–32 >256 >256 128–>256 0 256 >256 4–>256 13 Streptococcuspneumoniae 2 8 8 8 8 >128 8–>128 >256 >256 >256 0 >256 >256 >256 0 Yersiniasp. 4 8 >128 8–>128 8 >128 8–>128 >256 >256 >256 0 >256 >256 >256 0 ZoologicalResearch39(2):87-96,2018 91 Continued Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage ofisolates ofisolates ofisolates ofisolatese ROXbMIC(mg/L) AZMbMIC(mg/L) AMKbMIC(mg/L) PBbMIC(mg/L) Isolates No. susceptible susceptible susceptible susceptible toc(%) toc(%) toc(%) toc(%) MIC50a,*** MIC90a,*** Range MIC50a MIC90a,*** Range MIC50a MIC90a,* Range MIC50a MIC90a Range Acinetobactersp. 53 >256 >256 8–>256 N/A >256 >256 4–>256 N/A >256 >256 4–>256 28 <2 32 2–>128 77 Citrobactersp. 7 >256 >256 32–>256 N/A 16 >256 4–>256 N/A 8 >256 4–>256 60 <2 >128 2–>128 100 Enterobactersp. 41 >256 >256 128–.256 N/A 8 >256 4–>256 N/A <4 >256 4–>256 67 <2 128 2–>128 69 Escherichiasp. 229 >256 >256 16–>256 N/A 8 128 4–>256 N/A <4 >256 4–>256 66 <2 128 2–>128 78 Klebsiellasp. 126 256 >256 32–>256 N/A 8 >256 4–>256 N/A <4 >256 4–>256 58 <2 >128 2–>128 74 Proteussp. 4 >256 >256 >256 N/A 32 128 32–128 N/A <4 4 4 100 <2 >128 2–>128 67 Pseudomonassp. 76 128 >256 4–>256 N/A 64 >256 4–>256 N/A 8 >256 4–>256 54 <2 >128 2–>128 67 Salmonellasp. 16 128 256 128–>256 N/A <4 64 4–64 N/A <4 32 4–>256 69 <2 64 2–64 77 Serratiasp. 12 >256 >256 32–>256 N/A 16 >256 4–>256 N/A <4 64 4–>256 73 >128 >128 2–>128 9 Sphingobacteriumspiritivorum 1 >256 >256 >256 N/A 16 16 16 N/A <4 <4 <4 100 <2 <2 <2 100 Staphylococcusaureus(MSSA)d 2 256 >256 256–>256 0 <4 16 <4–16 50 <4 <4 <4 100 4 >128 4–>128 0 Staphylococcusaureus(MRSA)e 2 >256 >256 >256 0 8 >256 8–>256 0 <4 <4 <4 100 8 8 8 0 Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia 9 128 >256 8–>256 N/A 64 >256 4–>256 N/A 32 >256 4–>256 50 <2 64 2–64 88 Streptococcuspneumoniae 2 >256 >256 >256 0 8 >256 8–>256 0 <4 >256 <4–>256 100 <2 >128 <2–>128 50 Yersiniasp. 4 32 >256 32–>256 N/A 16 256 16–256 N/A <4 64 4–64 100 <2 >128 2–>128 100 92 www.zoores.ac.cn Continued Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage ofisolates ofisolates ofisolates ofisolatese CHLbMIC(mg/L) PEXbMIC(mg/L) LVXbMIC(mg/L) VANbMIC(mg/L) Isolates No. susceptible susceptible susceptible susceptible toc(%) toc(%) toc(%) toc(%) MIC50a MIC90a,*** Range MIC50a MIC90a Range MIC50a,* MIC90a,*** Range MIC50a MIC90a,*** Range Acinetobactersp. 53 128 256 8–>256 5 8 16 4–128 56 128 >256 16–>256 N/A 128 256 8–>256 5 Citrobactersp. 7 8 32 4–32 80 <4 32 4–32 60 256 >256 4–>256 N/A 8 32 4–32 80 Enterobactersp. 41 16 >256 4–>256 53 <4 32 4–128 72 256 >256 64–>256 N/A 16 >256 4–>256 53 Escherichiasp. 229 <4 128 4–>256 58 <4 128 4–256 55 128 >256 8–>256 N/A <4 128 4–>256 58 Klebsiellasp. 126 16 256 4–>256 46 >256 32 4–128 48 8 >256 8–>256 N/A 16 256 4–>256 46 Proteussp. 4 8 256 8–256 67 8 16 4–128 33 128 256 128–256 N/A 8 256 8–256 67 Pseudomonassp. 76 <4 >256 4–>256 68 <4 64 4–128 63 >256 >256 64–>256 N/A <4 >256 4–>256 68 Salmonellasp. 16 <4 256 4–>256 84 <4 4 4–128 92 >256 >256 4–>256 N/A <4 256 4–>256 84 Serratiasp. 12 64 >256 4–>256 0 <4 16 4–32 55 >256 >256 64–>256 N/A 64 >256 4–>256 0 Sphingobacteriumspiritivorum 1 <4 <4 <4 100 <4 <4 <4 100 256 256 256 N/A <4 <4 <4 100 Staphylococcusaureus(MSSA)d 2 <4 32 <4–32 50 8 8 8 0 <4 8 <4–8 50 <4 32 <4–32 50 Staphylococcusaureus(MRSA)e 2 <4 <4 <4 100 16 32 16–32 0 <4 >256 <4–>256 50 <4 <4 <4 100 Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia 9 32 >256 4–>256 50 <4 256 4–256 63 128 >256 128–>256 N/A 32 >256 4–>256 50 Streptococcuspneumoniae 2 <4 <4 <4 100 16 32 16–32 0 <4 <4 <4 50 <4 <4 <4 100 Yersiniasp. 4 <4 <4 <4 100 <4 4 4 100 256 >256 4–>256 N/A <4 <4 <4 100 a:MIC andMIC ,MICsatwhich50%,or90%ofisolatesareinhibited,respectively;b:Amp,Ampicillin;CPZ,Cefoperazone;ROX,Roxithromycin;CHL,Chloramphenicol;AZM,Azithromycin; 50 90 AMK,Amikacin;VAN,Vancomycin;LVX,Levofloxacin;PB,PolymyxinB;PEX,Pexiganan;c: InterpretivecriteriabasedonCLSIrecommendations(2009);d: MSSA,Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcusaureus;e:MRSA,Methicillin-resistantStaphylococcusaureus.N/A:Notapplicable.*:P<0.05,OH-CATH30vs.thetreateddrugsorcompounds. ZoologicalResearch39(2):87-96,2018 93 Nitricoxiderelease Theamountofnitricoxidereleasedtripledthanthatinthevitamin ThepeptideanditsD-analogdisplayedsteadynitricoxiderelease Cascontrolgroup,suggestingthatalowconcentrationofOH- when the concentration ranged from 500µg/mL to 6.25µg/mL. CATH30stimulatedrelativelyhighnitricoxiderelease(Figure3). D-OH-CATH30 L-OH-CATH30 Vitamin c 0.5 0.4 0 4 5 0.3 D O 0.2 0.1 0.0 500 250 125 100 50 25 12.5 6.25 Concentration (μg/mL) Figure3NitricoxidereleaseinducedbyL-andD-OH-CATH30peptidesinvitro IL-6immunogenicityresponse this peptide showed high efficacy against Gram- positive L-OH-CATH30 is more effective in increasing the IL-6 bacteria equal to amikacin, and higher efficacy against concentration during an immunogenicity response both in almost all Gram-negative bacteria tested than that of the vitro and in vivo compared with the peptide and its D- peptide-antibioticpolymixinB(showninTable1). Thispeptide analog. Interestingly, OH-CATH30 showed the lowest IL-6 alsoshowedgoodantimicrobialactivityagainstAcinetobacter immunogenicity response in the kidney in vitro, whereas spp., which is primarily associated with nosocomial infections L-OH-CATH30 showedclear induction ofIL-6 in the kidneyin inseverely-ill patientsinwhichthemanagement ofinfections vivo. Bycomparison, thepeptideanditsD-analogpromoted is difficult due to increasing resistance to multiple classes IL-6potentlyinperitonealfluidinvitrobuthadvirtuallynoeffect of antibacterial agents (Karageorgopoulos et al., 2008). Our ontheIL-6immunogenicityresponseinvivo(Figure4,5). results indicated that OH-CATH30 and its D- analog have higher efficacy against these strains compared with routine DISCUSSION antibiotics. Usually, searching for new antibiotics, we particularly Drugresistanceinbacteria,inparticulartheriseofmulti-drug focus on the cytotoxicity and immunogenicity. Meanwhile, resistance, poses a serious threat to human health that L-OH-CATH30 and D-OH-CATH30 showed low cytotoxicity to urgently requires new drugs with broad efficiency against eukaryoticcells(redbloodcellinourexperiments),compared clinically-encountered bacteria (Leid et al., 2012). AMPs, to bacterial cells (their high bactericide activity). They had as novel therapeutic drugs, are being used increasingly to littledifferenceinhemolyticactivityandfreeradicalscavenging treat infections. In our previous study, OH-CATH30 was ability. IL-6 assay results show that both L-OH-CATH30 and found to possess relative normal bactericidal activity and low D-OH-CATH30promotedthereleaseofIL-6nomatterinvitro toxicity in vivo and in vitro (Li et al., 2012), indicating that orinvivo,whichvariedindifferenttissueandtreatmentdoses. it is a competitive candidate for the development of novel Itindicatedthatthispeptidecouldstimulatetheimmunesystem antimicrobialagent. to protect against infections in vitro or in vivo. Furthermore, Here,wetestedOH-CATH30anditsD-analogagainst584 L-OH-CATH30 and D-OH-CATH30 also showed differences clinicalisolates, includingseveralofdrug-resistantpathogens. in bactericidal activity against a range of clinical isolates, ThedatashowedthatthispeptideanditsD-analogarebroadly suggesting that OH-CATH30 containing L- residues is more active against important medical pathogens including MRSA, effectiveagainstsomepathogensthanOH-CATH30containing MRAB, S. pneumoniae and Pseudomonas spp. Importantly, D-residues. 94 www.zoores.ac.cn Figure 4 IL-6 induced by L- and D- OH-CATH30 peptides in vitro ELISA was used for IL-6 determination. *: P<0.05). Figure 4 IL-6 induced by L- and D- OH-CATH30 peptides in vitro ELISA was used for IL-6 determination. *: P<0.05). Figure4IL-6indFuigcuered 5b ILy-6L i-naduncdedD b-y OL-H a-nCd ADT- OHH3-0CpATeHp3ti0d peesptiidnesv iint rvoivo Mouse was intraperitoneal injected 2 mL saline 5 h after they were intraperitoneal injected 10 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg the above pe ptides. ***: ELISFAigwuarse u5s eILd-fo6rP i<InL0d-.60u0dc1ee).td e rbmyin Lat-i oann.d*: DP-< O0.0H5-.CATH30 peptides in vivo Mouse was intraperitoneal injected 2 mL saline 5 h after they were intraperitoneal injected 10 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg the above peptides. ***: P<0.001). Figure5IL-6inducedbyL-andD-OH-CATH30peptidesinvivo Mousewasintraperitonealinjected2mLsaline5haftertheywereintraperitonealinjected10mg/kgand5mg/kgtheabovepeptides.***:P<0.001. CONCLUSION AUTHORS’CONTRIBUTIONS Insummary,ourinvitrostudiesdemonstratedthatOH-CATH30 F.Z.,W.H.L.andY.Z.conceivedthestudy. F.Z.,X.Q.L.,P.Y.C.,J.Z.andF.Z. anditsD-analogareeffectiveagainstabroadrangeofclinical performedtheexperiments.Y.D.collectedtheclinicalisolates.F.Z.wrotethe isolates. 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