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Preview Journal of Zoology 1998: Vol 245 Table of Contents

JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY Volume 245 Contents Part 1, May 1998 unconscious selection in the domestication of sheep and goats THE EpiTor’s REPORT ON THE JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY Durant, J. M. and Handrich, Y., Growth and food FOR 1997 requirement flexibility in captive chicks of the Lindenmayer, D. B., Lacy, R. C. and Viggers, K. L., European barn owl (Tyto alba) Modelling survival and capture probabilities of the Morton, B., Velkovrh, F. and Sket, B., Biology and mountain brushtail possum (Trichosurus caninus) in the anatomy of the ‘living fossil’ Congeria kusceri forests of south-eastern Australia using trap—recapture (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) from subterranean rivers and data caves in the Dinaric karst of the former Yugoslavia Hoying, K. M. and Kunz, T. H., Variation in size at birth Delahay, R. J., Daniels, M. J., Macdonald, D. W., and post-natal growth in the insectivorous bat McGuire, K. and Balharry, D., Do patterns of Pipistrellus subflavus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) helminth parasitism differ between groups of wild- Borkowski, J. and Furubayashi, K., Seasonal and diel living cats in Scotland? variation in group size among Japanese sika deer in KryStufek, B. and Macholan, M., Morphological different habitats differentiation in Mus spicilegus and the taxonomic Molteno, A. J., Sliwa, A. and Richardson. P. R. K., The status of mound-building mice from the Adriatic coast role of scent marking in a free-ranging, female black- of Yugoslavia footed cat (Felis nigripes) Haas, H. L. and Tolley, K. A., Geographic variation of Frati, F., Hartl, G. B., Lovari, S., Delibes, M. and wing morphology in three Eurasian populations of the Markov, G., Quaternary radiation and genetic fruit fly, Drosophila lummei structure of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in the Seligmann, H., Evidence that minor directional Mediterranean Basin, as revealed by allozymes and asymmetry is functional in lizard hindlimbs mitochondrial DNA COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAMMAL SOCIETY — NO. 76 Jones, H. D. and Cumming, M. S., Feeding behaviour of Fallow deer (Dama dama) winter defecation rate in a the termite-eating planarian Microplana Mediterranean area, by G. MASSEI and P. V. GENOV, termitophaga (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria: Tricladida: p. 209; A case of snake predation upon bats in northern Terricola) in Zimbabwe Morocco: some implications for designing bat grilles, Derocher, A. E. and Stirling, I., Geographic variation in by M. HAMMER and R. ARLETTAZ, p. 211; Longevity in growth of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) the European free-tailed bat (Tadarida teniotis), by Sprackland, R. G. and Swinney, G. N., A new species of C. IBANEZ and J. L. PEREZ-JORDA, p. 213; Dietary giant gecko of the genus Tarentola (Reptilia: response of the Eurasian badger, Meles meles, to a Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Jamaica decline of its main prey in the Donana National Park, Reby, D., Joachim, J., Lauga, J., Lek, S. and Aulagnier, by J. M. FEDRIANI, P. FERRERAS and M. DELIBES, p. 214; S., Individuality in the groans of fallow deer (Dama Diet of two species of mink in Estonia: displacement of dama) bucks Mustela lutreola by M. vison, by T. MARAN, H. KRUUK, Durbin, L. S., Habitat selection by five otters Lutra lutra D.W. MACDONALD and M. POLMA, p. 218; Habitat in rivers of northern Scotland around maternity roosts of the 55 kHz phonic type of Hosken, D. J., Sperm fertility and skewed paternity pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus), by S. F. during competition in the Australian long-eared bat Nyctophilus geoffroyi (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) on the Shiant Islands, Hebrides, Scotland, by G. KEY, Palestrini, C., Barbero, E. and Rolando, A., Intra- and A.H. FIELDING, M. J. GOULDING, R. S. HOLM and interspecific aggregation among dung beetles B. STEVENS-WOODS, p. 228; Food habits and ranging (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in an Alpine pasture behaviour of a group of farm cats (Felis catus) in a White, K. A. J. and Hall, S. J. G., Behaviour of lambs Swiss mountainous area, by J.-M. WEBER and L. DAILLY, (Ovis aries) in relation to spatial patterns of defecation p. 234; Cyprinid remains in otter Lutra lutra faeces: on a pasture 111 some words of caution, by D. N. CARSS and K. C. NELSON, ZSL SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS: SHORT REPORTS 119 p. 238 Part 2, June 1998 Part 3, July 1998 New SHORT COMMUNICATIONS SECTION: CALL FOR PAPERS i Phillips, R. A. and Furness, R. W., Polymorphism, mating Clausnitzer, V., Territorial behaviour of a rainforest preferences and sexual selection in the Arctic skua 245 dragonfly Notiothemis robertsi (Odonata: Libellulidae): Derocher, A. E. and Stirling, I., Maternal investment and proposed functions of specific behavioural patterns 121 factors affecting offspring size in polar bears (Ursus Zohary, D., Tchernov, E. and Horwitz, L. K., The role of maritimus) Volume 245 Contents Hosken, D. J., Blackberry, M. A., Stewart, T. B. and Part 4, August 1998 Stucki, A. F., The male reproductive cycle of three species of Australian vespertilionid bat Dunham, K. M., Spatial organization of mountain Portier, C., Festa-Bianchet, M., Gaillard, J.-M., gazelles Gazella gazella reintroduced to central Arabia 371 Jorgenson, J. T. and Yoccoz, N. G., Effects of density Pardini, R., Feeding ecology of the neotropical river otter and weather on survival of bighorn sheep lambs (Ovis Lontra longicaudis in an Atlantic Forest stream, south- canadensis) eastern Brazil 385 Mori, Y., Optimal choice of foraging depth in divers Barahona, F. and Barbadillo, L. J., Inter- and intraspecific Boussés, P. and Chapuis, J.-L., Deferred seasonal increase variation in the post-natal skull of some lacertid lizards 393 in testes weight under poor nutritional conditions in a Nixon, M. and Mangold, K., The early life of Sepia sub-Antarctic population of rabbits (Oryctolagus officinalis, and the contrast with that of Octopus cuniculus) vulgaris (Cephalopoda) 407 Frutos, I., Montalvo, S. and Junoy, J., A new species of Gottdenker, N. and Bodmer, R. E., Reproduction and Prosorhochmus (Hoplonemertea, Monostilifera) from productivity of white-lipped and collared peccaries in the Chafarinas islands (western Mediterranean) the Peruvian Amazon 423 Paradis, E., Wang, X., Guédon, G. and Croset, H., Body Griffiths, R. A. and Foster, J. P., The effect of social mass dynamics in the Mediterranean pine vole interactions on tadpole activity and growth in the Microtus duodecimcostatus British anuran amphibians (Bufo bufo, B. calamita, and Pérez-Barberia, F. J. and Gordon, I. J., The influence of Rana temporaria) 431 molar occlusal surface area on the voluntary intake, Hendrie, C. A., Weiss, S. M. and Eilam, D., Behavioural digestion, chewing behaviour and diet selection of red response of wild rodents to the calls of an owl: a deer (Cervus elaphus) comparative study 439 Ridgway, T. M., Stewart, B. A., Branch, G. M. and Hill, R. A. and Lee, P. C., Predation risk as an influence Hodgson, A. N., Morphological and genetic on group size in cercopithecoid primates: implications differentiation of Patella granularis (Gastropoda: for social structure 447 Patellidae): recognition of two sibling species along the Rachlow, J. L. and Bowyer, R. T., Habitat selection by coast of southern Africa Dall’s sheep (Ovis dalli): maternal trade-offs 457 Potti, J., Variation in the onset of incubation in the pied Bauer, T., Desender, K., Morwinsky, T. and Betz, O., Eye flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca): fitness consequences morphology reflects habitat demands in three closely and constraints related ground beetle species (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 467 Russ, J. M., O'Neill, J. K. and Montgomery, W. I., Weidinger, K. and van Franeker, J. A., Applicability of Nathusius’ pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus nathusii, external measurements to sexing of the Cape petrel Keyserling & Blasius 1839) breeding in Ireland Daption capense at within-pair, within-population and Sillero-Zubiri, C. and Macdonald, D. W., Scent-marking between-population scales 473 and territorial behaviour of Ethiopian wolves Canis Maina, J. N., Maloiy, G. M. O. and Wood, C. M., simensis Respiratory stratagems, mechanisms, and morphology Alexander, R. L., Blood supply to the eyes and brain of of the ‘lung’ of a tropical swamp worm, Alma emini lamniform sharks (Lamniformes) Mich. (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae): a transmission and scanning electron microscope study, with field and laboratory observations 483

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