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Preview Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 1997: Vol 40 Index

JETS 40/4 (December 1997) 692—703 INDEX TO VOLUME 40 (JETS 1997) ARTICLES: Beck, J. R. “Evangelicals, Homosexuality, and Social Science” .............. 83 Bergey, R. “The Rhetorical Role of Reiteration in the Suffering Servant Poem ON a's ech Vict is ca eee estes b Ree hee Me AES DOLE A ae se so 177 Bilezikian, G. “Hermeneutical Bungee-Jumping: Subordination in the Godhead” 57 Block, D. I. “Will the Real Gideon Please Stand Up? Narrative Style and Inten- OE pe ec ee ac eT eat eee eo tes bah cee nee Tse 6 353 Boyd, J. H. “One’s Self-Concept and Biblical Theology” .................... 207 Byargeon, R. W. “The Structure and Significance of Prov 9:7-12”............ 367 Carson, D. A. “Reflections on Salvation and Justification in the New Testament” 581 Fouts, D. M. “A Defense of the Hyperbolic Interpretation of Large Numbers in I an 7S hr, Le ie Pe ee a eee CEE Eee bt eae s 377 Gleason, R. “B. B. Warfield and Lewis S. Chafer on Sanctification” .......... 241 Glenny, W. E. “Typology: A Summary of the Present Evangelical Discussion”. . 627 Harbin, M. A. “Theistic Evolution: Deism Revisited?” ..................... 639 Heide, G. Z. “What Is New about the New Heaven and the New Earth? A Theol- ogy of Creation from Revelation 21 and 2 Peter 3”...................... 37 Huffman, D. S. “The Historical Jesus of Ancient Unbelief”................. 551 Johnson, E. L. “Playing Games and Living Metaphors: The Incarnation and the I ee ee Ah oa fees See ORE Cee ee rots Cele eee Canes 271 Karlberg, M. W. “The Search for an Evangelical Consensus on Paul and the gy a eet ara ad Sit tea a CER Oe gn a PU Aa, Saree a aa ee er 563 Késtenberger, A. J. “What Does It Mean to Be Filled with the Spirit? A Biblical DOE Ae Mane oe See he et ites tate eC Ce eR Ree ha tears te 229 Little, B. A. “Christian Education, Worldviews, and Postmodernity’s Challenge” 433 McCready, D. “‘He Came Down from Heaven’: The Preexistence of Christ NR ee tion aoye 2 Tangi ald a, Reachl eS ISLCR Via RW Retake WualaaL > uM GL KeY 419 McQuilkin, R., and B. Mullen. “The Impact of Postmodern Thinking on Evangel- NNN 2005.5 55 coo p. vas, ¢ ck.S ioviaslo. mm0 0h Sitea ce b:S AR wy8 SB-Si6] HAS, Vim S88 AL 69 Montgomery, J. W. “A Critique of Certain Uncritical Assumptions in Modern RMN a ica0s 6 ues eae 4caF ass u ayesd ic hth auask, 6 so¥e <1k keds 8h MID LOR Salo evGa 6 ls 653 Moore, T. S. “‘To the End of the Earth’: The Geographical and Ethnic Universal- ism of Acts 1:8 in Light of Isaianic Influence on Luke”................... 389 Morrison, J. D. “Trinity and Church: An Examination of Theological Method- RN crac ei Saas Soha sle oh e.5 .ae Nee Achaea sax kins hirFe ok Vink atie SWS eee.W inch F's 445 Muck, T. C. “Is There Common Ground among Religions?” ................. 99 Prpwaen, 6. (©. “POGMIORING WIG POBUS ou. ok ince csc nes vies c te wescews 1 Nicole, B. “Tne Canon of the New TEStAMGNL” ....... crc ices cncawenecesa 199 Poythress, V. S. “Counterfeiting in the Book of Revelation as a Perspective on AIR NROEEY SIUM 6 50 sake. aie:S pite, dyeeaits, 6 &,s ige Bins Sensnsiavw Ocmlpselores o © ees 411 Rakestraw, R. V. “Becoming Like God: An Evangelical Doctrine of Theosis” ... 257 Scorgie, G. G., and C. F. E. Jones. “Human Life Is Not Sheep: An Ethical Per- NN MN 9 55 a 6 as ow.¥ ,R RS AG, 0 4 caW i Sig RN le WR WRAL OOo ely es JETS 40/4 (December 1997) 692—703 INDEX TO VOLUME 40 (JETS 1997) ARTICLES: Beck, J. R. “Evangelicals, Homosexuality, and Social Science” .............. 83 Bergey, R. “The Rhetorical Role of Reiteration in the Suffering Servant Poem ON a's ech Vict is ca eee estes b Ree hee Me AES DOLE A ae se so 177 Bilezikian, G. “Hermeneutical Bungee-Jumping: Subordination in the Godhead” 57 Block, D. I. “Will the Real Gideon Please Stand Up? Narrative Style and Inten- OE pe ec ee ac eT eat eee eo tes bah cee nee Tse 6 353 Boyd, J. H. “One’s Self-Concept and Biblical Theology” .................... 207 Byargeon, R. W. “The Structure and Significance of Prov 9:7-12”............ 367 Carson, D. A. “Reflections on Salvation and Justification in the New Testament” 581 Fouts, D. M. “A Defense of the Hyperbolic Interpretation of Large Numbers in I an 7S hr, Le ie Pe ee a eee CEE Eee bt eae s 377 Gleason, R. “B. B. Warfield and Lewis S. Chafer on Sanctification” .......... 241 Glenny, W. E. “Typology: A Summary of the Present Evangelical Discussion”. . 627 Harbin, M. A. “Theistic Evolution: Deism Revisited?” ..................... 639 Heide, G. Z. “What Is New about the New Heaven and the New Earth? A Theol- ogy of Creation from Revelation 21 and 2 Peter 3”...................... 37 Huffman, D. S. “The Historical Jesus of Ancient Unbelief”................. 551 Johnson, E. L. “Playing Games and Living Metaphors: The Incarnation and the I ee ee Ah oa fees See ORE Cee ee rots Cele eee Canes 271 Karlberg, M. W. “The Search for an Evangelical Consensus on Paul and the gy a eet ara ad Sit tea a CER Oe gn a PU Aa, Saree a aa ee er 563 Késtenberger, A. J. “What Does It Mean to Be Filled with the Spirit? A Biblical DOE Ae Mane oe See he et ites tate eC Ce eR Ree ha tears te 229 Little, B. A. “Christian Education, Worldviews, and Postmodernity’s Challenge” 433 McCready, D. “‘He Came Down from Heaven’: The Preexistence of Christ NR ee tion aoye 2 Tangi ald a, Reachl eS ISLCR Via RW Retake WualaaL > uM GL KeY 419 McQuilkin, R., and B. Mullen. “The Impact of Postmodern Thinking on Evangel- NNN 2005.5 55 coo p. vas, ¢ ck.S ioviaslo. mm0 0h Sitea ce b:S AR wy8 SB-Si6] HAS, Vim S88 AL 69 Montgomery, J. W. “A Critique of Certain Uncritical Assumptions in Modern RMN a ica0s 6 ues eae 4caF ass u ayesd ic hth auask, 6 so¥e <1k keds 8h MID LOR Salo evGa 6 ls 653 Moore, T. S. “‘To the End of the Earth’: The Geographical and Ethnic Universal- ism of Acts 1:8 in Light of Isaianic Influence on Luke”................... 389 Morrison, J. D. “Trinity and Church: An Examination of Theological Method- RN crac ei Saas Soha sle oh e.5 .ae Nee Achaea sax kins hirFe ok Vink atie SWS eee.W inch F's 445 Muck, T. C. “Is There Common Ground among Religions?” ................. 99 Prpwaen, 6. (©. “POGMIORING WIG POBUS ou. ok ince csc nes vies c te wescews 1 Nicole, B. “Tne Canon of the New TEStAMGNL” ....... crc ices cncawenecesa 199 Poythress, V. S. “Counterfeiting in the Book of Revelation as a Perspective on AIR NROEEY SIUM 6 50 sake. aie:S pite, dyeeaits, 6 &,s ige Bins Sensnsiavw Ocmlpselores o © ees 411 Rakestraw, R. V. “Becoming Like God: An Evangelical Doctrine of Theosis” ... 257 Scorgie, G. G., and C. F. E. Jones. “Human Life Is Not Sheep: An Ethical Per- NN MN 9 55 a 6 as ow.¥ ,R RS AG, 0 4 caW i Sig RN le WR WRAL OOo ely es INDEX 693 Shogren, G. S. “Christian Prophecy and Canon in the Second Century: A Re- I Wis RG Eas I a iiclertin hd ceed ne itis dan cacao den eae 609 Smith, G. “A Closer Look at the Widow’s Offering: Mark 12:41-44”.......... 27 Spencer, W. D. “Christ’s Sacrifice as Apologetic: An Application of Heb 10:1-18” 189 Sprinkle, J. M. “Old Testament Perspectives on Divorce and Remarriage”... .. 529 "FR Te ee EE CU CRI os o:0% dine silbicracHdedwa aanuac ewaee sci 401 Treier, D. J. “The Fulfillment of Joel 2:28-32: A Multiple-Lens Approach” .... 13 BOOK REVIEWS: Adam, A. K. M. What Is Postmodern Biblical Criticism? D. A. Carson........ 146 Alexander, L. The Preface to Luke’s Gospel: Literary Convention and Social Con- text in Luke 1:1-4 and Acts 1:1. D.S. Huffman ....................002- 140 Archer, G. L., Jr. A Survey of Old Testament Introduction. 3d ed. J.R. Vannoy 153 Ashton, J. Studying John: Approaches to the Fourth Gospel. D. N. Bowdle .... 468 Bauckham, R. The Theology of the Book of Revelation. A. Boyd Luter......... 484 Bauckham, R., ed. The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting. Vol. 4: The Book of Acts in Its Palestinian Setting. J. L. Jaquette................0022005- 470 Bauman, M., and D. Hall, eds. God and Caesar: Selected Essays from the 1993 Evangelical Theological Society’s Convention at Washington, D.C. R. Schwarz- WI 6.S oden haa tae Dord a waaay dadaeinwt deepest aN idee aeetaamneneae 489 Bell, R. H. Provoked to Jealousy: The Origin and Purpose ofthe Jealousy Motif in RGAE Ta EMO oo: aie 6:a nid ih din ES sidan Se Hee Raa ee 137 Ben Zvi, E., M. Hancock and R. Beinert. Readings in Biblical Hebrew: An Inter- Aah: A Ras ey As. CORREO WIR 6s a's 5a. 5% Kole o.4 s Rewer ecennmeneme 116 Blaising, C. A., and D. L. Bock. Progressive Dispensationalism. F. A. Malone .. 332 Bloesch, D. G. A Theology of Word and Spirit: Authority and Method in Theology. ie 0h 27S ior6 6a acc Screens a Pieret he yala rcs mauadn Socal ave ea en ae eN 491 Bockmuehl, M. This Jesus: Martyr, Lord, Messiah. S. McKnight............. 312 Botha, J. Subject to Whose Authority? Multiple Readings of Romans 13. T. R. Ns i.e cia Wana in hd eee Wate Cele Sec edema dae ane 476 Braulik, G. The Theology of Deuteronomy: Collected Essays of Georg Braulik. eS cau ante kie sada dude ces Dalen al «asec adnan aes 121 Brueggemann, W. A Social Reading of the Old Testament: Prophetic Approaches fo: Forciaka :C omal Ease GV MR is. 5s ob asecn c oitie o 6 coals o vinin 0 Cae ees 119 Carson, D. A. The Gagging of God. C. F. H. Henry................200000e- 502 Catchpole, D. The Quest for Q. L. R. Keylock .............0.00ceeeeeeeees 315 Charlesworth, J. H., et al., eds. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations. Vol. 1: The Rule of the Community and Waites Deamasemiete. TE Gy RIO ae oa) 6 6 dais essen Sods db Cusacde we date 300 Clark, K. J., ed. Philosophers Who Believe. W. D. Eisenhower............... 334 Comfort, P. W. I Am the Way: A Spiritual Journey Through the Gospel of John. ey IS gos wo, wis are a diel a,d ot oe WS ard wis ochd le an ae emete Ramee 144 Countryman, L. W. The Mystical Way in the Fourth Gospel: Crossing Over into Cie Ge Be Oe, I a on 6.s era Ne wiidnde sed adetennmadametaus 129 Craig, K. Reading Esther: A Case for the Literary Carnivalesque. F. B. Huey, Jr. 124 Cromartie, M., ed. No Longer Exiles: The New Religious Right in American Pol- HAGE UMN So icin. win.cin civic eUe@nuwnt Uhennrnwawarntae tyedaes 509 Culpepper, R. A. John: The Son of Zebedee, The Life of a Legend. M. A. Jolley . 143 694 JOURNAL OF THE EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Darr, K. P. Isaiah’s Vision and the Family of God. J. N. Oswalt............. 125 Davidson, A. B. Davidson’s Introductory Hebrew Grammar-Syntax. Rev. by J. C. L. Mea Rr 565 60 ey ic Ord ras vias Sioa ia oUt eae aka ee ae ware ecw ee 688 DeYoung, J., and S. Hurty. Beyond the Obvious: Discover the Deeper Meaning of UTEP IEEE oo v's Sc cae ea see cower eee eon e Need wae ee ets 518 Dillard, R. B., and T. Longman, III. An Introduction to the Old Testament. J. R. PE eA eis a aig girth ee Shae ialen ES RIEED Pars SO Lae Mae tEa ee eet 153 Dockery, D. S., K. A. Mathews and R. S. Sloan, eds. Foundations for Biblical © NNN BF re OG e656 6.0 unsere nels Sia lee oeieiwiy oe ete elereree es eee 321 Duguid, I. M. Ezekiel and the Leaders of Israel. L. E. Cooper, Sr............. 297 Elliot, J. H. What Is Social-Scientific Criticism? G. V. Smith................ 117 Exum, J. Cheryl, and D. J. A. Clines, eds. The New Literary Criticism and the ee NONE NOES REE soe 5 psa des sels: SERN Sian ee sioiet e wie sae wieoa'e 158 Farris, T. V. Mighty to Save: A Study in Old Testament Soteriology. W. C. Kaiser, eS ee ee aE CCK TR ACER CT TS Pe 113 Fee, G. D. God’s Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul. RARE Io Darah BAUS ireikg Le ac Ta MURS Sire WIS CN vae henbradVa h auR are A eze'e: Riba OR 472 Fewell, D. N., ed. Reading Between Texts: Intertextuality and the Hebrew Bible. ING TEE etre fic vias CURT Mie eR R eee ee ee REO ee oe 156 Fiorenza, E. S., ed. Searching the Scriptures. Vol. 2. A Feminist Commentary. A. B. PE cee ORs olin balers s Where Ore edd ale URSaue pela NOT Slee alate ewes 115 Galambush, J. Jerusalem in the Book of Ezekiel: The City as Yahweh’s Wife. M. F. Oe ee ee CE Re ee ee eS Sy ee eT es 126 Gardner, P. D. The Gifts of God and the Authentication of a Christian: An Exe- getical Study of 1 Corinthians 8-11:1. M. Kailus ...............0..0008- 477 Garland, D. Reading Matthew: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the ERNIE AURD OMME MNIRR cy: Garc l's:G ate eees eeladel aislelp las = Mia SIEM eee ae eral ete ics 464 Garlington, D. Faith, Obedience and Perseverance: Aspects of Paul’s Letter to the PE eR EINES So Ss kes Sho tediee egb e cbse ees ain CONTA ened 474 Gillingham, S. E. The Poems and Psalms of the Hebrew Bible. T. F. Williams.. 125 Goldingay, J. Models for Scripture. E. R. Clendenen ..................005- 511 Goulder, M. St. Peter versus St. Paul: A Tale of Two Missions. J. L. Jaquette.. 132 Gowan, D. E. Theology in Exodus: Biblical Theology in the Form of a Commen- PRI EIN Ts Seeds tree Ceresno ek etorere t Mintvla slelbrtia O mistetngie Whee Ne et 120 Hall, D. W., ed. Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici: The Divine Right of Church NIN Sum UNNI 805 hs Sow wc we ae Waele OS ra wie Rive eS ED wee 325 Hall, D. W., ed. Welfare Reformed: A Compassionate Approach. R. Schwarz- Nt Ih PS Nets ha haiei dar Nea TRIER PIES oh3k esS ETA O-0 eS Bin iate es 507 Harris, M. J. Three Crucial Questions About Jesus. D. L. Smith............. 325 Harrisville, R. A., and W. Sundberg. The Bible in Modern Culture: Theology and Historical-Critical Method from Spinoza to Késemann. R. W. Yarbrough .... 516 Hauser, A. J., and D. F. Watson, eds. Rhetorical Criticism of the Bible. D. Litfin 681 Henry, C. F. H. Gods of This Age or ... God of the Ages. T. J. Marinello...... 497 Herzog, W. R., II. Parables as Subversive Speech: Jesus as Pedagogue of the aaa tN IRIN ge5 o4csr a tic.S hh Sala’ Vis ses eWi shec ole e ehoLee abareiera eee: e.4 8% 314 Holwerda, D. E. Jesus and Israel: One Covenant or Two? M. G. Kline........ 485 Holy Bible: New Living Translation. N. Carson ..........ee.e. ee.ee.ee.ee 461 Holy Bible: New Living Translation. J. M. Sprinkle..................00085 455 Holy Bible: New Living Translation. M. Strauss...............e.ee0 eeee e 459 Hooker, M. D. Not Ashamed of the Gospel: New Testament Interpretations of the oath of Christ, Ai FTAAG O ow... cc wc ecoeceetseesssees INDEX 695 Pema) Pik. 2, Dee Fs es VN ink le Se oe ew dR eee 681 Howard-Brook, W. Becoming Children of God: John’s Gospel and Radical Disciple- SAR Tes CN oi ESD Bed etlioks Giada dn awd Oe Mee vacereaeee 145 Janzen, W. Old Testament Ethics: A Paradigmatic Approach. W. C. Kaiser, Jr. 686 Johnson, P. E. Reason in the Balance. C. F.H. Henry..................+... 320 Jones, S. Calvin and the Rhetoric of Piety. M. I. Klauber................... 337 Kaiser, W. C., Jr. The Messiah in the Old Testament. S. M. Horton .......... 160 Kaufman, G. D. In Face of Mystery: A Constructive Theology. J. D. Morrison... 331 Kearon, K. Medical Ethics: An Introduction. D. C. Jarratt.................. 508 Klauber, M. I. Between Reformed Scholasticism and Pan-Protestantism: Jean- Alphonse Turretin (1671-1737) and Enlightened Orthodoxy at the Academy of CGO: FIRS oe ie A CI ea Sec hie Mawneeveweuaweuns 495 Knight, G. A. F. The Song of Moses: A Theological Quarry. D. E. Acomb...... 291 Land, R. D., and L. A. Moore, eds. Citizen Christians: The Rights and Responsi- bilities of Dual Citisenship. T. KK. dolmaom. .. . 0... cc ccccce cc tcetccecens 509 Land, R. D., and L. A. Moore, eds. The Earth is the Lord’s: Christians and the ULI ONMNERE: Ee tas HE 5h 6 Si Oa a ae wines wd havin dée deaseotnageees 322 Lewis, G. R., and B. A. Demarest. Integrative Theology. Vol. 3. Spirit-given Life: God's People Present and Future: H. F. Cart... 0. ccc ccccescccsscccseus 335 Lindars, B. Judges 1-5: A New Translation and Commentary. D. I. Block... .. 292 Lints, R. The Fabric of Theology: A Prolegomenon to Evangelical Theology. J. R. PUNE S coer ica Stes ate emecrreinie as cadena ewe eeae ean 490 Longman, T. L., III, and D. G. Reid. God Is a Warrior. E. W. Bolger ......... 689 Maatman, R. The Impact of Evolutionary Theory: A Christian View. K. Benesh 324 Maddox, R. L. Responsible Grace: John Wesley’s Practical Theology. R.T. Leupp 494 Marcos, N. F. Scribes and Translators: Septuagint and Old Latin in the Books of Peay Tes OC 6 6 Siar ss S29 8 Seles diy KOs Se nde du ewla eee tae 123 Marsden, G. M. The Soul of the American University: From Protestant Establish- ment to Established Nonbelief. M. 1. Klauber ...................220006- 318 Martens, E. A. God’s Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology. 2d ed. RUN ois) LS IRE Seale Pices Seed SORE e be ose ba bane cee Riwede es 159 Mays, J. L. The Lord Reigns: A Theological Handbook to the Psalms. T. F. NS ot i Chae ee eee HATA TANNA CNNR ERED A OTERO RE 296 McCartney, D., and C. Clayton. Let the Reader Understand: A Guide to Interpret- ing and Applying the Bible. H. E. Solganick ............e.e.e .ee.ee0e e 326 McKay, H. A. Sabbath & Synagogue: The Question of Sabbath Worship in Mericnaeld Fammitaanhs Tic Es I oasis hei e Hi 0kd ere eo ee Raeeennmewee s 136 McKenzie, S. L., and M. P. Graham, eds. The History of Israel’s Traditions: The Preritage of Martin Noth: TTR, Mawere dts 6... socks ccewesesees 689 Meier, J. P. A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus. 2 vols. R. H. Stein 308 Mintz, S. Moralists and Modernizers: America’s Pre-Civil War Reformers. J. N. PN PEON OOS On ROE DU BERT OL ET a UC ea Ce neha CERO RENT 336 Moffett, S. H. A History of Christianity in Asia. Vol. 1: Beginnings to 1500. eer eee e Cake eee ee ee eR 493 Montgomery, J. W. Law and Morality: Friends or Foes? D. C. Jarratt ........ 506 Murphy, N. C. Reasoning and Rhetoric in Religion. P. Copan............... 496 Murray, I. H. Revival and Revivalism: The Making and Marring of American Boangelicalisi, 1760-160@. G2 NAAMGEG «6.0 ic cecil teiscceseee de 327 Mynatt, D. S. The Sub Loco Notes in the Torah of Biblia Hebraica. J. M. Sprinkle 288 Nassif, B., ed. New Perspectives on Historical Theology: Essays in Memory of Sale Mea OEE I ois ops een ees 6 Sxvidwlewwiendr ndnmeer s 328 696 JOURNAL OF THE EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Nelson, P. K. Leadership and Discipleship. A Study of Luke 22:24-30. B. Kinman 466 Neusner, J. Rabbinic Judaism: The Documentary History of Its Formative Age aR te I 6g insu sade:o 's. jo 16,'m: becacie/audjsyoiane: WORN INIR A)E e els 18 135 Oberman, H. O. The Impact of the Reformation. D. Y. Panahpour............ 338 Omanson, R. L., and J. Ellington. A Handbook on Paul’s Second Letter to the arr UN is Frm NN 5555S) Fists ae bors Suse chia Alero aiatekprermraarad’os e 480 Painter, J. The Quest for the Messiah: The History, Literature and Theology of the Johannine Community. 2d.ed. A. Hultberg ........06cccvcecccecccccecs 142 Patte, D. Ethics of Biblical Interpretation: A Reevaluation. R. W. Yarbrough... 128 Perkins, P. First and Second Peter, James, and Jude. N. R. Ericson.......... 483 Petersen, D. L. Zechariah 9-14 and Malachi:A Commentary. K. L. Barker. ... 299 Phillips, T., and D. Okholm, eds. The Nature of Confession. Evangelicals and Postitberale in Conversation.:C. FH Teary o iosic oie ce vivesecctcceccees 510 Pinnock, C., et al. The Openness of God: A Biblical Challenge to the Traditional meres Or CION. BE.” WVR IAD 5.s so ho 00 8% ofai elnwwieinne x omaitls Mewes 498 Pogoloff, S. M. Logos and Sophia: The Rhetorical Situation of 1 Corinthians. A. B. RM eet Kvei i52 05i oh es vanb sW ass paiw eyoyay a 9pO e ERATOR ES 130 Quast, K. Reading the Corinthian Correspondence: An Introduction. J. L. TEOE TE ee OR re ee 132 Ramsay, W. R. The Westminster Guide to the Books of the Bible. A. M. Via.... 289 Rapske, B. The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting. Vol. 3: Paul in Roman I RIN oi 66. ciurcct sal ade aetna oa ac eiuait 0a Heb aes Marea 469 Redditt, P. L. Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. N. O. Skjoldal.................. 298 Reventlow, H. G., and W. Farmer, eds. Biblical Studies and the Shifting of Par- ME TIGR TOL We A; ROOMS 5:5 Sku ois aes x eaisin.s te hs das oh oes Oe 150 Saldarini, A. J. Matthew’s Christian-Jewish Community. C. L. Blomberg... ... 139 Sandy, D. B., and R. L. Giese, Jr., eds. Cracking Old Testament Codes. T. J. Re Mist ind a6!S its: ass, oxorsies ldpnlale Weatae arte BE Brecon ees Ae Hlele.d atas 152 Schnackenburg, R. All Things Are Possible to Believers: Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount. D. L. Turner .................0005- 465 Schuchard, B. G. Scripture Within Scripture: The Interrelationship of Form and Function in the Explicit Old Testament Citations of the Gospel of John. D. A. IN Re 98 ha Teta nen hiaka cig a ieee (oy a olacailents Sct. ba x ora diaak Boiss GAR 141 Selman, M. J. 1-2 Chronicles: An Introduction and Commentary. 2 vols. M. A. AN ond latncta ee Riad card a SRN Sealer iO ae cE ihe eb araladt atiana 293 Shepherd, W. H., Jr. The Narrative Function of the Holy Spirit as a Character in NN 20e s NIN F 66 p54 0,56; vies) oxSekt o iayonatetel tun W vlan! s 8 W@W yin ainsi 467 Smith, A. Comfort One Another. Reconstructing the Rhetoric and Audience of MRR cad A IN WOUND sree bid be EGS TMs wd «Siw Sia. aN eLO ESC heysraaesi 8 482 Smith, G. V. The Prophets as Preachers: An Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets. NN aN eNR NUN rt 8 oe recs ake s wiedoveiiors Bun!B ierel ara WAR/ela diy tasummealermbaste Ls 685 Smith, P. R. Is It Okay to Call God “Mother”? Considering the Feminine Face of RO ae Et INR is lycra dey EMR Ke oeide WB Fie BA TA TSE gin As 487 Spicq, C. Theological Lexicon of the New Testament. 3 vols. A. Hultberg ...... 302 Stahl, R. Von Weltengagement zu Weltiiberwindung: Theologische Positionen im NIE i RI 8.5, oe cinwrh Mik whonnaie ea Adee masae took ewe 298 Talbert, C. H. The Apocalypse: A Reading of the Revelation of John. A. B. Luter 484 Thrall, M. E. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians. Vol. 1. L. L. Belleville.... 478 Valeri, M. Law & Providence in Joseph Bellamy’s New England. T. J. Axford.. 330 van der Lugt, P. Rhetorical Criticism and the Poetry of the Book of Job. J. A. MPG SES crits cha). orS ates sic eseuate NA six a)- 0i50,(u oy atelre gee waec ele Me ordeal eee: ce INDEX 697 van Wolde, E. Words Become Worlds: Semantic Studies of Genesis 1-11. K. A. I 2 as a iat ig Sana a tase a od Sia a ade a dig A een 690 Walls, J. L. Hell: The Logic of Damnation. R. A. Peterson.................. 503 Walton, J. H. Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament: rewieed Gat Gapanded: b. Ti COMME ois 5.o id ie Sein ic dcee ce ccenceudewe 114 Watson, F. Text, Church and World: Biblical Interpretation in Theological Per- SITE PNT UNUM Goo 5 thi dour» 6.6 da hele a RR Wraeleddls cies sds ke sec@ee Gan eens 148 Weeks, S. Early Israelite Wisdom. R. W. Byargeon...............0.00e000s 294 Wenham, G. J. Genesis 16-50. V. P. Hamilton ........0.c. c.cc.ec.ce.ee s 290 Wenham, J. Christ and the Bible. 3d ed. D. A. Black.................2200- 313 Whybray, R. N. The Book of Proverbs: A Survey of Modern Study. D. P. Bricker 316 Weenrey, Se. IN. PrOmerOG Wee Bi: NO os oo ia Hie ccedigacceodce pwvsen ™ 684 Wilcox, J. T. The Bitterness of Job: A Philosophical Reading. E. Maass....... 295 Winter, B. W. Seek the Welfare of the City: Christians as Benefactors and Citi- MEE, TAL hc cA pid ote Kam tUOe codwlans tee CMe Ku BRE EeRae RON 134 Wright, C. J. H. Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament. S. M. Horton .... 287 Wright, N. T. Christian Origins and the Question of God. Vol. 1: The New Testa- ment and the People of God. S. J. Hafemann.................-002eeeeee 305 Young, R. A. Healing the Earth: A Theocentric Perspective on Environmental Problems and Their Solutions. T. K. Johnson ...............0.00eeeeeee 322 Zuck, R. B., ed. A Biblical Theology of the New Testament. T. Dorman........ 304

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