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Author Index, Volume 15* A subcutaneous transposition of the ulnar nerve for cu- bital tunnel syndrome. 2006;15:609-13 Abboud JA, Silverberg D, Pepe M, Beredjiklian PK, lan- notti JP, Williams GR, Ramsey ML. Surgical treatment Bahrs C, Lingenfelter E, Fischer F, Walters EM, Schnabel M. Mechanism of injury and morphology of the of os acromiale with and without associated rotator greater tuberosity fracture. 2006;15:e44-e47 cuff tears. 2006;15:265-70 Balg F, Boulianne M, Boileau P. Bicipital groove orienta- Abe H (see Yamamoto et al). 2006;15:750-8 tion: Considerations for the retroversion of a prosthe- Abiddin Z, Sinopidis C, Grocock CJ, Yin Q, Frostick SP. Suture anchors for treatment of sternoclavicular joint sis in fractures of the proximal humerus. 2006;15: instability. 2006;15:315-8 e44-e47 Abrassart S, Stern R, Hoffmeyer P. Arterial supply of the Barus D (see Kozin et al). 2006;15:554-61 glenoid: An anatomic study. 2006;15:e44-e47 Basamania CJ (see Mallon et al). 2006;15:395-8 Acland RD (see Burke et al). 2006;15:645-8 Beaulieu CF (see Pappas et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Adams JE, Sperling JW, Hoskin TL, Melton UJ Ill, Cofield Bell RH (see Wiley et al). 2006;15:440-4 RH. Shoulder arthroplasty in Olmsted County, Minne- Bell SN (see Zandi et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 sota, 1976-2000: A population-based study. 2006; Beredjiklian PK (see Abboud et al). 2006;15:265-70 15:e44-e47 Beredjiklian PK (see Rozental et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Ahmad CS (see Levine et al). 2006; 15:562-6 (Case rep.) Ahmad CS (see Shubin Stein et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Bigliani LU (see Levine et al). 2006;15:562-6 Akgun | (see Unlu et al). 2006;15:457-62 Bigliani LU (see Shubin Stein et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Akpinar S (see Ozalay et al). 2005;15:e1-e4 (Case rep.) Bigliani LU (see Ticker et al). 2006;15:665-74 Allen A (see Faryniarz et al). 2006;15:686-90 Bird J (see Bishop et al). 2006;15:290-9 Altchek D (see Faryniarz et al). 2006;15:686-90 Bishop J, Klepps S, Lo IK, Bird J, Gladstone JN, Flatow Amis A (see Tolat et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) EL. Cuff integrity after arthroscopic versus open rota- An J-W (see Park et al). 2006;15:594-601 tor cuff repair: A prospective study. 2006;15:290-9 Apreleva M (see Tingart et al). 2006;15:620-4 BishopJ (see Braman et al). 2006;15:549-53 April Armstrong, MD, Sharlene A. Teefey, MD, Thomas Bishop JY, Sprague M, Gelber J, Krol M, Rosenblatt MA, Wu, MD, Aileen M. Clark, MD, William D. Middle- Gladstone JN, Flatow EL. Interscalene regional anes- ton, MD, Ken Yamaguchi, MD, Leesa M. Galatz, thesia for arthroscopic shoulder surgery: A safe and MD, St Louis, MO effective technique. 2006; 15:567-70 Armstrong A, Lashgari C, Teefey S, Menendez J, Blemker SS (see Pappas et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Yamaguchi K, Galatz LM. Ultrasound evaluation and Blumenthal S (see Werner et al). 2006;15:319-23 clinical correlation of subscapularis repair after total Boileau P, Watkinson D, Hatzidakis AM, Hovorka |. Neer shoulder arthroplasty. 2006;15:541-8 Award 2005: The Grammont reverse shoulder pros- Arnoczky SP (see Ticker et al). 2006;15:665-74 thesis: Results in cuff tear arthritis, fracture sequelae, Arribas IM (see Calvo et al). 2006;15:300-5 and revision arthroplasty. 2006; 15:527-40 Arvind CHV, Hargreaves DG. Table top relocation test— Boileau P (see Balg et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 New clinical test for posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow. 2006;15:500-1 Borstad JD, Ludewig PM. Comparison of three stretches Arvind CHV, Hargreaves DG. Tabletop relocation test: A for the pectoralis minor muscle. 2006; 15:324-30 new clinical test for posterolateral rotatory instability Boulianne M (see Balg et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 of the elbow. 2006;15:707-8 Braman JP, Sprague M, Bishop J, Lo IK, Lee EW, Flatow Ashwood N( see Atkinson et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 EL. The outcome of resection shoulder arthroplasty for Aslam N (see Spiteri et al). 2006;15:e5-e7 (Case rep.) recalcitrant shoulder infections. 2006;15:549-53 Atkinson RN, Comley AS, Van Essen J, Hallam PJ, Ash- Brandon ML (see Levine et al). 2006;15:562-6 wood N, Fogg QA. Successful early mobilization of Bratton DR (see Weinstein et al). 2006; 15:e44-e47 major cuff repair using a suture post. 2006;15:e44- Brownhill JR, Furukawa K, Faber KJ, Johnson JA, King e47 GJW. Surgeon accuracy in the selection of the flex- Atkinson TS (see Nyffeler et al). 2006;15:625-9 ion-extension axis of the elbow: An in vitro study. 2006;15:451-6 B Bruno R (see Chapman et al). 2006;15:463-73 Bach BR Jr (see Nho et al). 2006;15:630-8 Biichler P (see Farron et al). 2006;15:521-6 Baek GH, Kwon BC, Chung MS. Comparative study be- Biichler P (see Terrier et al). 2006;15:515-20 tween minimal medial epicondylectomy and anterior Budoff JE (see Gordon et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Buluc L (see Giindes et al]. 2006;15:e13-e15 (Case rep.) * January/February, pp. 1-134; March/April, pp. 135-264; May/ June, pp. 265-394; July/August, pp. 395-526; September/ Bunker T (see Von Raebrox et al). 2006;15.591-3 October, pp. 527-648; November/December, pp. 649-792. Burke CS, Roberts CS, Nyland JA, Radmacher PG, J Shoulder Elbow Surg Author Index 765 Volume 15, Number 6 766 Author Index J Shoulder Elbow Surg November/December 2006 Acland RD, Voor MJ. Scapular thickness —implica- Cordasco F (see Faryniarz et al). 2006;15:686-90 tions for fracture fixation. 2006;15:645-8 Cordasco FA (see Chehab et al). 2006;15:e27-e30 Burton KJ (see Caputo et al). 2006;15:716-20 (Case rep.) BushJoseph CA (see Nho et al). 2006;15:630-8 Crofton S (see Tolat et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) Curl LA (see Richards et al). 2006;15:436-9 © Curt A (see Werner et al). 2006;15:319-23 Calvo E, Lopez-Franco M, Arribas IM. Clinical and radio- D logic outcomes of surgical and conservative treatment of type Ill acromioclavicular joint injury. 2006;15: Darlis NA, Kaufmann RW, Sotereanos DG. Open surgi- 300-5 cal treatment of post-traumatic elbow contractures in Campbell B (see Largacha et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 adolescent patients. 2006;15:709-15 Campbell B (see Von Raebrox et al). 2006;15:591-3 Darlis NA, Sotereanos DG. Distal biceps tendon recon- Campolattaro RM (see Ruch et al). 2006;15:367-70 struction in chronic ruptures. 2006;15:614-9 Caputo AE, Burton KJ, Cohen MS, King GJ. Articular car- Das AK (see Jangid et al). 2006;15:386-90 (Case rep.) tilage injuries of the capitellum interposed in radial Davies MB, Stanley D. A clinically applicable fracture head fractures: A report of ten cases. classification for distal humeral fractures. 2006;15: 2006;15:716-20 602-8 Cesur N (see Ozalay et al). 2005;15:e1-e4 (Case rep.) De Ponti A, Viganéd MG, Taverna E, Sansone V. Adhesive Cha SS (see Hattrup et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 capsulitis of the shoulder in human immunodeficiency Chafetz RS (see Kozin et al). 2006;15:554-61 virus-positive patients during highly active antiretrovi- Chapman CB, Su BW, Sinicropi SM, Bruno R, Strauch RJ, ral therapy. 2006;15:e44-e47 Rosenwasser MP. Vitallium radial head prosthesis for De Wilde L, Walch G. Humeral prosthetic failure of re- acute and chronic elbow fractures and fracture-dislo- versed total shoulder arthroplasty: A report of three cations involving the radial head. 2006;15:463-73 cases. 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) Chehab EL, Pearle AD, Cordasco FA. Exposed shoulder Dellaero DT, Mallon WJ. Surgical treatment of partial bi- hemiarthroplasty as a result of anterosuperior es- ceps tendon ruptures at the elbow. 2006;15:e44- cape: A case report. 2006;15:e27-e30 (Case rep.) e47 Chen CE (see Ko et al). 2006;15:271-8 Deshmukh SC (see Haidar et al). 2006;15:419-23 Chen S-H (see Ko et al). 2006;15:271-8 Dhert WJ (see Huysmans et al). 2006;15:759-63 Chen W-J (see Ko et al). 2006;15:271-8 Dietrich CT (see Smith et al). 2006;15:339-43 Chhabra AB (see Poelstra et al). 2006;15:e1 1-e14 (Case Dines DM (see Tuckman and Dines). 2006;15:415-8 rep.) Dixon JR (see Reuss et al). 2006;15:580-5 Chin PYK, Sperling JW, Cofield RH, Schleck C. Compli- Donthineni-Rao R (see Rozental et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 cations of total shoulder arthroplasty: Are they fewer (Case rep.) or different?. 2006;15:e44-e47 Drosdowech D (see MacDermid et al). 2006;15:407-14 Chin PYK (see Topolski et al). 2006;15:402-6 Dulaney TD (see Wiley et al). 2006;15:440-4 Cho J-H (see Park et al). 2006;15:e31-e36 (Case rep.) Duralde XA, Fogle EF. The success of closed reduction in Choi NH (see Yoo et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) acute locked posterior fracture-dislocations of the Chun J-M, Kim S-Y, Kim J-H. Ewing's sarcoma of the rota- shoulder. 2006;15:701-6 tor cuff tendon: A case report. 2006;15:e41-e43 (Case rep.) E Chung MS (see Baek et al). 2006;15:609-13 Edelson G, Ganayem M, Obid E. A novel surgical ap- Ciccone || WJ (see Weinstein et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 proach to posttraumatic elbow stiffness: Case report Cirpici Y (see Giindes et al). 2006;15:e13-e15 (Case and operative technique. 2006;15:e37-e40 (Case rep.) rep.) Cleeman E( see Lin et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Edwards TB (see Neyton et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Cofield RH (see Adams et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Elias JJ (see Weinstein et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Cofield RH (see Chin et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Even T (see Funk et al). 2006;15:697-700 Cofield RH (see Hattrup et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Cofield RH (see Topolski et al). 2006;15:402-6 F Coghlan JA (see Zandi et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Faber K (see MacDermid et al). 2006;15:407-14 Cohen ML (see Ginn et al). 2006;15:311-4 Faber KJ (see Brownhill et al). 2006;15:451-6 Cohen MS (see Caputo et al). 2006;15:716-20 Farron A, Terrier A, Bichler P. Risks of loosening of a Cole BJ (see Nho et al). 2006;15:630-8 prosthetic glenoid implanted in retroversion. 2006; Coleman S (see Faryniarz et al). 2006;15:686-90 15:521-6 Comley AS (see Atkinson et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Farron A (see Pelet et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Commessatti M (see Villanueva et al). 2006;15:351-6 Farron A (see Terrier et al). 2006;15:515-20 Cooperman A (see Reuss et al). 2006;15:580-5 Faryniarz D, Morelli C, Coleman S, Holmes T, Allen A, Copeland S. The International Board of ShoulderElbow Altchek D, Cordasco F, Warren RF, Urban MK, Gor- —. (established 1992). 2006;xx:xxx (Guest Edi- don MA. Interscalene block anesthesia at an ambula- torial) tory surgery center performing predominantly re- Copeland SA (see Funk et al). 2006;15:697-700 gional anesthesia: A prospective study of 133 J Shoulder Elbow Surg Author Index 767 Volume 15, Number 6 patients undergoing shoulder surgery. range of motion accurately reflect shoulder internal 2006; 15:686-90 rotation?. 2006;15:31 1-4 Favre P (see Nyffeler et al). 2006;15:625-9 Gladstone JN (see Bishop et al). 2006;15:290-9 Fealy S (see MacGillivray et al). 2006;15:639-44 Gladstone JN (see Bishop et al). 2006; 15:567-70 Field LD (see Szabo et al). 2006;15:721-7 Godefroy D (see Goutallier et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Figgie MP, Su EP, Kahn B, Lipman J. Locking mechanism Goitz RJ (see Rohde and Goitz). 2006;15:383-5 (Case failure in semiconstrained total elbow arthroplasty. rep.) 2006;15:e44-e47 Gold GE (see Pappas et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 ilipone L (see Kozin et al). 2006;15:554-61 Goldhahn J (see Flury et al). 2006;15:659-64 ischer F (see Bahrs et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Gordon MA (see Faryniarz et al). 2006;15:686-90 atow EL (see Bishop et al). 2006;15:290-9 Gordon MJ, Budoff JE, Yeh ML, Luo Z-P, Noble PC. Com- atow EL (see Bishop et al). 2006;15:567-70 minuted olecranon fractures: A comparison of plating atow EL (see Braman et al). 2006;15:549-53 methods. 2006;15:e44-e47 atow EL (see Lin et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Goto Y (see lhara et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) atow EL (see Ticker et al). 2006;15:665-74 Goutullier D, Postel JM, Van Driessche S, Godefroy D, int JH (see Poelstra et al). 2006;15:e1 1-e14 (Case rep.) Radier C. Tension-free cuff repairs with excision of macroscopic tendon lesions and muscular advance- ury MP, John M, Goldhahn J, Schwyzer H-K, Simmen oaaSS“ese BRS. Rupteure o f the subscapularis tendon (isolated or ment: Results in a prospective series with limited fatty in combination with supraspinatus tear): When is a muscular degeneration. 2006; 15:e44-e47 repair indicated?. 2006;15:659-64 Green A (see Tashijian et al). 2006; 15:357-66 Grewal R, Lapner PC, Regan W. Recurrent infection of Fogg QA (see Atkinson et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 the rotator cuff after open repair: Case report. 2006 Fogle EF (see Duralde and Fogle). 2006;15:701-6 15:e44-e47 (Case rep.} Frostick SP (see Abiddin et al). 2006;15:315-8 Fujii Y, Yoneda M, Wakitani S, Hayashida K. Histologic Grigoriadis NC (see Symeonides et al). 2006; 15:e44- analysis of bony Bankart lesions in recurrent anterior e47 (Case rep.) Grocock CJ (see Abiddin et al). 2006;15:315-8 instability of the shoulder. 2006;15:e44-e47 Fujiki EN (see Murachovsky et al). 2006;15:675-8 Gindes H, Bulu¢ L, Cirpici Y, Sarlak AY, Nirav N. Shah, MS(Orth), MSc(Orth), MCh(Orth) Funakoshi T, Majima T, Suenaga N, Iwasaki N, Yamane Atul Agarwal, MS(Surg), Robin Turner, FRCS(Orth) S, Minami A. Rotator cuff regeneration using chitin Cameron Hatrick, FRCS(Orth), Brighton, United Kingdom fabric as an acellular matrix. 2006;15:e44-e47 Funk L, Levy O, Even T, Copeland SA. Subacromial plica H as a cause of impingement in the shoulder. 2006; Ha JH (see Rhee and Ha). 2006;15:391-3 (Case rep.) 15:697-700 Ha JH (see Rhee and Ha). 2006;15:445-50 Furukawa K (see Brownhill et al). 2006;15:451-6 Ha JH (see Rhee et al). 2006;15:586-90 G Haen PS (see Huysmans et al). 2006;15:759-63 Haidar SG, Krishnan KM, Deshmukh SC. Hook Plate fixa- Gagey O (see Molina et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 tion for type Il fractures of the lateral end of the clavi- Gagey O (see Pouliart and Gagey). 2006;15:728-35 cle. 2006;15:419-23 Galatz LM (see Armstrong et al). 2006;15:541-8 Hallab NJ (see Nho et al). 2006; 15:630-8 Gallay SH (see Marra et al). 2006;15:486-94 Hallam PJ (see Atkinson et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Gambill ML, Mologne TS, Provencher MT. Dislocation of Han C-W (see Ryu et al). 2006;15:679-85 the long head of the biceps tendon with intact sub- Han S-H (see Ryu et al). 2006;15:679-85 scapularis and supraspinatus tendons. 200165 :e;20 - Hargreaves DG (see Arvind and Hargreaves). 2006; 15: e22 (Case rep.) 500-1 Ganaryeep.m) M( see Edelson et al). 2006;15:e37-e40 (Case Hargreaves DG (see Arvind and Hargreaves). 2006;15: 707-8 Gardner TR (see Levine et al). 2006;15:562-6 Hattrup SJ, Cofield RH, Cha SS. Rotator cuff repair after Gardocki R (see Zalavras et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 shoulder replacement. 2006;15:e44-e47 Garmann S (see Marquardt et al). 2006;15:502-8 Hatzidakis AM (see Boileau et al). 2006;15:527-40 Gatt R (see Spiteri et al). 2006;15:e5-e7 (Case rep.) Hatzokos IG (see Symeonides et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Gausepohl T (see Koslowsky et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) (Case rep.) Hayashida K (see Fujii et al). 2006; 15:e44-e47 Geiger EV, Reize P, Wehrmann M, Wilker N. Radial Hayashida K (see Nakagawa et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 and ulnar neuropathy due to pigmented villonodular Hedman T (see Zalavras et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 synovitis of the elbow. 2006; 15:e8-e10 (Case rep.} Heikkila J (see Lahteenmaki et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 GelberJ (see Bishop et al). 2006;15:567-70 Helling H-J, Prokop A, Schmid HU, Nagel M, Lilienthal J, Gerber C (see Nyffeler et al). 2006;15:625-9 Rehm KE. Biodegradable implants versus standard Gerber C (see Nyffeler et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 metal fixation for displaced radial head fractures. A Gerber C (see Werner et al). 2006;15:319-23 prospective, randomized, multicenter study. 2006; Gerber C (see Werner et al). 2006;15:736-42 15:479-85 Ginn KA, Cohen ML, Herbert RD. Does hand-behind-back Herbert RD (see Ginn et al). 2006;15:31 1-4 768 Author Index J Shoulder Elbow Surg November/December 2006 Hettrich C (see Matsen et al). 2006;15:651-8 K Hiltunen A (see LahteenmGki et al). 2006; 15:e44-e47 Kahn B (see Figgie et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Hirata M (see Tokunaga et al). 2006;15:e23-e26 (Case rep Karas SG (see Spang et al). 2006;15:509-14 Kashiwaguchi S (see Yamamoto et al). 2006;15:571-5 Hirose K (see Tanaka et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Kauffman JI (see Weber and Kauffman). 2006; 15:e48- Hoffmeyer P (see Abrassart et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 e53 (Case rep.} Hojo T (see Tokunaga et al). 2006;15:e23-e26 (Case Kaufman KR (see Smith et al). 2006;15:339-43 rep.) Kaufmann RW (see Darlis et al). 2006;15:709-15 Holmes T (see Faryniarz et al). 2006;15:686-90 Kawai S (see lhara et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) Hosemann CD (see Szabo et al). 2006;15:721-7 Keene JS (see Meis et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Hoskin TL (see Adams et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Kesmezacar H (see Unlu et al). 2006;15:457-62 Hovelius L, Sandstrém B, Saebd M. One hundred eigh- Kidani T (see Sakayama et al). 2006;15:e9-e11 (Case teen Bristow-Latarjet repairs for recurrent anterior dis- rep.) location of the shoulder prospectively followed for Kidd M (see Huysmans et al). 2006;15:759-63 fifteen years: Study Il—the evolution of dislocation Kim J-H (see Chun et al). 2006;15:e41-e43 (Case rep.) arthropathy. 2006;15:279-89 Kim J-M (see Ryu et al). 2006;15:679-85 Hovorka | (see Boileau et al). 2006;15:527-40 Kim P-T (see Jeon et al). 2006;15:474-8 Huang CC (see Ko et al). 2006;15:271-8 Kim S-Y (see Chun et al). 2006;15:e41-e43 (Case rep.) Huang E (see Zalavras et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Kim S-Y (see Yoo et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) Hughes RE (see Swaringen et al). 2006;15:576-9 Kim T-S (see Park et al). 2006;15:e3 1-36 (Case rep.) Hurschler C (see Marquardt et al). 2006;15:502-8 King GJ (see Caputo et al). 2006;15:716-20 Huysmans PE, Haen PS, Kidd M, Dhert WJ, Willems JW. King GJW (see Brownhill et al). 2006;15:451-6 The shape of the inferior part of the glenoid: A ca- Kirpalani PA (see Ryu et al). 2006;15:679-85 daveric study. 2006;15:759-63 Klepps S (see Bishop et al). 2006;15:290-9 Klepps S (see Lin et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Ko J-Y, Huang CC, Chen W-J, Chen C-E, Chen S-H, lannotti JP (see Abboud et al). 2006;15:265-70 Wang C.J. Pathogenesis of partial tear of the rotator Ihara K, Shigetomi M, Muramatsu K, Goto Y, Ohi R, cuff: A clinical and pathologic study. Kawai S. Reconstruction of the proximal half of the 2006;15:271-8 radius using vascularized fibula: Significance of soft- Kobayashi M, Itoi E, Minagawa H, Miyakoshi N, Taka- tissue reconstruction. 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) hashi S, Tuoheti Y, Okada K, Shimada Y. Expression Ikegami H (see Ogawa et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 of growth factors in the early phase of supraspinatus Ikemoto RY (see Murachovsky et al). 2006;15:675-8 tendon healing in rabbits. 2006;15:371-7 Ishii S (see Tanaka et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Kobayashi M (see Wakabayashi et al). 2006; 15:306-10 Ishima T (see Tanaka et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Koh JL (see MacGillivray et al). 2006;15:639-44 ltoi E (see Kobayashi et al). 2006;15:371-7 Kokubun S (see Sano et al). 2006;15:743-9 Itoi E (see Sano et al). 2006; 15:e44-e47 Koller BJ (see Nyffeler et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 ltoi E (see Wakabayashi et al). 2006;15:306-10 Koslowsky TC, Mader K, Wulke AP, Gausepohl T, Pennig Itoi E (see Yamamoto et al). 2006;15:571-5 D. Operative treatment of chronic Monteggia lesion Itoi E (see Yamamoto et al). 2006;15:750-8 in younger children: A report of three cases. 2006; lwamoto Y (see Sasaki et al). 2006;15:e15-e19 (Case 15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) rep.) Kotajarvi BR (see Smith et al). 2006;15:339-43 lwasaki N (see Funakoshi et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Kozin SH, Chafetz RS, Barus D, Filipone L. Magnetic res- lwasaki N (see Oizumi et al). 2006;15:331-8 onance imaging and clinical findings before and af- lwase T (see Yamamoto et al). 2006;15:571-5 ter tendon transfers about the shoulder in children with residual brachial plexus birth palsy. 2006; 15: J 554-6] Jacob HAC (see Nyffeler et al). 2006;15:625-9 KrishnanJ (see Stavrou et al). 2006;15:399-401 Jacob HAC (see Werner et al). 2006;15:736-42 Krishnan KM (see Haidar et al). 2006;15:419-23 Jangid S, Mittal R, Sharma V, Das AK. Progressive mas- Krol M (see Bishop et al). 2006;15:567-70 sive osteolysis of the humerus. 2006;15:386-90 Kubo T (see Tokunaga et al). 2006;15:e23-e26 (Case (Case rep.) rep.) Jena F (see Pfahler et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Kuhn JE (see Swaringen et al). 2006;15:576-9 Jeon IH, Oh C-W, Kyung H-S, Park I-H, Kim P-T. Tardy Kwon BC (see Baek et al). 2006;15:609-13 ulnar nerve palsy in cubitus varus deformity associ- Kwon YW, Morrey BF. Neuropathic elbow arthropathy: ated with ulnar nerve dislocation in adults. 2006;15: A review of six cases. 2006;15:378-82 474-8 Kyung H-S (see Jeon et al). 2006;15:474-8 Johannsen HV (see Thillemann et al). 2006;15:495-9 L John M (see Flury et al). 2006;15:659-64 Johnson JA (see Brownhill et al). 2006;15:451-6 LangenderferJ (see Swaringen et al). 2006;15:576-9 Jolles BM (see Pelet et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 LangloysJ (see Molina et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 J Shoulder Elbow Surg Author Index 769 Volume 15, Number 6 Lapner PC (see Grewal et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case Mallon WJ (see Dellaero and Mallon). 2006;15:e44-e47 rep.) Mallon WJ (see Richards et al). 2006;15:436-9 Lapner PC (see Regan and Lapner). 2006;15:344-6 Marquardt B, Garmann S, Hurschler C, Pétz! W, Steens Largacha M, Parsons IM IV, Campbell B, Titelman RM, W, Witt K-A, Steinbeck J. The influence of arthro- Smith KL, Matsen F. Ill Deficits in shoulder function scopic subscapularis tendon and anterior capsular and general health associated with sixteen common release on glenohumeral translation: A biomechani- shoulder diagnoses: A study of 2674 patients. cal model. 2006;15:502-8 2006; 15:e44-e47 Marra G, Morrey BF, Gallay SH, McKee MD, O'Driscoll LaScalza S (see Swaringen et al). 2006;15:576-9 S. Fracture and nonunion of the olecranon in total Lashgari C (see Armstrong et al). 2006;15:541-8 elbow arthroplasty. 2006;15:486-94 Lazarides S, Zafiropoulos G. Conservative treatment of Mathis CE (see Pagnani et al). 2006;15:432-5 fractures at the middle third of the clavicle: The rele- Matsen FA Ill (see Matsen et al). 2006;15:651-8 vance of shortening and clinical outcome. 2006;15: Matsen FI ll (see Largacha et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 e44-e47 Matsen JM, Hettrich C, Tan A, Smith KL, Matsen FA. Ill Lee EW (see Braman et al). 2006;15:549-53 Direct injection of blood into the labrum enhances LehtinenJ (see Tingart et al). 2006;15:620-4 the stability provided by the glenoid labral socket. Leopold SS (see Nystuen et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case 2006; 15:651-8 rep.) Matsuura T (see Yamamoto et al). 2006;15:571-5 Levine WN, Brandon ML, Stein BS, Gardner TR, Bigliani Mazzocca AD (see Nho et al). 2006;15:630-8 LU, Ahmad CS. Shoulder adaptive changes in youth McAdams TR (see Pappas et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 baseball players. 2006; 15:562-6 McKee MD (see Marra et al). 2006;15:486-94 Levine WN (see Shubin Stein et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Meier JD (see Meier and Meier). 2006;15:691-6 Levy O (see Funk et al). 2006; 15:697-700 Meier SW, Meier JD. Rotator cuff repair: The effect of Lie D (see Werner et al). 2006;15:736-42 double-row fixation on three-dimensional repair site. Lilienthal J (see Helling et al). 2006;15:479-85 2006;15:691-6 Lim TK (see Yoo et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.) Meis RC, Love RB, Keene JS, Orwin JF. Operative treat Lin JS, Klepps S, Miller S, Cleeman E, Flatow EL. Effective- ment of the painful sternoclavicular joint: A new tech- ness of replacement arthroplasty with calcar grafting nique using interpositional arthroplasty. 2006; 15: and avoidance of greater tuberosity osteotomy for e44-e47 the treatment of humeral surgical neck nonunions. Mell AG (see Swaringen et al). 2006;15:576-9 2006; 15:e44-e47 Melton lJ Ill (see Adams et al). 2006; 15:e44-e47 Lingenfelter E (see Bahrs et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 MenendezJ (see Armstrong et al). 2006;15:541-8 Lipman J (see Figgie et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Meyer D (see Nyffeler et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Lo IK (see Bishop et al). 2006;15:290-9 Milani C (see Murachovsky et al). 2006;15:675-8 Lo IK (see Braman et al). 2006;15:549-53 Miller S (see Lin et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Lopez-Franco M (see Calvo et al). 2006;15:300-5 Minagawa H (see Kobayashi et al). 2006;15:371-7 Love RB (see Meis et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Minagawa H (see Wakabayashi et al). 2006; 15:306-10 Ludewig PM (see Borstad and Ludewig). Minagawa H (see Yamamoto et al). 2006;15:571-5 2006; 15:324-30 Minagawa H( see Yamamoto et al). 2006;15:750-8 Luo Z-P (see Gordon et al). 2006; 15:e44-e47 Minami A (see Funakoshi et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Lahteenmaki HE, Virolainen P, Hiltunen A, Heikkila J, Ne- Minami A (see Oizumi et al). 2006;15:331-8 limarkka Ol. Results of early operative treatment of Mittal R (see Jangid et al). 2006; 15:386-90 (Case rep.) rotator cuff tears with acute symptoms. 2006;15: Miura H (see Sasaki et al). 2006;15:e15-e19 (Case rep.) e44-e47 Miyakoshi N (see Kobayashi et al). 2006;15:371-7 Miyawaki J (see Sakayama et al). 2006;15:e9-e11 (Case M rep.) Ma FYP, Pullen C. A symptomatic coracoclavicular joint Mizuno N (see Nakagawa et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 successfully treated by surgical excision. 2006;15: Molé D (see Pfahler et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 645-8 (Case rep.) Molina V, Gagey O, Langloys J. Ambulatory open Ban- MacDermid JC, Drosdowech D, Faber K. 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The association of Morrey BF (see Marra et al). 2006;15:486-94 suprascapular neuropathy with massive rotator cuff Morrey BF (see Sanchez-Sotelo et al). 2006;15:e5-e8 tears: A preliminary report. 2006;15:395-8 (Case rep.) 770 Author Index J Shoulder Elbow Surg November/December 2006 Mow VC (see Ticker et al). 2006;15:665-74 O'Driscoll SW (see Sanchez-Sotelo et al). 2006; 15:e5-e8 Murachovsky J, kemoto RY, Nascimento LGP, Fujiki EN, (Case rep.) Milani C, Warner JJP. Pectoralis major tendon refer- Ogawa K, Yoshida A, Ikegami H. 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Rapid osteolysis in noid corticocancellous bone grafting after glenoid semiconstrained total elbow arthroplasty: Case report component removal in the treatment of glenoid loos- and review. 2006;15:e44-e47 (Case rep.} ening. 2006;15:e44-e47 Ozalay M, Cesur N, Akpinar S, Ozko¢g G. Cubital tunnel Neyton L (see Pfahler et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 syndrome caused by uremic tumoral calcinosis. Nho SJ, Cole BJ, Mazzocca AD, Williams JM, Romeo 2005;15:e1-e4 (Case rep.) AA, BushJoseph CA, Bach BR Jr, Hallab NJ. Com- Ozkoc G (see Ozalay et al). 2005;15:e1-e4 (Case rep.) parison of ultrasonic suture welding and traditional P knot tying in a rabbit rotator cuff repair model. 2006; 15:630-8 Pagnani MJ, Mathis CE, Solman CG. Painful os acro- Nirav N. Shah, MS(Orth), MSc{Orth), MCh(Orth), Atul miale (or unfused acromial apophysis) in athletes. Agarwal, MS(Surg), Robin Turner, FRCS(Orth), Cam- 2006;15:432-5 eron Hatrick, FRCS(Orth), Brighton, United Kingdom Panchal A (see Ruotolo et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Nixon AJ (see MacGillivray et al). 2006;15:639-44 Pannunzio ME (see Poelstra et al). 2006;15:e11-e14 Noble DD (see Wiley et al). 2006;15:440-4 (Case rep.) Noble JS (see Wiley et al). 2006;15:440-4 Papadonikolakis A (see Ruch et al). 2006;15:367-70 Noble PC (see Gordon et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 Pappas GP, Blemker SS, Beaulieu CF, McAdams TR, Norris TR (see Phipatanakul and Norris). 2006; 15:e44- Whalen ST, Gold GE. In vivo anatomy of the Neer e47 and Hawkins sign positions for shoulder impinge- NovéJosserand L (see Neyton et al). 2006;15:e44-e47 ment. 2006;15:e44-e47 Nyffeler RW, Meyer D, Sheikh R, Koller BJ, Gerber C. Park I-H (see Jeon et al). 2006;15:474-8 The effect of cementing technique on structural fixa- Park J-Y, An J-W, Oh J-H. 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